As recently as Desert Storm, they thought advanced communications was a fax machine.

It's risky because both sides have the capacity to escalate.

It's a lot compared to other states.

They recognized that our air power was just going to brush aside their conventional forces, which is what happened in the early part of the ground campaign. They knew that the only chance they had was to wage a struggle against us that marginalized our air power.

I think we're going to see a package deal.

For a Predator, it certainly did make a pretty good size bang. Normally one thinks of the warhead on the Hellfire (missile) destroying the contents of the building rather than destroying the building.

The problem with the current conflict is that when our people get captured, they get their heads chopped off.

If you look at the guys wearing this armor, they look like turtles.

It seems to me that after this last flight, NASA's painted themselves into a corner on the shuttle. They don't want to fly it if it's manifestly unsafe, but they also don't want to spend a lot of money trying to fix something that they're only going to use a few more times.