Our 'Texas Family Home Policy' will offer our customers a tailored policy to fit their specific insurance needs. Just like no two families are alike, no two families have the exact same insurance needs.

Larry Pratt

As a matter of policy, we never like mandatory insurance.

Jon Coupal

It is PSL assembly policy that sponsors will be announced at the AGM.

Joseph Goromonzi

We started enforcing it as MLL policy this year. It came about to allow for safety of officials and fans because of the closeness to the playing surface.

Dick Butler

Never forget posterity when devising a policy. Never think of posterity when making a speech.

Robert G. Menzies

He (Hughes) said it was not his policy to accept pleas on that offense that called for only community corrections and work release.

Stephanie Smith

I am proud to be part of a policy forming group that makes sure the Collin County students will have available to them a way to get a college education.

Mac Hendricks

It depends on how extensively she was involved in policy making in her five years in the White House.

Carl W. Tobias

Renewal of my life insurance policy.

Kevin Harvick

The league has a zero-tolerance policy on hazing and the league must make a very strong statement against it. Any form of hazing must be eradicated.

Dave Branch

Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it.

Mark Twain

Bringing in a successor when a popular social policy is in place would be considerably easier.

Alexei Makarkin

[Eliminating the foreign tax credit would] make it impossible for U.S. companies to do business abroad, ... If he's talking about eliminating the foreign tax credit, it's ill-advised policy.

James Hines

The wet-foot, dry-foot policy has no foundation in law.

Ira Kurzban

The Executive Council makes all policy. The (legislature) does not make policy.

Michael Degolyer

Hitler and his regime murdered six million Jews and launched a world war that caused more than 40 million deaths. How can that be compared to current U.S. government policy?

Rafael Medoff

The union insists that drivers who are fatigued have a right to book off. And the company has a policy: If a driver says he or she is fatigued, then Greyhound doesn't use them. You can't have it any other way.

Bruce Hamilton

Deflation is very entrenched in Japan and even over the longer term the scope for changes in monetary policy is very limited. The yen is likely to head lower.

Paul Chertkow

If ever there was an unnecessary weapon after the Cold War, it's nuclear weapons. We have nuclear capability to burn. This is a situation where the broader policy issues are more important than the job loss.

Christopher Hellman

The Army doesn't make policy. It follows the orders of the commander in chief.

Robert Stewart

While it is certainly a step in the right direction, it would be preferable to extend company policy to include partners and officers.

Heather Taylor

We will find out Monday if the policy will cover any portion of the students' instruments.

Tom Salter

The DPJ failed to present an easy-to-understand, clear policy to the people. In that sense, DPJ doesn't have enough to be the ruling party.

Jiro Yamaguchi

The larger issue is everything we do now shifts that traffic and that damage somewhere else. So we're effectively spreading the damage across the border by continuing to implement this policy.

Jenny Neeley

We believe that the binding policy is one of the main reasons migrant workers are abused. These workers are entitled to the basic freedom to choose their own employer.

Shevy Korzen

Account and agency levels in model runs don't reflect future policy decisions since those are only made on a year-by-year basis.

Alex Conant

How does this square with the government's alcohol policy, which is supposedly trying to encourage more food in pubs?

Rob Hayward

Minority governments can find it more difficult to pass policy. There is the possibility of delays in implementing anything.

Peter Scobie

A terrifying prospect to serious foreign policy players.

Chris Nelson

There is a lot you can do because an object exists in a directory. In principal, any object in a directory can be given any attributes that you want to give it. Group Policy is taking more advantage of the capabilities that Active Directory has to offer.

Scott Crawford

Generally speaking, tax credits are designed to encourage certain activity. Or sometimes they are also used for social policy.

Kurt Kawafuchi

It's a much broader policy.

Chris Lee

We believe that approval of this application would set a serious precedent and lead to the erosion of the national policy against mixing banking and commerce.

Thomas Stevens

Our approach has been to have a balanced energy policy, and today's decision indicates that balance. ... This does allow us to prevent the most immediate, most in-shore area of potential oil and gas development.

Gale Norton

Anything that happens within the confines of our program, it has been our policy to keep it in-house. Indeed, I will always do that.

Bill Snyder

In the interest of evaluating the policy, I think it would be important for not just the administrators but everyone involved to know how well the policy is working and who is receiving the benefits.

David Hawkins

The all too clear messages ... are that they are still concerned that there will be some rise in the underlying rate of inflation and, that given that outlook, they are nowhere near considering any easing in monetary policy.

David De Garis

Did not reflect the changes in the president's policy, but rather the strengthening of the government.

Sergei Markov

It's unfair to expect Jordan to have an open-door policy.

Nasser Jawdeh

The Legislature has been very responsible in terms of good fiscal policy.

Coleman Stipanovich

The department has a strict policy of not commenting on any matter related to such a background check.

Peter Aseltine

And finally, I think countries must be more strategic in terms of energy policy and reforms.

Kathy Sierra

The policy of continuing to attract foreign investment will not change.

Hu Jingyan

It is NRL policy that the referee cannot request replays of foul play from the television director.

Robert Finch

Any infraction is automatic dismissal. It's the same as with any sports team. Any team that represents the school has the same (policy).

Penny Reynolds

Not taking jailbirds has been our policy for decades.

Bryan Hilferty

We've now got synchronized monetary policy everywhere in the world. It's a sign of confidence in the economic recovery.

Garry Evans

We've had people that have been very vociferous in their complaints about our ID policy.

Wade Shanower

The president understands honest policy differences.

Condoleeza Rice

Fed participation in foreign exchange intervention ... risks creating doubt over whether monetary policy will support domestic or external objectives, and this confusion can undermine the credibility of the Fed's commitment to low inflation.

Alfred Broaddus

Whether his policy was right or wrong, he built up the glory of the nation.

Sam Houston

If we don't have the resources, it doesn't make any sense to make policy decisions that can't be supported. You can't make these kinds of decisions in isolation.

Sheila Mcdevitt

We believe that this new policy is appropriate and important to ensure the health and well-being of our talent.

Gary Davis

Authorities are opting for direct monetary policy instruments instead of allowing faster appreciation of the yuan to achieve the tightening effect. The pace of yuan appreciation will likely be rather moderate in the coming weeks.

Qing Wang

What authority does the United States have to gesticulate and make improper comments about China's defensive national defense policy and measures? ... China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition.

Yang Jiechi

He may not be as heavy-handed with policy decisions. The outcomes of the meetings may be more democratic, at least for a time.

Laurence Meyer

I think policy is currently quite accommodative. I think it can remain quite accommodative for a while to come.

Ben S. Bernanke

She had an on-the-ground understanding of the park after walking every trail, hiking every mountain and canoeing its lakes and rivers. She combined that with an incredible grasp of the park's history, its policy and law.

Peter Bauer

For as long as the Federal Reserve maintains its current course of monetary policy.

Michael Farrell

This is a dynamic landscape that is changing at a pace that exceeds the ability of our policy and law to adjust.

Jeffrey Mount

Our preliminary findings indicate that certain conduct at UAP circumvented generally accepted accounting practices and violated ConAgra Foods' corporate policy, ... Those actions will not be tolerated.

Bruce Rohde

There isn't a clear policy in place that would tell us how to allocate them, and we must assume most vaccines and medicines will be in short supply.

Arthur Caplan

So Indian policy has become institutionalized and the result has been that American people have become more dependent on government and that the American people have become more dependent on corporations.

Russell Means

The Bank of Japan is fiddling at the edges with existing policy, but this isn't a quantitative easing, ... a fairly significant set of steps.

Russell Jones

The acts that we have been charged with are totally unacceptable, and in violation of company policy.

Lynn Martenstein

If you are caught, you should be banned from the game. The policy needs to be strict. It?s unfortunate for guys like Bonds who tarnish the game.

Dean Owens

We have set a policy that if they're on the general election ballot and they're a special district, there would not be a charge.

Sharon Harrington

Such a government would have a huge majority in the lower house and should face few difficulties getting the upper house on side, but such a government would be likely to be racked by divisions and would probably find making policy decisions difficult.

Klaus Baader

American policy on cross-strait issues is firm and unchanging. Our strong desire is that Taiwan's policy not depart from that strong foundation (of peace).

David Keegan

We're creating a new dialogue and a new discourse concerning whether this is possible in a public policy context.

David Ellis

This summit is necessary to shape policy and help us. We need to know what you see and experience everyday in the community, in the schools and in your neighborhoods. This is a way to help us better coordinate city services.

Ludwig P. Gaines

Right now, they are nothing but a caretaker government where no policy decisions can be taken.

Pinnarayi Vijayan

Some GPSS employees were not clear on the policies regarding church and state issues so (the memo) was just a matter of guidance. This is the same policy that all state and federally funded school districts throughout the nation follow.

Gerry Cruz

The park service has had a just-say-no policy.

David Barna

This [bombing] will happen again more than once if the policy of 'smashing bandits in their lairs' continues.

Boris Berezovsky

We are currently working on the policy papers for the establishment of a special infrastructure fund management board, as well as a revolving fund to facilitate land acquisition, and hope that these will be completed in June.

Suyono Dikun

It is very doubtful the 10-year yield reflects the outlook the central bank will soon change monetary policy. It is hard for investors to buy debt when the economy has strong growth momentum.

Akitsugu Bandou

Investors basically don't expect him to have any serious participation in the election. The uncertainty element of economic policy just doesn't exist in this particular election.

Jonathan Binder

That would be a part of any energy policy with regard to pipeline supply that I would propose. It will include conservation.

Rebecca Wagner

His performance as chairman of the Fed has been impressive, encompassing, and overwhelmingly beneficial - to the nation, to the institution, and to the practice of monetary policy.

Alan Blinder

The Committee continues to see the removal of accommodation as the focus of policy and has given no indication that it is close to the end of that process.

Laurence Meyer

Whether they realize it or not, most nonprofit organizations have felt the impact of Chris's leadership in postal matters and other key policy decisions that protect them in their fundraising efforts. For his steady and dedicated leadership, we owe him a great debt of gratitude.

Craig Floyd

No one even knew it was happening. We're going to work with the contractor to ensure that it's consistent with the OMB policy.

David Almacy

In terms of energy policy, the U.S. seems to be sending mixed messages.

George Kirkland

No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: "But what would you replace it with?" When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with.

Thomas Sowell

It may seem cliché, but honesty is the best policy. Eighty-five percent of hiring mangers say they are less likely to promote an employee who has lied to them or other members of the organization.

Rosemary Haefner

Have a separate electronic communications policy, ... Let your employees know what you expect for company purposes.

Anne Covey

There's nothing the Board of Finance does that the Town Council can't also do. Too many times they've set policy for the town with the purse strings.

Lou White

This policy of the big lie.

John Weston

Policy makers are doing their best to try and convince market participants that there is a benign resolution to all our problems. That may not be the case.

Steve Roach

This is what is staggering: It declares a national policy [that] drilling won't harm your environment.

Dan Mclaughlin

The whole China-Africa relationship can be mutually advantageous in a way that China sets it up in the new policy document.

Olly Owen

It would be a cheap insurance policy to get a couple test pits now.

Will Baker

I would recommend phasing out the policy.

Keith Thompson

Coalition partners do not or cannot have veto power especially on matters related to foreign policy.

Abhishek Singhvi

We fear the Fed has pushed too far with its (monetary policy) accommodation and will have to hike in a hurry.

Ram Bhagavatula

We have a committee working on a policy [at First Presbyterian], and I am certain the outcome will allow the pastor to bless civil unions.

Terry Davis

What is really clear is that this is a dead-end policy and they are close to the dead end.

Tom Malinowski

There are legitimate, even powerful arguments, to be made against the Bush administration's foreign policy. But those arguments are complicated, hard to explain, and, in the end, not all that sensational.

Tucker Carlson

We expect to convert congressmen and their staffs to our own view point in trade policy.

Alan Tonelson

You might wonder about the wisdom of that policy.

Greg O'connor

Council needs to begin crafting a policy now because 30 days is a long time. I think another delay really hurts the community.

Christopher Krohn

We have a strong policy of everybody getting along and everybody pulling together. We don't let people harbor differences, and it is the same way Russell and I run our marriage.

Connie Lau

English policy is to float lazily downstream, occasionally putting out a diplomatic boathook to avoid collisions.

Lord Salisbury

Creating a significant policy shop is like Bureaucracy 101. We never heard anything back.

Roger Cressey

Our policy is to immediately notify the authorities if we come into contact with anyone we know has committed a serious crime or threatens to harm anyone, including themselves. Until this young man was arrested and identified, we did not know who he really was or whether he had committed any crime.

Leonard Downie

Of course, we know this British government has adopted a so-called ethical foreign policy.

Martin Lee

Ecuador's fundamental economic policy has not changed with the (economic) minister. There will be differences in some areas, but the government ratified its commitment to maintain a very prudent fiscal policy.

Trevor Alleyne

All of this adds ammunition to the argument that the ECB will tighten (monetary policy).

Phyllis Reed

Stringent requirements will kill the IDA policy.

David Gelinas

This is a great time, an exciting time for New Mexico, with the governor's leadership we've had a very broad and aggressive policy agenda. I very much look forward to continuing to serve the governor.

James Jimenez

We want to have a discussion, because a presidential American decision from Palo Alto saying ' there is a 10% cut because I'm here, and so that there is in an effect on the stock market', that's no company policy.

Francois Loos

The market has been adapting in the last few days to the monetary policy adjustment in Europe and to market expectations in terms of when and where is the Fed is going to end its tightening cycle.

Alberto Bernal

Under a Kerry administration we'd likely have a much more interventionist SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) policy.

Jamal Qureshi

Both of us have over 500 million farmers whose interests need to be protected in the agriculture negotiations. We have similar concerns on environment, climate change, energy policy and so on. Even if we don't coordinate on each issue, we will find ourselves on the same side.

Sun Yuxi

You are the only ambassador in the world to race a horse named after your country's foreign policy.

David Lange

She portrayed more knowledge and passion about drug control policy than I had ever imagined one person could know about any subject.

Amy Allen

Polling is not allowed. That?s an attempt to formulate public policy. It?s obvious that would be an attempt to circumvent the law.

Jim Gardner

The movies are fine. It's George W. Bush's failed energy policy that is eating away at the family entertainment budget because that extra $70 a month in gas is the money that they would have spent on frivolous things like movies.

Harry Knowles

We have been in collaboration with the Air Force attorneys working on this case. It is the policy of the Air Force to remain neutral when it comes to intervention, but we believe we are doing the Air Force a service.

Kyle Fisk

People in policy positions need to be held accountable. We're waiting to see more acknowledgement of those mistakes.

Avi Cover

The club has no policy in relation to where players go on holidays.

Michael Bowers

What he's doing here is frankly astonishing. This kind of coordination is obviously an attempt to get around legal contribution limits. The bottom line is that public policy is being made not by principle, but by payment up front.

Craig Holman

Because CGI pre-fills the information from the Registry [of Motor Vehicles], we are insuring the policy information is perfect. Typically, the error ratio is less than one percent.

Peter Chung

It varies by company. It has to be in the policy. But some companies refuse to insure property if certain dogs are there.

Bob Lotane

With all of the interested parties, the Board is always looking at the best and highest use type of policy.

Claire Kiley

The biggest push behind this is to continue with our strong on-time performance, and boarding times can greatly affect that. This new policy will greatly improve our ability to depart on time.

Jeff Green

Today's debate revolves just as much about our values as it does about policy-making. Providing health care to all Americans is inherently good.

Dan Mistich

After installing it, we were told that it was probably against company policy.

Stephen Johnston

Some 70% of these tenders is won by foreign-owned companies. Hungarian businesses expect the government to adopt a more patriotic economic policy in this respect.

Gyorgy Matolcsy

They made my point for me, ... The decisions were not made in the principals' process, in the deputies' process, in the policy coordinating committee process. They were not made in the statutory process.

Larry Wilkerson

Hard-line conservative leaders were not ready for market reform, and so there was a lot of ideological resistance to his initiatives, policy initiatives.

Tang Wenfang

They did it all last week and part of this week to strengthen the attendance policy. They had so many students coming in late.

Greg Hudnall

Whether or not these are violations of policy and whether they cry out for more personnel or not I think are something we're going to have to look into.

John Conte

To have good energy policy we have to have good investments.

Dennis Hastert

If we do the right things from a policy perspective, the results will speak for themselves.

John Simon

That's not the policy or the way we operate public affairs at NASA. We support and make sure we are all about full and open communications.

Dean Acosta

This makes us look exceedingly silly. Basically their policy is that if they allow something on campus, it means they're endorsing it.

John Mcadams

We found that we incurred all kinds of other problems with this policy, and we have changed and it is fairly recent.

Stephanie Aveiro

[Israeli and Palestinian leaders blame each other for the continued violence.] Mr. Arafat is continuing his past policy of using violence against Israel and expecting at the same time of carrying on negotiations, mixing negotiations with violence, ... But he is going to be disappointed.

Moshe Arens

Fee increase represents a good balance between our county policy and the challenges of developers and Realtors.

Mike Yoder

In much of the policy debates about fatherhood and marriage, it has been assumed that two-parent families are better for children than one-parent families, ... But a number of studies now suggest that the well-being of children in mother-stepfather families is no greater, on average, than in single-parent families.

Johns Hopkins

They both said the same thing: My age could be a problem, ... The bishop had a policy against admitting priests as old as me.

Joe Pemberton

Sixty percent of all adoption agencies in the US take applications from lesbians and gays. The reality on the ground is moving ahead of the policy debate.

Adam Pertman

Though the Congress is only in minority in the UPA coalition and is dependent on other parties for support, it has not taken the other parties into confidence on the matters related to its nuclear policy, whether it be its deal with the US or its position on Iran's nuclear policy.

Ram Madhav

By its nature, (an insurance policy) is a complex product - some more complex that others - and this is an effort to raise the knowledge of people, regardless of what stage of life they're in. No one is born with an innate knowledge of insurance.

Alessandro Iuppa

To avoid entangling alliances has been a maxim of our policy ever since the days of Washington, and its wisdom no one will attempt to dispute.

James Buchanan

This is a policy violation. It is not a legal violation.

Pete Crum

The current situation finds us receiving so many positive letters and comments from guests because we don't allow snowboarding. That's really why we continue with our policy the way it is.

Chuck English

Taking these [macroeconomic] changes into account is important because it represents a more comprehensive set of behavioral responses and, importantly, it emphasizes the economic benefits of good tax policy and the consequences that tax policy can have over the long run.

Robert Carroll

Labor has failed to do enough to present a courageous and coherent set of policies. We've got to outline our own vision for Australia, which I believe should include an independent foreign policy, bold social policy and economic policy that delivers prosperity for all.

Julia Gillard

The anger of the common citizen is growing as people realize they will soon be caught in this trap for the unwary. This is simply bad policy and must be abolished.

Robert Anderson

Warner has free rein. It's a policy I've only second-guessed one or two times.

Phil Boyce

There's no question that homeownership as a policy directive is a priority of the city.

Sean Rogan

US policy in Latin America is mainly trade policy.

Sean Garcia

I want to make it clear publicly that I expect more candor from this Administration during the next four years, particularly with members on the Foreign Relations Committee so that we can maintain a bipartisan foreign policy.

George Voinovich

The French minister is entitled to her own opinion. However her opinion does not accurately characterize the policy or position of the secretary of defense or the position of the U.S. government.

Jim Turner

There's a conception in the community that the school district has an open enrollment policy.

Stephen Cassidy

The Bank of Japan has already laid out a map on how it will alter its policy framework, and financial markets are factoring that in. Opposition from the government and politicians to the central bank will probably continue at least through the end of March.

Takuji Aida

It will continue to be a guide for our future policy-making to treat people's homes differently from investment housing and speculation.

Wang Li

The picture that is emerging is very grim. There appears to be a policy of expulsions of ethnic Albanians.

Chris Janowski

We aren't hiding that Law & Justice believes a body like the Monetary Policy Council shouldn't be present in a new constitution. It's completely superfluous.

Przemyslaw Gosiewski

After five years, we still don't have a policy platform from the party. I haven't heard what they are going to do with Thailand.

Thitinan Pongsudhirak

I do think there is a need for coordination of economic policy, but this doesn't mean that everybody has to do the same thing, and there has to be a recognition that if the individual houses are not in order, the end product cannot be a good one.

Laurent Fabius

The Pentagon has instituted this policy to say to the current troops that if you go AWOL you will be hunted down to the grave.

Louis Font

The Army does not have a percentage policy for tattoos. As long as tattoos do not distract from good military order and discipline and are not extremist, racist, sexist or indecent they're permitted.

Hank Minitrez

It is the museum's policy not to comment on the cost of exhibitions.

Diane De Grazia

In Rochester, a friend of mine crashed his police car the second day he had a computer in it. They can be very distracting. ... Our policy is you don't operate the computer while driving.

Sal Trentanelli

We do have strong company policy against retaliation in a situation like this. ... When the charges were brought, we looked into it and we don't believe there is any basis for the employees' charge of retaliations.

Tim Neale

Regarding our textbooks, the (policy) has been consistent. There haven't been any changes.

Wang Xuming

When you have a generic policy that says 'all,' it's the same as having no policy at all. We should be moved to action, but also disciplined so that what we do is good, not just feel-good.

Nadine Smith

The policy now seems to be that 'if you say you are friends with us in the war on terror, we'll forget about what you do to your own people,' ... That's unbelievable to me. There is absolutely no shame - it's disgraceful.

Donald Payne

I don't think that you can set policy according to possible contingencies that may occur, but about which you have no information.

Allan H. Meltzer

We're feeling (the crunch) now, but the U.S. has been in this situation for the last five years because of a lack of energy policy, and we need to develop one now.

John Felmy

Our country's policy offers the European airlines an open sky as well as a strong potential of growth because the additional tourists we want to lure here will be their passengers.

Karim Ghellab

The bigger issue is: Would the forced integration policy that they recommended fundamentally address the issues that they're designed to address?

Randy Bangs

That's something we're going to have to deal with as a policy issue.

David Lehman

Is steeped in health care policy and is a valuable resource for our clients.

Jack Quinn

This will be the policy of this state, and that makes it a very important legal development.

Michael Adams

So far we have no reason to complain nor to suspect any unfair or inappropriate policy.

Friso Roscam Abbing

Any nation that is party to the Geneva Conventions ... is obligated under international law to investigate those who are alleged to be involved with the formulation of a policy of torture or with its carrying out.

William Schulz

There's speculation out there that more policy makers will cast votes against keeping the policy unchanged. That is negative for bonds.

Naomi Hasegawa

She's (The adviser is) not going to tell them what they can or cannot do, unless it's in violation of university policy.

Pat Terrell

We think it's really bad public policy, it's bad for Wisconsin, it's bad for our business climate in general.

James Buchen

The state's water policy and all its plans for restoration of the delta are predicated on one flawed assumption -- that the delta is a fixed landscape and will look the same for the indefinite future. And it won't.

Jeffrey Mount

Nakagawa's comment on monetary policy will probably keep bonds strong. Government pressure on the Bank of Japan not to change policy will put upward pressure on debt.

Tsutomu Kawasaki

We really can't do anything except for setting the county budget and county policy, and meet two times a month.

Greg Simmons

I don't think the jobs report will change the Fed's plan, which had been set forth rather clearly following its June [policy] meeting.

Andrew Brimmer

Election campaigns are always a bad time for rational discussions on foreign policy.

Karsten Voigt

The bond market is still focused heavily on the Fed commitment. The Fed is increasingly telling us that it's the performance of the economy rather than a point in time that dictates policy change. And the performance of the economy is here.

Ram Bhagavatula

Our intention is really just to highlight the policy differences in the two campaigns.

Sheila Nix

Not all industry CEOs, especially in the software and Internet fields, see involvement in policy as necessarily important to their bottom line. They come from an entrepreneurial milieu and view government as a necessary evil.

Marc Pearl

The fact that Fukui is backing away from the optimism rates will go up could prove a bit of a problem for the yen. Investors are looking for some follow through from policy makers in order to be confident about pushing the yen higher.

Michael Metcalfe

We believe it's a model policy that strikes a reasonable balance.

Ross Bannister

We don't comment on meetings with individual shareholders, but we have an open door policy of meeting with shareholders.

Ted Smyth

The premier did not announce a policy replacing emergency departments with paramedics.

Pat Dorsey

We have thousands of employees that don't have a PC. They log in and there are a slew of assets they need to authenticate to. I can't base a firewall policy around machines with a roaming user group.

Andre Gold

The IT organization must take into account all deployment recommendations, controls and limitations of the application, and enforce a policy that prohibits installing and operating the software outside these boundaries.

Mark Patterson

Our students, under the old policy, probably took advantage of that a little bit and believed they could be absent for any reason.

Nancy Elliott

Although the executive and legislative branches have significant differences of opinion regarding various policy aspects of the (law), this brief does not address who is 'right' as to those choices.

Attorney General Terry Goddard