Although the executive and legislative branches have significant differences of opinion regarding various policy aspects of the (law), this brief does not address who is 'right' as to those choices.

Attorney General Terry Goddard

Since the U.S. election ended with the expected Bush victory, the market's focus has moved to U.S. corporate earnings and monetary policy there.

Hiroyuki Nakai

Even if we don't win elections, we are talking policy.

David Johnston

As long as eBay continues its current policy on non-disclosure of these metrics, we think investors will be very cautious as to their expectations of eBay's success in China, which would weigh on the stock.

Robert Peck

The dollar is going to be driven by policy, what (Treasury Secretary John) Snow says, and what happens in the G20 meeting, more than U.S. economic data.

Larry Brickman

This is not a policy of indifference. This is a policy of additional restraint. Contrary to what they say, they think the inflation threat is graver than the threat to growth.

David Resler

There will not be the focus on Russia which under Schroeder played a big role in German foreign policy.

Alexander Rahr

That doesn't make [these cases] any less tragic, of course. But they may just not be the right kinds of cases on which to base broad social policy.

Jill Levenson

It's been tremendous the way she has moved public policy. I consider her a true Canadian hero.

Neil Collishaw

What you have been seeing over the last year is the policy of Jiang Zemin, not Deng Xiaoping.

David Malpass

It's not about rocks or about reserves, it's about investment policy.

Fatih Birol

This is a public policy question, ... The appropriate place to address it is in Congress and federal agencies.

Peter Fox

The recent rally in the yen based on expectations for an early policy shift has run out steam.

Noriaki Ichikawa

As we budget and consider policy, we must keep our eyes on the big picture of what is best for Fenton's students.

Julie Steffey

They're holding so much personal information. No company can stand up to government policy alone.

Xiao Qiang

Hawaii's overdependence on imported oil is not acceptable and we need to address it with something more than short-term policy of price controls.

Ted Liu

Once we get a handle on this (monetary policy) we will do alright because there is plenty of cash around.

Michael Heffernan

I believe that on the basis of this stable balance, Taiwan and China's peaceful achievement of one China -- which is the policy of China, the policy of Taiwan and the policy of the United States -- can move forward.

C. Blair

No policy of abuse.

James Schlesinger

Also there will be a discussion on what is expected from the agency when something is not going to be provided by the deadline. It is our understanding OMB and/or the White House (Domestic Policy) may be involved in this issue. If this is the case we would expect them to join the meeting as well.

Shannon O'keefe

The government is now attempting to fashion a more effective tax policy to rein in the budget deficit and contain debt.

Thomas Byrne

I was captivated by her extensive historical backing and while not all Americans agree with the current American foreign policy, I think it is important to just consider her perspective and the Administration's because it is important to see what their thinking is. I gained a better insight as far as the ideologies and the hopeful aspirations the Administration has.

Richard Lopez

The basic policy is to identify high-profile candidates.

Chris Bright

The Bush administration policy is against torture of any kind; it's prohibited by federal criminal law.

John Yoo

We can go to the PUC and implement the policy of SB 1, and that is where we will be going.

Richard Costigan

Given the limited policy options they have, they don't have much of an alternative to talking.

Peter Beck

We have a new policy. We're going to report a weekly number instead of a daily number. There are other tour events that don't report attendance figures, such as the Buick Open.

Jonathan Gruber

This policy won't help rural schools.

Russ Levsen

We recognize that this change in policy has significant impact across the university.

Glenn Ford

Everything we bring to the board complies with the (incentive) policy, ... If it does not, we will not ask for it. Every time he (Privette) votes against an incentive, he's voting against jobs.

John Cox

These bills are purely political and do nothing to address health care policy.

Amy Hill

This is a harsh and ill thought out policy based on the flawed logic that making families destitute and threatening to take their children into care will coerce them into going home.

Maeve Sherlock

I don't expect those sorts of things. The change in the forest service policy is really a minor modification from what we already have.

Daniel Jiron

What you see is kind of a balanced assessment. There are some policy positions where some voters are fairly lenient to illegal immigrants and on others they're supportive of tougher approaches.

Mark Dicamillo

I'll try to prepare for the future of Ellis County and the future of my grandchildren. One of my strengths is the ability to listen. That gives me the ability to negotiate the best policy possible.

Bill Dodson

There is no doubt that our judgment (for a policy shift) has entered a crucial stage.

Kiyohiko Nishimura

Forget chummy foreign policy. Welcome to the chill winds of economic competition, Frau Merkel.

Dmitri Trenin

Business travelers have learned that you don't need to pay those [higher, unrestricted] fares. There is always going to be some business travel that needs the flexibility to change flight plans. But the policy of many large corporations will be to book in advance to save money or justify it when you don't.

Jim Corridore

But the most important thing to do, regardless of what company you are with, is to find out the details of your policy and make sure you're covered.

Darlene Ulm

My read on it would be, yes, (Howard) is paving the way for a possible change of policy. Whether he does or not depends on how people react to it.

Dennis Woodward

Keeping policy on an even keel is very difficult for U.S. politicians to do. [Christensen] can do a great deal to smooth the ride.

Lynn White

The defense of human rights has been, and continues to be, one of the principal goals of the foreign policy of this administration.

Cyrus Vance

It will take appropriate monetary policy to keep inflation and inflation expectations well contained. For me, at this time, such policy likely entails further removal of policy accommodation.

Michael Moskow

The report gave a reason to buy back the yen. An end of the easing monetary policy is just a matter of timing.

Nobuo Kihara

I served as transport minister, construction minister and policy chief (of the LDP). That's all thanks to you (voters).

Shizuka Kamei

We have a zero-tolerance policy for any facility that fails to conduct the sampling.

Fred Mumford

We on our part will stick to our independent foreign policy of peace, acting forever as a strong defender of world peace and a persistent proponent of common development.

Jinato Hu

The headline figure was only in line with expectations and therefore it did not have any impact on market perceptions about near-term monetary policy management by the Bank of Japan.

Tatsuro Karitani

This is really the first time a university has developed an institute or center that focuses on taking the good results of its faculty and making it have an impact on policy and the nation's actions.

William Schlesinger

It's always our policy if we get credible information to act upon it.

Rodell Mollineau

Monetary policy has to be somewhat accommodative, since a tightening in credit will likely cause liquidity difficulties in businesses that are suffering from overcapacity.

Li Ruoyu

Momentum for the yen is good. Fukui's comments and this newspaper report fed speculation about a March policy move, increasing the chances of a rate hike by the end of the year.

Takehiko Jimbo

It's time to have a new administration so that we have a fresh energy policy and we don't have this problem.

Dennis Hastert

We hope that the new policy will attract more rural children back to school.

Wang Xuming

Arrogance of Power Reborn: The Imperial Presidency and Foreign Policy in the Clinton Years .

Cato Institute

I think the market has almost fully priced in now the likelihood of a shift in policy either in March or April and so there is almost no room for the yen to advance any further on this lead.

Yasuhisa Ishida

Not this week, ... But the tough thing is not being in the meetings, not being here to rehab, us really not being able to help him. That's the tough part of it. But it is what it is. That's the policy and the league sets the policy and we adhere to it.

Mike Doss

Lawmakers and health department officials focused on creating healthy environments through policy making to improve fitness and nutrition.

Kay Parmain

There was a risk he would make more hawkish comments. He reaffirmed that even if the Bank of Japan ends its easy monetary policy it probably won't be increasing interest rates anytime soon.

Tatsuo Ichikawa

She just broke a minor rule in our team policy; it was nothing serious.

Scott Collie

Oracle's changed the game in terms of its acquisitions. IBM's stated policy is that it will not compete with applications vendors, but I'm curious if that will change going forward.

Alan Mcmillan

There is clearly a risk now that they might be bold enough to tighten policy in December, We think they will wait until March.

Lorenzo Codogno

Somewhere you draw a line in the sand ... unless you have an unspoken policy to keep moving it.

Rosa Durando

The policy doesn't need to change. The policy that's in effect is the one that will stay in effect.

Patrick Lynch

By building a policy-sensitive crystal ball for the Amazon, we are able to identify the most important policy levers for reconciling economic development with conservation.

Daniel Nepstad

They're common-sense things that people utilize in their own homes. The policy was to make official what the unofficial policies were.

Alan Wagner

We have all along, and we haven't wavered from that policy.

Julie King

It's a good policy, we support that. But people must be given access to the water and that means the structures must go further and longer into the water.

David Carey

With real-life foreign policy taking front and center, Gore gets pushed off the front page.

James Lindsay

With regards to the area under my jurisdiction, Japan has harmonized its policy with the EU and the United States.

Shoichi Nakagawa

The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy.

Tyler Drumheller

This may be good for Asahi, but it doesn't change weak economic fundamentals and the fact that no viable policy concerning the sour-loan dilemma has emerged from the government.

Hidenori Karaki

Fukui's comments may be slightly negative for the bond market. He is likely to lay the groundwork for a change in policy as early as April.

Koji Shimamoto

We want to have a policy discussion about how what we do impacts other jurisdictions and how they impact us.

Tim Conklin

We absolutely have to give the Debt Management Office the power to deal with the huge change in demand. There will be a substantial change in policy.

Andrew C. Roberts

I've always said that vending machines is a start, but nowhere near enough to make a dent, ... This, by itself, is not an effective policy. That's different from saying it shouldn't be done.

Cathy Nonas

To avoid the necessity of a permanent debt and its inevitable consequences, I have advocated and endeavored to carry into effect the policy of confining the appropriations for the public service to such objects only as are clearly with the constitutional authority of the Federal Government.

Martin Van Buren

It is our policy that all detainees are treated humanely and to report any suspected detainee mistreatment and investigate that thoroughly.

Cynthia Smith

I don't see why we should not invite (U.S. Defense Secretary) Donald Rumsfeld, (British Foreign Secretary) Jack Straw, (EU foreign policy chief) Javier Solana, and other foreign and defense ministers.

Sarah Ludford

This is an impermissible act under NFL policy.

Steve Alic

Non-violence is the policy of the vegetable kingdom.

H. G. Wells

The Fed and the ECB view monetary data completely differently. The emphasis the ECB places on this analysis is a little excessive. If we were in charge of interest- rate policy, we would keep them on hold.

Sandra Petcov

We have a zero landfill policy.

Shelly Flood

The inflation outlook remains very, very comfortable and certainly based on these numbers the Fed should feel very much at ease with current monetary policy.

Kathleen Stephansen

There is no consistent policy now.

Randy Baron

As we understand it, the U.S. Navy's basic policy is to deploy nuclear-powered ships from now on, ... We feel that this (decision) cannot be helped.

Hiroyuki Hosoda

Our privacy policy has always been based on trust by seeking permission to use people's information. This change leaves no room for misunderstanding or confusion.

David Emanuel

We're still in a period of limbo in terms of policy in Germany and it may mean that come December nobody has the appetite to issue a new asset. It's disappointing because it would be nice to have a German issue.

Helen Roberts

The Fed is closer to moving to a pause in monetary policy. We've turned more bearish on the dollar.

Paresh Upadhyaya

We had a lawful election. We've had a certification of that election, and the only way that the Bush electors would be de-certified is if the courts finally declare Al Gore the winner, ... So we're really talking about an insurance policy for George Bush. It's a win-win situation for him.

Lois Frankel

On this policy, the district is already in compliance with the requirements and has been for a couple of years, ... This policy just formalizes it.

Dean Baker

Scientists have to get involved with the policy-making community right from the beginning and try to understand what the constraints on policy-making are.

Gordon Mcbean

This is providing favorable conditions for China to adjust its exchange-rate policy and macro-economic policies.

Yi Gang

Sen. Kennedy hopes we have a national policy in place soon. But in the interim, he feels it's understandable why members of the committee would want to look at navigational safety issues that accompany these kinds of projects.

Melissa Wagoner

Fiscal policy is bad and we need to improve the quality of spending.

Geraldo Alckmin

Funding is the issue here. There is money for what we consider our public-policy priorities, and mental health is not a public-policy priority.

Jim Dailey

Direct access to sea is an essential part of foreign policy.

Carlos Mesa

Some of our longtime residents are offended that they have to show us two forms. But because of (the policy), we've pretty much gotten to the point that it's an impossibility to do any more.

Lorrie Miller

You do not need to go to Iraq to know that we don't have a policy worthy of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform.

Laura Capps

A lot of policy makers have no idea what a very small percentage of what they think is affordable housing really is affordable. Market forces keep pushing that higher and higher.

Gayle Albee

Am I right in thinking people come and ask us (America) for help or do we just do it? I don't know a lot about foreign policy.

Joey Santiago

Our policy is to call for a general evacuation in areas that might be prone to Category 3 impacts.

Irene Toner

This is another indication of Israeli policy, which ignores the existence of the Palestinian people.

Salah Bardawil

That's always been my policy. Freshmen play freshman basketball. Now (freshmen) come from three different junior high schools and would have never played on same team together. It's important for them to learn to win.

Kari Williams

We do understand and appreciate the underpinnings of the US' de-hyphenated policy in South Asia, but this should not be leaning so heavily on one side.

Jehangir Karamat

I believe the Fed is holding rates excessively low today -- current monetary policy is inflationary, ... they could scratch out 200 basis points over six months and have minimal effect.

Brian Wesbury

A lot of the policy discussion seems to assume that once this bill is passed, some of the undocumented aliens will simply leave the country and others will stop coming.

Marc Levinson

The business community is troubled that the House has again acquiesced to organized labor and the Rendell administration on matters of bad public policy.

Floyd Warner

We have to recognize that there are limits on how we can influence the policy not just of China but many other countries on the whole question of human rights.

Jim Sasser

There was an upgrade in the economic assessment by the BOJ and comments from governor Fukui. From that point of view an end to the zero interest rate policy is coming closer.

Carsten Fritsch

Every U.S. official we speak to agrees the policy makes no sense, but the buck gets passed from State to Justice to Homeland Security, and becomes impossible to tie down. This might make a difference.

Richard Mcauley

Frankly, I think Europe should have no shame given the efforts that have been undertaken, given the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy that was undertaken in 2003 and given the opening of Europe in general.

Christine Lagarde

If we block investigation on violations of human rights just because a country doesn't feel responsible for a person because of his origin or nationality, then this would be the end of every human rights policy.

Bernhard Docke

Price stability, exchange rate stability, consistency of economic policy. That is all taking place.

Ali Allawi

Its stated policy.

Richard Cheney

The president is destroying the fabric of America with a combined policy of war, tax cuts for the wealthy and reductions in spending for domestic needs.

Charles Rangel

We have an opportunity right now right after disasters while governments are more receptive to influence policy from the start.

Gordon Mcbean

So as long as he doesn't say anything too provocative, Beijing's wait-and-see policy is likely to continue.

Chu Shulong

The auditor was doing her job. We as the Board of Supervisors should follow our own policy. Why shouldn't we be the first to hold ourselves to that same standard?

Sarah Sampels

On the other hand, there is no change in our policy to pursue good relations with China.

Yuji Miyamoto

Investors got too excited about a near-term policy change. This is probably not the time to bet on yen strength. We need to add more fuel to the fire to get going.

Sophia Drossos

Significant increases are possible with the right combination of government policy and technical interventions.

Patrick Dugan

There is no question that as a result of this we will change policy.

Mike O'brien

We have a policy at The New Yorker, ... That is, if someone doesn't want to be profiled, we drop it. I would like you to show me the same courtesy.

William Shawn

The combined growth and external sector strengths allow Chinese policy makers to better address the country's structural economic challenges, and they have been taking the opportunity to do so.

James Mccormack

Because China's fiscal situation in relatively sound, the government has relatively great leeway to use expansionary fiscal policy.

Yu Yongding

What the Fed wants to do is to conduct monetary policy as independently as it can, and the way to do that is not to attract attention. That's why the Fed has so rarely changed interest rates -- raised or lowered them during the fall campaign.

Thomas Gallagher

We expect better performance in the second half to follow a lackluster first half, with more uplifting assessment in the markets of issues like inflation, Fed policy, politics and earnings.

Subodh Kumar

We mainly just want to discuss the policy with cadets. Our main goal is dialogue. Our main goal is not to be arrested.

Richard Lindsay

There's no university policy that I am aware of [about contraceptives], but we're an independent clinic that works in concert with UTC.

Chris Smith

(Beijing) hopes to establish legal basis for (its) Taiwan policy ... and Chinese leaders want to establish a base line.

Joseph Cheng

There is no deal. The proposal to bury Ferdinand Marcos is a matter of serious policy issue that only the President [Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo] can decide.

Raul Gonzalez

Israel's policy for deliberate assassination.

Hanan Ashrawi

The proposed system would be contrary to at least the spirit of federal information policy adopted by the E-Government Act of 2002.

Daniel Weitzner

It isn't the policy of the Department of Fish and Game to issue free fishing licenses to anybody because of age. It is just something we aren't authorized to do.

Steve Martarano

We know the administration had a policy of telling employees that, if they resigned, they would get a neutral referral.

Brian E. Frosh

What I'm hoping is the U.S. will listen to him and try and hear his concerns and not just try to impose a policy on Bolivia unilaterally.

Nicolas Shumway

We told our European partners that their policy towards Belarus is groundless and useless.

Andrei Popov

Senator Kennedy has real environmental and economic concerns, and the federal government continues to lack a national policy and process to guide offshore alternative energy development.

Melissa Wagoner

Currently the policy is to acquire them on a voluntary basis, there is also an issue of cost.

David Stuart

If what we find in the current policy is not serving our young women and giving them the best opportunity to compete for a long time, then we would change it. But let's learn all that's out there first.

Carolyn Bivens

Most Chinese enterprises failed to enjoy this tariff cutting policy simply because they do not know about the FTA and related articles.

Xu Ningning

What we are doing is based on our policy. We are following policy.

Sonya Jackson

This means that the policy effectively does not address high schools at all because it won't affect the status quo.

Margo Wootan

It is bad policy and it sets a bad precedent.

William Thornton

There's no cause and effect between that particular incident and the policy that had been debated and evolving way before those contributions came in.

Lanny Davis

Investors are beginning to see Poland in an unfavorable light and that's because of politics. Bad policy could turn good fundamentals into bad fundamentals.

Lars Christensen

(Miller) did exactly what the policy allowed him to do.

Bill Proffitt

Everyone assumed [the Clinton peace negotiations] would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state, ... The U.S., in effect, was working on what would be a Palestinian state, but the articulated policy was less than a Palestinian state.

Shibley Telhami

The real problem is we don't have any real energy policy.

Andy Weissman

This policy is an unconstitutional infringement to engaging in free speech.

Scott Shields

I think it would take a lot of public dialog, a lot of public discussion and really involving our parents and involving our community why such a policy may or may not be appropriate for our kids.

Raymond Bryant

Our reading is that their aim is not to begin a tightening cycle but to reinstate a normal monetary policy.

Anne Mills

Our employee who spoke with the customer unfortunately misspoke and gave the customer erroneous information about our company policy on billing. We have identified and corrected the error, and we identified and are properly adjusting the affected customers' accounts.

Harry Mitchell

It is clear that the American Evangelist movement is transforming contemporary culture, American foreign policy, and global politics.

Melani Mcalister

A strong inflation figure will heighten speculation the Bank of Japan will change its easy monetary policy from the spring, encouraging buying of the yen.

Tetsu Aikawa

The right way to stop improper industrial distribution is to ensure environmental impact assessment for newly launched projects and promote it in policy-making.

Pan Yue

Giving a super-clear predictability on the course of monetary policy will not be good for any central bank.

Masuhisa Kobayashi

(The database) has two main goals: contributing to the internal security of EU states and the fight against illegal immigration by supporting the common visa policy and the checks on the visa applicants.

Franco Frattini

The Monetary Policy Committee is back facing a familiar dilemma a housing market that is recovering well, with households not afraid to take on more debt, but real economy and inflation numbers which are much softer.

Geoffrey Dicks

I think that investors are very much in a wait-and-see mood at the moment ... with the Bank of Japan's policy meeting today and tomorrow.

Takashi Ushio

Part of the problem is how far behind we are in broadband development. We still don't have a national broadband policy in this country to make it available to Americans at affordable prices.

Jeannine Kenney

The launch of Tsurumi Yoshiyuki Library is in accordance with the policy of the center to collect 'people's records' and make them public.

Yasushi Fujibayashi

While the report does not make it a certainty, it increases the probability that the Fed will leave policy unchanged.

Gary Schlossberg

The tightened monetary policy has squeezed the credit flow to the private sector.

Mir Nasir Hossain

Some of the products offered by lenders have a built-in 60-day excess, for example Alliance & Leicester, or a 30-day exclusion, such as the Halifax. In other words, the policy does not pay out until a borrower has been off work ill for a minimum of 30 or 60 days. Many customers just cannot envisage such a long period of illness.

Louise Cuming

So we called around. We found a policy. We wrote a check.

Ben Boyd

I think it's stupid that this type of policy is legal and profitable.

Dan Ravicher

Employees may want to move things like boats or a hobby car, but those things are typically not included. Unless it's outlined in a policy, the company could be paying more than it expected.

Deborah Benavides

The market opened a lot more optimistic today because it looks like the risk of changes to economic policy have diminished.

Jorge Knauer

We think the underlying momentum in the Fed policy story warrants more explicit long dollar exposure.

James Mccormick

Our policy is the same toward the United States that it has so far been. There is no debate about relations and negotiation with the U.S. There has been no change in our policy.

Gholamhossein Elham

Although we do not think that the inflation outlook justifies further rate cuts at this point, past experience shows that developments in the real economy can influence monetary policy decisions.

Marisa Fassler

This is a major policy shift and I think as a council we need to look at that policy change.

Vernon Brown

A tough policy will be pursued until the nest of terrorism in the North Caucasus is destroyed.

Dmitry Yakushkin

[President Richard Nixon had just signed the National Environmental Policy Act, and the government] wasn't paying much attention to the things required by that, ... We decided to see if we could enforce it.

Donald Harris

There is but one way of converting these poor infidels and reclaiming them from barbarity, and that is charitably to intermarry with them, according to the modern policy of the Most Christian King in Canada and Louisiana.

William Byrd

There are many options for seniors under the new program to ensure they find a benefit that meets their individual health needs, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all policy.

Amy Maier

We don't yet know the full economic effect of the policy moves we have already made. In the months ahead, we'll have to watch the data very carefully to make sure that growth is still on track and inflation expectations are well anchored.

Jack Guynn

The center is not trying to engage in a policy debate, but rather get what they view as better data.

Wayne Villemez

As a policy maker, I'm only going to pay attention to the workweek if I think it's a trend. But the fact is that since July of 2004, we've been at either 33.7 or 33.8 hours on the aggregate workweek. My feeling is that the workweek declined in February in part because of a decline in construction but that in general, it's probably going to bounce back to 33.8 next month.

Alan Levenson

There's a clear message that men are also affected greatly by involvement in the family and particularly by whether they have children. This has real policy implications.

Jerry Flanzer

It's not clear that the governor has the authority to invoke a line-item veto on a policy area, ... There's going to be some interesting conversations on that.

Susan Morgan

Because of the confidential nature of the league's substance abuse policy, we can't comment on any aspect of that program.

Harvey Greene

There will be no major change in policy.

Phan Dien

There is a 60 percent chance for a policy change this month and 40 percent for action in April. In any case, a rate increase won't be an option for the time being, and zero rates will continue.

Ryutaro Kono

Iran has a ballistic missile capability of 2000km. We do not intend to attack any country, but if we are attacked we have the capability to give an effective response. Our policy is defensive.

General Yahya Rahim Safavi

This is an earth shattering reversal in competition policy from an agency that broke up [the AT&T] monopoly 21 years ago.

Gene Kimmelman

It's our policy not to comment on pending litigation. We will continue to defend our position vigorously.

Daniel Francisco

We will lose control of our home affairs. We will lose control, I believe, eventually of our foreign policy and our defense policy. I find these totally unacceptable.

Michael Ancram

By maintaining an accommodative monetary policy, the CBC (Central Bank of China) has been raising interest rates at a very modest pace, indeed, the slowest among all Asian central banks.

Shahab Jalinoos

[The Coopers bit. They purchased flood insurance and a DMP policy. Their mortgage payment is $1,500 to $2,000 a month. Their premium: $251 a year.] With the mortgage payment we have, it's like, 'Wow! One month, and it's paid!,' ... So, it was really a no brainer.

Bill Cooper

In the long term, we want the best collection of solutions. We need an energy policy that is decentralized, diverse, domestic and renewable.

Larry Mitchell

She is a very bright woman who knows public policy backwards and forwards and who has reached out to a diverse constituency, especially upstate. I'm very impressed.

Mike Edelman

China's current policy regarding death penalty is to preserve it but use it cautiously.

Xiao Yang

This is more of the same ? yet another attempt by some states and environmental groups to change U.S. climate policy through litigation.

Dan Riedinger

It's not for the planning commissioners to judge because we don't set the policy [as the council does], we just interpret the policy.

Sam Logan

We're not relying on what we think is cool or interesting or happening. We're holding up a mirror to our audience. That, to me, is our insurance policy.

David Neuman

I will not make the decision quickly. I'll go and look at what the records say, I'll go look at what the policy is and I'll render a decision.

Reg Alcock

It's not a state policy but there are agents of national police involved in social cleansing.

Sergio Morales