This number will be invaluable when talking to local community groups and applying for grants.

Carleen Courtney

We denounced terrorism and suicide bombing before 9/11 and after, on a national level and on a local level. Some people will try to find anything to attack our group.

Basim Elkarra

It's 99 percent local.

Victor Lopez

If you don't have anything for a girl you are recruiting to look at (it can be difficult). I can start looking at some more local girls now and hopefully intrigue them into coming here.

Tony Campbell

We didn't know about the glasses, but we saw how much they were needed. We hope to get some local donations together for next year.

Rachel Taylor

The actions of local officials affect us. Our own quality of life is determined on a local level.

Pat Hunter

This is a law that did not get spelled out very clearly, so it's been very, very difficult to implement. There was so little directive in the initiative itself, it has put a lot pressure on agencies and local governments to have to interpret it.

Teresa Schilling

Pretty much as long as the official authorities at the state or local level agree or, let's say now, don't disagree, it automatically happens.

Roger Payne

Local districts can ignore this entirely.

Sue Gamble

Affordable housing, it's a hot issue this year, it's high demand. We're pushing our own local people out of our state because we can't afford to live here.

Helen Wai

We are beginning the investigation and we look at all aspects. And we are doing it in cooperation with local law enforcement.

Patti Roberts

Looking at local news down there, it's hard to know what's going on.

Bette Lasky

The scenario was bad with Nasdaq, local politics and Argentina...but the market held up well.

Francisco Andrade

We hope the difference people will see is an increased emphasis on local customers and small and mid-sized companies.

Tom Matthews

I imagine that local authorities will start using it either later this year or early next.

John Gill

We are concerned about any country's cocaine production capability. ... The potential for cocaine production in Bolivia is very high ... and we're working with local authorities to fight it.

Steve Robertson

Make the most of your money. Use your local talent and try to have something for everyone's taste.

Mary Ellen Mark

They have a special tank where they can create ice to your local conditions.

John Duffy

Local kids come in and out all day. They hang out, exchange stories, check out our equipment and try maneuvers outside.

Rich Petersen

Local elected school boards should be making the decision.

Dean Clark

It's the state and local distribution plans that will define victory.

Alex Azar

It's basically an express lane that will take them so they can bypass some of the local traffic signals.

Todd Sloan

I talk to Kenny Wallace and drivers that are local. I call them and ask for direction. Am I doing this right? What should we be doing? They're really nice.

Mike Adler

Chesterfield, 1, Chester, 1. Another score draw in that local derby.

Des Lynam

The overwhelming majority of new deposits are not from the local area. It's been a cost-effective way of reaching a new marketplace.

John Hart

When I'm at home I hardly ever bother with alcohol and I play a lot of tennis at my local club.

Rod Argent

This is the first race of the year. It's a good opportunity for local riders.

Vic Armijo

Some agencies do a more vigorous job than others of reporting it, but that's really up to local policy.

Jon Peck

We're also hoping to get involved with Boys and Girl's Country and SIRE (a local therapeutic riding program).

Valerie Cranford

It is important for central and local government to hold discussions for the good of the country, taking into account the interests of local residents.

Yomiuri Shimbun

If that's a byproduct, we're happy about it, but Ralph would have been our candidate regardless. This is more about Ralph's abilities. But when you have someone who has local knowledge, it fits more with our focus on guest experience.

Brian O'hare

We're disappointed. We feel strongly that local communities should have control over their future.

Chad Carlton

People want to come to a local landmark, ... They want to be comfortable.

Martin Klein

Operating in one community doesn't lend itself to a big TV buy. You get a broad reach, but it's cluttered. The challenge is breaking through...intercepting consumers where they shop or are entertained communicates that we are a local company investing to give them more TV and broadband choice.

Chris Mckay

We believe that local people know their local customers.

Jeff Noddle

The appreciation of the U.S. dollar will help inflate Asian exporters' overseas sales when converted back to their local currencies.

Barro Liao

It took cutting through a lot of red tape to get the permission to build from the local authorities. There was no land available for building the village.

Mark Little

Most local firms have no choice but to cook their books, otherwise they'll go out of business. As a general rule, you can't trust their financial figures.

Russell Brown

It's so much more complicated than everyone's making it out to be. The federal response has been quite coordinated. It's how it interfaces with the state and local.

Frank Cilluffo

When language (in the agreement) requires local labor, we want to make sure our guys have the opportunity.

David Gonzales

Local folks told us they hadn't seen fire on that mountain in 50 years.

Jim Burton

No jovial hand shaker would get far without helping the local economy. Make no mistake, jobs and economic prosperity are the main issues here.

Juergen Falter

Unfortunately they were pronounced dead at a local hospital shortly after they were rescued.

Alan Etter

We are very lucky to find such a local talent.

Anthony Veliz

We already arrested five of them, ... They aren't evacuees. They're local idiots.

Todd Hunter

It's an emerging issue. There's some feeling this is additional tax revenue that local governments should be getting. It's premature to bring federal lawsuits to solve this issue.

Mike Gowrylow

It's another example of how local control has been eroded.

Betty Gray

We are hearing from some providers that local authorities may be making the process of getting franchises unreasonably difficult.

Kevin Martin

The pizza is really good. They get it from a local place. It comes in a sack.

Andy Pfeifer

At each of the livestock barns, we will be doing upgrading. Local livestock auctions provide a service to the community, and we want to have them in top condition.

Gib Rodgers

This is not helping local entrepreneurs to get a place in the economy, and we need to facilitate small operators. After all the effort of 'Go East', with all these new fees you are going to go under, not go east.

Kenrick Webster

We're left out of the loop because we're actually a public corporation, not a local government. You have to go through a regional district or a city to apply.

Susan Roth

We added these dates to give more local people the opportunity to speak to us face to face. Public consultation is about us listening to the local community.

Stephen Baxter

The local tests show he was positive for bird flu .

Hariadi Wibisono

Local school districts are doing what they can, and some have gotten very creative in finding non-education funding for these cleanup projects. But they can't fix the whole fleet without the state's help.

Betin Santos

I think it's a wonderful contribution to local history.

Bill Doyle

Because when he came to the team no one knew who he was, and then when the season began he started tearing the cover off of the ball. He's becoming a local legend.

Kyle Miller

The lifestyle had started to kind of get old for everybody. We thought maybe we had done everything that could be done at the local level.

Tom Till

My family and I are fine and appreciate everyone's concerns and good thoughts. We are very grateful for the help of the Honolulu Police Department and the support of the local community.

Josh Holloway

The area is rich in local history.

Marian Schneider

We commissioned more than one local lab specialized in GM food testing, to examine the products.

Fang Xiangdong

That's huge for a local company like ourselves to go up against all the companies in the U.S. that B&L works with. That was really, really cool.

Tracy Till

They turned the investigation over to the local drug force.

Sol Summerlin

A Chilean subscriber in Detroit would see a local ad, not an ad for a supermarket in Santiago.

Tom Herman

This just threw the healthcare industry for a loop. The state and local health departments had to regroup.

Glenn Martin

We are excited to have the opportunity to host such a great event. It gives us a chance to show off our city. It will good for local businesses as well.

Billy Powell

I take her around to the local lakes and watering holes. She gets right in.

Sarah Jamieson

Just stop in and talk to someone at one of the local bait shops. They are very knowledgeable about the area and will likely know what spots to avoid.

Chris Wunrow

In some instances local IEC offices were not aware of this and did not accept the submission.

Pansy Tlakula

Our philosophy is to make history come alive. The use of a vaudeville show allows students to connect with local history through the hook of entertainment.

Bob Johnson

Some of our local athletes turned in some strong performances, and it was good to see them recognized for their effort.

Andy Thiel

We are having local expenses due to assisting evacuees that are in our community.

Judy White

Our grain is brought in by local farmers and shipped out of here either by semi or by rail.

Jim Keller

In this group, not many are what I would call locals, so they have been fascinated with local history, ... Cold Mountain.

Clyde Edgerton

I think the mood is changing. We believe strongly in local control, but with that comes some responsibility.

Sen. Paul Mckinley

We?re not going to sell information about your oil level to the local oil change guy.

Chet Huber

What's been done here, we'll just be following up and let the local folks have some well-earned rest. Until you get a fire line all the way around it, containment's kind of a nebulous term.

Bill Sweet

It's important we support the troops, especially the local troops.

Tom Stone

With a lot of athletes, it's a local market. Barry Bonds is successful in the Bay Area, but beyond there, everyone hates him.

Bob Dorfman

The law says that corporate contributions to local campaigns are illegal in Texas. The law makes such contributions a felony.

Ronnie Earle

The meeting will provide a platform for the delegates to share knowledge and exchange ideas about issues in local government.

Nthatisi Modingoane

Local public health agencies are the front line in all of this. Preparedness, at its heart, is a local phenomenon.

Dr. Julie Gerberding

That's not true of ethical agencies. Any ethical agency will check what brought an individual into debt and perhaps refer that person to a bankruptcy lawyer or to a local bar association.

Joel Greenberg

We are not cranky or eccentric, we have a legitimate claim and we want a voice in local issues.

David Ball

Ultimately, all development is local, but to be most effective, each local organization must cooperate with its regional partners.

Phil Hardwick

It is really difficult for Wal-Mart to go into a new country and just build from the ground up. They're doing it in China. But if you look at anywhere else they have gone into, they have always partnered with a local company of some sort.

Patricia Edwards

I favor giving localities more ability to make the transportation, land-use connection than they are doing right now, My inclination is to try to help local governments.

Jim Scott

Though local issues will be at the fore, national issues like the overall economy and foreign policy will also be factors.

Kuldip Nayar

It's another booster shot for our local economy. The Amgen folks want to hire people within our labor force.

Jack Faris

During the attack, the local driver and a Revolutionary Guardsman was killed. The police immediately intervened. One smuggler was killed and one arrested.

Gholamhossein Elham

I got to thinking of the school system, especially our local school here.

Nathan Moss

There have been some complaints against some local hotels for price gouging ... those are being referred to the attorney general.

James Guthrie

This will lower the cost of capital and the investment hurdle rate, make SA more attractive for foreign direct investment, and support foreign portfolio investment in (local) equities.

Jac Laubscher

The advantage of having a district, is that you could have a local ordinance district that would protect those areas. Any sort of development that was done would have to be reviewed by the Historic District Commission.

Karen Minkel

Something that bothers small business owners is the constant turnover of loan officers at the local branch of a larger bank.

Bruce Phillips

We are pleased that local consumption has increased from 5% to 25% since August 2004.

Anton Kruger

We are developing the electoral component of the immigrant movement, and we will all see the results at the local, state and national elections.

Juan Ruiz

As the local people were active in making the decision, they were eager to carry it through.

Yu Xiaogang

We will have an introduction to City Council and the development of the park, as well as special treats for local dogs.

Jim O'reilly

The upshot is that the relaxation in exchange control will make a big difference to local companies that have wanted to invest in Africa.

Loyiso Jiya

A couple of the companies we are looking at in Chile have international and domestic concessions, as well as local fiber ring and exchange carrier licenses in the mix.

Ceo Rich Grange

We get a lot of local residents who come in just to watch the games. They know that this is going on, and they come down … to be a part of what goes on here.

Terri Jones

That's what people want, to be able to turn to The Weather Channel and get their local weather.

Peter Stern

We are just a behind-the-scenes group who try to help local children.

Oleta Johnson

It's going to be up to the local party and the local caucuses to get her name out.

Barry Watson

I think that those bands are really pushing the local scene forward. They are really pushing the envelope and they are great people.

Mark Powers

We used it to come out and start some controversy in the local scene when we were growing up. We didn't care.

Johnny Christ

A weaker local currency and lower oil ease concern about earnings at exporters.

Choi Chang Hoon

The next step is to get on a local registry if they are eligible.

Arianthe Stettner

I haven't done any major fund-raising efforts. It's a local election. It should be grass roots.

Rae Waters

Many Muslim leaders have personal relationships will all kinds of important local Liberals.

Henry Jacek

It's part of our culture and firm belief that smart, talented local bankers make the best decisions.

Marty Adams

Detroit is a good, strong local market (for Northwest) and also a good location for connecting flights.

Michael Conway

It's a wonderful use of money to fulfill some local needs.

Barb Peryam

The local church is the hope of the world, and its future rests primarily in the hands of its leaders.

Bill Hybels

If companies are facing the competitive pressures, and not expanding, these are the things we can help companies with. If we?re helping local industry and they?re happy, we think that?s one of the best things that will send the message about our business climate.

David Mcfadden

We really appreciate the support of the state and local governments. We know they're committed to building a competitive business environment in the state of Utah.

Stan Lockhart

It reaches 2,500 local people who are interested in horse farms.

Anita Tauber

We let them know about the information they can get from social service agencies and local chapters of the National Association of Geriatric Care Managers.

Debra Seefeld

Cameroon's current oil revenue does not enter the local economy. Oil revenues go abroad to the overseas accounts of the elite.

Karina Horta

I thought that everybody would be blaming FEMA, the federal government. But there is a significant amount of blame to place on state and local government. That is probably going to increase as time goes on.

Neil Newhouse

These people didn't come here for free health care. They came here to work. There are jobs here we can't fill with local people.

Nancy Thompson

We wanted to keep it local.

Billy Carter

This is an area known as Cancer Alley, and there's a good reason for that. Contaminants were already a problem (in local waters).

David Lewis

It takes pressure off local taxpayers.

Joy Smolnisky

We haven't figured out how to digest local information when it applies to a global corporation.

Wayne Guay

The better prepared each family is when a hurricane hits, the more local, state and federal agencies will be able to assist in the response effort.

Michael Bolch

Local is the new organic.

Bill Mckibben

I said, 'You're from Chicago, home of the blues. Here's a nice blues record from a local band,' .

Dan Aykroyd

When you talk to customers, you can tell that a lot of them are a lot more local.

Alex Jones

We think there are a lot of good models out there that could make a difference for local ranching families.

Heidi Dearment

They really need to know much more about where the food comes from - how to grow it and cook it, how to make consumer choices that are good for the environment and the local economy.

Jane Powell

I tell them to check with local (officials).

Mike Welch

We hope to have a big crowd. It is a great way to have fun and support your local library.

Colleen Butler

With just us local guys doing the show, we were able to keep it free for the public. If we would have had other artists on the bill, then we would have had to pay them to be here.

Tracy Byrd

I think they have kept some of the decision making at the local level. That's always a real critical component to success for a community bank.

Buddy Howard

If it is not for the local church stepping up to the plate, it is not going to get done.

Robert Sharp

I get about 99 miles to the gallon. When gasoline costs $3 a gallon, driving most gasoline cars costs 8 to 20 cents a mile. With a plug-in hybrid, your local travel and commuting can go down to 2 to 4 cents a mile.

Felix Kramer

It's important to be able to make contributions that allow local groups to do certain things.

John Hutchinson

They need to change their corporate culture to fit into the local market.

Wataru Kasatani

Concerning this specific allegation or any allegation that we screen... local politics have no bearing on what we do, ... We do our job according to the facts, evidence and law.

Michael Healey

I want to make it clear to those immigrants who are here illegally, we're not going to go around to factories (or elsewhere) … asking for your cards. … I don't want an immigrant here illegally violated by a (criminal) act of someone else, afraid to call the local law enforcement agencies for help. We will not deport you. We will go after the person who did the crime.

Andy Lee

It costs us a little bit (to bring them in). But it's worth it. The future is, we'll have one or two teams out of state, but we'll never turn our back on the local teams.

Doug Mcarthur

I don't believe in going into another country with a European design. We eat local food and live and interact with the local people.

Brian Stoyel

All politics is local, even international politics. That border represents a convenient dividing line between two people who see the world differently.

Daniel Lund

Our issue is local control, local government by local elected people.

John Wall

What you lost was a lot of local knowledge.

Gene Taylor

We're just going around to some of the local community groups, and if things go well, we would file in about two months.

Mark Donahue

We want to keep this project local. There are people locally who will invest.

Reuben Hoff Jr

The skiers would come in here and it'd be really busy. Now it's just local customers and no tourists.

Maria Gonzalez

I don't think that's something the governor makes decisions about. I'm going to let local government decide whether a dog gets to go in. I hope they do.

Rod Smith

There's no longer just one restaurant. We're trying to blend local flavor of the area with some franchise food.

Brad Livingston

The business strategy is if we can get a critical mass of very local content and a local audience, then we can target ads better than we ever could down to a town level.

Jeff Jarvis

It's a big problem. No one is quite sure how it's going to be attacked. They do eat a lot of local wildlife.

Michael Orchin

We not only help them integrate into the community and into the local labor market. But for a lot of folks these days, two-income households are important, particularly when the service member is deployed.

Bill Mann

The day is coming when you'll be able to get NPR without (local) pledge breaks. Then you better have the best local news and make yourself invaluable to the community, or you are going to get your breakfast handed to you.

Barry Bingham Jr

We are working to see local history be more visible.

Sarah Vanlanduyt

Buy local, grow your own food because there is little we can do to change the price of oil.

Paul Quesnel

Some were crying when they arrived, but the local students have really helped and have been accepting. Some students here would say they'd be their buddy.

Lynn Atkison

We argue he's a local guy in the community who does more than sit around and engage in illegal activity, but spends time being with his family and his wife.

Stephan Seeger

Whenever possible, the State Board of Education should not impose things on local school districts just because they can.

Harry Mcdonald

It's pretty well-documented, the impact of big box retail on the local business community.

Mike Byerly

If he found out I was sleeping, he'd call the local newspaper, ... That's what he did to my predecessor.

David Gunn

If we can teach people how to get out of debt and be generous and help local ministries we'll help build the kingdom.

Dave Anthony

We're getting more and more local law enforcement involved in our mobilizations.

Pete Bodyk

Its essential that local populations spearhead the reconstruction effort.

Azmat Ulla

We want the local police to do what they were meant to do -- protect their citizens.

Nancy Talanian

It was never the intention of the state spending cap to drive up local taxes.

Herb Rosenthal

These are impressive leaders we are designating to serve on the board of directors of the new local communications company, and their experiences position them well to play key roles in the evolution of the local communications business.

Gary Forsee

In the UK, we've had a fantastic flow of local material.

Mark Batey

We always have a large local turnout and people traveling the bluegrass circuit.

Andy Wells

It is in Denver's interest to have a functioning refinery. It is good for the local economy and good for the crude market here.

Greg Schnacke

A new wave of millions of Afghans will overwhelm hospitality, (we must) insure that we have local and federal governments on board.

Peter Kessler

The secret of our success is that we are not a clone of the U.S. edition. We let the local publisher and editor interpret the brand with a local voice.

George Green

A feature film typically 25 to 35 percent of its budget behind in a local economy. Millions of dollars can end up being left in the local economy, which is a wonderful thing, of course.

Mary Nelson

People at local shows like the hard-core sound and screaming.

Dave Keller

It is up to each district attorney to determine how to distribute the money to police. It is not mandatory that the DAs share with local police, but most of them do share because of the involvement of the local police in the drug investigations.

Kevin Harley

Hopefully a lot more local businesses will decide to throw their support behind our fundraising efforts.

Peter Woodrow

Do not blame the local groups for B&B productions mishap.

Joe James

Information sharing and being able to communicate with our state and local partners are some of our key functions in the command.

Christopher Lambert

We have a contract in place with a developer. We're not at the point where we can name the developer but it is a local developer. Details will be presented as soon as we can.

Alan Hawthorne

Local people, we tend to avoid anything unpleasant.

Craig Inouye

And last but not least, Harriet Peabody, who is local temperance (and) is going to stop any alcohol. Apparently there really was a woman like this in the 20s, who was famous for carrying an axe around.

Cassandra Hesseltine

Local people trained to do these attacks and fighting, but we are seeking to find out who are the masterminds behind all this.

Jakrapob Penkair

Support from the Keystone Citizens League shows there is a groundswell of local grassroots support for this.

Amy Kemp

But now everybody has local, regional and national acts.

Doug Hall

Everybody came in that was in the local area to participate in this because of the high volatility.

Jim Washko

We don't do the avian flu. DMORT is responsible for [processing] the remains only ... they don't identify, they don't do autopsies -- those are done by local medical examiners. We aren't responsible for that.

Barbara Ellis

I'm happy that drug court will be able to continue to serve defendants and I look forward in the future to being able to expand the program with local, state and federal funds.

Leigh Wirth

The 8th Circuit Court had taken away almost all of their local competition authority.

Scott Cleland

I was completely surprised. I think things were troubling him from his local detractors.

Ralph Wilson

To conduct assessments of how to establish local policing, local security.

Jay Garner

We are extremely concerned that local governments have had no input into fashioning this bill, which could have major impacts on the quality of life for our communities.

Donald J. Borut

Just go down the list of local charities we have here, and we support them all.

Lynn Money

This has generated tremendous amounts of additional funds to local governments.

Darryl Paulson

This assessment should serve as a key determinant in decision-making and in explaining regional need to affected local communities.

Roger Fleming

That's a good position to be in. It puts a lot of focus on our area and keeps a lot of interest in our local market.

David Vaughn

We are investigating the matter and will cooperate with local Jordanian officials on the attacks.

Dana Perino

All emergencies are local and it doesn't matter what the federal stockpile is, if it doesn't get out locally it doesn't matter. And it's the local health departments that have to get it out.

Arnold Monto

By declaring pre-emptive bushfire emergencies, all local areas will be in the highest state of readiness and will be able to deploy firefighters, tankers and aircraft immediately.

Phil Koperberg