People are still seeing a lot of their needs being met on the current paradigm which has to do with a free client and pretty solid services that they are getting from the public services, ... That's probably one of the biggest barriers. What they have is often times good enough.

Brian Curry

We just wanted to get it in bounds as fast as we could, drive up the court and see what we could get. I remember looking up at the clock and seeing five seconds, then just driving for the hoop. Whatever will happen will happen.

John Kuhn

I hope it was a positive experience for them. It's an honor that someone gave that money to the foundation, and that young people are seeing the benefit of where that money goes.

Charles Draper

We're seeing a market that's maturing. A market this big can't continue to grow at 100, 80, or even 60 percent. It's not possible.

Nate Elliott

We're seeing a partnership feeding frenzy.

Rob Enderle

In spite of the layoffs at MT Picture Display, we're seeing some positive things in the Elmira area.

Joe Kozlowski

Genes load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger. These people who are genetically disposed to anorexia nervosa may be more sensitive to those environmental triggers, like dieting after seeing a fashion magazine.

Cynthia M. Bulik

We are seeing a domino effect as our Katrina- and Rita-related financial and personnel issues impact our other seven hospitals. With immediate help, we can keep the Charity system on its feet and continue to heal. Without it, Louisiana public health care will fall.

Donald R. Smithburg

Ainge is seeing the field really, really well. It surprises me how well he's seeing it right now. He's seeing things I don't see.

Randy Sanders

It's a start for a lot of guys who had good college careers, but didn't have what the scouts were looking for. It's also exciting to be seeing a group of young men (rookies) at the start of their careers, and seeing what they can do. And for some it's a second chance as well.

Butch Hobson

We are seeing the early warnings of the dawn of international deflation, ... Gold prices are rising because it's a refuge.

James Dines

Early on, the scanning tunneling microscope was more used like an archeologist's tool, where you were seeing things for the first time.

Robert Celotta

A preoccupation with the future not only prevents us from seeing the present as it is but often prompts us to rearrange the past.

Eric Hoffer

I knew the longer I was delayed, the worse my chances were of seeing him.

Capt. Christine Vallely

We're seeing a lot more activity trying to manage in-motion inventory, direct it to the place it needs to be and avoid disaster areas.

Beth Enslow

We're not seeing important national trends like the shrinking of crack markets in the 1990s, ... These are responses to local situations, changes in local drug markets and shifts in gangs.

Alfred Blumstein

It has been a very expensive feeding winter. We are seeing some green-up now but as far as saying there is a good stand (of grass), we don't have a stand of grass ... There's lots of holes in the fields that weeds are filling up. The rain is nice but it is a far cry from replacing the subsoil moisture.

Robert Seay

That's what a lot of these meets are, just getting back in the swing of things and seeing what we need to work on.

Kylie Mccuen

I've been impressed the last couple weeks with her. I'm very proud of her effort and she's going to start seeing more playing time. She played more minutes this game than she has all season.

Cip Sanchez

We are seeing what we can do for those congregations specifically.

Howard Meyer

We're seeing more and more residential sprinkler systems, where people are putting them in their homes.

Captain Paul Mcdonough

These protests have a profound effect on the morale and the emotional well being of the soldiers, many of whom are fresh from battle and still carry the psychological scars from seeing their comrades killed and wounded right next to them.

Kristinn Taylor

With three negative reports in a row, it's ugly. What we are seeing is two things: it is the storms and a pre-existing condition that came with the end of auto discounting. Part suppliers and their raw materials suppliers benefited from auto sales incentives.

Chris Low

I enjoy my work. It's easy to do a good job when you love what you're doing. I like seeing kids make it and graduate. It makes me very proud.

Joan Mandzuk

We're already seeing an ebbing away of employee rights and we will be keeping a close eye on this area to see if companies are complying with the regulations.

Jen Corlew

All there is to thinking is seeing something noticeable, which makes you see something you weren't noticing, which makes you see something that isn't even visible.

Leo Strauss

To be out there in front of that many people, I see why they have an open practice. If we went out there seeing that many people for the game, we'd be shocked.

Tony Skinn

Profit news continues to be good, and we are seeing some relief from the profit taking of the last few weeks. But there is an ongoing tug-of-war between 'we've come too far too fast,' and 'the economic recovery is strong' and you're seeing that played out on a day-to-day basis.

Douglas Altabef

The experience of seeing top blues artists at a very low price, cheaper than some cover charges to other local blues clubs is great. Many of these acts play in other cities for $20 per ticket.

Jackie Mitchell

Expectations for Apple's results were pretty high and they needed to beat estimates for us to see a boost in the stock this afternoon. Revenue came a bit lower than expected and that's why we are seeing Apple dip a bit lower after the bell.

Jim Fisher

I'm not seeing anything yet that is easy enough for our customers to use, and we also aren't sure how many of them have computers equipped with the necessary speakers and microphone.

Lauren Christiansen

I'm just working and having a good time and seeing what develops, which is so awesome, because you don't know what's going to happen, and I'm letting myself do that a lot more than I ever have.

Kathleen Hanna

I think this is a new era of radiotherapy in that we're now seeing the tumors that we're actually treating and seeing them in real time.

Albert Koong

I think there's a kind of 'buyers' strike,' for lack of a better term, ... Until we start seeing some better earnings news, I think the market's going to be in this bottoming phase.

Frank Gannon

(That was) more like the senior, two-time all-conference player we've been accustomed to seeing.

Dan Messmann

(El Nio) can be very persistent on occasion, and it does seem like we are in a mode where we are seeing them more frequently.

Barry Keim

I am probably the most selfish man you will ever meet in your life. No one gets the satisfaction or the joy that I get out of seeing kids realize there is hope.

Jerry Lewis

If the market is now thinking we've got another one or two here right in front of us that we didn't count on, that would account for the sell-off we're seeing in the equity market.

Phil Orlando

What we're seeing is a tremendous increase in the number of complaints and horror stories, including fatalities, associated with the rush to corporate, profit driven health care in our country.

Harvey Rosenfield

Come see us if you never have and better yet, if you have. We're looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.

Mike Fontenot

I can't even imagine seeing someone else. I've never had any problems at all. He's been wonderful.

Debbie Gibson

We're seeing money flowing into the Treasury market. It's just a general flight to quality.

Bill Kirby

What we're seeing now is a total reverse in what everyone expected ahead of the euro debut; retailers understood that the euro would add new pressures for competitiveness, so they chose to push prices down to attract customers.

Marc Touati

We always knew, bro, we always knew you were coming home to us. We look forward to seeing you.

Norm Hewitt

We should be seeing numbers that are three or four times larger for the type of trade between our two countries. The bureaucratic issues are really central to that.

Josette Shiner

It's amazing how pervasive food is. Every second commercial is for food. Every second TV episode takes place around a meal. In the city, you can't go ten feet without seeing or smelling a restaurant. There are 20 foot high hamburgers up on billboards. I am acutely aware of food, and its omnipresence is astounding.

Adam Scott

I think the market kind of got walloped by the Merck verdict on Friday, and this may be a reflex rally we're seeing now.

Bill Sutherland

I'm seeing a degree of toughness. I'm seeing a degree of confidence that they can and will be in any ballgame they play in. I'm seeing a team that's going to rush the football as the year goes on and be able to throw it downfield as the year goes on.

Rob Spence

Our business hasn't changed. Our demand is continuing to be good - we're not seeing a decline. Most of our product is sold into the contract market, not the spot market, and we are seeing prices in the low $8 range for 64 megabytes of DRAM.

Grant Jones

We're not seeing any breakthroughs in physics or materials science here.

Peter Diamandis

We don't recommend that you refuse to pull over. Drivers who have doubts should insist on seeing the officer's shield and ID card to be sure. Every police officer carries them and will produce them if asked.

Martin Gleeson

Seeing a mixed performance year come on the heels of another difficult year in 2004, a record number of funds felt the pressure or succumbed to the fate of poor performance.

Josh Rosenberg

The ocean's up, it's been rough and windy all weekend, ... But we're seeing sails in the 90 to 120 foot area, and they're hitting live ballyhoo trolled. There's also been an increase in the amount of dolphin being caught.

Tom Greene

People have a preconceived notion about who I am and it's interesting. It's like picking who you want to win for the Oscars and not seeing the movie.

Amanda Bynes

Under normal circumstances with this kind of figure, you would expect to see significant dollar weakening. The fact that you're not seeing that seems to indicate that people have quite a bit of appetite to take on long dollar positions.

Jens Nordvig

The fungus is the cause of a lot of the massive die-offs we're seeing in recent years.

Claude Gascon

We can't forget the size of our medical community. We are becoming a major health care provider. It is not just the two hospitals - we are seeing a lot of specialists moving into our area.

Frankie Bertrand

Spend every minute of the rest of his natural life in prison without seeing the light of day.

Keith Henderson

The numbers were OK, but there were no surprises for the upside and we are seeing profit taking after the run up we saw earlier this week.

Michael Steib

I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do this year. We've been working hard and hopefully that will pay off.

Joe Germaine

The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity.

Maria Montessori

We are seeing a shift from the destruction of data to the theft of data. They are going from hacking for fun to hacking for fortune.

Dean Turner

There is a period of adjustment to get used to seeing out of one eye. But he is a very tough guy, not just physically but emotionally, and I'm sure he'll overcome this.

Kevin Dineen

They've got a great defense. It's a challenge for us and we look forward to it and moving forward in the season and seeing where we're at.

Tom Ashworth

We were seeing signs of this during practice all year, ... We finally put it together, and we've created the holes and Matt has made people miss. It's a good feeling. Things are rolling a bit and we hope it continues.

Frank Rizzo

We're hopeful it won't climb much more than that (10 percent). The reality is we're all looking at the price per gallon of gasoline and heating oil, and even cord wood, and we're seeing prices that are volatile and I don't think anybody can accurately predict what we'll be paying for these commodities in two weeks, let alone two months.

Martin Murray

I want to see the artificial intelligence lab, too, but just seeing anything of the things that have been invented there would be great.

Rachel Smith

All of our major businesses, namely semiconductor, telecom and LCD are seeing definite improvement compared with the second quarter.

Chu Woo Sik

Scientific American tries to present information that has relevance to society and political policy. However, there's the problem of science literacy, since audiences are increasingly used to seeing things on television carved into little bits for them.

John Rennie

The thing about the acquisitions is it shows companies are looking and seeing value in the marketplace, and that spurs investors' interest.

Arnie Owen

On the customer side we are seeing a great deal more interest in Africa and a lot of funds in particular who previously were perhaps looking at other emerging markets are now looking at Africa in a new way.

Razia Khan

Seeing differently is a critical skill for tomorrow's chief technology officers.

John Seely Brown

The best is seeing the kids try something new and discovering that they're able to do it.

John Lyon

We are seeing a huge increase in a more ethnic element to design, especially Asian. Young people, exposed to other cultures, are very open to adding another element to their homes.

Meg Thomas

I woke up for about a minute, and I remember seeing Austen lying on the ground. I was so mad I couldn't help him. I felt paralyzed. I tried to tell him I loved him, but I couldn't talk.

Andy Enright

Still putting some feelers out and seeing what's going on out there.

Bill Spears

What I have been seeing these past few days is nothing short of a national disgrace.

Joe Scarborough

We've put the pedal down on the weekend of April 9, and we're seeing response in the marketplace.

Andy Wirth

It was shocking just seeing him, ... I couldn't do anything but look at him the whole time. I left out of the courtroom I have so much anger.

Rhonda Brown

What has changed is some of the severity. We are seeing more students who have had prior counseling, who have had hospitalization experiences or who come to us on medication.

Jaquie Resnick

The price of seeing is silence.

Marge Piercy

I wanted him to see how balanced Albert is. He keeps his head so still. That makes a big difference as far as seeing the ball.

Chris Chambliss

It's the time of the season that we're seeing things from practice in games. We're finishing our opportunities and definitely taking steps in the right direction.

Nate Cleveland

The first half of life is spent mainly in finding out who we are through seeing ourselves in our interaction with others.

Dr. June Singer

When I look at it on paper it can be scarry that we're so inexperienced. Seeing them play every day gives me a lot of confidence.

Suzanne Isador

Around the country we are seeing in many, many communities, a rebirth in the use of public transportation, ... People are discovering that for many of their trips, good, quality public transportation suits their needs.

William Millar

We use (narration) as he's just telling us a story. He could be in a bar somewhere telling the story to somebody. We just happen to be seeing it.

Greg Garcia

Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.

Miriam Beard

I am seeing more and more children.

Jill Brook

Federal investment in university research has a much bigger impact on the nation's economy than previously thought. We are seeing much more commercialization coming out of universities that has not been measured.

Lesa Mitchell

...It is absolutely incredible. What we are seeing out here is history in the making. As predicted, thousands across Florida showed up today.

Jessica Sanchez

I guess I was just feeling it tonight. Seeing that, I just started to look for my shot a little more.

Gabe Mcmillen

What's happening is the traditional old line industrial companies are seeing their fundamentals erode as (interest) rates go higher.

Greg Hymowitz

We're seeing nice growth in all of our content, but we know we're definitely selling a lot more kids titles.

Beth Anderson

We are seeing younger and younger patients with more aggressive cardiovascular disease, and we realized we needed to take a closer look at our young people to see when risk factors emerge and why.

Karen Olson

Hoping means seeing that the outcome you want is possible, and then working for it.

Bernie Siegel

There are ewes and lambs in the hills directly above there. If they keep seeing the rams go down there first they are going to learn bad habits.

Pete Sorensen

This is obviously a continuation of what we've been seeing, which is strong economic growth and inflation expectations.

Michael Darda

We are seeing a market that has experienced extraordinary rates of growth. We are seeing those rates moderate. That pace of moderation has been slightly greater than we expected.

Richard Segal

This is unprecedented. I have seen 15 to 20 children dying every day. I am pained because I am seeing them dying with my own eyes and sometimes I feel helpless.

Kp Kushwaha

Seeing the kids perform will be very healing. After this show, we'd like to do something to let the kids tell their stories from their perspective. No one from New Orleans will ever be the same.

Julie Condy

The deterioration in the perception of the central bank's independence will hinder local markets from seeing the issuance of non-indexed paper in the foreseeable future, implying the stagnation in the recovery of the local capital markets.

Alberto Bernal

A guy like him, the manager of the team you're trying to play for, is saying nice things about you, it always makes you feel good. Just seeing the guys that you watch on TV, and you can play with those guys, it gives you a boost of confidence.

Jarrod Saltalamacchia

The whole purpose of a debate is the exchange of views and seeing the range of views that are available, and not to exclude people. I don't think the judge is going to be very happy because there's no basis on which they included and (didn't include) people.

Andy Martin

The wind affected me down the stretch, ... After seeing where the pins have been the past three've got to control your irons pretty well.

David Branshaw

Things are beginning to come to fruition now, ... It's pretty exciting, seeing the progress. Last year, I didn't qualify for nationals. This year, I'm ranked third in the country. I've just got to make the world team, though. It's pretty exciting.

Patricia Golden

So now they will probably be getting out the books, looking at a Conservative government coming in and seeing how the department fits with the platform objectives of the incoming party. They would have had briefing books in order and they'll be tailoring them now.

Kathy Brock

There is a drug problem at the high school. There is a drug problem at the alternative school. But there is a drug problem in this community ... and the kids are a reflection of what they are seeing in the community.

Tod Gunter

The scary thing is that even in the Great Barrier Reef, one of the most protected reefs in the world, researchers are seeing more diseases every time they look.

David Kline

We had to react immediately because in December we were beginning to lose customers who were seeing a slowdown in service, ... I'm estimating that we lost 25% of our customer base over the next five months because they got hit with much higher phone connection charges.

Richard Bliss

It's one of those things that make you proud. Seeing all these people come out and contributing, whether they were directly affected or not, is really heartwarming.

Meredith Jones

It's very unnerving, and unfortunately the numbers have gotten larger and the lines longer. It's frustrating, in seeing the help not come from the state.

Deborah Nigrelli

I have such fond memories of going to my polling place, ... and not only seeing my pollsters, but my neighbors.

Deborah Moore

Seeing increasing evidence that open-source software, with its advantages ... will (eventually) dominate core IT infrastructure in the way it dominates Web server software now.

Matthew Szulik

First thing I'm seeing as I'm coming through the door is a deceased animal laying right here.

Dan Evans

I don't think we're anything near seeing Zach's full potential. The next two years could be very, very exciting watching him grow.

Adam Loria

She likes seeing us win.

Jessica Miller

We're cautiously optimistic for 2003 but we're still seeing signs of a vibrant and growing improvement market.

Robert Tillman

I'm really excited about London and seeing everything that's there. I think it will be overwhelming.

Casey Hobbs

We're hoping we've kind of reached the peak of this thing. Last year we didn't see the kind of increase we've been seeing before. Previous years it doubled or nearly doubled.

Jeff Knight

This is not normal, what you're seeing. These are my babies. ... But this is still a stick of dynamite, and the fuse is lit.

Heather Iannucci

Our girls knew from seeing Carmel win the last few years that they were the team to beat. That's not to say if we beat Carmel that we could still win our sectional. It's a tough way to go. It's the hardest draw I've had in 10 years.

Greg Davidson

We're seeing server consolidation numbers of about five to one.

Rich Green

It is partly seasonal but we are seeing a pull back slightly earlier than we normally would.

Rohini Rathour

What we're seeing now is more saturation in the market. When we started making skate apparel 15 years ago, this was a small market.

Ken Block

The end of the year is a tough time for an event, and I like seeing all of our kids and parents. Everybody is excited about the season and starting baseball again.

Frank Romero

We're not seeing tanks floating down the rivers. We're not seeing tanks cracked open.

Allard Beutel

We've been preaching steal, steal, steal. Cedric did a nice job. He's got a quick move, and we were seeing live competition for the first time. We will get that corrected.

Jared Voss

What I would ask and have asked ... is are we going to start seeing pressure for change in the process that feeds these people to us.

David Souter

We're seeing a little bit of upward pressure on inflation but it's not yet enough to spark a big concern in the market.

David Keeble

I was seeing the ball really good that game. After I hit the first two, I got real comfortable and the pitcher threw me a 3-2 fastball inside, and I just turned on it.

Tyler Morris

We're looking forward to seeing it settle down and getting started. I think that it's looking really good.

Sergio Garcia

We are seeing in the numbers he is ahead, but the depth of his support is not as great as it could be, so I think what is going to happen is, they're going to take a look at him and compare him to Gore and see where it all plays out.

New York Knicks

I'm looking at people who are begging for ice and water and (a) presence. I'm seeing the same sort of thing that horrified us after Hurricane Andrew. ... I realize they've got a huge job. Nobody understands better than I do what they're trying to respond to, but ...

Kate Hale

To be able to shut them up at the beginning of the second half by getting two goals and just kind of seeing the game out comfortably was fantastic.

Kasey Keller

We're breaching key support levels here and that has triggered more selling. We're seeing a combination of central bank selling and portfolio managers hedging.

Frank Hsu

I think what you're seeing is a market that is clearly overpriced. Everyone knows it's overpriced. But we've been kind of whistling past the graveyard.

William Mattison

We're not seeing it as a new video.

Scott Ross

He's really on a tear. He's seeing the ball well, and he's looking for good pitches. It's just a matter of getting more at-bats and doing more situational hitting in practice so we can get ready to play these games.

Dale Cutsforth

We are seeing a decline and it's real and not due to study biases. Husbands' use of sex workers has changed — it's less often and with condoms. That's the only plausible explanation.

Prabhat Jha

I can recall never seeing any type of lists.

John Mccormick

What we're seeing right now is a new generation of teenagers, that as society changes, they're more comfortable in coming out. A lot of them are getting more support from their families.

Melinda Eash

Amy has demonstrated that she will be a strong, effective voice for the fight I believe in -- protecting our children, building safer communities, and seeing that every Minnesotan has access to a good education and quality health care.

Patty Wetterling

Somewhere in the twentieth century we stopped regarding children as property and started seeing them as people.

Kate Adie

At La Catena, we like to think our food and atmosphere are what make our restaurant the great place it is. We like serving our clientele and seeing to it that they are happy.

Robert Capello

Michigan is not yet at rock bottom, but it will be in three to five years. We are a seeing an economic decline in the next five years.

David Littmann

It does not worry me personally - I like communication and visibility - but then I don't have to think about commerce. I like the idea of seeing it everywhere. Designers can't live in an ivory tower. And to copy well is as difficult now as it was in the past.

Karl Lagerfeld

He was intent in seeing the property conserved.

Kevin Essington

What they're doing makes perfect sense. It's easy to be critical. But what we're seeing right before our eyes is the evolution of the brokerage and financial-services industry.

Jan Holman

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time.

Betty Smith (writer)

Fundamentally, we see a positive correlation between gas prices and sales of vehicles. We're certainly seeing fuel economy becoming a more important issue with consumers as we continue to see gas prices rise.

Sage Marie

We're seeing a tickling of inflation in the pipeline but it's not going to be passed on to the consumer.

Bruce Alston

Seeing this and what I saw yesterday, there are no words to describe it. I didn't realize it was as bad as it was until yesterday when we were driving around.

John Allen

He seems very happy and content with himself at the moment, and you're seeing that getting delivered on the field.

Graham Arnold

Investors are concerned about economic growth in the U.S.. We're seeing a bit of disappointment.

Thomas Koerfgen

We've been seeing it more and more, teams just lay back and don't let our guards take them off the dribble. We've got to shoot the ball better.

Jeremy Moore

He'll be seeing me out there, new guy, testing me. I can't see how you can't be ready for a game like this.

Karl Paymah

Early childhood education has been stated to be the most effective economic development tool available to states. It's time to recognize that as we are seeing more buoyancy in our economy, it's time to address this, or we will fall further behind our neighboring states and our international competitors.

Richard Alexander

[Kevin and Sandy said they like everything about the fair.] We like seeing all the people and the activities, ... We try to set aside three hours a day to walk around and see the vendors.

Kevin Davis

Some states in the rest of the nation have slipped, which made us go up in the rankings. We are seeing increased needs in our area, and we go by what our requests are and what we distribute.

Ron Hays

The momentum with our dealers is validating our business model and seeing traction to meet our goals. Our focus, delivery and attention to our client's needs are what will make us a great success.

Rick Shafer

They're used to seeing that (two quarterbacks). They showed focus and didn't get caught in the hype.

Willie Snead

Instead of losing jobs, Mississippi is gaining jobs. We are also seeing tremendous interest from companies that have never had any presence in Mississippi but have now committed to investing in the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

John Harral

I don't think we've accomplished anything. In fact, I'm seeing the problem is even bigger than I envisioned a year ago.

Sen. Michael Waddoups

They are seeing whales on just about every single trip.

John Devore

We've got some kids playing, some freshmen playing a lot of hockey for us right now. Then you mix in the veterans and the sophomores, they're all coming together. They're seeing what high school hockey is all about, it's a long season.

Mike Boyajian

I wanted to have the people come here and be able to read some more of their work and allow people the experience of an actual person reading their work instead of seeing it online or seeing it in a frame or something like that.

Peter Olson

You're seeing the first communist-produced automobile coming in to the U.S.. What I'm going to run on is a rebirth of capitalism.

John Raese

We're seeing a little bit more cautiousness. So much of the tech sector is dependent on the consumer and that's an area of potential weakness.

Lucy Macdonald

It's really hard to tell whether this will be a blip on the radar screen or whether it reflects a deep change in public opinion. A lot will depend to what extent Sheehan and her vigil link up with the disquiet we're seeing in public polls, especially with the people who haven't been opposed to the war in the past.

John Green

We are seeing an enormous increase in demand for wireless infrastructure.

Brett Galloway

We're basically out of ground. What we're seeing is less and less for people to look at. There's a lot of pressure on industrial land from a lot of different ways and residential is the most appealing.

Pat Green

I have a hard time seeing the bond market going higher from here.

Don Kowalchik

Traveling is not just seeing the new; it is also leaving behind. Not just opening doors; also closing them behind you, never to return. But the place you have left forever is always there for you to see whenever you shut your eyes.

Jan Myrdal

We're seeing a big increase in these benefits. Flexibility is the number one program parents are looking for in the workplace.

Carol Evans

The competition should be very entertaining and it's definitely worth seeing. Hopefully we can get a lot of support from fans (tonight) and find some momentum heading into the Missouri Valley schedule.

Chase Hodges

We're seeing more risk aversion in the markets. There has been a lot of concern since last week because of the rise in U.S. bond yields.

Claudia Calich

That's something the architect should have known. Someone was negligent in not seeing that it was done properly in the first place.

Bernie Turner

Progress is running far behind Iraqi expectations in virtually every area. In their view, most Iraqis are not seeing 'amazing progress.' All too many of them live in constant danger, with less electricity in many areas than under Saddam Hussein.

Dewayne White

Historically we've seen an increase in the number of persons applying to be naturalized anytime immigration reform is being discussed nationally. We saw it in the 1990s, and we are seeing it now.

Bill Strassberger

After yesterday's sharp rally it's not surprising we are seeing a bit of consolidation but it doesn't look as if it will be too prolonged.

David Harman

We're seeing how public programs are helping offset what is happening on the employer-based side.

Kathleen Stoll

This community is never going to forget. Can it get to the point of seeing this as one individual or situation, and moving to forgive in that respect? Hopefully. But it is not going to happen overnight, or because of the trial or a one-year anniversary or a 10-year anniversary.

James Powers

The growth we've been seeing for the last couple of years is from kids who've heard about our league at school or from friends, ... We add another 100 to 150 each year, it seems like.

Scott Richardson

Mortgage lending is an opportunistic business and when business declines, the instinct is to consolidate to become more efficient, and that is what we are seeing.

Celia Chen

I've been seeing lefthanders good all year. I know my numbers stink. I think I've been overly aggressive, trying to pull everything. I'm not doing anything different - just hitting it more.

Adam Dunn

I've enjoyed seeing all of the changes that have occurred in the library. I've enjoyed all of the advancements that have been made (in technology), and it's been a part of my life for almost all of my life.

Josephine Fidler

The preliminary idea is to use the sidelines. Right now, we don't put that much on the field anyway. This way parents will be closer to their kids and friends and family will be closer to seeing them. It might be a blessing in disguise.

Todd Ellis

I think the kids get the biggest kick out of seeing their mother or grandmother on stage. They usually don't see them dressed for a pageant. They're so proud.

Robbie Owens

Residents and council are seeing this for the first time. We want to have some informal meetings with residents and leaders from the community.

John Penachetti

You're seeing a knee-jerk reaction to the tremendous gain in energy prices. It's also a reaction to the contrived gain on Friday.

Donald Selkin

There's definitely an oversupply and intense competition. LCD makers are seeing one of the shortest recoveries in the industry.

Nicholas Yeo

Just seeing him [on television] and being able to see his eyes and his reaction to his rescue just took a huge load off my shoulders.

Michelle Williams

I don't think I could run those bases fast enough to get into the dugout. Seeing guys like Jimmy [Edmonds] greeting me at the front of the steps, [Chris Carpenter] and all the big name guys were right up there. It's pretty nice to see that.

Skip Schumaker

What we're seeing in Maine is not indicative of what we're seeing nationally.

Brian Cresta

There's a wow factor here. I usually know within a second or two of seeing a picture whether its a sure thing for Astronomy Picture of the Day because I just say wow, what is going on there.

Robert Nemiroff

[The office is currently handling 14 open cases where a person was arrested for obtaining prescriptions by fraud. Charges have not been filed in six of the cases.] We are seeing more cases, ... I am not certain if this is due to the growing population or an increased abuse of prescription drugs.

Robin Green

Seeing a murder on television... can help work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some.

Alfred Hitchcock

We're seeing a lot more color in frames. And even though sunglasses seem to get larger, eyeglasses have gotten slightly smaller.

Sandy Seal

Other than seeing the ball go down the field a little more, I don't think there's a whole lot of difference in what they're doing, ... The times Mike Teel has been in playing, he's done a good job for them.

Randy Edsall