What we are seeing is a change in tactics. They no longer have that pool of resources that they can mount a serious attack against us.

James Yonts

They're seeing their entire model being threatened.

James Gattuso

We certainly think that $3 a gallon gasoline will be broached in the next couple of days. Soon after, it could go much higher. The expectation is that we could be seeing $4 gasoline in the next couple of days.

Dave Carlson

He's felt a lot better since he's been back to work, 'cause he really missed seeing his people. It really raised his spirits a lot when he got back to work. As soon as we mention that he does have cancer, the ones that do themselves are much more open to sharing their concerns and fears with him.

Charla Soehnlen

What we are seeing is the Mini has became the de facto standard for Web site search.

Rajen Sheth

Nobody knows what any building would look like, ... You have to see who wants to rent or buy and when the economy really needs them. I think you're seeing the democratic process working exactly the way it should.

Michael Bloomberg

It wasn't hard seeing them win because we knew they were a good team, but it was kind of a double-edged sword I guess. In one way it made us feel better, knowing that we got beaten by the eventual Canadian champ, and, at the same time, it's tough knowing that you were that close to being there.

Kristy Jenion

I was very interested in seeing that change take place. Over the last 30-odd years that we've had Monday Night Football , the culture has changed in America. Monday night is not the same kind of night that it was in the '70s and '80s. People aren't at home. Sunday night is really when you find most people at home.

Pat Bowlen

Businesses are using texts more than ever because they are seeing the power of convenience.

Mike Short

When you just see people on television it's different from seeing them in person.

Salim Stoudamire

We are seeing a clear trend emerging where people are putting more in their basket on their average visit to the Warehouse.

Ian Morrice

A million sounds pretty high. I have a hard time seeing that from just existing fields and rehabilitation.

Jamal Qureshi

Consumers have the capability of seeing television anywhere, anytime. And as the technology continues to develop, it will be content - news, sports and entertainment programming - that drives consumer demand.

Peter Price

It was an intense rivalry. I remember going to matches and seeing the gym packed. We weren't getting that in Brick.

John Demarco

It's fabulous. I get such a charge out of seeing their faces. It's fast-moving, their whole bodies are engaged. It's a huge social program, probably our favorite program we do.

Jeanne Thompson

[After the viewing of the film, the crowd once again headed to The Fly for an after party. The atmosphere after the viewing was mellow and the crowd seemed to be reflecting on the film.] I enjoyed seeing the cars … and the love story was great, too, ... The movie was awesome!

Anne Marie

The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails to see a bad one. He is a human owl, vigilant in darkness, and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game.

Henry Ward Beecher

How would you feel seeing that, that this can happen to you and it's OK that nobody's doing anything?

Frances Murphy

We're seeing the same thing today.

Charles Nelson

Another thing I enjoyed was seeing the people smile and say thank you. It made you feel like you were really doing something to help.

Stacy Schultz

In general, we are seeing an ever-increasing rise in consumer debt, not just in payday loans but also credit card balances. Personal finances continue to be headed in the wrong direction.

Bruce Hamlett

The entire state is seeing a boom.

Jan Kostner

The impulse to dream was slowly beaten out of me by experience. Now it surged up again and I hungered for books, new ways of looking and seeing.

Richard Wright

That's healthy that we're seeing the big guys come.

Tom Maeser

What you're seeing people here say is that we understand this is hurtful, but look at the response of the American administration and media, which has been supportive of Muslims. When's the last time that happened?

Sohail Mohammed

We want you to keep seeing her face and we want somebody's conscience to be seared because our lives are forever from this point different.

Roger Parker

Let me tell you, sisters, seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything I've had to deal with in politics.

Ann Richards

It's just big enough to hold a substantial audience and is intimate enough to be an ideal location for our screenings. We're looking forward to seeing how the premiere goes off there this year.

Abby Mcnulty

No, we were all set on coming here, and the ones that did are seeing what we're capable of.

Pazsley Looney

It was one of those nights I was seeing the ball well. Maybe it had something to do with Jacque moving behind me. I don't know, but it was a night I felt pretty good at the plate.

Joe Mauer

Gold is having a little run, with all that's going on ... We're seeing a bit of a flight to quality, but I wouldn't get too excited about it.

Bill O'neill

We were in a really unusual financing environment for a lot of 1999 and 2000. What you're seeing in latter half of 2000 is a much more typical environment.

Warren Huff

The situation is getting worse because we are seeing an increase in the numbers of children coming to us. The key problem is water because these children are malnourished and a lack of hygiene means they get diarrhea, which pushes them over the edge.

Ibrahim Younis

It's clear the Internet will be a powerful new channel for distribution and information. We're seeing a lot of big players embrace the Internet.

Lawrence York

Obviously with all of the rate increases we're seeing statewide and across the country . . . this should be a welcome respite to our customers in Marion County.

Barry Bowman

Further, while we are hopeful that, in aggregate, we are seeing a bottoming in activity levels, there is no convincing evidence that our North American markets will rebound meaningfully before year-end. In addition, European, Asian and, to a lesser extent, South American markets are beginning to decline in lagged response to the North American weakness.

Alexander Cutler

At the beginning of the season I was struggling and not seeing the ball well. The first game (of the season) I didn't get to hit, but it made me more determined to work hard in practice and get back out there.

Hunter West

I was just seeing it pretty good. I got lucky on a couple pitches and they left a few balls up.

Alex White

What we have been seeing is an increase in doubling up, or having more than one staff member, so obviously safety is a concern for the store owners.

Jacqueline Chaput

That's up to Theo and Tito. It's hard for me to say after only seeing him in one outing. Obviously he has ability and there's a reason why he's here. There's a reason why he had the kind of success in college. There's a reason we made the level of commitment that we made to him. He's going to be a good major-league pitcher. When that happens, I honestly don't know.

Ben Cherington

Looks like the stock market has gotten off on positive footing after yesterday's broad-based decline. We're seeing gains in eight of 10 S&P sectors. The data that came out so far was pretty much in line with expectations. Looking ahead, investors will be keeping an eye on auto sales.

Michael Sheldon

This is terrific news for basketball fans in D-League markets, ... Now, in addition to seeing the best basketball players in the world not playing in the NBA, they will have the opportunity to see current NBA players as well, some of whom will be future NBA stars. We've now made a quality entertainment product even better.

Phil Evans

Nothing else we're seeing can return the growth rates paid search is delivering right now. People keep looking around for the next area that will grow by 100 percent, and those industries are rare.

Nate Elliott

It's even more difficult here when you're running in traffic. There are so many trees, the spray doesn't dissipate and you have difficulty seeing the circuit, which can be pretty horrible.

David Coulthard

Well we want to know what the speculation is that is contributing to this, if there's price gouging going on, ... We want to know from state and federal agencies what kind of help is available, if there are tax credits that people should be applying for right now and most of all we want to get to the bottom of why we are seeing these exorbitant rises in natural gas prices.

Jan Schakowsky

We're seeing a revolution where solar is disappearing into the building.

Ron Pernick

We've got the most pressure. We can't go out and spend money on commercials and billboards and all that. It's all a matter of getting out to different places, seeing different people, and hoping they tell their friends.

Aaron Marks

Political correctness is the natural continuum from the party line. What we are seeing once again is a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others. It is a heritage of communism, but they don't seem to see this.

Doris Lessing

We are building an art district on Main Street. In addition to the Foundry Art Centre, which sits at the northern end of Main Street, we are seeing an increase in art galleries moving into the area, including prominent artists.

Nadine Boon

Adam's a special player and I think now he's finally realizing how good he can be. We're seeing a lot more consistency and assertiveness out of him.

Mark Gedeon

It's my second time seeing the president.

Brandon Hamilton

We've never seen anything like this. The Steelers fans have been coming here for years, and now we're seeing Seahawks fans coming out of the woodwork.

Steve Hunt

Seeing as Harvard Pilgrim was the smaller of the three carriers, it was easier for them to grow. They don't have anything to lose.

Dan Cronin

It's the most important day almost in their lives, for both families. One family is seeing a son go off to prison, and one family is here to find justice for their loved one who was murdered. It's important to them. Do you think they want to root for the Seahawks?

Sunni Y. Ko

We saw a run-up near the close of the last session, so you're seeing some selling off of that, not to mention the huge rally in the last week. In addition, the economic data we've seen for July hasn't been very good.

Mike Farrell

I'm looking forward to seeing a lot less red in the crowd the next few nights. I think now that people know when the first playoff game is going to be played, you'll see us sell that out pretty quick.

Craig Leipold

Seeing my wife, for the last time, I was afraid.

Thomas Carter

You can never live life counting on being drafted. I have always planned on finishing my degree and seeing where life takes me.

Ryan Cook

The reality is we're all looking at the price per gallon of gasoline and heating oil, and even cord wood, and we're seeing prices that are volatile, and I don't think anybody can accurately predict what we'll be paying for these commodities in two weeks, let alone two months.

Martin Murray

I don't know if they're seeing it on the ground or in the air.

Jennifer Adleman

This is basically a large timber sale project being devised in such a way as to approve it with less oversight. What we're seeing is part of a pattern of abuse, and it's almost solely on the Panhandle.

Jonathan Oppenheimer

I really feel like I've been given a second chance and to see so many people coming out to embrace my new sound is a blessing. And a lot of people, after seeing the VH1 special, feel like they get to know me personally because my whole life has been a big misconception about me personally.

Vanilla Ice

If the companies say they're seeing strong orders so far in the first three weeks of the current quarter, that probably keeps things going. If they say they don't have any visibility, we'll probably have a pullback.

Ray Rund

I still really enjoy seeing the highlight when they show it this time of year. To see it all happen again... I still get chills.

Bryce Drew

Following last night's race I think this was a classic case of seeing what you did wrong and fixing it for the next time in the pool.

Brendan Hansen

We're seeing the beginning of another boom.

Charles Geisst

We are seeing a marked increase in what we used to call adult diseases (in children).

Aaron Carrel

However, to actually know what your seeing, a small telescope would be useful.

Alan Harris

We are seeing a lot of people who don't know how to sew are starting to learn.

Donna Smith

I don't ever remember seeing that many cops in a courtroom. When I came in and saw all the security, I thought they might have had a bomb scare or something like that.

Dennis Burke

You are definitely seeing a magnifying effect.

Christopher Johnson

By adding an office in Dublin, we can better service European financial institutions, a demographic in which we are seeing increasing demand to use a global services delivery model for their IT services needs. Moreover, we offer specific expertise on fund administration and custody services for hedge fund managers, which is a growing need in Ireland.

Nick Bennett

I keep telling myself to be more patient, but it's something missing that I'm not quite seeing. My eyes are going all over the place. I've got to slow it down. I try to read something, and I go way too fast to even read it. I'm running by my reads, basically, so I've got to slow down and be patient. Patient is the word.

Ryan Moats

Aggregates we are seeing in terms of import and export expansion among others are broadly in line with attaining the growth target of 6.1%. Though there have been blips on inflation, it is due to drought. Underlying inflation is 5.4% so there is no risk for monetary policy in the medium term and the economy will expand in line with projections.

Charles Abuka

I was seeing her do the same things as a 10th-grader that older kids were just getting to.

Blair Brown

You are seeing a kind of dot-com madness.

Jonathan Sacks

She had a flair for doing things in a very elegant way. At the same time, you felt like you were right there in her living room. She paid attention to people so that she was seeing to it everyone's little needs and egos were met.

Harold Brooks

I think we're coming out and throwing the first punch instead of waiting back and seeing what our opponent is going to do. We've been coming out aggressive, very sure of ourselves, and we're just playing with a confidence and air about us right now that is just easy and contagious.

Jarrett Jack

Month-end demand is gone now that we're in a new month and what we're seeing is unwinding of recent flattening positions.

Hidenori Suezawa

It will have a big effect in the U.S. as well as the Far East, because you are going to be seeing a lot more films with international flavor, instead of geared toward the U.S. and European markets.

Robert Bucksbaum

I know of no pleasure that quite matches that of seeing your youngster proudly flaunting something you have made.

Ruth Goode

This is the first step to normalizing financial policy. In addition to the steady recovery, overall we're seeing more relaxed lending behavior, so this wouldn't affect the economy.

Hiroshi Okuda

This is so radically different from the news porn we're used to seeing. The filmmaker is constantly navigating her place there because she's looked upon as an outsider.

Cameron Bailey

This year online shopping has gone mainstream, where we're seeing a greater percentage of consumers from different age and income demographics buying on the Internet.

Jeffrey Grau

I go into each game with three guys written in as pitchers. If I feel someone is losing something, we'll put someone else in. It's nice. A lot of times hitters are only seeing a pitcher once, so they are constantly adjusting.

Tim Bates

I'm seeing a lot more double and triple teams this year, but I've been doing a good job coming off screens, and working hard on the offensive glass to get easy points.

Brock Zylstra

I do think we're seeing the leading edge of the baby boomers. They're very smart, for the most part, and not impatient. It's often a two-, three-year process ... They come back in different seasons.

Leslie Peterson

He was just seeing animals out there not getting care because pet owners had to make their decisions with their pocketbooks and not their hearts.

Brian Iannessa

The fact the rand is firming has to do with the general trend with supportive commodity prices - also we are seeing some Japanese investments back into emerging markets.

Abah Ofon

Presumably it's related to the fact this was so close. We may be seeing phenomena we can't see for the (bursts) that are 100 times more distant. We'll be trying to figure out that puzzle for the next days and weeks.

Frank Marshall

Seeing everyone else around me looking like someone killed their dog, I tried to be my own self and get some life into the game.

Amanda Waldenmaier

I think we're seeing some changes in those students' families' expectations of them.

Mary Williamson

I thought he played pretty well; he did a lot of things we asked him to do. No. 1, he had a lot of poise and composure out there, and good presence in the pocket. Without seeing the film, it looked like he was making all the right decisions on where to go with the football. For his first contest in a while, I thought he did pretty well … he was pretty sharp.

Tim Lappano

It's hard making the start, and then seeing him come past.

Leon Haslam

It is a priceless experience playing against them and seeing the world as well.

Shawn Faust

It takes artists awhile both to digest current events and get films made. This lag of four years makes sense, if one was going to predict accurately when we would start seeing these kinds of films.

Noah Cowan

I'm looking forward to a hot shower and some fresh air and some fresh food -- ice cream, salads, things we don't have on the station. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends.

Frank Culbertson

Based on the trends we're seeing now, Southwest will be the major carrier this year.

Wayne Shank

There's a wider community investing in commodities. You're seeing a lot of investors shift into gold.

Tom Boustead

I love finding songs, going through them, tearing them apart, and seeing if I can find anything wrong with them.

Randy Travis

We are seeing some serious imbalances in the market. When you have price increases with inventory increases, something's got to give.

Kathy Deck

If eyes were made for seeing, Then Beauty is its own excuse for being.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our top five guys all finished in the top 30, so we're seeing improvement. It was the hardest course we'll run on this year, so the times weren't great.

Bill Boyd

It definitely was exciting to be the first one chosen, and I think an honor to have the farm preserved. To me it's kind of an honor to know it's going to be preserved for generations to come, and I don't regret putting it in the program at all. I look forward to seeing it remain a farm forever.

Tim Norris

It's been a long bull run with yields lower, and we're just seeing a few chinks taken out of the bond market's armor.

Michael Boss

I don't like seeing guys who've never done anything in this game acting like they've been around and been All-Stars. I'm talking about guys with 30 career home runs who go pimping around the bases when they hit a home run like they're Barry Bonds or something. I don't like seeing that.

Roy Oswalt

We are certainly seeing more of this blended learning cropping up in graduate education and executive education. I think what many firms are experiencing and colleges are learning is that it is being overused in some cases. You are sometimes seeing courses where the content doesn't lend itself well to online learning.

Richard Coughlan

I think that's why you're seeing some of the leading fortune 500 companies picking up on them.

Jim Nail

You're going to start seeing the run of titles on the PSP side come now for the holiday.

John Koller

We are seeing a pecking order developing about where investors like to invest and where newer companies want to list. If you get the right mixture of corporate governance, infrastructure - which London has at the present time - then that it why it is such a focal point.

Chris Gentle

There's a lot of reasons people give (against a casino), but we think it's appropriate to focus on the economics. Unfortunately, we're seeing the money sucked out of the state.

Terry Casey

We've had a fantastic run. The fundamentals are improving, but maybe not at the right level for the valuations we're seeing.

Brian Alexander

We made some adjustments at halftime and the kids started seeing the flow more. We gave it an effort. Defensively, we just didn't play as well as we have been.

Chad Olson

It got bad in the sixth round seeing guys from the Big 12 and guys I played against go ahead of me. I knew I wasn't just a seventh-round pick, and seeing that, it got to me. But after knowing why, it made me feel better. And going to Miami is obviously not a bad place.

Rodrique Wright

We are now in the Me Decade - seeing the upward roll of the third great religious wave in American history.

Tom Wolfe

There can be a lot of joy derived from seeing (your kids) get what they want and helping them along the way.

Barry Vosler

She has no memory of seeing such a memo. There is no copy of such a memo in her files or any of her staff files. There's no knowledge that this memo was ever sent or received.

Joe Householder

I underestimated them a little bit, seeing how they lost to Nebraska. But that won't happen again. We won't underestimate anybody any more.

Brandon Rush

We brought the gospel choir together and seeing their reaction just tore me apart. The second they started singing 'Amazing Grace,' I just broke down crying.

Michael Moloney

I just try to take bits and pieces wherever I can. Seeing how different people finish from around the game is the best way to do that.

Calen Carr

We are seeing some pretty heavy damage on certain parts of the lake, especially boats traveling at a higher speed.

Jeff Wolfe

When I first started seeing it come together, I was just blown away.

Nikki Sixx

It's just a matter of when it's going to happen. I'm seeing it right now, that people are deciding to use an alternative fuel.

Tim Reed

We're seeing a little turnaround, after so much negative news. It's also the end of the quarter, so portfolio managers need to do a little window dressing.

Michael Carty

Oil is affecting inflation; it is slowly creeping up in the United States and we're seeing rising producer prices.

Raghuram Rajan

I think you're seeing some movement on the retail sales and oil, but I don't think it's meaningful. I still think this market will grudgingly go up.

Kurt J. Wolfgruber

With the great variety of restaurants we have, people are coming to Asheville as a culinary destination. We're seeing a lot of ticket sales for the showcase to people in Greenville, S.C., and Charlotte.

Meghan Rogers

By 2010, we're going to start seeing serious impact to the point of where we'll seriously be impacting patient care and we won't be able to turn around patient results because there won't be enough people to do the work.

Kirk Davis

Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more.

Terry Pratchett

We're seeing a weaker dollar mainly because of position covering.

Todd Elmer

We are now seeing much more content come to video-on-demand, and we think that's helping.

Brian Roberts

We're seeing a little profit taking ahead of all the data. But as long as it comes in reasonably strong I'd say people will be looking for the Fed to keep raising rates in May and even beyond, and the dollar to start rising again.

Nobuaki Kubo

That's all they had, ... But we're seeing less of that. Everybody is now getting on the bandwagon.

Jeff Valdez

They must be seeing them or they wouldn't be asking for (the new rules).

Phil Durocher

We started seeing huge vulnerabilities. And portions of those systems were extraordinarily secure. But they were Maginot Lines.

Scott Borg

We were seeing about 500 more reductions this year.

Lesa Roe

At some of the busier hubs like Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, we're seeing at certain times of the day, certain days of the week, the numbers are even higher than last year.

Jane Garvey

We're seeing the right signs that the business is on track with our plans.

John Sheppard

We are in wonderful shape and delighted with the response that people are giving in their support for this effort. It is going to be on the ballot--which is probably why you're seeing some of this activity taking place in the Legislature right now.

Steve Roman

We are seeing no action from our government, no action. We want to make sure that in this age, in 2006, no one is above the law.

Gabriel Pendas

That game, believe it or not, it really raised the whole school's morale, seeing those girls not quit.

Robert Vinegar

With that kind of information, you can begin to manufacture based on the types of demand that you are seeing out there, as opposed to manufacturing a set amount of vehicles that may sit on dealer lots. You can begin to manufacture something that you know is going to move rather quickly.

Richard Hilgert

Its not just the visual blight of seeing those poles when you come into the neighborhood off of Price, but for a lot of these neighbors it's the unknown of what the real health hazards are. Many of us have children.

Mike Didomenico

Platinum is so popular because women always want what their mothers didn't have. They grew up seeing their moms with gold bands so the white metals became very popular.

Darrin Cody

One thing I really enjoyed was for two games he coached us. That was awesome. You really got to see how good a coach he is. I had only known him by meeting him in the hallway and just shaking hands, but seeing him behind the bench, seeing his knowledge and the things he said, I was really impressed.

Brad Boyes

We're seeing lower wind, higher humidity, overcast skies with the potential of rain. That should help contain the fire to make it easier to put out.

Wendy Rosenbach

We are seeing demand from funds. Gold will continue to move up steadily and could reach $650 by year end.

Friedrich Kernstock

I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled.

Sigourney Weaver

More and more we're seeing customers switch to downloads or burning CDs from their friends. The last couple of years we've been hanging on by our teeth.

Jesse Klempner

It's very powerful. Seeing a story like that depicted -- you can't help but be affected by it.

Debra Smith

We are still seeing trees dying from injuries to their root systems, main stems or branches, and we are also finding increased insect activity and disease problems that we wouldn't normally see.

Charlie Marcus

[Autry also directly criticized Parks. He said the FPOA] has had some good leaders who put the community first. ... we are seeing a big departure from that ... Parks would rather operate behind a veil of secrecy, which is not good for the public or the Police Department.

Alan Autry

We're here handing out our literature to let these guys know that we're available to them when they come back. We're seeing a lot of guys coming back from the war injured. With the advancement of medicine a lot of them are surviving, more so than they did in some of the previous wars.

Gregory Jones

We're seeing more heart out of the team, especially in practice.

David Grant

Getting back in little routines create a great deal of safety so just getting up in the morning and packing their backpack, coming to the same place, seeing the same people.

Scott Butler

The trends in age-adjusted death rates we expected because we've been seeing an increase in life expectancy for some years now.

Arialdi Minino

We are seeing today an unmistakable confirmation that there is in the country the emergence of a new political culture. A sense that the legacy of the rule of the gun can be resisted is now taking root.

Jean Arnault

That's a good question. It's been a challenge for us to be ready to play every night. What you're seeing (now) is a team that's not necessarily ready to go when the jump ball goes up.

Raja Bell

August, September and some of October tend to be our peak months. We are seeing some volume pickup, but it's not the kind of peak we've seen previously.

Don Wylie

I think this is so students know where the bonds are going, what the college is doing with the money and seeing that it is not going elsewhere.

Andrea Garibay

I think you?re seeing playoff baseball. I think (the wild-card race) is coming down to the last week.

Todd Pratt

We should be seeing the results of that in the next couple of years.

Candace Millington

Seeing how much people love Colorado was one of the most incredible, gratifying aspects of my career.

John Fielder

Not "Seeing is Believing," you ninny, but "Believing is Seeing." For modern art has become completely literary: the paintings and other works exist only to illustrate the text.

Tom Wolfe

We're already seeing some companies yielding to pressure. But everybody is waiting for the big lady to sing, which is Exxon.

Fadel Gheit

In the 1980s, we responded to what we were seeing in the market from an investment opportunity point of view. We really were developing this practice on our own. It was complementary to PNC's focus on the smaller end of the middle market, but in terms of our context, we were building sources for deals and deal referrals on our own.

David Blair

The trains are rolling and there's virtually nothing happening as far as cleanup. They're telling us there is, but we're not seeing it.

Don Goss

We're seeing things we've never seen before, where one day the Dow is up 100 and Nasdaq is down 100, and vice versa.

Yale Hirsch

When I started working with him, that's when I started seeing the legit side of the music business. The story gets better.

Aj Case

I wasn't being patient enough at the plate. I was seeing slower pitchers. I have to wait on the ball and be more disciplined. It's been a good learning process.

Max Suter

People are seeing a return on their investment, on both sides, both on the education side and the industry side.

Lisa Peterson

From a big picture perspective, we are seeing a strong economy. We've seen high energy and commodity prices for a long time, and it hasn't had a substantial impact on the core rate of inflation.

Russell Lundeberg

The poetic act consists of suddenly seeing that an idea splits up into a number of equal motifs and of grouping them; they rhyme.

Stephane Mallarme

Swimming is always very individual, but it's nice when it's a team sport. I like seeing everyone on the team improve.

Jason Mclaughlin

We're seeing the industry turn around.

David Lyons

Very excited about seeing the team play. I have a good feeling about what we can do this year. I'm very pleased with the attitude and commitment of the players.

John Gall

I've supported the governor before. I look forward to seeing more of his agenda pass in the upcoming session.

Adam Koenig

There was investment bank selling today on the rally up to $479. You are seeing profit-taking.

James Quinn

I had this pile of documents that exposed how this industry was trying to hook people to killing themselves and to make a profit, and then I was seeing this incredibly tangible way to fight back and prevent the tobacco industry from leading people to their deaths.

Katherine Klem

This project has what in Washington, D.C., we call traction. There are people in Washington who wouldn't mind seeing this project succeed.

Guy Martin

We are still seeing solid jobs growth and incomes are improving. That helps demand for housing, along with the Reserve Bank of Australia sitting on its hands for rates.

Bob Cunneen

Just seeing how he handled it last year, I talk with him about that this year - how he deals with the pressure. We laugh and joke about the home run thing. He told me I couldn't beat his 20.

Quinn Stewart

We're in the playoffs now, so that's one less thing we have to worry about. Seeing this defense jell as one just lifts me. And it goes both ways, because we feed off each other.

Max Zarchin

It's pretty much decimated our cherry crop, so the cherries were hit early, and now with the pears, we're just seeing the effects of cool, overcast days.

Dave Elliot

With the executive team in place, and given what's going on with the industry, where we're seeing a realignment from the hub-and-spoke model to the on-demand next generation fleet model, I have a high degree of confidence in our ability to raise funds.

Jim Boehle

Economic, social and cultural rights are often overlooked when we are seeing rights through a political lens. Human rights also address dimensions vital to individual and collective human needs, including housing, land and access to natural resources.

Joseph Schechla

I'm looking forward to seeing a good show from all of the kids competing. When they leave here at the end of the day, I want them to feel like they've been a part of something special.

Alton Tyre

The season followed some patterns that are typical. We're seeing the week after Christmas playing a much larger role in the overall holiday shopping season.

Malachy Kavanagh

We're seeing regional design activity very strong here. The strongest sectors seem to be on the institutional side, education and health care.

Kermit Baker

It's coming. I'm getting more adjusted every week to the speed of the game, seeing the field, knowing the cuts I have to make. It's really just vision and seeing what's happening on the field. In practice, it's one thing. In the games, that's where you really find out where you are.

Ryan Moats

I think, from what we're seeing so far, people are ready to come back out to the beach, and we are thrilled to have them.

Debbie Norton

We are seeing the economy slowing down, and that is affecting same-store sales.

Jharonne Martis

When I looked on the court last year, about every possession I was seeing four freshmen. We'll be the most experienced sophomore class in the Big Ten. Finally, we have some experience. Finally, now we have some carry-over in knowledge.

Cheryl Burnett

Because of higher prices, things like one-day tours to the neighbor islands have declined. Hopefully, if we begin seeing more seats and lower fares, some of that activity will come back.

Frank Haas

What you are seeing is a shift away from e-commerce and back to the plumbing of the Internet. The telecom sector and software are doing quite well as are DSL, broadband and fiber optics. Most of them are retooling to enter the fiber optic age.

Tracy Lefteroff

I love the costumes. The most fun part of the night is seeing where people take them. People do things they wouldn't normally do, that they'd be embarrassed to do on a regular night.

Kristin Booher

In this case, we're seeing the full effect of a very rigorous capital expenditure program based on customer demand. Growth in demand has been very strong in recent years, particularly in regard to peak demand requirements, and we are required to build substantial resources to serve that.

Dave Eskelsen

With the Fed expected to go another 25 basis points on Wednesday and still-tame inflation reports, we are just seeing more of the same flattening trend.

Ann Hurley

We've had a bright year, ... We are seeing improvement across key financial measures, but we are not where we want to be yet.

Michael Eisner