I think it would be not very efficient and heartbreaking, maybe, to identify a child [with the gene gap] and then not have a policy set in place to do the early intervention.

Jeffrey Gruen

Ending super-easy monetary policy is a big plus for the equity market because it means economic recovery is going to be sustained, the exit from deflation is for real, and the economy is becoming a more normal economy.

Geoff Lewis

One wants to make sure that it continues to build and not to be too far ahead of the curve in monetary policy if at the same time fiscal policy is also tightening.

Homi Kharas

We must continue to follow the policy of being both strict and lenient according to the actual situation of the cases, and show leniency to the convicts who only committed minor offences or merited milder punishment and even exemption of punishment.

Xiao Yang

Some well-known commentators on Fed policy have come out and said that the Fed has finished, the Fed is on pause or the Fed should take a pause.

Richard Franulovich

Kidnapping an innocent man and sending him to a secret location to be tortured is not only illegal, it is immoral. We need a full and complete investigation of a policy that has allowed countless detainees, some of them entirely innocent, to be tortured in our names.

Ben Wizner

While the rhetorical level was dramatic, the policy proposals that followed were meek.

David Sandalow

We don't need a state government run from yachts. I will make policy in the state Capitol, not in the Bahamas.

Bob Gammage

The decision was made not to pursue school uniforms but to further clarify our current policy. They felt that, from research, uniforms were not appropriate for our school district.

Troy Portser

It's probably time to do the whole policy over.

Susan Smith

I believe in an open door policy and encourage feedback on all experiences at the store. If you have any questions, concerns, complaints or compliments I want to hear them day or night.

Curt Poore

I think the city manager's had too much influence on policy.

Larry Klein

Judging from recent remarks, Fed officials seem to see the impact from Katrina as one-off and not detrimental to its policy of measured increases in interest rates.

Kaoru Kondo

He has always had an open-door policy. He really cares about his students and would work with them until late.

Rene Maldonado

When the promotion of democracy is associated with the US or Mr. Bush, European support plummets. Europeans want to be active participants in furthering the cause of liberty but they want to do it on their terms and not as passive followers of US policy.

Craig Kennedy

We are in compliance with the new board policy, and therefore I don't think the superintendent did anything wrong going forward with the play.

Karen Cantou

He implicitly admitted that they have a bias for a tighter policy. They believe that rates are very low and need to be higher.

Thomas Mayer

You want someone who is good at both, the policy part of it and the selling part.

Charles O. Jones

Team policy is not to comment on trade rumors, no matter how absurd they may be. But they are frustrating and annoying.

Frank Hamblen

These are impressive numbers. Underlying growth momentum still suggests that the central bank should continue with policy tightening.

Rajeev Malik

I think there are a number of training and policy issues that need to be addressed by this administration.

Rafael Goyeneche

The state has mandated we get more proactive in addressing this, ... We will adopt a specific policy on bullying.

Tom Beckett

Their objectives are pretty much under control. They have some leeway with monetary policy.

Paulo Leme

His extensive and hands-on government and industry experience would bring the right balance to this role in an important policy office.

Stan Soloway

The bellicose Venezuelan decided to meddle in American energy policy, and we think it might prove instructive to know how.

Larry Neal

She's not just the ombudsman who takes complaints. And she's not just the policy adviser or the writer of the rules and regulations.

Jim Dempsey

The issue won't be then a policy matter that needs to be worked out.

Vic Toews

We have always had a policy that if it's illegal to do off eBay, it's illegal to do on eBay, ... We have made some changes and additions to our existing stun gun policy. We want to continue to keep people from doing illegal things on eBay.

Hani Durzy

The DREAM Act, fundamentally, is not even about immigration policy, it's about how we treat young people who grow up here. We want the DREAM Act to pass, but we don't want it to be used as a bargaining chip.

Josh Bernstein

China's currency policy is not directly linked to the census result. China will not change the currency policy frequently, and will act prudently.

Li Deshui

This is not good public policy.

Rep. Lou Lang

Most important thing for the government is consistency of policy. Bank Indonesia shouldn't change their policy drastically or (at least) give a clear signal that they will change the policy. Market will not tolerate a policy slippage.

Anton Gunawan

The policy of the Boy Scouts of American with respect to homosexuals is contrary to the policy of the Board of Education.

Harold Levy

Hence, low bond yields are ambiguous for policy. It's a classic on the one hand, on the other hand speech.

Rob Henderson

John Kerry is either willing to endanger American forces on the ground or he really believes that ignoring the presence of terrorists is the best policy for the safety of America.

Tracey Schmitt

Can we buy support for liberal trade policy? If that is the criteria, [TAA] doesn't work. Does it help workers? A lot couldn't do without it.

Howard Rosen

Policy makers will observe the effects of the revaluation on the economy and the degree to which it is digested. This is an adjustment period.

Ba Shusong

If your company has a clean-desk policy, the company is nuts and you're nuts to stay there.

Thomas J. Peters

The stand India has taken according to us is not in conformity with the pursuit of an independent foreign policy. It is in our national interest to maintain good relations with Iran.

Prakash Karat

We deal within the framework of the regime, and on the matter of foreign affairs the government implements this policy. Nothing special has happened in this regard.

Gholam Hossein Elham

The three-year was a great auction...but it just doesn't matter that much to the market. The next key piece of information really is how the Fed phrases the statement (on the U.S. economy, which it habitually makes after policy meetings).

Andrew Brenner

With Merkel in the chancellor's office, social progress and a sensible policy on climate change will be obstructed.

Reinhard Buetikofer

There's no smoking gun and there's no reason for them to go changing rate policy right now.

Mike Ryan

Current law could mislead terrorists into believing that by killing the President and Vice President, they could alter U.S. policy.

Brad Sherman

They've really abandoned the previous argument, and what's important is that this new brief is clear and understandable and consistent with the antidiscrimination policy that the California Medical Association and Kaiser Permanente have had for a long time.

Jennifer Pizer

If you have a use-it-or-lose-it vacation policy, take the vacation before you accept the buyout.

Jeffrey Engerman

We haven't had a party during this academic school year yet, but the hope is to implement the shirt policy at the next one.

Jacob Best

We're absolutely moving in the wrong direction. Our policy is retreat from the ocean, not building closer.

Carolyn Boltin

Neo-imperialist trends in foreign policy have strengthened, and energy has been used as a weapon to achieve those goals.

Andrei Illarionov

I want our immigration policy to be a global policy, a chosen policy: that is the condition for its success.

Dominique De Villepin

We're trying to work together to resolve policy issues.

Allen Zaremberg

We are very open in continually looking at our policy and training.

Capt. Manny Solano

It's a very good statement so that people can clearly see what the policy of the United States government is.

Rogene Waite

We've got to have a longer term policy. These tax credits need to be extended.

Karl Gawell

It is important to open up the dialogue and debate this issue given the pronouncement by the Supreme Court justices coupled with his (Lee's) desire to ensure that the death penalty remains a policy in Florida.

Kathy Mears

We provide enterprises with the highest degree of customizability and control in the administration of e-mail policy management. At the same time, we've integrated a set of automated functions around quarantines and accounts that simplify policy management.

Scott Petry

Policy management is really the key. Companies need to figure out their policies from a business perspective, and then communicating and managing those is the technology challenge. If you don't create this governance, then you have chaos. If you don't have a framework for coordinating services, there is no way to get the benefits of reuse.

Jason Bloomberg

Make sure you leave enough cash value to keep the policy in force or you could get a nasty tax bill.

Lynn Lawrance

Investors should prepare for a change in monetary policy. Hold off buying 10-year bonds as yields are going to grind higher.

Akihiko Yokoyama

The issue is much broader. Why should ranchers be the determinant of public policy on public lands? Livestock are the problem. Wolves are not the problem.

Jon Marvel

We look for a further easing of monetary policy -- but not this month because of sterling's weakening and the stronger stock market.

Ruth Lea

In foreign affairs, the president can do what he wants unless Congress says no. In domestic policy, the president can't do anything unless Congress says yes.

James Lindsay

I think what happened unfortunately is there is no policy in the U.S. government to allow these scientists to come to the U.S.. ... There is no plea-bargain policy.

David Albright

There's this building case that the BOJ will be changing policy soon. That's the trigger we've been looking for regarding the yen.

Adrian Foster

I believe it is essential that we hold both the intelligence agencies and senior policy-makers accountable.

Nevada Democrat

It's a policy job, ... I'm not sure we have a policy problem. We have a discipline problem and it's because of politics in the police department.

William Stephens

[Barring homosexuals from ordination] doesn't break any new ground or propose a new policy, ... That's the policy that's been in effect, in theory. It's just been ignored in many areas, particularly North America.

Joseph Fessio

We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy ... not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our Middle-Eastern foreign policy.

Cindy Sheehan

The EU has an industry that is a world leader. What this research illustrates is how EU policy makers have it in their power to maintain that position and facilitate the conditions for higher economic growth.

Michael Snyder

So therefore, as with all insurance, stress to clients the importance of reading their policy beforehand and make sure they understand the liability cover they enjoy as well as the limitations.

Jono Soames

If you promote American policy in the region, you will completely lose your audience. Their credibility isn't with an American audience, it's in the Arab world.

Mustafa Alani

It's a policy decision on how cautious we want our witnesses to be.

Gary Wells

The Japanese economy is coming back to a path of subdued but steady expansion, fueled by demand at home. We expect the central bank will alter its policy by July at the latest.

Jun Ishii

It fits into his general framework of, 'I care less about the politics than in policy that makes sense'. I think that that's the image I have of him. That's the image he'd like voters to have of him.

Douglas Rivlin

It would be our policy to use nuclear weapons wherever we felt it necessary to protect our forces and achieve our objectives.

Robert S. McNamara

This isn't the first time we've heard about the possibility of an end to the policy in March ... but the risks of that happening have increased a bit.

Fumihiko Kawano

There's no question that the president's policies have failed miserably -- by firing his economic team, he was forced to admit this to the entire country, ... The president must change his misguided economic policy now and focus on the economic insecurity of American families.

Bob Menendez

It is bad procurement policy for any state to unilaterally lock itself into one set of technologies.

Tom Schatz

In one sense, businesses like it if not much would happen. If he doesn't get impeached, there would be no policy movement.

David Brady

This is a major, major issue on a national basis and this is the way members chose to address it. This was not an issue where the leadership set the policy.

Sheldon Silver

If people are depressed and scared, as they have been in Japan, there are limits to monetary policy. It comes down to people making personal decisions.

Warren Bailey

Having a clear, stable royalty policy was of value to independent producers.

Lee Fuller

A multiplicity of authorities is leading to complications and we gave the minister a memorandum demanding complete statehood. It will cut down the time spent on passing an order or implementing a policy.

Praveen Khandelwal

This is a fundamental change in policy and it fundamentally violated the Clean Air Act. Anything less than (IGCC) is going to lead to higher levels of air pollution.

Anne Hedges

We already know enough to begin to cope with all the major problems that are now threatening human life and much of the rest of life on earth. Our crisis is not a crisis of information; it is a crisis of decision of policy and action.

George Wald

I would like to see more dialogue across racial lines, more diversity in the core curriculum, different faces at the policy-making table, and more people of color in higher positions of the administration. I would like to see us truly be a multicultural campus.

Dan Bunch

Most of our workers are on the phone all day or need to be interacting with co-workers. We don't have a formal policy either way. They're smart enough to know when it's OK to use them.

Mark Yellen

Officers are trained to respond to people who need to be helped, and a policy of disengagement is counter to that.

Mark Nickel

There may be some comments or text which will offer Fed views on the recent soft economic data and monetary policy.

Mamoru Ashimoto

If they choose not to invoke the policy within that year, then they are not eligible.

Duane Van Gorp

There has to be a reasonable budget policy that limits the countries in their spending.

Klaus Liebscher

Kenai's policy definition is like peanut butter to Forum's policy enforcement chocolate. Also, they shared investors, so the synergies made sense to them as a single company.

Jason Bloomberg

It wasn't a matter of public policy; it was a matter of political power.

Herb Kelleher

Consumers should look [to see] whether the pet store has posted a return policy.

Larry Kaplan

It is the policy of the Michigan Humane Society to accept any and all animals in need during regular business hours.

Cal Morgan

The GAO has clearly stated in this report that outsourcing of U.S. jobs abroad can not be ignored, and the government needs to act in order to address the issue in terms of data collection and policy solutions.

Marcus Courtney

I have to say that Lenin is more important than ever. Lenin's New Economic Policy is knocking at Russia's doors and will be required. It is as important as it was in the 1920s.

Gennady Zyuganov

I am confident that China will continue its prudent and cautious exchange-rate-policy.

Helmut Schmidt

We've entered the age of confusion in oil policy.

David Shields

The history of U.S. trade policy amply demonstrates that dollar overvaluation and the huge and growing trade deficits that it spawns are by far the most accurate predictors of U.S. protectionism.

C. Fred Bergsten

We never had an anti-business policy.

Oskar Lafontaine

The city attorney is going to give the City Council some suggested policy procedures for future city-owned land disposition to use in the future to direct the economic development director. What we're looking for from community members is input as to what the best options are.

John Rader

[Snow's comment] really does undermine the credibility of the U.S. strong dollar policy.

Jane Foley

Right now the administration is more focused on what might be called policy change in Syria than on actual regime change.

James Phillips

Term insurance has always been a product that is for someone who needs life insurance. There is no cash value build up like in a whole life policy.

Jim Shoemaker

"Indian policy" has now been brought down upon the American people, and the American people are the new Indians of the 21st Century.

Russell Means

[In a May 1996 interview with] Inside Politics, ... The policy worked, and now we're getting the Iranians and their influence out of Bosnia, and I think it's a good story.

Anthony Lake

We will be faced with a year and a half of virtually no growth in this economy. We should not have had interest rates ever getting to 7.25 percent. The monetary policy cycle is far too aggressive.

Brendan O'donovan

We're in a strong economic position. A pre-election binge would be inflationary. You want fiscal policy to work against the business cycle, not compound it.

Alan Barrett

Inflation isn't a concern in Taiwan. That will be a solid reason for the central bank to adopt a relatively looser monetary policy compared with the U.S.

Vickie Hsieh

Our view is that the policy announced yesterday seems to be very heavily tilted towards protecting free-to-air broadcasters.

Rod Bruem

It will be in the interest of future Fed chairmen to commit to pursue policy regularities that work well.

William Poole

This (policy) is an old dinosaur that is an embarrassment to the nation.

Sgt. Steve Maynard

It doesn't matter as far as the foreign policy goes. But, it matters for the message for the troops, this is all about them. Whether we believe in the job they're doing over there or whether we don't believe the job they're doing over there, and at this point I'm very disappointed that the City of La Crosse is going toward that they don't believe in the job the troops are doing.

Chris Muller

We're heading into a crisis. It's got to be a critical question for public policy.

Bruce Nissen

We work hard at a no-touch policy.

Doug Freeman

The moment American growth slows down below, say, 2 percent, trade pressures are not just something that we talk about but are something that are really going to hit policy makers.

Jesper Koll

Government must not burden automotive manufacturing in the UK off the European map. Manufacturers must have the confidence to develop their operations and government must help us meet the competitiveness challenge. That means a light regulatory touch and an integrated approach to regulation in environmental and transport policy.

Christopher Macgowan

The unstated message [of Bush's tax cuts] was that we were not all in this together, ... and, whatever the economic merits or demerits of the policy, the civic implications of that policy were abominable.

Robert Putnam

Our foreign policy has made a wreck of this planet, ... I'm always in Africa . . . And when I go to these places I see American policy written on the walls of oppression everywhere.

Harry Belafonte

We've got to take the good with the bad. When we get beat, we're going to handle it the same way. When it's a win, we're going to handle it with class and be very humble. I've never had a policy about athletes not talking to the press, never in 14 years of coaching.

Aaron Dunbar

We have lived for three years without a fatality and (there have been) three demonstrations against the government's policy, one for each year without deaths.

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba

It's a very complex issue of regulatory policy and wireless science. The issue is often challenging to diagnose.

Art Navarro

There are a lot of people who will not make a claim even if the loss isn't their fault and is well over the deductible. What's disturbing is that you're paying a premium that is calculated to cover the risk that you actually use the policy.

Mark Savage

When we were dealing with the paper world and you were allowed to see the file, you could view the ideas that went into policy development. E-mail is very easy to be lost, and it is a lot more difficult to follow.

Linda Lightfoot

It is part of the regular dialogue between Microsoft and the Commission on a range of policy issues.

Tom Brookes

There will have to be policy makers in the room. These are serious discussions.

Stephanie Rollings

By pushing through the policy change, the Bank of Japan risks being blamed by the government if something happens to the economy and things deteriorate.

Hiroaki Muto

The facts alleged in this indictment tell a story of individuals who put their own interests and views of American foreign policy ahead of America's national security.

Paul Mcnulty

For years, Israeli pressures have affected U.S. policy. We feel now it's high time for the U.S. to pressure Israel to change its policies.

Peter Viering

His relative status in the leadership is strengthened when he focuses on foreign policy, where he is clearly the No. 1.

David Bachman

For the next 1,000 years, the U.S. government, and those who promote the policy of the blockade against Cuba, will be pursued by this resolution of the international community.

Felipe Perez Roque

I would change policy, bring back natural grass and nickel beer. Baseball is the belly-button of our society. Straighten out baseball, and you straighten out the rest of the world.

Bill Lee

The trend of Japan's economic recovery won't stop. The central bank seems to become increasingly confident that it can change policy around the middle of 2006.

Masaaki Kanno

They need to put the receptacles back in until the university is ready to back up the policy with some enforcement.

Bogan Durr

Our policies have not changed. Congressman Blunt requires staff to attend regular ethics briefings and to adhere to the same strict policy to which he adheres.

Jessica Boulanger

This is David expressing a personal view that many people will agree with but it isn't party policy.

John Major

The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.

Ramsey Clark

We cannot rule out a tightening of monetary policy in the short run.

Amando Tetangco

Some agencies do a more vigorous job than others of reporting it, but that's really up to local policy.

Jon Peck

But we aren't in charge of the policy lever.

Jason Wong

The Bank of England doesn't appear to have been setting policy according to the monthly figures.

David Coleman

The broader question still exists. What will happen with those 623 jobs at the port if the Port Authority's current policy is maintained?

Matt Yates

The policy says important things about self-identifications, things that are not common sense.

Dean Spade

We don't talk anybody into taking a ride. She did one lap, hit the red button, came in, wanted to go back out. That's when we made it the policy ? if you hit the red button, you don't go back out.

Scott Jasek

There are currently many problems at the policy level, the technical level and the administrative level.

Wang Li

I would hope that in Iowa we could set a policy that might be stricter than what the Coca Colas and the Pepsis of the world are saying we should sell.

Sue Roberts

It's really industrial policy. The notion that it could be efficient is crazy.

Michael Greve

By the time we got here, Inverness was a lake. It is pretty bad, with severe damage, and our insurance policy didn't include floods.

Nav Singh

Investors increasingly fear that the US Fed will soon end its rate hike policy, which will keep the dollar in a weak tone against other major currencies.

Osamu Takashima

This is the most comprehensive look at recent long-term care insurance claims data. The goal was to better understand what percentage of long-term care insurance claimants with shorter duration policies actually use-up or exhaust their policy benefits.

Jesse Slome

Cameron has abandoned a large policy area, he's vacated ground on tax and immigration.

Nigel Farage

They're making the decision in this litigation to make every picayune, minuscule argument they can, even if it means to de-legitimize their own policy.

Karen Doering

Markets are certainly focused on people who speak effectively about macroeconomic issues and the outlook for policy. The key issue here may be whether they choose to speak clearly and forcefully about near- term economic issues.

Brian Sack

Hundreds or more would have received infections from blood transfusions without the race-based policy.

Michael Busch

Ongoing protests are affecting investor sentiment negatively. Investors are now concerned whether the crisis will affect government economic policy.

Sukbir Khanijoh

Corvallis has this no-growth policy. When (prospective tenants) look at where they're going to put their future stores, they want to put them where people want to go.

Craig Clark

It looks like any move by the Bank of Japan away from its zero-interest-rate policy has been pushed out even further into the future.

David Solin

I would just say it should not come as a surprise to people that she held views on public policy prior to being appointed.

Melanie Gruer

It's just another example of a development company contributing a significant amount of money to the campaign coffers of candidates who influence land-use policy.

Phil Andrews

I think this represents a major rebuke of [Sutherland's] policy direction.

Becky Kelley

This is a problem in which urban planning, housing policy, immigration, people without residence permits, misery and exclusion all come together.

Francois Bayrou

You can't afford not to be in China, but you can't afford to only be in China. Thailand is an insurance policy.

Hana Ceo Richard Han

Homeland Security heard us loud and clear. They're not going to make policy in Washington. They're going to make it here.

Larry Schwartz

Business owners overstate the constraints. People don't understand that they are not going to lose clients over a stringent accounts receivable policy.

Brian Hamilton

It is hard to get a grasp on how U.S. policy is working in another country. We and he were interested in learning more so we could be better advocates.

Susan Yolen

They are the biggest trading nation, they are one of the biggest receivers of capital flows. If you are going to be a global policy- making organization and leave a huge player outside the framework, you aren't going to have much credibility.

Nicholas Lardy

Otherwise a spend-prone fiscal policy teamed with a pro-growth monetary policy could be problematic for the U.S. economy and currency ahead.

David Gilmore

Most likely there will be tighter policies introduced in the coming months, if not weeks. The questions is: what is the right approach to deal with an increasingly market-orientated policy?

Rob Subbaraman

The Government?s policy is to reduce the wage bill to free resources for development purposes.

Joseph Kinyua

Recently I went to a wellness meeting and was happy to see that our district is way ahead of the game when it comes to having a wellness policy in place. Even so, we have more to do.

Karla Lopez

The substantial uncertainty about the path of asset price movements going forward necessarily reduces the case for altering policy in advance of the move.

Timothy Geithner

She has now in writing approved of our advertising policy which clearly stands against drugs abuse.

Liv Asarnoj

I think it is probably a good general description of American foreign policy that we don't have as much control as we think we do.

Stephen Biddle

We continue to believe that inflation is currently the least worrisome among the key macroeconomic policy goals such as growth, inflation and balance of payments.

Oh Suktae

The war on drugs is not only a dismal failure, but it's a terribly destructive policy.

Jack Cole

It is patently irresponsible in this day and age to question the motives behind a policy driven by and recommended by security experts.

Joe Banner

I was a little surprised that the policy wasn't in place when I got here.

Chief Daniel Oates

We here today owe America's pastime a strict policy.

Ryne Sandberg

His style is not to go too deeply into the homework, but to surround himself with key people who delve into the issues, come back, give him a summary, then he will make decisions. He will make you like him before he presses you on policy.

Wayne Slater

Achieving greater competition in this space is a very important policy matter for the U.S. government. The government has to focus on getting a lower cost infrastructure for broadband so that less wealthy Americans who obviously desire broadband can afford it.

Joe Nordgaard

This is not something we are taking lightly. Given what happened, would we revisit our policy? I would never say never.

Bill Daly

People are waiting to see what kind of change in policy language is going to accompany that statement. The question is, if the Fed is approaching (a neutral stance), how will its policy change in 2006?

Russ Koesterich

The board needs to meet not only to discuss these two deals but the policy direction for the board itself to ensure we are doing the right thing with public funds.

Jason Perry

The public perceives it as undesirable. If the public perception changes, then maybe we'll change our policy.

Nona Koivula

What is happening in the Arctic will affect policy at the international and national level. Native populations have said, this is our food, our way of life, not just our wildlife.

Todd O'hara

An open-door policy doesn't do much for a closed mind.

Bob Nelson

Many homeowners are not adequately adjusting their policy to cover the new value of their home. Often, the only time people review their homeowners insurance is when they first purchase the home.

Jeff Beyer

Market participants are reluctant to make bets ahead of the decision at the Bank of Japan policy board meeting today.

Ryutaro Matsuyama

We don't want a policy of confrontation and sanctions and will keep our doors open for negotiations (with Iran).

Michael Schaefer

Nothing in the arguments made by the university should be interpreted as a suggestion that Penn State has abandoned its policy regarding affirmative action and nondiscrimination.

Steve Maccarthy

This clearly states that the Government's hearts-and-minds policy has been disastrous. The coalition is now part of the problem and not the solution.

Andrew Robathan

If you're having an agriculture event in South Dakota, and the senior senator from South Dakota is a conferee on the farm bill and he's not invited, it might lead one to question whether that was an official policy event.

Jay Carson

A comprehensive national energy policy is critical to our nation's economy and our national security. Energy expenditures account for about 7% percent of our total economy and influence pricing in the much of the rest of the economy.

Heather Wilson

I'm tired of high policy talks. I want to focus on nuts and bolts.

Dave Freudenthal

Pressuring the US government away from peace negotiations and toward an annexationist policy, that has a direct negative impact on the potential for change in the Middle East.

Gershom Gorenberg

Brazil is caught in a combination of its own policy mistakes and powerful market forces.

Marc Chandler

Whenever there will be a deviation from the CMP, whether on the economic or foreign policy front, we will mount pressure.

Sitaram Yechury

This new adaptation to our present policy just fine-tunes it a little more on what clothing air marshals can wear to blend in.

Brian Doyle

I think we will (have a tougher new policy). I don't think it will take an extended period of time.

Don Fehr