The dialogue has shifted from being about his insensitive and inappropriate statement to questions about his competency.

Silas Lee

There won't be any surprises from the Fed today and that means another quarter-point rate hike. We are expecting the market to be very quiet today until the Fed releases its statement and we get more direction on future rate moves.

Tadashi Tsukaguchi

I view it as a pragmatic issue rather than a political statement by the bank.

Thomas Merrill

It doesn't make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.

Jackson Pollock

You know every reporter there will be looking for that statement. Out of every 50 statements there that are neutral the only ones you'll hear are the ones that are controversial or inappropriate.

John Antil

Today, we are making a bold statement about how we feel about the environment.

Thomas Day

Let's just imagine that we adopt it and today we issued that statement ? then what happens after two weeks?

Andrey Denisov

I see this as the gun that kind of starts the race each year. I look at our mission statement and constitution as the year goes by, and a lot of what I do during the year is directly related to what's written there.

Doug Goodwin

What they're likely to do is take away the mild and gradual language from the statement.

Adam Le Mesurier

[Young loaned his campaign $75,000 in late September. The personal contribution raised the total in his campaign coffers to nearly $109,000.] We're investing in ourselves to show our commitment to the campaign, ... We're making a statement that we're in the race.

Ray Young

In response to a ridiculous statement by Edith: " I've gotta quote for you, Edith. --'A bird that always flies in the fog is called a dingbat.' ".

Archie Bunker

$250,000 isn't a lot, but it is enough to make a statement. We are looking for projects that will be visible to the community.

Al Henry

Things went as I expected. I think Roberts's opening statement was eloquent. I've seen him in court. But the question for me is who is he.

Ted Shaw

We wanted to make a little statement, but it didn't happen. It was all about pride. We didn't want to get blown out on our home court, or on TV. We fought back, but we're not taking any moral victory out of losing to Miami by seven. We wanted to win this game.

Kyle Korver

First-quarter inflation won't trigger a near-term rate hike. But the bank's statement on monetary policy in May will reinforce their inclination to raise rates, maybe even harden it up a little.

Stephen Halmarick

Right now, unfortunately, there are some problems with the environmental impact statement on this section, mainly due to the (Cumberland) river crossing.

Stan Williams

The G7 statement clarified Japan's problems --- the out-of-dated tax system (which deters the flow of capital into the stock market) and lack of support from monetary policy to encourage banks to write off their bad loans.

Masaaki Higashida

[But Yahoo executives stood by their earlier statement.] The number of documents in our index is accurate, ... We're proud of the accomplishments of our search engineers and scientists and look forward to continuing to satisfy our users by delivering the world's highest-quality search experience.

Jeff Weiner

For me, the summer will be pure gray -- mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink.

Gianni Versace

You have to do some research. You have to complete a description of the property, which can be quite detailed. And you have to create your statement of significance. You have to build a case for why the property is significant.

Mark Miles

Alan Greenspan...will likely add flesh to the bones of the FOMC statement. We believe there can be little doubt that Greenspan's testimony will be hawkish, .

Rob Carnell

I was hoping that they would have addressed that. I want to hold chairman Whitehead and the LMDC to that statement he made at the board meeting in June.

Monica Iken

Releasing such a statement to the media (on Tuesday) before the township even had a chance to see the documents in question showed a distinct lack of courtesy and respect by the department. Creating media frenzy did not serve anyone's best interest and undermined efforts for good faith discussions based on preparation, planning and good sound scientific advice.

Randy Vossburg

Why do they have to be told it is wrong? Their duty is to the people who put them in office. Every candidate or incumbent should make a statement that our relationships with lobbyists will be at arm's length. This practice of accepting gifts has to stop.

Craig Walton

That's an absolutely false statement.

Robert Clark

What we have is a clear statement saying we have got a substantial number of parents and teachers who believe charters are going to be a more viable choice for them.

Brian Bennett

People are waiting to see what kind of change in policy language is going to accompany that statement. The question is, if the Fed is approaching (a neutral stance), how will its policy change in 2006?

Russ Koesterich

That's like one of the best halves we've played all year. With that win we made a big statement for the country. ... If we could beat them we could beat anybody.

Tiffany Weimer

Unlike cities like Paris and New York, San Francisco has not paid attention enough to the great architectural accomplishments of its time. This is the first great statement.

Deborah Frieden

Pretty much last year when we went down to the state tournament most of the kids were happy just being there. This year, most of the kids have set goals. This year it won't just be good enough being down there. We want to make a statement.

Randy Willis

Perhaps the briefest statement imaginable of the basic appeal of movies. This appeal is what attracts us, and ultimately what makes us despair when we begin to understand how seldom movies are more than this.

Lethal Weapon

It makes a statement that we're fully committed to bringing state-of-the-art equipment to the Magic Valley.

Ted Ryan

He just put his ears back, looked at the fence, went over, reared up and came down on it and walked away like he was making a statement. I keep it there to remind me that horses have feelings too and can be dangerous.

Jamie Ziehm

I am not trying to titillate, make a statement or insult someone's values by presenting those shows.

Tom Morrissey

He made a decision that's probably a bad decision, and he's feeling the repercussions of making the statement when he did.

Darek Braunecker

I agree with the looking in the mirror statement. It's like watching us. We epitomize a team, as does Massapequa.

Rich Castellano

The defense came out strong in the first half to make a statement that New York was in for a fight.

Jason Ferguson

I think it's more a political statement ? a social statement ? rather than an economic statement.

Lawrence White

That statement is totally absurd. Look, all we are saying is what the law always has said: A city has a right to zone, but zoning has to be non-ridiculous — not arbitrary and capricious.

Jake Moore

Our original understanding was that she would be able to come. She tells us now that she has a scheduling conflict and won't be able to make it. She did offer to write a statement that we could read on her behalf at the tribunal.

Peter Demott

Iraq has been a conflict without timelines, without an exit strategy and indeed without a mission statement from day one.

Tom Cameron

An evangelical statement on climate change.

Richard Cizik

This was our last chance to step up against a real good team and make a statement. This was a measuring stick for us going into the playoffs.

Lorenzo Hands

There's an acknowledgement that Mr. Anderson violated the election laws, but there's also a statement that when he was acting, he thought he was acting consistent with the law.

Mark Herron

This is when we can really make a statement.

Jazz Covington

What's striking is how much it looks like the statement from the last three meetings.

Chris Low

We were ready to go to Indonesia to help over there ... when all of a sudden Katrina hit. The real mission statement, I guess you would say for Morrell, is to assist in the reconstruction of devastated areas throughout the world.

Merrill Osmond

Last year was an embarrassment for us. We wanted to come out and make a statement. It was kind of a coming-out party for us.

Rob Sims

To know yourself you have only to set down a true statement of those that ever loved or hated you.

Johann Kaspar Lavater

The statement was slightly more hawkish than we were expecting but there was one vote of dissent.

Kamal Sharma

These guys, I'm telling you, are on par with the best I signed with Cleveland. I realize that's a strong statement, but I mean it.

Rene Gayo

Their (terms of service) statement was clearly crafted to protect the GLBT community. And I think they wanted to basically protect them in this instance, too. But they seem to have overstepped what was appropriate.

Ron Meiners

While Powell's statement was not a full-fledged apology, it was a step beyond the mere expression of regrets, which had been Washington's stance so far.

Willy Lam

Nick plays a corrupt politician, which is kind of a redundant statement.

Alan Rudolph

He himself ought to make a statement and come to the forefront and talk to you in person or with any of the media and say here's our books, they're open, they're on the table. You guys can peruse the books and examine them for whatever you think there is there. There's nothing to hide. Here they are.

Gerald Shuster

He has given us a statement, but we are not prepared to say anything further.

Bala Naidoo

We'll have to raise our game to a whole new level. It's a tremendous statement about our market that this is coming to us, but this will be different than anything we've ever done before. Just wait until you see it.

Jeff Adams

[The advertisement is] a statement of our intent, that we are a committed and powerful brand, ... It's also a statement to the investment community that we will continue to develop and market innovative products.

David Patton

He went to make a statement as was planned. Based on those statements, the authorities are going to reach fair and correct conclusions.

Carlos Queiroz

Otherwise her statement would just be another putrid lie to quell the growing public outrage against her virtual despotic rule.

Marlon Manuel

But this is more a statement about end demand than market-share direction.

Shane Rau

It shouldn't take long for the registration statement to get approved, so I think the market will move somewhat higher over the next couple of days because people will be focusing on what this may mean for the price of silver.

Jeffrey Christian

Racial polarization is very high over this commission plan and so any statement on the part of the mayor, any ordinance passed by the council is going to be interpreted, 'is this for me or is this against me' and it's going to be interpreted in a racial way by many people.

Susan Howell

Any seeming deception in a statement is costly, not only in the expense of the advertising but in the detrimental effect produced upon the customer, who believes she has been misled.

John Wanamaker

Clyde just wanted to finish school. He wasn't trying to make a political statement.

Dorie Ladner

I have not seen anything indicating that the crew made any statement indicating they were having any problem.

Kurt Anderson

We are here to make a tough statement right in the bedrock of the anti-immigrant movement.

Nativo Lopez

[In the statement, the only] mistake ... severe error of not siding with the party central authorities.

Bao Tong

The FBI was asked apparently on 16 prior occasions to produce every witness statement in connection with the bombing investigation and apparently on 16 separate occasions they failed. Based upon that, I have no confidence whatsoever in any assertion they might make at this point that everything has been produced.

Robert Nigh

We're playing for each other. We (the seniors) all want to go out making a statement. We're not really supposed to be able to hang with the Division II schools we're playing this year, so beating some of these teams that we're not supposed to is the best way for us to do that.

Delmar Clown

We want to promote the six dimensions of wellness - social, physical, emotional, intellectual, career and vocational and spiritual, ... I don't know about you but that sounds like a pretty good mission statement for the entire university to me.

Betty Siegel

We played well enough to win, but not well enough to make a statement as we approach the midway part of the season. We need to make a statement and get to 3-3 after the first round of the BRC schedule.

Andrew Cseter

We haven't beaten (them) in four years. It would be a major statement for our program to win the game.

Jim O'hara

People never respect us for who we are. I hope this makes a statement. If not, we're going to keep coming out and playing hard and make a statement by the end of the season.

Victor Anderson

There was no point arresting us, we were simply trying to make a statement.

Marie Runyon

Properly complete the candidate's financial statement.

Robert Cobb

We knew what we had coming into this year. We haven't faced some teams yet, but I think we've made a statement.

Steve Pettus

There's not a public school out there that doesn't have a mission statement that says it serves all students.

Pat Scales

The fewer role models you have, the harder it will be for you to imagine you could do it, too. My hope is that Genesis supports not just those emerging writers but that it's making a statement that writing is important, that the imagination being channeled to something on the page is possible.

Ricardo Khan

I believe that the very message of me going up to accept the flag is a powerful statement about our city.

Sam Sullivan

We are not so much a football club as a national statement, in the same way that Barcelona is a statement for the people of Catalonia. We are a country playing an Arsenal team who only represent part of north London. We are taking 60 coaches. We will have 6,500 and they will make more noise than the Arsenal supporters.

Sam Hammam

Utility costs represent a sizeable increase of the proposed budget request by 75 percent. Our utility costs are up $740,000 over FY06. We are working on a strategic education plan for the schools that will have a vision statement.

Karen Berry

We're looking for an adventure. It's about getting out there and getting some exposure. It's about making a statement that this can be done, and it can be fun.

Nick Pisca

It's even more of a drive to get the third-place spot so we can prove a lot of people wrong. If we can win that game (tonight), it is going to send a statement that just because everything in the past happened, it's a totally different ballgame now.

Ashlee Mcgee

The statement was a little more hawkish than people anticipated. By the time we get to June I expect 10-year yields to be at 5 percent.

Kevin Cronin

There's quite a healthy outlook for the economy and inflationary pressures are fairly subdued. I can't see why they need to do anything. They'll keep the policy statement unchanged.

Adrian Foster

The panel reviewed, affirmed and reinforced the previous statement. Metabolic syndrome is an important issue both for physicians and the general public.

Scott Grundy

We can expect a much better hockey team. It's very obvious that they want to come in here with a purpose, that they want to make a statement about where they belong, where they should be ranked. You can be sure that after the way we beat them the first time, they're going to be coming for blood.

Chris Matteo

It's inappropriate to use children's events as a political statement.

Mark Tooley

It's a strong statement for us athletically to take a stand against the tobacco industry.

Rush Propst

Does it surprise me? Not really. He's got multi-dimensional talent. With that performance, Paul really made a statement that he'll help the team as much as he can during a playoff run.

Mike Sirant

The Yankees flexed their muscles. What can I say? ... They came out swinging the bats and made a statement.

Lou Piniella

We felt this provided an opportunity to make a statement that Bismarck is beautiful city. The landscape softens the area, creating a good impression.

Angela Hansen

It's a poor (Boots) statement. The bulls will cling to the hope of a bid, but will anyone commit significant funds to buy a retailer until one thinks that the market has bottomed?

Richard Ratner

Most all of them are pretty much word-for-word the same. Most every impact statement is negative. Generally that's what they are because people talk about how much the resources pull away.

Michael Dixon

Such a statement should have been made only after discussions with the allies and partners. This is after all a coalition government being run with outside support.

Nilotpal Basu

A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty. A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe. It is guilty, until found effective.

Edward Teller

We will issue out a statement tomorrow (Wednesday) when we have concluded meetings with the technical committee.

Raymond Hack

As far as we're concerned, when Ford made its statement to us last month, the matter was finished and we went on with our lives. The AFA can't seem to do the same.

Jeffrey Montgomery

It was an unfortunate goofball statement for him to make. All it has really done is make the city look just a little bit more ridiculous.

Tracie Washington

He has the common feeling of his profession. He enjoys a statement twice as much if it appears in fine print, and anything that turns up in a footnote... takes on the character of divine revelation.

Margaret Halsey

He does not want to give a statement against a family member, ... He has not given a formal statement to police.

Jay Kay

Everyone should know what is expected of them when they file a complaint. If they want to make a statement, they need to make a statement of facts in writing, and if we [the committee] felt the facts were pertinent, the individual would be allowed to speak at a hearing.

Christine Robinson

I don't have a specific recollection of making that statement; I don't believe I did make that statement.

Philip Vannatter

I think a lot of people believe that 60 years after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, it was time that the Nobel committee would make a gesture to make a statement about the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Tom Kennedy

You have the convenience of one statement, but you're not limited to one company.

Karl Graf

We were surprised that the company was not in a position to comment on a dividend policy or pay a final dividend. We would have preferred a policy statement even if it was conservative in nature.

James Lindsay

When you set a national collegiate record on your first outing of the season, you're sending a statement to everyone else competing in that event. Trey (Hardee) was healthy during fall workouts, and the work ethic certainly was there all along. It just all came together for Trey.

Bubba Thornton

I didn't think we had an incident (Thursday) until I read their statement.

Richard Perkins

I'm debating voting for Keyes just to make a statement as a conservative. I like Bush, but he definitely has played to the center.

Dave Brown

The EU report speaks for itself. The statement in my view shows that the mission has turned out to be something worse than a farce, ... We shall in the coming days and weeks see what we can do to expose the pack of lies and innuendoes that characterise the garbage in this report.

Meles Zenawi

I hope we have made a big statement and started a big tradition.

Carla Babb

Where there were challenges, the ANC committed itself to make the necessary changes. Our campaigning paid off. We were not bothered much about all the attacks about service delivery in certain areas. There has been a strong statement by the electorate that they are happy with the ANC.

Smuts Ngonyama

The removal of this office is a strong statement about the government's lack of commitment to fight graft in Kenya.

Maina Kiai

There was a lot of stretching going on to make it seem like there was any religion involved with it. It's a one-minute statement with nothing religious in it. But the perception of the voters is what counts.

Jim Cashman

We shall look for more detail on the group's cost-cutting programme and on recent acquisitions. Overall, we expect the outlook statement and current trading to be the main share price drivers.

Andrew Fisher

I think a lot of guys really paid attention to that statement because we thought we were doing well. Obviously, coach thinks we need to do a little more.

Brian Randle

[Despite the differences, agreement on a joint statement at the resumed talks is] possible, ... would not be important in itself.

Selig Harrison

May my face, my injuries and my statement be what you see and hear every night as you lay your head down and close your eyes in your jail cell — one long night after another for the rest of your life.

Ronald Smith

A lot of the weakness is in the stock already, especially with gross margins still sitting at 60 percent. That's a strong statement about what Intel is doing with costs.

Michael Mcconnell

The statement that this program is likely to be the source of a terrorist threat seems to me to be falling into the trap of seeing terrorists everywhere.

Bruce Morrison

This doesn't feel like a regular win. This was special, because of their streak. This was a statement-maker.

Deron Williams

We certainly look forward to the government (introducing the statement as evidence) and we'll bring out the whole statement if they don't.

Aaron Woods

We're trying to make a statement about local hockey and using the arena can do that. The last five games are pretty good rivalries.

Scott Morrison

The league has a zero-tolerance policy on hazing and the league must make a very strong statement against it. Any form of hazing must be eradicated.

Dave Branch

They are a bit more sanguine about inflation than the market has been, and they've been trying to tell people that. It doesn't mean they have their head stuck in the sand. With the last sentence of their statement, they leave themselves plenty of flexibility.

Joshua Feinman

We're inching down that path. But to make a sweeping statement that there's no need for coaching anymore wouldn't be accurate. Especially for women with an epidural [anesthetic], it may be appropriate.

Dr. Steven Bloom

They understand (that) it's 0-0 now and here's your chance now. They're going to conference to make a statement.

Greg Hampton

[We] will construct the case for the campaign around the ideals of the vision statement and the specifics of the strategic plan.

Johnnie Ray

The financial highlights offered at the beginning of the report tend to focus on what they (the company) want you to see -- but that's just an appetizer, ... The second course -- the big plate of meat and potatoes -- is the financial statement.

Richard Loth

They're going to change the language in their commercials to eliminate what we thought was an inaccurate statement.

Linda Mcdougall

Going by the statement of the honorary secretary, we felt the rule book was not properly referred to.

Jagmohan Dalmiya

The software analyzes different aspects of a company's income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement to provide you with exact buy and sell recommendations.

Mark Hing

We all maybe cringed a little bit when Bill made that statement. But one great thing about Bill's statement was the call to action for the industry to work on it.

Ryan Hamlin

For many people, their phones are near and dear to them. They want to make a statement. When people whip out a cell phone to use it, it has got to make a bold statement.

Art Navarro

Now that's not a doom and gloom statement. it's not something anyone should get upset about.

Hilton Sutton

This was not a house burglary. The items were returned to their rightful owner and she gave police a detailed statement. She has a very sad reason for doing this.

Larry Peck

Most sites that are doing e-commerce should have some kind of security statement with regard to how your transactions are secured.

Matthew Devost

25 points is locked in. The statement may have some very subtle changes in the language, but nothing surprising.

John Davidson

As the male was giving his statement to the officers, several items of drug paraphernalia were observed in plain view.

Darren Moloney

I think having the names on bricks makes the statement that the community cares about people who serve this country.

Charles Newman

I would expect our volume to be a little lower in 2006. However, our current pipeline would belie that statement.

Andrew Stewart

Certainly the message was directed at African-Americans both inside and outside New Orleans. It's a political message that he intends to be the mayor of a majority black city. But the statement that God intended New Orleans to be majority black certainly could be interpreted as inflammatory by non-black voters.

Susan Howell

Bear Bryant made the statement that it's better to be lucky than good, and I think you have to be lucky. We weren't lucky. That's one thing about this year's team - we never, ever gave up.

Tommy Bowden

I wasn't really trying to make a political statement. I wasn't trying to be pro-life or pro-choice. I was just trying to be pro-Nick.

Nick Cannon

The Internet represents a global outreach of communication, and that this document represents the first incredible statement of democracy and liberty in the world is a great -- it's ironic, but it's also a great, momentous convergence of two things happening.

David Hayden

That was big time. It made a huge statement.

Jeremy Mincey

Susan Robinson was the first of the co-defendants to provide a truthful statement that helped the Duluth Police Department solve the case.

Mark Rubin

I've moved on from it and I wish the media would, ... I've made my statement in Washington, that's my statement, and when I left Washington that's the last time I was ever going to talk about it, and that's really about it.

Mark Mcgwire

For the mayor to come out and make this statement, it's uncalled for.

Antonio Gonzalez

The ads are compelling and make a statement about how valiant these human beings are. These stories are ones of hope and triumph over potential tragedy.

Jeff Scott

Skinner and I did a real good job today. We took 1-2-4 in the 500. Even the East coach said that made a statement.

Mark Heller

I think this is a statement that University of Texas is going to fight to the finish.

Vince Young

[The Palestinian National Authority, in a statement, accused Israeli forces of committing] another brutal crime, ... targeted and killed in cold blood, by the fire of the Israeli tanks.

James Miller

I'm making enough for the prosthetics and making a statement about the medical establishment, ... ... Yeah, I'm trying to make a little profit too.

Paul Morgan

Weiner said in a statement last week. ''We must make sure this ruling is enforced to make sure that there is accountability.

Anthony Weiner

We will disclose an 'appropriate action has been taken' statement.

Janice Avila

Without any question, I think they had a point to prove tonight and certainly made a statement. In the previous two games, we just didn't play well and I really respect the way they came out today. I think they had something to say and they said it.

Kristy Curry

We believe we could make a substantial offer to the people in New Orleans to come to Pittsburgh, ... This is a bold statement on the part of all of us from Pittsburgh, to say, 'Come, and we are going to open our arms and doors to you.'

Tom Murphy

Messages into the future is something that people have always sought to do. In a way, it's a statement of optimism.

Paul Saffo

The statement attributed to Mr. Reiss has been mischaracterized as a threat, ... It was not. The statement was a figure of speech used in a voice mail message in a context of a longstanding business dispute over the merits of a deal to have the stock exchange go public.

Cyrus Vance

This statement of President Bush is stupid and a statement that does not befit the leader of the biggest state in the world.

Taha Yassin Ramadan

Don't buy your favorite stock until you see the earnings statement. It's better to have the trend with you than guess at a bottom.

Barry Hyman

We welcome the statement made by President Taylor about the imminent release of the journalists. We look forward to welcoming them home.

Channel Four

We're actually making a bigger statement than we normally do with short cocktail. ... she doesn't want the little basic black cocktail dress.

Mark Badgley

We take the last statement of the Indian spokesman welcoming our initiative.

Tasneem Aslam

The FOMC statement provided no good direction signals, so the market is just waiting for the next factor.

Takeshi Iba

It's going to make a bold statement.

David Larcher

The bishops' statement on mining is absurd. It sends all the wrong signals to investors. Those who were sitting on the fence will not be rushing in now.

Peter Wallace

Cannot find much in the marketplace to corroborate that statement.

Thomas Weisel

[The vice president] may face a little embarrassment, but I don't think he will face any practical impact, ... if Gore didn't want to live by that statement, he shouldn't have made it.

Fred Wertheimer

[When their engagement was announced, the queen and her husband, Prince Philip, issued a statement saying they were] very happy ... warmest good wishes for their future together.

Camilla Parker Bowles

The secretary-general also welcomes the prime minister's statement that such practices are completely contrary to Iraqi government policy.

Marie Okabe

It was a very, very clear statement. The kids came out with an agenda. I thought the first half was solid. I thought we allowed them to hang around a little bit. We came up empty on a couple of possessions that we normally execute on, but they came out in the second half riled up in the locker room.

Dave Dagostino

She's probably sending a statement to the world that says, 'I'm here. I'm still the best player.

Paula Creamer

This would take the guesswork out of it (a defendant?s statement) -- let the guy sit down and then the jury can decide whether it was voluntary and hear exactly what and how it (the statement) was given.

Arthur Donato

You are talking about a prison population of hundreds who have decided that with no conceivable change in their future that they just don't care to live anymore, or they are going to make a statement in dying.

Jumana Musa

This was definitely a statement of protest. It is unusual because it signifies that at least one member of the court believes that the president has exceeded his legal authority.

Scott Silliman

As an elected official, I genuinely agree with that statement. It needs to be challenged.

Larry Gossett

It's big. You get off and you're not behind the eight-ball. The last two years, we've been putting ourselves behind the eight-ball. We've been closing strong, but it was just a too-little, too-late type of thing. You only have a certain amount of games to make your statement, and you can't wait until halfway through the season to do it.

Brian Simmons

[But the film] wasn't designed specifically to be a political statement, ... I didn't make the film as a protest.

Nick Clooney

Their whole goal is to create news photographs ... and make a statement to the world on how numerous they are and how happy they are.

Peter Sprigg

Either you're getting clearer or I'm finally able to break the code. I found this statement to be clear and extremely helpful. I understand it all, which is unusual.

Robert F. Bennett

It's a clear statement by the Vatican that gay men are not welcome in seminaries and religious orders.

James Martin

I think everybody here is focused on the U.S. Open, to be honest. But I think the guys here are also trying to make a statement of getting far here as well as having a good run at the Open.

Tommy Haas

This summer, pink is going to be in fashion, and this does not mean just on the ramp, but in daily wear also. These days the fashion statement is equal as everybody is becoming so very fashion conscious.

Ritu Beri

The statement was a de facto acknowledgment that there is only a little room left for a further hike.

Masaki Fukui

Much of the dollar's move is coming from uncertainty as to what is going to happen with the Fed, ... There is speculation the Fed can pause, or they will raise rates but release a fairly dovish statement, putting rate hikes after September in doubt.

Johan Javeus

The bottom line is this was probably a dumb call. You pick up the phone, you say, 'Let's get a statement out and get this behind us.' You avoid the kind of feeding frenzy we're seeing here today. I think the press smells a little blood in the water.

Bill Sammon

I am very pleased that this entire board has issued a statement affirming their confidence in my leadership. ... We've got a lot of work to do, but we've got a lot of people now who are all unified in a commitment to this mission ... Why would I resign?

Patricia Harrison

[In a statement, Desert Springs officials said they were] disappointed and concerned ... actually barged onto a patient floor trying to make a completely inappropriate political statement in a critical care unit.

Richard Perkins

I think it's inappropriate to use a children's event to make a political statement.

Mark Tooley

We're not making a political statement.

Rob Riordan

My objective was not to get a big settlement. It was more to make a statement that what he did was wrong and accept responsibility that he was at fault.

Jeff Fleming

Brendan, it's time for you to put your money where your mouth is. If you are sincere in your statement that a premium bid for the company is not worthy of discussion, then we must insist that you demonstrate your conviction by acquiring shares.

Daniel Loeb

The governor made a public statement and we wrote it down. And we are going to hold him to it.

Cy Thannikary

It's huge, it means a lot. We knew Missouri was right behind us and we needed to come in here and make a statement.

Chelsi Welch

Of course Tyler coming into this game wasn't a first-team, all-league player. I would say he made a pretty good statement here tonight.

Paul Hewitt

It's funny to hear the rage that a holiday symbolized by cute little Cupids and fluffy things brings out in people. That resentment definitely makes you want to not just ignore the holiday but do something as a protest ... a statement against dinner for two and cheesy professions of love.

Dannielle Romano

That sort of thing doesn't concern me. Just getting back into the Australian side is my only goal after making a statement with the Force that we're a team that's here to compete physically.

Nathan Sharpe