We're really pleased. It's amazing how much the winter storm patterns have changed from this time last year. Now, let's just hope for the best for the rest of the season.

Tom Monroe

It was obvious that she could have some mental problems. It was in 2005 when we dealt with her more frequently. She would come in and just ask questions about area projects. Sometimes we weren't sure what she was referring to. A lot of times she would storm in, blurt out something and walk out.

Terri Gallegos

It doesn't pay to say too much when you are mad enough to choke. For the word that stings the deepest is the word that is never spoke, Let the other fellow wrangle till the storm has blown away, then he'll do a heap of thinking about the things you didn't say.

James Whitcomb Riley

Our plan was to open one lane so ambulance and fire trucks could get through. We had a lot of people out there during the storm, when it was extremely dangerous, making sure this happened.

Gary Galloway

The witching hour was basically from 6 to 10 o'clock, and now we're just mopping up so to speak. The storm seemed to be weakening and separating as it moved into central Iowa.

Steve Teachout

We suspect it might be extended because of the severity of the storm, but we don't know that.

Jack Miller

We want to sure that if that storm hits South Carolina, people will have ample time to get out of its way.

Joe Farmer

The question arises - would they have survived if they hadn't had any missteps in that perfect storm, if they had just stuck to being an ILEC serving their 100-year-old franchise?

Craig Clausen

When we first got back I was scared to death that he might have been trapped in there. I was so happy to hear that he didn't stay during the storm.

Aaron Lawrence

When we got the news, we just sat there with our mouths open. We'd heard rumors that he might be selected, but you can't go by rumors. And we're just so proud of him. After everything that's happened with the storm, he really needs this.

Darryl Augustin

I hope the people of our community will watch and learn from the people of the Gulf Coast and survive the storm that we one day will inevitably get.

Patrick Mcmahon

We weren't going to let the storm keep us from doing this. It took us awhile.

Susie Bounds

In the normal pattern of things, those storms, those pieces of energy in that storm track will move out very quickly, and when they do they'll pull away.

Nezette Rydell

Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice.

Arnold Toynbee

It seems to me that we're in pretty good shape. We're fairly confident that we can storm the city and take it over on Saturday.

Jim Tarbet

[Unfortunately, banks located in the most heavily storm-damaged areas might not be able to open or restore online services for some time. That applies especially to small banks and thrifts without a regional or national network.] If this applies to you, ... you really should contact one of the emergency service organizations, such as FEMA or the Red Cross , and .

David Barr

I once dated a weather girl, we talked up a storm.

Jay London

Have fun storming the castle!

The Princess Bride

The last year provided the perfect storm of activity for whole grains. Everything came together all at once and led to incredible increases not usually seen in the food industry.

Bryan Crowley

The storm didn't take her, God took her, ... We could've just drowned in that boat because it was just full of water. But it wasn't for us to do that. He wanted her somewhere stable so he could bring her home — and that's what he did.

Joan Johnson

It's for anyone displaced by the storm.

Nancy Edwards

When the storm hit, we called them and told them to just start driving this way.

Lisa Morris

Hurricane Katrina was epic. It was off the charts. We understand that. By comparison, Rita was just a bad storm. But for those of us who live here, it was really, really bad.

Lee Holbert

The mayor's in consultation with public works officials and other city officials in preparation for a forecasted storm.

Seth Gitell

As recently as Desert Storm, they thought advanced communications was a fax machine.

John Pike

We've played each other seven times in the last two years so we know each other. We know they're going to come out and punch us in the face. We overcame the storm and I thought we handed the pressure better and started getting some open looks.

Alan Barton

It appears at this point that three horses have died from injuries suffered in storm. It's too early to know if any other horses were injured.

Paul Kuerzi

It was almost like . . . a diabolical storm.

Kerry Emanuel

This is our fourth storm but this one is really aggressive. This one we are taking seriously. The damage is going to be substantial.

Irene Toner

There was an inordinately low amount of crashes relative to a storm. I was surprised at how few we had.

David Buck

[The price was temporary confusion. Last Thursday night, 2,000 Mississippi storm victims with] special needs ... for a very short time.

Ole Miss

They're watching the storm very carefully. They'll have regular contact so they can divert if necessary.

Peter Miller

And those containers is what did the damage. they came out of the port, swept through here with the storm surge, and just wiped out everything that was in front of them - just like a bulldozer.

David Mckenzie

Katrina produced a catastrophic storm surge, it was one of the worst we've seen in this country.

John Metz

Right now, where the storm is tracking, its effect (on Central Florida) will be pretty minimal. But we know how these things can wobble. If it wobbles a bit north of the current path, that could bring us in more rainfall.

Michele Cimino

Hurricane Katrina was an event totally outside human control, ... We want to determine if storm-related factors were the only things responsible for this sudden and dramatic jump of prices at the gas pump.

Tom Corbett

Hurricanes Floyd and Irene were cruel reminders that hurricanes can produce tragic loss of life and devastating economic disruption from inland flooding beyond a hurricane's damaging wind, storm surge or tornadoes.

D. James Baker

Assuming we don't sustain another storm, the beachfront conditions are dramatically improved.

Andy Nota

The mulch that is sold at Lowe's comes from known sources, not storm wood or blown down timber.

Karen Cobb

It looks like the outer eastern islands of the Bahamas may feel its effects sometime tomorrow. It a small storm, highly concentrated.

Ron Goodman

We picked up nearly 18 inches from that storm, and Rochester got two feet. That storm impacted 90 million people.

Tom Niziol

I actually anticipated it being closed several times, and it wasn't, ... Over the years, some work has been done to help the situation, but I think, frankly, it can be a function of where the most rain falls in a given storm.

Brian Monahan

We were well prepared for the storm.

Barbara Griffin

If Katrina never happened and Rita was the only storm coming, I think a lot of people would have stayed, but they've seen reality in action.

Derrick Pope

People are taking this storm quite seriously.

Lee Mcconnell

Technology is taking this generation by storm.

Ron Luce

We were told it was the storm of the century, ... I'd sure rather be sitting here with a couple of angry truckers than a couple of deaths.

John Rowland

If these had been in place, at least some of the energy in the storm surge would have been dissipated. This is a self-inflicted wound.

Jeffrey Mount

This storm was unique in that it impacted all the communities in our coverage area. We?re going to do a lot of analysis after all our customers have their service back on.

Kathleen Lewis

The drifting was very high and we kept clearing it and it kept blowing back. It was just the storm that kept going on and on.

Dan Ryan

I don't see that the level of funding was really a contributing factor in this case. Had this project been fully complete, it is my opinion that based on the intensity of this storm that the flooding of the business district and the French Quarter would have still taken place.

Carl Strock

[The new storm] could be coming in right exactly where Katrina didn't go, ... It could be a bad situation for all the platforms that didn't get hit before.

Michael Guido

It was refiners in the Midwest and on the East Coast that stepped up, while crude runs on the Gulf Coast continued to slide, losing another 52,000 barrels daily to stand 1.565 million barrels lower than before the storm.

David Knapp

The storm has arrived -- finally.

Peter Judge

This is not a scare tactic -- it's realistic. This is a devastating storm.

Scott Mccloud

It's the largest tropical storm we've ever had, ... It's engulfed the entire state. This is going to be a while to get back to normal.

Toni Jennings

We're not going to require teams to play if they're in an area affected by the storm. That's a decision they should make, along with their school boards. If the membership felt it was best that no games be played this week, we wouldn't play football. There hasn't been a great push to cancel games.

Tommy Henry

The best way to deal with the aftermath of this injury it to eliminate the injury. And it's not that hard. Most people are struck either before or after a storm, and they're struck because they do the wrong things because they think the wrong way.

Mike Utley

Most of the people out here know about the storm of 1900, and what it did to the island.

Larry Chambers

I guess one of the best ways to describe this is we have the potential for a perfect storm. You have all of these issues that we're going to have to discuss.

James Ammons

GOES satellites help our forecasters to see both the big picture and small-scale storm features.

Jack Kelly

The story of the Steamship Portland and its fatal last run from Boston to Portland, Maine, has intrigued maritime historians for years due to the wide-ranging reported sightings of the ship during the storm. This mission allows us to start putting some answers to the questions about its loss.

Craig Macdonald

They were terminated due to them abandoning the department prior to the storm. They either left before the hurricane or 10 to 12 days after the storm and we have never heard from them.

Warren Riley

This is a Category 5 storm. Trust me, it is a powerful, powerful force of nature that you shouldn't be messing with.

Jeb Bush

It's a WWW storm -- wet, windy weather through New Year's Day.

Steve Anderson

It's not a good picture for us at this point. We're in for a historic storm.

Steve Leblanc

We head into the eye of the storm when everyone else is heading out.

Tim Tackett

Fran is a large and brutal storm, and she is not to be trifled with in any shape, way, fashion or form.

David Beasley

It would be the perfect storm. Fairfield has no plans to grow.

Kurt Schlichting

The City Council has agreed storm water is something we need to address. They wanted us to try to spend some time in 2006 and educate the public on the need for storm water projects ... and how we might be able to fund them.

Greg Young

It would just be devastating to be hit again by another storm. We're well-trained now. We are beginning to close up shutters and put away flying things.

Glenn Holm

All politicians are vulnerable in an environment of anger. What you've got is this perfect storm: The president is low in the polls, the governor is low in the polls and neither of them is on the ticket. Given the criticism and the anger, somebody is going to be on the receiving end of those emotions.

Robert Schmuhl

You never know when a storm is going to come. There's rogue waves that are out there and despite their best efforts to be safe, there are these opportunities that do arise and unfortunately they do need a little bit of help now and then.

Mike Bonin

This Indonesia thing is a storm in a tea cup. I don't see any chance of this developing into a 1997 crisis. Asia's made too much progress.

Geoff Lewis

The storm is eating up our dunes. It has cut up right next to the road.

Carl Laundrie

Obviously we're taking the storm very seriously. We're going to know in a couple days where the next target is.

David Passey

I worry that there's this perfect storm coming for emerging markets.

Kristin J. Forbes

March does have the potential to be quite active. Any storm that grows from here on out until the end of the calendar winter season has the change to produce measurable precipitation.

Dave Kellenbenz

We found out through the storm that time waits for no man.

Thomas Sullivan

After the storm I got to thinking, 'What would I do?' ... I just want to be able to do something. Maybe I could help somebody and be a little more sure of what I'm doing now.

Frank Floyd

It rained hard: People need to understand that we don't get a 50-year storm very often.

Andrew Benelli

The American people have a right to know what happened in preparation for and immediately following the storm.

Hal Rogers

The biggest threat of course is flash flooding. This is a very wet storm, it's going to drop a lot of rain.

Josh Mcdowell

Another worry is that the storm drains are clogged with leaves, so there could be urban flooding.

Tracy Mccormick

It was storm surge. It broke protection levees and washed out bridges.

Sheriff Michael Couvillon

As soon as they start predicting a storm, people call and it seems that these storms are coming one after the other.

Peter Evans

I think if Mr. Benson wants to leave, he could have done it a little bit differently. Not right after a major storm when 80 percent of the city is flooded and most of the citizens are gone.

C. Ray Nagin

It's definitely one of the hazards with a powerful storm such as this. It's advised to not go near the surf ... Water is a powerful thing.

Michael Colby

We have no power yet at the park except at the office just off U.S. 190, so we cannot even open (the park) to rescue workers or for storm evacuees still seeking refuge.

Sharon Broussard

Virtually every portion of the community along the coast was impacted by a power outage because of the storm during the weekend.

Paul Moreno

The cruise ship is only for people over the age of 21, for upperclassmen and for faculty from off-campus housing that was unsalvageable from the storm.

Stephen Frapart

All the cold air stayed up in Canada. This particular storm is more typical of what we would see in southern New England in wintertime.

Charlie Foley

We have had a number of times when [storms] turned out not to be significant. But we can't roll the dice when it comes to getting 2 million people to and from work every day. We expect this one to be heavier and a more significant storm.

Joe Orlando

It took us awhile to settle in to what we wanted to do. Part of it was that Storm Lake gets you to play the way they are.

Barry Borchers

Sea surface temperature is the one that consistently comes up. What we found is that all the variables have an effect, but those tend to be on a storm-by- storm basis and not over a longer period.

Judith Curry

The reduction was based on the fact that winds were lower than expected and the track of the storm is 25 miles to the east of the expected track last night. That puts New Orleans onto the lean side of the hurricane.

Tom Larsen

It's expensive and it does not offer as much protection as a vertical sea wall during a really intense storm event.

Virginia Barker

Anybody along the northern Gulf Coast from Louisiana to the Florida panhandle needs to be watching this storm.

Robert Molleda

A little bit of rain or a little bit of wind, and it should hold up fine. If we get a real heavy storm, if we get another Rita, that definitely will raise everybody's level of concern.

Susan Jackson

He's been doing it for a while. He has the experience. I have no idea why he went out during the storm. I hope for the best.

Carlos Machado

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?

Rose F. Kennedy

We do expect a catastrophic type storm to hit us. It is not going to be as bad as Katrina, but if it is, we are prepared to get people out.

Frank Gutierrez

[The performance crystallized a new period of musical exploration for Hendrix.] In the earlier times, when he was with Noel (Redding) and Mitch (Mitchell), the songs were very simple, ... The simplicity of the 'Foxey Lady's' and the 'Purple Haze's' now went into some pretty intricate things, like 'Jam Back at the House' and then later the 'Freedom's', the 'Dolly Dagger's,' and 'In from the Storm.'

Billy Cox

This was the weirdest storm we ever worked. It did about three loops, four stalls and a sprint.

Mark Goodman

He never evacuates. When you evacuate, you spend a lot of money, because you have to stay in hotels. He didn't think the storm would really come.

Jorge Villalobos

This is not related to storm damage, it relates back to 1999. There has been ample opportunity to get this building into compliance.

Shawn Oubre

The [parish] took the full force of the storm surge, so there was a significant loss of [human] life, plus a fuel spill from a refinery.

Paul Berry

This isn't representative of our department. We had a lot of heroes that stepped up after the storm.

Warren Riley

It was still in the developmental stages. It was 36 hours later that the storm was at its most intense stage.

Walt Drag

This is far from the last storm of the season.

Bob Benjamin

It was like a 20-year storm. And it made a big impact on people.

Don Foster

St. Paul Travelers has the resources available to respondimmediately to the hurricane's impact, even in the wake of HurricaneKatrina. We know many of our customers are stillrecovering from Katrina, and we will continue to service ourpolicyholders even as we react to a second storm. Our Catastrophe Teamis expressly designed to be on the ground and highly responsive whenour customers need us most.

Ray Stone

We had a real quick reflex reaction yesterday to the storm, 'Oh, it's not so bad, let's have a rally, ... Today it's sinking in a little bit more, Gulf Coast production is going to be offline for several days.

Bill Sutherland

The software walks you through it. If you put in an address in Harrison County, it will ask you if you had any losses due to the storm.

Kathy Waterbury

Notebooks continued to storm ahead with a solid 54 percent year-on- year growth in the first quarter. Couple that with reasonable desktop PC growth of 12 percent and you've still got yourself a healthy PC market here in Asia.

Bryan Ma

The natural vegetation along the wash slows the water down and cleanses it. It improves the storm water.

Jim Glock

The recovery continues to be slow. Government reserves will more than make up for reduced production but they will eventually have to be replaced. This will probably end up being the most damaging storm to the industry by far.

Kyle Cooper

This has been the largest storm-related outage in our New York service territory in more than five years.

Steve Brady

The models show most areas around the world will experience more intense precipitation for a given storm during this century.

Gerald Meehl

A young child who doesn't understand what is occurring during a severe storm like a hurricane can easily become confused and frightened as a result of these unpredictable events.

Robert Butterworth

We are in the pre-storm planning phase and watching closely before we make a decision.

Chuck Dunlap

There are normal people (in the sport) and crazy people. It's like chasing the storm. That's what's cool.

Danny Kass

New Smyrna Beach especially will have some minor erosion, but it just depends on how long and how strong the storm is.

Scott Petersohn

The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail, its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storm may enter, the rain may enter -- but the King of England cannot enter; all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement!

William Pitt The Elder

It was a violent storm, it wasn't just hugging. These football players put down their shoulders and tackled Joe.

Suzanne Rabe

Thinking of you. Sorry that the storm destroyed your home and school. Hope you are better and stay safe.

Sally Adams

The storm seemed to be stalling out. But just as you're thinking it was calming down, it spawned a tornado.

Dan Fulscher

This is incredible. You might as well get some storm troopers and go down to every house.

Cameron Stewart

We're taking this storm seriously and are urging our customers to do likewise.

Geisha Williams

The storm left fantastic powder. We definitely anticipate a lot of skiers and snowboarders up here to take advantage of it.

Rachael Woods

Some assets were impacted for six to nine months from Ivan last year because things like underwater landslides affected pipelines once the storm had passed. Shell is taking the brunt of the storm this time.

Jason Kenney

The number of activities will be almost the same as last year, so it looks like the storm isn't going to slow the festival down. I really hope the people of each community will come out and see what natural resources they have right in their own city.

Mark Lasalle

The storm was so intense and arrived so quickly that people were unprepared to protect their assets. But there won't be any negative effect on the quality or quantity of next year's grapes or wines.

Jennifer Kopp

We're looking right now at a Category 2 or 3, ... We're planning for a worst case scenario here, where we think there will be 6- to 9-foot storm surge.

Jimmy Weekley

We were able to box out and get up the floor quickly. Transition baskets really helped us weather the storm whenever they put a run together.

Tyler Haynes

Our services are free. My team has been in St. Landry and Evangeline parishes since the week after the second storm. We've been here the whole time. We are still here.

Roger Peak

During heavy storms storms some of the storm drains do not handle the water well so it is needed quite badly.

Bob Martin

It's a major problem for us, and it's been a major problem for us since Day 1 of the storm. A lot of our fellow research universities have made some of our best people some very lucrative offers.

Charles Zewe

We were literally rebuilding our electrical distribution system. This was definitely a severe storm and had significant damage to our system and the customers' property.

Allan Urlis

It's the perfect storm of variables that is converging for this game. People have been anticipating this game since the start of the season, and the buildup has been substantial.

Sean Pate

We were actually below average before the storm.

Brian Ciemnecki

My boy, one small breeze doesn't make a wind storm.

John Mcgraw

We're ready for Wilma and, whatever the storm brings, we're set to go.

Butch Kinerney

We watched the Internet and it appeared everything was moving north, but I guess a storm could just come out of the blue.

Jim Herring

Hmm. This could actually be a nasty storm.

Michael Barnett

We're kind of in a holding pattern, waiting to see what happens (with the storm). But the overall tone of the market seems lower, and it appears to want to go lower.

Jay Finkel

The preparation and planning that we put in place prior to the storm is paying off as we deploy recovery crews and equipment to the areas impacted by Hurricane Rita. Thanks to our advanced planning our recovery crews have the generators, fuel, and spare parts that they need to quickly restore service in areas impacted by the storm.

Katherine Greene

Sometimes, after a storm, people say there was no warning. There was a warning, but nobody was listening.

Jeff Last

Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.

Thomas Mann

The preparations are what they are. We're here. The storm is coming. We are as best prepared as we can be as the eye of the storm approaches.

Russel L. Honore

You know, we still have a lot of debris from the storm. So much stuff needs cleaning up that people just need to refrain from burning.

Greg Chatham

The unseasonable weather and significant storm activity allowed the customer benefit fund to be used during the first quarter.

John Maserjian

I think just the fact that there were so many individuals who had not adequately prepared in New Orleans, I think they took extra precautions, ... I think they planned better and took the storm more seriously. People both increased supplies and got out sooner.

Stephen Barnett

This will be a long recovery. This storm shook us badly, but there is an amazing recovery effort taking place so far. We still need help, but so far I'm just amazed and standing in awe of the people that have just rolled up their sleeves to help out. It's wonderful.

Matt Snorton

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.


The flooding is everywhere and I'm not talking about just New Orleans. I'm talking about all through Mississippi and Alabama. So this storm is really having a catastrophic effect throughout the South right now.

Mike Brown

My family's OK. We got a lot of rain but fortunately we didn't get the worst of [the storm].

Russ Springer

Last year was the perfect negative storm.

Tom Galvin

With the storm surge like this and the slow movement of this storm, it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't get another inlet opened.

Jeff Warren

This is all one big storm system.

Rich Thompson

Tropical storm force (winds of at least 73 mph/117 km/h) is probably about all we'll see here in Dade and Broward counties.

Miles Lawrence

It's a challenging job. I'm not necessarily anxious to leave and I really love being on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but it's a significant pay increase. Quite frankly, I didn't come out of the storm very well. I've got some significant financial issues coming out of the storm.

Stephen Richer

It could give the false impression that they all died as a result of the storm — and that whatever actions or mistakes were made by local, federal and state authorities didn't contribute to the deaths.

Michael Baden

We had a large tropical storm go through and we could not open the fair. We open Friday at one and we couldn't open at one.

Barbara Puffer

We've positioned our first responders to be sent to the disaster zone to do rescues or recoveries after the storm, if asked. We're trying to have them geared up and ready to go whether it's swift water rescue, firefighters or electrical people trying to restore power. There's a potential for people with all sorts of different skills to be needed.

Melissa Millecam

During the ice storm, it took us a while to realize how big a problem we had because nobody was calling in because the phones were down. In a disaster, communication is No. 1.

Sandy Von Behren

The timing of the storm is good for us.

Peter Sellers

There's nothing more important than fixing our storm drains. That is not the issue -- and, in fact, saving me $100 a year is not the issue. The issue philosophically is that there's a better way of doing this and we feel the entire voting population should have a chance to look at this.

Don Reeves

The fact that this storm is moving at a good clip is favorable for getting stronger.

William Gray

If this storm wasn't out there, the market would probably be behaving much better.

Jay Suskind

It's been non-stop for the past two days. We're here and open for everyone who needs to stock up during this storm.

Jon Smith

We want to go in and fill in the gaps. The whole purpose is to be prepared for another storm or a chemical explosion. This is more preventive than anything else.

John Doherty

They were evacuated before the storm hit.

Stacy Ivers

Short term, without a storm, they are probably adequately safe. Certainly with a large storm — as we are not yet out of hurricane season — and certainly for next hurricane season, there is significant risk.

Peter Nicholson

Death to a godly man is like a fair gale of wind to convey him to the heavenly country; but to a wicked man it is an east wind, a storm, a tempest, that hurries him away in confusion and amazement, to destruction.

Charles Hodge

It means there will be increased flooding of low-lying areas when there are storm surges. It means increased coastal erosion on sandy beaches. We're going to see increased flooding on island nations.

John Church

In the beginning, College Station was the bomb. Everything we asked for, we got it -it didn't matter what it was, what it cost. Even though the storm is gone, people are still going through this.

Nicole Ladner

Our customers and associates have always responded generously to help those in need, particularly when disaster has struck our local communities. Every contribution will help the Red Cross provide emergency assistance to the victims of this devastating storm.

Lynn Marmer

The reason why we're seeing stronger numbers is this new storm coming in the Caribbean which could cause disruptions to the crude oil facilities in the Gulf of Mexico.

Christopher Bellew

Tabloids pick on people who are rich or famous or beautiful. She's all three, so this was the perfect storm for Kate.

Michael Gross

We couldn't experience a Katrina-like storm -- that's a matter of atmospheric physics and topography. We don't have the amount of low-lying area that we see present in the Gulf Coast.

Mariana Leckner

God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm.

William Cowper

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.

Corazon Aquino

Defensively, we really bowed up. We knew they were going to make a run at us. It's their home stadium. They're a good football team. We knew we'd have to weather their storm.

Bob Howell

We were expecting quite a bit more from the storm. It turned out to be much milder.

Paul Moreno

Wednesday night we have a chance of snow or rain and temperatures will be in the low 30s. That will continue into Thursday, but it's not going to be a big storm. It's going to be more of a nuisance - there shouldn't be any accumulation that effects anything in a negative way.

Charlie Foley

The only time you need them is when you're in the middle of a long sustained storm.

Mike Dimarco

He is gonna make tough decisions to either change the style to get better or just weather the storm.

Terry Bowden

It was nothing life threatening but it was enough to put him out of the Breeders' Cup. We are all desperately disappointed because we felt he had a great chance of taking the race in America by storm.

Harry Herbert

Everything's been full since the storm. We expect it to remain full and be even more full.

Michelle Duffourc

He caught the country and the city by storm.

Tony Baker

The purpose is not only to fix the storm but to make repeated passes and notice trends. All the clues are out there if we know how to find them.

Jack Parrish

They do provide some calories, and they're portable and non-perishable -- some of these have made it to Desert Storm. With our grab-and-go lifestyle, you can buy some of these bars, put them in a bag and even if you forget about them, they're not a food safety nightmare.

Leslie Bonci

We have a critical concern about storm-water management and dispersal.

David Ingram

I hope this isn't a trend for us. We felt fortunate, because I felt like we were down 30. But when you have a guy like Dallas (Richardson) who can chuck it in like that, he can keep you in there. Brad and Dallas helped us stay around and weather the storm.

Scot Bunnell

These guys are very special to us. They actually weathered the storm with us, and now they're going back out where they belong, back out in the ocean.

Richie Moretti

After the storm passes through, getting supplies is very, very hard. So it's really in your best interest to supply yourself ahead of time, before the storm even hits.

Shane Wilson

[When the Grimes County Economic Development Committee was looking at the details of such a plant locating in the area, certain benefits were obvious.] In the short term did not really see what they could do for power needs in Grimes County, ... We knew early on Mid-South and Entergy could benefit, but I probably didn't think we could have the storm of the century.

Jane Miller

I don't think the Keys are going to escape getting pretty much the brunt of this storm.

Michele Cimino

One guy asked me why we wouldn't just want to tear down the Dome because it harbors so many bad memories of the storm, but we had 30 years of good memories here before the hurricane. It could be a symbol for the rebuilding of New Orleans, something people could rally around.

Doug Thornton