"Charles Flynn" may refer to:

* Charles L. Flynn, Jr., president of the College of Mount Saint Vincent

* Charles W. Flynn, executive director of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area

* Charlie Flynn (born 1993), an amateur boxer from Scotland

More Charles Flynn on Wikipedia.

This is a really important moment in the life of this plane and the life of this story.

We're suing them for what they should pay a coach of 25 years under a contract that turned down head coaching jobs, that turned down other jobs in the very recent past.

It could be any time. It could be next week or three weeks from now.

It's looking the same way it broke on Election night (a ten vote lead).

Our congressional delegation knows the community is very supportive of these projects.

The Wethersfield Fire Department is proud of the members that give so freely of themselves, especially long term members like David Anderson. The wealth of knowledge that he brings to every call is immeasurable. He has been a member and a teacher to countless members of the department.

It's on the National Historic Register. It's a significant historic property.

We had $100 left on Election night. And a $79 bill at the bar.

We have good people here, ... We care and we do a good job.