We got to hope and pray that teams lose at least two games in the conference, ... It's going to be tough.

Shaun Carney

We are working to have at least one other alliance by the end of the year.

Sergio Marchionne

I always get at least one barf comment when I do it in a classroom.

Jennie Rylee

I would contend that our children are as important to the future of the country as the economy. The stock market will never depend on it, but I hope the report will annually at least focus attention on the status and condition of our children.

Duane Alexander

We attempt to be accepting of others. Sometimes we aren't, but at least we try.

Nicholas Sparks

Let us not forget that we can never go farther than we can persuade at least half of the people to go.

Hugh Gaitskell

We opened every potential flood gate we could, ... We were at least expecting a lot of rain.

David Lindsay

You've got to account for him. At least you have to put your best defensive back where he is.

Chuck Schwanekamp

At the very least, clinical trials need to be done that ascertain the safety of products with fragrance.

Kate Mcpherson

[Yesterday, it appeared, at least for now, John] Junior ... Pass the cheese, please.

Victoria Gotti

We're treading water at least.

Gary Chatelain

A suicide bomber blew himself up on the street before he could get on a bus. At least 10 people were wounded, two of them seriously.

Avi Zelba

I've got at least four kids that can compete individually for the top honor in town.

Greg Murphy

At least it closes the gap a little bit between firms that are providing something and those that aren't.

Thomas Kochan

I'm stunned. I thought they would need to do at least something to appease the Justice Department.

Mirko Mikelic

There are a lot of people far worse off than us, ... At least were here, and were alive.

Brian Williamson

At least gives you a better chance at uniformity and keeps our assessments from driving people away into the surrounding counties.

Larry Dunn

We can at least try to dictate the agenda.

Jose Simon

I think that we will need to finish at least 4-2 to be assured of a playoff spot.

Bill Laimbeer

There needs to be an adequate amount of exercise to help alleviate the amounts of stress. The American Heart Association recommends there be at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise done each day.

Joan Quinn

We come in at least one evening a week, already.

Nadia Ochoa

We were deathly concerned about Microsoft getting into the Internet, ... We were working with Netscape to get some advantage so we could compete on at least close to equal terms.

David Colburn

We will appeal to a higher court for a tougher conviction, at least for a life sentence. Not only because he was a cop, but also because of the brazen way he behaved after the rape.

Ujjwal Nikam

The recommendation is that there would be a garage, centrally located in the Short North. And that it would hold at least 500 cars.

John Angelo

Taking the most from those who have the least and nothing from those who have the most.

Chet Edwards

It's really the same confusion that you had on 9/11 - worse, really, because at least in New York City you had Rudy Giuliani.

Thomas H. Kean

What this does, at the very least, is raise the question of competence. Did someone fall asleep at the switch?

Dennis Goldford

Ever since Christmas the kids said they were sick of getting pushed around and the least we can do is go and fight. I can't say enough about our kids' effort. It was unbelievable.

Chad Vollmecke

I guess if it was only closed for two weeks that would be the better option. At least we could use the Coastal Connector and the job would be done with sooner.

John Noyes

The first families that are feeling this in terms of a real squeeze are those that are on more restrictive incomes, those who can least afford it.

Cathy Schoen

RED-SKIN, n. A North American Indian, whose skin is not red -- at least not on the outside.

Ambrose Bierce

I imagine he's going to take this real hard. At least after the storm he had his health.

Joseph Meyer

He had a social contact with these people, but I deny that in any way, at least knowingly, he assisted them in intelligence gathering or locating dissidents.

Thomas Nooter

I heard it first from Mercury. They popularized IT governance, at least for development organizations.

Carey Schwaber

If all the markets were as strong as Columbia, then they might have survived. It's at least fair to say they might have.

Mike Flack

If other EU countries start vaccinating as well ... or at least guarantee that they will keep buying our meat, we will agree.

Jan Wolleswinkel

We'd like to try to have at least two children. Seeing how happy my wife is and how happy I am and how healthy the baby is, we'd like to try again.

Jared Kennedy

Prices have gone up in the U.S. but for us at least we have not seen a change in buyer behavior.

Helmut Panke

Usually giving around 15 or so to each person, keeping them stocked at least until they can get more foam in.

Mike Woo

At least you know you're in the game. At least you know you're not getting blown out. That would be a different story if you were. We took some (games) from a lot of people last year, and it's just flip-flopped this year.

Jamon Gordon

We hit a couple crossbars and had a couple good opportunities near the end of the game but just didn't put them in. Its not just defense, we need to put the ball in the net. We're getting 12 shots off in a game. You have to put at least one in the net.

Sue Herodes

He's a lot better this morning, he's talking a lot more. He's still going to be there in intensive care for at least another two days. It could be four or five days.

Phil Hughes

Had he not lied to agents in 2001, the U.S. government would have stopped those deaths, or at least some of them.

Rob Spencer

Some of the recommendations make sense, ... We could have facility used at least partially, and help the fishermen.

Alice Brown

Or at least the ends justify being really mean!

Frank Miller

I try to get back at least once a month.

Peggy Corrigan

I think every driver has been in at least one accident. But it's no big deal.

Samantha Miller

Right now, I don't think my luck is that bad that I can tweak it. At least I hope not.

Chris Taft

That was definitely a bummer. At least we worked hard. We knew we didn't have as much talent as years before, but we still had a lot of close games.

Lisa Helmers

I feel like if you walk with confidence and carry yourself well, you'll probably be the least likely one to be attacked.

Becky Harris

When you least expect it, someone may actually listen to what you have to say.

Maggie Kuhn

New addition to the market is not going to be that large at least for the time being. On the other hand, demand is really burgeoning.

Chu Woosik

We at least got him some friends. But I am bound and determined to get him a woman.

Krystie Schiele

This is the path of least resistance. The market is intent on testing $70 again.

Justin Fohsz

Any antidepressant drug ends up being a $2 billion drug at least, but we've seen the depression market really slow down. It's a big, [but] lackluster market.

Jon Lecroy

We heard through the authorities in the North that at least 15 to 20 villages have been destroyed.

Juan Martinez

We have our suspicions on what it could possibly be and it's not attributable to any model year or at least to that 1991 model year.

Jim Marquis

He who is in love with himself has at least this advantage - he won't encounter many rivals.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Leave on time at least two days a week. If you never have any free evenings you'll grow resentful.

Sherridan Hughes

We know we're going to really have to make our case and educate members why we think income tax cuts should be at least part of the overall (mix).

Steve Voeller

I wouldn't guarantee I would have listened. But at least there would have been someone there telling me.

Thomas Brinkman

It's going to be an interesting spring, to say the least. We would like to have an idea of the order by the end of spring drills, but (the starting job) may not be determined by then.

Bill Cockhill

The fact is we have always been sensitive to the [community]. We looked for locations with the least amount of impact.

Stanley Sanger

At least now it is easy for stakeholders to raise concerns to the association if need be. The association should help in developing the arts industry.

Daves Guzha

We have at least 35 moulds in the pipeline.

Fernando Garcia

I'm expecting I'll have at least 75 guys selling. I probably got 40 phone calls (Wednesday) about this.

Butch Behn

I think every woman wants to claim it as hers. At least in church, it was that way.

Delrena Patrick

Up until the attic took off, we had everything controlled. At least we thought we did.

Robert A. Ward

The least these demonstrations will do is call attention to the representatives and decision-makers of our nation.

Cindy Gil

We're getting access to areas we could not get to, and that's going to help us greatly. It's not a large (pumping) capacity at this point ... but at least it's progress.

Walter Baumy

We're not allowed to do a lot in here, so we can at least raise a lot of money. Being out of the Navy is a big hole that I'll never be able to fill. I think a lot of the guys here feel the same way.

Chad Taylor

None of the kids have fallen off, at least coming outside, so yeah, it is a positive thing.

Darrell Travis

At least we're in these types of games. That makes it fun to coach, fun to play in.

Brent Dugan

They at least could have disguised it. Maybe a shot clock could be good, but I see a lot of problems.

Dan Dougherty

It really is an honor to at least get the honorable mention. A lot of us wanted that award. It would have been pretty special.

Jean Graves

It seems like a logical question or at least something to review.

James Hood

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, ... reality is not always as fun as drugs, but at least you know what you're getting. God bless you. I love you.

Doug Ferrari

Individuals who put up a displaced person at their residence for at least 60 consecutive days can get an added exemption of $500 per person.

Mark Luscombe

Strong figures will boost expectations of higher growth in consumer spending in the U.S.. That will heighten expectations of at least two more rate hikes from the Fed, supporting the dollar.

Yuji Saito

Our goal is to help as many kids as we can. We'd like to sponsor at least 20, but we'd like to help even more if we can.

Don Hansford

Our work suggests that the impacts of human-caused land cover changes on climate are at least as important, and quite possibly more important, than those of carbon dioxide.

Roger Pielke

He's worth at least $2 million, but probably a great deal more.

Jacob Atwood

Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.


(Hornworms are) probably the most - at least potentially - devastating insect pest we have on tobacco.

Sterling Southern

If he has to be in my driveway when they get here, he's been here for 30 minutes at the least. He could have done whatever he wanted with me by then.

Laura Johnson

Was a weird basketball game, to say the least.

Rashad Mccants

I felt like those who were least able to generate additional income were the most affected. I really had no idea this was under consideration.

Barbara Johnson

I'm very hopeful that the court will grant more cases in the business area because at least one more member of the court will have a strong business law background.

Carter G. Phillips

They are a very good basketball team and we knew that coming in. They deserved to win this game because they did everything they needed to do to win. We didn't do that... . They were at least 23 points better than us tonight, if not more.

Jay Sparks

At least. But I was there. Jim is my witness.

Dave Mcclenahan

We felt like we could at least go into halftime 7-0. But unfortunately we had a turnover, and Edison had a big play. It was a little bit different going into halftime 14-0.

Chad Lewis

It was important to us to at least finish with the best record at 7-1.

Allan Ray

It will be, if not a master class, at least a law school exam on the reporters' privilege.

Jane Kirtley

I think it's almost guaranteed that those who stay will be those with the least economic opportunity the people who don't have anyplace else to go.

Barton Smith

You got to enjoy the opportunity that you get to see a player like that. You just hope he doesn't go off on you like that. He's definitely everything that has been advertised, at least today he was.

Rodney Tention

I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow if I fail, if I succeed at least I did as I believe.

Whitney Houston

How strange yet fitting that the future of nature's greatest creature, man, depends upon an intimate cooperation with nature's least, the germ.

Philip Tierno

Our research shows that you don't have to pay more to get good service. Some of the least-expensive companies have the best service.

Bob Hunter

He's coming in for at least two months to give it a try.

Corey Black

There are going to be at least three security guards on duty at all times.

Anthony Bailey

He would not drop the gun. I believe at least one shot was fired. The offender was shot once.

Darren Moloney

From a social-conservative standpoint, he would be way down at the bottom of the heap. At least Romney is trying to flip-flop. Giuliani doesn't even bother to flip-flop.

Gary Glenn

I tried to stay away from ties and at least get inside control. I didn't really feel it during the match, it felt okay afterwards.

Adam Fitterer

Everyone of our players got at least one hit, and I really like that.

John Hawe

Do not run away; let go. Do not seek, for it will come when least expected.

Bruce Lee

The people I played with made it everything it was. We should have been there five times, at least, in those days.

Dave Vankoughnett

We have confirmed at least 20 rigs or platforms missing, either sunk or adrift, and one confirmed fire where a rig was.

Robert Reed

At least it's a beginning... They'll do more if they need to.

Maureen Allyn

This site is an engineering problem, to say the least.

Ray Gadd

It wasn't pretty, that's for sure. It can't be that two of the three goals at least were offside.

Jay Heaps

It seems to me that the promise of agile development has fallen short at least so far.

Steve Mcconnell

If you can't make it good, at least make it look good.

Bill Gates

Our bid is based on integrity, and whoever is fortunate enough to win should have the confidence that they have secured at least 50 per cent of the votes.

Chris Moller

We have a high degree of confidence that such facilities exist in at least Poland and Romania.

Tom Malinowski

I thought he would be out at least a week. (Him being in the lineup) made a big difference.

John Polka

We wished we could have held it to town. At least that way you could say you almost made it.

Jackson Stewart

In a world that operates at least 50 percent on fear, he was very confident.

Larry Gelbart

That's because you didn't choose to work with us. You chose to attack us out of the chute. We don't trust you. We'd rather sit with someone we trust, at least to frame the dialogue. You have to earn our trust.

Wayne Shammel

The Chinese Empire seems to be interested in Western connections, at least in Central Asia.

Visy Zsolt

There are four individuals who are related to each other and they represent at least two generations of victims.

Stephanie Spell

Those who work most for the world's advancement are the ones who demand least.

Henry L. Doherty

She was surprised to say the least.

Don Franklin

Our guys think there are at least two guys in there (who could have an impact next year).

Jeff Gorton

At the very least, DNA could shed a little more light on the (Hicks' case).

Colin Starger

I knew I would make at least one.

Kenny Morgan

The doctor said it's probably not something major. At least I can walk on it a little bit, so that's a good thing.

Michel Ouellet

I'm not at all sure anybody accessed that. At least it said we're willing to go there if there's a demand. People felt they had been heard.

Jane Urschel

The (statewide ban) will probably be better for us. At least it levels the playing field.

Rich Davis

Churchill has had a nice run. I'm just glad they have to wait at least one more game before they can celebrate.

Luke Roth

When I try to create better music with my students, I am least conscious about our nationalities. Politics cannot divide us.

Shinji Tanimura

At least they can frame it on the wall and have a story to tell at the same time.

Richard Gregg

If something happens to me, you'll know, well, hey, at least somebody spoke up. Just want to tell you, hey guys, say a prayer for us in here and get us some help as fast as you can.

Carla Hubbard

At least nobody was harmed and he wasn't harmed. He's back.

Bob Merrill

The least developed countries are the most affected. Often, developing countries don't have the resources to mitigate the impact.

Michel Jarraud

This at least avoided a complete closure and gives some relief to the fishing industry.

John Coon

A gentleman need not know Latin, but he should at least have forgotten it.

Brander Matthews

The standardized American is largely a myth created not least by Americans themselves.

Irwin Edman

Least of all Bruce Golding himself, who is the most indecisiveness leader any party can have. Is not me say so, is the former leader of the JLP (Edward Seaga).

Colin Campbell

Learning is about more than simply acquiring new knowledge and insights; it is also crucial to unlearn old knowledge that has outlived its relevance. Thus, forgetting is probably at least as important as learning.

Gary Ryan Blair

At the very least, students will be able to start taking the necessary classes this fall. We're just finishing the details.

Colin Read

I feed off their youth. They are fearless. They don't care about anything except riding their bulls. I try to copy them, at least during the events.

Adriano Moraes

The correct didactic analysis is one that does not in the least differ from the curative treatment. How, indeed, shall the future analyst learn the technique if he does not experience it just exactly as he is to apply it later?

Otto Rank

All systems fail. And it will fail at the least opportune time.

Jeff Becker

He was an inspiration, to say the least, ... For all of us. ... He was our hero in a lot of ways.

David Allen

At least that might allow us to hire some people back.

Bob Becker

We're expecting it to remain pretty downbeat for at least the next 12 months. We don't expect a fundamental improvement for at least 12 to 18 months.

Greg Clarke

If you must love your neighbor as yourself, it is at least as fair to love yourself as your neighbor.

Sebastien Roch Nicolas

The hardest to learn was the least complicated.

Indigo Girls

We didn't represent the game of baseball the way it should be played. It was pretty ugly to say the least.

Charlie Warner

We're slowing them down a little bit. Or at least we're diverting them. My legitimate e-commerce customers and my legitimate retail customers know that I'm trying. And that gives them a little more faith in us.

Peter Capolino

Pitching and defense is the biggest part of the game. We've got at least two pitchers coming back. We're looking for good things.

Bob Lung

The need for additional revenue is clear. How we achieve it is cloudy, to say the least.

Brian J. Moran

Even though we still have a lot of areas where they're not doing well in college literacy, at least they're not doing worse than their parents and grandparents.

Stephane Baldi

When it comes down to it, at the end of the day, I need more out of my life and I need to push myself harder. And if at the end of the day I don't have it, then I don't have it, but at least I'm going to put myself out there. If I fail, I'm going to fail terrifically.

Ali Larter

It is my sense that we have not yet reached bottom, or at the least it is too early to declare we have reached bottom.

Roger Ferguson

We?re in it for the long term. We expect to hold a stock at least five or 10 years.

Martin Bates

Most teams in this section have at least one or two kids who have a legitimate shot of going to Hershey.

Jamie Kyriazis

The market, at least for the time being, has been a liquidating market.

Drew Forbes

What I expect to hear (from the court) is that the way things are is not really fair, but that's the way it is. Just to create awareness would be enough, to at least get a debate started.

Matt Dubay

I personally had at least $200 into it before we left for Michigan.

Derek Zimney

At least for now the canyon is preserved.

John Eaton

Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.

John Barrymore

We have 500-year-old lawyer jokes still in circulation and most of them go back at least 100 years. But around the 1980s, there was a great shift. They became much more hostile.

Marc Galanter

That the Harris government created the tone and the atmosphere that lead to the death of Dudley George and it certainly must have, at least subconsciously, influenced the officers in my view.

Peter Rosenthal

Asking her to stay on, at least until January, gives the president time to think these things through.

Chris Dodd

I still believe in the idea. But for now, at least, it's time to move on.

Sean Mullin

We may have our family feuds, but at least this is our 6.6 acres of God's green earth. Let us decide, not someone else.

Jon Preiksat

True courage is cool and calm. The bravest of men have the least of a brutal, bullying insolence, and in the very time of danger are found the most serene and free.

Lord Shaftesbury

If you are spending a couple days there, at the very least, bring a bottle of wine and some flowers.

Rebecca Black

It increasingly seems that the U.S. is going to go it alone, which is the least desirable outcome.

Rupert Thompson

It was my fourth championship. Easily the best we've done at least since I've been here. It's definitely sad that it will be my last one, but at least it ended on a good note.

Pete Maitland

Companies are willing to hire more people because they have confidence that at least in the near future, business will be strong.

Ralph Kauffman

It'll be informal, but they can at least learn a little more about the candidates.

Frank Jaramillo

Things appear -- at least for the short term -- that the stage is set for gas prices to increase even more.

Randy Bly

You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.

Jessica Mitford

When we get to the district, our kids tend to crank it up a notch and get the job done. Our goal is to win at least two matches at state and place.

Roger Branham

It's going to be a challenge, but at least it's a good kind of a challenge. I'm just happy to be thinking about restoring, instead of reducing.

Jan Neal

I don't think they are too sad. This would have been a costly measure, with few benefits. The economy at least is better off without it.

David Naude

Porsche told us that they were going to invest back into the company rather than pay higher dividends. Now they're investing in one of the least profitable car companies in Europe.

Arndt Ellinghorst

There's no breakout here, no 'brave new world' experience here, but at least there's no breakdown. So when you've got something that's teetering on financial insolvency that does better, it's sort of encouraging.

Mark Husson

It's going to be cold at least by our standards, 15 to 20 degrees below normal.

Robert Molleda

My father understood the orchestra so well that he never overwrote anything. He always got the most he could from the least amount of writing.

Christopher Riddle

It's something I can see happening for, at least, another 10-20 years, if my body can accept that.

John Baxter

He, in a few minutes ravished this fair creature, or at least would have ravished her, if she had not, by a timely compliance, prevented him.

Henry Fielding

That genre of music is one that anybody can at the very least tolerate and enjoy.

Jack Abraham

But, at least I got the gate open so they (the firefighters) can fight the fire from inside. There's another company that has about a hundred cars on the back end, but they haven't opened the gate yet.

Tim Foskett

You ask yourself, why would someone confess to a murder that they didn't commit? We've got to treat it as at least credible. . . . There's no reason not to believe him.

Sheriff Darren White

They spent at least 24 hours at Narita. They slept on the floor. The airline gave them pillows and blankets.

Karen Pagoda

I anticipate that for the first few days of school at least, we'll be working the kinks out and then hopefully everything will be in full swing after that.

Alan Genovese

The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom.

Thomas Merton

I'm hoping based on the publicity they have been getting at least 40 percent turn out, but I don't know because it could be as low as 10 percent.

Agnes Garvin

This (Bush's pledge) is a landmark bit of phrasing which I am sure was at least partly calculated.

Patrick Cronin

They can't do anything about it. At least we have a chance.

Maja Stanojevic

He could have tried to do more, ... They never showed up. Nobody came or called. . . . He could have at least come out to see what everybody had to say.

Christine Thompson

We had expected, at least most of us anyway, that US [Bancorp] was the more likely candidate to merge with Northwest.

Tom Theurkauf

I believe that the government that governs best is a government that governs least, and by these standards we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq.

Stephen Colbert

Go over $3 and close to $4 and stay at that level for at least a year.

Tom Libby

You should not have the least doubt that in this, we will not cede.

Oscar Arias Sanchez

I think we'll be able to at least meet the expectations for synergies. I just feel we were very conservative in most of our estimates.

Randall Stephenson

Many people have questioned what happened. At least this will give us some support to have a different decision, to have an inquest.

Marion Williams