It demonstrates the politically elite will fight to obstruct reform in order to protect their backroom property tax deals.

Jay Lapeyre

We are excited to offer another outdoor avenue for the exploration and appreciation of local ecology. This new trail will enhance ecotourism and serve to educate visitors about the necessity of protecting the environment.

Mary Henderson

We haven't really done a calculation on the fines or penalties, and again our focus is to really get the collection system improved, and to protect the environment out in Hawaii and to prevent future sewer spills.

Kathi Moore

Muscles do two things. They help us move and they protect us.

Kevin Lynch

You're not out here for stats you're just here to protect and to serve.

Kelvin Frazier

People own property out there and you gotta let them develop it, ... You can't go around and buy up everything and protect everybody. You have to build within the codes and hope for the best.

Bill Dickson

Our position is that we want to protect community services, and there's no need to privatize or make cuts if there is no economic crisis in the city.

Albert Carlson

I can't over-emphasize how important pre-shift examinations are. It is a key provision put in the act to protect miners' safety.

Tony Oppegard

We are looking forward to his participation as we continue our efforts to protect and commercialize our valuable intellectual property and patents.

David Pohl

This method will also help to protect the intellectual property rights of domestic companies.

Zhang Ji

They do want this to be the president's top priority, to protect the country, and it also makes sense they want him to do everything within the law. For the time being, a lot of people want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Tim Lynch

When judges pay more credence to another judge than they do the words of the First Amendment, they put that judge and themselves over the law. Freedom requires that our courts protect the people by serving the Constitution, not judges.

Ben Hand

Comedy, we may say, is society protecting itself - with a smile.

J. B. Priestley

Employers are to do that at their expense, they're the ones employing the workers. They're responsible for protecting them, they have control of the workplace.

Don Hurst

Prison officials have been more concerned about sparing the sensitivities of executioners and witnesses than protecting the condemned prisoner from pain. They are more concerned with appearances than with the reality.

Jamie Fellner

His pattern of conflicts of interest undermines citizen confidence and investor confidence in the operations of the SEC. Left unchecked this has the potential to undermine market confidence. Americans and investors deserve an SEC that will vigorously protect their interests and protect the openness and efficiency of our markets.

Scott Harshbarger

We lost a giant of the conservation movement when Gaylord died a few years ago, but his legacy lives on among those of us he taught to fight to protect the environment.

Diana Hull

Shipping people back to Morocco is not an answer to this crisis. Protecting these extremely vulnerable people should be the Spanish government's priority.

Holly Cartner

With this, it will give them an avenue to provide information to us that would protect them if they want anonymity.

Lt. Paul Register

Midwifery is an accepted practice in Wisconsin, and the governor thinks it's certainly a good idea that there be basic standards in place to protect the lives of children and expecting mothers.

Dan Leistikow

If you're buying a complete vacation for $2,000 or $3,000 dollars, it's an investment you want to protect.

Pauline Frommer

Our intent is to protect crime victims who are in imminent danger of losing their lives. This does not put more guns on the street. This will not create the OK Corral.

Frederick Jones

I got to protect my eggs. I've got food, I've got toys, I'm having the time of my life.

Bob Rue

Nobody bore the whole brunt of this, and it's going to take these kinds of partnerships in the future. It took a village to protect this.

Wendy Fisher

The challenge for us is that we are running out of tools. When we have the big flood here, we are running out of tools to preserve, protect and enhance the river as we currently know it today.

Brayton Willis

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.

John Kenneth Galbraith

The monarch has become a symbol for cross border co-operation in North America. Let's hope it doesn't become the symbol of our common failure to protect the environment.

Homero Aridjis

Clean Air Act rules are very clear on the need for both appropriate emission limits and continuous monitoring of power plant emissions. We will continue to ensure that facilities comply with these regulations and do their part to protect air quality.

Deborah Jordan

If you care about privacy online, you need to actively protect it.

Roger Dingledine

We're taking a long and careful look at how to protect our content.

Julie Summersgill

The U.S. has had fire walls in place to protect the cattle population from getting infected with mad cow disease and there are some gaps in these fire walls.

Caroline Smith Dewaal

Do we ban a procedure or do we protect a person? I hope that the South Dakota law brings the question of personhood to the Supreme Court.

Diane Hochevar

He was just protecting us. That showed us that he'll do what it takes to protect us.

John Simmons

That's not the point. We want to protect our guys. This is all about our guys, and our moral standards and our moral standards in the world.

John Murtha

We'd like our federal law enforcement agencies to know the American Muslim community stands firmly behind protecting our nation's borders. But, at the same time, we are not willing to give up our guaranteed constitutional and legal rights in order to do that.

Arsalan Iftikhar

The interior ministry is seriously and comprehensively pursuing the matter, and we hope to solve it in a way to protect their lives.

Gholam Hossein Elham

You're talking about protecting people from their own decisions, ... What you put in your mouth and how much exercise you get, that's pretty personal.

Jacob Sullum

For many consumers, understanding insurance and determining what kind of coverage they need to protect themselves and their families can be very difficult.

Alessandro Iuppa

As a conservancy development, we try to protect the history of the area.

Patty Richards

Construction might continue past June ... but it will be capable of protecting from a hurricane.

Walter Baumy

We are confident when the judge hears the evidence, he will find that the bag searches are perfectly constitutional and designed to protect the safety of all New Yorkers and visitors.

Michael Cardozo

He is deeply committed to protecting and preserving the freedoms we enjoy as Canadians...keeping in the strictest confidence the nature of his military responsibilities and past experiences while serving our country.

Shane Gibson

It is most important that we protect ourselves ahead of time from international terrorist groups. We will be pay close attention to the results of the investigation before taking action.

Hiroyuki Hosoda

We notified our current and former employees last week and the week before. We have no reason to believe that any of the information has been accessed, and we are proactively protecting McAfee current and former employees with credit monitoring services.

Siobhan Macdermott

In the beginning, I tried to reach out to her, ... but I decided it would be best for me and the rest of the children to just close ranks and protect ourselves. I'll probably never see her again.

Mia Farrow

The Navajo Nation has failed to protect the resources of its people.

Charles Morrison

After these recent years of neglect at the hand of those who were supposed to protect and care for her, she is finally at peace with God for eternity.

Suzanne Vitadamo

The world of the network perimeter has certainly changed. We are very conscious of it, and we're doing our best to protect the enterprise.

Tom Gill

I think what the [lawsuit] is going to do is have people realize that the government is there to protect consumers, not to protect one competitor over another.

Kevin Arquit

You need to take the basic, logical steps to protect the computer and also the basic parenting steps of working with your kids and supervising them appropriately.

Laura Yecies

He feels terrible about what he had to do. He was ambushed and he had to protect himself and his lieutenant.

Robert Galantucci

This is a very fluid time. Our goal here is to sustain our process, which is to protect the investor, make sure they know what they're getting into, and that the people they're dealing with don't lie or get them into something they're not suited for.

Chris Ullman

We're not taking anybody's property and we're not taking anybody's property rights. We are protecting and preserving a community resource.

John Dingfelder

The program was a tremendous success in the past year, and it will be an even greater success with all the new districts getting involved with it. We are delighted that so many districts throughout Arizona are committed to protecting our children from harmful diesel emissions.

Steve Owens

I hope they adopt the advisory maps as recommended. I think it's the right thing to do to protect the city.

Todd Davison

The South African Police Service is neglecting its constitutional duties because the service is no longer capable of protecting and safeguarding the residents of South Africa and their property.

Pieter Groenewald

I believe that everyone, no matter what age, should get a flu vaccine, ... This is the best way to protect yourself.

Tom Roy

We are temporarily stopping the search to protect the rescue crews.

Arturo Bermea

Our key focus was coming up with technology to help protect users from technology attacks, attacks on the software itself.

Gary Schare

The bottom line is this: If we were investors in Macquarie stock, we would love this deal -- where can we buy it? But we're not. We are elected officials who are more concerned about protecting the people of this state than rushing into a very risky deal without all the facts.

Sen. Vi Simpson

What you're protecting yourself against is, frequently, extortion. People will try to put it to their former in-laws in any way they can, and force someone into an unfair settlement.

Jacalyn Barnett

They do a driver printout record and run your fingerprints through the FBI. It's a pretty thorough check. That's good, though, that they do the background check because it's really meant to protect the clients.

Barbara Hughes

Pitch counts have gotten into everybody's brain. Guys make so much money now. You want to protect your investment. You don't want to abuse your pitchers.

Ned Yost

We're here to provide as much protection as possible. We're here to save lives first, and then do as much as we can to protect property.

Dan Ware

These claims have no merit. Because of the laws protecting grand-jury secrecy, no other comments can be made. The investigation is continuing.

Ronnie Earle

We need to protect the kids by giving them something to do, ... (It's about) making them interested, making them love mom and dad more, love the family more, love themselves more and love their school. So there won't have to be killing in school.

James Brown

There's probably a lot more to any personnel matter than is ever known publicly and that's the way it should be, to protect the privacy of the individual.

Tim O'neill

I will fight tooth and nail to protect California's high academic standards.

Jack O'connell

I sincerely hope that Congress will do what judges and local legislators so far have refused to do for me and for thousands of people like me across the nation: protect our homes.

Susette Kelo

The average person doesn't know that they can call the FBI regional office ... you can call any of the law enforcement offices out there to protect people.

Kelly Mccann

This is a protective operation that occurs automatically when the equipment detects a problem. In this case, it de-energized the circuits to protect transformers and the larger transmission line. The cause of the fault was animal contact.

Tim Gause

If he was trying to protect the integrity of his co-workers, he would have taken the computer to the proper authorities. I question his integrity.

Randy Livingston

It's a matter of ethics and responsibility of the news organization itself to be honest with its audience and protect the integrity of the news product. It should be market forces not government regulation that protects it.

Barbara Cochran

We walk a tightrope of protecting children and protecting parents from undue government intervention in their lives.

Craig Brooks

If legislation doesn't protect habitat, how then can the government pretend that it will protect the species themselves?

Marc Johnson

People want to protect their children.

Richard Mcclellan

It's always best to have a plan in place. We want to make sure we're doing whatever we can to protect the citizens of the state.

Jennifer Williams

The graphic nature and wide availability of these games should disturb all of us, whether or not we are parents, ... I am proud to sign legislation that will protect children from this kind of content.

Jennifer M. Granholm

There are areas where strip clubs cannot go. We tried to approach the issue having criteria of who we wanted to protect in the city.

Sung Yang

No homes were burned. Yesterday all the resources were deployed to protect those communities, but by today they were able to move some of the resources to other areas.

Linda Jackson

In Europe, bankruptcy laws are designed to protect creditors. We're a nation founded by debtors, people who were trying to get away from debtors' prison.

Carl Steidtmann

I was on the field probably for every series and every play (in 2004), ... With this offense, I'm not, but I'm contributing. I still have to do my job to block, protect, catch the ball and run the ball. ... There are more chances for others to make plays. So, am I playing every play like last year? No. But we won.

Jason Davis

No one can walk in the yard without him getting aggressive. My dog doesn't know the difference from a bad guy and a good guy. He's just protecting his yard.

Larry Crowell

The bird captured on video is clearly an ivory-billed woodpecker. Amazingly, America may have another chance to protect the future of this spectacular bird and the awesome forests in which it lives.

John Fitzpatrick

After having met with him, the IFRL-PAC is convinced that he recognizes that the government does have a vital role to play in protecting the life of the unborn.

Irene Napier

We are all, in a sense, experts on secrecy. From earliest childhood we feel its mystery and attraction. We know both the power it confers and the burden it imposes. We learn how it can delight, give breathing space and protect.

Sissela Bok

By being aware and reporting counterfeit software, consumers can help protect themselves and other consumers, which is good for them, good for software resellers and good for the software industry.

Cori Hartje

I'm horribly disappointed that this important measure failed to pass, ... This bill was designed to protect the free-speech rights of Americans whose only alleged crime is wanting to use the Internet to express their opinions.

Mark Kennedy

We need to protect the hard work of our engineers. In this case, we felt there was infringement.

Ted Gartner

We must make it an imperative duty of our government to protect the gifts which Nature has bestowed on America and to insure the maintenance of a clean, healthy, wholesome environment for our people.

George Lincoln Rockwell

We have come to a place where the constituents of the County Council and the City Commission should be proud. We will be protecting everyone's interest and we do it together. Hopefully this will be second of many, many meetings.

Mayor Dennis Mulder

We did everything we possibly could to protect her.

Pat Camden

You can't know who is abused if he or she hasn't told you. But for some who inform us about the abuse, we try as hard as possible to protect them from danger.

Nathan Mpoza

This is just the right thing to do. This is something America didn't do in the '70s. Whether we agree with why we're over there, these soldiers are dying to protect our freedoms.

Kurt Mayer

Investigators would want to protect the future of the investigations. I mean, you never know how much disclosure would actually prejudice tracking down other criminals, or further investigations.

Bonaya Godana

The net effect of this bill would be to . . . protect the guilty at the expense of injured Floridians.

Alexander Clem

This act calls for parental notification to one parent before a minor obtains an abortion, but New Hampshire law also contains exceptions and provides adequate safeguards to protect any minor facing emergent health risks.

Kelly Ayotte

We are glad that the administration is finally taking steps to use New York's existing civil-commitment law as one part of our ongoing effort to protect the public from sex offenses.

Sheldon Silver

Love from one being to another can only be that two solitudes come nearer, recognize and protect and comfort each other.

Han Suyin

That's what we expected the whole game. It's not like they were trying to protect a lead. They try to bottle you up in the neutral zone and they do a good job of it.

Brian Yandle

What I look at is, the way the town makes revenue in the guise of protecting environment, ... It sounds like a money-making machine for them ... They're thinking green, as in money.

Robert Murray

Insurance is one thing you buy that you hope you will never use. Protect yourself against disaster. Get the biggest deductible you can stomach to keep your premiums low.

Jordan Goodman

There's a desire to protect children from the horrors of the world at the same time other children are being exposed to it. The more information kids have about things that are going on in the world, the better decisions they will make.

Deborah Ellis

Where we believe our intellectual property is strong and has been challenged and is likely to be infringed, we'll be as vigorous as anyone in protecting our rights. We're not looking at anything that's imminent though.

Jon Symonds

We know that the FBI has a difficult and necessary mandate to protect Americans from the next terrorist attack, ... We are here to deliver a short but powerful message -- to keep America safe and free.

Anthony D. Romero

Everyone has made a good-faith effort to put the right measures in place, but we think there's more to be done about why the plugs that occurred did occur, and whether the specs in place are enough to protect consumers.

John Hofland

The farmers crush the chilies they grow and mix them with old engine oil. They smear that paste onto a simple string fence around their field, protecting their other crops.

Nina Gibson

We could not do this without them. We've been able to protect life and property, and that's what it's all about.

Steve Barnes

The purpose was clearly to seek to protect the lychee crop.

Bob Pack

We will fight a war against this danger to protect our independence and we will defeat it at every level.

Shaukat Aziz

We put controls into place that protect against this type of fraud.

Gary Marsh

He believed in his soldiers, and, in the true spirit of his profession, gave his life protecting his men. He was a true hero.

Army Sgt.

People feel completely abandoned. They don't have confidence that someone is there to protect them when they vote.

Yolette Etienne

We'll never be in a position where we can protect everything, all the time. We can't afford it, and we don't want to infringe on the values we're trying to preserve.

Frank Cilluffo

The core safeguards protecting our health and our communities have been cut to the bone in recent years, and we can't afford to keep slashing away.

Heather Taylor

The next big issue for me is protecting our county from terrorism.

Frank Schackelford

I trust politicians will continue to examine ways in which we can prevent potential future terrorist attacks and protect the security of our country.

Jan Berry

The first (deal) rule for us is to protect and strengthen the brands we have built for the future.

Michael Dolan

We need to be able to protect and get the passes off to make them back off.

Jordan Gross

We're not talking about separating two combatants, we're talking about engaging a combatant, to use deadly force, to ensure the security of the societies we're protecting.

Rob Huebert

Some react to it by protecting their children and providing cocoons around their children. And some want their children to grow up with a pretty good idea of what their parents are and what comes with being a celebrity.

Janice Wood

True piracy of intellectual property is a big problem generated by criminals. We strongly believe in protecting intellectual property but not by demonizing ordinary consumers.

Jim Murray (beuc)

I have information he is hiding in a Franciscan monastery, and so the Catholic Church is protecting him. I have taken this up with the Vatican and the Vatican refuses totally to co-operate with us.

Carla Del Ponte

Friendships are very intense over there. Those that I really came in contact with and became close with -- I had the feeling that ... they would protect me to the death. And in the case of Col. Mohammed and Mohammed, his driver, they did that.

Scott Erwin

We certainly understand that we must protect our streams and our other resources, but we have to find a way to do it that also allows the construction of desperately needed homes, where appropriate.

Doug Fenichel

He told me that every day people shoot at him. Those were the people he was trying to free and protect.

Betty Vezina

We believe this action is necessary to protect the intellectual capital we have worked hard to develop in-house since 1996. Although we have been focused on innovation and building value for our customers, we cannot ignore companies that we believe are infringing our intellectual property.

Jeff Lunsford

The administration will aggressively fight the war on terror in an effort to protect the American people while at the same time upholding the civil liberties of the American people. The president is doing both of these things and will continue to do both of these things.

Allen Abney

They vote primarily on cultural issues, like protecting traditional marriage.

Matthew Wilson

We're protecting our historic resources for future generations. Once they're gone, they're gone forever.

Cathy Jimenez

We're concerned that due to the late settlement that not enough teachers might be there. Our joint goal is to protect the safety and health of the students.

Ben Visnick

We felt that we were going to have a strong year overall both covering and returning kicks and I still feel that we can get that done. We've just got to play better and not have all the mistakes we've had covering and protecting.

Larry Izzo

As far as protecting the environment, I'm for it 100 percent.

Keith Parris

It's part of the overall arsenal that law enforcement needs to have to protect children. It's vital.

Mark Pleasant

We need to have a master plan — we need to have a backbone to preserve the greenways and protect the watershed.

Tom Stevens

We'll do what we have to do to protect homes and roads. But, we would feel a lot better knowing we have the legal right to pump water when we have to in an emergency.

City Manager Maryann Courson

The early adopters will be basically be protecting high-value places. Places where you would need to know there are no guns or bombs coming into the facilities.

Brian Andre

We have done everything we can possibly do to preserve a fair election in accordance to the laws governing homeowners' associations and to protect the privacy of the members of the association.

Carol Jones

The police chief wouldn't put his officers out on the street if their guns didn't work... so our firefighters want to know where is the fire chief to protect them on this issue.

Chris Steele

Now the Palestinian Authority has to re-evaluate the decisions from last night and the necessary steps taken to protect the Palestinian people.

Nabil Amr

We're all concerned about it, and we're all sensitive to it, ... We do what we can to protect people's lives, but we protect their liberties at the same time.

Ted Olson

I don't know how the authorities can do this more effectively - in the final analysis, we can only rely on government to protect us to a certain point in our lives and the rest is our responsibility.

Peter Curson

How does it make sense to say that you're protecting capital of $10,000 by giving $500 to a salesman who in five years promises you $9,500? You don't get your money back; you get what is invested back.

Brian Portnoy

Improving check-in procedures at the terminals will help protect people who work at the ports and the cargo coming in and out.

Bruce Wargo

They not only didn't do anything to protect him, they're not doing anything now to protect people in the future. It's really a disgrace.

Barney Frank

The newest battlefield in the fight to protect the First Amendment is the Internet, ... The Internet is the new town square, and campaign finance regulations are not appropriate there.

Jeb Hensarling

There is a real problem with society allowing that kind of arrangement. Adults should not be allowed to form any kind of family that doesn't protect the rights of the child to grow up in a stable, married, two-parent home.

Charmaine Yoest

We gotta protect our house.

Jonathan Kelly

We are honored to host the Classic Cause once again in 2006. This is a tangible way for golf fans to share what they love while demonstrating their appreciation of military personnel who protect and defend our nation. We are thankful for the generosity of all who participate in and donate to the Classic Cause as well as the cooperation of our partners who have joined us in this effort.

Dave Kaplan

I never thought about it until I broke my leg and realized I have to get insurance, ... The more I was traveling and doing work I realized I did need that, basically to protect my investment, which is myself.

Scott Shaw

The police officer was protecting himself and the customers in the shop, ... His actions could very well have saved lives today.

Pat Camden

The government has done too little too late to protect the health of the population - in June 2004 I told the government to produce a comprehensive strategy.

Andrew Lansley

I pledge to respect and protect the constitution and the law of my country and to carry out my duties to the best of my ability.

Heinz Fischer

Those two guys really did a nice job on the boards and protecting the lane. Matt's been guarding their best player lately and we got good perimeter defense.

Dean Bellanti

We learn something new every day in this investigation ... and apply that information to protect the public's health.

Jeffrey Koplan

We have every intention, once PennDOT gives final approval, that we're going to have the police vigorously enforce that, ... We're very interested in protecting our children.

David Cowan

Whites and blacks have a right to work in an environment free of discrimination. The goal of this lawsuit is to protect that right.

David Sanford

Meaningful, constitutional parental consent laws are designed to help and protect minors. Today, we are voting to uphold those laws.

Charles Canady

It's clear that Baby Boomers, older adults and families are enjoying these activities in record numbers. Our goal is to help protect them and their equipment with the right insurance so they can focus on one thing -- living life to the fullest.

Mike Concannon

The organic story is larger than just the healthy benefits of clean, nutritious foods. Organic farming, whether tomatoes, grapes, cotton or flowers, helps protect our environment - it's that simple.

Gerald Prolman

I don't know what's going to happen. The business always gets in the way of basketball. If there wasn't any business and it was just strictly basketball, then there would be no issue, it would probably be done by now. But the team has to protect itself.

Jason Kidd

If they try to put through a bailout, there's no amount of campaign contributions that's going to protect them from what the voters are going to do to them in the next election.

Harvey Rosenfield

It helps protect people to allow them to be able to express their gender in different ways.

Jerimarie Liesegang

A successful Medicaid prescription drug program needs the support of America's 55,000 pharmacies and nearly 150,000 pharmacists who work with Medicaid patients every day. There are many ways to protect the financial future of the Medicaid prescription drug benefit without jeopardizing the future of community pharmacy.

Bruce Roberts

That is a concern to me. We've [organizationally] talked among ourselves to protect these young pitchers. That's a luxury we have -- a lot of young pitchers. I'm going to do everything I can to protect the young pitchers. They have a future with this organization.

Joe Girardi

[Protecting the city from Category 4 and 5 hurricanes] would cost, at a minimum, many, many hundreds of millions of dollars - and likely a lot more than that, ... We're talking about a tremendous effort at enormous expense at a time when the nation is strapped.

John Hall

Between when they sign and when school starts, the only thing out there (governing and protecting) athletes is the NLI program.

Torie Johnson

This is a highly charged issue among Alabama evangelicals — to protect the sanctity of traditional marriage.

John Giles

Justice is not hitting, kicking a member of the community you're sworn to protect. No one is above the law and no one is below the law.

Rick Good

The number of people using handheld devices in combination with their PC is growing. Organizations and operators should consider security requirements for protecting their users' devices and the expanding network perimeter.

Raimund Genes

This is a case where bison are wandering near the Park border or crossing onto private lands. Part of our effort under the Interagency Management Plan, in addition to maintaining a viable population, is to protect Montana's brucellosis-free status.

Al Nash

Our administration felt that this was important, and we made a commitment to protect our duals from these problems happening. We wanted to make this as seamless as possible.

Tracy Okubo

I didn't want to just stand there and get hit out of nowhere, so I dropped my gloves. I was protecting myself, I guess.

Jonathan Horton

There's a strong perception in New Orleans that we don't leave. But it troubles me when I see reports of people who had no choice.... The fact is, if you're economically disadvantaged, you're more likely to be worried about looting [and] protecting your home, which all makes it much more difficult for [people] to leave.

Jeanne Hurlbert

That tells me we need enforceable rules to protect consumers.

Dian Grueneich

You have 1,500 kids, you have a hazardous material which is minimum in exposure and distribution, but we have a high volume of students. We have a responsibility to protect these citizens.

Jim Washko

AT&T has the systems and procedures in place to protect customer data. However, a copy of the officer's certificate attesting to those procedures hasn't been located. The company is rectifying the mistake and is working with the FCC to ensure full compliance.

Michael Balmoris

I was deeply impressed when I visited Peru and looked at his supporters. I'm determined to stake my life protecting him.

Satomi Kataoka

Oh, he had a path and he made the most of it. It was a good shot; he picked the far side. He got me to step out that one step and once I came out I had to lift up to protect the top corners and he just buried it low.

Pat O'toole

This crosses party lines. If our intent is truly to protect children, then we shouldn't be treating public and private entities differently.

Rep. Cory Gardner

We could not be happier that our legal system is going to protect Young. I am convinced he is going to contribute to society.

John Sullivan

Family members are going to protect their loved ones, especially if the family members ask them to keep it confidential, I can understand that.

Ram Hernandez

Our top focus - protecting our Nation - must go beyond homeland preparedness; America will only be secure if we deal with threats before they happen, not just after they happen.

Bill Frist

These attacks have continued despite the extensive...efforts made by KFOR and the United Nations in general to protect these people.

Judith Kumin

It seems like the (Bush) administration is very out of step with the concern that the public feels for protecting nature.

David Hogan

From a legislative perspective it's an interesting time now because the question is whether the federal law will give consumers more power to protect their data or less power to protect their data.

Scott Mitic

Quick hands. He'll take the thing away from you if you aren't protecting the ball. He'll jump passing lanes. He'll strip you. He plays both ends of the court, no question.

Gary Close

I just can't explain to you the mother bear theory of protecting. You try in so many ways to protect your child all the time and you simply can't be there every minute of the day.

Lisa Carlton

Right after 9/11, the City Manager's Office started looking at what we needed to do to protect certain information. There is just no business need for some people to see some of this sensitive information, so why provide access to it?

Rob Sweeney

That was our motivating factor to get down there and help out. To help protect the people of New Orleans and to assist our brother officers who put out a cry for help.

Dan Parker

An individual hunter may or may not detect it, but with three years of protecting younger bucks under our belts, there should be a decent number of older bucks out there.

Christopher Rosenberry

This is the only hearing of its kind in southeastern Wisconsin. We need to balance intense development pressure with the need to protect private property and the environment. I think we can do both.

Sen. Cathy Stepp

It is of course not possible for the prosecutors to make a sound decision under so much pressure. We've come to the point where we're no longer able to protect our national values. Where will it all end?

Kemal Kerincsiz

Our people are trained to protect our clients without being big and obvious. We allow our clients to focus on their business and let us worry about reducing the risk.

Andy Lax

[Dingle] was a leader in the effort to protect service members from the avoidable health risks posed by the Pentagon's mandatory use ... Connecticut and the nation have lost a talented pilot and a dedicated patriot.

Chris Shays

More time seems to be put into protecting the mother ship, but those same technologies are not being shared with their partners.

Greg Boser

Obviously, with the increase in technology, piracy has increased. It is so much easier to burn a DVD or a CD. Because of the growing popularity of our music on the world stage, it is important to protect our musical creativity.

Ronald Young

Wireless networks are great. They enable a lot of freedom, but they also come with risks. Consumers need to protect themselves.

Sarah Hicks

That's like saying we can't have privacy laws for telephones to protect the privacy of telephone conversations because that might spill over into other areas.

Jason Catlett

The potential consequences of climate change are so sobering that it's difficult to imagine how individual actions can make any impact. We are hopeful that Yahoo!'s Earth Day campaign will illustrate that if we act as a global community, together we can make a difference. We encourage citizens everywhere to embrace our collective responsibility to protect the earth for future generations.

Meg Garlinghouse