To be frank, we want to avoid price controls.

On average, it takes 10 to 15 minutes to find out whether or not they qualify. At that point the operator will keep them on the phone and fill the application out for them. We are trying to make this as easy and as painless for the patient as possible.

Over the years we have consistently been spending billions of dollars more on R&D than on all aspects of marketing and advertising.

These are a couple of generous avenues that people can take.

We know that there are tens of thousands of other Florida residents who could use the help.

When you call the toll-free number, you're going to get a live operator within several minutes.

In some cases, they've been around for 30 to 50 years. What we know is millions of people have been getting help from these programs. The frustrating thing is we know millions of other people ... who also qualify for these programs but don't know about them.

It's a lot of responsibility to put on the patient and doctor. We strongly urge that pill splitting not be pursued.