"Derek Curtis Bok" is an United States/American lawyer and educator and the former president of Harvard University. He is the son of Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice Curtis Bok and Margaret Plummer Bok; the grandson of Ladies' Home Journal editor Edward W. Bok and Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist, founder of the Curtis Institute of Music; the cousin of prominent Maine folklorist Gordon Bok; and the great-grandson of Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar Curtis/Cyrus H. K. Curtis, founder of the Curtis Publishing Company, publisher of national magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post.

If you enjoy these quotes, be sure to check out other famous lawyers! More Derek Bok on Wikipedia.

There is far too much law for those who can afford it and far too little for those who cannot.

[Former Harvard University president Derek Bok lamented this very trend in his 2003 book,] Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education. ... one dubious venture after another in the hope of gaining added revenue.

The oldest of the arts and the youngest of the professions.

I won't say there aren't any Harvard graduates who have never asserted a superior attitude. But they have done so to our great embarrassment and in no way represent the Harvard I know.

Independent and impartial exercise of judicial authority is an essential aspect of a free society. Instead of safeguarding judges from political pressures, most election systems invite such influence.

In most of these programs, ... education is completely subordinate to the demands of the sport.

I suspect that no community will become humane and caring by restricting what its members can say.