We're obsessed with the way Kate looks - Wellington boots with shorts? Who else could get away with that?

Rachel Zoe

Students are also wearing less clothing. They're more self-conscious about the way their body looks.

Jane Jakubczak

Harpo Marx looks like a musical comedy.

Walter Kerr

I got a lot of open looks and just saw the basket and shot it. It felt real good to get back on our home court and see all our fans. I was excited to get back.

Phillip Woods

Selling looks thin and investors continue to cover their short positions.

Minoru Tada

This remains our major concern. The decline in business revenue looks like it has continued to accelerate.

David Halliday

If you get thrown out, it looks bad, ... But I took the risk, and it worked out.

Brad Wilkerson

On average, wolves are going to appear twice as big as coyotes. If it looks really large, that is the best indication at long range.

Mike Doncarlos

It looks bad but it's not as bad as it looks as far as water in the lake is concerned.

Charlie Mcclain

I don't know if he left the car running or if the car got hot or what, but it looks like he got about six gallons in (before the fire started) on that panel there.

Marty Posey

This pattern looks like it will continue well into next week.

Mike Chamberlain

If they are in an audit situation, we can't confirm or deny it. The IRS looks at numerous market segments. But government agencies, they're not immune either.

Gloria Sutton

On paper it looks good for us right now. This a chance for us to gain more confidence and win some games we should win, but baseball's really goofy, and anything at this level can happen.

Darin Hendrickson

We couldn't knock shots down at the end. We had a couple of turnovers and they had a couple of easy baskets. We had a couple of good looks on our end and they didn't go down and that was the ball game.

Troy Hudson

They gave us a couple of different looks that we really didn't prepare for, so it threw off our timing, and we just couldn't get in a groove.

Jabar Gaffney

[They] stimulate the immune system, white blood cells that fight infections by giving something that looks similar to the disease.

Dennis Cunningham

It appears like Griffith was acting as some sort of an agent for the buyers or someone who looks for property and does leg work for real estate agents.

John Welch

It's a relaxing hobby. You feel like you've accomplished something when you finish a piece and it looks halfway what it should.

George Lytle

It looks like the outer eastern islands of the Bahamas may feel its effects sometime tomorrow. It a small storm, highly concentrated.

Ron Goodman

We seem to have escaped any real danger, and even maybe now the flood danger we were looking at has passed by the looks of it.

Tom Day

It looks empty right now.

Bob Irvin

The team did a good job of running the floor and hitting the open man. Our secondary break gave us a lot of good looks at the basket.

Bill Ramsay

It looks different now, but we've had lots of discussions about how much to refer to that.

Peter Gabriel

The mug is a tool. My ace in the hole. To have looks is the bonus on top of what motivates me to be an actor. Not to realize they're an asset would be counterproductive to the cause; they serve the common good.

Alexis Carrel

It looks like a major leap in reclaiming good sense, but I don't know that.

Sen. Joan Bray

The market looks just restless.

Tsutomu Yamada

Rik Smits would be a good comparison. But Rik had that little hook shot from the right block. Right now, [Yao] looks more comfortable facing the basket.

Jerry West

I'm not thrilled with this, ... It still looks like a cover-up to me.

Larry Ferguson

The Bible looks like it started out as a game of Mad Libs.

Bill Maher

We rushed our shots and just settled for bad looks. You can't do that against them.

Ricky Worsham

Looks to me like somehow the multinational force didn't stay on top of this.

Richard Armitage

I am mad and everyone who looks long enough will see that another attack of a different nature could be pulled off tomorrow. The government is taking too long to make changes.

Stephen Push

The white shirt looks fresh and new again; the white shirt is key. It's back for spring in a big way.

Cynthia Steffe

Looks like a bad dream.

Merv Griffin

We really hope for students to see the possibilities for a career in public history and what a really successful public historian looks like.

John Krugler

It looks like some of them are coming back a lot quicker than some of us thought.

Nauman Barakat

The line looks really long, but it goes really quick.

Nicole Varma

It looks a little nutty. It's hard to believe people pay any attention to it.

Norman Lear

It is difficult to find value buys at the current levels. However, the auto pack looks good.

Dilip Bhat

That's what it looks like. We have to prove it now; that's going to be the tough part.

Bruce Davidson

We had some awful good looks at the basket, but they just didn't go in. And, we didn't shoot free throws very well, either.

Brennan Torgerson

The inventory levels for crude in the U.S. are quite high, but everybody is concerned about gasoline ahead of the driving season. It looks like prices should go down but then you have the geopolitical issues coming up.

Anette Einarsen

Now he is doing client stuff. Looks like he's been pushed aside.

George Bicher

He looks like a keeper.

Frank Margel

The difference in the second half was our defense. (Sullivan) had 33 last night, but we didn't give him many good looks all game.

Monte Stewart

I'm just hoping he will get some more looks from colleges. He's slipping through the cracks when he doesn't need to be.

Greg Lowell

It looks to be that you can get just about twice the amount of energy by going the cellulose route, and greenhouse emissions are very small.

Daniel Kammen

We expect some investors to look for clarity on what Microsoft's dividend plan looks like going forward.

Charles Di Bona

The No Child Left Behind Act looks at math and language arts. Adding science is an Indiana initiative.

Linda Stephenson

It looks very much like there will be a complete ban.

Kevin Barron

There are still some supply disruptions related to the hurricanes, but it looks like there is a dent being made in alleviating these supply disruptions.

Gerald Zukowski

She can curse right and she looks as though she's eaten French food before.

Julie Powell

Everybody comes to the house and looks at the basement. It takes them a good half-hour to actually sit down and look at everything on the wall.

Tim Rogers

I invite each of the board members to go upstairs after the meeting and look at what's been done. It looks really good up there.

Harry Wagy

Sunday looks like a nice, dry, sunny day.

Ryan Walbrun

It looks more like leapfrog growth to me.

Wallace Tucker

A man of knowledge chooses a path with a heart and follows it and then he looks and rejoices and laughs and then he sees and knows.

Carlos Casteneda

The looks of the disorder are different across age and gender.

Donna Palumbo

As far as I can see, this looks a complete dog's breakfast of a clause as it fails to consider that many so-called 'hacker tools' have perfectly legitimate uses.

Dave Lambert

The summer looks dismal with the insurance adjusters, contractors and reconstruction crews going away and tourists not coming back.

Bill Langkopp

It looks like more log rolling, more wasting of time.

David Cubberley

The whole country is filled with adventures, but there is [also] adventure just in the visual landscape alone. There is always something familiar, but if it looks too familiar, you just have to look a little farther for the oddity.

Chris Patterson

I go for looks, how they operate, but mainly who is going to stand behind them.

David Cross

We played so good defensively, but we just lost our legs at the end of the game. We got some good looks but we just didn't shoot the ball well.

Daryl Murphy

The building looks amazingly clean. I don't think we're going to have soot and smoke and a huge problem with that.

Terry D'italia

After getting my new tax bill, it looks like I won't be able to stay there anymore.

Robert Sullivan

Platinum looks set to test $1100/oz while a break above $298/oz would leave the way clear for palladium to test of $330/oz.

James Moore

It's never as bad as it looks, and it's never as good as it looks. Some things did happen, but we'll take care of it. You might think it looked bad, but it wasn't that bad.

Jon Runyan

I said to my husband, I said honey it looks like their racing or something. I said he better slow down before he kills somebody. As soon as I said that, I looked up and it looked like he just lost control of the car.

Judith Hunter

It looks like they have very fast forwards and big defense. They're going to be a tough team to beat.

Alex Merry

In the second half they did a good job of closing gaps. When that happens you have to be willing to kick it out to open teammates, and that's why we got open looks.

John Hoch

There's a lot more to it than it looks.

Joe Davis

We wanted to bring a fourth point guard in, and it looks like he'll be with us.

Geoff Petrie

I think there could be more designs, ... It looks kind of bland.

Alan Ross

We have activated the agreement, so we could see up to 400 people staying here until they can return to their homes, which looks like could be a long time.

Lisa Mcallister

That was a big play for us. We had a big hole to fill at catcher and it looks like she may be capable of doing it.

Bob Kalp

She got her good looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon.

Groucho Marx

It looks like the system doesn't have quite the dynamic with the heavy rains that we had in the past event.

Bob Burke

It's not just what it looks like but what it smells like. And this stinks.

Bern Ewert

This looks to be a clever and unexpected move by the Nasdaq exchange.

Keith Bowman

He who looks in the crystal ball ends up eating glass, ... They're way, way close.

Mary Matalin

This guy looks pretty gay to me. I'm willing to believe they didn't intend it to be a gay man, but I don't believe they're shocked someone would draw that conclusion.

Jeffrey Montgomery

Doesn't have anything to do with his ability to do an autopsy... but it still looks pretty bad.

David Warren

With a little more execution, it changes the complexion of our zone. The one thing we couldn't give up was penetration to the baseline. They got too many looks to close to the basket.

Steve Bartos

It looks like they may have stretched some on the top side in Pittsburgh.

Gary Bongiovanni

It looks on its face like a terrible, politically expedient decision that misses an opportunity to bring Kentucky into the 21st century.

Bruce Nilles

It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black.

Charlie Brown

North County did a nice job on Garrett (Blackstone) and kept us from getting many open looks.

Mike Rudd

You go out with a girl you used to date, she looks so damn good, and then at a certain point you say, Boy, now I remember. I know why I left!

Arsenio Hall

It looks like right now the flat-panel displays are being adopted by the higher-end appliances. On the low-end appliances, you may always have knobs and dials.

Jim Todd

If it looks like New Orleans won't be coming back, then we're going to have to move somewhere else. And I have no idea where that's going to be.

Deron Washington

It's something our office looks forward to every year.

John Hale

It looks like a great IPO. They've got great timing in terms of the market being at an all-time high.

Ivo Welch

It looks like you?re ready for combat. Helmet, wrist guards, forearm pads.

John Drummond

He looks okay. He even joked that his complexion became fairer since he was not allowed to go out under the sun.

Gener Gito

I was looking around yesterday and I was thinking I am at a college tournament and I'm the coach. I have all of these kids here. I have had some looks from people like, you are a player?

Sherri Turner

It looks like fish tank rocks.

Jason Schwartzman

Now it looks like nature is reversing the process. I wouldn't be surprised if we have an island again.

Jim Schmidt

I?m glad to see the governor is on board and moving forward on this project. It looks like we are moving forward more quickly than we expected.

Mayor Ryan Bingham

Pretty girls in sports is the golden ticket. This girl is someone to use because she has good looks and does a lot of different sports, so marketing a beautiful athlete is good in the end.

Margaret Donaldson

Everyone looks at his tactics and uses what he did to this day.

Craig Nelson

Corey's getting a lot of Division II looks already, but he's improving by the day.

Marco Corona

I know he looks over there to his dad. He still has his dad in his heart and mind and his dad still tells him what to do.

Mike Hanf

It's so gross to carry those bottles of water everywhere. It looks as though they need water 24 hours a day!

Letitia Baldrige

It looks like we are headed for a collision. Chavez realizes that the U.S. doesn't have an idea of how to deal with him.

Michael Shifter

It looks like the riders stuck.

William Millar

It looks like it starts very early.

Pamela Salsberry

It's a bad thing just to play off your looks. People have given me a chance to transform myself. That's what I love about acting.

Wes Bentley

Tuesday is a huge one and if we can take care of business, it looks like a time where anybody can beat anybody (in league).

Bud Ogden

Looks like I'm at the Kentucky Derby!

Kenny Smith

"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!

Coco Chanel

The budget never looks proportional until the end of the year.

Tim Jones

It looks quite likely that Sergio will not be participating. Outside of that, I've heard of no one else who would not be coming.

Michael Garten

Exponential growth looks like nothing is happening, and then suddenly you get this explosion at the end.

Ray Kurzweil

This one looks as though it was someone trying to run in front the train and didn't make it.

Jonah Weinberg

We wanted to crowd her, which we did. She did get some easy looks at the end. Those are mental breakdowns.

Tisha Hill

I told him I liked the looks of the town and would like to settle here.

Paul Stone

I'm like, 'He looks like the prototype linebacker – big and muscular, mean-looking.' .

Donnie Edwards

I just tried to be more aggressive down there. I was getting good looks and getting good position inside so I tried to take advantage of it.

Sean Mallon

I see all of the looks. It comes everywhere I go. I always notice that stuff.

Jeff Jordan

It looks like we're at about 40 percent containment. We're looking at having it 100 percent contained by Monday, 6 p.m.

Ron Haralson

They generally defined what these moves would be and some general targets to reach, but we're far from complete with the details, It looks like they got barely enough.

David Toung

We also give ourselves room if the audience isn't quite to our forecast. Until all the details come in, we won't know with certainty, but at this point it looks like we'll make our audience commitments.

Doug Brooks

It looks like Alfonso Carrillo will start in the outfield and Dane Houser, a transfer from Marist, will also start.

Jim Rise

We kept saying how important it was for us to get the boards and get good looks. I think we did a great job on that.

Frank Sciolla

They have turned up no contaminants at this moment; everything looks good.

Paul Ruskin

There's great separation between the communities, which allows you to create a different world for each different episode. You can lock down looks.

Michael Hurst

You cannot be in the Gulf without being impacted -- it looks like a war zone. It's beyond comprehension to see this kind of devastation, but very sobering and enlightening for us to be there.

Christina Harrison

It just goes to show you that anything that looks out of the ordinary is going to strike fear in people now.

Carlos Acosta

I guess I like shooting here. It's a shooters arena. I got some good looks and the shots just went down.

Colin Falls

In my mind, the artist was making fun of Colorado. He's saying, 'You guys couldn't do it, but we can.' Some say the character in the poster is what an Austrian countryman looks like, but no one's going to convince me it's not making fun of Colorado.

Steve Woodruff

In the second half we settled down; we executed a little bit more. We got our looks in the lane and then we attacked. And then we were able, when they collapsed the defense, to kick it out and hit the shots.

Gary Christlieb

Everybody looks at football. It's a part of society.

Tim Green

We got some easy looks. We got some open looks, but when we got open, we didn't knock them down and had bad shot selection.

Willette White

I don't know about this one. It looks steep.

Stephanie Soddy

It looks like the environment could get pretty competitive. We need to get this decided soon so we can take advantage of the bond environment.

Darrell Pankratz

A 'no change' outcome looks virtually certain.

James Knightley

It looks as though he will require surgery of some sort but we don't yet know how bad it is or what he has got.

Wayne Clark

Any idiot who looks at a map knows you can't build bridges to every single island in Southeast. These are huge distances ... so we need roads and ferries both.

Robin Taylor

He looks so much more poised from when we played him last year. By the way the crow flies, it's only six games since we played him. But he's so much smoother out there.

Rick Venturi

It looks like an oblique muscle.

Todd Hutcheson

It looks like a dust bowl. We want to beautify it and bring it back.

Jane Redding

She is plain but on the stage she looks all right.

Jessica Tandy

It looks like it (the blast) was caused by explosives.

Celalettin Cerrah

I would love to see that happen. But Dave's not the type of person who looks out for himself. All he cares about is this team.

Johnny Walker

It looks like a workable compromise.

Angelo Amador

It looks like AMD is taking share across all segments.

Kevin Rottinghaus

We're not really going to pay attention to a lot of how the whole total looks, until we're all done.

Barry Collier

Right now, the catcher's glove looks about as small as it's going to get. I don't think it can get any smaller.

Michael Wuertz

It looks like it's going to be fairly warm on Monday, but there've been April snowstorms.

Karl Jungbluth

It looks like New Year's Eve is probably going to be dry. Then Sunday night and Monday, here we go again.

Kevin Durfee

He does a crazy Vanilla Ice dance that's pretty amazing. He breaks it down. I'd have to have him do it for you. It looks something like a chicken with a lot of caffeine.

Aubrie Apple

He gave me a jolt (Monday) in practice. I didn't know where I was for a while. He looks awesome.

Grant Preston

We had to wait until FEMA and the government said we could come in. I was not prepared for what I saw down there. When you see it firsthand, it looks like Hiroshima. ... We were hoping we could go down and help out where it would affect a lot of people: churches, community centers.

Ty Pennington

We didn't let them have any easy looks. We pressured the ball on the perimeter. Everything they got, they earned because of that pressure.

Jason Murgel

When a candidate looks at a community, they're looking to see if there's a match. Don (Yeoman) felt the challenge is the right challenge, but he had concerns about the support for education in the community.

Richard Warren

Cheryl's the first person he looks for, and he gives her a big hug.

Dennis Chandler

It looks like that.

Alan Rusbridger

In any case, it looks like it's strengthening and it's not going to be far behind our intensity forecast.

Richard Knabb

We had some good looks and we couldn't knock our shots down. They came out to play and simply outplayed us.

Katie Smith

There had been some altercation between them. It looks like a probable suicide (on his part).

Lt. Dennis Brugos

It looks great. I've missed it, ... The service is better than ever and the floor is clean.

Patricia Lopez

This looks like a fraternal twin of the December 26 earthquake.

Kerry Sieh

The market is so bullish that it's in accelerator mode. It's feeding on itself. Seventy dollars looks like an achievable target without too much difficulties.

Thomas Bentz

It looks to me like the market is fully priced, and that's kind of worrisome.

Michael Kassen

We're still seeing some overland flooding issues, but it looks like the dikes are doing fine.

Becky Ault

The biggest thing is we're going to get a lot of looks [from their defense]. They bring a lot of stunts and stuff, and we want to see how our kids handle that.

Paul Ellis

Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals.

Theodor W. Adorno

It is too amorphous--the picture is cloudy. It looks like it might develop into a very interesting picture, but what are the odds (of that happening)? We don't know.

Michael Gavin

We didn't give Ravenna many good looks at the basket. We've been working hard on our defense in practice.

Joe Hill

It still looks like it is a pretty good value.

Michael Sloan

It looks very good. We believe that once the vessel is released by the Coast Guard, it will be able to go about its business.

Jim Butler

It looks like a condominium with a cannon and tracks.

Peter Grier

And the only life which looks down upon the life of political ambition is that of true philosophy. Do you know of any other?


It looks like more of a digestive day rather than anything (else). The data that have come out has shown the economy is still weakening but we're not falling off a cliff.

Arthur Cashin

I'm disappointed. It looks like voter turnout is pretty low.

John Binder

The future looks about the same.

John Pinzl

It looks like they're back. They look really good. It's going to be tough, especially down there. It's going to be like you're down two touchdowns when you get off the bus.

Judd Boswell

At this point, it looks like Kevin Helfer has pulled ahead.

Dennis Ward

If you look at the underlying numbers you'll see that underlying trade has improved. It looks like exports have improved quite a bit.

George Buckley

The frustrating part was the types of shots we didn't finish on. We had looks from five feet away all night.

Cary Thompson

Sure, I thought we had two good looks. But we missed far more than just two shots. You can't go back and look at just those shots.

Larry Collins

Our defense played solid; we didn't give them any good looks at the goal. We're making it easier on ourselves.

Toni Varacchi

We're not quite sure on that yet. We need clarification on that. It looks like we may not be restricted to that full 30 days. Hopefully we don't have to, but we don't know just yet.

Chris Thomas

It looks like it will work out pretty great.

Gene Miller

It looks as if an ancient group is gathered around a fire. There's an eclipse. It's rather mystical.

Joe Reilly

A break of 6.20/dollar this week looks inevitable as euro/dollar buying on dips targets 1.2630 then 1.2690. Technical support below 6.20 is at 6.15.

Caroline Gorman

It looks easy. We just walk out.

Vanna White

It's a law that looks underhanded to everybody ... stupid.

Luis Ernesto Derbez

McDaniel was not getting good looks. We were very aware of where he was, but then (Eric) Brown started making 3-pointers.

Rick Francis

It's in the early stages, so it will be a little while before we know what the final design looks like.

Ronald Young

Beyond that, what organic looks like depends on the type of farm.

Meg Moynihan

We got some good looks to start the game. If any of those shots would have fallen for us, we might have been a little better off.

Chris Schultz

It seems they have a better selection. There are a variety of books here. It looks real good.

Brenda Parr

We're happy to have him here for a while longer. He does a good job behind the back four and looks the part.

Brian Little

I'm not only coming back to a city I'm comfortable with, but a team that looks like it has a good chance to win.

Bob Howry

It's a lot easier budget year than we thought. For the time being, it looks like an improved fiscal outlook.

Jim Brandt

It looks like growth might be slowing down and that adds to fears of competitive pressures.

Kevin Calabrese

Not by any effort of his own, it looks like Mark Sanford finally has a good economic development team for South Carolina.

Joe Erwin

This was a hard-fought game with some hard hitting. It looks like this is turning into a pretty good rivalry.

Neal Donohue