It's not a bill that protects. It was not intended to protect.

Don Casey

This is being done to protect the big and powerful politicians. Their houses are not being targeted. Only the poor people's houses are being destroyed.

Ratnesh Kumar

The ABA does not, and we will not, protect the interests of any political party or faction, nor the interests of any ideological or interest group.

Michael Greco

Bold action is needed to address this threat and, above all, to protect the civilian population.

Gareth Evans

At the end of the day, you can put trillions of dollars into security but these facilities are mostly above ground. A concerted attack, like they've attacked some of these compounds in Saudi Arabia, a military attack, you can't protect against it.

Bob Baer

Their real goal is not to protect the constitution but to protect Tallahassee's inside power brokers from the will of the people.

Rich Templin

Only women in their 50s or 60s have this embroidery skill. It is vital that we protect this important traditional folk handicraft. Otherwise, it may become extinct.

Song Shuixian

Customers should protect the card the same way they would protect their debit or credit card.

Lil Brunner

Most people are staying home to protect their property. We're just waiting for the water to recede.

Raedyn Grasseth

What choice do we have when the government has neither the will nor know-how on how to control these people? In Mexico, organized crime is above the law. We have no choice but to take these measures in order to protect the lives of our reporters. It's that simple.

Ramon Cantu Deandar

Spain is a good example when we're talking about protecting people who have suffered the phenomenon of terrorism _ and how to face it.

Maite Pagazaurtundua

They are asking that our laws be totally violated to protect illegal aliens, people who break the law and come into this country.

Rosanna Pulido

We couldn't score in five innings and we couldn't protect a 7-1 lead. And that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Jack Kokinda

I think the president has it correct. We are addicted to foreign energy sources, almost to the point where we are captives. Our nation grapples with going 8,000 miles away to try to protect our energy sources.

Donald Watkins

I still think it's probably recognized as one of the most socially progressive courts in the country. It has instincts to protect the poor and the powerless.

Frank Askin

This has sparked serious loss of confidence in the government's capacity to protect the oil industry. These guys have taken out 10 percent of Nigeria's oil production without having any of their members killed or captured.

Dimieari Von Kemedi

Many non-homeland-security missions are likely to be integrated into a Cabinet department overwhelmingly dedicated to protecting the nation from terrorism, ... Congress may wish to consider whether the new department, as proposed, will dedicate sufficient management capacity and accountability to ensure the execution of non-homeland-security missions.

David Walker

It's possible to protect New Orleans from a Category 5 hurricane. To do nothing is tantamount to negligence.

Al Naomi

You can do a lot to protect yourself by using hand hygiene, cough etiquette and staying home if you have a fever.

Dr. Roger Baxter

You have to protect that investment.

Ron Dent

My job, in the end, was to serve and protect, to assure that John's music was not being frivolously cut into little pieces. Slowly, John realized that he didn't have to fight for every note .

Matthias Gohl

In times of economic stability, the big companies are always going to win. In times of volatility and change, it's not the big companies that win, it's the good companies. Big companies become comfortable in what they've built. They've built the rules to protect the institutions.

Bob Macdonald

A lot of money and man hours have gone into trying to protect the creek. Now the city is using the creek to solve a problem it created.

Clark Roberts

It just got to where we had to do something to protect the quality of fishing, and to stop the prop scarring.

Dorn Whitmore

Whatever activities are allowed, they would be fully compatible with protecting the resources.

Michael Molligan

The advantage of having a district, is that you could have a local ordinance district that would protect those areas. Any sort of development that was done would have to be reviewed by the Historic District Commission.

Karen Minkel

We did a good job of protecting the lead from there. The girls haven't had a chance to play the slow-down game much, but we have worked on it a lot. They executed well, and that gave us some good looks.

Kirk Cheney

It doesn't take a lot to learn what gap you should hit by bringing eight guys when only seven are blocking. But when you have to protect and not (be familiar) with an offense or a coach for a long period of time, it becomes confusing in the line of fire.

Dave Moore

There is no better way of protecting his prerogatives in those areas than by naming someone who is first and foremost a loyalist and secondly an ideologue.

William Marshall

We will continue to consider all available options to us in order to protect the rights of Sovereign's owners.

Peter Langerman

We want to protect the asset we have here and most importantly, it is rebuilding the (heating and air conditioning) systems, ... The aesthetics are important, but have to be done conservatively.

Nicki Harrington

For people trying to protect critical data, music, images or videos, the benefit is peace of mind. They can be safely stored for much longer periods on these new discs.

Jim Gordon

By and large, detention facilities are built to protect the public and not to treat mental health and related family issues.

Stephen Gavazzi

People want to protect what they have because they've worked hard for it.

Larry Anderson

If you want to protect yourself from it, get a high-mileage car. Volatility is always an issue. It's just a part of the environment.

Bill O'grady

There is no more fundamental obligation of a government than to protect those who cannot protect themselves: namely, our children. The failure of government in this instance to safeguard the health and welfare of these children is beyond excuse, it is sickening.

James Mcgreevey

I think that's a conservative estimate. If you're also protecting the civilian population, the numbers could really get high.

Ronald Opel

This powerful pull of being loyal might force her to protect him.

Mary Cheh

Women are more conservative. It is something to do with nurturing and protecting your funds.

Nicola Horlick

He wants to have the Patriot Act permanently re-authorized. It is a vital tool for protecting the American people.

Trent Duffy

He's aware that games can be won or lost in the trenches. I've had the opportunity to coach guys that were big, but Sam has size, he's physical and I watched him pass protect. ... If a kid that size can do that, it means he's quick. He was just impressive.

Al Lang

It's a rare thing to happen -- but ... if you want to protect, you step forward and do it.

Doug Janney

The DNR does a great job of being visible and protecting the safety of people around the lake.

Tom Walsh

Vito has a lot of things going on through his mind. Should he end it all? Should he protect himself? You'll have to see how things unfold.

Joseph Gannascoli

We were cursed when we asked for help for our elderly. We had guns aimed at us by the police who were supposed to be there to protect and serve. They made everybody sit on the ground with their hands in the air, even babies.

Patricia Thompson

This is a hard decision, because we have to look at services we require for citizens, like police. We have to protect the public, look at the overall budget and demand for service.

Pete Liakakis

The organic story is now broadening far beyond the health benefits of pesticide-free foods. Organic farming, whether asparagus, strawberries, cotton or our own beautiful flowers, helps protect Mother Nature -- it's that simple.

Gerald Prolman

This is something that's beyond our control, but we're dealing with it. We have adequate resources to protect the state.

Michael Jarvis

HP has a long history of innovation in PC technology, and we will continue to protect our investment in our PC patent portfolio.

Joe Beyers

Profit was the motive, with sales goals as high as $20,000 a day. The dealers took aggressive steps to protect their lucrative enterprise.

Tom Corbett

People who come under scrutiny as part of an investigation deserve protection as well. We want to protect the integrity of the investigation.

Attorney Christopher Morano

The international community needs to cooperate fully to protect the health of the world's people.

Gao Qiang

It's in their best interests. . . so they take every step they need to protect their poultry.

Alain Charette

I was really impressed when I met Will [Jimeno], ... The police motto, 'protect and serve,' really means something to him. All he ever wanted to do is be a cop. It's one thing to read that on the page, but another thing to hear him say it. It feels great to be making a movie about great cops.

Michael Pena

My concern would be, is the government in the travel business or the business of protecting our borders?

Debra Burlingame

You want to protect yourself. Take it easy during the day.

Jim Renfro

Our goal is to protect our employees, our equipment and our assets, ... We complied with all the requests of the leaders of the area in evacuating. This storm was of such magnitude that we're facing the exact same issues that every other business is facing.

Tim Hawkins

A contract doesn't mean you're contractually obligating your friends to do certain things. What you're doing is, you're contractually protecting all the work you're doing together, so that no one else can come in.

Alex Saavedra

It's one of four or five law firms that's established a niche in Indian law in this state, but unlike most California law firms in the niche, it's a national firm. They are knowledgeable, committed and focused on expanding the authority of Indian tribal governments ? and protecting them from the onslaught by federal, state and local governments.

Howard Dickstein

It's just a very hard place to protect if you look at where they hit.

Ken Conboy

As a first step, the Congolese government must protect street children during the election period. U.N. agencies in Congo should redouble their efforts to prevent abuse. Congolese authorities should use this opportunity to start addressing the abuses committed against children.

Tony Tate

This bill conflicts with the Equal Access Act that was passed to help guarantee and protect the rights of students. If this passes it will violate state law (and) violate the constitution.

Margaret Plane

We have to protect the seals.

Chris Yates

God will protect us, [my mother] often said to June and me. "But to make sure," she would add, "carry a heavy club."

Gypsy Rose Lee

I believe we should go as far as we can constitutionally go to protect our children. Who's (going) to complain?

David Simmons

We want to protect other citizens from these types of things.

Bob Lange

After 9/11, we learned the EPA was looking for innovative ways to protect drinking water.

Charles Stack

You can't afford to go through a scoring drought like that against a good team like Jackson State. We didn't do a good job of protecting the basketball.

Van Holt

I think people have forgotten what happened. I think we should show the footage every single day to let people know what al-Qaeda did, and why we've got people over there [in Afghanistan and Iraq] to protect people here. The fact that we're over there is because of what happened on 9/11, so I think they should show it on TV, every single day.

Todd Coffey

It's important for people to understand it's not a total departure of the government. The government is still a player in protecting the public's interest.

Robert Poole

We are duty bound to protect our judges' integrity and the legal system.

Louis Butler

She had the chance to protect Kelsey. Kelsey could still be alive if she had done her job as a parent, and she did not do it. Yes, I do hope she spends time in jail.

Kathie Briggs

I was the legal counsel in the effort to amend the Virginia Constitution to give Virginians the right to hunt and fish constitutionally, and we are one of the few states in the country to protect that right.

Tim Kaine

Intelligence is our first line of defense against terrorism, and we must improve the collection capabilities and analysis of intelligence to protect the security of the United States and its allies.

Saxby Chambliss

He was never given a chance to get out of the car. It upsets me so much. The number of bullets was overkill ... those are not the type of people we want protecting the city.

Karl Turner

The most challenging risks that emergency responders need protection from are hazardous chemicals that they could inhale. These hazards are the most difficult to identify and the equipment used to protect responders from them can be the most cumbersome.

Henry Willis

This is a fact that we must face in protecting the Great Wall.

Li Shuwang

Right there I was just trying to protect. I think he caught a little bit more plate with that pitch than he wanted to.

B.j. Upton

How far should public officials go in protecting somewhat indifferent citizens who have other concerns?

Peter May

I do not by any means believe the initiative, the referendum, and the recall are the panacea for all our political ills, yet they do give to the electorate the power of action when desired, and they do place in the hands of the people the means by which they may protect themselves.

Hiram Johnson

It is the way. It is the only way in our system that you can protect the assets Hawaiians desperately need.

Robert Klein

We ought to have a seat at the table so we can protect the interests of workers.

Chuck Collins

We are hopeful that the judge's preliminary injunction will bring needed change at HYCF to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender wards from harm in the future. All in all, the ruling is a huge victory.

Lois Perrin

Billy and I were able to shake hands after the game and he had some nice complements about how our administration made efforts to protect the court.

Dave Odom

Our campaign goal is to draw a line in the ice and not allow exploration into a new oil frontier. We're going to fight like hell to protect the Beaufort Sea and the climate.

Melanie Duchin

I can sympathize with them. Because I know, you know, every time I look at the benefits I had, they're just not there anymore. I can understand what they're trying to protect. But I also understand that they if they don't come along and do this, who else is going to?

Bill Garrison

It's just a matter of doctors trusting me to protect myself on the ice and not be a liability.

Barret Jackman

They want to have the loyalists back in the fray, so then the IRA can then say to the nationalists in the community, 'You need us, the IRA, to protect you against these wicked people.' But I don't think this will happen.

Patrick Mayhew

It is time for the White House and the Congress to protect the American people.

Timothy J. Roemer

These payments certainly put a crimp on having a balanced budget. We're paying these fees instead of expending resources for benefits such as economic development or enhanced law enforcement. This is preventative medicine, something we necessarily have to do to protect the long-term interests of taxpayers.

Dan Proft

The most important thing now ... is to protect lives, protect the lives of our children, of our grandparents, ... Possessions can be replaced.

Vicente Fox

It was too light in our eyes. These are individuals that are protecting our community. (The offense) doesn't set a good leadership role.

Jesusa Rodriguez

We have made an adjustment to the product to help protect users.

Sonya Boralv

This is part of prudent efforts to protect our interests in the Gulf.

Sam Nunn

I think the Congress, the administration and the American people are committed to making sure we are doing everything we can to protect America.

Matt Mackowiak

Quadrant has chosen to step up to the plate to protect the neighboring rural aesthetic with an expanded buffer area.

Steve Shifton

We're there to protect them and primarily to keep them from getting a DWI, ... But, they got to be responsible to call us.

Steve Sexton

Those who seek to criticize this legislation under the guise of environmental concerns have it backwards as the use of the authority is specifically to protect public health.

James Inhofe

It seems like the key issue in this debate is the issue of open space and needing to protect open space.

Dave Buhler

If it's clean, I'll let it go, ... I'll renew (the ban) every damn month if I have to, I will do whatever I have to to protect the consumer.

Bob Odom

The U.S. has a great power to protect our people. Only you have the power.

Ahmed Mansour

We've got to realize that first and foremost we've got to protect the quarterback.

Keenan Mccardell

This government needs to understand it can't protect the homeland on the cheap.

Mary Landrieu

I don't know how he can represent the town and protect it in regard to zoning laws.

Richard Moran

We're going to take all steps necessary to protect the creativity and innovation of our employees.

Debra Peterson

There are brands in Sonoma or Napa, where I live, that have an appropriate sense of place as far as marketing is concerned. Like Champagne and Burgundy vintners, they want to protect it.

Harvey Posert

We want the local police to do what they were meant to do -- protect their citizens.

Nancy Talanian

If you reduce total fat, but you don't reduce the bad fat, you defeat the purpose because you end up reducing the good fats that protect your heart health.

Hana Feeney

But the fact that there was a security breach is troubling, especially if there are no technical fixes available to protect the system.

Andrew Jaquith

In our lawsuit-happy society, focusing on personal responsibility as a way to protect our civil justice system is critical. We look forward to hearing Col. North's perspectives on how this philosophy is relevant given current affairs.

Diane Davis

She was protecting my 4-year-old son that was in the house. How do you tell a 4-year-old (that) he is not going to see his mom for a while?

Michael Six

The guilt just kept me up at night after that happened but I've got to err on the side of protecting my family. I don't want anybody to go to jail, but I don't want anyone to shoot me, either.

Bob Margolis

Microsoft's original strategy was to protect its installed base against the onslaught of Java and maintain its Windows clientele. When they lost the court [preliminary injunction] it took their product strategy and thwarted it.

Tom Dwyer

I thought we gave up too many lay-ups and didn't protect the bucket very well. On a positive note, we fought back to get back in the game and had a chance to win.

Jana Killen

I am determined to use competition law to protect European industry and consumers.

Neelie Kroes

It's mainly to protect from the possibility of a disruption or something that could be viewed as a disruption.

Aaron Anderson

We went to Congo to show people what war is like, how harmful it is to civilians, and we ended up becoming war-affected ourselves, Our being there, hearing the bullets around us, the mortar fire, the injured being brought in for medical treatment, it reinforced our belief that more must be done to prevent war and protect innocent civilians.

Steve Jocz

We've got to win at home. If you can take care of your home court and get some splits on the road, you'll be in good shape. But you have to protect your home floor.

Jose Fernandez

It's an issue we've been working on. Every person has to protect their own space, but there's a lot of common sense in moving a security level up into the cloud.

Greg Day

People basically want to protect their family land for the future. Basically, they love their land and want to see it stay the way it is now.

Bryan Pierce

Of course, it could influence the Olympics. We think the audience comes to see the stars and Jaromir Jagr is one of the stars. We should protect such players against such fouls.

Alois Hadamczik

They don't safeguard land for the purpose of locking it away, but for protecting it from development and making it available to others.

Shane Mahoney

I'm thinking he thought he was protecting them.

Larry Mullen

Then I think BYU could say they have done all they can to protect their students.

Aaron Harris

Everything in it I've already seen. There are some (different) things as far as pass plays, but for protection, it's all the same. As long as I can protect myself, I have an opportunity to play the game.

Jeff Blake

To protect the lives of the Iraqi people.

Bakhtiar Amin

I'm learning how to protect the ball more. I'm also learning how to make good decisions with the ball.

John Castellano

AT&T had the systems and procedures in place to protect customer data.

Michael Balmoris

I feel that the state has more of a responsibility to protect the ability of its citizens to vote than it does to prevent voter fraud.

Jonathan Hill

The bottom line is to protect the rights of workers and value lives.

Xi Jianguo

I'm happy for the seniors. It's always good to win at home. You should protect your property and establish what's important.

Frank Busch

These new draft policies maintain our strong commitment to the fundamental mission of the NPS to protect and allow for appropriate enjoyment of the parks.

Stephen Martin

It's designed to protect all 50 states from rogue attacks by nations with a handful of missiles.

Keith Englander

Indianapolis does not claim to be concerned with protecting highway safety against drivers high on drugs, ... Its program of drug roadblocks belongs to the genre of general programs of surveillance which invade privacy wholesale in order to discover evidence of crime.

Richard Posner

I was really impressed when I met Will — the police motto, 'protect and serve,' really means something to him. All he ever wanted to do is be a cop — it's one thing to read that on the page, but another thing to hear him say it.

Michael Pena

We find it ironic and alarming that the people who protect the building are paid less than everyone else who works at the building.

Matt Nerzig

To go anywhere in the playoffs, you've got to win the fourth quarter. Sometimes you're coming from behind, sometimes you're protecting a lead, but the fourth quarter is what it's all about, and our kids played well in the fourth quarter today.

Tom Demko

I'm thrilled and relieved at the same time. This bill will protect a lot of children from injuries and death.

Michele Finn

Chevron has provided clear alternatives that will help us to reduce our energy costs, which will help save millions of dollars over the life of these projects. In the end, we know these projects will help protect low-cost service for our customers.

Thomas Day

The best way to help protect consumers is to raise awareness of the issue and equip them to spot counterfeit software and help them understand what they should do about it.

Bradley Hopkinson

We want to protect the integrity of these bids. We don't want there to be any possibility of anyone saying that there was any outside interference or that any bias came into the evaluation.

Alice Garland

Doing everything that's prudent, everything that we reasonably can do to protect the city.

Ray Kelly

These jobs do provide a good middle class standard of living and the Teamsters union is going to protect that.

Chip Roth

As we consider the sale of our U.S. land holding, we saw this as an important opportunity to protect in perpetuity many of our most ecologically significant lands.

John Faraci

I mean, we're trying to protect the interests of working families and these attacks in several different areas have been directed at workers.

John J. Sweeney

We're seeing the beginning of much higher prices, driven by problems with the dollar. People need to protect themselves in this environment, and investors are getting more defensive.

James Turk

The patent application was to protect our invention. As you can see . . . the invention is significant.

Craig Mchugh

AT&T customers reasonably expect that their communications are private and have long trusted AT&T to follow the law and protect their privacy.

Lee Tien

There is a clear difference between disaster relief operations and warfare. Our armed forces are designed to protect us from enemies, not protect us from fires, floods and hurricanes.

Bruce Lawlor

We implement the laws for Congress. It appears that [the law] seeks to discourage drug use. We support efforts to protect the health and safety of students.

Valerie Smith

When there are a lot of people involved you can't control the process the same. With just the two of us it's easier because we know we are taking all the proper precautions to protect the mushrooms from disease.

Victoria Ridley

It is ironic, ... that a media company that should be seeking to protect the First Amendment is seeking to undermine it by claiming a monopoly on the phrase 'fair and balanced.' .

Denny Chin

If the Pentagon has been collecting information improperly on Americans, it should provide a full accounting of what kind of information it collected, on whom and why, subject only perhaps to protecting the privacy of individuals.

Kate Martin

Sony was a leader in TV, looking to extend its platform and protect its current business. Samsung saw digital television as a new opportunity.

Daniel Levinthal

We went back to the drawing board and took a belt-and-suspenders approach to protect the identity and privacy of Americans.

Frank Moss

He was much more concerned about protecting others than himself. The thing he would always say to me was, `I don't care if I look bad. Just don't make other, innocent people look bad, because they were my mistakes.'

James Mangold

Sometimes it's harder to hang onto a small lead than it is to come back from one. It's frustrating at times, but it's part of coaching. The ladies did a good job of protecting the ball, and the lead today; we did a good job all-around.

Andi Ferris

Things like that are a big concern for us. When these bats get into someone's home, we are available 24 hours a day. We have to protect our citizens. They can report it to animal control; we don't want it escaping.

Cheryl Brom

We are currently reviewing them to determine which ones require action by the Legislature and which can be implemented quickly to protect our Texas coasts before the next hurricane season.

Rachael Novier

As governor, [Perry] agrees to call out the Texas Rangers to help protect these witnesses to a murder.

Kathy Walt

Congress must not do something just for the sake of doing something. We must carefully and thoughtfully consider the implications of any action and whether that action will help or hinder our ultimate mission of protecting U.S. citizens from terror.

Richard Burr

Parents don't need government to raise their kids. That's their job, ... But government can help them protect their children from influences they may not want their kids exposed to.

Rod Blagojevich

Homeland security cannot be put on hold for diplomatic concerns. We don't need permission from any other nation as to how best to protect our communities.

Joe Kasper

It is irresponsible for the city attorney, who has been elected to protect the interests of the city, to continue acting in a manner that could result in such disastrous financial consequences for San Diego's taxpayers.

Toni Atkins

Our intellectual property is among our most valuable assets, ... This lawsuit represents an intensified effort to protect our intellectual capital. This isn't the first time we've sued to protect this investment and it certainly won't be the last.

Richard Thoman

We know how to slow down the job loss due to free trade: Turn it into fair trade. We know how to better protect pensions in the bankruptcy courts: Change the code so that pensions are higher up the list. That's the quickest and most efficient way to fight this back.

Mark Gaffney

This hurricane re-writes our folklore. It shows you can't predict anything and can't build to protect.

Bob Anderson

We didn't protect the ball very good. They pressured the ball real hard.

Mike Pomerenke

We have evidence that the compounds protect against Alzheimer's by influencing the early gene expression in learning and memory, which influences cell signaling pathways that help neuronal cells communicate with each other.

James Joseph

It is critical that businesses start looking beyond just the price of the hardware and recognize that they also need to invest in protecting the data stored on these machines.

Lindsey Armstrong

We're concerned about protecting the rights of people who have made a decision based on information they were given years ago.

Peter Fitzpatrick

They started out saying they were protecting the town from criminals, and they wound up extorting money from people.

Victor Soto

This is just going to require another ongoing battle for us, to make sure we can protect the women of South Dakota.

Marta Coursey

Hopefully in the end, we will have citizens who are better educated about the environment and the importance of protecting it.

Stephen Kintner

These various systems to help maintain market integrity and protect investors. This creates audit-trail information, greater information and better price discovery.

Scott Peterson

Part of being creative is learning how to protect your freedom. That includes freedom from avarice.

Hugh Macleod

This new therapy is very exciting because there has been no effective therapy for protecting babies from CMV.

Patrick Duff

More should have been done to protect my daughter and the other girls at the school.

Dave Bennett

I will protect the unitary character of the country.

Mahinda Rajapakse

I think New Orleans is a good example - there's going to be more investment to protect that area now. That's the same with the funding of infrastructure.

Lee Wooten

This action clearly shows that Cardinal Mahony has no intention of settling these cases or helping to protect kids, contrary to his public comments.

Mary Grant

These barrier islands and barrier islands around the US are extraordinarily important. They do protect the mainland coast form the higher wave energies. They are also important in protecting bio diversity. They are important refuges for plants and animals.

Gregory Carter

The perimeter firewall doesn't protect you from the bad guys inside the network. But people should not be replacing perimeter firewalls with distributed ones.

Raphael Reich

She's trying to hide from them and the other sisters are trying to protect her. There are all kinds of distractions and shenanigans along the way.

Jackie Robertin

We urge state officials to independently monitor to protect the public and firefighters from the hazards of airborne radioactive contaminated particles.

Gerald Pollet

By protecting personal and public health, they are vaccines at their best.

Dr. William Schaffner

We have got to take care of the little things and protect the ball on offense. We lost a huge opportunity, but it was confidence building in that we can compete at that level.

Bill Tierney

It's a basic concept that all women can relate to. Women have an urgent need to protect themselves.

Anna Forbes

The problem is not what's going on now; things are wonderful -- it's what could potentially happen in the future that the Fed and Greenspan are protecting us from. The economy is chugging along at a pace that's really exceeding the speed limit and that could cause some damage in the long run.

Stephen Slifer

Reynolds' goal is to make dealers aware of which third-party vendors are accessing their system and arm them so they can make informed decisions on how to protect their data.

Bob Schaefer

There already exists oversight by the Federal Communications Commission today that has proven to be effective in protecting consumers' right to be in control of their Internet experience.

Walter Mccormick

It is completely unacceptable that Syria has allowed the protests to develop into this and is not able to protect other countries' embassies.

Laila Freivalds

Today's vote proves yet again that the movement to protect medical marijuana patients from arrest is unstoppable.

Rob Kampia

We needed to determine the value of the resource before it was damaged, and what should have been spent to protect it.

Richard Carson

It's an attempt to protect the little guy from himself. H&R Block is helping people become first-time savers and not really profiting from it, at least to this point. Yes, there are fees, but there are also costs associated.

Alexander Paris Jr

He did everything he could to protect himself and come back safely - it just didn't work out that way.

Carolyn Howard

It is time for Virginia to step up to the plate and protect private property rights from government abuse.

Bill Cleveland

They have all the bragging rights right now; they're in first place. But it feels great to protect our turf.

Richie Sedor

If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law.

Lysander Spooner

What we're trying to do is protect some of the treasures of Charlevoix. I think we've lost so many already.

Bob Heath