It's not lack of competition. In fact, we have a very, very highly competitive marketplace. Our members compete like mad. In most markets, there are a variety of plans and products to choose from.

Susan Pisano

I pick sports based on facility availability, the variety of games, and to maximize participation, not to encourage the competitive spirit to extremes like winning at all costs. I don't want players to sacrifice the credibility of their witness for Christ.

Jon Phillips

We will also have a variety of games for the kids.

Brenda Phalin

We're highly underrated as a conference, I don't think there's any question about that, ... The variety is unbelievable. Coaching in our conference, you're going to see the spectrum, and that's part of what makes it fun.

Dan Hawkins

Colorado State University's crops testing program, bean breeding program, bean pathology research, and agricultural research stations join together to conduct uniform variety trials annually to provide unbiased and reliable variety performance results from uniform variety trials to help Colorado dry bean producers' make better variety decisions.

Jerry Johnson

We have a real variety here and I think that is why residents like to come. This year there seemed to be more jewelry than anything else.

Lauren Johnson

It will depend on a variety of things, including our ability to recruit talented employees, its performance overall and the continued growth of our business. Our hope is that this will grow to several hundred jobs. Lord knows there's space for it in the Wal-Mart facility.

Patty Smith

He can score in a variety of ways: posting up, off the boards and on the break.

Tom Pecora

We are choosing to invest in health now for a variety of reasons. Advances in technology hold huge promise for changing people's lives globally -- both those who are sick and those who are well. Peter Neupert brings a mix of business leadership and expertise in the health field to guide Microsoft's work in this area.

Craig Mundie

This is another great opportunity, this time for the public, to see master dancers perform their art. For our gala we will have a variety of dancers, including Miss Iowa, performing that evening.

Tracy Bennett

We have people interested in fiber arts, quilting, sculpture -- any of the visual arts in quite a variety of media.

Jeanne Board

CIS enjoys ever-expanding adoption by developers across a wide variety of vertical markets that need to manage and access their vital business information in disparate data sources across geographical locations. With this latest release, we've answered customer requirements for expanded flexibility and fine-tuned performance to deliver an even more robust solution.

James Crawford

You can't design one truck to fit everybody. So we're designing a wide variety of trucks.

Joe Veltri

The skill level at the academy varies. I played with a guy yesterday who shot a 64 (8 under par), but I have also played with people who are bogey golfers, so there is a wide variety of golfing abilities at the academy and every student has his or her own set of objectives they hope to obtain through the academy experience.

Shaun Guyer

We try to cater to a wide variety of people, making it as convenient as possible. Our customers are business clientele, residents from the neighborhood and either upscale or walk-around tourists.

John Mcgee

We have planned a variety of celebratory events for (today). We're hosting Triad, business leaders, our (Gateway) board and others at a lunch at the Clarksville Country Club ... and are also holding a reception (tonight) so that members of the medical staff can meet the Triad officials.

Randy Kelley

Easing the regulation will offer mutual funds the opportunity to explore companies overseas, also giving the investors more variety. The move will also help the mutual fund industry operate in line with global mutual fund companies.

Paras Adenwala

Two hundred years ago cooking was very time consuming. Actually, for most families until after the 1850s, foods were very limited in their variety. The average winter diet of a southern American was fat back and corn-mill, along with some wheat products that you could store through winter.

Kathryn Beach

So, their variety show has real variety. If one scene doesn't make you laugh, the next one probably will.

Greg Morales

There's a great variety in the action on the stage. It needs to be visual as well as aural. You can add greater dimension to a concert.

Jeff Buhrman

This display is designed to keep the guys happy. There will be a wide variety of power tools they can check out.

Peggy Ruh

In the time of your life, live - so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite variety and mystery of it.

William Saroyan

There's a whole variety of small game here and deer and turkey.

Dan Butler

If we have a protein sequence from bone, we can tell if the material is an original part of the organism that will provide interesting information about its past. We can know where it came from. Our goal is to use a variety of technologies new to paleontology to develop a deeper understanding of prehistoric life - and everyone dreams of embellishing our understanding of dinosaurs.

Peggy Ostrom

We can't wait to get it going. It gives us things we need to make sure we can alert the public in a variety of ways — with cell phones, text messaging, and tying into our current outbound calling system.

Susan Tolchin

Customers asked for a tool that would allow them to delegate domain name management responsibilities to a variety of people on a variety of levels, yet ensure they retain control over their domains. So we developed the exact solution they requested.

Bob Parsons

We would like people to know that we have lots of Variety coin tins and posters that they can use in their places of work, business, church, and other community venues. We will gladly deliver the tins/posters to them and pick them up prior to ninth of February, so that they can be tallied prior to the Variety telethon on Feb. 11 and 12.

Cheryl Magnussen

Quite frankly, I question their value. I'm not sure how much the commission can absorb, because they're going to be getting a variety of viewpoints.

Ron Porter

There's an enormous amount of ambition to take Cirque outside the theater to a wide variety of applications.

Rodney Landi

I build confidence when I practice a variety of shots - hitting it high or low, working the ball. A lot of golfers go to the range and just hit full shots. That doesn't build on-course confidence, because you won't always hit full shots out there. My confidence is built on knowing I can effectively work the ball in any circumstance.

Joanne Carner

Best Western's past, present and future is grounded in our commitment to providing quality customer care, and to the millions of guests who have made us their 'home away from home' since 1946. As we commemorate our 60th Anniversary, we look forward to bringing a variety of unique programs to our loyal customers throughout the year, beginning with this special room rate promotion.

Dorothy Dowling

They were very persistent in saying they were coming out, ... That was the positive part of the communications. He is now in custody. There will be a variety of charges.

Philip Turner

I make films I believe in. Today my strength is emotional drama. I know I lack courage to do a variety of films but I am getting better.

Karan Johar

Few brands in the last ten years have made the impact and created the kind of focused marketing excitement as Hummer, ... Our new agreement presents us with the opportunity to build on this foundation in a variety of ways to reach new customers.

Ron Zarrella

I heard people express frustration over a variety of things, not necessarily just this particular incident. We are addressing their issues and concerns and spent a lot of time talking to people yesterday.

Regina Curry

A great location in Central Florida and a variety of recreational opportunities, festivals and events continue to draw retirees to DeLand.

Alan Fox

Due to a variety of recent factors, we expect to report stronger than anticipated first quarter results and with this in mind are increasing our full year expectations. We are completing our normal closing process and expect to provide more detail on May 4, 2006, our previously scheduled earnings release date.

Kevin Cameron

We took all these data points and fed them into a database. Then we looked at how successful the films were, based on a variety of indicators, including the number of awards it received, how much money it made at the box office and how many people had voted for a particular film on the Internet Movie Database .

Matthew Prince

North American manufacturers have really focused on product, launching a wide variety of new and exciting model offerings, ... In the end the consumer wins, in terms of choice, product quality and affordability.

Brian Ambrose

[But will there be any party music on future compilations?] President Clinton hasn't picked the songs yet for the subsequent albums, ... but in all likelihood there will be (some R&B and rock included) because he likes a wide variety of music.

Skip Rutherford

Basically, Friday and Saturday night, we're going to close when the party's over. If people start leaving, then we're going to close, but if we're still hopping at 1 o'clock, then we're going to offer them that variety that they're needing.

Kurt Oberloh

It's a season of great variety with something for everyone. It's been great to see the palpable excitement that Denver feels for this great orchestra.

Jeffrey Kahane

Look at growth, look at how much time people spend on the Net and look at the variety of things that they are doing. It's all really good, so I am actually encouraged by the fundamentals that underlie usage growth on the Net.

Meg Whitman

This will be a supervised class. This is for people who are looking for variety. They can make it as hard as they want it.

Steve Newport

Variety was founded in 1905 and used street lingo.

Tim Gray

We have a great variety of items donated for the auction.

Renee Williams

We have a wide variety of pumpkins and a full spectrum of people.

Dave Groemm

While American farmers are Monsanto's main customers, much of their market is also overseas, where they've helped develop crops exclusively for Third World countries, including a variety of disease-resistant sweet potato.

Michael Fumento

A small portion of several things is probably better for you than a big portion of one thing because you get a wider variety of nutrients.

Jim Barnes

We were actually doing quite well with the contemporary format, but Clear Channel launched the new variety format two years ago and it's just been a remarkable success.

Debbie Wagner

The sari's radiance, vigor and variety, produced by a single straight length of cloth, should give us in the West pause and make us think twice about the zipper, the dart and the shoulder pad.

Naveen Patnaik

We're looking at a variety of things regarding health care and obviously you have to.

Gene Mancini Jr

This expansion is the result of a carefully planned process to assess the need and resources available in the surrounding area. No other organization is providing the variety and depth of supportive care that the professionals at Cancer Services do.

Chris Gomez

Many of the Kiwis appearing in powerful business circles around the world come from accounting backgrounds. Yet often people have preset ideas of how an accountant walks, talks, smells - although not in the business community. For me it is a career that offers a lot of variety and challenges and I love it.

Phillip Roth

Our new 2006 lineup continues our tradition of bringing our guests the most vacation choices in the world of gay travel. Whether they're looking for a casual beach in Mexico or a tour of Istanbul, we have a cruise to suit a wide variety of tastes and traveling styles. We've managed to keep our rates in line with 2005 as we continue to provide the best value for the gay traveler.

Rich Campbell

There's too many bars. I want more variety. I want to bring in new people downtown.

Ricardo Oliveira

With the combination of first-class technology and premium design, Samsung has led the industry by offering various features of mobile phones. With great improvements in mobile storage, Samsung will continue to introduce a variety of useful functions for mobile.

Kitae Lee

No matter what the reaction, to me, it's been a success, ... I'm sure some people will criticize. There is such a wide variety of people who come through here.

Trafalgar Square

It's amazing. We get such a variety. I have kids who really have talent, but we also get kids that may not be as talented, but took the risk and got up in front of 100 kids and perform.

Heather Marner

The young ones have a yen for musical variety, plus some of the band's appeal can be traced to those old '30s and '40s movies appearing on late night and cable TV. A lot of kids seeing the band are enthralled by what they hear. We've got some hot players on the stand who can really perform. That really appeals to them.

Larry O'brien

There's a lot of great cartoonists working, but I don't see too many people coming along who are of the 'where have you been all my life?' variety.

Daniel Clowes

Our member firms are able to offer people training and offer them a variety of different assignments so they get exposed to different kinds of settings.

Richard Wahlquist

There is need of variety in sex, but not in love.

Theodore Reik

We like this team for a variety of reasons, and the main ones being the experience, having our setter back and, this is the most depth I've had in my 20 years as a head coach. We've never been this deep top to bottom.

Jeff Carroll

She has a variety of pitchers that make her successful.

Dan Hogan

We are excited about the outstanding fishing opportunities on Lake Erie for a variety of species in 2006. The large 2003 hatch should provide large numbers of good-sized walleye and yellow perch, while quality smallmouth bass and steelhead trout fishing also will available to Lake Erie anglers.

Roger Knight

The banishment for life of Pete Rose from baseball is a sad end if a sorry episode. One of the game's greatest players has engaged in a variety of acts which have stained the game, and he must now live with the consequences of those acts. There is absolutely no deal for reinstatement.

A. Bartlett Giamatti

The lack of experience I think can be overrated, ... Speaking specifically of Girardi, this is a guy that caught and played for a variety of managers at the major league level and sat at the right hand of Joe Torre. I think the experiences that he's had lend themselves well to taking that manager's seat (for the Marlins).

Bob Brenly

We're trying to get some variety and take-out products that are not doing well. We really didn't know the current relative acceptability of the menu items except for some of the components used in other rations.

Vicki Loveridge

So often space is wasted, or dead, in a house which the owners consider too small. First, you need to take away the name of the room, and then the space is liberated for a variety of new uses.

Phil Robinson

We are waiting on various parties to get back to us on a variety of options and proposals.

Ryan Coetzee

It depends on a whole variety of things: If they're really truly sorry for what they did, if they show sincere remorse. The severity of the offense, motive, strength of evidence -- all of that factors in to how we proceed.

Dan Davis

The recent name change to the Old Mutual Advisor Funds II enables us to market all of our fund choices under one common Old Mutual branding strategy. The new manager assignments further enhance our product offering to the financial community as part of a broad, multi-tiered fund family that provides solutions for a variety of investment needs.

David Bullock

Product development across multiple organizations is particularly challenging here, because for the past decade, we've grown as much as 30 percent a year. We not only needed to address design complexity but any solution we implemented also had to be usable in a wide variety of engineering and computing environments.

Roger Brooks

We tested a wide variety of off-brand inks from many different sources, including office depot, staples, some online retailers, as well as specialty ink stores.

Consumer Reports

We're using a variety of materials, adapting the engineering to what we can find.

Walter Baumy

They stopped following the trends in Eastern Pennsylvania and tinkered much more with variety. There's a huge variety here that you don't see in eastern counties.

Lu Donnelly

Hamburgers have been around for a long, long time and there's a wear-out factor there. There has been a very strong growth for sandwiches for a very long time. People want variety.

Bob Goldin

We will be adding more academics in the next few years to accommodate a wider variety of students, such as those from the School of Architecture. Syracuse got a reputation as a 'traditional, does-it-well' program, and it's so much better than that. Seeing it come back to the forefront of study abroad centers is really exciting.

Dr. Meredith Hyde

The six-pairs-for-three-dollars (brand) were as good as the $12 a pair variety.

Lisa Huhman

Great jackets. It's a very good jacket year. There's a lot of variety and a lot of details - embroidery, buttons.

Danielle Webb

As demonstrated by Glatfelter Insurance Group, it doesn't take a large company to make a big impact on employees through a variety of wellness benefits. Employees want choices and have shown their support by taking action, maintaining better health and staying on the job.

Jerry Ripperger

Particularly, I enjoy strolling in the streets, watching passersby, gazing at the beautiful variety of the dresses and perceiving their joy; their sadness. At home, during the small hours of the night, I'll paint from memory what I have seen in the streets until I am under the impression of being with them again.

Peter Malkin

We listen to him on a variety of subjects. Sean is in contact with him constantly. Yes, we do talk to him and see him as often as we can.

James Dickey

It's a great opportunity to work with the children and keep them busy during the break. They can do a variety of activities.

Cliff Cary

We wanted to provide as much of a simulation of the golf swing as we could without making the game as tough as the real sport. Professional golfers have a huge variety of shots available, not just shots they choose from a menu before they play them. We've made the analogue swing even more analogue.

Struan Robertson

We continue to see great support for the attorney general all around the state from a variety of donors, and we feel this positions him to run the kind of issues-based, energetic campaign we've planned on.

Ryan Toohey

This year, the theme of the cookie sale is Be Brilliant. Girls will be coming up with brilliant and creative ideas to sell Girl Scout cookies. And in the process, participants will learn finance skills, public speaking, marketing and customer service, goal planning and a variety of other life skills that will help them succeed in the future.

Belinda Wright

Right here in our back yards are the sites of battles and campaigns that are as important in our history as the Civil War, ... Our knowledge of those wars lags far behind the Civil War. When I give talks, people seem to be astonished by the depth and variety of history along the lake.

Howard Coffin

You know, the chances of there being a nuclear or biological event in Monroe are slim but there is a chance of a chemical disaster simply because of all the industries we have in the area that use a wide variety of chemicals, ... So this really reinforces the importance of our ability to collaborate with other agencies.

Mary Austin

Our 60-plus came together and worked well as a group to brainstorm ideas, identify issues and shortfalls — whether it be the medical area or communication, or just a variety of areas that have to be addressed in this plan.

Barney Welch

Everything in the electronics industry is getting more complicated, and the data management problems are truly enormous. What's needed are tools that provide a framework to facilitate the internal custom development of products for a variety of design and manufacturing processes, throughout a product's life cycle.

Mike Burkett

I think the notable thing is the variety of schools on the list. We have the gamut, from urban schools to small schools in rural areas. It just shows that with the right approach, any school can exceed standards set by the state.

Karla Carruthers

A variety of it could be laws, it could be financial funding. I bet it will be a combination of everything.

Shelley Lauten

They're trying to do a lot of different things to provide for a variety of needs out there. They've had mixed success. But there's a lot of creativity and they're striving to capture more advertisers.

Greg Sterling

These guidelines mark a commitment by the industry to provide schools with beverages that offer variety, nutrition and fewer calories, and are very similar to the Coca-Cola System's current guidelines in the U.S..

Don Knauss

Throughout their history, the Nubians played a variety of roles with the Egyptians. They were colonized for a time and for a while were quite powerful in relationship to the Egyptians. And for 100 years, they ruled over them.

Stephen Harvey

The typical exposure has been an occasional lapse for a variety of reasons -- the condom broke, the condom slipped, they in the heat of the moment forgot to put it on -- and typically followed with a great deal of regret and remorse.

Tom Coates

Certainly it's a juggling act when it comes to scheduling tennis. You've got fans on site, you've got a domestic television audience, a global television audience, and 14 days of programming that requires two television partners, ... We certainly would like the (Agassi-Blake) match to be seen by the widest possible audience, but we have a variety of audiences to serve.

David Newman

Just look in the produce section of your grocery store and you'll see an array of tofu products: plain or flavored tofu in a variety of textures, tofu burgers and sausages, even custard-like desserts.

Brita Housez

I wanted to go with a warm, cozy feeling. I didn't want to go too high-end so that I could get a variety of people here. It did get a little dressier than I expected, though.

Adam Depasquale

Rural America faces tough economic challenges for a variety of reasons, including global competition, population declines, as well as state and federal policy trends.

Karl Stauber

Operating costs will go into humanities in variety of ways, [They will go to] replacing the program in Italy, raising graduate student stipends in the humanities in particular and also the social studies.

Dean Falk

I am fascinated by the variety of social content and political content in the films we will be judging. This is the kind of cinema I like a lot and the kind I think is very important.

Charlotte Rampling

It's great. I feel like coaches are realizing the strengths that we have on this team, the type of players and what we can do ? the variety of things.

Arnaz Battle

2005 was a record-breaking year for Harvest Texarkana. We collected and distributed 601,671 pounds of food. As an affiliate of America's Second Harvest ... Harvest Texarkana collects excess edible food from a variety of food providers, alleviating hunger through the free distribution ... to programs feeding those in need.

Michelle Harutunian

We want to rush and pass the ball with production and variety to keep defenses guessing.

Jeff Mcinerney

People marry for a variety of reasons and with varying results. But to marry for love is to invite inevitable tragedy.

James Branch Cabell

These 10 years in Manhattan were incredibly rich, with a wide variety of artists who were really trying to change the world.

Lynn Gumpert

People are already struggling and feeling like they need to keep up with the variety of information sources they already have. There are upper limits to how much we can manage.

David Greenfield

I probably have traveled and walked into more variety stores than anybody in America. I am just trying to get ideas, any kind of ideas that will help our company. Most of us don't invent ideas. We take the best ideas from someone else.

Sam Walton

Our staff objective for the spring is always to prepare for the fall. We wanted to work with the team in different systems and with a variety of players in different positions - a lot of experimenting. That being the objective, I think we had a successful spring.

Steve Holeman

This will demonstrate that when they send in their membership payment, it is going to support a variety of art .

Gail Parsons

Now kids have such a variety. I've photographed kids with cows, a mule, a horse, cars and even an image of Elvis.

Mark Watson

We have new neighborhoods and new amenities on the way. A series of new neighborhoods with a wide variety of residential offerings is in the final stages of planning and our extraordinary new waterfront beach clubhouse will soon be breaking ground.

Wayne Martin

There still are a variety of false positives and false negatives. And also, there is an enormous under-study of [mental] countermeasures that can be used with this.

Paul Wolpe

Poor air quality, which can be influenced by a variety of fumes, chemicals and allergens, is arguably the leading cause of triggers for most asthmatics in urban areas.

Adrian Smith

Bridge's core U.S. equities information business has a strong base among institutional investors, an area in which Reuters has traditionally been under-represented and where there are a variety of strong competitors.

Peter Job

The Monitor is undertaking strenuous efforts on Jill's behalf, taking advantage of every opportunity we have at our disposal. People at the Monitor are working on this night and day in a variety of cities around the world.

David Cook

Public art brings variety, energy and life to our public spaces. The One Percent for Art Program compliments this town's thriving art community and it serves as a testimonial to our elected officials' dedication to the city's cultural heritage and vision for the future.

Porter Arneill

We play a variety of music from time-tested standards to contemporary, more recently written pieces.

Thomas Rohrer

The majority of our customers live close by and once they stop in and see the variety of home decor they pass the word along.

Lisa Zguta

I think that?s what people look for today in a (travel) show ? good variety.

Chip Hart

It's always great. It gives us a chance to see how we match up with a variety of teams in a single day.

Jose Mejia

The letters really reveal the real man, unclouded by drugs. Letters were his dreams, fears, a variety of subjects, fidelity, alcohol, faith. It's like reading someone's diary.

Ann Sharpsteen

We've had an increased amount of staff absent. The substitutes are often in different schools and in different school districts so they are sometimes more vulnerable because they work in a variety of places.

Teri Mowery

This is our third year of creating Digital Lifestyle homes for CES, and over the years we've introduced thousands of visitors to a wide variety of new products. This is the place to come to see the best technology out there today and get a glimpse of what is to come in the upcoming year.

Paul Barnett

Combined customer initiatives including greater menu variety, compelling everyday value offerings, convenient and contemporary restaurants and relevant marketing continue to drive our business forward.

Jim Skinner

You know, basically in a commodity business, low cost wins, ... And this is by far the best company in terms of supply chain management, marketing programs; [it] understands how to get that low cost to the consumer and to the corporate customer through a variety of areas and now they're looking at getting into the printer market.

Tobias Levkovich

The solicitation will be broad enough to accommodate a wide variety of product types, including national and regional vendors. We expect that the solicitation will lead to a healthy competition among potential providers.

Linda M. Springer

It slid into being a variety of events.

Dan Crews

A revolution is taking place right now in mobility. Customers today demand a variety of services that will allow them to live, work and play in their fast-paced, mobile world. These new services drive new packet traffic, not only across new air interfaces, but also in the transport to each cell site.

Larry Lang

Within the past five years, we've started really seeing a lot of interest in childhood activities being incorporated into exercise classes. It's the variety of the activities, and the novelty, and there's definitely an element of escapism about them: You can go into a studio for an hour and be a salsa dancer.

Allyson Donnelly

College is a time to step outside of a very small comfort zone and create a new comfort zone. Be open to a variety of people and activities.

Drake Martin

There hasn't been a pow wow here before. This is the first one, and it is very important because it brings people here to our facility that is very versatile and can be used for a variety of events.

Scott Christensen

She used to rely a lot on her power. Now she has a variety of pitches she can mix in.

Paul Fernandez

By injecting the digital sales into the Top 100 we immediately saw a greater variety of music, especially in the top half of the chart.

Geoff Mayfield

I think reading is important for a variety of things. I mean, first of all, it's a way to get information and find out what's going on in the world. But also, it helps your imagination.

Breckin Meyer

Nothing more certain than uncertainties; / Fortune is full of fresh variety: / Constant in nothing but inconstancy.

Richard Barnfield

Everybody today is talking price and flavor to attract business. We wanted to talk about what makes us unique for our customers: being authentic, urban, slightly irreverent and known as 'the real chicken' place. We've always owned value and we've always been authentic. Now with spicy flavor offerings and variety, we have a solid strategy that differentiates us from the competition.

Farnaz Wallace

Never has there been a better time or place in history to have access to such a range of character and variety.

Greg Koch

Anna stayed pretty solid and I just tried to hit the ball in the court, which was very difficult, ... I had to use a variety [of shots], like a slice or a topspin.

Akiko Morigami

It will make it a different experience every time you visit. Right now, you can go from point A to point A. We want to have more versatility, more variety, to go from Point A to Point B to C to D.

Ted Molter

Give Greenville credit because they had no quit in them. They have guys who can score in a variety of ways. They did everything they could shooting the ball, most of the time with our defender guarding the closely. Luckily we had enough of a lead that we were able to pull it off in the end.

Brock Blassingame

I think the critics don't really understand [professional wrestling] and don't view it as the fans do. It's a combination of soap opera, variety show, grand adventure and theater all rolled into one.

Gary Davis

There's probably a variety of alien life visiting our planet.

Robert Farrell

In things to be seen at once, much variety makes confusion, another vice of beauty. In things that are not seen at once, and have no respect one to another, great variety is commendable, provided this variety transgress not the rules of optics and geometry.

Christopher Wren

We've got a good, strong variety of people on the board. I'm really looking forward to involving a lot of people.

Brian Bode

We've always been known for a diverse menu that offers a wide variety of fresh, quality options. Now, we're continuing to innovate by expanding our kids' meal menu with delicious and nutritious choices that children love and parents appreciate. It's a win-win for everyone.

Ian Rowden

Visitors will be surprised to see the variety of people (that worked) on the railroads.

Dick Hillman

The hype surrounding the SA needs to be improved. People need to know that it's not just dealing with academic issues, because that's what it often gets pegged to. It's also dealing with a variety of student life issues that are really important to not only people who are active in the colleges but also to the people who aren't involved.

Althea Tupper

The strength of the partners in Golf Retirement Plus lies in their ability to be creative and provide a unique variety of products. Golf Design meets such a criteria, and we are most pleased that it has renewed its commitment to PGA Professionals and Golf Retirement Plus.

Roger Warren

The business model at the Playhouse at this point doesn't work and we need to fix it. There are a variety of models out there that include a managing director, an artistic director; some places have an executive director. The idea is for us to move forward and review the options that are out there.

Shelly Spivack

They are both explosive-type players. Even if the offense is struggling, those two can still break it for you. The fact that they can both take it to the house any time they touch the ball is something every defense has to worry about and account for. Neil and Chris are both very versatile. They can block and run and catch the ball, and they can play a variety of positions.

Greg Dempsey

We're concerned there's a trend toward critical drugs being made by just one company. When companies merge, some products are discontinued for a variety of reasons.

Joe Deffenbaugh

We're not going to comment on the reasons for the change. Relationships between physicians and Health First Health Plans change on an ongoing basis for a variety of reasons.

Keith Lundquist

We're hoping for a large variety of food and craft vendors. We encourage any to participate - individuals, businesses, churches and organizations.

Gail Rogora

There are a variety of factors going on in the marketplace, so I don't think you can say the Medicare change in pricing is in itself creating a single reason why individuals say they are not getting their treatment.

Herb Kuhn

The rapid ramp up of available solutions from automotive OEMs [original equipment manufacturers' is a stark contrast to the normal five-year product development cycle in the automotive industry. The variety of solutions reflects the swiftly changing landscape of the mobile audio market where branded audio solutions, surround sound and mobile device integration are driving market growth.

Phil Magney

Visitors will be treated to an unprecedented variety of live entertainment and vacation thrills in 2006.

Ross Summers

We are seeing a trend shift with travelers now favoring classic popular destinations such as Rome, Venice, Paris and London, while Eastern Europe was all the rage in 2005. With all of the incredible variety Europe has to offer, it was surprising that the top two cities according to travelers are both in Italy.

Michele Perry

It's not part of our case, but the variety of available options ought to include gay adoption, in my opinion. Florida and Alabama are the only two states who don't allow it. That doesn't seem right.

Michael Dale

Each speaker has an opportunity to mentor our nation's next generation of role models, and they will talk on a variety of issues -- decision-making, appearance, networking, building relationships -- all the important components of being a success in life.

Beverly Kearney

Customers continue to tell us that they want great-tasting menu choices with new flavor and more variety. As a result, quality chicken products represent an important part of our menu. To satisfy customers' taste preferences, we are adding a new Spicy Premium Chicken Sandwich to our line of successful Premium Chicken Sandwiches.

John Betts

Manufacturers are still trying to define the crossover vehicle, and we will continue to see a variety of crossover vehicles enter the marketplace. No one wants to be just a minivan or a sedan owner anymore.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone

It was a variety of everything. We had a lot of adversity to overcome, whether it was our doing or (Lauderdale County's).

Pamela N. Holloway

New York's park visitors enjoy seeing the tremendous variety of animals that call our State Parks home. We have had great success in enhancing their habitats. This strategy will help us to continue our efforts now and in the future.

Bernadette Castro

It is not the number of books you read, nor the variety of sermons you hear, nor the amount of religious conversation in which you mix, but it is the frequency and earnestness with which you meditate on these things until the truth in them becomes yo.

Frederick W. Robertson

In a system like New York, we want to create a variety of choices. As long as they meet a minimum threshold of performance, they're addressing the needs of parents and families who have a preference for that type of education. One size doesn't fit all in a system like this.

Bob Hughes

We have found that there is no one style of residence hall that is perfect for every student. That's why having the variety of styles that we have on this campus is such a good thing. We know that some students value location and closeness to dining facilities while others consider privacy more important.

Alicia Browne

Choose a variety of snacks. Try new things. Try new wheat crackers. Try different fruits. Variety is important to get a broad variety of vitamins and minerals.

Jenny Gardner

Nurses are being utilized in a variety of ways besides at the bedsides in this day and age. It's different than it was 20 to 30 years ago.

Margaret Heffers

We are going to have a real wide variety of residential opportunities for folks.

Joe Perring

It's indulgent, sweet, cold, rich, and there's a lot of variety. It's refreshing. But I think mainly we like it because it's a relatively inexpensive way to pamper ourselves.

Bob Roberts

If you were to design a truly effective measure that would include a wide variety of factors that go into an examination of how police go about their jobs, you could, perhaps, achieve that end. But the analyses that we see come as a result of these kinds of efforts are crude and primitive. The goal is to achieve the desired result.

Heather Macdonald

We sing a variety of songs many people already know, songs like 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight,' 'Carolina in the Morning,' 'Get Happy' and many more, all written and adapted to our style of singing.

Janet Kushmerek

We are delighted with Ford's success in 2005. Although the industry as a whole is growing, trading conditions are still extremely competitive with greater variety of models now on offer.

Nigel Harris

I think it's important to convey to the women some of the variety of choices available to them as they try to put forth their best self, to present themselves to their best advantage.

Alexandra Turallo

It's not like a factory anymore. One-size-fits-all schools don't work. ... Schools are being built with a variety of spaces that meet the needs of individual learners.

Jeffery Lackney

We wanted to mix both documentaries and fiction films. We wanted to offer a variety of different areas of the world, and we wanted to feature some things that people have heard of, and other things that very few people have heard of.

Tom Yoshikami

[ATTI has also discussed the potential of operating the Water Bus on hydrogen.] As we work with local and national organizations on building a hydrogen infrastructure in Chattanooga, we will have an opportunity to asses hydrogens potential in a variety of vehicles ... A hydrogen Water Bus has a certain ring to it.

Steve Leach

If you love pizza, my advice is to experiment with your toppings by using a wide variety of vegetables and even fruits, and you will find yourself with a healthy meal.

Deanna Miller

We wanted a variety. We have people from other states.

Maria Fernandez

Put some diversity in your final variety list. Don't plant the farm to only one variety. Matching varieties and genetics to specific fields helps you spread your production risk. It's simply good management.

Dr. Randy Boman

You get a certain benefit from getting a bargain, over and above the financial benefit there's a psychological benefit. There are a variety of reasons why people may feel that -- one is the thrill of beating the system. Another is demonstrating the skill of being able to find good bargains.

Lars Perner

It is a route that will show all the beauty and variety of our country.

Valentino Castellani

We are continually seeing an increase in the number of obese patients presenting to hospitals. These patients are not necessarily surgical patients but present with a variety of medical needs and can be seen throughout a health care facility.

Sandy Wise

Here is the truth of the matter. The individuals that we invited were, one, expected to speak, and were expected to present their opinions on the issue of taxation, specifically as it pertains to cars and trucks. We had a variety of opinions expressed by the invited guests that were there.

Brandon Hall

You will see a greater variety of freshly prepared foods, with a specific focus on the chicken category and breakfast.

Ralph Alvarez

If Americans were to make the effort to manage their weight using a variety of options, including better nutrition, more exercise, approved medications or even surgical approaches, we would be rewarded with significantly better health.

Louis Aronne

The e-business infrastructure is built upon a variety of applications running on different platforms across different networking protocols -- and they all need to share data, ... Universal access to data is a quantum leap towards the industry's goal of interoperability.

Linda Sanford

She had really hit a rocket earlier right at the shortstop and this time she hit one deep in the hole that the shortstop couldn't get to. Overall, everyone played well. We had 11 hits, several of the infield variety which showed a lot of hustle. They were timely hits.

Karen Karch

The students actually had the opportunity to play a variety of rhythm instruments together. There were instruments of all sizes; some that were played while straddling, some that are carried, and some that were three-feet tall.

Jan Wilson

I was very happy with the musicians Pete chose, ... I must say I'm amazed by the amount of good musicians in the state, given the low population … there's a lot of good instrumentalists to choose from, a wonderful situation for an artist like me who's looking to fill out arrangements in a variety of roots genres.

Will Danforth

The Weapons Systems Trainer is part of a total training program that graduates mission-qualified C-130 aircrews. These simulators prepare aircrews for a variety of missions without actually flying the aircraft, reducing costs, and delivering a safe, effective training solution to our customers.

Lorraine Martin

It seems they have a better selection. There are a variety of books here. It looks real good.

Brenda Parr

I think IBM invented proprietary back in the 80s, but that's not what customers want. They want to have flexibility in choosing a variety of different technologies that they want to deploy.

Bob Samson

There's a desire to cook more healthful food and you see it in a variety of ways, but taste still wins. If it doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter. Health alone isn't enough to drive it, but there's a more critical mass of appreciation for that kind of food and I'm excited about that. It's a fascinating time to be working with food.

Peggy Katalinich

We've got just a variety of cultures during the show. I guess it's sort of an idealistic show. Here we are, all different cultures, and look at us here together. I think people get a sense of that.

Aislinn Ryan

Amtrak must respond to increased costs of operation which have risen for a variety of reasons, including higher energy costs. We periodically adjust fares upward in response to market conditions and we try to set fares at a level that will produce the most revenue.

Cliff Black