We're in the tough stage of the restoration.

We're now spending the greater part of our time, almost all of our time, going pole to pole and house to house.

The number of customers restored daily is actually slowing as we continue to work on the isolated damage. We are working neighborhood by neighborhood, pole by pole. The work is gritty and slow.

With Katrina, the fact that it came and left very quickly enabled us to get out of the gate very quickly.

We knew this was going to be a significant restoration effort.

We think we had some strange weather phenomena beyond the hurricane.

We're taking this storm seriously and are urging our customers to do likewise.

As a result of our early assessment, we will be setting some aggressive restoration goals in an effort to get everyone's lives back to normal as quickly as possible.

The trees are many times larger and they were uprooted and toppled, blocking off roads. The girth, if you will, of some of these trees is very significant.