Assuming we don't run into any problems, the Nest's should be done by the end of the summer.

She's interested in folks trying to find ways to be altruistic. She's trying to find ways to get them involved.

We're still trying to anticipate how that process is going to work right now.

I think they're complimentary programs.

We never told them they couldn't have it.

We don't know the specific cause of the fire. Is it possible? Yes, having a light unit run all day long [could make the unit overheat]. I can't say it could have easily been avoided. Usually the units last pretty well.

I think the guys were great. They did everything right-pulled the fire alarm and called Campus Safety. I hope they don't have any more problems. Mold is everywhere. Unfortunately, mold is appearing more often than we want it to.

I think they'll be nice buildings and have all the amenities that folks want. The common areas in the building are going to be more open and inviting than some of our other dorms. My impression is that the living areas will have more of a Huntress type of feel. I think students are going to like these buildings. Everyone likes something new, there's no doubt about it.

It would be nice if we could build a big residence hall and everyone could live in it, but that would be one HUGE building. I hear the students' frustration. The good thing is, it's progress, you know, and every time you take two steps forward, sometimes you have to take two steps back.