National Guard soldiers were picking dead bodies out of houses. There is only so much of that you can see, you know? It was so depressing, I just wanted to get out of there.

Kathleen Johnson

Here you have an independently financed film that has no distributor. What better way to find one than to get a premiere at a national festival?

Jeff Monks

It hasn't been handled very well. I would have thought the administration would have learned a lesson from the China National Offshore Oil Corp. of last year.

Jeffrey Schott

The American ambassador must consider himself very lucky that he is dealing with a professional army that the Zimbabwean national army is.

George Charamba

When I had been left out of the national team it was disappointing but I never gave up. I was only in my mid-20s. I'm 28 now so... there are still another seven years ahead of me.

Ashwell Prince

The [national] perception of the mayor is of being erratic.

Roger White

One of reasons why we're racing in Mexico is to generate interest among Hispanics here at home. The race will be carried on national TV (Fox) and a lot of Hispanic fans will be tuned in back here.

Joe Mattioli

This was a breakthrough weekend for Zach, winning his first conference championship. We expect bigger and better things from him in the future. He just missed qualifying for the national meet, and Albert (Greene) just barely missed also.

Roger Haynes

We have never won the national title. There will be some good teams there and it will be hard. The boys had a couple of days off after the Auckland final but are now back into training.

Mark Jackson

This was a big opportunity for the UAW to act like leaders of the labor movement. The only viable social and economic solution is national health care.

Gregg Shotwell

April is National Kite Month, and we as advocates can think of no better symbol than that of a kite to represent Independent Living for persons with disabilities.

Betty Johnson

We need to increase the salaries of our teachers because we're $6,000 below the national average. And that just will not cut it.

Rep. Arthenia Joyner

I am a bit disturbed to hear that, considering the circumstances. This was the largest national disaster in the history of the country. (State Farm) is imposing something on people who are destitute in many respects and have no means of meeting that kind of obligation.

Karen Carter

This game will provide a phenomenal opportunity to showcase the Cardinals to a national and international audience.

Michael Bidwill

We could be a national championship-caliber team.

Gilbert Brown

We want to go national. Were interested in exposing the band as much as possible.

Jon Anderson

The review said that there was no derogatory information against this company, and that this company did not raise ... undue concerns about national security in the country.

Clay Lowery

Whether everybody who shows up is rooting for the Rebels or not, I don't know, but certainly it will be exciting. I would imagine they would (travel well) coming off a national championship ... and just because of some of the momentum that their athletic department has.

Buddy Gouldsmith

Look at it this way, ... The BCS was built to put two teams in the national championship game. ... You've only got what's in front of you. Anything else is a major format change within the BCS.

Charles Bloom

National studies are showing that early decay is on the increase, and that's shocking, actually. It's really a silent epidemic.

Mary Hayes

These junior players are future national stars. They are among 72 regional players in the U.S. who will be able to try out for the national squad.

Scott Spencer

It is Julia's first year on the national team, and she's been successful in downhill.

Aldo Radamus

For a country like Turkey, National Bank would have a target ROI rate range of 15% to 17%.

Anthimos Thomopoulos

Oh yeah, this is a national story. Being here at the beginning of this era, the curiosity, the intrigue of him being back in this (SEC East) division — now more than ever, this is the epicenter of college football.

Chris Fowler

This program is going to get that national championship banner, I guarantee it.

Jessica Foley

There are a number of important national Democratic leaders who I have found it important to support, including Al Gore.

Alan Solomont

He might just be the ideal type for that race. He stayed two miles and five furlongs very well at Cheltenham in December, and if he could hack along in the National he might be able to get home.

Noel Meade

[The Palestinian National Authority, in a statement, accused Israeli forces of committing] another brutal crime, ... targeted and killed in cold blood, by the fire of the Israeli tanks.

James Miller

I know no national boundary where the Negro is concerned. The whole world is my province until Africa is free.

Marcus Garvey

The opening of the academy is a historic moment. It is the first such national institution that has been built in Somalia for a long time.

Maxwell Gaylard

We would like to look more like the national average.

Carol D'amico

It addresses our national concern about child sex abuse and getting tough on child sex abusers.

Sen. Greg Bell

This is the flagship. It gets the national introduction.

Steve Torres

I am really angry with the people who did this, they shouldn't get away with it. By rights they should be put out of their jobs and never allowed back into the [National Health Service], because it could happen to someone else maybe worse off than me.

Lisa Norris

Subsequent to consultations with the national campaign, Prime Minister Martin decided that it was in the best interests of the party that Mr. Oliver cease campaigning as a Liberal candidate and that he not sit in the Liberal Caucus should he be elected.

Liberal Party

What's driving the prices are the national chains. The national chains are almost impossible to deal with because a local developer cannot match their resources.

Brian Mcmahon

You're a legacy team. You won a national championship that will always be a part of your fabric and your identity. It's a title you'll be able to use for the rest of your lives.

Pete Fewing

They like it. It is a little shorter than the national level, but it is national-like in design. They were jumping about 100 feet.

Steve Pallin

The federal government, which is the national voice of our country, is important in teaching civics, but what people back here won't understand is that you do that best through your own actions, not through legislating things.

Matthew Spalding

Anytime you're a national champion, it's incredible. I couldn't be more proud of Helen. She's been one of the best captains I've ever seen. She won because she deserved to win.

Whitney Hite

We are beginning to see changes. We are working on an interim national constitution that recognizes gender equality and child rights, which are often ignored by customary law.

Akur Ajuoi

Being able to come back and work with young people where we have a chance to win a national championship, I couldn't pass that up. I had a couple of chances when I was here before and we didn't get it done. Now, I have another chance.

Rich Olson

We were devastated, ... We spent two years developing it. I had even flown to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) to do research on my own dime. So we could have sunk into a deep depression. Instead, we made a movie.

Greg Harrison

Being an emergency manager and getting a call from the National Hurricane Center director on a cell phone at night is one of the most tense experiences you could ever go through. He just wanted to give me a heads up.

Tony Carper

It was not long before I was struck with the idea that base ball was just the game for a national sport for Americans.

Henry Chadwick

Federal law is quite clear: Air National Guard units cannot be moved without the express permission of their commander-in-chief, the governor.

Jodi Rell

That definitely came to mind when we started off thinking about the possibility of being in the Fiesta Bowl, the fact that we started off there in the national championship and we can finish there. I think it's kind of fitting.

Nate Salley

It's not about trying to win another Heisman, ... It's about trying to win a third national championship.

Matt Leinart

America is a land where a citizen will cross the ocean to fight for democracy -- and won't cross the street to vote in a national election.

William E Bill Vaughan

The level of mercury has met the national standards in the river after increased efforts but cadmium has become another hazard.

Jiang Yimin

North Dakota and St. Cloud State can both legitimately think about a national championship. And Duluth is not far behind.

Dave Krauth

The National Guard is just taking things to focus areas, ... There are no cars coming up here.

Matt Long

When we talk about the Middle East or sub-Saharan Africa, there will be somebody in the room that may have actually been in combat in that area, may actually know a national leader personally.

Paul Gaffney

Canadians want a country. They don't want a community of communities. I'm committed to the national unity of the country.

Michael Ignatieff

They could ask their families, their friends, their doctor. They could also check with the National Committee for Quality Assurance , which has a ranking of health care plans.

Paul Fronstin

We had been asked to participate in a couple other national-type games, but they had not come to fruition for one reason or another. The difference with this game was that the guys behind it put in their full force to get it done.

Kerry Coombs

I get nervous in front of friends and family, but this time I was on national TV and I wasn't very nervous.

Laura Wright

We now have a national reputation for corruption.

Chris Redfern

This is what is staggering: It declares a national policy [that] drilling won't harm your environment.

Dan Mclaughlin

The first national convention of any political party was the anti-Masonic party.

Donald Ritchie

You name a code, and we were not compliant. The last time we were compliant with the National Electric Code was 1953. We are not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Lee Evey

We have boxers who are going into Cuba and coming back with new techniques. We need coaches to assist them on national team trips. We can learn something from them and they can learn something from us.

Andre Seymour

There's very few athletes that compete at that level (national championship) that win a medal every time out in an individual event.

Vickie Croley

We're in rehearsals and Katrina's hitting, and we're hearing about the National Guard troops and equipment that is not available for disaster relief because they're over fighting in Iraq.

Brad Wright

The National Guard's position is that we're not going anywhere. To do that would take an enormous amount of resources, of which nobody has discussed with us.

Maj. Paul Aguirre

Jerusalem for us is a major issue. We can't accept excluding it from our national elections.

Abbas Zaki

We need national guidelines for using information that we collect and accessing databases. The people who work day in and day out need to know what they are allowed to do, not just what they are not allowed to do.

Philip Zelikow

There are very conservative libertarian Republicans who agree with liberal Democrats that you have to pay attention to civil liberties and balance that with national security. That's very tough to do.

Gloria Borger

Dr. Travis has been a local and national leader in West Nile surveillance.

William Paul

These soldiers were operating and fighting alongside Afghan National Security Forces.

Jason Kamiya

Andy hit big free throws. It isn't like we won the national championship, but for us any win right now is a good win with everything that is going on.

Scott Nagy

I have just renewed my contract with Monaco until 2007. I'm not concerned with the national team.

Didier Deschamps

The national economy is fabulous. Unemployment here is only 2.2 percent. Business is good everywhere ... except for real estate.

Mike Carr

Delay in forming the government does not benefit the Oil Ministry or the sector which provides the bulk of the national budget.

Asim Jihad

Along the way he also learned one or two things about leadership and national security and what our country is all about and what we're trying to do in the world.

Tom Clancy

Lots of people argue that it is cheaper to live in South Dakota and that should be a trade off. We recruit on a national level, and cost of living is something applicants generally don't consider.

Janelle Tolman

We don't expect any hospital to get to 100 percent on these measures. There are exceptions, and we recognize that. But if hospitals are below the national average, that's harder to explain.

Dale Bratzler

One of our goals was to be national champs, and we didn't achieve that. We still have another goal that we've set, and that's to win another (Division III) state championship. We lost tonight, but we didn't quit.

Jamie Mahaffey

What this is telling us is that pan-European consolidation is on hold until we see the creation of national champions.

Simon Maughan

Our cultural diversity has most certainly shaped our national character.

Julie Bishop

And I have to believe that in the interest of national security, the list of restricted activities will grow over time.

Jim Burns

It's The National Security, Stupid.

Arianna Huffington

No one anticipated the national championship last year. We're more of a target this year.

Bev Kearney

We are talking to a number of Republicans with national profiles who are interested in coming in or coming back. We expect some more big names.

Sherry Sylvester

I just want to win the Sugar Bowl. It's the national championship game. I guess there could be a split, but me personally, I don't really want to get involved in all of that. That's something for the fans and media to get involved with.

Chad Lavalais

Because it's a national-bound tournament, some of the vice presidents of the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association are going to be here.

Ted Sim

The whole of our national sport is not doing very well.

Ted Dexter

It has local and regional significance, as well as national and international significance, ultimately as part of the (Interstate) 49 corridor.

Christine Kefauver

This is a collaboration never before seen that enables us to put a bold imprint on the launch of THE BLUES BROTHERS DVD and we are incredibly excited to be the first national edition of Hollywood Master Storytellers.

Craig Kornblau

We're excited to have him. Someone with international and national experience is just what we need.

Bob Sommer

This approach reflects the fact that ageing issues will affect every member of the national community, old and young alike.

Julie Bishop

In 2006, we hope to be a regular filer of 1OKs. We hope to address the capital structure that was hampered by the previous management and hope to be listed again on one of the national exchanges.

Jay Grinney

We believe satellite radio companies were licensed for national radio programming services exclusively.

Dennis Wharton

It's going to have a devastating impact on the small, boutique properties. They don't have the national sales office.

Phillip Jones

We got what we wanted out of the weekend. I was happy with what happened in Ames. We now have the guys in the meet to make a run at the national championship.

John Mcdonnell

National reconciliation is going quickly because the Cambodian leaders know how to resolve national problems.

Kong Korm

I had police officers, fireman and building inspectors come to my booth at the National Hurricane Conference and they thought it was phenomenal.

Ron Belanger

I like it (the challenge) to be honest. It's a little bigger game than TCU or Tulsa. I'm not saying those weren't big games, but this is our first road game. It's great motivation to go out there on a national stage and get the job done.

Alan Davis

There's a great buzz here, but there's nothing like a football game day. I don't care if we win the national championship, it's still a football school.

Andy Culpepper

Because the national competition happens at the National Society for Human Resource Management conference, you will have 20,000 to 40,000 people there.

Diane Decker

It did cause a slowing at the national level, but not here in Utah.

Mark Knold

I want to win a national championship. I want to win more than one. These guys are going to help me achieve that.

Aaron Maybin

We've had discussions with local banks since day one but National City was the first to step up. They have a community development department that invests in projects that further communities in which they operate.

Kathleen Eriksen

It's great to be wanted in this recruiting class. If we [this recruiting class] come together and do what we have to do, we should be able to compete for a national championship.

A.j. Jones

In the old world that is passing, in the new world that is coming, national efficiency has been and will be a controlling factor in national safety and welfare.

Gifford Pinchot

When you hit Sports Illustrated, when you hit a national television audience and you see your name as often as they do, they're not complaining.

Roy Mlakar

We've been doing this 15 years, and we're seeing the full effects, ... We're well below the national average in loss of life and property for a community our size.

Steve Leonard

We have the party chair from every state. If you can demonstrate the security of doing that at the Democratic National Convention, why can't we do this somewhere else?

Bill Taylor

It's kind of a cross between 'American Idol' and 'The Beverly Hillbillies' where you go from nowhere, here's somebody making their debut on a national stage.

Joe Mattioli

The National Guard had an air-conditioned hut. It was like one hour in line to visit for five minutes.

Andrew Green

Dealerships spend thousands of dollars on advertising. When you can get that at the national level, it certainly helps us, ... It's driving traffic. It's getting people to come in.

Steve Wilson

It's all a pack of lies and the National Enquirer was told it was a pack of lies.

Bert Fields

The only way to take on a global corporation is to take them on with a national or regional strategy.

Mike Casey

We had a great tournament. The new national rankings should put us about seventh or eighth.

Jim Koch

It (the promotion of Mandarin) aims to ensure national cohesion and facilitate communication for people from different regions.

Chen Zhangtai

He would be set. He could go on national TV and it wouldn't move.

Aubrie Apple

National government must declare it a national disaster area because massive resources would be required to restore the area.

Mahlakeng Mahlakeng

To finally get a national championship - she worked so hard and she deserved it. It is hard to come by. There are lots of good runners in our division, but it was well-deserved with how much she wanted it and how hard she worked. She's the best female distance runner we've ever had here - and we've had some good ones, but she heads the list. She's going to be hard to beat.

Ralph White

In retail, businesses will have to offer something different from what you can get at Wal-Mart or a national chain.

Milton Smith

It is going to be a national debacle (if we cannot play and defend the SEAG crown).

Joey Lina

This is the first time that we are looking at lab-confirmed outcomes in children on a national level.

Niranjan Bhat

We consider this as a blessing in disguise. Here we have a chance of appointing a leader who will ensure national security instead of someone who works closely with the LTT.

Siripathi Sooriyaarachchi

We have the chance to show that the Big East is not a powder-puff conference. We really mean business. The Big East is here. We're going to be a powerhouse, and some national contenders are going to come out of the Big East in the future.

Jeremy Sheffey

NASA represents something important in the national psyche. Given that, there isn't a lot of hunger to cut NASA substantially, nor to cripple their ability to explore space.

Brian M. Riedl

This is a national asset; it is something we are proud to offer to all service providers on an equal basis.

Steve Robertson

To come back they way they did, shows a lot of character for our team. A lot of drive. A strong will. They showed they're not going to lay down for anybody -- not even the national champions.

Rene Barrientes

This is totally inadequate. This should be treated as a national calamity, like an earthquake, and the government should act in the same way.

Ghulam Vhora

The jury's out on whether this election can bring Bolivia back from the precipice of national collapse or whether it will generate even more political tension and perhaps a break-up of the country.

Mark Schneider

The national debate on Social Security has been cheapened by demagoguery on all sides.

Bill Delahunt

She has hired some good folks that have allowed us to compete with the national chains in our ladies and children's lines.

Shirley Leinwand

I would like to see a new national discussion about what prepared means, how it's measured and what we should expect. Since 9-11, the nation has spent tens of billions of dollars on preparedness, yet we can account for very little and can hardly say what actually has been accomplished.

Irwin Redlener

Each year on this day we remember and pay tribute to this much loved working-class hero and giant of the national liberation.

Patrick Craven

He went from a very good local runner to a national elite.

Chad Nightingale

The list is a metaphor for troubled national parks all across the nation, ... Some of our national parks are becoming a national disgrace.

Thomas Kiernan

I didn't feel particularly nervous. I felt the same as I do before any game for Dynamo or the national team.

Oleksander Shovkovsky

I'm happy they fired one of them but it took national attention to get a pedophile fired. That's a shame.

Casey Hoff

Our national federations are legitimate members, some are stronger, some are weaker.

Don Porter

Countries under foreign command quickly forget their history, their past, their tradition, their national symbols, their way of living, often their own literary language.

Slobodan Milosevic

What is a threat to national security and who determines what is a threat to national security?

Joe Barker

We want our kids to be able to wrestle on a national level as well as a state level, and Evan and Nick have that experience.

Keith Walton

It looks like an atomic bomb hit the place. It is severe damage. This is more than a local disaster, this is a national disaster.

Neil Clarke

We cannot ignore the fact that Egypt is the only country in the Middle East that prepares itself for a possible conflagration or war with Israel. And we should preserve our national security interests.

Yuval Steinitz

We'd like to move forward to be above the national average. If you take the ACT, it means, or at least is a good indicator, that you are going to go beyond high school.

Keith Brewer

The tenth National Games is important to the preparation of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and it will affect the initiative of all the athletes, ... The offences have led to nasty effects.

Liu Peng

We cannot continue to accept risk by under-equipping the National Guard. Some critics will say we cannot afford it. The Guard's answer will be, we cannot afford not to do this.

Steven Blum

(Miami) is a university where you can go win a national championship. Certainly any coach would be attracted to that. There are an awful lot of positives there. I think I'm a legitimate candidate. It would be a very, very attractive job to me.

Todd Berry

The National Folk Festival is a brand-new festival every year.

Julia Olin

We didn't tell anybody until March of 2002 ? that's when the April National Geographic was released with the first article about the site.

Bill Saturno

There also is a lot of interest in indigenous dishes, and seasonal cooking. It's a national interest in, and fascination with, Wisconsin foods.

Jim Holperin

This time the drag was mostly on the local side, which was down 2%, while national was flat.

Marci Ryvicker

The NCAA is an exceptional meet. We're excited to be competing in the national championships and look forward to gaining some success while we're there.

Darryl Anderson

He formed Democracy for America, which took what was the foundation -- the Internet foundation -- and the enthusiasm, reaching out to the grassroots for his campaign and made it a national campaign.

Neil Abercrombie

Only after We adopt recycling-based economy, we can achieve sustainable development which is of our three countries' national interests.

Xie Zhenhua

It converts them from a national to an international company. There's been an uncertainty as to where (the companies' relationship) is going. Now that's cleared up.

Sean Hennessey

Qualifying for the national event is the highest honor any mogul skier can attain.

Kirk Rawles

I knew that the National Socialist Party was anti-Semitic, and I knew that the Jews were being evacuated from Germany.

Albert Speer

We're trying to keep things to the level of a Yale College Council election, not a national election.

Marissa Brittenham

Says Jack Limpert, editor of Washingtonian, a city magazine that competes with Binn for some ads. ''Now Binn can get national ads from Prada and Ralph Lauren.

Jason Binn

It's a great privilege to be on ESPN. It's a great honor for our football team and this university to be on national television.

Rick Stockstill

We totally dominate track events. That is a national reputation that we have built.

Matt Centrowitz

I think their goal was to circumvent disclosure. They're moving this money in a way that's a little bit more complicated than if they just wrote one big check to the Democratic National Committee ... They had to go through a few more steps, more complicated ones, basically to hide this money.

Kent Cooper

I knew I would win although I felt tired after the National Games.

Liu Xiang

The last time the national women's gymnastics tournament was held here was 1993 and we set a record for attendance.

Jason Amberg

It's a win-win situation. I get a soundtrack that is representative of the city I'm filming in and these local artist get national recognition.

Stu Pollard

It's pretty obvious that Glacier National Park has a whole lot more bears than anywhere else.

Kate Kendall

The project of dividing the land is going to be Israel's central national enterprise in the coming decade. It will determine whether we have a future here. It will determine whether we will live or die.

Ari Shavit

I don't like missing links on my CV. I really want to win the National more than anything else but you know what the race is like. Anything can happen.

Tony Mccoy

We have real questions with regard to some of the recommendations as they apply to the Air National Guard.

Anthony J. Principi

This is not just a Maricopa and Arizona problem. This is a national problem.

Richard Dymalski

This is very good news. Three hundred million is one of the largest earmarks in the history of the New Starts program. We got one-fifth of the national pot. That's really good.

Christopher Boylan

In short, Florida and the Orlando area are helping America grow and lead the national and world economies.

Jon Dudas

I fully envision Pennsylvania becoming a national leader in fish habitat initiatives.

Scott Carney

I really think he has national potential.

John Harper

One of the main achievements for Iraqi national unity and for Iraqi women's rights is the family law. This is very essential for Iraq, for the future of the country, for the future of the national unity, of the social fabric of my country.

Hanaa Edwar

There should be another chair before us, with an accompanying name card that reads director of national intelligence.

Jay Rockefeller

There's two reasons why this happened, ... Either the (National Guard) pilots screwed up or they were playing games with our airplane and they got caught.

Mark Mcdonald

The pro shooters at national competitions are the best in the world.

Brian Meyers

The government is not in the national ID card business; all the credentials (that the government issues) are related to the government.

Dave Nelson

The primary security for this referendum and the national election ... will be provided for by Iraqi security forces.

John Vines

We see the Front Range outperforming the national economy.

Michael Swanson

We are looking forward to further developing the list structure through the AFL National Draft and are encouraged by the prospect of having five picks inside the top 22.

Chris Pelchen

This verdict is wrong ... and according to the National Olympic committee is not acceptable. We will appeal the decision.

Klaus Steinbach

This is a good learning experience for our team. We put ourselves in a situation to get back to the (national) tournament; we just didn't get it done.

Leon Neal

Incapable of advancing Germany's national interests.

Gerhard Schroeder

Anything that has to do with energy in any way is a possible part of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Terry Payne

Yesterday we rented big fan boats to pull them out and the National Guard would not let us enter the city.

George Hood

They have a great team, and we'll both be going to the national tournament. I just hope my guys don't get too down from this loss.

Andre Williams

Sixteen-point-five percent was very impressive relative to the [national] average [12 percent].

Andrew Leventis

It used to be, most of your great athletes in the state only played football. Now if you get the best kids from Florida, you have a chance to win a national (basketball) championship. I don't know if you could say that before.

Rex Morgan

It's on the National Historic Register. It's a significant historic property.

Charles Flynn

It's your national title, it's like a U.S. Open, that's the way it's meant to play.

Robert Allenby

Every year, the NFPA [National Fire Protection Association] does something different.

Chris Brewer

We are happy we can play a part in the mission of the first Brazilian astronaut. He will undoubtedly become a national hero for Brazil.

Vyacheslav Davidenko

Hopefully, it can give that much more initiative to make national championships on a regular basis.

Richard Berg

Of course it was embarrassing. You're not supposed to get beaten like that on national television. We have to take it on the chin and come back.

Daryll Hill

He was a fiscal conservative and on national defense. But he was not a social conservative.

Lou Cannon

This is a highly complex deal and on balance it is not in the national security interests of the US. It will damage the nuclear non proliferation regime.

Daryl Kimball

The national anthem is kind of a hard song to sing sometimes, and God gave me the strength to put it together.

Darryl Reed

We're glad to be back. With the national championship game on Monday night, we'll be able to talk a little bit of basketball (on Tuesday).

Sonny Smith

This game is a measuring stick for our program. They've won six national championships and they are what everyone in I-AA aspires to be.

Rocky Hager