The monitoring of people with incredibly low does uses huge amounts of resources and does more psychological harm than good.

Fred Mettler

If it wasn't a chaotic scene, if it was an orderly evacuation, we would be able to give you specifics about what our preferences would be, such as evacuating first the disabled, then the elderly and infants. That would of course be our preference. But the reality on the scene does not permit that. We're going to do the best we can with the resources we have.

David A. Catania

Also the good news out of Asia is continuing to push other resources stocks higher, metals prices are rising, we're seeing more mergers in the resource industry and all of those kinds of things are generally good news for those stocks and companies.

Kate Warne

There just aren't enough resources.

Claudia Smith

You have a lot of oil and poverty. The released resources must help the population, in particular the poorest.

Pedro Alba

Blessed are those who do whatever they can wherever they are, for no one is devoid of resources or opportunities.

Daniel Quinn

It's tight here. Only lately have we been able to put more resources into technology.

Hugo Morales

With sharply higher energy prices buffeting both families and businesses, we want to be sure that we fully consider the environmentally sensitive development of the vast domestic oil and gas resources off our coasts.

Johnnie Burton

I thought it was extremely informative. There were a lot of aspects of the department that I had no idea how they operated. I was amazed with how much they do with the resources they have.

Blair Brewer

I met with [Robert Furniss, director of Parking and Transportation] last week...and it's a very complicated issue. From the parking department's perspective there aren't the resources available [to keep the service going off-campus].

David Andersen

When the resources finally hit rock bottom, which is very close, then you'll see a precipitous drop in health and nutrition status.

Peter Morris

There just isn't enough money to make it interesting for anyone to go and settle with Andersen at this stage. You run too many risks that by settling with Andersen at this stage you could compromise your claims against other defendants who have adequate resources.

Charles Parker

We have resources that can help India develop its steel industry and in the current scenario resource security is the most important aspect.

Brian Mcdonald

He has to be really careful about how he positions himself to remain in the spotlight. Luckily for him, he has the money to do it. It's one thing if you don't have the resources. It's another thing if you have the resources, and you can make yourself visible. He's going to have to find a way to do that.

Quentin Kidd

Hospitals already are stretching scarce resources to respond to the daily challenges of providing care to all who come through our doors. Cuts to these resources will have a negative impact on the availability of care for the patients and communities we serve.

Dick Davidson

We simply cannot afford any further delay in providing the IMF with the resources it requires to help contain the threat of further financial and political instability around the world.

Robert Rubin

Justice is the hardest precept for the individual physician to deal with. It asks how to best allocate resources fairly so that patients with similar situations get treated the same way.

Barry Tepperman

We size the workforce for the type of contracts that we have. We've made investments with each of the yards and continue to make investments where they're appropriate and allocate resources to the yards.

Michael Toner

I don?t see where Russia in the foreseeable future can pile up these resources. Russia is saying it has markets. In a way, it?s a form of pressure on Europe.

Valery Nesterov

It is time for our elected officials to invest in Texas' natural heritage and to provide the planning and resources we need to preserve Texas for future generations.

Luke Metzger

It's been a learning process for them over a number of years to become comfortable with the different resources. Now they are diversifying those resources, and (consumers) will benefit from that diversity.

Rick Gilliam

Nigeria has no business with poverty. With our human and material resources, we shall strive to eradicate poverty from our country.

Olusegun Obasanjo

If we don't have the resources, it doesn't make any sense to make policy decisions that can't be supported. You can't make these kinds of decisions in isolation.

Sheila Mcdevitt

The diligence of the NYPD Transit Bureau in fighting crime is slowly becoming the stuff of legends. We work very closely with the NYPD in all their initiatives and they are very receptive to our concerns ... and have devoted the necessary resources.

Paul Fleuranges

The Y2K issue is a serious problem not only for the government and larger companies, but especially for smaller manufacturers who often don't have the necessary resources on-site to address this technological challenge, ... We will continue to raise awareness among our membership about this critical challenge.

Jerry Jasinowski

Folks with the least resources tend to go the least distance. That's us.

John Davies

Chip is an outstanding executive with solid resources industry experience.

Don Argus

Business often does a good job supporting communities: the arts, universities, and scientific enterprises... But that philosophy has rarely reached poor countries. Even businesses that are enlightened in their home bases see Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia as places to exploit natural resources or use cheap labor.

Jeffrey Sachs

What we're living on is a system that has been built over 100 years. It certainly is not up to the current practices that we would do in levee design, so we're doing our best with resources available to make the necessary improvements.

Gary Bardini

In recent years, both China and India have adopted foreign policies that have increased their attractiveness to others. But neither country yet ranks high on the various indices of potential soft-power resources that are possessed by the U.S., Europe and Japan.

Joseph S. Nye Jr.

It would put a strain on the resources big-time.

David Straus

In year one, we are going to have to target the resources on colleges or other providers that have been identified as failing. There will be a big push to help these colleges.

Kate Anderson

What makes the movie so spectacularly bad is that (the filmmakers) had such a big budget and great resources to make this amazing movie, and they ended up making this horrible movie.

John Flynn

We have a lot resources and we help each other.

Kathy Thopsey

We will put in place a fair and just market mechanism for the exploration of resources. We will straighten out all kinds of economic regulation in the field of exploration of mineral resources. We will open up more to the outside and protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners who invest in mineral resources.

Yuan Li

We accept that obstacles to leave are very large. It's a daunting thing to uproot yourself and your kids and be without financial resources.

Douglas Murphy

We will be more reliant on community resources than on resources from across the country.

Donna Perry

It's difficult that the need would be fully satisfied, ... but that's the nature of scarce resources.

Martin Chavez

We have phenomenal resources, we put a half-million into new lockers, we're building a weight room and new academic center, ... We are doing a lot of the foundation work to get us prepared.

Jim Fiore

We're going to dedicate whatever resources it takes to make sure the scoring is accurate.

Ginger Reynolds

We are against the way the power ... and natural resources will be redistributed. We think the resources should be managed by the central government in order to preserve the unity of the country.

Ayad Sammarai

If the allocation of resources is not done properly, the market cannot function efficiently and it will ultimately hurt growth.

Dominic Barton

From a legal standpoint, human resources workers can never do enough documentation. When you're going through disciplinary action, you need to sit down with that person and always have a human resources person and their supervisor with them. Always document the discussion that was had.

Judy Giddings

What's driving the prices are the national chains. The national chains are almost impossible to deal with because a local developer cannot match their resources.

Brian Mcmahon

We don't have the resources to provide things like athletics or vocational programs.

Jennifer Davis

Had we not joined forces and brought these events about, our community may not even be aware of the kinds of resources (that are available). We've given them a message that we are here and that we are working on violence and substance abuse in their community.

Ann Mcbride

We don't have the resources to buy nutritional supplies. It's a double jeopardy to have lack of security, lack of access, and now lack of funding.

Ted Chaiban

The St James Parish Council remains committed to doing what we can with the limited resources at our disposal, but it is time for central government to initiate a plan of action and provide the funds with regards to drainage and flood control.

Noel Donaldson

NY1's goal was not just to be a little brother or sister to what the other stations were doing. They wanted to be players in the same game. For a long time they didn't have the resources to do that. But now you go to places that have TV's on all the time, and you'll see NY1.

David Diaz

[And when Patterson questioned] how do you allocate scarce resources without goals and objectives, ... the same way we did it when you were the city's chief financial officer.

Terry Roberts

Our biggest problem is that the state of Connecticut's reimbursement has consistently lagged behind the cost of patient care on a day-to-day basis. It's a large gap that the diocese has filled to deliver a superior level of health care to our residents. But we simply do not have enough capital resources to keep up.

Michael Bird

He just does not have those kinds of resources.

Ken Gibson

Dede is more dedicated and focused on things she cares about than almost anybody I've ever met. She makes a maximum effort from her own resources before she makes a request of anybody else. She's very bright. And I love the fact that she's tough as nails, and totally straight. Bulls -- is not what she likes to be exposed to or steps in.

Willie Brown

A lot of our expansion will depend on the kinds of resources we can bring to it. We're thinking about the site in phases.

Susan Howarth

For the artists, the benefit is that there is a label which embraces their identity and sexuality as part of their persona. In addition, they have the benefit of resources and clout of a major label to help them build their careers.

Matt Farber

It's a cluster theory of development. We bring our top players together and put them in an environment with all the necessary resources to excel.

Craig Tiley

We actually got more revenue using the same level of resources as the previous year.

Gerhard May

What it means is that you make choices. And the choices are that we have forwards, and we want to look at using the available resources as a means of bolstering our defense if possible.

Darcy Regier

Our resources are stretched to the limit, and in some cases, beyond the limits.

Chris Paulitz

We're not being as effective as she wants us to be, ... Why would I continue to dedicate my resources to something she wants the sheriff to do?

Gary Griffin

Personally, I'd rather see the county resources spent on roads, parks, housing police - something no one else is doing.

James Kaskie

Transparency is essential ... what we need now is the implementation of the commission's recommendations but they need to be matched by resources from the Executive.

Kenny Macaskill

Where defibrillators should be placed, especially in a time of limited financial resources, involves an important debate.

Peter Cram

We took every point that we disagreed with and brought it to the point nearest to the Sunni position. They are generally about the most important things in the constitution: the Iraqi identity, federalism, the control of resources and the authorities of the president.

Alaa Makki

The resources required to prepare adequately will be extensive, ... But they must be considered in the light of the cost of failing to invest: a global economy that remains in a shambles for several years.

Michael Osterholm

Many members of the House and Senate are unable to provide much-needed aid to their affected constituents because of the loss of personal and office resources, ... The catastrophic events resulting from Hurricane Katrina require that we do all we can to assist our colleagues and their constituents.

John Kline

The scattered red dots on the map are vernal pools, which are home to salamanders, amphibians, and other important resources.

Daniel Stone

We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources.

Jane Goodall

War is not a word, it's an acronym for "Wasting Another's Resources."

Ramman Kenoun

We have existing code regulations. The problem is we haven't had political will and adequate resources to enforce city codes.

Paul Zimmerman

This move has embedded Jaguar in Coventry and will further strengthen our resources.

Don Hume

If things go the way they are ... there will be a struggle among the three for natural resources.

Saud Al faisal

Some people just aren't as sensitive to the environment as others. The environment is one of our precious resources and needs to be protected. It's a goal that we want to be part of and, of course, have as much fun as possible.

Bill Carlson

There may have been competition with other apes over resources in the shrinking forest.

Dan Gebo

When we take a look at the budget for the National Institutes of Health at $28 billion, it is, candidly, scandalous that with our resources, our resource capability, research capability in biomedical science, that people are still dying of breast cancer or colon cancer or heart disease.

Arlen Specter

It was warmer than it is today, a big delta with a fan of rivers. It had a dry, mild Mediterranean climate, exotic beasts and lots of resources.

Christopher Stringer

Our goal is to have a bunch of resources ready, so when the classes come they have everything they need to conduct a specific lab.

Linda Cook

The number of activities will be almost the same as last year, so it looks like the storm isn't going to slow the festival down. I really hope the people of each community will come out and see what natural resources they have right in their own city.

Mark Lasalle

The National Guard's position is that we're not going anywhere. To do that would take an enormous amount of resources, of which nobody has discussed with us.

Maj. Paul Aguirre

If you don't have the resources, getting housing relocation assistance has proven to be problematic.

Sheila Crowley

One of our biggest challenges is to find resources to fund some of the necessary steps we need to take.

Gary Tucker

We were forced to incur massive costs to defend the bylaw and application to ensure that our backyards are developed in accordance with our desires and that clearly represented smart planning. We are not developers. We do not have endless resources and this appeal used up precious personal resources.

Veroslav Djurdjevic

That would have been very expensive and difficult to do, so we (arts community leaders) persuaded Pam to let us honor Mozart using local resources.

Nancy Laturno Bojanic

She's open to new ideas and opportunities and will be a natural for creating partnerships with Western Connecticut State University and capitalizing on the rich resources the university brings. Most importantly, she puts children first in all of her educational decision making.

William Glass

These back-to-back hurricanes hitting a really significant part of our energy resources.

Brendan Kelly

It's always the problem with our resources industry. They have a history of boom and bust...hopefully they have learnt from their past mistakes.

David Fox

It raises questions. How could this be in the best interest of the business? If it's not in the best interest of the business, why is the company lending its staff and resources to the chairman for his personal use?

Paul Lapides

I think that when you look at the master plan for post secondary education and where the state can best use its resources, it's going to achieve that purpose.

Courtney Cassard

We have filed an application for an air permit, but I can't tell you the size at this point. My sense is, if the resources are strong enough, it would be 110 million gallons.

Gary Smith

The interesting thing with Coyote Valley development is that it is really our community, but it's the city of San Jose. All of us are doing more with less. At this time, in this very preliminary stage, we don't have the luxury of staff time or resources.

Lisa Desilva

Florence was chosen for several reasons, including the availability of a skilled labor market, grant and tax incentives, and its established transportation resources.

Tom Downs

I think there is a philosophical reason...The resources on earth won't last forever.

David Akin

I'm using all my resources to help me with that and I feel the sky is the limit for me.

William Green

Verizon is putting an obvious emphasis on communities with greater resources and is ignoring large segments of the state.

Dr. Karen Alexander

The same resources are not equal in the same schools. Parents should have choices.

Charise Stephens

As for the future of electronic music, it seems quite obvious to me that its unique resources guarantee its use, because it has shifted the boundaries of music away from the limitations of the acoustical instrument, of the performer's coordinating capabilities, to the almost infinite limitations of the electronic instrument.

Milton Babbitt

She has a lot to offer. A lot of natural resources.

Loren Lerner

This is a one-box appliance solution, good for companies with limited IT resources.

Mark Phillippi

Throughout the process, I continued to be impressed with the fact that he was winning at programs with far less resources and tradition than what exists at Murray State.

Allen Ward

We end up sucking resources so the other communities are subsidizing our coverage. To some extent we lack that because we want cheap taxes.

Greg Mclean

Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.

Bill Gates

They're taking all kinds of species out of the lake, which depletes the fish resources.

Chris Huff

I hope we're not (headed for a hospital war). We all met recently with the hospital administrators to discuss how to work through sharing resources. I would hate to see any kind of competition that is negative.

Dr. Marc Yacht

Public education is probably already the most transparent and accountable of any government system. When do we start talking about resources?

Richard Kouri

To do our job, we have to take all the resources into account, not just the horses.

Alan Shepherd

All available resources are being used to search for the Marine and sailor.

Defense Department

We will apply the full resources of the United States government to follow the facts and determine if there is criminal liability, and if so, we will hold those involved accountable for their conduct.

Roslynn Mauskopf

We've been trying to eliminate minor gaps... and to line up the resources for our biggest challenges in Akron and Cleveland.

Dan Rice

We have informed consumers, and they're choosing to take the mode of transportation that is not only the most enjoyable to them but also the most protective of park resources.

Amy Mcnamara

We will use our marketing plan to help get the word out to women who need these resources.

Marilyn Montross

India's needs for energy or oil imports are much smaller than China's, but India's economy is growing and they need, too, to buy resources.

David Zweig

Data-based issues, like mapping, tend to fall by the wayside when there is a crunch on resources.

Robert Gates

I didn't have the time or the personnel to deal with the human resources, safety and OSHA regulations. We were always looking for new insurance.

Tom Strasse

We don't have the resources to sue everybody.

Norm Zada

We should be able to supply our citizens with energy resources.

Johannes Laitenberger

Some of the concerns of the nursing students are difficult to see how the merger would create new synergy. Between faculty and increase opportunity for interdisciplinary teaching and research. This would hurt our resources. Our programs are so dissimilar and grants and gift funding are very specific.

Carrie Cunningham

You will see a lot of new partnerships being announced which are very specific in terms of who they will help, where, or what time frame with what resources, and we will focus a great deal of attention on these specific commitments.

Nitin Desai

That means an aircraft operators use of air traffic control resources determines the amount owed to the FAA, whether the aircraft is carrying three or thirty or three-hundred passengers.

Jim May

We would appreciate as many resources as we can get.

Bennett King

This just takes your breath away, ... I think our universities need to be more aggressive in planning for and getting resources for growth.

Carolyn Roberts

Now that it includes listings from every major continent, the 2006 Resource Guide is the industry's first comprehensive global almanac, providing professionals with one-stop access to educational and peer networking opportunities and other career-enhancing resources. It is a 'must-have' publication for information security professionals around the world.

Rolf Moulton

There has been a decade of practice to avoid spending on automation and putting resources into manual controls. But at the same time the value of automation is becoming clear to more companies.

Rick Ringlespaugh

Confident that it has the operational capacity and financial resources to successfully meet its goals and carry out its business plan.

Harvey Weinstein

Some parents don't always have the resources like a car, a phone or even a permanent home in case of an emergency. We will work with them to make a plan and know what to do.

Jenny Pitkin

Maybe, the West also knows about our nuclear resources and wants to weaken our capabilities and hence this nuclear deal.

Rajnath Singh

I've heard people say this country wasn't at war. I want to tell you, Mr. Chairman ... we conducted ourselves at war ... We did the best we could under the law and with the resources provided and under our defined rules of engagement.

Cofer Black

The non-renewable resources are ours in the first place. The investor will get a reward, but that reward should be balanced with what we keep for ourselves.

Cde Mugabe

But we can't deploy everything. We would have to use prudence in how we share our resources.

Lisa Ray

You could call it a mini-diaspora. The people in New Orleans, the people along the Gulf really had a culture. In many ways, they have been thrown out of the Garden of Eden, if you will. It's a diaspora brought on for people with no resources.

Joanne Nigg

The workshop will be attended by nurses, doctors and hospital management. The aim is to come up with a strategy of how best to address these complaints in terms of the allocation of resources.

Sizwe Kupelo

Part of the reason for that is resources.

Lee Rainie

There's very little we can do. This has to be a voluntary deal for the faculty and staff, and we are asking them to be good stewards of our natural resources.

Pat Teeters

By the time the human resources department finds out about a job opening, the person doing the hiring has already found the person he wants to hire.

Todd Bermont

With a spirit of consensus, we have overcome the most difficult issues, and we hope we'll adopt the final protocols on property rights and illegal exploitation of natural resources before the end of this preparatory meeting.

Ibrahima Fall

Basically a situation where you can allocate a set of resources to a virtualized 'cluster' made up of multiple machines linked by a network (i.e. like a LAN or the internet). That goal is still years away.

Matthew Dillon

This is a total lack of respect for our country and our natural resources. It's sick. What has the world come to?

Phil Hill

The schemes perpetrated by these online data brokers are intolerable and our intent is to put an end to these practices. These online data brokers attempt to manipulate our customer service resources and detract from service provided to legitimate customers.

Kent Nakamura

The state ... said those resources would be here at noon. That did not happen. They began arriving late this afternoon. ... We're not quite sure why. We would like to know why they were late.

Carl Fowler

It's good, because now everyone knows it's possible. As coaches, you can always motivate that way. Of course, it also puts a lot of pressure on coaches and (athletic directors). They can say, 'We have all the resources they have, why can't we do that?' But it's great for college basketball.

Scott Cherry

It's empowering people to use the resources they have to solve their own problems with a little education.

John Borland

At present, there are better resources, but it is 15 years too late to change Purdue's status as the top in the nation. Although other departments in Purdue had similar problems, they were not as highly regarded as the computer science department in Purdue once was.

John Rice

This is really very little money. I must underline that those obstacles have always been overcome when resources are available and when the countries are committed.

Ciro De Quadros

If you can imagine getting the flu and having to drive an hour to the nearest doctor or health care provider, or imagine having a sick child with no insurance and no resources to pay for the doctor visit. These are very real things in a lot of areas of North Carolina.

Bob Greczyn

We spend half the time making residents aware of the great resources out there. And the rest of the time we build houses for families.

Chris Konieczka

All of the pieces, or different tasks (in the grant), are all things that are going to help us do a better job of managing the resources in Humboldt Bay.

David Hull

National government must declare it a national disaster area because massive resources would be required to restore the area.

Mahlakeng Mahlakeng

With the acquisition of Four11's core technologies and resources, we are able to expand our communications offerings and provide a broader range of value-added services for current and new Internet users.

Tim Koogle

The reality of this situation is that scarce resources will have to be allocated to this liability. That's the reality and it has not sunk in.

Larry Semmens

Having the source code available gives customers what they need: the ability to customize and add new features. We'll also be able to grow in spaces the original didn't have the resources to do.

Peter Winston

It's a fascinating social experiment in using private sector resources to deliver a social benefit. What Congress did was completely unprecedented — they created new markets and new products.

Dan Mendelson

The construction manager . . . is the fulcrum of managing the money and managing the personnel and the resources. We're having a shortage of that individual.

Dave Martin

They need to stop using government resources to favor one candidate. That is illegal and immoral. Don't get involved Mr. President, it is not your job.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

There are tremendous resources available to people who are looking for it. Individual investors can choose to devote as much time as they want to educating themselves and learning about the companies they own.

David Kaslow

The profile has to change. We can't spin our wheels with resources potentially not being maximized and people's time not being maximized. ... Everybody is looking at that, and we're no exception.

Dave Hart

That's a direct reflection of what we think the resources need to be to get us in the direction we should go in for the next few years.

Brian Macke

Not having staff does not disqualify them, rather it's just making sure the resources are there.

Bryan Lewis

You don't want to go too low if it's your first go-around because some of the systems' resources - once they hit rock bottom require constant maintenance.

Steve Reidy

These incubators are an excellent way for new businesses to share resources and therefore cut costs. When a business is just getting started, unnecessary spending can lead to its failure or hinder its progression.

Barbara Strother

The president is going to take a look at where we can get the most effective use of the resources. He wants to be practical and effective.

Brian Dolan

A lot of these people are impoverished and without resources.

Jeff Stone

It's a commitment of resources and time to protect children adequately.

Linda Spears

We are aware of the poverty, teacher turnover and lack of resources in that area. That will be embedded in the program.

Patricia Graham

If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.

John Burroughs

It's just an incredibly serious situation — the combination of severe exposure and the loss of resources.

Fran Norris

The first map is topographic data. The green is the golf course. In addition, we identified the water resources that were available to the team at the onset of the project.

Daniel Stone

The eye on the prize is that we get the resources we need so folks have the confidence that they can come back, and there's a long-term commitment of the federal government to be the state's partner in protecting our cities and towns from hurricanes and restoring the coast.

Andy Kopplin

More than anything, it just taps our resources. If you get anything else going on, it just straps the whole county as far as fire protection.

Ray Yeakley

At the conclusion of the drill, all aspects of the drill were reviewed and a plan was developed to correct any deficiencies that we might have at this time. The chapter will be looking at recruiting additional disaster volunteers and acquiring some material resources.

Patty Gorman

We're talking at the most five years to have a company of this kind. It's going to guarantee energy security for the region. Far from giving energy security to other continents with Latin American resources, it's preferable to think in the security of Latin America.

Jorge Alvarado

He's [helped us] ... to free up resources for things like scholarships, ... Penn is resource-poor. We do more with less. One of the biggest challenges for any EVP is to see how much more we can do with the resources we have.

Amy Gutmann

A Level 4 patient needs one resource; that could be something like a sprained ankle we have to splint. And a Level 5 requires no resources.

Janie Schumaker

Without the green revolution, we'll never be able to create our own resources and decrease poverty. Without a green revolution, we'll never really control our own environment.

Firmino Mucavele

Novell has the necessary resources to be a much more profitable enterprise but it currently lacks the vision, strategy and execution to produce respectable returns.

Jason Maynard

With the assets and resources we do have, we have a good plan.

James Kallstrom

If we do nothing, we will lose the business we already have to a growing number of competitors, including Bermuda, (the Cayman Islands), Gibraltar, Luxembourg and Singapore. These jurisdictions are committing increased financial and personnel resources to develop their satellite industries.

Allan Bell

In a business with zero income until liquidation, what are your resources? What are your abilities to borrow? Without that, you'll never make it.

Bill Kring

The governor has ways of leveraging resources.

Henry Teune

Mr Cook has wide experience and knowledge in many areas of business, including recruitment and human resources management in particular. These will be critical to the future development of the company as it deals with growth, and with the integration of operations across a range of brands and products.

Roger Gower

Companies would be much better off using such resources to enhance their products, improve customer service, or what have you.

Michael Ostrovsky

It's a very long, very difficult process and a very difficult case. We're still working on it and committing our resources and attention to it.

Attorney Christopher Morano

That air show is taking huge resources of the community. That's just too much on people's backs in the middle of summer.

Jane Sullivan

With the resources we have in this day and age we still have people in this state without adequate running water.

David Dempsey

Recovering an endangered species is not easy. It takes a long time and a lot of effort. But with appropriate laws and resources we can continue to achieve success.

Doug Inkley

Education is a huge part of what we're doing right now. We're still doing what we can with our resources.

Kaye Thompson

At New York Presbyterian, there's a greater depth of resources for the condition.

David Catalfamo

That path forward, from a geography and market perspective is really where the market is developing, and as the Latin American market develops then we'll apply the respective amount of resources to address that demand.

Joel Fisher

With the Maastricht Treaty, the problem is that we need to decrease public resources in France, so we do not have enough security agents here.

Hubert Astier

Mussels may be invisible to most folks, including anglers. But if you don't protect them they're gone, and with them a critical link in the whole chain of natural resources.

Dan Tredinnick

What this means is that corporations and those who run them cannot stop exploiting resources and amassing wealth until they have... .I cannot finish this sentence, because the truth is that can never stop; like cancer, they can only continue to expand until they kill the host.

Derrick Jensen

We recognize it's a bit of an aberration to call on the government to actually spend money, but this is one area we believe more resources are needed.

Adrienne Batra

And there's not much flexibility in the law for advances, ... but the governor has committed all the resources of the administration to ensuring that GPSS employees get their paychecks.

Shawn Gumataotao

Why this is important is because these resources can make future human occupation of the moon much more cost effective. If we can live off the land and use the resources that are available, then it becomes much less expensive.

Butler Hine

This is something that has opened a lot of people's eyes. There should be Red Cross resources right there in those communities. But it goes both ways. This is a great lesson that should be learned by everyone, not just the Red Cross.

Bill Reynolds

I wouldn't say it's futile -- the opportunity is there. It's worthwhile to keep fighting to save the resources we have there.

George Baker

The Canadian stock market will continue to follow resources. Rothmans will also be a negative today.

Greg Eckel

There are many resources out there if people choose to reach for them. Some families will struggle and struggle until there's more of a crisis, and then it's a little tougher.

Julie Feil

The increase in business investment now underway will in due course add to the economy's productive capacity. It also offers the prospect of a pick-up in export volumes, particularly in the resources sector.

Malcolm Edey

It does reinforce the idea that there's nothing you can do. We are a poor country, but we do have resources. They just get swallowed up by corruption.

Michael Tan

Portland is a logical choice. Maine is a marine state and Portland is a port city. This effort can highlight the advantages of the city and the development of marine resources can benefit the entire state.

Lewis Incze

We're really happy to have the AWU on board to provide advice and resources to help us secure a fairer deal.

Liz Ellis