The conductor said that I won precisely because I made this mistake and managed to continue playing.

Andre Watts

It's just some sort of mistake, that's all.

Pete Doherty

I think it would be a mistake to analyze this as a short-term investment. Our view is very long term.

Bill Rams

So, I understand when they make a mistake and everyone at home is throwing their shoe at the television set.

Vanna White

It's always a mistake to chase after a hot market. But it's important to own international funds.

Gregg Wolper

A mistake pitch. I wanted it down and in, something he'd have to chase.

Victor Santos

The first team to make a mistake would not win, and Mexico made the mistake.

Ricardo Lavolpe

We could've won that second game. That's a mental mistake that you really can't make, and we know that. We should've been at least playing four (games).

Michelle Barrett

Seems like everyone wanted to use my name to sell this, my face to sell that, ... I made the mistake of listening.

Leslie Williams

When you've got all the big TV stations with trucks and camera crews [there], ... nobody is going to mistake me for anybody else.

Peter Mayhew

I think it's seen as a great mistake.

William Chisholm

It would be a mistake to close the 179th.

Dave Johnson

I found the line and I felt him waiting for my mistake. I tried to overtake him again but I couldn't.

Radoslav Zidek

It's impossible for a goalie to go through a whole season without making a little mistake or having a little hiccup here and there. I'm not worried about him. He'll be fine.

Matt Lundin

It turned out just great. It's another example of going with the flow. Each room has something that was a mistake that turned out so much better -- that gives the house so much character. Every place that that happened, I wound up loving it so much more than the original.

Millie Ortiz

He made one mistake, he knew it, he owned up to it. A young punter that may have affected him drastically. ... Tom erased it from his mind.

Bob Casullo

I think it's a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one's self.

Arthur Miller

One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.

Anton Chekhov

Eating baked chips or veggie chips is not the same as eating a baked potato. It's a big mistake to think a chip is a vegetable.

Bonnie Liebman

We're all just human. And it is possible for any of us to make a mistake -- and a mistake was made.

Steve Harmon

He made a mistake. It's been hard for me to get hits with two outs and guys on base. I'm excited we won the game.

Ronnie Belliard

I just think it's a mistake to add this in. I think it sends the wrong message.

Tom Fiorentino

He changed the two names around. We decided to send him home because of the big mistake he made with the race.

Jan Martinek

If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.

Marva Collins

I've never seen Matsui ever make a mistake. That's the weirdest thing.

Alex Rodriguez

I just lost it. I was out on new tires and I probably made the mistake. You don't think you're going to do anything wrong until it all goes wrong.

Jeff Simmons

It was a roller coaster all day. We finally got on track there for a while, and before we knew it made another mistake.

Troy Matteson

They can't be the same. That's probably the most common mistake we see.

Ryan Watson

I do feel this is all about vengeance. I won't say my daughter didn't make a mistake. But the minute it became personal, the judge should've removed himself.

Polly Meerschaert

From what I understand, most of the kids were really good kids, they just made a dumb mistake.

Phillip Cortez

We were playing well, and then we made that mistake and gave them that third goal. After that, it was too big to climb. Now you've got to get two, and your mindset changes.

Dustin Dahlquist

I'm inclined to think my fellow Democrats are making a mistake wasting a lot of energy -- indeed, wasting any energy at all -- on these memos.

Jefferson Powell

It was a fatal mistake and they were punished for their decision to go against family and social customs.

Ajay Kumar

When you make a mistake, just smile and go on. Don't be afraid.

John Carr

He is a very capable player. He can do everything. The call him the no-mistake guy.

Bouna Ndiaye

Big mistake. I got laid off, but my colleagues who were more visible and called attention to their successes survived the cut. And many had far less seniority than I did.

Karen Baker

We filed a report that had a mistake and we corrected a mistake.

Tom Russell

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.

That would be, in my opinion, a very big mistake.

William Hogarth

I do my best. I just [made] one mistake in that situation. We lost the game.

Fernando Cabrera

That was my mistake.

Thomas Bradley

He made a mistake, and we live by law, and law says we have to pay for it, but it is not worth ending your life over.

Joe Guidry

I really felt Brandon should have qualified for state a year ago. He just made a mistake and it cost him.

Russ Witzig

It's hard work every day — taking countless reps listening to your coach, trying not to get frustrated. But I learn from each mistake.

Maddy Coon

Kent was the only one to notice the mistake. He could have just kept quiet since he had already signed the card, but decided to admit the mistake.

Linda Failes

I think we had some first inning jitters. You can't make a mistake or two against good teams like this or it's going to burn you.

Pete Hoffman

When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a room full of dukes.

W. H. Auden

An interpreter at that level cannot - not 'should not' - simply cannot, make a mistake. He cannot. No way. Well, if he did he'd be out, and rightly so.

Viktor Sukhodrev

It should never have happened. It was just a bad mistake at a bad time.

Jason Lane

I don't know how he hit it, ... It's like fighting Ali. You make one little mistake, and he makes you pay. You realize, at some point, Barry's going to get you.

John H. Patterson

Colossal mistake, not only in relationship to us but to itself and the world at large.

Anatoly Chubais

Leaving it to them would certainly be a big mistake until they're restructured and much more effective than they currently are.

Allen Meltzer

I think she made a mistake. It's time to move on.

Craig Roth

If I were the judge, I would just continue with the 12 jurors she's got. I think it'd be a bad mistake to substitute the jurors at this time.

Albert Alschuler

A serious mistake with serious consequences.

Jill Dougherty

That was a very big mistake. He should have kept everyone guessing. Now he seems to be losing influence much faster than we would have thought.

Shigenori Okazaki

PPL has made some very big environmental initiatives, It would be a big mistake for PPL to think they've done enough.

John Hanger

We didn't do what we needed to do. We had plenty of chances. One mistake in the back and they beat us.

Ken Fehr

Make no mistake, that formula (which significantly discounts the revenue streams upon which the residual is based) is clearly not applicable in this case.

Patric M. Verrone

It was a staff member's mistake then they added the two amounts together.

Corky Mattingly

Retirees who cancel their employer coverage and take the new federal benefit may not be able to go back if they later realize they've made a mistake.

Tricia Neuman

We're not trying to be a negative influence, so it's definitely not a habit of ours, but it was an honest mistake. We apologize, sincerely.

Terri Thomas

I think it (the R&A decision) is a great move. I am really pleased that something good has come from my mistake.

Mark Roe

In show business, if you make a mistake, you can do it over again.

Bobby Sherman

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Friedrich Nietzsche

That is football. You have got to execute and tonight the kicking game wasn't there for us. They ran that punt back, we made a mistake but that's part of it.

Tommy Tuberville

It would be a mistake to think that this is not a very unified group in terms of the overall concern and fears that they have.

Anita Dunn

The driver made a mistake. We all do, but when you make a mistake, you have to make it right.

Ronda Tompkins

It's a big joke now as it should be. I made a mistake. I guess I found out my routine for postgame interviews will be to shower and cool down first then do the interviews after I cool down because I guess I have trouble controlling my emotions after a game like that.

Tyler Palko

Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings.

George F. Will

The Iraq war was a mistake from the beginning, and when we went in, we went in on the cheap. The troops have not been protected. We need to bring them home.

Judy Aydelott

They wrote us a letter in 2004 suggesting that the mother of this client came forward in 1990 and . . . they suggested that it was the abuse of this kid, when they knew it was his brother, but they never disclosed that. This was not a mistake.

Marc Pearlman

The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision.

John Major

Do not mistake this at all -- the tax payers of Hawaii have been swindled.

Lillian Koller

That's a hubris that, if he had paid attention to what happened to himself and other presidents, he wouldn't have made that mistake. It was a very predictable mistake.

George Edwards

We jumped early twice and that cost us at least 24 points or more. I will take full responsibility. The guys were too anxious on the block. It's frustrating and a major let down for us - but again it was a coaching mistake.

Matt Gianiodis

Who says he can't do that? The money was given to him to run the soccer team at his discretion. Now did they make a mistake? Yes.

Jere Reneer

Make no mistake _ the status quo in Sacramento is corporate control and the governor's agenda is not only to maintain corporate control but increase the grip of corporate special interests.

Sarah Leonard

It was a heavyweight fight. The team that capitalized on a mistake was going to win it in the end. Honestly, it very easily could have ended in a 3-3 tie.

Mario Maddy

I think the lawyers should see their film before they make up their mind. But it's a Hollywood film and we shouldn't mistake it for history.

Jeremy Mcinerney

I want to say that I have never intentionally used any banned substances. It is a huge and horrible mistake.

Olga Pyleva

I guess I should not have put on that document that we all agreed; that was my mistake.

Nona Chapman

Dario had the most dominant car, but they made a mistake in the pits and he didn't win it. Danny had the most consistent day and ended up winning it.

Buddy Rice

Here's an appointment where Bush really can't make a mistake.

Roger Kubarych

I think a specific plant made a mistake that we hope won't be levied against the entire industry.

Greg Ibach

They come out and they swing the bat. They do a great job at hitting the ball when a pitcher makes a mistake.

Rachel Lawson

I'm just calming down and playing. My teammates are trusting me. I'm not so worried that I'm going to make a mistake and they're going to be mad.

Devan Downey

That was an incredible jump in performance for a race that she doesn't do that often. Maybe we made a mistake and she should have skated the 500 at the Olympics - just joking.

Neal Marshall

He (Sean) made one mistake. He went to his back one time and that's what cost him the match.

Scott Russell

I definitely enjoy playing forward more. They get to score. And even when you get beat, you still have the defense behind you. When you make a mistake it doesn't show up as bad.

Kevin Bergin

He made one huge mistake in the arrest of those human rights activists.

Basil Fernando

He apologized for his mistake, but that's not enough. You need to concentrate more.

Pawel Janas

It's a mistake and a great shame.

David C. Mccullough

They probably made a mistake on this one. This looked a little bit like there would have been some conflict of interest.

Michael Jaffe

It was a mistake. I just have to prove to Cleveland and prove to myself mostly that I can do this and come back.

Kellen Winslow Jr.

Many a man who falls in love with a dimple make the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

Evan Esar

It is kind of a preseason game for them to make a couple of pit stops and if you have a mistake, it's a good way to get that out the way before you get into the 150s and the 500.

Alan Gustafson

I think we had some defensive lapses. They know how to capitalize off a mistake.

Jon Fritzen

Twenty-three thousand dollars of non-reported contributions is a great sum. It is difficult for me to accept that a mistake of that magnitude is an innocent mistake.

Larry Leake

He ran. Just like any other kid who made a mistake.

Russ Radtke

Whether it was a mistake, or whether it was a great thing, it's there. It's not going to go away, and we can't undo that decision.

Jim Paloucek

On the 12th hole, I made a mistake and it became a triple, ... That was a huge mistake. After I made the triple, I was mad. But I thought, 'I can get over this.' .

Soo yun Kang

It was a mistake on my part, ... I should have never loaned this guy my car to begin with. He's no longer my friend.

Darryl Strawberry

We let them (the Panthers) back in at the end because of a bad mistake.

Carl Hunckler

You look like gold. I've been fooled before, but now i know I've made the mistake in the past. But now i, now i know the difference from gold and brass.

Ben Harper

We want to put the power back in the parents' hands. It's not a matter of if a child will make a mistake, it's when.

Sean Walker

It was a big mistake. I just couldn't concentrate.

Jelena Jankovic

In a sense, we remember him because he's a guy that made a mistake but had good luck, ... Ceremonies of Possession in Europe's Conquest of the New World.

Patricia Seed

We made the same mistake.

Guy Ouellette

That was the huge mistake for us. That hurt. We had them ready to turn the ball over again and instead we gave them a breath of fresh air.

Doug Johnson

Estrogen causes breast cells to proliferate, and the more the cells proliferate, the more likely a mistake will be made during replication, which can lead to cancer.

Leslie Bernstein

We have a solid defense. There's really no weak line out there. If they make a mistake it's mental, not physical.

Shamalene Broner

We'll have to hit 80 percent of our routines without a major mistake to finish 10th or 11th. That would be one more step forward.

Cliff Gauthier

I'm woman enough to sit here and say that I made a mistake and that I'm going to come in and give it all I've got this year. I don't want to embarrass myself or my coaches here or Kentucky.

Arnika Brown

Against a team like that, and against a triple option, just one mistake and it's now a tie game. That was a big stop for us.

Steve Specht

I don't want him to make the same mistake I did. I came out early, and if I had to do it again, I wouldn't have done it.

Tito Horford

Technology has definitely changed the game. Now the heads are so huge it's hard to make a mistake.

Bruce Brockbank

It's a huge mistake to theorize before one has the facts because you begin to twist the facts to match the theory.

Aaron Woods

This mistake is just indicative of the incredible confusion surrounding this program.

Jan Schakowsky

As much as you love to finish games and all that kind of stuff, at the same time as a starting pitcher you hate to come out of a game where your closer has no margin for error, ... So at least with one guy on, Braden's got a little margin to make a mistake.

Tom Glavine

They were more ready than we were. It was a coaching mistake, not getting our kids ready. It won't happen again.

Don Eggenburg

We need to keep the competition going. We want to prove to everybody that last year wasn't a mistake. We want to prove to everybody that we deserve to win.

Danielle Brown

We were surprised. We made the mistake, and we were very nervous. We were lucky to win the gold medals.

Qing Pang

Don't make any mistake - the biggest man around here is Bobby Bowden, and I have never seen any president or athletic director call him to heel.

Leo Sandon

When you're playing as a true freshman, you just got to play the next play if you make a mistake. You just have to keep going and play through adversity.

Ray Rice

We ended up getting bottled up pretty good because we had an extra player who wasn't supposed to be there. It was a mistake.

Chris Zwettler

Things like that are going to happen. I made a mistake, and he beat me.

Ugueth Urbina

Before I made a mistake, I did not make that mistake.

Johan Cruijff

We should not have used them. That was a mistake, which we deeply regret.

Andrew Heyward

I thought I made a mistake because I don't think a coach from another team should be criticizing a player from another team, ... But that (elbow) was cheap. There was no honor in it, and that's (what) our game was built on.

Tampa Tribune

We took a chance in the draft, and we could have been criticized for that too if someone had gone up and gotten Robertson before we did. But you know what? In this league, if you're afraid to fail, you're not going to succeed. You can't worry about making a mistake.

Terry Bradway

The vendor inadvertently didn't stuff all the envelopes. They have made good on the mistake.

Mike Jackson

Make no mistake: Your Catholic family and mine - not some disembodied Catholic institution - are the financial targets of these lawsuits.

Fran Maier

Obviously we didn't execute what we needed to execute to get that done. We did the cardinal mistake on that one. That's my fault.

Jim Crews

I made a mistake and I'm grateful for the second chance. I'm humbled about what I did. Selfishness and ambition played a large role in what I did.

Dave Bliss

When you play at this level, one mistake can be the game.

Ron Hoyt

It was a mistake to do it.

Dawn Gallagher

But if we play mistake-free and focus on special teams, I hope things will go our way. Anything can happen in this league.

Kevin Ryan

Exclusiveness in a garden is a mistake as great as it is in society.

Alfred Austin

Jordan did a very nice job out there. He pitched excellent. He only made one mistake.

Travis Moyer

It's a really big mistake to think democratization is a good tool to fight terrorism.

Francis Fukuyama

It's always good to go out there against the great ones. Glavine's pitched like that his whole career. Fortunately, I got a couple of runs early and that helped. I could afford to make a mistake.

Jason Schmidt

After I heard some of the unrest, I agreed not to pursue it, unfortunately. I do feel it is a mistake, but if it is not the will of the cities, I agreed not to pursue it.

Rep. Priscilla Taylor

That's his thing. Everybody's going to make a mistake here or there, but when you do, come back and give the defense a big play.

Fernando Bryant

I made a mistake when I made the decision to stay in America at that time. I apologize to the people.

Wang Zhizhi

It was an evaluation, a different analysis. When you have a friend, and you see they're making a mistake, you say so.

Luigi Bergamo

I made a big mistake of my life.

Robert Jenkins

Cynthia realizes that she made a mistake. She is very remorseful and when she returns to court she's going to accept full responsibility for her actions.

Lanson Kupau

Intelligence is the bill payer for the Defense Department. We've all seen it before, and it's a mistake.

Mark Lowenthal

Mistake not. Those pleasures are not pleasures that trouble the quiet and tranquillity of thy life.

Jeremy Taylor

We're bound to see more growth, ... Anyone who's got a toehold and isn't looking to expand is making a mistake.

Niel Golightly

She works on it until she perfects it. If she makes a mistake, she corrects it. She's probably her hardest critic.

Jill Sales

Pay issues can cost up to about $8 million a year and that would leave very little, if any, for incentive programs and educational programs. The mistake we made was on the benefits.

Avery Walker

An honest mistake was made which created a very unfortunate situation.

Brian Glenn

I feel very comfortable with Anthony. It doesn't mean he'll play a mistake-free ball game. Heck, even Tom Brady doesn't play a mistake-free ball game. He needs to go out and work the design and play the way he's capable of playing.

Rocky Hager

We view this decision as a mistake. There are seven or eight domestic companies that can provide these yarn counts and this yarn.

Michael Hubbard

People mistake their limitations for high standards.

Jean Toomer

The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal.

Aleister Crowley

It's been the experience of a lifetime for him. He made one small mistake, but now he knows what it takes.

Corey Kline

Make no mistake: You both are responsible for this proceeding.

Richard Bloch

That was a costly base-running mistake.

Stan Mckeever

They made the mistake of their lives.

William Cunningham

If you don't make mistakes, you're not working on hard enough problems. And that's a big mistake.

Frank Wilczek

It's unfortunate, but we don't have any choice. We had a case here where an experienced detective made a mistake and the city and its taxpayers have to pay for it.

Councilman Dennis Zine

We feel this as a tragic and historic mistake that harms in a serious way the international war against radical Islamic terrorism.

Morton Klein

No one feels worse about this than John. He made a mistake.

Scott Strasemeier

We ask new employees to share with us their most memorable restaurant experience and why. They never say it was because of the food. It's the way a special occasion was handled, or how a mistake was handled.

Pat Mcdonnell

I don't think it was a mistake, ... It definitely got me more visible in Hawai'i. It really got me exposure.

Jasmine Trias

It was a dumb mistake. (But) I know when you're making decisions and looking at kids, you expect some of them to make mistakes periodically.

Mike Huyghue

It's a mistake to equate the relative trivial size of the settlement to any indication of what click fraud actually is.

Chuck Richard

That was a mistake. We're trying to right that mistake.

William Reynolds

It seems like it is increasing, but it may be a mistake in that kind of statistic. I think we are being more vigilant about what is bullying and who is bullying.

Cheryl Dellasega

We take full responsibility for a small mistake with a big effect.

Michel Vion

I think someone made a mistake ... the President doesn't read all the motions that land on his desk.

Maciej Lopinski

The mistake everyone makes is that they do not do figure out what benefits they want from airlines first, some are more generous with upgrades than others.

Randy Petersen

If today he (Li) could acknowledge his mistake, I believe the people would be happy.

Bao Tong

One makes mistakes; that is life. But it is never a mistake to have loved.

Romain Rolland

If we end up finishing second on Sunday after Friday's mistake that'll be pretty good.

Sebastian Loeb

That's a good lineup over there. I think he made only one mistake all day, the double by Langerhans.

Todd Pratt

Man is nature's sole mistake.

William S. Gilbert

The mistake we had made was trying to control everything.

Jonathan Gilbert

They are terrified they will make a mistake.

John Doran

I'll take it like an adult. I made a mistake and I accept it.

Fabien Pelous

The beginning of my sin, if you will, was thinking that it was all a mistake and that I absolutely didn't deserve any of it. I'll tell you, bringing down my own creation that way was as grandiose a way of playing God as you could imagine.

Brett Butler

I just think they've made a terrible mistake, at least leaving the impression that if the boss wants the conclusion to be A, you're going to deliver intelligence in order for that conclusion to be A, because that's what he wants.

Bob Kerrey

The mistake that was made was not paying enough attention to temporary housing.

Andrew Steer

It's just the way we prepare and the way we practice. Our practices are intense. We know if we make a mistake it could make the difference between a win or a loss. We know we have to minimize our mistakes.

Buddy Wyatt

We couldn't make a mistake. We needed to play well and take our chances when they were present, but we couldn't make a mistake or it would cost us.

Michael Brinton

We made about every mistake a football team can make. To win this kind of game on the road ... well, we'll take it.

Scott Earley

The most common mistake with any carnivore, including cats, is you just throw in meat.

Jogayle Howard

It takes great courage to admit that you've made a mistake.

Roscoe Bartlett

[(CNN) -- The cardinal rule of criminal detection was carved in stone more than a century ago.] It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence, ... It biases the judgment.

Sherlock Holmes

Everybody gets lucky once in a while. I really messed up letting Ted get by me. I wasn't going to get beat because of my own mistake again this year. I knew I had a good enough truck top get around him.

Todd Bodine

Tino [Martinez] and Don Mattingly were telling me, `You made a mistake, now don't put your head down,' ... My father always told me [the same thing].

Robinson Cano

They would be making a very, very severe mistake.

Klaus Esser

Most of the people who get off at our exit get off by mistake. They thought it was Exit 57.

Tom Perkins

Make no mistake, this was discussed straight after the race and it was decided Jana and I would approach officials.

Tamsyn Lewis

It was a mistake, a tragic mistake.

James Mcgreevey

That was just a mistake for me. I don't want to think about that. I've already moved on to Wednesday's game.

Mickael Pietrus

If somebody's going to make a mistake, you'd rather the mistake be made here than out on the street.

Vic Burke