That's an absolutely false statement.

We have synchronized a plan for the execution of search-and-rescue operations. And I think we have a good model. It really was born of operations in Katrina. And we have learned lessons from that operation, and we are applying those to the planning we are doing today.

I asked, 'What's going on?' And he said, 'There's been some shots fired,'.

Whether he had a corrupt motive, he certainly had to know that there was a very substantial risk of somehow derailing the Plunder Dome prosecution at a very critical time.

I object to being characterized the way I have been characterized by people who don't have a clue as to who I am as a human being or who I am as a commander.

It's not about personality. This is about evidence.

One was conscious and talking and was concerned that he was shot. Then there was another student who was unresponsive and I don't know what his condition is at this point. We assisted with first aid and CPR.

The signs have new meaning. I'm not sure where they lead, but I certainly take note of them now.

An electromagnetic fishing pole.