One of the reasons mature people stop learning is that they become less and less willing to risk failure.

John W. Gardner

As soon as the military goes in and can establish appropriate law and order, stop vandalism, stop the gangs running through the area, attacking people, commandeering weapons and food, we'd be more than willing to participate.

Jim Bowman

There are people working on legislation, there are people working on public education, there are people holding protest signs, but those things alone will not achieve the end result of animal liberation. So people who are willing to break the law to stop animals being exploited are just one part of a liberation movement.

Dr. Jerry Vlasak

Banning handguns alone is not gong to stop the violence, but it's a big step.

Chris Daly

Stanfill put him on his tail four or five times, ... Steve was a great athlete, confident and cocky, but we put tremendous pressure on him. That was the best way I knew to stop the quarterback.

Vince Dooley

They were on a run and we had to stop them.

Tara Jacobson

Although I am getting older, I am not quite ready to stop, ... I am having too much fun.

Susan Williams

You know how they say stop and smell the roses? Well, there is a lot of truth to that.

Dennis Hall

I made sure I thought positive and made them. At the beginning of the season, I went too fast with them. It was a major adrenaline rush. I couldn't stop shaking.

Chelsea Cannon

They used huge numbers of armed thugs who attacked the election observers and the voters, and the security did nothing to stop them.

Amir Salem

It wasn't in our game plan to have to stop a kid shooting NBA-range 3's against us. But we were able to do a decent job on the other guys.

Dan Shultis

If they vote to stop the program, the program will be stopped. That will be that.

Bill Moss

That's where the great players want to go. Just like Florida State, the thing that scares you with my dad the last two years is top players are gonna stop going there if they don't think they can play for national championships.

Terry Bowden

Who are these people that keep telling us lies and how did these people get control of our lives and who'll stop the violence 'cause it's out of control? Make 'em stop.

Burt Bacharach

Until people stop burning, it's going to keep going up.

Brian Archer

It's not going to stop here. This can be done anywhere.

Rachel Friedman

I told our players not to leave her, that she can shoot the 3, and we came off to stop penetration and she hit two big 3s in the game.

Mary Pinkowski

Smoking is so addictive that pregnant women often can't stop the habit, no matter what the consequences. Our hope is that this study will show expectant mothers another danger of lighting up.

Benjamin Chang

We're not going to let this stop us, we'll just thank God that it turned out as well as it did. Because it could have turned out totally different.

Ragina Barnett

We just missed the shots and that's the game of basketball. We had to foul to try to stop the clock. ... We can look at this game and say we're going to learn.

Bethany Irwin

The traveller must, of course, always be cautious of the overly broad generalisation. But I am an American, and a paucity of data does not stop me from making sweeping, vague, conceptual statements and, if necessary, following these statements up with troops.

George Saunders

We need to stop spending money on death, the war in Iraq and on enhancing the lives of the people in our own country.

Dick Morris

Let's find out what everyone is doing, And then stop everyone from doing it.

Alan Herbert

Maybe we need to guard better. We probably do. They came off some screens and hit a lot of big shots. We were in a position to win if we hit a free throw and get a stop.

Doug Tolin

We are seeing grassroots support at every stop on the Believe in Arkansas Tour this week, and General Beebe is grateful for the financial and personal support he has received from Arkansans all over the state.

Zac Wright

We have warned poultry farmers to fence off their birds and stop them mixing with wild ones.

Behrouz Yasemi

The current administration is fostering a sense of insecurity so the public is more willing to accept the excesses of this administration. We need to stop that.

Scott Silver

I think [the '91 team] could stop the run and have Leinart try and pass against our talented cornerbacks.

Sonny Sixkiller

I pulled up next to him to tell him to stop and he tried to hit me with his van.

Archie Struthers

That is the most insane (style), playing that team. It's crazy. There's nothing you can do to stop the tide.

Rick Sabosky

One-to-one community building, tape trading, is something we've always been about. The idea of a massive one-stop Web site that does not build community is not what we had in mind. Our conclusion has been that it doesn't represent Grateful Dead values.

Dennis Mcnally

Tony has to settle down and let the plays come to him. When he struggles, we struggle. We are 12 games into the season, so I have to stop making excuses for him. I have to keep driving him, not let up, and help him become a better player.

Orlando Early

There are five different areas to stop and sit and ponder.

Dee Press

We need to stop kidding ourselves, ... That is our future.

William Pickett

We could not stop (Brown) inside. She was too big, too aggressive for us.

Garry Cooper

We think we can actually stop that. We're not accusing them of helping to make weapons. But they are helping store nuclear bombs.

Pete Reilly

The circle of greed has to stop.

Gary Wagner

What we needed was an exhibit that was at the top of historical advances. It's very important for students to learn that the Nazi era was not like a film beginning at a certain point and leading to an end that couldn't have been different. The German people several times had chances to stop it, but they didn't.

Norbert Kampe

A case, like this, could stop with a single, low-level arrest, maybe two. They often stop right where the resources dry up to investigate.

Drew Wrigley

Authoritative decision to stop people from rioting in the streets.

Neal Katyal

That's the thing about this team. Everybody scores pretty equally, and everybody gets after it defensively. We have so many weapons on this team. That makes it hard on the opponent. Who are you going to stop?

Joakim Noah

The U.S. Supreme Court doesn't require her to be there. It is her decision, and we have not discussed it yet. Obviously there is a great deal of money involved in this case, but the principle is more important than the money. Ms. Nicole Smith believes that her husband intended to support her for the rest of her life, and his son is trying to stop him from achieving that.

Kent Richland

We are pleased that the government has agreed to stop using taxpayer dollars to fund the Silver Ring Thing's religious activities. The ACLU supports the right of Silver Ring Thing to offer religious programming, but it may not do so using government funds.

Julie Sternberg

I'm real proud of our effort. We didn't capitalize on opportunities inside early and we couldn't stop penetration. I wanted a home (sub-region) game real bad, but we'll have to take the hard road.

Larry Easterwood

She just kept throwing strikes. She got down on the count some, but she just kept on trucking. She didn't let it stop her or get down on herself or anything like that. She kept her game face on.

Tammy Crowley

I believe they don?t want to put a stop to these investigations because they want to oust the President through extra-constitutional measures.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

I don't expect you to have any leniency or even believe a word I say. I have to stop lying to myself.

Christopher Moore

Our goal was to slow down Cage. He's a hell of a player. If he gets going, he's tough to stop. I tried to get in front of him and take pride in stopping him.

Deandre Haynes

You can't try to stop Marcus Vick. Vick will get his yards.

Randy Shannon

Yeah, because when I went to the hole, it was all open, and that opened up our shooters. And then they dropped down to try and stop me from going to the hole.

Janisha Gearlds

Now the Forest Service and BLM must stop avoiding their legal responsibilities and get to work implementing the Forest Plan, so at least minimal protections are in place for ancient forests, salmon, wildlife and clean drinking water.

Doug Heiken

We have to stop the vulnerability of losing lives so stupidly. We have the capacity. We have the brains, yet we behave like new-born kids.

Angelique Kidjo

Sure it represents a fair amount of money being spent on Itanium, but it's money those companies would have spent anyway. HP is the real key. It has the lion's share of the Itanium market, and, not that this is going to happen, but if HP walked away from the Itanium, Intel would stop development on it the next day.

Gordan Haff

I didn't think that we defended well, but when our back was against the wall, we were able to come up with the stop we needed.

Roy Roberson

You hate to lose, but it's a great opportunity to play Mount Vernon and give them a little run for their money. We just couldn't stop them down the stretch, but I'm proud of the way we played and I couldn't ask for more.

Kevin Buono

The announcement of American Airlines to start Dallas, Fort Worth, is strategically important for Jamaica and is a very important opportunity for our Midwest market, and western U.S., as well as western Canada. Our Japanese market will also benefit significantly because the American Airlines flight will allow for same day one-stop service from Narita Tokyo in Japan to MoBay.

David Shields

You can't stop learning. I couldn't live long enough to know everything about this I need to know.

David Brewin

I don't want anyone to think that I really am trying to overthrow the government with our music, or stop the war with our music ? that's just for fools.

Wayne Coyne

The past is the past, but it doesn't stop me from having such good memories. Last year was such a wonderful experience for me - one I'll never forget.

Carlos Pena

This should send a clear message to airport sponsors everywhere. Treat every user fairly and don't try to stop legal operations with illegal regulations.

Bill Dunn

I remember thinking when I saw him, 'There goes Michael.' But I didn't stop to talk to him, ... I was really shocked when I read the paper. And I have been kind of kicking myself that I didn't take the time to stop and talk to him the last time I saw him.

Kevin Aldridge

We weren't able to stop their penetration. We couldn't keep them in front and they made good decisions.

Joe Mackey

People stop by and it's just a fun and informative atmosphere. We celebrate individuality and encourage people to celebrate who they are.

Ashley Goforth

Before it was mostly about our individuals and how well we knew our customers. There were some Internet searches on industries, but it wasn't one-stop shopping. It was every man for himself. And what we did have was mostly credit-related, as opposed to a variety of different areas in an industry that goes beyond financial issues.

Andrew Kaplan

I can't emphasize enough the importance of biotechnology and why it is so critical that we stop this initiative before it makes any more headway, ... A victory against biotechnology in Sonoma County would not just be symbolic; it would do real damage to agriculture and a treasured way of life.

Bob Stallman

Moms and dads don't know what to do. They are outraged at this. It's so absurd. Our prayer is that this nonsense will stop.

Rev. Flip Benham

Nothing is going to just stop ... The Lower Woodward Program was really about more than the Super Bowl. It was about the transition of the city of Detroit into something we can all be proud of, to make it more livable and enjoyable and an exciting place to be.

George Jackson

Never get a mime talking. He won't stop.

Marcel Marceau

These drugs are far too seductive, and the rewards for using them are far too great for us to think that education will stop it, ... My answer to those people [who insist that testing is too expensive] is, 'Then get used to it. Shut up and get used to kids using them.' .

Charles Yesalis

These games aren't going to stop, no matter what. We should do something to make it more secure.

Doug Thomas

This makes the politicians very nervous. The first issue for any new parliament is to put soldiers under their control and in the current constitution they are not. After all, what is to stop the king from just seizing power again?

Yuvraj Ghimire

The runners were going, and I got up and didn't hear anything from anyone else, so I threw it. I thought I had a play over there, at the very least someone going over there to stop it from rolling in the dugout.

David Newhan

Who do you pick to stop?

Sean Salisbury

The original bids for construction costs started out at $8 million, then it went to $12 million. To stop the bleeding, we've signed a contract for $13.5 million. It's locked in now.

Larry Bush

I felt like I was off in the first half. They shut me down. They got into my head. They'd stop my drive, and when I tried to dish, they have long arms.

Okesene Ale Jr

No one's worried -- there's precautions to stop it spreading through the room.

Cam Barker

About 75 percent of the time, they can stop what's happening and take care of the issue right then. It saves a lot of people trips to the emergency room.

Lori Brenner

I would hope that these results, combined with similar recent findings, would encourage scientists to stick to science and stop dabbling in the supernatural.

Bruce Flamm

She slapped him, she was very rough with him, ... She was dropping some toys on his head and watching them fall off. She shook him up and down very vigorously. I was hysterical. I mean, there is no way to explain how I was. I just wanted it to stop.

Jeffrey Katz

The other Democrats need to stop Howard Dean in Iowa, ... If Dean beats Dick Gephardt in Iowa, Gephardt's out. If John Kerry comes in a poor third, it will be hard for him to come back in New Hampshire.

Ken Goldstein

A lot of students that have a blackout for the first time learn from it and stop drinking so much. It is a scary thing to have happen.

Chris Austin

We talked non-stop for two hours. We really hit it off. I hadn't had such fun in a long time.

Monique Webb

It would take a hurricane to stop the event.

David Reed

This trouble will stop when Protestant community leaders can say with confidence that these children can go to their school in safety.

Gerry Kelly

We know Glenwood has good kids. They've had good kids for a long time. We just tried to make our adjusts and put a stop to what they were doing. Fortunately, our kids were able to do what we asked of them.

Damon Wells

Officers did not have a chance to return fire. As soon as the bedroom door started opening, he started to raise the barrel of the gun. The door immediately slammed shut and as the officers backed out to get some cover, shots started ringing out. They never had a chance to stop the threat and shoot the suspect.

Joe Durkin

Fraud alerts don't stop creditors from getting the credit record or credit score. The only type of fraud alert available to consumers before they become victims of identity theft only lasts 90 days, and it doesn't even require the creditor to contact the consumer.

Gail Hillebrand

We are in the thick of things, ... but everyone else is recognizing the opportunity. If we stop moving, we risk falling behind.

Jim Senall

I'm back into my defensive mode. I'm trying to stop guys, especially this time of year. We've got a lot of guys that are scoring now. Somebody has to be a leader defensively, and I'm just trying to take that role.

Charlie Bell

We wanted to get up and down. We know we can score points. We just have to make a stop or two every once in a while.

Bob Rager

We need to stop perpetrators before they abuse our children. We want perpetrators to know Santa Rosa County is not the place to commit abuse.

Greg Lowery

I am going to be very critical of new positions, ... unless we can stop the bleeding.

Michael Flanders

He's legit. We couldn't play him man-to-man. He's tough to stop.

Jeff Ellis

One of the mums has made a large sign that reads 'Kids On Road', which is permanently affixed to her recycling bin and we wheel this on to the kerb outside one cul-de-sac entrance. However, all traffic in our area now knows our Friday ritual and slows or stop.

Donna Hill

I still get cards -- people stop touches your heart.

Mark Keller

Basically, the Iraqi people in general would like to see the political process continue. We can not afford to stop this process.

Nabil Roumayah

I think mentally it's nice to know you're guaranteed a winning season, especially for the seniors. It's nothing we focused on, but it feels good to know. Regardless, no way do we want to stop now. We're eager for a big game with Penn, and we'll need to be.

Ryan Culp

Technicians already refer their most complex repairs to our centers today. Today's creation of the new AAMCO means there is now one stop for drivers to satisfy both their complex repair and routine maintenance needs.

Todd Leff

Every eight minutes, someone has sex with an animal...and you wonder why the attack you. Because of that man, and its up to me and a half mexican to stop him!

Dave Attell

Paintings are like a beer, only beer tastes good and it's hard to stop drinking beer.

Billy Carter

Our message to you is clear, strong and final: There will be no salvation until you withdraw from our land, stop stealing our oil and resources and end support for infidel, corrupt rulers.

Ayman Al zawahiri

The right of passage thinking and passive attitudes about kids drinking has to stop. We must do what we can to correct it before it even gets worse.

Greg Puckett

The (symphony) board just decided we didn't have the cash to make payrolls at this point, and we'd better stop.

Fred Berkenkamp

I had people tell me not to stop shooting. I kept on, and they went in.

Tony Rislove

You know what they say, they say we want our kids back. We want them to stop leaving. What they don't say is that they want other people's kids to move there.

Richard Florida

It's too bad, but that's the way it is in Caribbean baseball. After Cedeno had begun to pitch well, they decided to stop him.

Fernando Ravelo

The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop.

P. J. O'Rourke

The Big Moo is a book that's not just about breaking all the rules -- it's about changing the game entirely. We want to help people start a movement in their organization -- to stop trying to be perfect and start being remarkable. The goal is to make the book's wisdom, its practical application, its fun, and its authors accessible, while raising millions for charity.

Dean Debiase

We asked them to stop submitting to us because our system was getting full and we didn't want to risk losing anything.

Martha Wright

Results expectations have started building in the stock prices. One needs to be cautious at these levels and trade with strict stop losses.

Jignesh Shah

I can't put my hand on what the problem is. It's not rocket science. You've either got to get the ball out or you've got to stop them. Guys are angry that we're not getting off the field.

Gibril Wilson

In a criminal case, the judge won't stop them [from calling witnesses], and Andersen will continue to put evidence in so long as it's not cumulative.

Stephen Ryan

I think once you accept that you have the answer to everything, you can do anything to bring it about because your enemies are trying to stop you, are enemies of reason, of truth of everything - enemies of the future. You represent the people, you represent the nation, you represent everything that is good and that entitles you to destroy the bad people.

Robert Conquest

You stop at all of the greasy nasty-ass truck stops and you never get a proper rest. But every night you party like it's the last night that you're ever going to have to party.

Busta Rhymes

We felt like we had a shot coming in. I'm real pleased to get a state win this year, and now our guys are saying they don't want to stop, which is fine by me.

Jerry Meuschke

That's what was working. It was, 'Who could stop who?' We wanted to turn them into a jump-shooting team.

Brenda Frese

It is a game that somebody ought to put a stop to - trying to get dirt on jurors. We shouldn't be asking about 40-year-old arrests. Why do we need it? So these lawyers can play all of these strategic games?

Albert Alschuler

Sometimes when we get down, we just stop playing all together. But, tonight, everybody got fired up.

Cassie Hahl

Our goal is to try to stop them from getting so many open looks from the outside. That's how they beat us the game before.

Curt Shaw

We're better than we were last year at this time. If you're going to crowd the line of scrimmage on us, we can throw the football now. So we shouldn't see 11 people in the box trying to stop the run.

Dave Davis

The trend of Japan's economic recovery won't stop. The central bank seems to become increasingly confident that it can change policy around the middle of 2006.

Masaaki Kanno

We've got a new attitude. We want to stop the run.

Jimmy Kennedy

We lost the lead in the third quarter, so we started to run more set plays and controlled the ball and the clock. Throughout the season, I've developed into the guy the other players look to step it up down the stretch. I just wanted to make my shots so we can stay on to stop of league.

Dane Burkland

On the previous lap, I knew we were 15.6 seconds behind. I knew there was no way (Dixon) could come in, stop, get gas and get out ahead of us. It was impossible.

Tim Cindric

If we really believe in this cause, they can't stop us.

Daisy Hernandez

These are very early stages of threat that could assume more dangerous proportions ... I think the Indonesian case is the same. If you deal with these issues far earlier on and in terms of an inclusive political process you can stop the rot.

Samina Ahmed

I didn't think it was that bad. I could still see. I wasn't retreating. I would have stepped it up immensely if I thought they wanted to stop the fight. I was the one putting the pressure on him. When they stopped it, I thought they were just breaking it up.

Fernando Vargas

Every time we make a basket or make a defensive stop they're erupting in the stands. That puts great energy into us and we just try to keep it going to keep them in the game.

Todd Jacobs

The school is letting us leave very early for the game, and that will give us plenty of time to stop and eat, stretch and try to keep the blood flowing and the muscles loose throughout the day. We plan to get there about an hour and a half before the game starts so we can get ready and focused for the task at hand.

Chad Kison

There's certainly not anything on there that would stop the project.

Grant Tolbert

It doesn't stop someone from using drugs in the first place.

Justin Martineau

Anyone that hits anything, you would know that you've hit something. You need to stop and at least check to see what that is, call the police and, of course, if it's a human being, try to render first aid.

Betty Schwab

If you're like my husband, you sort of lose interest when you have to stop.

Carolyn Gracie

You're a hero. I'm sorry, I just can't stop crying.

Susan Richardson

People need that auto and won't stop buying gasoline because of a price rise. We can look forward to another tight summer.

Robert Ebel

It's basically the same gun made 100 years ago, and you can't say that about many things today. To see that stop is very unfortunate.

Scott Hoffman

We were very aggressive, and when we're aggressive, it's hard to stop us.

Kerri Walsh

These items can become missiles and they can stop storm drainage.

Paul Parker

Our Ewing family dining room scenes would take forever, and Patrick (Duffy) and I would invariably get into a food fight. Barbara would yell, 'Stop it! I can't stand it!' But she liked it, too.

Larry Hagman

If both teams have players who are equal in talent, this offense is impossible to stop.

John Hannah

Every time a fixed-expense item is paid off, reallocate that former payment against another debt. Combined with Mrs. Brown's employment as a nurse in 2002, you will be able to stop the interest clock from ticking forever.

Greg Zandlo

We want to urge our legislatures, commissioners and other county representatives to stop ignoring recommendations, many of which if followed would reduce current jail populations making the costly expansion unnecessary.

Vic Lawson

All night I laid on that ground, in stitches, and watched buses passing. We'd get up thinking they were for us, but they just kept on going. In my condition, I couldn't even walk. Every minute I had to stop walking because the cut was burning.

Tracy Perkins

He's gotten really big. He's a heck of a player. I loved him last year as a freshman, but when I look at him now, he's really gotten big and can move. It looks like he's gotten stronger this year, physically. If they start getting strong play out of him in the post, [State] is going to be really hard to stop.

Bill Herrion

We will support people who have the courtesy to talk to us, and who would stop pitting us against our neighbors. It's horrible.

Jim Howell

I had to call two time-outs in the first quarter to stop (Southern Nash's) momentum. That's something I haven't had to do in a long time.

Sandra Langley

I've arrived at this outermost edge of my life by my own actions. Where I am is thoroughly unacceptable. Therefore, I must stop doing what I've been doing.

Alice Koller

We had to make adjustments on offense and defense at halftime. Those kids from Johnson are good. They can flat shoot the lights out. We had to go to a kind of half-man, half-zone 'D' to try and stop them.

Dale Latimer

Really we can play either Tommy or Tyler and we know they'll stop all the shots we let by.

Cam Brown

I would like to ask the state legislature and local government and the Boise school district to stop hitting the average property owner in Boise over the head with continued bond issues.

Joe Moran

He was the motor to their offense. I had to stop him. My offense was not going very good. In order to stay on the court, I had to lock down their best player.

Rajon Rondo

I just wanted to stop by and say thanks. It was a wonderful 16 years.

Bob Huggins

I thought our defense down the stretch was key. That was a very good team we faced. We couldn't stop them.

Frank Allocco

We have no quarrel with America. We all know NATO is the strongest military machine in the world. We simply want them to stop being so busy with our country and worry about their own problems.

Slobodan Milosevic

In stop-and-go traffic, which is below 55km per hour, the car will travel up to 50 km on the plug-in battery alone.

Anthony Wei

The buck has to stop here - from what I've seen, the new elephant exhibit is phenomenal.

Jack Hanna

I've gone full circle and I'll probably stop here.

Brenda Trench

Contrary to popular belief, our research suggests that men are just as likely to stop to ask for directions as women are.

Catherine L. Rossi

I felt like I needed to get a steal to get us back up and get us going. When we were behind I wanted to get a stop and I felt like it was my responsibility to get a steal.

Ashley Bell

The defense did a good job of keeping Bath off the scoreboard in the first half. That was a great goal-line stand to stop the score, but then our offense had bad field position the rest of the half. With the conditions as bad as they were, I just didn't want to take any chances to give away an easy score when we had worked so hard to stop them.

Robert Casto

In some ways I'm a pioneer. I know my limitations -- I can't deny them -- but I really have great parents who try to let me do as much as possible, and I've had people encourage me throughout my life, so I've never let it stop me, at least in theater.

Melissa Frame

We must, of course stop the run, but they can throw also. They're just a great high school football team.

Jack Crumbliss

I don't know if it's how I speak or what it is about me that presents that sort of label, but I don't know how many times I have to be out in public with a girlfriend to stop that from being said.

Jeff Garcia

It's just been around the clock because we work two shifts and we don't stop. Somebody is on their job all the time, twenty-four hours a day if there is snow on the ground.

Johnny Williams

Thank God the governor was the only one in the whole legislative process to err on the side of reason. He was the only one to stop this sneaky, underhanded, sleazy attempt to undermine marriage and the family and implement blatant same-sex marriages.

Benjamin Lopez

You have to work at it, like everything else. It's easy to put God on the back burner, or to turn to him only when you have a problem. A lot of people use prayer when they are in need, then stop. To have a strong relationship with God, you have to keep going back to it. Like an athlete has to work hard to improve his skills, you have to maintain your faith to strengthen it.

John Braham

The Fed can't stop increasing rates in this environment. As long as the economy keeps surprising and the data is still strong, support for the dollar will be there.

Naeem Wahid

It is a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: if you are in one, stop digging.

Denis Healey

We fed off her energy. We tried to keep pounding it to her. They couldn't stop her.

Marissa Coleman

If you don't have that dog to run with you at the event, stop by and we'll have about 40 or 50 dogs and cats.

Tim Burns

I don't really care what they think because I actually qualified for this event. So I feel I belong here. I'm not looking for 100 percent support. I know there are going to be people against me. I'm not going to stop just for them.

Michelle Wie

I hope people in the Kinston area will take this opportunity to help and stop by the mall on Wednesday with their donations. Large or small, it will help.

Patrick Holmes

We have to do everything we can to contain him. No one's been able to stop him running, so why throw? He has proven he can throw, so we have to be aware of that, too.

Randy Patzkowski

We didn't do our responsibilities on defense. They basically ran three plays, and we didn't do anything to stop them.

Parker Stubbs

Our big goal is to improve. Not to stop, or to settle, but to improve.

Sarah Elliott

The cold won't stop him. We're happy, we're glad (he's home).

Mike Waters

The clubhouse is not a place where people come to stop. It's not adult day care. It's a place where people come to move on with their lives.

Andy Wilson

France is doing everything it can, but the problem is that it is impossible to stop Bush from pursuing his logic of war to the end.

Jacques Chirac

Defensively, our shooting wasn't very great. We stepped it up defensively and we were able to stop them.

Christina Dahl

This is a step in the right direction, but until we stop horse slaughter altogether, we will have to worry about every horse that is sold even under this type of program.

Nancy Perry

We promised you a one-stop, streamlined process. We have not been able to do that for you.

Councilwoman Esther Sanchez

If you don't limit your tipping universe, you won't know when to stop.

Rachel Weingarten

There are always people who make a big fuss over everything. At a certain point, I stop listening.

Andre Lange

You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going.

P. J. O'Rourke

A lot of our regular customers waited to come because they wanted to give to this cause. We've had a good variety of people stop in to help us.

Amanda Hill

People have heard of him in other towns. They stop in all the time to check him out.

Brian Heinzerling

It wasn't going to be that easy. I saw the referee waving his hands over his head (to stop the clock) with six seconds left. As far as that's concerned, if that's the referee's call, then it was done correctly.

Bob Morton

You can't stop it (the breathing), but you can slow it down.

David Meredith

He would stop in and ask: 'Have you heard yet? Have you heard yet?' ... He was very excited to be a part of it because it is an opportunity to grow your leadership skills.

Kelli Richards

When I was maybe nine years old, I listened to the entire Beatles catalogue, non-stop, for about a year.

Chris Cornell

He just has some of the best stick skills I've ever seen with a long pole. He has a motor that won't stop. I'm just comfortable when I know someone is going to try to take him one-on-one. He won't get beat. I have no worries.

Donald Murphy

You couldn't stop it that way. But with social distancing, you might be able to slow it down, manage it within the confines of the medical system.

Bruce Gellin

We want to know why his name was flagged in the computer. This has happened to Muslims and Arabs, their names are put on 'watch lists.' And then they are treated like criminals, in this case, during a routine traffic stop. It is inexcusable.

Waheed Khalid

I and Gabriel, as a team, we became a source of guidance for each other when one of us wanted to step in and help while shooting a bad situation. But we would stop each other so as not to ruin the truth of the moment.

Paola Mendoza

Stop and smell the garlic! That's all you have to do.

William Shatner

You can't expect games to go your way the whole time. When they score you have to slow down their momentum and try to stop the bleeding, keep their offence on the sidelines for a while.

Marcus Crandell

We were coordinating for a possible felony stop but didn't have to do that.

Jim Sughrue

It is an unpleasant episode, but the IPO preparation process is not going to stop because of it.

Valery Nesterov

Our guys realize that if we stop people from scoring, we're always going to have a chance to win, whether our shots are falling or not.

Tony Binetti

Giving up could reverse the condition if it hasn't gone too far. If it's already severe, quitting will stop it getting any worse.

Amanda Sandford