It's a good Cape Coral-centered event. Education doesn't always have to be tedious and painful.

They're a species of special concern. They're not knocking on extinction's door, but they're not far off.

We're elated. The more times the owl is mentioned, the more aware people get about it. The more recognition, the better.

It's a big problem. No one is quite sure how it's going to be attacked. They do eat a lot of local wildlife.

It's not going to cut their taxes in half, but maybe they could get a $50 credit.

It did get the word out to a lot more people about the owl and how fragile their environment is.

The problem is when he gets to the point that other people would say I don't want him anymore and throw him in a field. He won't get that chance.

This has been an ever-increasing problem. Now it's expanding and they're turning up everywhere.

These guys could do well in an urban area. They are foragers.