The closer I get to graduation, the more attractive of a candidate I am.

All that remains is for a few dots and commas to be crossed.

(ELMCO) struck me as a natural fit.

Yes, salary is up there.

The way you get (approval) is you demonstrate to the public that you are giving a quality product, which is what Medicaid is supposed to be.

People in and out of government tend to forget that government exists solely to do the bidding of the citizens, and the only way the citizens can make sure their wishes are being abided by is if they are allowed to do so through open meetings and records. Sunshine Week is simply a means of reminding us all of that fundamental premise.

Unfortunate impracticability of temper and spirit of opposition of those in authority over oneself misled oneself into frequent collision with my predecessors.

I want work-life balance and an interesting and challenging job. It's a whole package thing. You want to make sure you are going to be happy.