It was like, 'OK, I can't do it pitching, so here I am with the bat.' I was trying to stay loose and I was seeing the ball well, so that helped a lot. That helped keep my confidence up too, so there wasn't a total damper on everything.

Randi Rainwater

What you're seeing here is an industry that refuses to accept responsibility for the harm it is capable of.

Tim Winter

Seeing as there's such a narrow gap between the two we demand that a scrupulous verification of the vote counting be carried out.

Paolo Bonaiuti

Everybody's thinking about the dot-com boom of five years ago, but we're not seeing that. Biotech is a terrific industry and it has terrific jobs, but it's not like a chip factory with tons of jobs. It's not as robust as people would like.

Paul Fassinger

We're seeing hotels with occupancies that have dropped maybe 20 or 30 percentage points.

David Quarmby

Slowly but surely, you're seeing the culture of fear dissipate in Raleigh.

Joe Sinsheimer

I just can't support seeing any classroom teachers walking out the door. They're our backbone. I'd like to see something where we look at something else -- supplies, after school programs, something. You're going right to the heart with these cuts.

John Criscuolo

I don't know that we're seeing eye to eye on value. I think we're close.

Chuck Price

Relative abundance is an index of what's out there. We know a lot of these species move, but within what we have the data for, we are seeing this decline range.

Jennifer Devine

I think you're seeing chaos, basically. No matter how you cut it, it's very poor project design and implementation.

Ali Allawi

From what I am reading and seeing I think country risks have been sacrificed in the search for yields.

Simon Derrick

Both companies are seeing digital media explode and recognize it's in our interests to have interoperable services so that we can give consumers the most choice.

Dan Sheeran

We're probably seeing about half the normal visits.

Brian Schott

We've tried to bring fun back to the game and the girls have latched on to us. We (Williams and assistant coach Tracy Ross) are seeing a lot of good things from these players.

Bryan Williams

We're seeing reduced price appreciation in the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska although population growth and job growth there remain strong.

Alexis Mcgee

Monte has the ability to make plays when they aren't there, and that's what I'm looking forward to seeing.

Coach Kermit Blount

What better gratification than seeing that you allowed someone to carry on with their lives, that you made a difference.

Jennifer Openshaw

Turkey is seeing a fatality rate of 20 percent which is lower than the fatality rate observed in Asia, which was around 58 percent.

Cristiana Salvi

We appreciate the bright news out of the U.S. and we're seeing buyers scoop up the bottom against that backdrop.

Hideki Kamiya

It was awesome. It was just so cool seeing Mark out there and seeing how much everybody respects him. I even got a little teary-eyed seeing the banner go up - and that doesn't usually happen with me. It was so great obviously to be able to play with him but also to be part of his banner night as well.

Tom Poti

We didn't anticipate seeing him very much.

Dale Tea

Don't let the wish stay in our hearts! Come on, come on! I have a fear of not seeing You! Everybody wants to see the Lord and Master of the Age! Mourn, raise your hands.

Mahdi Salashur

When China had a planned economy our material circumstances were not rich but our society was much more peaceful and stable. We didn't have the polarization between rich and poor we are seeing today.

Xia Xueluan

There's no doubt we are seeing a string of nothing but miserable corporate news.

Jordan Kimmel

Our biggest challenge now is funding the program with the growth we're seeing. There's a lot of fruit to be harvested out there.

Joni Diserens

All the builders are offering us commissions again, and even bonuses. I haven't seen a bonus on a transaction in almost a year, and now we're seeing sellers and builders offering agents bonuses.

Caroll Yule

We are seeing a lot of buyers priced out of Cambridge and Somerville looking in the Hillside. You can find a nice home in this neighborhood for $50,000 less than you'd pay in Somerville.

Brian Flynn

That's two teams going at it. Just seeing guys go about it for 18 solid innings, and not give up one at-bat, not one pitch, it's pretty amazing.

Joey Devine

You want to make up for a lot for the players who lost their last game. Seeing some of those guys on the sidelines today when we were running out of the tunnel we were like this is for you. It feels good to do that, but this was for us.

Greg Mcelroy

The Divine Nine is a pretty cohesive group, ... We don't consider ourselves competitors. At a time when golf courses around the country are seeing a decline in the number of rounds, we're working together to promote all of the courses.

Bill Henderson

The announcer was going insane calling this. The crowd was going crazy. This was a sophisticated track crowd. They knew what they were seeing.

Steve Opremcak

We're seeing a lot of rashes from people who have walked through the water and mental problems - it's tough not having a home to go back to.

John Everett

We're seeing tremendous increases each year in the number of taxpayers e-filing their returns from home.

Anthony Burke

Four years ago, you weren't seeing a wide adoption of wireless data services. And you weren't seeing a wide consumption of new consumer electronics products.

Len Jordan

What we are seeing is an extension of the technical computing market into the commercial space.

John Humphries

We make a point of seeing 'Hoosiers' at a certain point of every season. A lot of times -- unless you're talking about their boyfriend, a clothing designer or a country music singer -- what you say or do goes right over the heads. But for some reason, they get into that movie.

Troy Miller

Unfortunately what we are seeing is an unceasing persecution against General Pinochet for events that occurred more than 30 years ago.

Pablo Rodriguez

The magic number is 80 degrees Fahrenheit. What we are seeing in the Atlantic right now is temperatures that are 82 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, almost two to four degrees above their normal temperatures.

Bill Patzert

We thought we'd try to get him some pitches. He's still not seeing a whole lot, but he gets on base and scores runs. What more could you ask for in a lead-off guy?

Joey Sato

Once you create a model for private players to want to enter the sector, you will get their interest. We are seeing movement in that direction.

Subir Gokarn

Normally, there's too much water in the Arkansas River, too much velocity. If you're a fisherman, you're still seeing the difference today.

Greg Policky

It is different seeing it on stage than reading it in the classroom or seeing one of the film versions.

John Briggs

Last year was such a success. We are looking forward to seeing all the ghosts and goblins again this year.

Pam Smith

They're not consistent enough. You'll go a week without seeing them, and people take advantage of that.

Mark Fleming

We're so used to seeing celebrities being driven around in limos. I can go to an In-N-Out Burger whenever I want, and no one takes my picture.

Kathy Griffin

What we're seeing is the trashing of her nationwide. She was a good woman and ... my information is that Mr. Blake shouldn't be the first one to cast stones.

Cary Goldstein

Teenagers and men are coming in to learn how to knit. And we're seeing people who haven't knitted in 30 years.

Margaret Smith

The good news is that it is bringing a wonderful group of new employees downtown. And what we're seeing both in terms of regional and national trends is that the health care-related industries are growing and are expected to grow in the future.

Maureen Pero

People think that you search based on objects. You think you're seeing everything, but you're really seeing very, very little.

Mary Bravo

The auto industry is more of a player now. Not just building cars, but helping with the infrastructure. ... We're already seeing the impact.

Lucy Norton

Some customers are seeing increases up to 70 percent.

Rob Gould

People are tired of seeing white walls. If people don't know what they're doing, their paint colors can easily take $20,000 off the price of a $300,000 house.

Vicki Fazzini

We hit the ball real well today. Everyone was seeing it real well, putting it in holes and hitting it hard.

Chad Braun

We expected what we are seeing in the third quarter data, which is a moderating of appreciation that, over time, is likely to bring prices back into line with the economic fundamentals that support them, particularly incomes.

Mark Milner

They're seeing their U.S. programs succeed, and they want to take that success around the globe.

Clark Kokich

What is so wonderful about the top four is each one has a different style. It's going to become a matter of what you enjoy seeing.

Frank Carroll

It's really about seeing opportunities in a very fast-growing and important marketplace.

Tom Beermann

We are seeing if we can get some personalities together. Once they believe in one another, and they start competing for every point, I think we will be a very good team.

John Aragon

We're seeing evidence of Utah households responding to higher fuel costs by driving less, heating less, and being more efficient. And if oil prices stay high, we should also see more enduring efforts to explore alternatives, like tar sands and oil shale.

Gary Schlossberg

We're seeing that there is not as much gasoline available as is being consumed.

Kelly Matthews

There's a plan. We're all following the plan and sticking with the plan. I think you're seeing this year, a direction towards that plan.

Joel Glazer

With exports to China, demand -- which had slowed late last year -- is now seeing a solid rebound, and with firm demand in the US continuing, Japanese exports are most likely to maintain brisk gains in the near term.

Taro Saito

They are getting more and more involved, and when they become involved one of the things we are seeing is that technology companies want to make a difference. They don't want to fund a lot of different things. They come into a project and are very hands on. They like to feel they've made a difference.

Judi Jedlicka

This is good news for investors. For investors that held on, I'm sure they're seeing relief in the stock today.

Michael Koskuba

Having a national tobacco monopoly is a challenge, not because the national monopoly is going to necessarily thwart control efforts, but they will stand in the way of the government seeing this as a development issue.

Burke Fishburn

What we're seeing is an increase in the evolutionary pace of IED (improvised explosive device) design, ... It's increasing at a pace we previously haven't seen.

Ben Venzke

Customers that will see the price drop are seeing it after a series of high prices on the electricity market. They are not as low as they had been, but this is a step in the right direction.

Mike Durand

I like difficult customers, the challenge of fixing (the problem) and seeing if they're the same way when I leave.

Mark Kowalski

In 3-D navigation, the driver won't just be seeing a road network, but the experience will be more like driving through a photograph.

Mark Peters

A lot of our young players got a lot of reps. That will benefit them come fall. I'm encouraged with our overall effort. We're seeing good enthusiasm and good tempo on the field but we are still making far too many mistakes.

Brian Vangorder

She's right there, right there with it. Seeing death, up close and personal.

Mary Wilson Little

The overall balance of the Antarctic ice is dependent on regional changes in the interior and those in the coastal areas. The changes we are seeing are probably a good indicator of the changing climatic conditions there.

Isabella Velicogna

You're seeing it go down to more moderate homes.

John Sebastian

We're seeing three-star hotel rooms at $100 a night. That is a great bargain.

Barbara Messing

Seeing stuff helps, but what helps is getting in there and mixing it up a little bit. We're getting close to being on the same page.

Allan Evridge

Looking at past data and previous mergers, typically you do find an increase in customer satisfaction. That's because what's happened is we're seeing artificial results for satisfaction based on an event, as opposed to real life experiences due to normal operations.

Kirk Parsons

Seeing people cheering for him and hugging him was almost sickening. He deserved every hardship because it was an awful thing that he did. It wasn't accidental.

Andrew Ference

What I definitely see is technologically-savvy people can replace capital with knowledge. We're seeing more instances of that.

Lanny Faleide

We are seeing a delay of at least a few weeks for the peak production for the entire state.

Carolyn O'donnell

Atlanta once was the poster child for bad air. Now we're seeing mid-sized cities grapple with the same problems.

Ciannat Howett

I think going to Mankato this weekend, we have to play 120 minutes. We're going to have to play disciplined and we're going to have to do the little things well. I think if we do that, obviously as coaches and players we'll be pleased, and I think we'll end up seeing the results we want to see.

Jackie Barto

Seeing three of our four friends was very distressing. We are really asking the kidnappers to consider what they are doing and what this is doing to the [hostages'] families.

Allan Slater

I'm hearing these words about renewal of the ecumenical movement, but I'm looking for a tangible framework for change and I'm not seeing it yet.

Alison Preston

We're seeing a ton of patients. Most of it is a lot of fever, chills, body aches along with some coughing, congestion and runny nose.

Michael Esquivel

I think people are seeing Tyrus Thomas and think all of my players are just like that. He's the only one that plays above the rim.

John Brady

It's pretty much like seeing The Beatles or Pink Floyd. They're the last of the greats. They're great at what they do. They wouldn't still be around if they weren't.

Andrew Wilkinson

What we're seeing is reminiscent of the early 1990s -- a jobless recovery.

Sherry Cooper

We played (our zone defense) a lot better than we had earlier in the season, as far as seeing cutters coming through the lane and defensive rebounding.

Rob Kues

Well, she's very different from me; beating up one's children is something we definitely do not have in common. The funny thing is, my mother always says that I'm playing her. Let's see what she says after seeing this!

Phylicia Rashad

I'm seeing the ball well. I'm getting pitches to hit and just being aggressive. I really don't know what's going on, but I'm certainly not going to complain.

Neil Giesler

We're seeing alliances, not mergers, among leaders, which reflects clearer thinking about what is good.

Andy Neff

Possibly I want to bring my acting into the cooking, blending the two together. What I love is cooking for other people and seeing them enjoy what I have created for them. And same thing goes for acting. I have even tried to make some Chinese dishes before. It's very difficult. That's probably why eating at authentic Chinese restaurants is part of my journey here.

Jeremy Miller

I'm now seeing many detonations, ... There's one huge fireball nearby and I can see several plumes of smoke from still other detonations.

Brent Sadler

You're not going to outwork Kevin Colbert. I remember seeing him out in the field, and he always asked the right questions and paid close attention to details. That's why he is where he is today. And it's why he's so highly regarded around the league.

Dan Shonka

It's not going to be the typical dinner theater anymore where people are eating and seeing the show in the same spot.

Paul Jadin

You miss all the noise, ... You can talk on the phone, but it's nothing like seeing them in person.

John Edward

You've been seeing a lot of our competitors with a fair amount of mainframe envy out there trying to capture the same characteristics that we've had in the S/390 for years now, ... What we're doing is raising the bar on that.

Rich Lechner

I think what has really helped us is that each of us believes that either of us could run the company alone. Rather than seeing ourselves as two halves of a whole, we think we're each individually capable of doing the job.

Jerry Greenberg

You're seeing weakness overall. We're in a transitional period and this is the sort of fallout you'd expect.

Mike Hickey

Seeing the students want to help was really cool. FACS students are committed to the human condition.

Brooke Rogers

Value our lives because we never know what day or what time it'll be over, ... Rich, famous, whatever, it just makes you appreciate just seeing today.


That's something our medical staff is not used to seeing.

John Fougere

I was frustrated by not seeing the truth in print. And I believe that if you want to see it, you should write it.

Anthony Prior

I think what we are seeing initially is positive, the good trends at the school (Springfield Middle) continues.

Tom Lindly

After seeing the mother and child together, it became clear to me that they have a wonderful relationship. She's a great mother. Any attempt by anyone to interfere with that relationship . . . is wrong.

Tony Spencer

This is an exciting opportunity to better document the existence and learn more about this magnificent bird. Now that the leaves have fallen, conditions have improved for seeing and hearing the birds. Finding birds is a critical part of the recovery process and we're hoping for some exciting news.

Sam Hamilton

All of the dome-building that went on after the 1980 big eruption didn't have earthquake activity the way we're seeing it now.

Bill Steele

The water's going down and they're coming out. We're seeing a lot more now. When the water goes down, you see what they're tangled up on. I expect we'll see a lot more.

Tom Anderson

What we're seeing in the Panhandle right now is a big barn raising, we're seeing people come together through various forms, through various charitable funds, various charitable donations. We're seeing neighbors helping neighbors.

Burt Rutherford

I'm seeing people do want change. They don't want politicians anymore.

Thomas J. Jackson

We are seeing empty spaces in lots that, in the past, we didn't really have empty spaces in.

Doug Holmes

Some houses are looking for a small cut, which explains the rise we're seeing.

Marcelo Porto

We were pleased. We had some goals that we wanted to meet tonight in terms of minutes played and seeing some of the young guys. We accomplished that and we were very competitive, and I was real happy with that.

Ron Rothstein

Some of the critics are seeing a connection where none is intended. People are perfectly within their rights to oppose the policy of war, but this is about supporting the troops.

Victoria Clarke

We're still very interested in seeing the result of the CDC's study of the human impact.

Brendan Gilfillan

That's where we're seeing a lot of increased activity now.

Punky Moore

What we're seeing here is a cake walk compared to what people on I-45 are experiencing, ... There are people who have been on the road idling so long they ran out of gas.

Jimmy Jackson

It's cool just seeing him on the big stage. That's our dream, so seeing him it feels like we are down there too.

David Heck

I think that people get a kick out of saying, someone took my seat and it was so and so. The guests are always nice and like seeing celebrities. It's a neat story to add to their Cedar Point experience.

Bryan Edwards

The numbers that we are seeing today are consistent with those we saw in the last recession.

Heather Boushey

The closed carrier portals and the limited interfaces make it difficult for new brands to break in. But as we get more powerful browsers and more powerful phones, we'll have new ways to seek out content. We'll start seeing new business models and new entrepreneurs.

Seamus Mcateer

We are seeing good uptake.

John Stratton

I do think we are going to see more combinations as time goes by. What we are seeing now are the first attempts, and customers haven't taken to those combination products as much as the carriers would hope.

Allen Nogee

We're seeing that a change in the physical conditions is driving a change in the ecosystems.

Jackie Grebmeier

We're learning from our mistakes. (The coaches) got on us pretty hard on our mistakes. They're getting tired of ... seeing us make the same mistakes.

Francisco Garcia

With the copper markets and some of the base metals seeing a positive flow of buying interest lately and the U.S. stock market hinting at even better economic conditions ahead, the overall environment for metals is supportive.

Nell Sloane

We are seeing the most intense bargaining among big states that we have seen since the end of the Cold War, with war in the offing and no certainty about the outcome.

Graham Allison

My main focus is seeing that these projects don't compete with one another for funding, because if they compete, they will all lose.

Buddy Dyer

I just enjoy getting out and seeing what the good Lord has given us. When you get out there in the morning and you're with friends and you see deer running across the fairway, there's just nothing like it.

Bud Carden

Yeah, I'm used to seeing him race these cars. Coming from Columbus, he's just another person to me.

Greg Jones

What we're seeing as we look into the futures markets presently are increases that seem to be never ending.

Martin Cohen

At no point during the proceedings were we given a chance to explain ourselves. As soon as our attorney started reading a letter of support from Good Samaritan Hospital, 250 people in the courtroom began booing. It was something you would see on a TV show. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It didn't feel like America. It just didn't.

Leah Goldstein

Companies in the print media industry are once again investing heavily. We're seeing an improved investment climate.

Bernhard Schreier

It was really nice seeing everyone.

Sherri Johnson

They haven't yet stumbled and I don't think we are seeing any erosion in applications revenues.

Albert Pang

Asia certainly is driving a lot of the strength we're currently seeing.

Ron Slaymaker

We're seeing moderate snowfall up in the Lake Tahoe area.

Rudy Cruz

It was one of those nights I was seeing it well.

Joe Mauer

Most of our resorts do enjoy other things around that help drive the attraction to the area, and we are just now seeing at the (South) Pier things just now starting to open up, and it will help give a vibrancy to the area that will help everybody down there.

John Emery

Every practice or every game, our young players are seeing a new situation. It's very important to play the games, to make corrections and to name a few things that we did well.

Kathy Levandoski

We're seeing a tremendous amount of activity overseas, whether it's in Asia or the Middle East. For countries that are emerging on the economic scene, very tall buildings are symbols of their economic strength.

Ron Klemencic

We're seeing great things out of people all over the place. People coming off the bench have been doing a phenomenal job for us and that [helps our cause even more].

Bonnie Rosen

You're really seeing two big changes within a year. (With an interim leader) it could be as many as four during that period.

Raphael Sonenshein

I should love to do a novel... about one abnormal character seeing present-day life, very ordinary life, yet arresting through it, abnormality, until at the end the reader sees, and with little reluctance, that he is not abnormal at all, and that the main character might as well be himself.

Patricia Highsmith

Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you're in control, they're in control.

Tom Landry

But it also opens the door for audiences to see what really goes on at these things. It's like seeing the show before the actual show.

Betsy Head

That is a huge obligation. With the best will in the world there is no director who is fully conversant with the 120 or so acts that affect business. We are already seeing signs that retired directors are refusing to be directors. They don't want to serve on audit committees and boards because of the risks attached.

Tony Dixon

Why should any man have power over any other man's faith, seeing Christ Himself is the author of it?

George Fox

Many more Arizona businesses are seeing the changing ethnic minority population shifts and the rates of minority population growth.

Harry Garewal

I really didn't understand the impact of this money in the community. It's just been wonderful seeing how it's used.

Chuck James

Ever since Fahrenheit 9/11 , I think we've been seeing there's a real audience for movies with political agendas. I don't know how many people are showing up because they want to hear political messages, but they're certainly more open to hearing them.

Joel Silver

We are seeing strong demand across our entire portfolio of services, both domestic and international, ... We continue to see strong and sustainable economic recovery across many sectors of the economy that we serve.

Fred Smith

We had to go through a lot of ice packs at first when the girls were learning to throw and catch. But I'm already seeing end-of-the-year improvement.

Anthony Contreras

We're seeing a lot of not only the employers coming back to campus this year, but we're also seeing a lot of wanting to build relationships.

Shirley Rasberry

Hopefully, ... we'll see what we're used to seeing out of Curt Schilling.

Matt Clement

Everyone is of course free to interpret the work in his own way. I think seeing a picture is one thing and interpreting it is another.

Jasper Johns

I'm seeing minivan sales chugging along just fine. A lot of people find they suit their needs really well, but they can't stand their image.

Jim Hossack

We've been very dependent upon Michigan residents to drive our tourism economy here, and now that the economy is in trouble here in the state and discretionary income is not available as it has been in the past, we are seeing a significant impact in the tourism.

Brad Van Dommelen

I don't get over the wonder of it, and 'The Last Samurai' was an extreme example of that. Every day when I went to the set, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Tony Goldwyn

It (the meet) goes on. Everyone is use to seeing her, so it will be nice when she comes back to compete.

Allyson Felix

One thing we're seeing in particular today is the continued rotation out of energy stocks. Sectors that have been out of favor, mainly technology and the financials, are now providing some leadership, the banks, in particular.

Kevin Kruszenski

We are seeing a surge in wireless network infrastructure in places where it is not convenient and would be very expensive to run a wired network.

Brett Galloway

We're looking forward to using the technology in November's election, and seeing that other counties have the opportunity to implement the same changes. It will eventually make the (vote) counting process go a lot easier.

Ben Beakes

After seeing them this week, their confidence is pretty high. I can see it in their eyes. The past couple of weeks, they have played just well enough to move on, but they're feeling pretty good, and we should play that way (against Sandy Creek).

Kurt Greene

Lyons was intended to hold about 32,500 vehicles per day, but we're currently seeing 34,000 vehicles or more between Glades and Yamato. That's a four to five percentage increase.

Dan Weisberg

I am interested in seeing how the South African audience responds to seeing themselves in a show like this.

Chris Roland

We've been seeing some good things from Randy. We're starting to see that Randy Johnson attitude that we've been looking forward to seeing.

John Flaherty

We don't feel we are putting that roadway in any significant danger at all and don't feel that this has any significant impact on the city of Eastport in any way other than the visual impact of seeing the ships go by.

Brian Smith

The trend you're seeing now is a package of services. The trick is not necessarily getting as many sales of just the commoditized hosting plans as possible, but getting as many customers that are buying multiple services. That's the real key to growing.

Barbara Branaman

What we are seeing is (a) flow making its way down the lower San Joaquin.

Gary Bardini

We're seeing increasingly broad-based growth in jobs. It's a little bit better-distributed, which is good.

Howard Roth

We're seeing increases in the number of point-of-sale transactions. Along the way, we've had people going through the neighborhoods and calling on merchants to ensure any problems they have are being worked on since glitches always develop in new programs.

Mark Rodgers

Everything priced the same was a great thing to do in the beginning of the market. Now it's a good time to move into a tiered market, ... This whole landscape is evolving. We will be more seeing more of a price differentiation between more desirable stuff and less desirable stuff.

Thomas Hesse

You're already seeing the influence of aging baby boomers on TV. CBS is the ratings leader, and through 'CSI' and other shows it's really geared toward an older audience.

David Shumway

What we're seeing is an extension of PCs. We're probably going to see those companies with PC exposure get penalized by association with the PC market. That's not necessarily fair across the board, but the bigger the exposure to PCs, I would say the bigger the uncertainty that there won't be a problem.

Dan Scovel

Joe's right, China's very important. I'm not sure we can't collaborate with them, and seeing China succeed is probably more important than [trying to] to compete with them.

John Doerr

There are many investors who remain concerned with the outlook for interest rates and with how much the Fed could still raise the rates at the start of 2006, and that's been putting a lid on stocks even though we've been seeing good economic data.

Joseph Stocke

I don't want the kind of theater that I love and grew up seeing to die out.

Jerry Herman

Higgins is pompous, a braggart, egocentric. He makes a clear statement at the beginning that he stands alone, he's independent, he doesn't need anybody. What he doesn't count on is how attached he is going to be to her (Doolittle). That's what appeals to the audience — seeing this guy who is a pompous ass really humiliate himself.

John Olive

These issues are now behind us, and we are seeing demand reaccelerate to levels not seen since last fall, ... We are seeing robust demand continue through the early part of the current quarter.

Michael Sadler

I'm seeing more of the game this year. I see what I need to do.

Joseph Pierce

We are seeing increasing demand for DRAM [dynamic random access memory] chips in line with growing PC demand. We have to be ready [for the future demand].

Ben Tseng

I wouldn't say that I have faith in hedge funds per se, but I have reasonable faith in our ability to discriminately select high-quality partners, ... You're seeing a lot of hedge fund problems now because there's such mindless enthusiasm on the part of the public. A lot of the entrants are low-quality, and you've got a lot of people crashing around doing dumb things.

David Swensen

It was hard on (Chase), it was hard on me seeing that happen to him. I knew that he wanted it so bad. For me to get it, it was just like doing something for him, too.

Shane Kieler

We're not seeing a credit crunch today. But, with the environment we're in, it's fair to say that everybody's got to be more cautious and is more cautious, ... For the right deal and the right kind of structure, there is liquidity [available] -- there's just not a lot of demand.

Bill Harrison

The strength of the GDP report, the better-than-expected fourth-quarter earnings, are all reinforcing the idea that the economy and corporate profits are showing strong growth, and you are seeing stocks respond.

Peter Brodie

We work on that a lot, especially early on, being able to throw your breaking ball early in the count and get ahead of the hitters without them seeing his fastball first.

Todd Genke

They end up actually turning out to be some of our biggest fans. Seeing six working class guys tap dancing out there, that's pretty fun for people.

Tim Varney

The bottom line is that you still have buoyant company profits and the overall growth story remains positive. I'm a rand bull and not surprised we are seeing these levels.

Goolam Ballim

So, we're in a refresh cycle now. Now what you're seeing is a huge amount of interest and investment through IT. Companies are saying, 'Take me on a journey on IP'.

John Blake

It's definitely sad seeing Lou go. That's his decision. But with this group of guys, we're really hungry to have a winning record. It's just a matter of us sticking together.

Jorge Cantu

I am used to seeing what a car looks like after the rescue squad is through and they did have to use the jaws of life to extract Mrs. Patton. But yes, my first question was, are there any fatalities, and we were just very lucky tonight there were no fatalities.

Ken Clark

I love interacting with customers at market and seeing them go away satisfied that they've got what they need.

Michael Kilpatrick

In a lot of areas, we were finding (the fungus) at about the same time we were seeing declines.

Tina Jackson

You're already seeing grain elevators preparing for storing grain on the ground, and even storing soybeans on the ground, which you really don't want to do.

Bob Zelenka

They have the No. 1 women's Web site and a lot of new advertisers. You're seeing a lot of advertisers who were historically on Oprah or in Cosmopolitan (magazine) go there.

Kit Spring

I'm sick and tired of coming in here and seeing this on the agenda, then there's a mention of it, and that's the end of it. I think this is coming. It may come at the next board meeting, and it may come before we close tonight.

Mark Hutchinson

What we are seeing is a relatively low level of unemployment claims.

John Lonski

He's come to our notice. I will be seeing him in the next couple of days.

Ian Holloway

I think they're relatively cheap. What we saw was a big run-up toward April, and now we're seeing a little more profit-taking.

Jon Lecroy