That's our main food that feeds this team.

Rasheed Wallace

The main focus is on the guys.

Art Palm

The main problem that we did have was 'soft drugs,' things like marijuana.

Jack Cole

Our main contact person's e-mail has been full of responses from people.

Andy Zirkle

It wasn't heavy work, that's the main thing. It's fast but not heavy, and I don't mind the work, so that's how I got by.

Arthur Winston

That was our main priority. We had two very successful and well-attended job fairs that we were able to provide for our employees.

Virginia Perkins

The main advantage was that we could avoid a (skin graft) procedure in all cases.

Patrick Hohlfeld

The main thing is to get flood insurance if you live in Louisiana, ... Flood insurance isn't a required but is a necessity, so it's best to get it.

Ann Clark

Our main goal, obviously, was to get sanctioned in Nevada.

Dana White

One can only hope that the position that is being articulated by the youth league is not that of the main party.

Bernard Balikani

When the season for the main earnings begins, the market is likely to slow somewhat.

Tsutomu Yamada

Here, we have much more room to grow, and more fans can come to enjoy not only the main events but what the museum offers.

Larry Smith

Our main message is we haven't stopped our efforts to help people. And we are still actively helping people who don't have a home or can't live in their home.

Roy Duncan

It's not like I have to be the main guy. I'm just filling one of the pieces to the puzzle.

John Abraham

The popularity in keeping and breeding birds is rising rapidly in the UK and we are one of the main players in the bird trade in Europe.

David Bowles

The main thing we want these kids to have is the experience of a lifetime.

Troy Mauldin

The main end of our lives is to serve God in the serving of men in the works of our callings.

William Perkins

The main thing for the results will be their guidance on demand, and what happens to costs.

David Macdonald

The main question is when are they going to start to raise interest rates.

Richard Jerram

Our main concern at this time is to gain trust. Colombia can't take any more setbacks.

Luis Carlos Restrepo

Once again, mobile activities, especially of E-Plus in Germany (which is consolidated since February 24 2000) and Internet traffic were the main drivers for this growth.

Royal Kpn

The main thing I'll remember from this game is how hard the girls competed against a very good team. We're getting better every game.

Brian Samulski

The main effect is it kills the fun for the athlete. If you're not having fun and you're being pressured, you are going to be tight. You can't perform at any level if you are physically tight.

Alan Goldberg

Bob Ferguson, the main singer, formed the band. It was really formed just for one festival and grew through the other singer's brother joining the band. Then a drummer came in and the other drummer's brother left, and so on.

David Ritchie

No jovial hand shaker would get far without helping the local economy. Make no mistake, jobs and economic prosperity are the main issues here.

Juergen Falter

She advised me that my main job would be plotting stories and editing them. I would not have to bother with the artwork, which was a relief.

Julius Schwartz

This was clearly an accident. We just want the victims to know her main focus, main concern is that these people recover and to the best of their ability, forgive her.

Jeffrey Haupt

My main thing is getting back into the pads.

Willie Anderson

Our main fundraiser is the gala. We raised $200,000 during the gala and our hope is to raise $50,000 here today.

Donna Roberts

She doesn't get locked-in on a certain peer group ... she has a lot of opportunities where she interacts with her peers but they are not the main force in how she interacts with the world.

Kyle Tarvin

He's been phenomenal. Our main man is Matt.

Chuck Fales

That was the main thing, to get out of there without any injuries.

Mark Hutson

Our main focus right now is our D zone coverage. Hopefully when the puck drops we'll be ready.

Doug Johnson

The engine of the Panzer is a weapon just as the main-gun.

Heinz Guderian

The main issue now is to provide Afghanistan and the government there with the resources to be able to begin reconstruction.

Ahmed Rashid

We had a conversation, and coach B.J. said you have to stay out of foul trouble. That was my main focus.

Tatiana Conceicao

We have done a handful of acquisitions, but they are not our main focus. If one comes along and it complements the business well then we try to make it happen.

Don Maden

The main thing is to upgrade the Legion. Business has changed dramatically in the last 50 years and in order to survive the Legion has to change.

Don Macdonald

Even when I was hospitalized twice, and when you lay in that bed thinking about what you're going through, my family and friends were the main reason I kept fighting.

Denise Lewis

Is Main Street exclusively town, or is the county involved too?

Richard Andrews

It's always possible that we could catch them, but that's not really our main goal now. We just need to worry about how we are playing.

Scott Jackson

Tourism is our main source of revenue in Currituck and five commissioners are going to be at the helm 100 percent.

David Palmer

That is something you would need to address with the school system. Our main focus is finding the girl, and getting her back safely.

Darrell Debusk

That was exhausting. The last two strokes I knew we had won it, it was close all the way. This race has been the main focus of the regatta for me. This is the one I wanted.

Joseph Sullivan

My main concern right now ... is that it leaves the criminal investigations division without people who possess a lot of experience in that area. I'm concerned about what that may do to that division and to solving some of these crimes.

Courtney Cox

He asked me if I could get him detonation cord ... a high explosive used to set off the main explosive.

Gregory Pfaff

She is our main leader and always performs with passion.

Deb Gaines

[Khalilzad acknowledged he was] personally disappointed ... some differences in views on details, but not on the main principles or major issues.

Ibrahim Jafari

We've got a lot of things going on right now in the market, but the main focus is on the non-farm payrolls report Friday.

Gary Wolfer

Our main thing was to come back from San Diego with the same momentum.

Mike Viola

The main rule violation was the extra game.

Stan Alleyne

We have ample parking, it's just not on the main drag.

John Keegan

You can't get off the script, or it's going to throw the kickoff time. That's the main thing, to keep ESPN's 11:02 (a.m. EST) kickoff time on schedule.

John James

That was the main reason, to get involved in the passing game.

Steven Bright

The main goal of bankruptcy reform in my judgment is to discourage people from discharging all of their debt when they can afford to pay all of it back.

Bill Mccollum

The main board is still on a downward trend.

Johnny Lee

I think we all can identify with the journey of the main character (John) as he takes steps for deeper spirituality.

James Redfield

The main difference, I think, is Australia is a little bit more relaxed.

Rowie Webster

Barcelona's main rivals are Barcelona.

Victor Valdes

The lack of pollution is the main factor. I was surprised that the difference between New Zealand and the U.S. was so high.

Richard Mckenzie

The main thing is that they offer opportunities for much more intensive practice on a one-to-one basis.

Graham Davies

The main thing I'm concerned about now is getting prepared to play another game. We've got to come back from the loss against Bradley and come back and compete. We've got a game to play soon.

Jamaal Tatum

I don't know much about football. I know what a goal is, which is surely the main thing about football.

Victoria Beckham

It's not fair to compare it to a Caucasian graduation because the main graduation is Caucasian.

Maressa Mendeola

This is of limited impact for KBC. The main thing is that it will free up some capital but in the grand scheme of KBC, it won't be very much.

Ivan Lathouders

The promoter is all you need for activation and silencing. It's the main site of action where everything is happening.

Alan Cowman

The main thing is, we will move forward.

Brandon Gray

Dust is the main problem we have everything is dusty everyday.

Shari Cantrell

Conditioning is my main thing right now. If I can get up and down the court better, then I know that I'll have a bigger impact on Connecticut basketball.

Kaili Mclaren

A certain amount of adjustment might be needed (to the IMF program) even if the main elements remain.

Jacques Santer

Comparisons have been made between the new album and the Stones' classic 'Exile on Main Street' from 1972 ...

Robert Hilburn

The main thing is that we stick together. We know the best is yet to come for us.

Shannon Schonrock

Our main focus was to come out (in the first half) and execute. I guess we did execute, because (Jacksonville) is a very competitive team.

Andre Morgan

The main thing is don't try to catch the cat.

Barney Bishop

The main issue for our organization is what ... is the level of care that can be provided to these horses if this legislation is passed, and it has not been thought through on the front end.

Sally Baker

That gives us an inside threat. We try to make him a main option and force teams to try to take that away from us.

Allen Kelsey

We wanted to come out and get this first game. That was our main focus coming in to the game. Now we have to get back to practice and come out and get game two.

Flip Murray

I try to stay more focused from a catching standpoint than a hitting standpoint. My main goal is to help my pitchers. Hitting for me is a plus.

Geovany Soto

Our resources are extremely strained. Our main concern still remains the funding.

Hansjoerg Strohmeyer

My main concern is that we really get the transportation plan for the project done right.

Paul Gagnon

The main thing he's changed is his leadership. He was already a good goalkeeper.

Jose Fajardo

I can't say enough about the job Trevor did and he did it without fouling. He's our go-to guy on defense. That box-and-one was our (main) defense, but when you're in that box-and-one, you're hesitant to press and that's been one of our keys all year.

Ron Nesper

It appears the main complaint is they were not able to intimidate Ken Blackwell and now they're going to try again.

Carlo Loparo

Lloyd was one of the main reasons we were in the first Super Bowl and won the fourth one. He was out of sight. Without him we don't make it.

Hank Stram

It was the main definition of what capitalism is. I guess you would call me a free-market economist, that we shouldn't have the kind of government subsidies that Chase was proposing.

Robert Sitarzewski

That was me. I messed up, ... My main job is to keep guys off him. That's what I'm planning to do for the rest of the season.

James Reed

That was his main focus.

Kyler Cohen

Duke was one of the main catalysts.

Brad Horn

We moved down to 16.3 million in North America in '05, and I'm expecting about 16 million for 2006, so that's probably one of the main reasons.

Carlos Gomes

I'd take Memphis against WVU or GW. There are differences, but the main one is Memphis is so deep.

Chris Ross

We came out a little flat, but from there on, we just got a boost of energy and he?s the main reason why. There was a sense of urgency. We already dug ourselves into a little bit of a hole.

Craig Benson

It's important that we use this as a preventative, education tool. That's our main goal, to prevent and educate.

Ami Fair

Objective journalism is one of the main reasons American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long.

Hunter S. Thompson

Our two main focuses are transparency and inclusion. This had neither.

Greg Bell

The main factor in the game.

John Sharper

The main difference in what they have shown is they're a lot more physical football team, ... They're a solid team.

Chris Williams

When we took the lead, it was over. The main thing is, we took their legs away.

Marquena Delk

The main reason Bush should be re-elected is because he has made a commitment to national security like no other candidate has made.

Angel Rivera

The main issue is to have APEC keep on course and get the best from globalization.

George Troup

Since we won the state, nobody was even thinking about Federation. States was our main goal, and when we lost (the Federation final) we were disappointed.

Andre Jacobs

Exile on Main Street.

Liz Phair

Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.

Albert Schweitzer

It didn't feel like a letdown. It just seemed like we didn't know what we were doing. One turnover led to another and another. I think the main thing is to have that killer instinct or heart on the defensive end.

David Chiotti

We disagree with the opinion and don't think it was supported by the facts, which is the main reason why we appealed.

David Barr

I've had a really good week of practice. I'll hopefully extend my streak, but the main focus is the doubles and the team.

Conor Niland

We were focused on defense. Coach Gardner told us at halftime to make defense our main point.

Rochelle Vaughn

My main concern was to go in and find my momma.

Veronica Faulk

Main line of investigation.

Angel Acebes

The main thing we've done is look beyond television. It's not only television; other media affect sexual behavior.

Jane Brown

It's definitely got some of the best fishing around. Water clarity is very consistent and there's not as many people as on the Main Branch.

Todd Fuller

I know a few plays here and there. They have a couple plays for me. I know those. But my main contribution probably will be on special teams.

Darnerien Mccants

I think [the New Democratic Party is] a good alternative to the two main parties.

Carol Brown

Driver education has not been addressed since the '50s. The main reason teens were crashing was not being addressed, so that is what we're doing.

Mark Horowitz

Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.

Erich Fromm

The main demands are the same ones that the Sunnis have been talking about all along.

Mahmoud Othman

We had dinner and went to bed. We were all very worried about Harry. That was the main thing on our mind.

Katharine Armstrong

It's always my favorite because I do some of the stuff the main character does.

Danielle Brown

That was our main priority.

Bill Dwyer

[Among the cognoscenti, though, it is not just about elaborate new flavors.] I always consider the main test of ice cream to be the simple ice creams, especially vanilla, ... One should have fun when one eats, but it should also be seriously good.

Jeffrey Steingarten

The consumer finance sector is not the market's main driver, so I see little impact from the news.

Kentaro Nakajo

We do a little bit of [business in assault-type guns], but it's not our main deal here.

John Massey

I feel like that's my main job; I have more plays at corner than I do on special teams, ... Special teams is important, but defense is my main job.

Terrence Mcgee

Route 18 is a highly congested main artery and cannot handle any more traffic, especially construction generated traffic.

Paul Leary

He's a big guy in there and he knows how to post up and get you behind him. So the main thing we tried to do was play in front of him. If he can't catch it he can't score.

Nick Arth

The railroad is not a logical terminus. The logical terminus will probably be West Main Street.

Tim Weisert

The security situation changes of the main problems for economic and social development is the security situation.

Tom Koenigs

Product quality has always been our main focus. We rarely lose a customer because our products don't do what we say they will do. We've really developed a loyal following of customers in the U.S. and around the world.

Chris Clevers

This is our main benefit and all the funds received go to a great cause.

Ron Bersani

The expansion in retail lending, the lower provisions and costs are the main drivers for the return to profitability.

Dimitris Haralambopoulos

We've got to do some more looking. It's considerably away from where the main shock was.

Waverly Person

We want to beat the Dodgers. That's our main rival.

Adam Eaton

It is kind of an inconsistent verdict. They found that driving down Main Street the way he did was a gross deviation of the standard of care, but he wasn't under the influence. I can't figure that out.

Fred Peters

We were probably Mom's main focus. She was a good mom. She always tried to provide for us. She wanted better for us than she had for herself.

Haley Grainger

My main goal after coming up short in the past was to help us win a state championship. Everyone was just extremely happy. It was unreal.

Jake Liber

I was quite encouraged. The main message is that it is looking a bit better for the industry.

Chris Tarry

The main thing was to get some of our less experienced guys more experience.

Brian Lowery

That became our main objective, getting her out.

Pete Crum

That's the main reason: We've been delayed by wet weather a couple of times.

Wayne Rogers

By pure accident, they have created a huge hot spot on Main Street.

Frank Caruso

It's not on Main Street so we have to plan events all the time to keep going.

Aaron Culp

There is an issue here; operators argue that they can no longer get into the likes of Heathrow, London and other main hubs at peak times.

Kate Sarsfield

It doesn't solve Fiat's main problem of having too many costs in Italy.

Stephen Cheetham

It was a huge win. I know a lot of teams are going to look at it as something big for Valley Christian, but we still have our main focus.

Reggie Sheffield

We ended up disciplining them and revoking their charter, and fundraising was the main issue. They were misusing the name and they sued us and we actually won.

John Flynn

The main goal of our lawsuits is to prevent him, or any of his representatives, from benefiting off the deaths of these individuals.

James Thompson

Well, here on the coast, ... the possibility of an earthquake, which would result in a tsunami, is our main concern here.

David Davis

The main frustration we had with Sri Lanka was although they weren't imposing customs duties on goods that arrived, they insisted on customs clearance.

Chris Weeks

The main question mark is how Porsche deals with the unions.

Jens Schattner

The main idea of the campaign is to spread awareness.

Jacob Bartholomew

Our main goals are to finish over .500 and to win a couple of tournament games.

Jay Mergenthaler

If the power goes out, you've got to get little things for them, ... And then, of course, you always have to get the main things for the adults.

Janet Davis

That's the main thing we've been stressing in practice, our 'D'. We did an outstanding job tonight.

Wendy Price

I see a lot of businesses coming to the area. The main difference between this area and the rest of the state is our huge technology industry.

Linda Hillman

The main thing is we still have [Williams]. We're going to get him back and he has a chance to go on learn a lesson from this. So, there's two ways to look at it. We're going to look at it as that we are blessed in this situation and the kids are going to learn from it.

Randy Copeland

I'm really, really happy, this was my main event. The sprint is a gamble, always very close, so I feel great about the win.

Victoria Pendleton

Obviously, the so-called 'Chinese factor' is not the main driving force behind the soaring global oil price.

Niu Li

Some people think the biggest factor is cost, but that's second. The main factor is time.

Rod Metzler

The main thing I would do to keep my spirits up is pray.

Neil Miller

I'm going to call his parents tonight and see how he's doing. My main concern is that he's all right. If it's broken, he'll be out for some time.

Dan Fezzuoglio

We think there is an opportunity, if done correctly, for a total change in the enterprise IT implementations here and we're going to be one of the main drivers for that because of our superior architecture, ... We believe there is an opportunity for AMD64 architecture to be the de facto architecture for blades.

Marty Seyer

I told her, as long as you're safe, that's the main thing. The rest is just stuff.

Bette Lasky

If we don't win, I'm fine with that. The main point is to foster a greater sense of community at Southside.

Sasha Kucherov

The owners have made the decision they want to give Barry a chance to prove himself so he will be our main driver from now on. He has been driving well so we are going to give him all the support we can.

Ray Green

Up until two months ago, the state's case pointed to Main as the shooter.

John Vavra

The main thing is they understand it was wrong and they showed willingness to compensate.

Ricky Fung

We believe that the binding policy is one of the main reasons migrant workers are abused. These workers are entitled to the basic freedom to choose their own employer.

Shevy Korzen

If everything goes according to the plans made, the liquidation of the main components of (Chechen) militant formations may be finished by the end of the year.

Valery Manilov

I think I did pretty well. I knew what to do on every play. I understood what was going on against every defensive look. I knew where the ball should have gone. That was my main thing.

Joe Cox

Karen was not in a hurry, and she was the first one I'd dated that my daughter liked. Her approval was important, though it was not the main thing.

Ron Reitzel

The guy in charge of the main characters is generally going to be a person of color.

Matt Roush

I've not had the all-clear yet, but I'm winning the main battle.

Paul Hunter

There's no thought into getting a hole-in-one. When I go to a par three my main objective is to get the ball on the green.

Jim Dougherty

I think the main reason is the passion that Americans have for sports.

Rob Tuchman

Community outreach has always been our main goal.

Jennifer Robertson

Some of the NGOs receiving funds from the commission describe on their Web site one of their main tasks as 'lobbying the commission.

Siim Kallas

We're a long way from actually getting an animal down on the ground. The main thing for us was to work on and adapt the technology.

Mark Westhusin

I am expecting more to be happening here. In the elections, employment of people and development are going to be the main issues.

Manish Gupta

There is no vaccination (for the avian flu) so the main thing to avoid is contact with poultry. Avoid eating undercooked poultry or raw eggs.

Ashley Christiani

The main key was we didn't stop them on defense, especially when we knew we had to stop them. It showed that we weren't all on the same page and we dug ourselves a big hole.

Jeff Pendergraph

The main objective I will have on behalf of this board is to keep Scripps in Palm Beach County. But we're certainly not going to give away our firstborn to do it.

Burt Aaronson

It was amazing. Everything went our way, but I think the main thing was the focus right there when the puck dropped, and we didn't change anything.

Olli Jokinen

Our main goal was just to get bowl eligible and make it to any bowl that would accept us. We really appreciated that the Charlotte bowl picked us up.

Marcus Stone

The main thing to do is relax and let your talent do the work.

Charles Barkley

You cannot give all the powers to the secretary general. The General Assembly has to keep its main prerogative, and the secretary general and all bodies should be accountable to the General Assembly.

Abdallah Baali

It was basically not a good day for the tech stocks in general and that's the main reason why we saw the 144-point drop.

Kate Warne

The main focus or reason behind the raid yesterday was the fact that there were outstanding warrants for individuals that we were attempting to apprehend.

Richard Collins

The main thing (to be negotiated) is the length of the deal but we don't see any problems.

Paul Armstrong

Lincoln is our main guy for ideas, he can read a situation and keep his composure, that's why he is enormously important to us.

Rudi Assauer

One of the main things about recycling is you are making more room.

Daniel Johnson

We would like to reassure anyone who may be put off from coming forward due to their immigration status that our main priority is to find out what has happened to Miriam.

Angela Jones

For all the tornadoes Arkansas has, and the ones that have hit around Little Rock, we never had one just basically come down Main Street.

Chelsea Clinton

Our main role is to be supportive caregivers and parents.

Tanya Lysacek

The main point of the talks will be economic relations, especially cooperation in the energy sector.

Bela Anda

The main issue we're trying to address is to try to get students in their homes at night so that they can work academically.

Jim Yancey

The main thing we want to do is give them clean clothes, good, hot meals and a place for recreation.

Dave Scott

If a call came in, I wanted to be damned sure she was there to take it. My main objective was to get to St. Cloud and find my son.

Allan Radel

We didn't want to put it on the side by Clark Street because that's the main entrance to the building.

Virginia Wheeless

I think the main thing with him was just not to give him any easy baskets. He's a scorer, but you have to make him work for it.

Brock Reichner

The main thing was, the horse broke good. You have to get close to the lead here, especially with so many horses. My horse was ready and feeling good.

Juan Garcia

Surprisingly, the main driver of the upside of the quarter was Ford's automotive operations.

John Murphy