The Nigerian government needs to use its naval resources, and get help if it can from the U.S. Navy, to stop the serious bunkering and cut off the big money that is flooding the area with weapons.

Princeton Lyman

This is not an ideological debate—the issue is to mobilize the resources to do this.

David Grey

The goal of the project was to provide essential information to health planners, politicians, health care professionals and others with the desire to improve public health in the face of limited resources.

Curt Furberg

A major mistake is client dependency, and it's a common misstep. A big company may require time and resources, but that shouldn't stop a small business from going after more big clients. The last thing you want is to hang all your business on one client.

Steve Kaplan

We will then go back to those countries that have the capacity and the resources to help put that force together.

Stephane Dujarric

Interest in the Civil War is at an all-time high. The government starves the Park Service for resources, but [Gettysburg National Military Park] is the best place to go to learn about the Civil War.

James Mcpherson

Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship... the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.

Peter F. Drucker

Peace-building involves a wide variety of expertise, resources and work by different organizations.

Janet Beik

We see an opportunity to expand the art of early-stage investing in Canada. Through our network of relationships in Canada, the U.S. and internationally, we will find, fund, and grow great technology companies that leverage Canadian resources to attain global prominence.

Tom Sweeney

The Internet professional service stocks have been devastated in the last few months and this could dampen the debut of Resources Connection in the short-term.

Matt Zito

We're not overly influenced by anybody. As a land grant university, we have an obligation to be relevant to everybody that's engaged in forest resources, to make sure that our education, research and outreach programs are relevant to their needs.

Hal Salwasser

This kind of thing distracts energy and resources for defending yourself. Sometimes there are important precedents to be set, but sometimes people are just trying to have their way with the districts.

Paul Houston

We need more than just a plan; we need the resources to actually activate it. The real test of the plan will be whether it comes with dollars attached.

Jeffrey Levi

We will share resources, production facilities and story lists.

Nigel Parsons

There's really no reason to listen to music at all, particularly in the world that we have now. The real reason for music is as a way for exchanging money. That's its real source. it has nothing to do with sound or technology or new resources or anything else that I honestly can see.

Jerry Hunt

There were a lot of police resources down there.

Alan Beck

The approach is about focusing the limited resources TSA has where the threat is the greatest. The challenge here is to look at security through the lens of threat vulnerability and consequence. The suggestions that are being considered are part of a larger effort to challenge the measures we have in place to help us improve security.

Yolanda Clark

Obviously there is concern about federal support to ensure they have the resources to keep the line in a state of good repair.

Dan Stessel

We looked really hard and long at (HTX). We didn't think giving up resources for this slot was a good choice.

Andy Bechtolsheim

The partnerships formed through this collaborative will enable us to leverage resources to reduce diesel emissions. We will be able to share technology and pool finances for greater reductions than are possible through individual efforts.

Jim Gulliford

Texarkana Resources for the Disabled is an agency that provides employment opportunities and training as well as housing assistance to the disabled.

Don Capshaw

Nothing is going to stop the department from doing its responsibility. We have adequate resources to protect the state land and its people.

Mike Jarvis

The only way to prevent our resources from being controlled by foreign entities is for them to be placed under a governmental authority.

Charles Santiago

Having control over our resources and feeling that we are true masters of our domain would help us take full responsibility for future progress in the republic.

Ramzan Kadyrov

Unfortunately we are at the end of that period. The ocean's resources are being depleted, we probably are at the end of that gold mining period.

Poul Holm

Our customers have expressed interest in being able to choose renewable resources and I'm pleased that we will now be able to offer them that choice. Green Mountain Power's overall power mix is already low in fossil fuels, but under our new program, customers can choose 100 percent renewable resources. We've called the program 'Greener Mountain Power' to reflect that greener choice.

Chris Dutton

We're exploring different means of securing capital for a project like this, We've had some limited discussions with companies that are interested in supporting the expansion of educational resources in Manchester.

Paul Borek

They may need to take a step back and get perspective. That might mean reaching out to others and ask how they've handled it. The thing not to do is to be reactive in the moment. You have to choose your words carefully, and human resources people really know this if they keep up with their employment law.

Karen Ostrov

We are talking about the responsible stewardship of public funds coming from non-renewable natural resources and in this context the prosperity dividend makes no sense.

Roger Gibbins

The ecological footprint allows us to measure the pressure on resources of any population. Currently there is about a four-fold disparity between the world's wealthy and poor nations.

Jonathan Loh

To do really huge, triple-A console games, which is what we're now focused on, we need American creative resources.

Sergei Orlovskiy

One month does not make a trend. The pace has been so strong the last couple of years that they've outstripped physical production and worn out physical resources. There may be a desire to extend the market by constraining it now.

Jay Butler

We're kind of scurrying around. It's very fluid. Certainly this has gotten all of the nursing home profession's attention after Katrina, and so everybody's making plans to evacuate. But there are a lot of difficulties on having enough resources for transportation.

Matt Robinson

We need to protect the resources and livelihoods, not just the ones we have today, but in the future, too. We have an opportunity to get it right and that's important to the entire nation.

John Amos

We just have to be ready to have a plan B in place, whether that means calling in additional water resources, where they transport water in to us, or finding other water sources such as other hydrants a longer distance away, that requires more manpower and more apparatus.

Capt. Michael Pruitt

What's causing that could be people working more hours, it could be this general tightening in the labor market, and some of it is this shift to higher paying jobs in natural resources and mining.

David Bullard

That's been our position all along, ... That's why we have dedicated the resources we have to this investigation since 1998.

Patrick Collins

Our community at this moment is, at a breakneck speed, losing its natural resources, and they will be lost forever.

Jim Egan

Otherwise, there are landowners in this county who would plow to their house all year long. And they have the resources to do that.

Brian Pettet

Just good will on paper doesn't accomplish anything. We need financial resources.

Rep. Dennis Ozment

If it doesn't rise to the level of a declaration of disaster, we have to pull together other resources to try to help them.

Marcia Crawley

They are saving their ammunition, saving their energy, saving their resources for what could be the next Armageddon. They can't go all-out over and over.

David Yalof

The left parties opined that disinvestment of shares in profitable public sector units is not the proper way to raise resources.

Prakash Karat

We are now sensitizing the government and international organizations on the need to provide more resources to us to counter any possible outbreak.

S.k.r. Amarasekara

I feel like the city has learned that churches provide a tremendous resource. In time of crisis, what we need is the churches stepping forward. ... I believe the city has learned there are resources in churches that they need to tap into in the future.

Kevin Bright

Learn to take responsibility for emotions, and to manage energies, always working within present resources.

Lillian Russell

Let's leave behind the predictable and stale debate between liberals and conservatives. Let's take the resources that we have, and prioritize, and manage, and focus our energy on just doing things that count - on real results.

Phil Bredesen

I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive.

Henry Miller

This is only the beginning. We will continue to work with school districts to make sure implementation goes smoothly and that the resources are available.

Luci Willits

What we've done through this project is assemble skills and resources to access for as long as it's useful.

Jad Daley

One of the most important things someone can do is get accurate information about the disease, about the disease process, and what kind of helpful resources there are in their community.

Kathleen O'brien

I can't stand the 'I don't care' attitude from children, the 'I don't have time' attitude from parents, and the setting of unattainable goals without the proper resources from politicians.

Sonya Harris

I think what this group is saying is what can we do with the resources we have and can we create more? ... I'm just happy the administrators and community are interested in this process.

John Baker

We're a different entity coming in from the outside, and we have to put our resources where our moth is and show parents we can do a better job. Displaced parents were able to see what a better school system looks like, and they are now calling us and demanding that we provide the same, if not better. And we agree.

Meg Casper

The Children's Museum has invested significant resources toward the ongoing enhancement and improvement of the neighborhood in which we reside. We are extremely concerned about any entity which could jeopardize the safety of our neighbor residents and museum members and visitors, or potentially diminish that investment.

Jeffrey Patchen

It is not that the resources aren't available, it is the time and money to take advantage of them aren't there or the knowledge of how [to prepare].

John Gantz

We're concerned that it, of course, has erupted, but it's not to the point where we've mobilized resources up into that area.

Dave Cox

Oil resources and supplies are plentiful and OPEC has been producing 1.5 million more barrels per day than its quotas in the third quarter of 2005.

Sheikh Ahmad

Many students don't have resources to purchase prom and homecoming finery, and so end up staying home.

Dee Smith

They key to keeping premiums down is to be accountable about your health, make healthy choices and be pro-active about any conditions you may encounter. Healthier people don't consume as many medical resources and premiums are moderated as a consequence.

Gerry Snyder

The U of I is well placed to make such calls, and there are a great number of resources we have access to that help us assure that we make prudent decisions. We can still say no.

Jeremy Geller

This is bittersweet. It was a tough decision for the coaches. We exhausted all resources to figure out the correct ruling.

Lee Lundvall

We need to involve everybody. We will need to use all of our resources.

Merle Williams

With the addition of our theatrical product, catalogue and the other resources we will provide, we intend to mirror in the U.K. the successful growth strategy we have executed in North America.

Jon Feltheimer

I set up the site because, at the time, there weren't many parenting resources online. As a new stay-at-home dad, I wanted to find out about the perspectives of other dads and contribute to them.

Chris Ford

It's part of an ongoing look at where our resources are going and how they can best be used.

Brookly Mclaughlin

With additional resources targeted to covering food transportation costs, we could more than double the amount of highly nutritious, perishable food available to needy Americans.

Ross Fraser

It's been such a group effort. When you're a new band and you have limited resources, you end up getting people that are there because they love what you do, and that's great.

Balthazar Getty

It is a terrible allocation of scarce resources, ... The time has come to de-emphasize the manned space program.

Barney Frank

Our company brings both local knowledge and national resources to the team. We established a regional office in Phoenix in 1997 and have been active in multiple commercial real estate ventures throughout the area.

Rick Newman

It amounted to an excessive waste of resources and the destruction of a community.

Sara Barwinski

There's significant emerging markets elsewhere in the world where we're going to be adding resources, and we're going to be adding to it this year.

Jim Queen

Resources are not all equal in all districts.

John Dekker

Any organization that can pull off what they pulled off on September 11, you think about the organization and the planning and the resources that went into that, clearly, they have some organizational capabilities that aren't going to go away over night.

Victoria Clarke

Commercial information and communications are areas where we understand the customer, where we bring unique solutions no one else has the capabilities or resources to provide.

Jim Albaugh

Employers often do not have the resources to pay their employees in the event of a power cut.

Colin Boyes

You have to save the habitat, you have to save the population - not individual animals. What you want to save is the foundation, the basic infrastructure from which resources are produced. You can't save Fifi and Boo-Boo and Thumper.

Ted Nugent

These companies are kind of in a sandwich. They are not quite like a big enterprise with all of the resources and all of the stuff. They are not quite a small enterprise--they cannot basically put all of their stuff in one server.

Orlando Ayala

There are only so many resources that can be allocated to these programs.

Jon Purnell

I have to say I'm not pleased with the ordeal that the FDA put us through and the waste of resources on both sides, ... We bent over backwards in a very respectful and diligent way to communicate, but they shunned all of our attempts to constructively resolve our disagreement.

Kevin Cornwell

Distributed energy production means you can use local resources ? farmers can produce all the energy they need from what they grow on their own farms.

Goran Jovanovic

Lowering drug prices is crucial, but it's one piece of a larger solution that we need ... we must have a massive mobilization of resources. The G-7, the lending institutions, will have to step up to the plate if we are going to make drug access a reality throughout the world.

Ronald Johnson

Unfortunately, the member states of the UN, EU and OSCE are not prepared to put out the financial resources needed to keep up the increased need for police training.

Thorsten Stodiek

Our resources are inferior to the refugees' needs. Should there be more new arrivals, we don't have the resources to respond. We have an urgent need for shelter, cooking equipment, medicine, water -- everything necessary for an adequate life.

Georges Menze

The Navajo Nation has failed to protect the resources of its people.

Charles Morrison

These veterans go out and put their lives on the line for you and I. They don't know us, so I think us not knowing them shouldn't have any impact. We've got a country with a great amount of resources, and I just think that this is the least we can do.

John Gonsalves

We sincerely regret that this occurred and we're putting all of our resources into cleaning it up.

Prem Nair

It's no longer possible for governments to provide the kind of resources and investment necessary to deal with these kinds of issues.

Raymond Kendall

Our country provides us with the richest resources, diversity and talent and this fusion project is a natural one for the Department of Arts & Culture to be involved in and drive, in order to create sustainability in the design sector.

Lindi Ndebele

We hope to offer speakers and resources.

Tom Barratt

We made the decision to ask those with only food damage to use other resources.

Joanie Erickson

We could be building a new four-year enterprise, and I think citizens would have a right to complain, ... What we're doing it combining our resources with Greenville Tech's, and creating something more than the sum of its parts.

John Stockwell

Unlike other proposals, Resources 2000 provides full, permanent funding for the fund, without the risk of encouraging offshore drilling and without placing arbitrary political restrictions on how funds may be spent.

William Chandler

By working together, we can make timely and meaningful decisions regarding the best use of our community resources and volunteer efforts.

Bob Davis

Leadership needs to spend more time, effort and resources at all levels to redefine what it is that people really need to thrive today.

Leslie Murphy

The math really appeals to me. There hasn't been a lot of resources in that area, especially for a child struggling with math, so I think it would be a very valuable tool.

Margaret Chandler

There's the spirit that it is morning again in Russia. What is the one thing the Russians have in hand as a trump card? They have energy resources and location.

Thane Gustafson

We see the strike and the tuition fee increase as two sides of the same coin. There aren't enough resources in the system to prevent these problems.

Jesse Greener

We have some people that even go into action prior to a tornado hitting. If it was a big enough situation, we would have resources from Disaster Services get involved.

Wayne Schipper

Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so. After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns, we ourselves flash and yearn, and moreover my mother told me as a boy (repeatedly) ''Ever to confess you're bored means you have no inner Resources'.' I conclude now I have no inner resources, because I am heavy bored.

John Berryman

We're not sure right now whether the resources would be available to do the full drug court.

Rod Smeltzer

It just saves resources all around.

Mike Ramsey

We certainly have more attorneys and resources than we've had in the last 12 years [and] we are filing larger claims. We could triple our legal staff tomorrow and still not have enough legal staff to handle all the cases that we see.

Steve Smitson

The essence of Africa's crisis is fundamentally its extreme poverty and therefore its inability to mobilize out of its own resources even the barest of minimum resources to address any of the public health crises that Africa faces.

Jeff Sachs

There's lots of reasons why we can't do this. We're here looking for answers and a way in which we can do this. You are the folks with the energy and resources to make this project a reality.

Michael Collins

We realized that although there are a lot of resources in South County, people in the indigenous communities don't have any idea what's out there.

Maria Diaz

It's a matter of prioritizing resources. We just believe that those resources this year and next year are better directed toward re-electing our House and Senate majorities and re-electing our congressmen.

Jennifer Hallowell

No homes were burned. Yesterday all the resources were deployed to protect those communities, but by today they were able to move some of the resources to other areas.

Linda Jackson

We're a small organization with meager resources. They feel threatened by us? That tells us something.

Bruce Gagnon underestimated both the time requirements and the financial resources required to achieve the critical mass of customers needed to sustain the business.

Paul Ritter

Unless you are actually given that check-off list, or the list of resources, you're not going to know, and that's where I believe we're weak.

Stanlyn Placencia

They have a very determined strategy and they are plunking a lot of resources into this. Northwest is not going to blink at this point.

Harley Shaiken

There is more to it than just the natural resources story. If you look at the Canadian economy, it looks very good.

Ian Nakamoto

While equipment has become much cheaper and user-friendly in the last decade, the human resources to effectively use video should not be underestimated.

Hakima Abbas

There is a clash between growth needs and the park ethic to preserve land in perpetuity for future generations. It's beginning to look like the inalienable right to enjoy natural resources isn't so inalienable.

Ruth Coleman

The information that is available has multiplied tremendously, but I also think that people have become more interested in genealogy recently. We are very fortunate here in Elizabethtown to have so many resources available for people to learn more about it.

Mary Karnes

There was a need and a feeling that, given the political shift of sands, we needed to have the confidence that we could always have the resources to do the work we needed to do.

Katie Grover

You've got a push-pull between tragedy and the good that can come out of it for the markets. You've got to rebuild, and you're going to put money and resources into that and create jobs.

Jay Suskind

Our actions in addressing transportation should not be measured solely on the basis of how much additional money we an appropriate and run through a funding formula. Rather, we should be judged on how well existing and additional resources will be used - and for what actual results - to address our pressing transportation challenges.

Joe May

These are resources we've pulled from our family.

Brenda Van Dam

If more resources and significant resources are not announced immediately, we will not be able to make the further essential programs and commitments to assist refugees.

Ron Redmond

We're actively looking at what's on the market and given internal resources, the speed at which we can act and financial flexibility, we'd be able to execute a transaction relatively quickly.

Stuart Grant

But the greatest shortage that will slow us down is the lack of trained people. So we are putting resources in training.

Irwin Jacobs

There's a wealth of good Christian resources available on the Internet that we tap in to and use. The kids have marched in community parades and last summer performed at Camp Rainbow.

Jena Proctor

I'll be using my charitable funds taking care of these individuals nobody disputes are in need. But will there be resources available in six months, not only for them, but the regular members of our community?

Robert Carpenter

I think just going to a team that's definitely on the top of the list on the manufacturer's side and has a really big depth to the team as far as the resources they have in different areas is going to be big.

Scott Riggs

Traditional media doesn't have the time and resources to cover all the stories. It really does add substantially to what you are looking at when you are looking for news.

Joff Redfern

When you're outspent and you don't have the resources of your opponents, ... you have to run every day like the next day is Election Day.

Jeremy Warren

The problem we have is not so much a shortage as it is of a challenge to maximize our resources. It's hard to know what staffing we need because families are coming in every day.

Judy Trujillo

It's up to us as a community with resources to develop the affordable housing inventory to help them get back into housing and so that the parks can be parks again.

Margot Schrire

Hearst is the best publisher in the industry, and combining our resources, I am confident we will establish Talk as one of the most widely read and one of the most influential magazines in the marketplace today.

Tina Brown

To do otherwise would run the risk that monetary policy would be too accommodative, pulling resources from the future in a way that would alter the trajectory for the growth of the capital stock, perhaps amplifying the imbalances, and compromising the price stability.

Timothy Geithner

Over the past 25 years there have been major battles for the heart and soul of the coast, but the Pebble Beach project stands alone as a threat to coastal resources. None of the projects come close to destroying the amount of forest habitat as this one.

Mark Massara

The reason I want this contract is I really do enjoy directing the Water Resources Agency. I don't want to look... I want to stay here.

Curtis Weeks

We did not have the resources to accommodate them.

Gloria Roemer

As this group grows older they will begin to have outside care needs . . . outside of their own resources, family or neighbors.

Gail Cross

China, South Korea and Japan all have large population, all suffer from resources shortage, but all have been seeking relatively rapid economic growth.

Xie Zhenhua

Sanyo is in a weak financial position and has a dwindling amount of money and resources to put towards developing new handsets. Joining hands with a strong player like Nokia would be a positive move.

Fumio Osanai

Being holistic is being different. If you're looking to do things differently but have no resources, or have a question — a concern, that you don't want to discuss with just anybody — this is a safe place where everyone gets who you are and what you stand for.

Heather Stewart

Our state has abundant resources and strong partnerships that enable businesses to grow and prosper. Innovative manufacturers like YKK AP America will always play an important part in Georgia's economy.

Craig Lesser

We can't continue to provide the same level of service with diminished resources. My feeling - Êhaving been a police officer for 31 years - is it will increase the safety of police officers.

Peter Kunst

I bring a background as both an educator and a businessman. I have a track record of improving student achievement as well as managing with limited financial resources.

Peter Gorman

We know the public are concerned about the problems caused in our communities by drinking and we will continue to put efforts and resources into tackling the issue.

Gary Hopkins

We have all the resources we need at this time.

Larry Gibson

BMW is a bigger company than Porsche, and Rover is a smaller company than Volkswagen, ... and even then it diverted too many strategic resources from BMW.

Garel Rhys

We took more resources into the plan than we probably needed to. As we go forward, we'll probably pull that out.

Andrew C. Roberts

It's possible we may realize an increase in revenue in billing third-party resources (such as Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance) if they come to our facility.

Susan Fredericks

[Sunnis fear their campaign may be seriously outgunned.] To be honest, we don't have the financial resources, ... We don't have any television channels.

Salih Mutlaq

There is enough fresh water in Africa for everybody, but management of water resources is less than optimal.

Nick Nuttall

The group makes an effort to find something that benefits community resources in all ways. We don't just help to buy books.

Ann Wilson

They're already diverting attention and perhaps some resources from the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban on Pakistan's western border. So the U.S. has a very big interest in this.

Robert Oakley

Obviously, if everyone has contracted with the same ambulance service, there could be serious problems. We are in favor of requiring the county EOCs to review the nursing home plans not just individually, but how they connect and how much they depend on the same resources and whether that is viable.

Alan Levine

But if that sum is not enough, we will seek alternative resources. I think that we will also turn to the European Union.

Jiri Paroubek

We have a limited amount of resources, so we do need to maximize where they go. So we will gladly participate with the city and plan for those efforts. We love all 1.1 million of those people out there.

Larry Gispert

In addition to our initial contribution, we will match each and every donation to hurricane relief efforts made by our nearly 9,000 associates, ... We did the same earlier this year to help with tsunami relief when, together, Health Net and its associates raised more than $112,000. We know that whatever resources we can give to the massive Katrina recovery efforts will be put to good use.

Christian Furchtegott Gellert

They are now fugitives. We will be using our resources to find them.

Michael Garcia

We certainly understand that we must protect our streams and our other resources, but we have to find a way to do it that also allows the construction of desperately needed homes, where appropriate.

Doug Fenichel

Just as some of you are working hard to prepare to deal with us, we at the SEC are struggling to get ready to deal with you, ... We have neither the resources nor the expertise to oversee all of the potential new registrants.

Paul Atkins

This has been an issue for 250 years. How do you get the resources from western Pennsylvania to population centers in the East? This would benefit areas to the east, where power is more expensive.

Fred Solomon

Our approach of plug-and-play XML has been applied to medical resources like drug information, clinical guidelines, and medical classification systems with promising results.

Ralf Schweiger

I think it's a great idea to have a local perspective. We combined our resources rather than all three of us doing our own show.

George Singleton

One of the greatest resources people cannot mobilize themselves is that they try to accomplish great things. Most worthwhile achievements are the result of many little things done in a single direction.

Nido Qubein

We want consumers to be informed and know the resources available to them. We can do all this work just to do the recall and ensure we have every model covered, but if the parents still have the product lingering in their home then that's a serious concern for us.

Scott Wolfson

Our association with Berkshire Hathaway has already generated considerable excitement in the marketplace. Beyond the obvious financial resources, Warren Buffett is recognized and respected worldwide for his business acumen. The response from our clients, business partners and employees has been overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to making our new owner very proud.

Cathy Baron Tamraz

We're protecting our historic resources for future generations. Once they're gone, they're gone forever.

Cathy Jimenez

It could be precedent setting. It will have a major effect on the community. What I'm concerned about is the impact on the town's resources.

Joseph Bridge

There wasn't one particular thing that made us say we needed to have this drill, it's more of a general preparedness thing. We drill annually because a disaster situation stretches our resources and goes beyond our normal scope of day-to-day operations.

Mary Austin

What we cannot have is grandparents competing with grandchildren for state resources.

Dirk Kempthorne

There was no Democratic leader telling the American people the truth about how the war in Iraq is absorbing so many resources it's making our country more vulnerable and less secure.

Gary Hart

Her work with Two Mile Run County Park demonstrates class through adversity as she was the chair of Parks Unlimited and later the founding chair of the Venango County Park and Natural Resources Authority.

Sally Megeath

An important component of the reorganization is the additional resources and more intense focus we're bringing to the U.S. market because of the size and critical importance of the U.S. to our business.

Paul Fitzhenry

In general, one has to ask why complete the International Space Station anyway. One worries about putting lots of resources into that because it diverts resources from the scientific exploration which needs to be done.

Andrew Coates

Most important, this map shows undeveloped areas. It shows connectivity between resources. There's a lot of connection for wildlife to move around properly between habitats.

Daniel Stone

The human resources directors are just tearing their hair out.

Beth Busch

If Canada wants to promote the use of renewable energy resources, it will try to influence projects while they're still in the pipeline rather than once they are already completed. It's a more effective way of using limited grant resources.

Peter Bate

If there's the possibility of developing these resources through a joint venture, then we can discuss that also.

Shen Wenquan

And lacks resources to carry out its mission.

John Hostettler

We anticipate a few more, ... as those that may have resources here, in terms of family, make their way out. We have tried to provide them comfort and reassurance. They have literally been involved with a nightmare. We want to do all we can to help.

Ben Rose

We give them some flexibility, but we don't let them go into the mandatory services, ... I'm hoping that as we make the transition, it frees this agency's resources up to really pressure plans to be more efficient.

Robert Kerr

I have a limited crew and resources and Gatorland has plenty of crew and resources. I promised I would come back free of charge, but I wish them the best of luck.

Jay Young

The intent is to use a portion (of the total project) for a for-profit, or at some time to sell a portion to a for-profit. We don't need the entire site for the (community resources) project.

Brent Martin

We're obviously very concerned that this has happened and all available resources will be brought onto this job.

Simon Overland

While marketers have clearly recognized that they have delivery challenges, they also are not allocating the necessary resources or taking the longer-term steps needed to minimize blocking and filtering of their e-mails.

Loren Mcdonald

More and more, we're partnering with the state to do things the state normally would have funded on a regular basis but now is requiring some private resources. It requires the state to put less money into projects and, in turn, makes it more likely to be supported.

Jill Schoer

Remember this is a proof-of-concept engineering mission, not a science mission. We really do have to learn how to operate in the vicinity of an asteroid if we are ever going to use them for space resources or if we are going to have a reliable capability to deflect a dangerous one.

Clark Chapman

Better deployment of the resources of the office.

Jennifer Joyce

Lack of access to energy resources and the hurricanes are the roots of the angst American consumers are experiencing.

John Hofmeister

We are now looking for cash to move the food. And it is critical that WFP be able to respond immediately to the food needs of Kenyans who have depleted their own resources.

Tesema Negash

She was getting some help, but it was not enough and it didn't come in time. The failure here is one of resources. They were limited and too late in coming.

Mary Lauby

This is a positive note for the Red Lake nation. We're talking about a way of life. My father and several other people's fathers lived off the resources of this nation.

Bill May

We have to adapt everything, because we don't have the resources you have here.

Leticia Tourin

There has been quite a deal of money going into the banks when the markets looked a bit wobbly and the resources are following suit.

Stuart Smith

Another milestone in our strategy that calls for targeted alliances aimed at sharing financial and industrial resources on new products and platforms.

Sergio Marchionne

Human resources had to figure out how to do this. There was some paperwork. We've never done this before - let people go and then hire them back in two weeks.

George Douglas

They'll be recruiting everywhere. They're a big company. They've got resources.

Brian Pearson

I would not be surprised to see J&J come back. They've got $16 billion in cash at the end of 2005. They have tremendous financial resources. It's up to them.

Bruce Nudell

None of this is unexpected, given the consistent reductions in resources over recent years. Committed people are doing the best they can at both the state and local levels, but they have meager resources with which to work.

Grant Higginson

One of our main priorities over the past two months has been to find new positions for our team members. We have hosted two job fairs with over 25 employers participating in each. We have also helped team members contact other community resources, such as Nevada Job Connect, and provided one-to-one counseling when needed. As of today, about 90 percent of our team members have found new positions.

Virginia Perkins

The window will probably not be open too long. He will have to show some improvement in their lives. And he will need partnerships of Haitians with resources to do this.

Robert Maguire

More than Houses has greatly advanced our ability to serve more families around the world. Without the resources from the campaign, we would never have been able to expand this ministry as quickly.

Jonathan Reckford