Mike Utley
FameRank: 4

"Michael Gerard Utley" is a former American football player. He is known for being paralysis/paralyzed during an National Football League/NFL game.

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We'll never change the attitude of the 48-year-old coach on the soccer field. 'Oh, it's over there, it's not going to bother us.' We'll never change him. But I can educate his 8-year-old daughter. She's going to come up to him and say, 'Daddy, let's go.' And he's going to leave.

The problem with lightning is, it kills 10 percent of the people it strikes. The 90 percent that live wish they didn't.

The best way to deal with the aftermath of this injury it to eliminate the injury. And it's not that hard. Most people are struck either before or after a storm, and they're struck because they do the wrong things because they think the wrong way.