This is Day eight, guys. Everything was diverted first to New Orleans, we understand that. But do you realize we got 18 to 20 feet of water from the storm, and we've still got 7 to 8 feet of water? If you had dropped a bomb on this place, it couldn't be any worse than this.

Ron Silva

So much depends on what happens after the storm.

Lex Mccorvey

The effects of the storm will be fairly long-lasting across much of New England.

Bob Oravec

We don't know if the cotton has been blown out, but most of the storm probably went to the east of the cotton-growing area from Pointe Coupee (Parish) north through the Delta.

Bob Odom

We've bred Storm Cat to as many mares as we could breed him to, taking into account his age. It's awfully difficult to turn down someone who is willing to pay $500,000. But we've done as much to accommodate as many breeders as we can without jeopardizing the health of the stallion.

Ric Waldman

[It was] the hardest hit by Katrina. [It was] 17 feet underwater during the storm. We were assigned to a house, and we cleaned everything out?It was unbelievable; everything was damaged.

Stephen Frapart

Once they start the game my focus is on baseball. But the moment I left the clubhouse and the moment I came back, I'm looking at the Weather Channel or CNN, looking at the hurricane. Obviously, a lot of guys on the team have family there. There's a great deal of concern because it's a very powerful storm.

Brad Lidge

The truth is, you look at what happened in these 2004 storms, and evacuation was not as good as anyone would like it to be. It's just a matter of time when a storm like Katrina hits Florida and we have a substantial loss of life.

Jay Baker

This is the worst storm I've seen in the 46 years I've lived here.

Harry Smith

The tragedy of Katrina wasn't the failure to predict the track or to predict the intensity of the storm. The tragedy was in preparing people and in particular predicting human behavior.

Dario Moreno

It was really the perfect storm of good news.

Art Hogan

We're finding with our clergy all along the Gulf Coast affected by this storm that they have a need to be a pastor as usual. We'll let him speak, but not until he's reminded that he allow this has happened to him as well as to you.

John Moore

Although Arlene is not at hurricane strength, the storm is predicted to cause heavy rainfall, which could cause flooding.

Lea Stokes

It will take longer for Louisiana and Mississippi to recover from the storm than Florida last year, ... Resource- and agriculture-reliant areas just don't do as well.

Mark Vitner

We have a zero tolerance for people stealing funds meant for storm victims. Many of the cases we are prosecuting involve small amounts. But we wanted to get out there with these arrests in part to deter people.

Alice Fisher

Wednesday should start out clear, but another storm and cold front should arrive by Wednesday evening.

John Farley

The earliest we're going to see significant impact from the storm appears to be Friday afternoon, but people should not wait, ... It's time to act.

Craig Fugate

The system was academically and financially bankrupt before the storm. We think there were a lot of good teachers and administrators working in the system, but there was just a lot of mismanagement.

Meg Casper

A slight shift to the left of this storm would bring big changes. We all need to keep an eye on this system.

Jason Kadah

I was lucky, I had a Verizon phone and it had great service all through the storm.

Chris Eyre

We're not prepared. It's the ugly truth. If our emergency response failed so badly for a Category 5 hurricane, imagine what would happen if a Category 5 viral storm hit every state.

Shelley Hearne

Suppose that we, to-morrow or the next day, / Came to an end - in storm the shafting broken, / Or a mistaken signal, the flange lifting - / Would that be premature, a text for sorrow?

C. Day Lewis

This achievement is a testament to the wonderful fan base we have here in Seattle and something we're very proud of, ... I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all Storm fans who continue to make KeyArena the best home-court advantage in the league.

Karen Bryant

We just had that perfect storm of Frisco and the ISD and Collin County and Hunt Sports Group, ... They took it as their own and ran with it and took it to a height I never could have imagined.

John Sutter

We've been impressed and proud of the schools and students who have responded graciously and generously. Many students have spent their own lunch money and hard-earned savings to give to the victims of the storm.

Nat Harrington

Had Ivan hit Mississippi, the storm surges in Mississippi would have been higher than those in Florida.

Todd Davison

We're watching Tropical Storm Rita's projected path and, depending on its strength and how much rain falls, everything could change. Residents moving into the area may have to evacuate again.

Duane Gapinski

We don't anticipate any problems but it is a fast-moving storm. Just in case there are any problems we're gong to have our crews ready.

Mike Di Marco

There was somewhat of a perfect storm helping GM today.

Gregg Klein

We're improving, but I don't know if we're improving quickly enough. This team has been on its heels for some time. We've been in a perfect storm.

Jody Conradt

Mother Nature is throwing a winter storm.

Bill Hoffer

We completed the process of shutting our operations down as it became clear that this is a very severe storm heading towards us.

David Nicholas

We're very optimistic at this point that this storm caused no deaths and no injuries in Carteret County.

Jack Veit

Harvesting is going on right now for cotton crops but I can't really say how much of that will be rushed because of the storm.

Beverly Boyd

The French Quarter and Uptown, you see life basically as it was before the storm. It's eerie, because life really is normal in those neighborhoods and then you cross over the Industrial Canal and enter the lower Ninth Ward or eastern New Orleans, and it looks like a bomb just went off yesterday.

Matt Fellowes

There was 31 feet of water in my home and over my car. We lost our house in a storm two years ago and it was nothing like this.

Jim Lowe

I thought it was good for us to get back together, and get their minds off what had happened. The thing is, though, since the storm, we've never had all of our kids back, and we have some we haven't been able to make contact with.

Bubba Davis

We have families who are under duress from what happened with the storm. It is natural that a situation like that is going to cause some tension.

Terry Abbott

People are breathing a sigh of relief that ... New Orleans appeared to be on the weak side of the storm.

Ray Stone

It is still quite large. We will have hurricane-force and tropical storm-force winds covering a large area.

Jack Beven

I don't think there's a major concern here right now, especially with the track of the storm … awfully far to the east. Just a typical autumn storm by the look of it right now.

Chris Fogarty

Right after the storm, if I had heard myself talking like I am now, about setting records in some offices and posting three record-breaking months in a row, I would've wondered what Kool-Aid this guy was drinking. But every day it gets crazier and crazier in a positive way.

Arthur Sterbcow

That's what we're going to look at real closely when this storm moves out.

Jim Brusda

I'll probably end up finding myself on the left side with somebody else instead of the right but whatever comes our way, we just have to weather the storm.

Jordan Leopold

It was storm tied on six pilings with storm ropes and all the pilings broke, obviously a large wave came in and all of the boats that were in the harbor or in the marsh or completely gone.

Tommy Matherne

Rita was not a normal storm.

Mark Viator

Men's private self-worlds are rather like our geographical world's seasons, storm, and sun, deserts, oases, mountains and abysses, the endless-seeming plateaus, darkness and light, and always the sowing and the reaping.

Faith Baldwin

This storm is far from over. We can't take anything for granted.

Joe Allbaugh

What we concentrated on after the storm is linking the points of distribution, disaster relief centers, medical facilities and shelters, just getting people up and about so they could get what they needed to survive, kinda life support. We're over the crisis stage.

Kevin Coggin

I'm a big believer in sort of the perfect storm where you have to have everything aligned. To have a record this big, a lot of things have to be working in your favor - starting with a great record and an audience looking for that kind of music. You can't make people buy a record. You can't manufacture a comeback.

Rick Krim

I haven't experienced a storm like this in a long time.

Dan Sharp

This community is just starting to see federal recovery resources -- 20 days post storm.

Patrick Mcmahon

The primary driver in raising rates is the claims experience in your state. This will cause upward pressure on rates in states where the storm has occurred.

Dick Luedke

The biggest immediate worry is of another storm coming at a time when the region's infrastructure is fragile and in disarray.

Tom Wallin

We also have to provide services to the emergency personnel who are working the search and rescue. It's an amazing operation right now, and no one organization is doing it by itself. We are all pulling together to try and help each other due to the sheer mass of the storm and damage done.

Steve Kerr

The Boy Scouts motto is 'Be prepared.' That is why these kids will be calm (during the storm). The program teaches them how to be aware and prepared.

Jason Carter

During hurricane season our operations personnel are constantly monitoring storms in the Atlantic. The Friday before the storm hit, we were tracking the storm.

Tim Powell

Any storm going through the Gulf is going to slow the pace of the recovery from Katrina.

Doug Leggate

People in Galveston knew that there was a storm in the Gulf of Mexico. It was reported in the Galveston County Daily News but they didn't know where the storm would make landfall.

Casey Greene

The storm is expected to weaken and move on later tonight to Washington -- which already is experiencing 50 mph wind gusts.

Rob Marciano

We are facing a storm that most of us have long feared.

C. Ray Nagin

It was a very localized storm that dumped about a foot of rain in some places and almost nothing in others.

Bruce Sullivan

There's definitely a storm coming.

Julie Holcombe

We weathered the storm and defensively were able to maintain. And Nathan hit some big shots at the time for us.

Joe Kinch

You usually reach a peak a week after a storm.

James Summers

Fortunately these two are pretty young. They seem to have weathered the storm pretty well.

Gray Harrison

This storm did not show any discrimination socio-economically. The water was everywhere.

Anne Milling

It's a perfect storm. It involves race, privilege ... It involves arrogance, sex, athletes, the South.

James Coleman

They were planning to ride out the storm.

Mary Green

Hong Kong and southern China are in an area where everything comes together. It's like the perfect storm -- animals, the virus, population density.

John Nichols

It's almost like the perfect storm of circumstances. Those circumstances have created a . . . war in which developers and a few communities come out on top. And the other communities struggle.

Mike Duncan

Anne has demonstrated to our fans and to the whole WNBA that she is one of the top coaches in the history of the league, ... We are thrilled that she will be with the Storm for years to come.

Wally Walker

We're out four good players right now, but we really outplayed them in the second half. We can walk away from this game feeling OK, because Storm made a phenomenal shot.

Julie Dieg

It's all about the storm right now. What stocks will do in the next few weeks is totally dependent on what happens with the storm.

Paul Rabbit

These items can become missiles and they can stop storm drainage.

Paul Parker

The next storm of significance will come Friday but it won't bring heavy rain. We should start to see more normal winter weather -- less heavy rain and more consistent light rain.

Tiffani Brown

If you live in a mobile home or in areas that are prone to flooding, please make arrangements to leave town before the storm hits.

Paul Parker

Each storm is a little bit different, with its own characteristics. If we put people in shelters, I don't want to have to go out there in the middle of a storm and re-evacuate all those people to a different place.

Jamie Turner

Metropolitan New Orleans can take about 6 inches of rain. Though a concern, it's not our main concern. . . . Storm surge is the real issue because it stresses the levee repairs and some areas that we haven't had time to assess and repair.

Susan Jackson

If you're located in an area with hurricane activity, it's what happens during the storm that's important. You have to have a disaster plan in place.

Mark Benson

If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron.

Lee Trevino

The madness of depression is the antithesis of violence. It is a storm indeed, but a storm of murk. Soon evident are the slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled back close to zero. Ultimately, the body is affected and feels sapped, drained.

William Styron

Cats didn't stand a chance. [Cats] hate water. Those who did survive the storm were skinned alive.

Condoleeza Rice

It's nothing. It's a storm in a teacup, ... There is no risk to safety.

Peter Brabeck

We are happy it's the weekend. My neighbor's kids are hoping for a delay in the storm.

Joe Orlando

The biggest danger in sailing is not the open ocean. It's hitting things. So if I have a thousand miles between me and land, a storm doesn't really upset me. If the boat's set up right, you get beat up a little bit, but the boat's going to handle it fine.

John Moffitt

We realize as people clean their homes out, they're moving all this mud and material out to the curb, where it's eventually going into the storm drain system. Every rain we get for the next six months or beyond will put more material into the lake.

John Pardue

It's going to be primarily a water issue, ... The big thing is going to be the (storm) surge.

Mike Foster

We had trees and power lines down from Putnam to White Creek. It was a pretty good storm.

William Cook

Arctic energy from Canada was driving steadily southward, while this ball of tropical energy from the hurricane was moving northward. When they met, it caused this storm to explode, in weather terms.

David Vallee

It was a perfect storm for gold today. Lower dollar. Higher oil prices. Base metals rallying. Commodity interest across the board. Funds are not afraid of buying on new highs.

David Meger

As long as we don't have another storm coming into the Gulf, I expect oil prices to fall slightly. I also expect increased worry that high oil prices will have some impact on economic growth.

Anette Einarsen

No matter what storm you face, you need to know that God loves you. He has not abandoned you.

Franklin Graham

I'm not aware of any Arabian horses being killed in this storm.

Kate Hale

This year's prom was better than ever. There was a greater sense of community because of the storm. Prom offered a chance for all of the students to forget about their troubles for a night.

Colin Miller

It is becoming increasingly evident that the impact of this storm on oil and natural gas operations will be significant and protracted, ... In the coming days and weeks, we commit to doing our best to minimize any inconvenience for consumers.

Red Cavaney

When the storm hit, they came to my house. They stayed with me a month or so. Then they stayed about three and a half months in an apartment.

Gwen Blough

Three days after the storm hit, trucks were just starting to show up.

Bryan Moore

I think he'll like it a little better at 6 1/2 furlongs, seven, or a mile. He's improving. He's a Storm Cat, so he's had a few attitude issues.

D. Wayne Lukas

We just kind of made a weekend out of it, although it wasn't a weekend. I figured if we had to weather out the storm, we would weather it out in the air conditioning, hotel rooms, restaurants and bars.

David Dunbar

The Australian wine industry has been going through the industry equivalent of the perfect storm.

David Clarke

I will only make the call if the storm becomes a Category 3 and threatens this area.

Oscar Ortiz

Some manufacturers have gone away from the automotive industry, but we have found it a niche for us and have stuck to it, ... The secret is to diversify who you do business with so you can weather the storm if a car maker has a rough time.

John Rose

I imagine he's going to take this real hard. At least after the storm he had his health.

Joseph Meyer

Gathering her brows like gathering storm, Nursing her wrath, to keep it warm.

Robert Burns

Most of the people died during the storm and the aftermath, ... These were old or extremely ill patients.

Gary Hopkins

[This filly is a half-sister to champion Vindication and grade III winner Scipion.] She's a very good filly that has a lot of scope for a Storm Cat, ... She's correct and racy. She's got it all.

Frank Taylor

President Bush had the highest approval ratings ever after Desert Storm. Then Clinton took a role leading the party and won the presidency.

Bud Brannon

We're not getting any help yet. We need water. We need ice. I've been told it's coming, but we've got people in shelters who haven't had a drink since the storm.

Joe Boney

They've got nothing, really. No house, no money, with only the clothes they're wearing. They left home the night before the storm (in their car) thinking it would just be a one-day thing. They've tried to get some money from FEMA, but nobody's getting any right now.

Mike Suggs

We're seeing people from all walks of life -- those who didn't have resources before the storm and those who are affluent. For all of them, it's difficult to not have a car, to have no job available, to have no normalcy in their life.

Laura Howe

In the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, millions of Americans dug into their pockets to help those in need, ... A few, sadly, tried to profit from the misfortune of others. Given the immense suffering occasioned by this storm, these crimes are disturbing and disappointing.

Chuck Rosenberg

A big, hairy guy comes to New York and takes the city by storm. Am I talking about the remake of King Kong, or Johnny Damon?

Mike Bianchi

A lot of things have to come together, but storm conditions like this happen fairly frequently in the country.

David Wilson

The Storm organization recognizes its responsibility to the community, not just here in Seattle but across the country and in the communities of our players and staff, ... We applaud Janell for taking the lead on this important cause and urge our fans to lend their support in any way they can.

Karen Bryant

The storm came like a thief in the night, ... If you weren't ready, it was too late.

Gerald Williams

It was truly an amazing storm.

Douglas Vogelsang

Boston and south will have the worst of the storm. Travel will be hazardous because of icy conditions and windblown snow. The morning commute won't be any fun, and the afternoon commute will be even worse.

Alan Dunham

The state is going to get hit, ... We're going to have a significant amount of rain and lots of wind. This is serious. This is a very dangerous storm.

Jeb Bush

Overall the storm will hurt, but it's certainly not the same as the impact of rising oil prices, ... a large effect.

Philip Baggaley

If we get up to 2 inches of rain, I do expect some intersections and some streets to flood because of the debris that will wash into the storm drains.

Bennie Sellers

Being ready before the storm strikes is sometimes the difference between life and death.

Jeff Last

They showed me what type of heart they have today. We've gone through a lot this year, but they've weathered the storm. Now what we have to do is build on this. We can't go backward.

Joe Muniz

With afternoon thunderstorms and daytime heat, stalled out cold fronts, and the Gulf starting to open up, all scenarios offer us a better chance of rain than was the case for last two months. June is the beginning of tropical storm and hurricane season.

Gary Chatelain

It's really the only large storm on the whole planet.

Andrew Ingersoll

Emergency workers from around the world began showing up immediately after the storm.

Terry Steed

I'm not going to make estimates, ... These are individuals who perished in a storm, and each one is very important.

Melissa Walker

It looks like we are going to have one more strong storm, so April will start off on the wet side.

David Spector

City and county government were not quite as strapped for cash in the past as they are today. A really bad storm can push them over the edge.

Kris Eide

There is deep concern about this storm causing more flooding in New Orleans.

Jeb Bush

It's just sitting out there churning like a winter storm, and it's taking foot after foot of shoreline. I would rather just have it come ashore and get it over with.

Jeff Warren

We'll protect our own citizens first; but, if we can offer help anywhere else, we're ready to do it. There's always the possibility for severe weather when a storm that big gets that close to us, but we know for a fact that it's going to cause damage down in Texas.

John Luther

This is the biggest storm I've seen so late in the season in 15 years here. People are just saying it's nuts and crazy.

Dan Wester

The storm had not hit yet, but we had expected to come back after it went through.

Warren Williams

There's concern about this Tropical Storm Rita. People are watching that a little bit more closely, given Katrina and its impact on the market. There's some unwillingness right now to take aggressive positions.

Paul Mackel

We just couldn't make a play to get over the hump. They just made enough plays to weather the storm. And when we had to foul them late, they made their free throws.

Jeff Mcdonald

We have tons of marinas that weren't insured. The problem is that marina insurance for storm surge is becoming non-existent. Either the insurance company won't offer it to you or it's so expensive that it's cost prohibitive.

John Sprague

This is definitely the big storm everybody has been waiting for. We are all absolutely ecstatic that Mother Nature finally paid some attention to us. It's perfect timing, because Spring Break kicks in (today).

Loryn Kasten

I haven't closed my eyes since before the storm. Everything was just going on the upside and it just crashed. I'm just glad to be in a Christian place right now.

Yolonca Johnson

The geomagnetic storm level is now severe. If the storm level stays like this, we should be in for some nice auroras tonight.

Paal Brekke

In Toronto, I've met other director like me, in the wings of the studio industry and with a lively desire to maintain our independence, people like Paul Cox of Australia and Alan Rudolph, who works in the eye of the storm in Los Angeles.

Bill Forsyth

The damage from the storm, both in terms of the physical damage and any human impact, was certainly less than expected so that should really bode well for the financial markets.

Tim Ghriskey

There's an additional 50 families coming in to Palm Beach County every day from the storm-ravaged areas, and we're caring for them. We may need to open up three or four more shelters in the area.

Dean Dimke

We feel very fortunate that we made it through this storm with only very minor injuries.

Steve Parrott

That makes it good to have those resources, because most of South Florida was hit by this storm and we don't have long (to make repairs).

Curtis Gray

Living in an area that catches every storm that boils out of the Gulf will breed a certain toughness in a people. That may be the parish's best hope for rebuilding.

Lawrence Powell

This could be Ozark next year. All of us small towns in the South survive day-to-day. It's tough. Just meeting your obligations, its hand-to-mouth. If we got hit by a storm, we'd be in awful shape. I'd just hope other towns like ours would come help us.

Bob Bunting

I think that's on the heels of the latest tropical storm going through the Caribbean that may have an impact on supply.

Arthur Hogan

When you compare him with his predecessor, who took the Vatican by storm and the world by storm, this is a much more low-key papacy to date.

Chester Gillis

I've seen devastation from earthquakes to hurricanes to tornadoes, (but) I've never even imagined destruction like is there in Louisiana and Mississippi, ... This storm was 90,000 square miles and entire cities (and) neighborhoods, one after the other, had been reduced to nothing more than kindling wood.

Rod Parsley

At that time, they heard some voices coming from the storm grate.

Lu Maheda

Obviously we're taking this storm very, very seriously.

David Passey

There is no point in building something to withstand a storm like Katrina, It would be too expensive. You'd be better off getting insurance and rebuilding if you lose your house again.

Bob Wright

Had Hurricane Katrina not come through here, the Rita storm would be really the event of the decade and the event that we're all talking about.

Gil Jamieson

We don't know what happened to them, ... Their last known position was a little north of Honduras. If that's where they were, they went through the middle of the storm.

Scott Carr

What is going on in Belarus can be compared to the storm of a fortress. This was the first storm. We will use peaceful methods. We will surround that fortress and we will not retreat.

Aleksandr Milinkevich

The state has asked the city and other agencies to plan for evacuation plans to plan for larger numbers as they try to encourage people to leave their home areas in the event there is a storm.

Bruce Mills

It would make sense that we'd start to see prices fall now that the storm has had less impact than was feared.

Sean Comey

If we were to see another major storm, we could have damage on damage.

Tim Evans

The last major storm to come through Florida, before Hurricane Andrew hit in 1992, was Hurricane Betsy in 1965, which went through the Keys.

William Gray

We're [also] working on a movie called 'The Storm Returns' for DreamWorks.

David Levien

This is expected to be one of the worse hurricane seasons, and so far they're right and we're only halfway through it. All you have to do is pose the question: What if you had another monster storm in another few weeks, just as things are starting to come back on line? I don't know how you would avoid recession in that environment.

Hans Olsen

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

Rose F. Kennedy

There hasn't been any movement so far, but this could be the calm before the storm. Everyone wonders what's happening around deadline time. Not too many guys are safe. You think about it. No use lying about that. But there's nothing you can do as a player because you're not the boss.

Jeff Friesen

If there is a medical need or a transportation need, we want to know before the storm, not after, ... That way we can get people to safety. That is why we are going to have a very active campaign to sign up those with special medical needs.

John Peyton

It was the most impressive storm surge I've ever witnessed. We had plenty of wind as one might have imagined, but what left an indelible mark was the power of the water.

Jim Reed

Is there a chance? Yes. Would I say that every day? No. Would I say that in any other storm event so far this year? No.

Bob Renard

There's no question that the warm waters of the Gulf provided the heat that turned Katrina into a major storm.

Ross Gelbspan

Most of the storm tracks have been staying north and most of the cold air is staying in Canada.

Mike Wyllie

This is the time of year when you're going to see the most rain ... because of the southwest monsoon, ... Right now, you're going to see that monsoonal flow enhanced somewhat because of the tropical storm.

Mari Ramos

I'm glad to be back in Seattle playing before our amazing Storm fans. The fans in Seattle make me feel so welcome, and I perform at my best when they're with me.

Betty Lennox

Everything rides on Dec. 3. This fight is important because that's where Bernard Hopkins will show that anyone who went through the minefield again with him is in trouble. I've beaten everyone who got into the ring with me a second time, and some of them I sent into retirement. I have to deal with the clouds and the storm. You think you got me down and I rise up.

Bernard Hopkins

Most of the benthic macroalgae were gone, giving reefs in the lower Keys a clean appearance not seen in years. Also missing were many elkhorn corals, sponges and urchins -- broken or swept away by the raw power of a storm surge that bent 18-inch steel I-beams.

David Holtz

It's really a continuation of the high pressure staying in the West while storm after storm continues to the East. We're stuck in the middle.

Glenn Carrin

The storm is going to cause gasoline prices in California to go up.

David Hackett

Basically, all the forces that can enlarge the retired elderly population are in overdrive. The forces that would expand the younger (and working) population paying for Social Security and Medicare taxes are in reverse. The result is a kind of perfect demographic storm.

Scott Burns

To defer the May 1 date will only serve to delay a project in Point Lookout and escalate our exposure to, and risk from, sea and storm.

Gerald Ottavino

We're on the weaker, west side of the storm, Ophelia is not going to be a Katrina, even if it turns into a hurricane, and none of the forecast models bring the center directly to Jacksonville.

Jason Kadah

We are all very disappointed because we felt he had a great chance of taking the race in America by storm.

Harry Herbert

These kids have gone through some tough times, so it?s nice to see them have a good feeling from basketball. It was nice to see the fans make the trip and storm the court after the game.

Jamie Spencer

Our goal is to protect our employees, our equipment and our assets, ... We complied with all the requests of the leaders of the area in evacuating. This storm was of such magnitude that we're facing the exact same issues that every other business is facing.

Tim Hawkins

There's a blessin' in every storm.

Ralph Moore

Now that the storm has passed and rebuilding will restart, the future is even brighter for Biloxi, ... Any of us that are in the market place now are looking for more opportunities.

David A. Stockman

We had a very tense week. After the storm hit, the kids were stuck in Dothan. They didn't know when they would be allowed to go back home.

Christy Lyn

It seemed like a calm after a heavy storm had passed over, and for a short time, every man could visit his home or his neighbor without being afraid.

James Collins

We've definitely had some significant beach erosion. The longer the storm sits, the worse the damage.

Scott Petersohn

They can do a very good job providing storm specifics, even about tides and road closures.

Scott Kiser

This feels great, ... Feels like you're having a little gravity storm down here.

David T. Wolf

We want to be sure people in South Carolina are paying attention to the storm. We wouldn't want anyone in South Carolina to be caught off guard.

Joe Farmer

Most of the marsh where that salt water sat for a long time looks dead. It looks like it is does extremely late in the winter and you've had several extreme frosts. Where we found birds, they seemed to be concentrated in the habitat that was not impacted by the storm.

Robert Helm

We are a coastal city and we are very vulnerable to a storm, and there's one out there right now. We are not financially prepared for that storm. . . . It isn'ta question of if a storm of this nature hits Citrus County. It is a question of when.

Jim Fowler

Anytime a storm enters the Gulf, it has the potential of threatening the Mississippi Gulf Coast. All eyes need to be watching, paying close attention to the news media. Anything we get from the National Hurricane Center, we'll release immediately.

Larry Moore

We had more than adequate staff to respond to the storm. We're doing a lot of work that is not visible to the public.

Alberto Bianchetti

This is where I scribbled on the walls when I was little. This is where I took my first steps. All that?s gone. I grew up, partly by choice, partly because of the Katrina storm.

Samantha Perez

Wanda came bringing in a six-foot live Christmas tree for us and it was already decorated. That was a blessing to us. We just thank God every day for bringing us through the storm and we thank Him for everyone who has given us clothes, food, support and prayers. One day, we'll go back to New Orleans and repair our house. It's home, but living here is the next best thing.

Dolores Scott

The biggest lesson for us was, keep your anchor down there for the storm and big stories.

John Reiss

A lot of my experience in climbing, not to mention carrying a heavy pack uphill long distances, comes from my service in the Marines [during Operation Desert Storm].

Tony Carenzo

We're watching the storm carefully. We're looking at all options, just like we would during a normal week.

Tim Finchem

I think people are ready to forget about this storm and to move forward in their lives. And I think Mardi Gras is a symbol of all that.

Duncan Mckenzie

It was very surprising for everyone and also a big rallying point for our staff. We had staff who stayed through the storm and have been there stabilizing the animals and the collection and getting them ready to move out.

Melissa Lee