Without decisive policy action by the government, the 11,000 will be just a passing point.

Yoshihisa Okamoto

Whoever they pick has a considerable degree of background and expertise on monetary policy.

Lyle Gramley

At Emerson we never use the term 'lobby,' ... We use the term 'educate.' Our management believes that if we can educate elected officials to the global challenges that American businesses face today ... that hopefully they will make better public policy decisions.

Robert Mcdonald

What's going on in the world is very tumultuous, especially with foreign policy, Iraq and Iran, and immigration.

Ulises Bella

The policy is just for events being held at the two town centers, Spanish Springs and Lake Sumter landing.

Pete Wahl

It will be a marriage of science, engineering, public policy and education.

John Cronin

It doesn't make any difference how well you know the person who is going through a gate or a checkpoint, that person is to be treated in accordance with department policy.

Bill Miskell

The purpose of our policy is to respect the senators and the confirmation process.

Dana Perino

They keep pushing their recommendations as though they are the gospel truth. There is confusion as to all of these recommendations, issued as if they are policy. The Times-Picayune contributes to that confusion. None of this is a given.

Mtangulizi Sanyika

These areas (first suburbs) are in a policy blind spot.

Robert Puentes

The language was ill-advised. In the opinion of the deputy chiefs, (the change) was not good policy and they directed that revisions be made.

Don Aaron

We work on the policy that we already provide the best level of service and amenities to all of our guests.

Isadore Sharp

The best you can say is that the German economy remains in dire straits and under duress and as far as what it means for policy... it's a beacon call to the ECB to cut rates.

Joe Brown and David Brown

During his service, Bauer has had a positive impact on the fiscal policy of Indiana.

Anna Karen Pennington

We cannot be expected to have an open door policy. This is a sovereign country with sovereign rights, concerns and decisions.

Nasser Judeh

If their parents' homeowner's policy doesn't extend, then they would have to get renter's insurance.

Darlene Ulm

This is a problem of urban planning, of housing policy, of immigration, of people without residence permits, of misery, of exclusion all coming together.

Francois Bayrou

Americans are paying for our lack of an energy policy with their jobs and out of their pocketbooks.

Bob Beauprez

Technology is a tool, but it's only a tool. The personnel has to be adequate and the policy objectives appropriate. I would rather see better policy and less technology.

Mark Krikorian

There is a built-in bias in Olympia to spend money. I think there needs to be a brake on how much, how fast, so that you don't break the bank. I think it's good policy.

John Carlson

I don't believe for one minute that anybody got a contract, got an investment, got a policy decision made because they played golf with the governor.

Brian Hicks

There will be no (future) change in Gulf policy towards the U.S., and with the Iran and Iraq crises I believe they will more openly attach themselves to the United States.

Mustafa Alani

Though local issues will be at the fore, national issues like the overall economy and foreign policy will also be factors.

Kuldip Nayar

We did not write any punishment or punitive damages into the policy. Hopefully, we won't have to do that.

Donnell Barton

Our companies have monopoly status, which does not let them implement flexible tariff policy. And eventually it will affect their business efficiency.

Valery Yashin

I don't see Dick Cheney's leadership in running a construction and oil service company to be a problem at all when compared to this administration's failure to have a comprehensive energy policy.

Karl Rove

Each year local media becomes more responsible and more objective. Corruption is one public policy issue that it takes on best.

Adam Sitkoff

From a practical policy perspective, there is no safe obtainable level of ozone. If there is any threshold it is at very low levels, nearing background level.

Michelle Bell

Everything that Bush touches turns to manure in public policy.

Alec Baldwin

He is enough of a policy wonk to know that how you make change is very, very important. They will run models and simulations.

Bob Brusca

We have quite a good policy for big companies but we have the same rules for small companies. If you only have one or two employees it's very hard to follow all the regulations.

Maud Olofsson

Foreign policy issues are not the ones that are going to elect the president.

Arturo Sarukhan

If the market can predict the Fed's policy actions, then it must be the case that Fed policy follows a rule, or policy regularity or some sort.

Cato Institute

It?s curious that the two people who are pushing the closed-window policy are the two people who own (channels) that need to get on cable systems.

Tom Bernard

No matter what happens tonight we need to develop a policy for emergencies.

April Smith

Put an immediate chill on the housing markets and reverse almost a century of housing policy.

Jerry Howard

We no longer want an immigration that is inflicted (on us) but an immigration that is chosen, this is the founding principle of the new immigration policy I advocate.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Monetary policy could in the short run focus on absorbing some of the excess liquidity to reduce the risk of excessive credit growth.

Albert Hofmann

The Fed is much more concerned that policy remains accommodative, which means that rate hikes will be measured going forward.

Richard Franulovich

It is our corporate policy to only work with progressive companies. We won't partner with or accept advertising from any company that doesn't offer domestic partner benefits for their GLBT employees.

Joe Lamuraglia

The reality of it is that hospitals are the insurers of last resort, ... That policy decision has clearly been made by Congress and until there is some relief these are the kinds of earnings we can expect from hospitals.

Sheryl Skolnick

If I'm calling company ABC for a reference check about Joe Smith, they'll say he worked here from X date to Y date; but a lot of companies are adopting a policy not to get into information beyond basic details.

Jen Jorgensen

To do this we need to enhance scholarship, help address major policy issues and help students take advantage of living on the border in a way that will transform their lives.

Scott Whiteford

I think we're much more comfortable with women as policy makers, ... We're not there yet, but the comfort zone is much wider than it was when I came.

Pat Schroeder

We are growing weary of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's reluctance to establish any sort of policy against athlete violence.

Kathy Redmond

The main goals in the conduct of monetary policy after quantitative easing will be to ensure that the ensuing adjustment in the bond market remains orderly.

Atsushi Mizuno

The policy was $250 a month cheaper than what other agents quoted us, ... And, it was as easy as buying a CD or a book.

Steve Katz

The market was, and still is, waiting for proof that he won't change policy.

Miriam Tavares

He is absolutely credible as a candidate. The hardcore policy wonks and opinion-makers are extremely impressed with him and intrigued by his success.

Jack Corrigan

The FTC has said nothing [regarding Amazon.com's policy change], and we even feel it wouldn't be worth it instigating a complaint with them.

Sarah Andrews

In addition, the market seems to have come to the conclusion that an end to the quantitative monetary policy does not necessarily mean the start of interest rate rises.

Noriaki Ichikawa

I do not believe that the UAE knowingly permits terrorists to use its territory. But its desire to make itself the major hub for international trade means that Dubai's maintained an open door policy. We know that even in the most democratic societies, it's hard to close the door to those who would do us harm.

Theodore Kattouf

Don't just take the first policy you find. Insurance is a very, very competitive business. Insurance companies are doing everything they can to compete for you and try to bring prices down.

Mark Kulda

You may gain temporary appeasement by a policy of concession to violence, but you do not gain lasting peace that way.

Anthony Eden

We believe the Monetary Policy Committee will be forced to make two more cuts – in November and February.

Stuart Thomson

The minimum wage was enacted in 1937 during the Great Depression and it has been increased 16 times. It's a well-established economic policy to help families.

John Freeman

It is a wise policy.

Cai Wu

Lowering inflation to 3-4% annually should be a priority, a major instrument of economic policy, and we have the means to lower inflation to this level.

Alexei Kudrin

It is against our policy to discuss who we may or may not be talking with.

Terry O'neil

We would not try to use monetary policy to fix or to determine the shape of the yield curve. That would not be appropriate, nor could that be conducted I think.

Mark Olson

Macroeconomic policy can never be devoid of politics: it involves fundamental trade-offs and affects different groups differently.

Joseph Stiglitz

The department has a policy that officers are required to wear their seat belts.

Mark Leonard

The industry is doing that out of a sense of fair play, out of the goodness of their hearts. They could change that policy tomorrow.

Jeanne Hogarth

It's a small percentage but nevertheless, for 15 percent of its customers to be unhappy with a policy Microsoft is setting is not a good sign.

Al Gillen

I think monetary policy coming out of the 2001 recession did what it was intended to do, which was cushion the interest-sensitive sectors of the economy, including housing.

Jack Guynn

This just came out of the blue. Before you make a change in longstanding tax policy ? I am talking 70 years or so ? you don't just up and do it in an energy bill.

Dorothy Coleman

Without knowing the full magnitude of Houston's ozone problem, policy makers will have a difficult time implementing effective solutions.

Gary Morris

Once we get individuals acclimated to the policy, I don't think there will be any problems.

Ron Burks

Aides in our campaign are not allowed to talk to the press - it's a policy.

Ivette Mendez

One of the biggest mistakes an organization can make is to center the ILM discussion on infrastructure, not business or policy.

Jim Damoulakis

That's just one of the absurdities of the policy. We're not any safer, just a lot less free.

Howard Simon

People will be a lot more selective and pick up only those shares that are highly likely to get a boost from government policy.

Toshihiro Koizumi

Right now the policy in Iraq is to stay until and unless the national military is capable of waging war on its own.

Stephen Biddle

That's $500 in addition to the electrical cost and a $1 million liability policy. I would have to raise the price by $1.25 to justify paying that much.

Dan Demond

The operating result was good, but the company's hedging policy didn't work out this time.

Koichi Ogawa

The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

Henry Hazlitt

To me it means that the president?s policy is hypocritical and deceptive. It is not a secret that embryos are destroyed at infertility clinics.

Art Caplan

We still expect the MPC to leave policy on hold when it meets in November, although a split vote is likely.

Simon Rubinsohn

To say there is no policy is incorrect.

Louis Pitschmann

If you look at other communist governments, when has policy changed? It's always with new leadership.

Nicholas Eberstadt

I've disabled my Web browser until we are able to decide what we want to do. What do we want our policy to be?

Steve Simon

It failed because it was bad policy.

Rex Frazier

I think it's important from the policy stand point in that if the housing market is cooling down then I would argue that the Fed would probably have to do a little less.

Alex Li

College Illinois! is comparable to an insurance policy because it provides families with protection from tuition inflation. Many of the families who participate in the plan enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing annual tuition hikes will no longer affect their children's chance at a successful future.

Randy Erford

Whatever the costs [for farmers] economically, they pale in comparison to costs for not fixing this nation's broken immigration policy. For the most part, [Monday's] events were held with dignity and grace and added to other statements ? literal and figurative ? that we need immigration reform. It added an exclamation point.

Tim Chelling

Policy that brings in the rest of the world and relieves their burden.

Paul Rieckhoff

The majority of deer hunters in Pennsylvania are rapidly losing their confidence in the Pennsylvania Game Commission and their current deer management policy. Our whitetail deer herd has been decimated in many areas in the state and the Game Commission seems reluctant to make any changes.

Carl Pardoe

If you continue with a foreign policy when you're arrogant, it makes it harder to hunt down terrorists. Arrogance leaves us isolated.

Phil Singer

The biggest hit will be the insurance. We had a Cadillac [health] insurance policy.

Jack Bernard

We have a very longstanding policy of not distributing material that is found to be offensive. These images have not met that standard.

Kathleen Carroll

That doesn't mean teacher quality is not important. It means we have to take a closer look. A lot happens between policy and classrooms.

Christopher Swanson

There was a contagion of ordinances. Many small towns expelled the black population or decreed a policy of not allowing any blacks.

James Loewen

This issue of territorial integrity is always foremost on the minds of Indonesian policy-makers.

Harold Crouch

It is up to us to assist countries in making sure that they have the right drug policy and we believe that we're doing that. A number of countries have changed their drug policy over the last couple of years and we would advise others to do so.

Iain Simpson

I have consulted with (attorney) David Cornwell in the event there is any issue concerning Randy Moss and the NFL substance abuse policy. But as of this date, we have had no meeting with the medical director.

Dante Ditrapano

President Chen has been constrained by both the opposition parties and factions in his own party. I would say President Chen has done a mediocre job on foreign policy, and an equally mediocre job on domestic policy.

Andrew Yang

If the hurricane does not derail the expansion, then against the backdrop of continuing strong domestic demand growth and fiscal policy becoming expansionary, monetary policy will have to become much less accommodative.

Kathleen Stephansen

Any recommendations regarding climate policy must meet the demands of economic growth and development, especially in the developing world.

Chuck Hagel

There's been very strong growth balanced between domestic demand and exports and falling inflation - a very satisfactory outcome from the point of view, I would suspect, of the policy-maker.

Tim Condon

Despite all of the references to 'senior policy maker,' the principal deputy solicitor general isn't really that.

Jefferson Powell

If you want to be a troubleshooter, make sure the organization you work for has a good health insurance policy.


Investors are thinking the BOJ may change its monetary policy sooner than expected and that's why bonds are falling.

Jun Fukashiro

We?ll be putting the application in this month. The awards are done on a rolling basis through the Office of Policy and Management.

Craig Stevenson

We don't want to eliminate the policy but suspend it to grow some sports and allow the executive board to provide leadership to initiate new athletic activities.

Pat Kraning

It's much more than a policy, it's a paradigm.

Dan Schueftan

At the moment, everybody keeps the Palestinian people from suffering the consequences from their own policy.

Dan Schueftan

The Virginia Internet Policy Act ... is an information-age blueprint ... the first comprehensive Internet policy in the United States.

James Gilmore

If we're going to talk electricity policy, we have to talk about economic and industrial policy too.

Adam White

My feeling is that the US domestic support proposal will have a comparable effect to the European Union's 2003 reform of its Common Agricultural Policy.

Jim Sutton

At the moment, post-hurricane, we have to view fiscal policy as being turned to be even more pro-active than before.

Kathleen Stephansen

Yields are set to climb as we see signs of inflation. Fukui's comments assured us he has not given up the plan to shift monetary policy.

Tsutomu Kawasaki

We expect a neutral monetary policy stance in 2006, but much will depend on movements in the rand and the performance of mining and manufacturing.

Dennis Dykes

There are different signals coming from the top, and in the absence of any kind of clear policy, it's a free-for-all.

Pavel Felgenhauer

Monetary policy aimed at either fending off a low-probability occurrence of high core inflation or at curing a debt binge [in Canada] will run a greater risk of choking off consumption growth than in the U.S..

Andrew Pyle

The bank needs to be sure inflation will come down. This is not a time to be talking of easing policy.

Craig Ebert

It's a philosophical decision consistent with our values. We think this is just not good public policy.

Ken Chalk

I think this employment report shows that the laws of gravity do apply to monetary policy.

Anthony Chan

The fear here is the economy is overheating. And this points to a Federal Reserve with a much tighter monetary policy.

William Sullivan

Hence China's currency policy has taken virtually all of Asia out of the international adjustment process.

C. Fred Bergsten

My policy has been pretty straightforward. This is the N.B.A. developmental league, and if at any point we get N.B.A. players, they get preferential treatment.

Sam Vincent

The Government does not have a policy on this, neither, to the best of my knowledge, did the previous Government.

John Drinkwater

Bob Menendez voted countless times against a national energy policy, I am not denying that Kean picked up contributions from oil companies.

Jill Hazelbaker

The government may not be able to stop the BOJ from shifting policy after all the speculation that's been built up in financial markets.

Takehiro Sato

There was clearly a workers comp policy here.

Robert Watson

The terrible tragedy of Katrina brought a silver lining and that's more scrutiny of Bush's foreign and domestic policy.

Bill Dobbs

It's almost a policy of apartheid, in a sense, informal apartheid.

John Keeley

This sort of detention policy is endangering American lives, ... Even the military psychologists there told me they had never seen an innocent person freed before four months of incarceration. I saw others there who were innocent. Of course, I saw some really bad guys, too.

Cyrus Kar

South Africa is screaming out for a broad-based policy response to deal with these obstacles.

Kevin Lings

I've read about foreign policy and studied, I now know the number of continents.

George Wallace

Our understanding of the best practice in monetary policy evolved during Alan Greenspan's tenure at the Fed, and it will continue to evolve in the future.

Ben S. Bernanke

Liam Fox has most directly addressed the policy issues of concern to me, particularly the broken society.

Gerald Howarth

Secession by the South was a reaction against Lincoln's high-tax policy. In 1861 the slave issue was not critical.

Charles Adams

The General Assembly has already set the policy. The opinion is that this is outside the bounds and the authority of the governor.

Tucker Martin

Having a long-term care policy helps the person maintain their independence and it allows them to stay in a familiar environment a lot longer if they wish.

Holly Hanson

A lot of the justices are going to get a look from the public as to their policy setting. It's clear if you look at who voted how, you'll see very quickly where the line is.

Rep Dennis Baxley

We have adopted a zero-tolerance policy toward gambling.

Doug Tobin

It's not the Elks policy to leave women out, but it's obvious that's what's going on here. It wasn't right.

John Burk

You can buy a UFO policy, or travel insurance for a trip to the moon in 20 years. I'm constantly amazed by the things people insure.

Jim Mooney

The effect of their (the administration's) policy, by not taking the drug dealer with a gun, the violent felon with a gun, and the gang member with a gun off the street is somebody later gets killed.

Wayne Lapierre

We've been very, very clear throughout the process that there are certain things we can agree to and certain things we can't agree to, ... It's not a negotiating issue. This is a matter of national policy.

David Gross

Wal-Mart obviously has that policy across the country, but also instructs the store managers that if it's not permitted, it's not permitted. It gets kind of confusing.

Clint Norred

If the governor wanted to do something for just the executive branch, the answer might be different. That well might be constitutional. He probably could set the personnel policy of the executive branch.

Tucker Martin

As far as we know we're the first in the market to offer a policy with a DVT death policy. If a passengers dies during the insured trip or within 72 hours of returning home, they are covered.

Andrew Williams

All economists agree tax policy has an effect on the economy. The hard thing is to figure out how to measure these effects in the real world.

Leonard Burman

I want the government and the Bank of Japan to thoroughly discuss and then decide (when to scrap the quantitative easing policy).

Hiroshi Okuda

It's very symbolic. It indicates that monetary policy is back to normal and investors are discounting possible future rate hikes.

Susumu Kato

We need to keep an eye on Japan's trade number. Also, the country's monetary policy is very loose, pointing toward a weaker yen.

Shahab Jalinoos

The purpose of any school board member is a policy making role, not daily operations. He was not elected as the chief operating officer.

Bill Bird

The specter of death, or at least the end of something, hovers over the enterprise, but in the lightest possible way, as if to ignore it … is the only possible policy.

Todd Mccarthy

It may seem cliche, but honesty is the best policy. Even if you are motivated by the best of intentions, being deceitful can seriously compromise your credibility with colleagues and negatively impact your career progress. The vast majority of hiring managers -- 85 percent -- say they are less likely to promote an employee who has lied to them or other members of the organization.

Rosemary Haefner

This is what members of the media, members of the Washington policy community, lobbyists and members of congressional staffs do perhaps hundreds of times a day.

Viet Dinh

Touches on huge and important issues of foreign policy.

Jim Walsh

We're paying attention to what is going on out there. It's our policy to not comment on our competitors' pricing.

Cindy Gordon

From a U.S. energy policy perspective, the focus has been on environmental and fuels investments, not on investments that add to production capacity.

Dave O'reilly

No. If folks call my phone, I answer. But no, we do not have a policy (for dealing with complaints).

David Fink

I would like you to know that she is greatly distressed over Danny's situation, ... She hopes that you will come to understand that keeping Danny will not alter U.S. Government policy or accomplish your goals.

Paul Steiger

By adopting a prayer policy that allows only nondenominational prayer, the City Council has effectively deprived Turner of his freedom of speech under the First Amendment.

John W. Whitehead

Science is particularly needed to bring the attention of government policy-makers to problems that they don't know about yet.

Burton Richter

The dam was being built within the water resources policy of Pakistan. Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory.

Tasneem Ahmed

We firmly cannot agree to adhere to calls to continue with an abnormal policy forever.

Toshihiko Fukui

These are important policy issues that we have to get straight between our two branches of government, and the decision today is a big step in the wrong direction.

Rep. Michael Lawlor

This bill attempts to tax one industry for the benefit of another industry. It is simply not good public policy.

Rep. Lou Lang

We feel that we're very close to getting resolution and we are waiting for those policy memos from FEMA, in writing, to say yes, in fact, that's the case.

Gavin Smith

The BOJ will not ease its easing policy until it's absolutely sure Japan is out of deflation. I believe we're not looking at April or May this year, but September.

Paul Sheard

It is not RNZ's policy to comment on individual staffing matters, however media reports relating to Mr Plunket's absence from RNZ have been inaccurate.

John Barrymore

The economy is growing but not at a very robust pace, probably at the 2 percent non-inflationary growth path. Inflation is very much contained. This is a very good story. It doesn't mean that the Federal Reserve is going to ease monetary policy in the immediate future, The Fed right now is on hold.

Marilyn Schaja

And director of public policy for Focus on the Family, a conservative group. ''We respect that people have to make that decision for themselves.

Mike Haley

This is a failure of the implementation of laws and a failure of policy.

Von Hernandez

We have repeatedly called on the government to raise the basic personal exemption. We believe that is not only good fiscal policy but good public policy. It's a tax break for everybody.

Adrienne Batra

The policy is very clear. We still don't have all the facts of what took place.

Jeremy Solomon

There has been a clear shift in ECB rhetoric and gears are shifting in favor of tighter policy.

Todd Elmer

When people become part of the auto club, they get a better understanding of what we're about and what we can offer. It's our hope that if they become part of the auto club, they will look at our insurance products, and if they buy a policy for their vehicle, they also will consider a policy for their home.

Brad Roeber

Even without an increase in inflation expectations, it will take appropriate monetary policy to keep inflation well contained.

Michael Moskow

What he called for was 'an ethical dimension to foreign policy'.

David Steel

If a student desires to play at Fayette Academy, that person must be enrolled here. It's nothing against Fayette-Ware, but that's our policy.

Brandon Tucker

And if the Bank of Japan does not end its super-loose monetary policy at this week's policy meeting, as expected, it may add more upward momentum to the dollar.

Kazuhiro Nishina

We were surprised that the company was not in a position to comment on a dividend policy or pay a final dividend. We would have preferred a policy statement even if it was conservative in nature.

James Lindsay

When it comes to debates over public policy and issues, Dean should be welcoming the voice of America's churches, not attempting to silence them.

Joseph Cella

The big question everyone has is: What is the long-term policy?

Karl Gawell

Banks are concerned that there's a new breed of credit union evolving that's not the credit union of old. As long as it's fair competition and public policy hasn't skewed the marketplace, bankers are happy to compete with anyone.

Charlotte Birch

I'm the insurance policy. Gus Frerotte is the starting quarterback. We have a lot of faith in him. He's going to win a lot of games for us -- period.

Sage Rosenfels

I was informed that I either agreed with the administration's policy, I was a team player, or I wasn't on the team. I took an oath and that oath was to do what's best for Alaskans, and that's what I did. I could no longer be on the team under those conditions.

Tom Irwin

All these things come together to make us much more confident that our layers of safety have improved to the point where they should review the policy.

Ryland Dodge

That's quite important from a cash flow point of view. It will allow them to dictate dividend policy within the Contact company now.

Nick Vidale

It's one of those policies we have to look at. Maybe we have to rewrite the policy.

Christine Nelson

The economic policy will not change.

Guido Mantega

[The upcoming case] is an important priority for Penn because we have a policy that says that recruiters on campus should not discriminate, ... [The amendment is] really limiting our freedom.

Amy Gutmann

Bonds will likely stay weak. The economy is growing and the central bank plans to shift policy around April.

Yasunori Kuroda

Contrary to most expectations, I believe we can together bring about major policy changes. We can't afford further stagnation.

Michael Mueller

My knowledge of Africa and of Niger is almost unparalleled in US policy circles.

Joe Wilson

Home business owners should look at what the are covered for already and talk with their insurance agent to what policy is best for them, at the best price.

Loretta Worters

I believe we should debate things on the merits of policy and when people want to play politics that is fine.

Sen. Susan Bartlett

We want to get 5 billion people online, not just 5 million. But that won't happen without the IT industry being engaged in public policy.

Phillip J. Bond

The short-term yield has to increase when there is a rising concern about the policy change.

Shinji Hiramatsu

National defense is the usual pretext for the policy of fleecing the people.

John Taylor

The market is waiting for the explanation of the government's economic policy and the Enabling Law. Added to this, there was also a lack of participants because of the proximity of the Carnival celebrations.

Jose Gregorio Tineo

The increase in bank lending is a sign that the pace of increase in liquidity could grow too fast. That means that the Bank of Japan has got support for ending its super-loose monetary policy.

Hideo Kumano

There had to be a different way of recognising and paying commissions, and now the life companies will be taking the risk of policy continuation by funding commission streams.

Peter Doyle

Most people in the market see the BOJ scrapping the quantitative easing policy at its board meeting on April 28 as a done deal.

Daisuke Uno

Advertisers are usually strictly non-partisan and believe in the big tent policy, if not in politics then in consumerism.

John Rash