I'll be very honest, depending on how things go, I could be back here a year from now saying we need to make more cuts for the next year. But we believe that every year we can keep 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in the programs, the better off we are.

Bill Wise

The Northeast is kind of the hotbed of lacrosse, but now it's pretty much nationwide. There are incredible programs from California to Colorado to the South ? everywhere.

Adam Little

Having them (Planned Parenthood) handle sex-ed programs in public schools is not a wise investment for our tax investors.

Sen Gary Nodler

Under his direction, Salisbury implemented key programs to enhance and promote the central business district.

Barbara Perry

We already have a lot of programs for children. But we'd also like to start programs for adults and with increased funding we'd have the money to pay lecturers to come in or teachers to demonstrate. We're looking at a comprehensive program of adult activities.

Thais Gardy

There are certain programs that impose their own set of requirements as well. A lot of internship programs require a 3.0 GPA and there are certain programs that are specifically for one major.

Bridget Carey

I'm very much pro-student. I just want to see all the programs stay strong.

Kelly Dey

We are worried about the safety of our remaining workers there and concerned about the fate of our programs.

Gordon Weiss

A key element of success in any of our programs is a continuity of staff. If there's a way to maintain that continuity, I feel obligated to do it. Especially when it's the right thing.

Jack Hayes

I say 'travel teams' because I firmly believe that a majority of these outlaw teams are not affiliated with the AAU. People use it as a catch phrase. There are a lot of outlaw programs out there, and there has to be a focus on them because they facilitate some of the bad behavior when it comes to recruiting.

Len Elmore

We want funding levels to be adequate to put conservation programs on the ground.

Lisa Kelley

The proposal you are given here will solve many problems. The children are going to get a state-of-the-art and brand new facility with enhanced programs. I don't see how it can go wrong.

Carla Sullivan

It was the best performance of all our short programs this season.

Tatiana Totmianina

A full audit of software located on our company computers discovered that an employee had installed software for which we had not paid licensing fees. Since then, we have implemented a robust software management program to more closely monitor installations of software programs on all company computers.

Robert James

For example, some plans offer a mail-order concept. They say you can buy a three-month supply of drugs for the cost of two months. But examine it closely and you'll find that . . . you don't get it for the cost of a two-month supply. It looks good, but it's not good. Some of the programs I would turn up my nose at.

Harold Densmore

[Akaka said yesterday the future of Hawaiian programs could hinge on whether the bill is successful.] When that happens, the courts I think will view these cases differently, ... But it will be in the hands of the courts.

Daniel Akaka

We haven't faced those issues that other school districts have had to face with school closures. We've been able to run very expensive programs for our kids despite cutbacks by the provincial government for their funding.

Rod Matheson

Were confident there are no issues with any of our state programs.

David Hakensen

As he went throughout the state, he saw so many of our new TANF programs and he was impressed.

Lillian Koller

We'll carry out such exchange programs every year from now. We believe the experience will help the kids grow.

Li Hui

It not only funds our programs, it raises awareness in the community. We feel very blessed that the show has had us one of its benefiting agencies.

Tom Kleckner

It's definitely one of the better programs in the nation because it focuses on empowerment. The women that come to them are challenged to make their own decisions, which will promote their own independence and help them to stand up for themselves.

Mallory Deckard

These so-called reforms will have a devastating impact on the ability of all non-profits, including those in the Jewish community, to advocate on behalf of programs and issues that are important to us. It also makes it nearly impossible for us to bring members of Congress to local communities to see the programs they've entrusted by supporting.

William Daroff

We didn't win, but I think people know we belonged out here. We didn't make any excuses. We just lined up and played football. And this program's going to keep getting better.

Joshua Tinch

Many feel we have too many lawyers already. ... In my view, new programs, new campuses and new schools should be primarily driven by demands of the marketplace and not by the demands of a potential student body.

Frank Bauer

Without the club, most would go home or out in their neighborhoods. Our quality after-school programs help to provide a positive future for all of our children, not just the children from families that can afford enriching opportunities.

Margie Dorshorst

It allows people not only to spend money on health items but also educational, (and) job training programs after they leave ... the Medicaid program.

Robbie Kerr

You know, that's really disingenuous. There are school districts across Massachusetts that can't afford to offer real sex education classes. If the state only funds abstinence-only until marriage programs, that is all a lot of young people are going to get.

Angus Mcquilken

We're trying to implement preventative strategies. All of these programs cost money.

Marjorie Kaplan

There was a glut of informatics people because all of these academic programs popped up.

Martin Leach

It's a federally funded program in which the outreach aids other programs in areas that will help them become more effective in their services. The more effective an organization is, the more people can help.

Wendy Gordon

A lot of [my players] are in club programs. They are volleyball hounds. If they aren't practicing, they are out playing on sand courts. Sometimes they call each other on weekends and drive all the way out to the beach to play.

Allan Rubenstein

We will discuss the future of the Olympic Programs, such as which sports will come in and which will go. It is the decision of the IOC.

Patrick Hickey

Wellness programs have been part of the governor's health care agenda since he was elected. Hospital report cards have been high on the governor's agenda, and the idea of recruiting health care professionals is something he supports.

Jason Gibbs

It's a tool at this point with a lot of potential. There's really not a large number of greatly successful programs.

Tom Daniels

We are requesting that they remain separate except during special programs. So the officers will have an exclusive lounge at their old club as will the enlisted at their club.

John Filler

[Company intranets need to be backed by strong internal communication programs.] The development part is easy, ... The success of an intranet is about 60 percent communication, 40 percent technology.

Bob Cohen

Making good use of federal databases helps state programs immensely, but local information is invaluable. These are people who know these communities, they live and work there.

Pam Compton

We will present these findings to all political parties and I expect them to incorporate the proposals in their individual programs.

Gyorgy Matolcsy

I heard these guys play at St. George earlier this year, and they mentioned they do educational programs.

Aaron Webb

If American women would increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.

Coretta Scott King

Wouldn't that be something? I think it be a terrific boost for both programs.

Dick Baddour

If all the '06 projects stay where they're at, we need to balance that out between '07 and 2010. We're pretty much going to be dealing with the existing programs and are likely going to be moving some projects back because we did receive less funds.

Kevin Blanshan

If business schools offer graduate programs, the level deployment of academically qualified faculty increases.

Jerry Trapnell

In most of these programs, ... education is completely subordinate to the demands of the sport.

Derek Bok

It is critical that the educators and academic programs are recognized for their excellence and innovation in preparing future professionals. Their work not only benefits the overall industry, but it shapes the future of the document management and communications marketplace as well.

Mike Jackson

When I first moved here to get married, I didn't know anyone. It was a social outlet for me to get to meet people. Through the programs you get involved in, though, you gain those leadership and management skills, sometimes without even realizing it.

Cheryl Voyna

We want to send a message to all of those defrauding [public housing programs]: We're going to prosecute you.

Rene Febles

For her total support of local programs and for being a terrific person, full of enthusiasm.

Nancy Ford

We try to make sure the programs and people we put on the air reflect the diversity of the population we serve.

Chris Ender

It's a huge loss. He's done an outstanding job coordinating our athletic programs. He worked well with everybody, not just the athletes and coaches but also with the teachers.

Dave Shockley

Many factors affect a program's success, not just the size.

Cynthia Lorenzo

There will be 20 or 30 programs like this in synagogues across the country.

Charles Simon

We don't have the resources to provide things like athletics or vocational programs.

Jennifer Davis

Many programs fill up early.

Chuck Ellis

All the other programs we are using are Windows-based, and accounting was the only area that was lagging. Now it is compatible with everything else.

Ajay Vagha

We have a lot of programs here.

Douglas Scott

Everyone thinks we might curl up and die, both programs. I don't think it's going to happen, so put away your hankies.

Pat Summitt

This is consistent with the administration's priorities to invest in programs that support education and health care.

Andrew Ross

I also depart from this portion of my life with a great sense of pride having played an integral part of the many projects and programs that will benefit National City residents in the coming years.

Ben Martinez

He has run an office with innovative programs that have been replicated by many district attorneys across the country. He's had broad support in Brooklyn.

Morty Matz

We were disappointed by the awareness of four-year degrees at the College, ... We have offered Bachelor degrees since 1993, and currently have nearly 50 four-year degree programs. These results will helps us focus our marketing efforts in the future.

Derek Hall

We just haven't been getting the same financial support that basketball and football get. That's been our main disadvantage. So our programs end up having inferior equipment and poor playing conditions, and we can't hire the best instructors.

Leroy Franklin

The main thing is we want to provide access to all people to programs that maybe a segment of our community doesn't have access to, and we were also looking at programs that were mission-aligned with the Salvation Army.

Patty Douglas

As a church leader, I must commit my organization, its leaders and members to more decisive and proactive involvement. We will continue, and be more active in community outreach [programs], and we will be even more engaged in social reform.

Patrick Allen

We want to offer more programs that will attract students to Milwaukee Public Schools.

Tom Balistreri

We keep in contact with each other and know a little of each others tendencies. But we're competitors though, so when we get between the lines (tonight) we're both going to want to win and move our programs to the next level.

Denise Taylor

Congress will be disappointed to hear that more than 15,000 constituents with psoriasis in every Congressional District continue to be shortchanged by federal research programs. We need our lawmakers to help us as we ask for simple fairness.

Michael Paranzino

Both programs were good, and we'd see each other. We just ended up becoming friends.

Ned Havern

We're a business. When these things happen, we have to raise costs to keep operating. We have cut back on services and programs the last few years to save money.

John Beacon

The American people who have it in their power to elect presidents have decided they don't want to hear anything about any cuts, any restrictions on growth, any changes in benefits in popular programs. And if you tell them those things, they're not going to hire you as president.

Carol Cox

We believe in providing compensation programs that are performance-based and transparent.

Terry Francisco

(The groups) are all extremely excited about their programs and the good things they do in the community, and they want to educate the panel members. It's up to the organization to explain how their charity works, what they do, and their results ? not only do we do good things, but our program is effective.

Britt Frank

She directed all the programs in the gymnastics department, coached the 20-member gymnastics team and instructed some of the classes.

Veronica Elias

Being dry in the Southwest, that's not an emergency. That's just the way it is, so we need to have systems and programs in place so we live elegantly in the climate we've all chosen to live in.

David Coss

We've got some high expectations for all our sports programs, and we're certainly looking for some improvement in our women's basketball program.

Lynn King

Defense has always been our forte. Even with our good teams, our program's based on defense. We can control our effort on defense.

John Given

I just want to ask our fellow New Yorkers to keep in their thoughts and prayers the firemen, police officers, Con Edison workers, the MTA personnel that are already deployed, ... Donations are greatly needed by the American Red Cross to keep our programs going.

John Seiler

Who would have thought 20 years ago that this corporation would be out there promoting its new smoking prevention programs?

Kathryn Mulvey

Those numbers are outrageous, ... We need to let the Department of Education know that we need funds to support preventive programs. It's always the same schools that apply and receive funding. Well, that's going to end. Local schools will receive federal money to be spent on these needed programs.

Joe Baca

It allows them to provide for new programs and further develop existing programs.

Jody Tremblay

The lion's share of loans are generated by the federal loan program, but increasingly, there are a lot of private alternative loan programs offered by banks and savings and loan institutions out there, too.

Dallas Martin

For UK to move to be a top 20 research institution, they've got to have some more investments in infrastructure, buildings and programs.

Tom Buford

The urgency of . . . putting those programs in place with mandatory elements was based on this incorrect assessment.

Craig Benedetto

We are excited for the opportunity to play one of the traditionally top programs in the nation in Creighton. Our focus is now on that game and we will do everything we can to prepare to challenge them on their home field.

Richie Grant

Locally we've worked with close to 30 outreach programs. There has been a concerted effort from the beginning to develop this as a family festival.

Frank Yohannan

Builders and environmentalists say don't mess with these programs.

Katherine Kennedy

At Hamilton, 40 percent of our faculty is adjunct. So I don't presume adjunct instructors are bad. Many are very talented. They can bring a different perspective to the classroom. But where higher education has failed is not developing programs to help (adjuncts) improve their teaching skills.

Daniel Hall

One of the things James and I have set out to do with the chamber is a back-to-basics approach with membership recruitment and programs.

Brian Ditto

I've never applied for any (assistance) programs, ... I make just enough where we don't qualify for welfare or anything.

Mary Cole

We enjoy a great relationship with Hawaii student-athletes at LMU. The Hawaii connection has been a key ingredient to our entire program's success.

William Husak

But we think that Douglass programs should stay open to all women on campus.

Barry Qualls

Our programs generally have emergency response components to them.

Steve Lyle

Whenever we play, it's always intense. These two programs are known as the best in the state, so we knew it'd be a hard game.

Rodney Haddix

In the event that we successfully negotiate a contract, we will monitor their performance, as we do all programs.

Cynthia Lorenzo

We fund the gaps in service, education and outreach programs in every county in the state.

Pauline R. Kezer

We've always done what was best for our basketball programs and all of our programs. You have to decide what it is you need, where you're going to put it. These are projects that take some time.

Jeff Hathaway

The program's turned around. I'm not an easy coach to play for and the kids have bought into the system. I think we're headed in the right direction.

Adolph Brink

If you don't evaluate your programs, you can't make smart decisions. You're just throwing money at an issue without any clue whether you're getting any bang for your buck.

Greg Leroy

You can't do that. That's when programs start to be affected, core facilities like the cafeteria and gymnasium are affected. It won't be a good place to be, so why should we wait?

Liz Bradsher

The U.S. government remains committed to Iraq's future and that we remain committed to continuing our reconstruction efforts and programs and to continue to help Iraqi people during this period of transition.

Ambassador Daniel Speckhard

We need to evolve our work force development programs in the Richmond region into one that can quickly respond to the needs of employers.

Gary Rhodes

We're excited about adding some recreation attractions to draw the kids in. You draw the kids in and you bring the parents in. The waterfront is a natural for recreation programs.

Jim Bell

Pay for one commercial package and add one or more free programs. Set the primary package to scan all the time and use the second ary programs only when you need them, so they don't conflict. It's like getting a second opinion from a doctor.

Ken Dunham

Since I've been here I've found more great programs such as the Business College, College of Arts and Sciences.

Stephen Bell

We have decided we now want to take programs in Bonita Springs to the next level. We want it to be a meeting place and the hub of the Rosemary Park Neighborhood Association.

Clifford Smith

Now longer-term development programs are being prepared and initial projects are already being implemented.

Ivana Unluova

Nobody can say with a straight face that tuition-tax credits are actually a response to the court's orders in Flores. That's somebody else's political agenda. It's not going to help these kids. I'm not aware of any private school that has English-language learner programs in place anyway.

Tim Hogan

The college football community and the football community at-large has opened up their arms and helped out our programs.

Bill D'ottavio

The renovation of the firehouse building to house all the mental health programs is really a celebration of the Greene County community coming together and making it possible.

Peter Konrad

I'd like to uncover some worthy recipients and I'd like it if the member booksellers nominated programs in their communities.

Hut Landon

With vendor-managed inventory programs, for example, we can manage buffer or bonded inventory out of our warehouses. Or, we can manage consignment inventory at customer locations.

Paul Katz

That's $200,000 in drug programs that won't get funded.

Thomas Burke

People are less stressed, and so they can concentrate on work. We have data that show these programs are better for the bottom line.

Kathy Burke

It suggests we are doing our job. We certainly are paying close attention to the charter ... and we have put programs in place and continue to work at it. We consider it an ongoing priority.

Annette Gonzales Taylor

These are new programs, new dollars, ... They do not pay for operating expenses. Not one dollar, not one cent, is going to (beds in the shelter).

Vicki Lutz

California is the home of the U.S. software industry, and the levels in piracy in China are enormous. Nine out of 10 software programs in use in China are pirated.

Robert Holleyman

One of the highlights continues to be the awards banquet. I think that the simple act of honoring excellent individual effort and outstanding school programs adds an air of excitement to the conference.

Will Hall

Programs that bring together people … around a common issue will foster a stronger community and appreciation of diversity issues in our region.

Todd Vonderheid

Some of those people may have never thought of OU as an option before the Urban Scholars Program, ... Exposure of OU was also increased in many urban communities because of the program's presence.

Linda Daniels

Both programs are carrying over momentum created during the indoor championships. We feel good about where the team is and look forward to each week.

Paul Thornton

The focus of the program is on managerial challenges involved in conducting HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs and their implementation.

Bakul Dholakia

We're still going to have to see what the benefits will look like based on what kind of programs come back from private industry. We do have high goals for the industry.

Andrea Mccauley

I didn't know why the server was down, ... I just knew we had to get it back up. We needed those programs.

Jim Ferguson

The sale helps the church with outreach programs.

Sue Clabby

It's exciting. Penn State's traditionally one of the best programs in the country. It'll be a good game.

Jeremy Fishbein

One of the big concerns consumers have with rewards programs is that they will never accumulate enough points.

Dave Bowen

We are pretty much on the same page on everything, ... She coaches third, I coach first, and we have been in the same programs since we were little and have had the same coaches. We know how important it is for the girls to have good coaches and a good experience, and we are making sure they get both.

Robert Whitney

Since 1997, more than 1,000 people have taken advantage of these programs.

Kary Coleman

In some cases, they've been around for 30 to 50 years. What we know is millions of people have been getting help from these programs. The frustrating thing is we know millions of other people ... who also qualify for these programs but don't know about them.

Jeff Trewhitt

Brooke is full. Programs are being cut short. Brooke has no extra room. None. We are full to the max. And next year we will probably have to have trailers because we have no room.

Janice Johnson

We love to have a variety of classes, programs and events to draw people in. We want everyone in the community to know that we're here, and we have something that they will really enjoy.

Heather Lennon

It's very difficult right now with the pool of superintendents at a minimum. And it's very important to continue on with the strategic plan. To have someone in-house who has been walking through the programs and processes of the district is preferred.

Rita Peters

I'm very surprised. These coaches know how to win. They've all been a part of great programs at Miami. There's going to be big changes for this program now, obviously.

Tyler Mcmeans

Though most university-level entrepreneurship programs have some basic features in common, there is so much variation it's hard to identify a typical curriculum, let alone an exemplary one. While diversity is good, this field needs more of the consistency in core concepts found in other academic fields.

Judith Cone

We found that privacy is a much less mature area in government, and there is less progress to report. Fewer agencies have addressed [privacy programs] as a priority ... the security programs [are] a bit more mature [and have been] addressed over a long period of time.

Paul Wohlleben

We're trying to engineer out some of the errors. We steal shamelessly from everybody and everywhere that has good training programs.

Paul Preston

We're really hoping that she would vote against any budget that includes cuts in human services programs.

Bill Jordan

Gary Blumenthal has long been an advocate and a champion for those who needed a champion and friend most. He is a proven leader for programs and services that have improved the quality of life for countless people that have developmental disabilities.

Annabeth Surbaugh

So he's got an environment in which you don't really have a bonfire burning, a grassroots demand for tax cuts, ... He's going to have to go out and make that case because otherwise Democrats are going to be able to go out and say, 'Look, this will endanger programs that you care about.'

Ron Brownstein

They have a lot of different training programs.

Bill Brave

Kids like it because they can have fun, ... There are great co-educational programs and everyone came come.

Derrick Williams

We can transport them to transitional living programs with a Greyhound bus ticket. We try to do that to a program in the youth's hometown or nearby.

Maureen Blaha

All of these programs are for preparing our county for the future.

Jimmy Garris

We are running some programs with Palm and some with WinCE. Execs like Palm, and the sales force likes CE. It all depends on what you use it for.

Robert Emanuel

We've certainly felt the effect from the success of these programs luring business away from us. Every production that is not done in California or Los Angeles hurts us.

Steve Macdonald

This is one of the most innovative programs to enhance recycling that we've seen in a long time.

John Casella

I liked a lot of the girls there and went to some of the classes with them. They showed me that there was a lot of academic support there as well as good athletic programs.

Christine Ferguson

The people who are under the illusion that they're going to take all the best from both programs are living a fantasy. You can't give everybody the best of both worlds in a low-cost environment.

Alan Anderson

People who have found new home states can enroll in programs in those home states. Every effort is made to make sure each of these beneficiaries is whole, that they have coverage somewhere.

Tony Salters

We also have other programs that are affiliated programs. We have a relationship with international institutions, and we have NT students in universities around the world.

Dickie Hargrave

This is one of the programs that will help us serve an underserved population.

Jim Barnes

I like to listen to talk programs and sports.

Michael Ball

We encourage customers who have not already done so to voice their choice today so they can avoid the last-minute rush that is often a characteristic of programs like this one.

Clyde Forbes

Our savings programs are delivering well and, together with an improved mix, they have enabled us to fully offset the impact of higher input costs.

Patrick Cescau

I had a record number of educational programs that I went to speak at. Collectively, we're just able to get a lot of information out there and explain the misconceptions that are so prevalent.

Cherie Cain

We are very pleased with the GAO ruling. We are excited to be the product platform selected for ECSS after the Air Force's exhaustive evaluation. We're looking forward to working successfully with the Air Force and their implementation partners to achieve the program's vision.

Bob Wynne

Congress has decided to cut funding for Head Start programs. Just last month we received a one percent cut and they're anticipating we're going to receive another one percent cut.

Barbara Hodges

They're putting together a plan for residential development and to return some education programs to the campus.

Denise Mattson

A lot of child care programs are over 10 hours a day to meet the needs of working parents, so it seems important to find out where these kids are spending their time.

Shirley Ritter

The market place is competitive, ... We are not really certain how oil prices are going to affect the consumer but we are confident that we have our programs in place and every reason to be positive about the back half (of 2005).

George Heller

MasterCard continues to move forward with the important customer and consumer programming related to the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, which begins in June. A significant number of our customer financial institutions, more than 300 of them, are activating business-building programs worldwide.

Lawrence Flanagan

There are government assistance programs, but they have a diminishing influence on the housing market.

Nicolas Retsinas

Uncertainty of future government programs was the biggest response.

Troy Louwagie

The goal for this program was to open the door to sport for these service members, and it's clear we did that, ... With the programs being organized at the military and VA medical centers, I am optimistic that this introduction has started some of these service members down the road to everyday activity in sport.

Joe Walsh

That was a significant event there, because prior to two years ago, Pennsylvania was one of 13 other states that had no funds available for these programs. Through the HSSAP, we're able to apply to the state to help offset what the federal government can't give us.

Leon Spencer

Schools are making a very strong effort to provide intervention programs and crisis programs that really identify the needs of kids at early stages.

Larry Sullivan

I think it's counter to the mission of the public schools to run the (home-school) programs.

Gary Peterson

Lord knows we're not adding new programs and we're not adding more teachers. We're just not keeping up with inflation.

Gregg Larson

They're mostly there to tell jokes. In our group we get involved in current events and have programs.

Jack Templeton

I'm pleased the administration offered a balanced budget without massive cuts in programs. We'll have to take a close look at the details, and we'll look forward to public input on the specifics but my initial reaction is that it's been well done.

Lawrie Kobza

I think they're complimentary programs.

Jim Carley

It's nothing but a welfare program, and welfare programs generally don't work. Besides, we simply can't afford it.

Don Reid

I think it's a nice gesture on the part of Bishop Lori to recognize volunteers in the church. They've always had programs to recognize high profile people and this is a nice way to recognize the people in the trenches.

Michael Mclachlan

Well, I think the president is going to do well in terms of his influence for positive change here in the Congress, making sure that we don't overspend, making sure that we spend for only those programs that are justified.

Thad Cochran

It's a pretty good fit for Josh. He works hard at being a good goalie. I know he'll make the best of the opportunity. He did a lot of growing this past season. The fact he's going to Evansville shows that. (His signing) has a positive impact on not just the boys but the girls programs as well.

Randy Harrison

When I visited, I liked the coaches and all the players. I like the academic programs they have, too.

Mykal Riley

Right now I know that we will pretty much have three, maybe four programs that are going to be happening every day. We will have open hall where they can come in and just hang out, or they can read from our mobile library. We will have a little bit of everything and in the future a whole lot more.

Sherry Greene

With the disinvestment in education at the state level, we have larger classes and have cut down on programs. That raises concerns in families who want to make sure their children are well attended to. We are doing our best with what we have.

Phil Long

The plant closed and I started the HVAC program at Morristown. It was an 18-month course. Near the end of completion, I switched over and went into the electrician programs, too. I was able to choose my HVAC license certification and get my electrician's license through the state.

Donnie Thomas

Independent film is about diversity and independent voices. So it's not unusual that [the LMEC] would invite someone like me, who is running an organization dedicated to supporting independent films. We also have a number of diversity programs of our own.

Michelle Byrd

It sounds like he's gone nuclear. That puts pressure on all other programs to keep up — and they'll try.

Robert Frank

There is a lot of horsetrading that goes on and sometimes you have to do these types of things to get programs like Growing Greener approved.

Connie Williams

There's particular opportunity through 90-day prescription refill programs. If a patient can get it at a retail pharmacy rather than through the mail, that offers another opportunity to convert the patient to a generic when available.

Michael Polzin

We're putting all kinds of programs into place to help with the channel and generate leads.

Jack Sebbag

Mr. Mayor, precisely because city anti-hunger programs are so inadequate, large numbers of New Yorkers, including an appalling number of children, do go hungry.

Joel Berg

Most of these are errors, not fraud. However, this erroneous billing, along with fraudulent practices, is costing our Medicare/Medicaid programs billions of dollars each year and putting these programs at risk.

Jerry Mitchell

It will be similar to the licensing programs in the U.S..

Tom Brookes

These programs require far greater pollution reductions than does the NSR program. The simple truth is that the air is only going to get cleaner.

Dan Riedinger

Several years back, both boards wanted the same calendar because we share programs like CATEC and PREP.

Bobby Thompson

Just about everybody who comes through the door asks what kind of incentive programs are available.

John Page

Media is a powerful sex educator, but not always in the best interest of children. 'Desperate Housewives' could use condoms. Why not? On reality programs, let's get real. People do use condoms. What's missing in the media are the three Cs. Rarely is there a commitment, contraceptives or consequences.

Jane Brown

During the movement, they called them citizenship education programs. People were actually taught the skills of nonviolence.

Yolanda King

We think we can do it. We've added a lot of new programs.

Dan Jorgensen

This school's athletic programs, in particular, football, basketball and baseball are known nationwide. Basketball-wise it's because of him [Carey]. When you mention Garden City, people know where that is.

Dennis Perryman

The Federation is beginning to work closer with our congregations to help strengthen their programs.

Alan Edelman

As much as you recruit players, you have to recruit programs, ... You know what you're going to get. You know how the coach runs their system and the practices. You know how disciplined the players will be.

Heath Schroyer

I think that you'll see going forward that we'll be further increasing funding for chemical, biological defense programs.

Bryan Whitman

From my own personal experience, I've seen real strengths in some of our programs and the coaching. We've had some very positive experiences, but I know Brunswick is not immune from the problems that are out there in sports.

Peter Lowe

People typically take a cue from their parents' generation ? which had pension plans and retiree health programs. And they know they're making more money than their parents did.

Jack Vanderhei