I have to confess we have made a mistake on that, ... We could stand accused of making it totally inconvenient for players competing in America, so we are going to adjust the dates but they will be that week.

Peter Dawson

It was a referee who made the mistake, and he's the one who should be punished. But the team that won its points cleanly will be punished the same way.

Paulo Autuori

The Hi-Lo as a balanced count is one of the easiest out there. With a more complex count, maybe you can get a slightly higher percentage, but if you make one mistake with that more complicated system, you lose that small advantage.

David Irvine

We didn't know we had it. It was an honest mistake.

Kris Carson

I tried stuff, but it wasn't really working, so I waited for him to make a mistake. He was flat-footed.

Dale Shull

I know it's tough to justify, but sometimes your 20th draft pick becomes as important as your first. It's a mistake judging an entire draft class by what the first guy does.

Terry Ryan

It was a fluke mistake. It's not going to happen again.

Janet Anson

I was really focusing on keeping that leg with me instead of losing it. I sort of got lost in the rotation. With these guys there's no way you can afford to make that kind of mistake. I was happy I managed to come back. I didn't give it up.

Alexandre Despatie

He has discontinued his affiliation with it (the Owl Club). He believes it is a mistake to be affiliated with it.

Laura Capps

We played really well. We made one mistake in the first half and it cost us. We missed an early penalty kick that could have made the game a little different. I have to give credit to Magnolia for finding the net and for shutting us out.

Johnny Gonzales

Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives' decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake.

Peter F. Drucker

We knew the change would have a cost in terms of image. We know it was a mistake, but we were able to solve the problem quickly and clearly.

Felipa Jove

My mistake was to have not kept the packaging from the medicines I took.

Guillermo Canas

No jovial hand shaker would get far without helping the local economy. Make no mistake, jobs and economic prosperity are the main issues here.

Juergen Falter

It's a mistake a lot of advertisers make when you go purely for entertainment or shock and forget about the brand. It's all about the product.

Patrick Knoll

I was totally surprised. I thought it was a mistake, but it really felt great.

Dana Landry

It is the greatest mistake to think that man is always one and the same. A man is never the same for long. He is continually changing. He seldom remains the same even for half an hour.

George Gurdjieff

I made a mistake. I just have to prove everybody wrong and come back from it.

Kellen Winslow Jr.

It is a daunting challenge if you have 100 funds to choose from. People are terrified that they will make a mistake. They say that they will figure it out tomorrow. But tomorrow will be no different than today.

Barry Schwartz

You've got to try to jump on a pitch early, get something that gets a little bit of the plate. If they make a mistake, you've got to be going after it.

Phil Garner

The biggest difference was getting leads early on. Then you can afford to go after hitters and if you make a mistake it isn't as costly.

Meagan Paradine

This is a mistake and a sort of political gamble more than being a wise move.

Ali Al Nimesh

He made a little mistake at the second-last but was coming back at the winner and I was delighted with him.

Paul Nolan

The printer made a mistake.

Paul Bettencourt

This was a tremendous mistake in judgment.

Michael Kessler

He's learned that the election is over - and now he's free to acknowledge that course change doesn't necessarily mean a mistake.

Rich Galen

If I can get my stick to lift up the puck backhand, I can score. It's my mistake.

Alexander Ovechkin

He was a great kid. He just made one mistake, and the Lord took him home.

Juanna Graham

The LTTE might well believe that it can win a separate state by force. If it does believe that, as it may well do, it is making an absolute horrendous mistake.

Lakshman Kadirgamar

It would be a mistake to think boxed wines are for the pedestrian market.

John Gillespie

It was very appropriate. I couldn't imagine how we could be shut out of our rights to a referendum because of a mistake in the minutes. It just seems unfair and inappropriate.

Julia Robinson

Hopefully we can quickly calm the nerves and get them ready. It's district and if you make one mistake you may be done. We just have to make sure we don't make the mistakes that lead to goals that could hurt us.

Chris Bryant

For all the candidates, the main imperative is not to make a mistake, because mistakes have traditionally really resounded in the post-debate coverage.

Alan Schroeder

I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A lot of people make the mistake of having a lampshade that is too big or too small for the base.

Margie Willis

I wanted to make a move at that turn, but I just didn't do it. I made a mistake, and she opened it up.

Isabella Ochichi

The biggest mistake would be to think about an immediate withdrawal, it would mean letting terrorism win.

Fabrizio Cicchitto

Sexual harassment law is very important. But I think it would be a mistake if the sexual harassment law movement is the only way in which feminism is known in the media.

Judith Butler

Any time you make seven errors in a game, you're going to be hard-pressed to win it. Brownwood took advantage of every mistake we made. They deserved to win.

Clay Martin

I'm disappointed. But it's a rule that I must observe. I made such a basic mistake on a big occasion like this. It's all may fault.

Masahiko Harada

If France thinks that by propping up Deby against the will of an entire people, it will be able to safeguard its interests (in Chad), it's making a mistake.

Albissaty Saleh Allazam

It was a pretty costly mistake. It happens sometimes, but I wish it didn't happen today.

Michelle Gorgone

I hit a lovely shot into the 14th, the par five, to make birdie and then when I made the mistake on the 15th I was livid because I knew that was that in a way.

Garry Houston

One mistake is all it takes with these kind of bats. It was supposed to be a fastball in, but it wasn't in enough.

Stephen Faris

Some people thought we made a mistake in not hiring a horse guy.

Tom Connelly

An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.

O. A. Battista

Make no mistake. These are the steepest hills that we race in America.

John Lieswyn

How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?

John Kerry

He has decided to be taken off their rolls, believing that it is a mistake to continue to be affiliated.

Melissa Wagoner

As soon as I saw it, I said `Hey is there a mistake here?' ... I've been here for 30 years and I don't ever remember a tie like this.

David Hughes

I find that it would be a big mistake to close this facility at this time.

Lloyd Newton

Instead, it was a very narrow licensing procedure. The big picture was not examined and that was a mistake.

Graham Henderson

You still love the kid, but the kid made a mistake. Now, he's got to pay the price.

Jack Pratt

We haven't heard from them. I think no one is likely to mistake our prize for the Booker Prize.

Stephen Fraser

It was a big mistake-I had a lot left. I had to accompany all the pieces a lot better.

Brian Crosby

You're aware that at any given moment they can change the face of a game by returning a punt. They're fast and athletic and with a slight mistake they can make you pay.

Abdul Hodge

I can't give you an explanation. I guess they were kids blowing off some steam and it got out of hand. In this case, my sense is that it was a mistake. These kids did not intend to do what happened.

John Scher

[In the statement, the only] mistake ... severe error of not siding with the party central authorities.

Bao Tong

It was nerve-racking because if you make a mistake, you're done.

Dominik Jakubek

We couldn't change it and couldn't erase it. It was a mistake. You've got to admit them and fix them and not let them happen again.

John Fox

The writers want to know were you made your mistake, no how well your curve is breaking.

Alvin Dark

It would be a mistake to interpret these results as anything but what they are: a single set of findings on an important topic that's attracting more and more scientific attention each day.

John Potter

They run a very complex, complicated offense and if you make a mistake, they'll make you pay. So we really have to be on the details.

Montae Reagor

We had more mistake in that first half than we did all season.

Steve Kuplicki

I made a mistake, ... I'm man enough to admit and apologize for it. It's not a big deal, but it was big enough for me not to start the game. You live and learn.

Rudi Johnson

It was actually pretty well set up, I would say. But obviously they made a mistake and were caught.

Raphael Bergeron

Make no mistake about it.

Bill Mccoy

It was a dumb foul. I thought I got him after the buzzer, but the camera showed I didn't. It was a mental mistake.

Justin Dentmon

This (headcount) is a terrible mistake. The Government must stop this exercise immediately.

Arun Jaitley

I went on just living that illusion that I'd already created for everyone else. I was treating it like a dirty secret or like Arron was this mistake in my life.

Brian Roberts

I learned from my dad, if you make a mistake, don't let it happen again. Just keep your head up and keep playing.

Robinson Cano

I did meet with him. I said he had made a mistake and that people were talking about recalling him.

Bob Day

I didn't make a mistake, but Troy just out-braked me into the hairpin.

James Toseland

Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace.

Judith S. Marin

A big game like this, one mistake can cost you.

Will Stoskopf

I think Burger King hit bottom around two years ago and they are improving off of that bottom but to equate them to McDonald's or even think that they are going to be a force to be reckoned with ... is a mistake.

Scott Rothbort

It was a bad break but a mistake that happened. You try to make sure it doesn't happen.

Chris Therien

The court said it was a simple mistake on the part of an inexperienced prosecutor. That was our position all along.

Tim Cole

I accept the fact, I made a mistake and apologize to the court, I am sorry.

Kathy Wilson

Taught her students when you make a mistake, you don't make excuses. You accept responsibility. This is the best example she can give them.

Barry Cohen

He made that one mistake. What can you do?

Ray Rivera

The court could have taken it upon itself to fix a mistake. Instead, they put the burden on us. Ironically, they cited the same rules they ignored in sealing all of these files in the first place.

Ken Armstrong

We did 973 instead of 937. As you can see, it's an easy mistake.

Thomas White

There are a lot of federal district court judges who would not have given these issues the kind of careful research, thought and analysis that Sessions did. He moves very deliberately and very carefully, which means that it less likely that an appellate court is going to find that Sessions made a mistake.

Michael Mello

[With cash in hand, Siebert is on the hunt for a good deal. ] If I made a mistake it's that I've been too conservative, ... It's slow, but black is beautiful.

Muriel Siebert

It is a mistake to speak of a bad choice in love, since as soon as a choice exists, it can only be bad.

Marcel Proust

It's business as usual. If they make a mistake and kill an innocent person it's, 'Oh well, it's the cost of doing business.' Their disregard for human life is quite evident.

Bill Powell

If you make a mistake, (Jordan) will counter. I got the early takedown and wrestled safe, made him chase after me.

Kurt Backes

The predicament that we're in with our economy is the mistake the Fed made two years ago. I believe they know they made a mistake, and they have to give it back to us.

Robert Froehlich

A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.

Robert Fripp

Probably some of them don't believe it was a mistake, and for those who do ... people don't often like to admit they're wrong. I'm not even sure I'm right when I say it was a mistake.

Lawrence Eagleburger

They never made that one. It was a mistake.

Harvey Hodgerney

Lines like that... they point out... almost make you think... Southwest helped produce the ad... make no mistake... they did not.

Kevin Cox

If you get promoted, you have a lot of anxiety because you don't want people to know you're a promotion mistake.

Linda Hill

A.J. is a great guy inside. He's got a great heart. He was a great teammate. He wants to win. That's what I like about him. He made a mistake. We all make mistakes. Hopefully he'll learn from it.

Lenny Harris

I made a mistake out there and I got mad. I slammed my fist into the rearview mirror and I think I broke my wrist. Guess I shouldn't have done that.

Bill Goldberg

Selling him to Leeds, not seeing his potential as a midfield player, was my greatest mistake in football.

John Giles

I advise them not to make a historic mistake.

Javad Vaeedi

Against a good team like this, if you make a mistake, they're going to capitalize. You give them an opportunity like that, forget about it. Game, set, match.

Jason Versage

The mistake a lot of politicians make is in forgetting they've been appointed and thinking they've been anointed.

Claude Pepper

What I try to emphasize more than anything else is don't be afraid to make a mistake. That's how you learn what you can't do, and what you don't like to do.

Wesley Hill

We will never let the BOJ repeat the mistake the bank made in August 2000.

Kozo Yamamoto

If it's just the one, then she knows she made a mistake and won't do it again. She has been reprimanded by her company and it's over with.

Darryl Stefka

In Europe, T-Mobile signed a deal with Virgin that did not make a lot of financial sense, and it seems like all of the cellular carriers learned from that mistake.

David Chamberlain

My mistake. We had it backward. But it worked out OK. Maybe we should wear them next time.

Doug O'brey

Outrageous, ... almost to the point where I thought it was a mistake.... I can't even imagine who thought up this idea.

Ron Klein

I made a mistake and when you make a mistake you pay for it. I couldn't throw strikes. I walked a guy before that and it hurt me.

Rafael Betancourt

Although our intent was to use any revenue generated from the program to fund AMA public health campaigns, in the form executed, the agreement was a mistake.

Thomas Reardon

They admitted to making a huge mistake and they said they'd pay the money back, ... They showed some remorse. It's just a sad deal all the way around.

Alan Davidson

La-Z-Boy hasn't done much with football since that one campaign and I thought that was a mistake. They haven't made that connection with every Super Bowl and I think that is a mistake.

C. Britt Beemer

I told the kids we made a mistake. We are a very young team and things like that happen.

John Margarita

It appears Sammy has made an honest mistake, and based on Major League Baseball's findings, there's no reason to change our relationship with him.

Dave Dececco

It's always painful to try cases again and it was a fairly honest mistake made by the judge. But you have to give instructions warranted by the case and the Court of Appeals said it was warranted, so we have to do it again.

Scott Swanson

Am I let down that I made the same mistake twice? ... Yes, I should have learned from the first fight.

Diego Corrales

He is making a big mental mistake by trying to look past me trying to get to Oscar.

Shane Mosley

There is nothing final about a mistake, except its being taken as final.

Phyllis Bottome

Certainly, Steve made a mistake that he shouldn't have, but that doesn't impair his ability to be an effective lobbyist. We are happy with his work on behalf of Miller Brewing Company.

Pete Marino

Our concern is that the budget terminates funding research into oil and gas. That's a mistake. There are important benefits to derive from it.

Lee Fuller

Our community should not have to pay for somebody else's mistake.

Carol Kennedy

The most common mistake I would hear is people being excessively loud, and doing it with their door open so you could hear them all the way down the hall. Shutting your door kills a great deal of noise.

Fred Russell

A little learning is not a dangerous thing to one who does not mistake it for a great deal.

William Allen White

It's a great mistake, I think, to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense, when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.

Anne Sullivan

Two outs -- but that was my mistake.

So Taguchi

As the highest elected county official, I apologize on behalf of the county, ... We have rules in place to prevent this and a mistake was made.

Brian Hughes

The focus is all on you in the ring, you're the center of attention. It's a one-on-one thing and if you make a little mistake, you're going to pay for it.

Ryan Kotey

They did a good job of getting the ball in the air on a day when the wind was blowing out. We had a couple of pitches that got away -- a couple we would sure like to have back -- and they just don't miss too many mistake pitches.

Daron Schoenrock

Rather than come clean about their mistake, they helped launch the United States into a bloody war that would last for 10 years.

Matthew Aid

You've got to give him credit. He hit a mistake.

Derek Hankins

They made the mistake of trying to strong-arm a South Georgia boy who has been doing this for 20 years.

Larry Clark

He won the two biggest tournaments and on the biggest stage performed the best. That was the best he's ever wrestled. He did not make one mistake the entire match.

Brian Degaetano

We wish we could have made a decision more quickly but we do not want to make a mistake.

Gerard Schwarz

Unlike a commercial transaction where if something goes wrong you can fix it, you can't undo elections, ... The cost of making a mistake here is a lot greater.

David Mason

It would be a mistake to think that because a particular technology can be used to distribute illegal copies therefore you should just run away from it.

Vint Cerf

He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.

Samuel Smiles

That's the kind of mistake you make once in your life.

Tim Wiese

It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.

Sir Winston Churchill

You cannot say it is a mistake, it is just the luck of football.

Gerard Houllier

I accept my mistake as my own and will work to gain greater understanding and education.

Cindi Laws

The people have not embraced it. But I don't think they will admit they made a mistake.

Bobby Plump

That would be a mistake (to play), a big mistake, but like I said, if it's a necessity, I'd do it, ... It would be if there were no defensive tackles (available). That would be the reason.

Kevin Brown

BIGAMY, n. A mistake in taste for which the wisdom of the future will adjudge a punishment called trigamy.

Ambrose Bierce

That was the biggest mistake I've made. If I could do one recruitment over, it would be Adrian Zamora.

Tony Marcopulos

One marketing mistake many retailers make is not doing anything to recognize their best customers. One of the best things you can do to create loyalty is to reward customers for shopping with you.

Allan Katz

I'm a perfectionist, which I think is a mistake.

Michelle Shocked

All companies watch if something changes with employees. You make one mistake, and it's something you can't take back.

Pat Kinsey

This was no mistake, no coincidence.

Beth Wilkinson

They don't stop fighting, though. They are such a good team. We just hoped they would make a mistake and we could convert it like what happened to us.

Gil Vejar

I think a lot of people feel it would be a mistake.

Alan Davidson

The Iraq war was President Bush's big mistake. The whole world is against him.

Ayako Nishimura

I feel like I made a mistake and I'll pay for it. I'm responsible for what I did. I'm really sorry for what happened. I made a big mistake.

Francisco Liriano

We have to play mistake-free football to be competitive in the game. I've been preaching mental toughness all week. That's going to be the key for us.

Richard Pettus

I think it was a mistake.

Jim Hunter

If you think you made a mistake or even think you might be wrong, hide it, cover it up, don't tell anyone.

Jim Defede

We bought some 50 companies over the last 10 years. Expecting that to stop would be a mistake.

Van B. Honeycutt

He made a mistake, he got them mixed up.

William Blum

Sometimes we have a bad apple ? but he wasn't a bad apple. If what is said turns out to be true, he just made a mistake.

Reggie Miller

That was a big mistake and I'll just have to come back from it and learn from it. I think what happened is I took the lutz for granted and I wasn't focusing.

Jeffrey Buttle

My hope would be that this demonstration would be a clarion call to Caterpillar. They are an excellent company. They have done wonderful things. But they've made a mistake on this issue.

Mary Thomas

I finally figured out what my crime was. I lived. Big mistake.

Patty Hearst

I hope that happened by mistake. By mistake, I forgive her (the 15-year-old girl).

Ali Albadri

Being in the outfield, I can actually think about my hitting. I'm just not worried about making a mistake.

Lee Cruz

He was quick to acknowledge that he made a really dumb mistake.

Travis Tygart

It's not that they don't value education, ... They're putting too much trust in the schools. That's a big mistake.

Pedro Noguera

Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars.

Fred Allen

SHARE/WHEEL leadership is making a big mistake.

Tom Rasmussen

I thought that was the only mistake our defense made the whole game. We just didn't pick up the player in the middle.

Dan Watkins

Nothing is so frequent as to mistake an ordinary human gift for a special and extraordinary endowment.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

He will let things flow and not get eaten up by an error here or a mistake there. Whatever made him click, I'm going to put it in a bottle and give it to all these pitchers next year.

Mike Goedde

He's a very dedicated community leader. He has been so wonderful on the commission. I think any one of us could have made that mistake.

Anne Brown

We can take some comfort knowing that we'll never make that mistake again.

Judi Martindale

It's wonderful. He's really inspiring me, because he's reaching out to people. This message is meant for us. It's not a mistake God sent him here.

Helen Adams

Keith has developed a lot of confidence in his technique. When he does make a mistake, he learns from it and bounces back.

Wes Suan

It was a technical mistake on their (DEP) end.

John Curtin

That's the thing. We can't learn from our mistakes in something like this. We can't afford to make a mistake. That's why it's so tough to do.

Pete Carroll

I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't.

Steve Martin

I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.

David Irving

I was the one who made the mistake. He hit a fastball. It wasn't a good pitch.

Fernando Cabrera

We made a mistake. It's as simple as that.

Dave Berry

The Palestinians will make a huge mistake if they return to terrorism and violence. It has brought upon them disaster after disaster in the last five decades.

Tzahi Hanegbi

He made a mistake and he was punished for it. We all make mistakes. What's important is how you respond and he did that very well.

Byron Samuels

I think this is a mistake for the town.

Mayor Hank Johnston

If you have made a mistake, cut your losses as quickly as possible.

Bernard M. Baruch

There are no mistakes, save one: the failure to learn from a mistake.

Robert Fripp

I don't know what to say, it's an embarrassing mistake.

Mark Hagen

Show me a person who has never made a mistake and I'll show you someone who has never achieved much.

Joan Collins

We tried to have a secure device, and that was a myth and a mistake.

Sir Howard Stringer

People constantly make the mistake of comparing London with New York, Milan and Paris and that's not what it's about. London has its own fashion identity. You come here to find the next Alexander McQueen or John Galliano.

Anna Wintour

Made an enormous mistake in my life: I took steroids while in the minor leagues.

Michael Morse

(The accuser) believes this is a young man that made a mistake. This is not an evil kid, just someone that wasn't fully thinking about the ramifications of what he did and what he was involved in.

Scott Drabenstadt

I really appreciated that the chancellor addressed all of those concerns. It's nice to see that administrators can admit they made a mistake and they're really working in the best interest of the university and the students.

Katherine Johnson

We wanted to get this behind us. He made a mistake, and he paid a price for it.

David Washington

Make no mistake - we believe in the Express IRA product and are proud of the opportunities it presents for our clients.

Mark Ernst

The fellow who never makes a mistake takes his orders from one who does.

Herbert Prochnow

They're very hard practices. We prepare very well for every game. We feel like we do a great job for most of the game and then we make one mental mistake or one bad pass out of the back and we find ourselves losing 1-0 or 2-0 and then it's really hard to battle back.

Antonio Martinez

It's a great atmosphere. Coach Scott is a little different than Coach Frank. Coach Scott lets you go out there and play through. If you make a mistake, he lets you play through.

Marc Jackson

I personally would say mistakes are made. You have to give advertisers the same latitude. If you made a mistake, and you ask someone to understand, hopefully they'll accommodate you.

Vic Wlaszyn

He told me that he made a stupid mistake. They shouldn't have tried to get back. They're lucky to be alive.

Tom Gibbons

They're both mental sports. You make one mistake and it can mess up your whole day. In both, you have to learn to deal with it.

Jeff White

There must be some mistake.

Pinky Mulligan

The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.

Umberto Eco