They are bowing out of the greatest ethics scandals we have ever seen.

I'm a lobbyist, and I have no interest in shutting down lobbying.

They are allowed to do a substantial amount of political activity, but they are not allowed to make it their primary purpose.

What he's doing here is frankly astonishing. This kind of coordination is obviously an attempt to get around legal contribution limits. The bottom line is that public policy is being made not by principle, but by payment up front.

I have limited expectations for both the House and Senate ethics committees.

Two years is one session of Congress, so it helps break that close network of friends.

These are not friends. These are people who have business with the government. Governor Taft has talked about the principles of ethics in government, but it's unfortunate he chooses not to live by them.

Don Sherwood is not an essential member of Congress. They don't need him to be in Washington.

If you're offering advice to your trustee, that's not a blind trust.