On hillsides, they tend to drift, and you have to constantly correct for that to stay in a straight line.

Greg Weekes

Flood damage does not tend to be as insured. The lack of insurance is likely to cause the recovery to be delayed.

Mark Vitner

It's a relief. It takes the weight off the defense and lets us go out and relax. For a lot of us, this is our first postseason appearance, as far as a championship series goes, and you tend to tense up.

Jeff Funaro

The hurricanes naturally tend to move from east to west because of the rotation of the Earth. The northern part of the hurricane moves faster than the southern part of the hurricane, so they tend to move across the Atlantic toward the Caribbean and the United States.

Bill Patzert

We tend to be less strident than the big studios on issues of cultural diversity because we tend to promote it ... but there is substantial concern over how this will impact the industry.

Jean Prewitt

I think sometimes we look over it because we want so much more. You assume you're going to do it so you tend to downplay it.

Tiffany Miller

It is almost the opposite of what people think. Organizations tend not to be on the cutting edge.

Bill Mechanic

Manufacturers tend to design in the size 2 to 10 range.

Dianne Jacob

People tend to know so little about their bodies as compared to their cars or their laptops. When I worked in a pharmacy in Washington, D.C., people would ask me medical questions all the time. I was just a 22-year-old cashier at Rite Aid.

Mark Leyner

These candidates tend to have cultural and geographical strengths, though they do lack industry experience. Still, that can be less risky in a technical setting, especially if this person is running a purely technical shop or research and development staff.

Umesh Ramakrishnan

Lethal viruses tend to flare up and disappear. The fact that the outbreak is over does not mean we can pretend it's not a problem, or that it's not coming back. But by identifying the link between SARS and the human population, we can take steps to break that link.

Mary Pearl

It was done a lot. One of the ways people tend to get more bang for the buck is to paint the walls below the frieze and use papers for the frieze and ceiling. In fact, I used to do that when I lived in the Midwest, and it was hard to tell the difference between paint and papers.

Steve Bauer

We tend to cover everything regardless of the consequences.

Jason Hughes

Local people, we tend to avoid anything unpleasant.

Craig Inouye

It gives people a little peace of mind that they can wipe off their cart handle, especially if they have children who tend to stick their fingers in their mouth.

Ruth Comer

If you look at the industry, the March and June quarters tend to be down in demand and aggressive in pricing. I think some of the investment community has forgotten that.

Charles Pope

You have a critical mass of people who tend to be powerful in terms of leadership and resources. To the extent that people's opinions coalesce around a set of conclusions, their focus gets directed to certain issues and it may in fact affect thinking and ultimately, in some very decentralized way, actual actions.

Leal Brainerd

People tend to be able to accept change for a short amount of time. If the strike were to progress longer ? maybe a month ? then their habits might begin to change permanently.

Casey Jones

While all other sectors of the U.S. economy are growing, manufacturing employment is either stagnant or declining. We're losing the low-skilled, brawn-intensive manufacturing jobs to countries that offer abundant cheap labor, and the plants that remain tend to employ programmers and engineers that are skilled in today's technology.

Tom Dubin

At times when people cut back media expenditures, they're not cutting everybody back, they're cutting the tertiary and secondary buys out. They tend to consolidate into their big players and the people who really give them the horsepower. The good news is, this company has got those kinds of TV networks, those kinds of magazines.

Bob Pittman

They're not from a Communist country, and so folks tend to assume they're just economic refugees. They don't have the kind of political clout that a lot of other groups have. And frankly, I think the color of their skin has a lot to do with it.

Cheryl Little

As long as there is no government, Iraqis tend to view the situation as one of occupation.

Andrew Krepinevich

These artists didn't live in a vacuum. There was a lot more exchange between artists and institutions than we tend to believe.

Bob Cozzolino

You do have spots that tend to bite a little more than others.

Randy Benoit

The Bay Area's most heavily represented industries here are in management of companies and enterprises, professional and technical services like scientists, engineers and high-tech folks and in the information field like Web portals. We have more of those jobs here, and they tend to be higher-paying jobs.

Amar Mann

House prices tend to move seasonally, driven up by higher demand and activity in the warmer months and falling off towards Christmas. Just as the trading period over Christmas is crucial for the retail sector, the spring and summer are crucial for the housing market.

Greg Fuzesi

I think they'll be fine. Sometimes a short preparation can almost be beneficial, because you tend just to concentrate on what you need to do to play well. They also have a stack of representative players in their team and those guys are quite accustomed to backing up within a few days. We won't be taking them lightly.

Matt Geyer

Pittsburgh just gets a rough card here because people tend to be prejudiced about what Pittsburgh is.

Chris Gibson

I don't tend to think of these characters as losers. I like the struggles that people have, people who are feeling like they don't fit into society, because I still sort of feel that way.

Steve Buscemi

The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.

Marshall McLuhan

Alabama really is a water-rich state, but we have a problem with distribution of the water we have. What we tend to do, we pump from population centers. So, actually, most of our water is taken from a very small area.

Marlon Cook

We've been in every game in the first have in the last few games. We've executed, made good shots and played pretty good defense. We tend to take a beating and get worn down against bigger teams, though.

Dan Boyd

We don't look at their record. They just make more runs than we do down the stretch. Guys tend to hit shots that they usually don't hit. I don't think we underestimate nobody.

Jamaal Tinsley

I tend to think we're in for some period of weak growth, and I'm not talking about a quarter or two. I think for all of 2003 maybe into 2004 we'll continue to see weak growth.

Ray Rund

The folks who tend to stay out the longest are the most distrustful of other people. Usually some mental illness going on there.

Patrick Patterson

This plays through consumers' minds where they are viewing their situation like a fire sale so they tend to make offers for tickets that are substantially lower than where they should be.

Richard Braddock

Large schools tend to be anonymous places, places where teachers and students are little known to each other. The anonymity often breeds apathy or alienation; many kids fall through the cracks.

Thomas Toch

You know, we have learned to expect that big meetings tend sometimes to attract big crowds of demonstrators, ... The issues vary.

Stephen Hadley

They're sort of like anchors at a shopping mall. They tend to draw people to the newspaper.

John Morton

For fundraising, it's Boca or Fort Lauderdale - particularly for her as a New York senator, with all the retirees. There are more center-to-left Democrats in those areas. Bay area Democrats tend to be center to right.

John Belohlavek

Genes tend to have a very broad effect and it is often more than one gene that determines the interests a child will learn toward. Environment tends to act as the specialist. Reading to children can increase their interest in books but because of the genetic factor, they may never take to the love of books that a parent may have no matter how hard a parent tries to teach it.

Phillip Dale

Starr County has always been a difficult jurisdiction for corporate defendants. ... The people here are good people; they just tend to favor individuals in cases where there are corporate defendants involved. It's just a fact of life.

Richard Josephson

I'm like a kid in a candy store. The entertainers we get tend to be favorites.

Tracey Brenneman

If it's very expensive to get a routine check-up, they tend to skimp on those primary care services that are preventative in nature. The problem is that it's much easier to take care of high cholesterol early on than having a heart surgery later on.

Dean Sanpei

I tend to be attracted to characters who are up against a wall with very few alternatives. And the film then becomes an examination of how they cope with very few options. And that's, I guess, what interests me in terms of human behavior.

William Friedkin

This maps onto Yankee Group research. We, too, have found that men are heavier users of these technologies than women, and better educated people tend to have more consumer-electronic devices than other segments.

Adi Kishore

When people start getting tickets, they tend to change their behavior.

Adam Tuton

He didn't go very far. The currents there tend to pull you under and keep you there.

James Cox

Basically, we're making the most of a bad situation. That doesn't mean making up stories, of course, but we tend to relish certain kinds of odd news more than we would at other times of the year.

James Saville

The financial highlights offered at the beginning of the report tend to focus on what they (the company) want you to see -- but that's just an appetizer, ... The second course -- the big plate of meat and potatoes -- is the financial statement.

Richard Loth

It's a matter of conjecture as to whether the Justice Department's investigation is affecting these sales. I would tend to think the supply is thin, and that the investigation really doesn't affect people.

Richard Feigen

Discrimination is not an attractive thing. People don't like to be accused of it. Staff and employers tend to get real angry, real fast, and some of them react in self-destructive ways.

John Hendrickson

We cannot wait for governments to do it all. Globalization operates on Internet time. Governments tend to be slow moving by nature, because they have to build political support for every step.

Kofi Annan

(During rainy weather) we tend to stay indoors and do household stuff and not socialize. When people get depressed, they tend to isolate themselves. It's a symptom but also a cause.

Thomas Cummings

Our better students tend to op for the (Bachelor of Arts) program.

Nelson Fields

Getting people on the right medications and keeping them on it is important. Mentally ill people tend to be non-medication compliant. It is just human nature that when you feel better you go off your medication.

Lee Woodland

I don?t think we have been pressed two or three times all year. When people press us, we tend to score a lot of points. We?re very quick.

Tim Tucker

The red tops tend to blow things out of proportion but they will end up red in the face.

Vladimir Romanov

[Plus,] the better students tend to get better packages, ... If they feel you can contribute more to the university as a student academically, musically or whatever, then you don't have to contribute as much financially.

Kalman Chany

We believe there is no better content experience, let alone a sports experience. By really focusing on something, you tend to get deeper and better at that than if you do a whole lot of things. There will be no wireless service that will deliver a better sports experience.

Manish Jha

We'd get a led and then tend to relax.

Kelvin Garnett

The senators who want to serve on (the Judiciary Committee) tend to be very ideologically driven and know their own minds. They are either very strong progressives or very deep conservatives.

Jamin Raskin

Our audiences run the gamut, from grandma and grandpa, black, white, orange, green, kids, everyone, although they do tend to be female-heavy.

Tara Pontani

Smaller companies tend to just put workers out there. You have so many new people coming in and out of this trade and many companies don't train you.

Mike Howes

Kitchens generally tend to recoup their cost, and bathrooms too. Those are widely appealing to the marketplace, and they tend to be more standard in form. Things that are very idiosyncratic and are customized to the homeowners' individual tastes--they don't appeal to a wider audience.

Delores Conway

There is short-term upside potential, as commercial aerospace stocks tend to perform well before the Air Show.

George Shapiro

I'm afraid I tend to be thinking about things and not paying sufficient attention to one's posture, deportment and general cast of face.

Jeremy Paxman

You have a lot of choices: the brick, the stucco. There is siding, lights, shingles. It's so complex that people tend to have a lot of questions on it.

Suzanne Prieur

I tend to remember the ones that hurt me, ... This is a humbling business. The ones that hurt are the ones I remember...You sleep with your portfolio at night. It's wandering around your head at night.

Frank Gannon

Women go about taking care of children and they're quick to tell their spouses and friends to run to the emergency room if they have chest pain, but they tend to downplay it if they feel it themselves.

Jo Parrish

The worse things got around me the cooler I tend to be, ... I tend to focus very hard under pressure.

Peter Jennings

It will be a slow evolution, ... Dividends are a long-term investor's focus and for folks that are more short-term oriented it's not essential. And let's face it. A lot of tech investors tend to be shorter-term investors than average investors.

James Denney

When people feel happy, they tend to feel confident, optimistic, and energetic and others find them likable and sociable. Happy people are thus able to benefit from these perceptions.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

I think it's a wonderful thing for anyone considering going into this career. When you're used to doing this job you tend to take it for granted. Having some one in high school around who is brand new to it makes it fun again.

Sharon Danosky

Sea surface temperature is the one that consistently comes up. What we found is that all the variables have an effect, but those tend to be on a storm-by- storm basis and not over a longer period.

Judith Curry

The people who live inside the country tend to know the least [about aquatic sea life]. They may never have seen dolphins or sunsets over the ocean. So it's exactly the reason why an aquarium needs to be the middle of the country, to educate the citizenry.

Jeff Swanagan

Usually, they didn't realize it. They tend to resolve the violation or the situation right away by taking it down or moving it. Typically, the first notice resolves it. It's just a matter of communication.

Jesse Fulcher

People tend to do much of their tax planning late in the year.

Ben Pierce

There's nothing worse than to be watching your calories and exercising, but the scale just doesn't budge, ... You just feel like, 'My efforts are for naught.' That's when people tend to give up.

Thomas Wadden

Folks with the least resources tend to go the least distance. That's us.

John Davies

Most master bedrooms have too much. They tend to look like furniture stores.

Barb Schwarz

Human memory is a marvelous but fallacious instrument. The memories which lie within us are not carved in stone; not only do they tend to become erased as the years go by, but often they change, or even increase by incorporating extraneous features.

Primo Levi

The flows tend to follow the rallies.

Carl Wittnebert

Because they no longer live with their parents, they'll need to insure their car on their own. They may find that insurance is very expensive. College grads tend to want to go out and buy new, sophisticated cars. They don't realize the cost of insuring that car. There are huge increases to move to big cities.

Madelyn Flannagan

So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds, And wait, and tend our agonizing seeds.

Countee Cullen

We tend to think that since Mark Baker didn't get it done, it can't get done. I think the biggest obstacle is to convince Republicans this can happen.

Jim Mowen

Women, if left to their own devices, are going to tend and trend Democratic. That is absolutely the case. Women are still congenitally Democratic -- and I'm the Republican pollster saying that.

Kellyanne Conway

I was the one who spent time on the budget looking to say is this expense reasonable, is that expense reasonable. I asked questions that didn't tend to get asked.

Dorn Peterson

Experienced trial attorneys tend to rely on instinct when picking a jury. You get an idea of the kind of people that you are looking for and pay careful attention to their answers and body language.

James Diamond

But because traders tend to trade so frequently, those aren't major disadvantages, ... And the advantage of being able to deduct all of your losses is very attractive.

Martin Nissenbaum

I don't think it's going to have any effect on the Battle Creek market. People tend to locate near where their work is, No. 1.

Bruce Phillips

Pets, like their owners, tend to expand a little over the Christmas period.

Frances Wright

My personality is not one that goes out looking for that (publicity). If anything, I probably bring a little bit of that on myself because I tend to shy away from that limelight. But it was never about that. It was about playing the game. And the thing I'm most proud of over the length of my career is probably the consistency. That is the best part.

Ron Francis

In nighttime games, there's a much longer drinking period leading up to the game. The clientele going to day games is different than at night. Day games tend to draw more families.

James Alan Fox

The hurricane has been downgraded slightly, so prices will tend to ease, but they could just as easily head higher again [if] the weather forecast dictates.

Chris Kraft

We tend to prefer focused businesses and then have a selection of them, creating our own conglomerate, if you like. Within a conglomerate, it's always a bit hard to be on top of everything.

Hugh Young

Right now, they tend to have a different customer base. But there is bound to be a convergence. Eventually we will have substantial overlap.

Alan Mak

We failed quite significantly. Will what we've seen over the last few weeks continue to be the case? It could unless we prepare. People tend to forget lessons learned. Governments tend to forget.

Havidan Rodriguez

Small cap value funds tend to hold up better when the market is down.

Claudia Mott

I thought they were sassy, and I tend to be a little sassy.

Ashleigh Banfield

Signs of a pickup in U.S. consumer confidence helped make investors more confident about the economic outlook globally. Technology stocks are sensitive to the global economy, and they tend to benefit the most when growth is evident.

Takeshi Yamaguchi

We tend to think of program closure as a last resort.

Marguerite Cotto

I still believe that in the end, you have to putt with feel. Tools tend to take away the feel.

Duffy Waldorf

What that will tend to do will be to drive down accounting rates in international markets, which will tend to stimulate volume growth, and that will be a good deal for customers.

Robert Wilkes

Quite frankly, you've had a lot of companies that came public too early. In markets where we've had a large sell-off, IPO stocks tend to be the ones that are abandoned first - and the e-health sector is rather new. Most of these companies have not even been public a year.

Caren Taylor

They tend to be thin, have smaller breasts, have children at a younger age, and all of these things are associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer.

Joseph Mclaughlin

In a lot of cases, you can't make the assumption that mom and pops are going to be the problem, because the larger companies tend to have a lot of automation.

Jon Arnold

Being outside and feeling that sort of oppressive heat - it's flammable! And your emotions tend to run hotter and higher.

Dean Cain

Remember, there are so many golf tournaments that they tend to get watered down.

Cindy Love

Fans tend to get too excited by streaks of either kind and I think the press does too. There should be a happy medium.

Walt Alston

We feel like the college campuses tend to be five to 10 times more hospitable than they were 20 or 30 years ago.

Tom Woodward

Men gossip for just as long and about the same subjects as women, but tend to talk more about themselves.

Kate Fox

Ninety per cent of adults have bought into these devices. People tend to replace them every 18 months to two years, whether it's through loss, breakage, theft or the contract expiring.

Paul Jackson

I think they're just, it's probably a cliche, the hospitable Italians tend to be just wonderful hosts, ... And so, and we were living there for four-and-a-half months ... and you're just kind of faced with this beauty every day. It's an inspiring place, and the light, and the food, you know...

Sienna Miller

When it's a tournament in your city, you tend to get up for it. Cereal City is ours. We want to defend it.

Vicky Groat

People in and out of government tend to forget that government exists solely to do the bidding of the citizens, and the only way the citizens can make sure their wishes are being abided by is if they are allowed to do so through open meetings and records. Sunshine Week is simply a means of reminding us all of that fundamental premise.

Thomas Mitchell

What we found is that simply tagging a plant and measuring it weekly, over the course of a growing season, has a profound implication on the size of the plant. At the end, they tend to be smaller.

James Cahill

If you look at why we failed, three things stand out. The bar has been lifted and while we haven't slipped back the others have gone ahead quicker. There's a question around the shooting because clearly we haven't delivered. And there's a breadth and depth issue. We tend to have events where we've one dominant athlete, whereas Australia, England and even the Scots have two or three.

Nick Hill

Women are under-represented in science in general, and in the areas where women are working with men, they tend to have supporting roles; they're rarely in leadership roles. In the Academies of Science , if you look in the US, the numbers are appalling.

Jennifer Campbell

We tend to get pigeonholed. I come up against the idea that somehow I'm a first-time director. This is my third major motion picture, yet there's a little stigma attached to animation directors as we try to move into live action. We have a leg up over first-time directors, but that distinction is not often made when we try to cross over.

Vicky Jenson

Colored diamonds are not for 'regular' people. They tend to be very expensive. The price depends on supply. The rarest is red -- I've seen two of those in my life.

Sally Morrison

Will go a long way toward restoring investor confidence in Wall Street. He knows his way around the investment community. He is also a chartered financial analyst. Those people, since I'm one of them also, tend to be more rigorous on ethics issues. That to me is the cherry on the sundae.

John Gavin

Going in 1-0 down it was always going to be tough - against the big boys you tend to need to go in front. At the end of the game we were hanging on a bit.

Gary O'neil

They tend to dress up the first time they come. Then, they see that it's really very casual.

Tina Carter

Part of it is a Midwest philosophy. It's a Midwest lifestyle, where the types of foods that we eat in the Midwest tend to be a higher calorie, higher fat diet.

Lesa Cagle

The biological clock is responsive to light at certain times, ... Bright light in the morning will tend to advance the clock. In other words, alertness will occur earlier and sleep will occur earlier.

William Dement

Once you educate the boys, they tend to leave the villages and go search for work in cities. But the girls stay home, become leaders in the community and pass on what they've learned. If you really want to change a culture, to empower women, improve basic hygiene and health care, and fight high rates of infant mortality, the answer is to educate girls.

Greg Mortenson

At best, it's going to eat into their own sales. People are going out later, and you don't tend to drink Guinness late at night. It's hard to imagine something so similar to Guinness changing that.

James O'sullivan

In some companies, operations and the business unit not only speak a different language, but have no way of talking about risks. Security people tend to think 'It's a risk, we can't have it,' whereas business people weigh risks and how they could affect the bottom line.

Paul Proctor

Data-based issues, like mapping, tend to fall by the wayside when there is a crunch on resources.

Robert Gates

Students who tend to read young-adult fiction are female. Most male adolescents read nonfiction.

Peggy Dillner

The story is about the truth of children's faith. All those things that we tend to lose when we become adults or get warped by politics or whatever. They're the best things to retain. Good will triumph over evil.

Michael Hurst

The belief is that girls tend to be better behaved.

Lisa Battaglino

Active people tend to crave more carbohydrates because that's what their body wants.

Nancy Clark

The Chinese believe that [former Soviet leader Mikhail] Gorbachev made a critical, indeed fatal error by tending to assume that economic freedom involves political freedom as well.

Glen Barclay

Liberals tend to hold the bribe-giver as somehow more reprehensible, as in some way 'corrupting' the taker. In that way they deny the free will and the responsibility of each individual for his own actions.

Murray Rothbard

These broken up houses tend to be owned by absentee landlords.

Barbara Blanchard

It was a great place to grow up, and I had a lot of fun there. Once you start a family and move away to a bigger city, you tend to appreciate the small-town living of Ottumwa.

Jeff Mallonee

People tend to pass judgment on teenagers too quickly.

Tim Smith

Too many times when a problem arises or there is a hitch in a transaction, businesses tend to ignore it or hope it goes away.

Tom Martino

There's definitely a time loss. There is less dedication and people stop going that extra mile... employees tend to take out their frustration on the organization, not the instigator.

Christine Pearson

When you've never had much money and earned little as an actor the first two years, you tend to save your money.

Richard Chamberlain

Any time you're playing a team that gets caught up in talking a lot, you tend to sometimes want to talk back.

Reuben Droughns

My love is new music, I tend to go and see a lot of bands, while [co-producer] Mark Cooper spends his time reading the press. It's often the new acts that strike a chord, because they aren't seen on other shows.

Jools Holland

Citizens tend to be prosecutorial. A break where they spend time with their families could help the prosecution.

Richard Klein

Everyone is a volunteer. All of the flagmen, corner people, people that cook the hamburgers, tend bar and stock the coolers.

Bob Demesy

Employers tend to find foreign educated, Mandarin speaking graduates attractive.

David Arkless

Just in general when the weather is not so nice outside, people tend to come inside and we provide a place where you can have some fun, spend a few hours with some friends and forget about those winter blues. Last year March was our busiest month and hopefully it will be again this year.

Mark Hammerl

That's right. The other thing I found really amazing is one of the solutions is not to spend more time with your husband. Women react to stress and deal with stress by tending and befriending. So it actually makes a lot of sense to go out and hang out with your girlfriends. That might actually get you in the mood, because you aren't being a wife and mother. You are being a woman.

Peggy Northrop

As we clean up and restore these homes, it would lessen the involvement necessary by the Camden Police Department and Kershaw County Sheriff's Office. Abandoned properties tend to be used by transients and foster unwanted behavior, but if there is a responsible homeowner living there who takes the time to invest in the property, that wouldn't happen.

Rev Otis Scott

When it's tough, you tend to speed things up, and I think we just got rushed a little bit. It was hard for us to set the play up to do what we wanted.

James Holmes

Most child welfare agencies tend to embrace secrecy because the people who lead them tend to be mediocre and don't want you to see how poor a job they are doing.

Richard Wexler

For the children who are struggling academically, if we can keep them in school most of the summer, or keep them there and keep them involved, they tend not to regress or slide back during the summer.

Karen Halverson

If you tend to think that sewage going into a brook is a big deal, then this is a big deal. We're not in a panic over it, but we'd like it fixed.

Ian Cooke

I'd get up at 3 a.m. to milk the cows, tend to the chickens. Then, I'd work all day in the fields. Sometimes, I was so tired, I'd cry.

Mary Leblanc

My observation is that when there's too much choice out there, people tend not to buy.

Lisa Pierce

One of my main problems as far as the public is concerned is that I've always been interested in too many things, ... and if they can't typecast you as a writer on this or that, then I'm afraid you tend not to be understood at all.

Colin Wilson

Fiction is always pushed in schools as the holy grail of reading. Boys tend to like non-fiction more.

Jon Scieszka

Such a limited selection of providers means interest rates tend to be at a premium to standard home loans - although [arrangement and valuation] fees are comparable.

Melanie Bien

We have a very loyal following. Our customers tend to be more intelligent about food and they're more concerned about whether we have fresh herbs and use free-range eggs.

David Roberson

Foreign investors tend to be worried when there is talk of impeachment because they don't always understand our system. That is important because it was precisely Europe that contributed heavily to buying in the U.S. I don't know if they are selling right now necessarily, but it's a pretty good bet that they are not buying.

Peter Canelo

I tend to play mostly villains and twisted people. Unsavory guys. I think it's my face, the way I look.

Christopher Walken

A problem for the liberal groups and senators who want to turn this into a spectacle. . . . When the media have other serious things to focus their attention on, they tend to spend less time and less ink on the tit-for-tat, he said/she said elements that frequently accompany a confirmation hearing.

Sean Rushton

A lot of people in America tend to take the military for granted.

Carole King

We've got a couple of guys who shoot the puck like that, too. You can't really think about that. Those guys keep it low all the time. As long as it's low -- the head shots you tend to worry about.

Daymond Langkow

I find the facilities here great. The teachers I've got to get used to their lingo and they've got to get used to mine. We tend to speak slang and sometimes that causes trouble, but I'm working on it.

John Sutherland

The Black Watch is a traditional band. It is what we are known for, and we don't try to veer off that path. If there is anything new, it is in the traditional style. We tend to avoid doing stuff that is good for one year, then not for decades to come.

Capt. Will Colquhoun

That is indicative of pre- and post- hurricane buying in places like Florida, where people tend to stock up before a hurricane and then afterward they try to do some replacement shopping.

Donald Gher

A lot of guys especially that I've talked to - they can tend to be a little leery of going to a dance show.

Tim Varney

We get good value out of software because we do due diligence first, but services tend to be significantly more expensive than we expect. Integration of applications is a significant strategic direction that is inhibited by cost.

Larry Reed

Being in Boca, we're conveniently right in the middle of the three areas that we tend to work at the most. It has a large role in why we've become a major player.

Dale Scott

People tend to forget the value of stereo equipment, computer equipment, even your clothes.

Madelyn Flannagan

A single-day gain from window dressing would tend to be followed by a day or two of readjustment.

Jose Vistan

Mexican murders tend to be very spectacular and brutal.

Cesar Munoz

As far as what people will expect, I think people tend to read into things too much. Everybody's thinking that I'm hardcore, but that's an image.

Bobby Brown

Police officers always tend to think the agency they work for has a lot of loyalty and will stand by them, but I have always found agencies are real quick to throw them down the well.

Waylon Graham

People who have plans for their lives after retirement tend to do much better. Social engagement is very important, but creative engagement may be even more important.

Kathryn Kaye

As a country, we tend to think of eco-tourism as always over there.

John Ivanko

She's trying to maintain the trappings of what a happy family and happy lifestyle looks like and taking big risks for it. But we're living in the most material time ever. Things tend to take on a lot greater importance these days. Can't be happy without your stuff.

Jenji Kohan

At seventeen, you tend to go in for unhappy love affairs.

F. Sagan

The important part about the server market is that the chips tend to sell for more, and so being successful there, in AMD's case, produces more resources that can be used in the desktop market.

Dean Mccarron

He's very good about spending time with us, but we still live it. You have to have some sort of off-limits in the home, because you know you will not have it anywhere else. But it's like a lot of jobs, you can't leave it behind. If you want to be good at something, you tend to live it.

Karen Stokes

[The groups] tend to come together when there is a group of students that have identified a topic or idea that they want to explore that isn't really being addressed in any of the other classes at the UW.

Amy Peloff

One of our problems as Americans is that we treat death as if it's an option instead of a reality. We tend to believe that technology can conquer everything. But no matter how healthy you are or how much medical care you get, you're still a mortal.

Carlos Gomez

There is a sense of urgency for us, because the way people tend to vote Republican around here, these elections will be over in May, not November.

Brandon Day

They tend to hug up and focus on their own man. We worked on dribble penetration a lot.

Alyssa Nelson

It isn't like an industry group where everyone knows the same industry. The idea is to have diversity of perspective. So what you have in common is your role as the CEO.... And because they come from different industries and different kinds of companies, you tend to get a much wider perspective than you would otherwise.

Dan Barnett

We know that if people are confident in their discretionary income and the health of the economy, they tend to worry less about rising travel costs, including gas prices.

Cathy Keefe

Machines this small tend to stick to everything they touch, the way sand sticks to your feet after a day at the beach, ... So we built these microrobots without any wheels or hinged joints, which must slide smoothly on their bearings. Instead, these robots move by bending their bodies like caterpillars. At very small scales, this machine is surprisingly fast.

National Institute

When it's tense during practice, I tend to lighten up the mood a bit.

Jenna D'alie

Ten years of very good economy and stable government tends to bring a conservatism to all of us. Certainly if you take away the big pressures of life - housing, finance, clothing and children - you tend to have a more stable society.

Peter Ashton

Those used to be our voters. A lot of those voters tend to think the Democratic Party is wimpy.

Dale Butland

This happens more often than you would want to know. When it comes to money, family get very, very greedy and they tend to do things like this.

Patricia Fitzgerald

As well as ''playgrounds for football, baseball, soccer and kindred games, or any games that are in their nature hazardous, or require fenced enclosures or tend to draw together crowds of people.

Mark Ford

The lobbyists and the entities they represent tend to be among the most experienced experts available who have direct real-world knowledge of the situation. They are advocating for a position and for a client, but usually from a vantage point of expertise that can be very beneficial to us.

Adam Sharp

My hands tend to be full enough dealing with people who hate me for who I am. Concentrate too hard on the millions of people who hate you for what you are and you're likely to turn into one of those unkempt, sloppy dressers who sag beneath the weight of the two hundred political buttons they wear pinned to their coats and knapsacks.

David Sedaris

We can be pretty good when he gets his teammates involved early on. When he tries to take a little bit too much on his shoulders, the rest of us tend to stand around and watch, but he is very good, and when he's in the open court, he's very dangerous.

Pete Trgovich

Areas like (Albuquerque) tend to have a lot of great musicians. Cities like that are isolated, so there are not as many things to do so you get immersed in the music. It's really great for kids to have stuff to do. Music is a great thing.

Laura Baca

We're a small congregation, ... We tend to average about 55 (people) or so.

David Hess

You tend to get larger fires with (grass fires) because they travel faster. Those are the kinds of fires we're seeing so far this year.

Rose Davis