We need to do a better job of understanding who it is we seek to serve, what their particular needs are -- and if we do that well, we can align our resources more appropriately.

George Smitherman

Once they're in the library, then we promote the books we have, the resources we have and the people we have who can help them.

Judith Gregg

Our parents cannot afford the resources wealthy parents have such as books, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, computers or educational games.

Diane Terry

We already had an advantage over New York and Louisiana. We have the ability to call in resources and get them in quickly.

Bonnie Reed

It hasn't expended resources there.

Jerry Herman

There are going to be questions about what major oil companies are doing with all of the resources they're accumulating. They can't escape that.

Pete Domenici

We are shifting resources. We are not at full capacity. We continue to talk to our customers. We will focus on the priorities that they give us.

Bud Grebey

Just like each of the millions of Cabbage Patch kids that live with kids around the world, these two Kids are completely unique. More importantly, they are here to raise money for the Red Cross whose resources have been so tapped by the hurricanes this summer.

Jay Foreman

You don't have the resources to childproof the entire country.

George Friedman

These kinds of resources generally cannot be found on the board or within the management team, given the inherent nature of boss/subordinate relationships. We believe neutral advice from a fellow top executive external to the company will ultimately prove invaluable.

David Fowler

They don't have the resources to do that nor, unless we get that supplemental (federal) money, will (they ever) have the resources to do it.

Chester Jourdan

What you're discussing today could be a perfect complement not only to the proposed energy school but also to the Ruckelshaus Institute and Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, and other ongoing university initiatives, by linking the College of Business and high-level business executives.

Tom Buchanan

We had the resources at the library and it seemed like a natural thing to organize a group here.

Tom Barratt

When you have the environment degraded, it is always so that we are going to fight over the few resources that are left.

Wangari Maathai

Extending the water supply during this extremely dry period through the efficient use of our existing water resources is crucial to meeting long-term needs.

Jim Parks

To take advantage of the system, the locals are going to have to have the technologies in place. The locals and the states have to find the resources.

Gary Cooper

It's going to require a fundamental shift in our resources, our money and our leadership.

Richard Miller

This project represents an incredible commitment to East Austin, not only in the facility and the resources that will be available, but the commitment by Southwest Key to actually put their headquarters there, too.

Tom Kinney

Africa is in need of more committed partners who can bring skills, experience and resources. We're inviting the next generation of professionals and global leaders to join us in Nigeria as we continue to build long lasting relationships that will help Africa realize its full potential.

Hope Masters

We are taking spoonfuls or handfuls of dirt or water and we aren't disturbing the environment or depleting the resources in any way.

Martin Sabarsky

It has stretched resources and capacity to the limit.

Thomas Moran

We should be reporting the results of economic phenomena, like the imposition of taxes, in the period in which the taxing event occurs and the government gains the right to resources. This will often be the same period in which the cash flows, but need not be.

Paul Sutcliffe

He has a strong record when it comes to supporting our troops. He believes we should continue to give our troops the resources they need to finish the job in Iraq, so we can bring them home as soon as possible.

Mark Kelly

In addition to providing liquidity to our original shareholders, TA's resources and networks will accelerate our growth plans to take advantage of the significant opportunities in the credit derivatives market.

Sunil Hirani

I share your commitment to protect the environment of Florida's coastline as well as the entire eastern Gulf of Mexico, ... At the same time, I must consider our nation's energy needs and appropriate management of the American public's natural resources.

Gale Norton

There's an aspect of human nature in which we want to think we're better than somebody else. They're a different color. They speak a different language. They have a different name for the Creator. Whatever it is, that makes it okay for me to hate them, to try to get some of their land or some of their resources.

John Denver

The North Georgia Mountains Authority is empowered by law to conduct business in any county in Georgia that the (Department of Natural Resources) board adopts to do so by resolution.

Bob Newsome

The move is obviously aiming to encourage more drivers to use the underground land resources to alleviate the open air parking tension.

Wang Yan

We will provide additional funding for new resources to protect our troops against roadside bombs and makeshift improvised explosive devices that have been a major source of casualties.

Joel Kaplan

The insurance industry can benefit significantly from a comprehensive library of software resources. A service-oriented approach to providing access to library components is a flexible, cost-effective way to help organizations determine which components they may require to better manage their business.

Jason Bloomberg

We're only eight days in. The basic message is that we need more resources.

Kevin Kennedy

For revenue and earnings growth to occur, we must stay focused on investing behind our pipeline and we must drive our current productivity efforts even harder in order to have the resources to fund those investments.

Peter Dolan

So the human resources organizations on both sides should co-operate to offer more information to help them.

Steve Tsai

All markets are suffering but we are being hit more than others because the index is resource-heavy .. about 40% of the top 40 stocks are resources.

Craig Pheiffer

There is always a price to every property that God created and so the best way to find out is to evaluate the resources.

Ratu Osea Gavidi

Clearly there has been additional damage to the wreckage since it was discovered. It hasn't been protected very well. Ultimately, the Park Service is supposed to manage its resources so they've fallen down on the job.

Peter Hess

It is important that everybody understands how we are using our resources.

Mike Carson

Developers will always play an important role in the application lifecycle, but the ALM and IDE markets are very different - requiring distinct business models, different operational and marketing structures and a focused R&D team. Both markets are important, but Borland can no longer give both the resources and attention they require.

Tod Nielsen

All constituencies to preserve and protect the state's natural resources.

David Feldman

She won't have to complain about resources.

Juan Chavarria

The fishermen that did work them for a couple days before we had to close them down for red tide said that there's resources out there that they could make a living off of.

David Heil

Your economic development organization is a one-man show and it's handicapped and doesn't have the resources to do what you want.

Angelos Angelou

We're going to be a bit bigger as a corporate structure, although hopefully not that much. It won't be an upside-down kind of thing, but (human resources) will be responsible for 20,000 people, a little difference in scale.

Howard Weaver

We get most of our funding from the Department of Natural Resources. And when any natural resources agency experiences tight budgets, the first thing to go is an educational program.

Christine Thomas

Tiffany has enormous resources devoted to impressing their jewelry ideas upon people.

Tim Mcclelland

Should the lieutenant governor decide to run, he will be a very formidable candidate and someone who will also have the resources necessary to mount a successful campaign.

Dan Ronayne

If you stay broke and fund every request, then you have no money and no resources to promote economic development.

Charles Yates

Community banks need access to security resources that are tailored to meet their needs. We are pleased to work with ICBA, the nation's leading national association for community banks, to provide pertinent and timely information to ICBA-member banks.

Joel Greenberg

This case was entirely preventable. The failure here is one of resources.

Mary Lauby

It just goes to show, if you have the drive and the desire, we have the resources here at the University.

Josh Cincinnati

Insurers will invest increasingly more resources in 2006 to protect their firm. Jurisdictions around the globe have current or emerging regularity requirements driving up compliance costs.

Barry Rabkin

We have simply outgrown this space and we want to be able to provide additional community resources in a user-friendly space.

Linda Mccoy

We're not afraid to use our infrastructure and resources at all levels.

Jim Abrahamson

Although strong revenue growth is expected, some industrial manufacturers are taking a more cautious approach concerning investments of capital and human resources, likely due to the lack of stability in energy costs.

Jorge Milo

It's an advantage for law enforcement and fire departments around. We can pool our resources and have task forces that can actually work these bigger fires.

Richard Feast

This is something that Sun has needed to do for a long time in order to get parity with HP and IBM. They need to show customers that their systems have the ability to manage IT resources according to business need — without human intervention — in order to catch up to HP and IBM.

Dan Olds

Bob has done a magnificent job. But we struggle with a finite number of resources. We need to eliminate the D.A.R.E. program and shift Bob to the middle schools.

Jim Montgomery

Texas public education definitely doesn't have numbers they can brag about. We can only get so far with the resources that we have. It's simple - teachers are getting involved because they are mad. Really, really mad.

Richard Kouri

It's clear that the Department of Natural Resources will force utilities to reduce their emissions to offset the new pollution created by the ethanol mandate.

Scott Manley

Children should not die like that in this century, where we have all the resources and technology to save them.

Rima Salah

Hospital interest in combating and fighting infection has been going on for decades. It is a critical issue that hospitals devote enormous resources to, and long before the Partnership for Patient Care was created.

Andrew Wigglesworth

We feel we have a fully integrated and realistic plan with the right resources and right team in place with the right focus from the supply base. At this point, it comes down to executing to the plan.

Bill Bonder

The college town area is the most critical piece of real estate in the community. If we find ways to effectively develop that and to promote the exchange of ideas, people and resources between downtown and campus, we would have a terrific local economy.

Jim Newberry

They do something one day each week that can help them get a summer job later on. (Teen Challenge) is something that will give them valuable resources. No only do they have fun but they gain experience through the program as well.

Maura Webster

What we are seeing is a change in tactics. They no longer have that pool of resources that they can mount a serious attack against us.

James Yonts

We asked her to come partly because of her reputation. Not to suggest we don't have good teachers and resources in Westborough...but she's another source of information for parents.

Gayle Harrold

We saw a rare opportunity with Irrational Games, a development studio that has consistently produced creative and original games, 2K Games will provide additional resources and support to the Irrational team so they may continue to deliver cutting-edge games.

Christoph Hartmann

I learned a long time ago that no one can change another person's behavior, but we can give them the tools, resources, and understanding to change their own behavior.

Chet Bialicki

We will be testing the agency's ability to deploy a variety of resources to quickly and effectively raise the bar of security in any mode of transportation anywhere in the country.

Amy Von Walter

More key resources to continue our growth and provide our employees with significant improvements in benefits and employment opportunities.

Randy Miller

Amazon had to build its name up from scratch, ... Barnes and Noble, on the other hand, is very well known. It's obviously much bigger and has greater financial resources.

William Armstrong

We are confident that with TA's resources, we will have greater opportunities to grow by developing and acquiring additional products and broadening our international reach.

David Weiss

Was in the process of assembling an army of attorneys, economists and IAM representatives with a wealth of airline bankruptcy experience and resources to ensure our members are treated fairly and their rights protected both in the courtroom and at the bargaining table.

Robert Roach

There are resources there that are set up for everyone to use. If you don't have 50 cents to buy a newspaper, you can go to the library and read want ads.

James Waghorne

In this regard, auditors will evaluate the consumption of resources and results of projects and put forward suggestions and proposals for the government to deal with problems found during the auditing.

Li Jinhua

How many inner resources one needs to tolerate a life of leisure without fatigue.

Natalie Clifford Barney

Our legacy systems just cost too much to maintain. That saps our resources-not only people, but dollars, which leaves very little discretionary money to do the things we need to do to move the organization forward to compete.

Bill Jenkins

Biologists with the Delaware and New Jersey divisions of fish and wildlife have been very helpful during this project, and they welcome researchers from all over the world. We hope to see collaborative efforts like this continue so that we can learn how to better manage wildlife resources like the red knot and horseshoe crab.

Jim Fraser

We have often failed to deploy sufficient resources to actually make a real difference to the performance of, and activities within, industrial sectors.

Rob Davies

In a way, I've called for a symbolic show on the mall to try to mobilize a lot of people at home to contribute more vigorously - money, resources, things like that - to their local communities.

Ronald Walters

The dynamics of the ERP industry have changed. Many executives don't yet realize that their interaction with systems integrators must change, too. You can no longer rely heavily on the integrator to provide the same attention and resources it once did to pinpoint potential problems or to leave enough time in the schedule to address the complications that inevitably arise in an ERP installation.

Thomas Lebamoff

Combining our resources will enable us to offer customer-driven solutions. We are very pleased that our companies provide complementary strengths.

Larry Hale

They began to see some advantages to federalism - one of them being that the parties would control the resources.

Juan Cole

In addition, the local family and consumer sciences Extension agents can provide you with updated resources and fact sheets.

Dr. Mickey Bielamowicz

It all depends on the resources a community puts behind its fire protection.

Dave Dasgupta

Our police officers also say they need help lobbying for resources for prevention and treatment. Dismantling labs leaves them with less time to chase bad guys.

Jeffrey Greene

In TempWorld there is no tolerance for error, no protection for a job less well done, ... Social Darwinism is at work, and competition for resources is fierce.

Barbara Moses

It's not ethical for the president to manage the state's resources at the same time he is a candidate. It's dishonest competition with the other presidential candidates.

Carlos Rodriguez

Some kind of historical use for the tribe would be ideal, but we don't have the resources, ... We'd probably want the property with the main building, but that'll be very competitive.

Michael Chapman

Develop internal resources and transform them into internal investments.

Askar Akayev

I've said to the people at the White House that you say you need all the resources to fight the war overseas, but to fight the war on terror at home with no money is like saying let's fight the war in Iraq with no new money, ... It makes no sense whatsoever.

Charles E. Schumer

Being much more efficient with natural resources is now an economic imperative. The rise of China and India and other emerging market economies is forcing up prices of natural resources of all kinds.

Nicholas Parker

It depends on how states look at scarce resources and their commitment to higher education.

Michael Whitcomb

I expect all of my runners to come out as leaders on both teams. They all have leadership traits, and I hope to pool those resources.

Vin Lananna

We remain confident about Guidant's ability to rebuild ... market share. But that rebuilding will involve time, resolve and resources.

James Cornelius

We conduct research and development around the world, but our largest concentration of resources is here in Indiana. These state incentives help to expand our efforts and made our decision easier.

Ray Elliott

These areas must follow the example of Louisiana and many other states in sharing these energy resources.

Bob Slaughter

I simply don't think that resources shares have priced in all of the potential for even further commodities price hikes yet.

Hans Kunnen

It was a leap of faith. I hope he fulfills the expectations that he activated today. He has the energy. It's up to the administration to give him the resources.

Lisanne Altmann

I really think the late senator would have approved, ... It's important for all of the residents of Northeastern Minnesota to realize how important our resources are.

Keith Nelson

All that poverty alleviation means is an increase in exploitation of the resources, and it provides short-term and relatively superficial gains for people in Africa.

Michael Fay

We are not against development or growth at all. We would like to see smart growth where key resources such as prime farmland are protected.

Jeff Squibb

This community is just starting to see federal recovery resources -- 20 days post storm.

Patrick Mcmahon

So someday, it is possible that our water resources may be controlled by Singapore or other countries.

Charles Santiago

It's been proven that these children can learn. It's just that they need additional resources.

Sen. Jean Schodorf

We starve them, ... We don't give them the resources they need and then blame them for the results.

Pedro Noguera

With the whole global situation in the Middle East and everything, it would be much better to depend on our own resources than resources that may not be available to us.

Steve Basinger

The real problem is not that Africa is a 'desert with no rivers flowing'. It's that big, multinational corporations all over the world come in and exploit the resources and leave Africa with nothing.

Nick Diamonds

The additional resources, funding, legislative efforts, knowledge, best practices and recognition that Easter Seals will bring to the picture will enable us to improve our programs and to serve these individuals better.

Lisa Fitzgibbon

This is going to make it so much easier for people to get in the library and use the resources.

Robert Maranto

We didn't have enough energy to create them in a lab. That means they are heavy particles, but we cannot create them due to limited amounts of resources.

Hitoshi Murayama

There's just so many structures in Pennsylvania and fundamentally limited resources to deal with them all. We're trying to put the focus on bridges and ramp up spending.

Rich Kirkpatrick

What we can't make up in resources we make up in people power.

Jano Cabrera

Texas law requires that the water plans protect the state's agricultural, natural and water resources. This plan fails on every count.

Janice Bezanson

Swift detects and localizes and sends the information instantaneously to everybody. Every time a burst goes off, we check the resources we have available.

Daniel Reichart

A case, like this, could stop with a single, low-level arrest, maybe two. They often stop right where the resources dry up to investigate.

Drew Wrigley

The key issue will be what kind of power the Sunnis get from these numbers when it comes to negotiations about the government. What kind of cabinet posts will they get? How will resources be distributed? What kind of representation will they have in patronage and government?

Vali Nasr

You do not need to have much in the way of resources to acquire good health at a national level. If you have the right policies, if you make the right investments, huge health gains can ensue.

Dean Jamison

As a poor man without resources, he didn't look - at 19 - like he would attain an earning capacity. His damages are pain and suffering - 24 years, 6 months and 13 days - and there's not one penny for pain and suffering.

Jennifer Greenberg

But they can change and I should help, and they are human beings and they can do it to, but they just need that right perspective and the right programs and resources in front of them.

Liz Murray

Both the county and the (state Department of Natural Resources) are looking at it. They liked what they saw.

Bob Cramer

This a very important thing for us, to take care of our resources.

Luis Hernandez

You have more resources than you can probably imagine.

Sue Densmore

We're being creative. We're sharing staff, sharing an administrator. We're trying to do the best we can with the resources we have, but we need to make some decisions and inform the public this can't continue as is.

Rodger Hannel

It's a practical, not statutory, decision. We're not going to spend resources to go after a dollar or two. ... If you send it in, fine. If not, we're probably not going to bother with it.

Mark Muchow

We are focusing our skills and resources on markets which offer the greatest earnings and growth potential.

Nikolaus Von Bomhard

There's a silver lining to this. Once the consultation happens, it could bring resources to the region to deal with water quality issues ... to clean up Puget Sound, for instance.

James Schroeder

You can't be off on your own. It's going to take resources and it's going to take multiple brain power and it's going to take creativity from more than one person.

Van White

The earth and its resources belong of right to its people.

Gifford Pinchot

Katie assumed the additional responsibility for our Human Resources organization in 2004. She has done a good job leading two areas of the company that are critical to success in today's business environment.

Dennis Rediker

We're moving as quickly as can on this thing. There's a lot of resources on this.

John Cunliffe

Anyone who's considering copying this behavior should see how quickly resources came together and how quickly state police solved this case.

Attorney Christopher Morano

My priority is to give the general manager and head coach all the resources necessary to make the Browns successful.

Randy Lerner

The trail will link the communities and link to historic and cultural resources.

Dale Freudenberger

[The water especially devastated the Ninth Ward, among the city's poorest and lowest lying areas.] Out West, there is a saying that water flows to money, ... But in New Orleans, water flows away from money. Those with resources who control where the drainage goes have always chosen to live on the high ground. So the people in the low areas were hardest hit.

Craig Colten

Comics offers tremendous resources to all writers and artists: faithfulness, control, a chance to be heard far and wide without fear of compromise.

Scott Mccloud

This agreement with Johnson & Johnson provides significant financial value and certainty for shareholders. Together with Johnson & Johnson, we will have the resources to continue to build upon the existing Guidant businesses in our pursuit of meaningful innovations to address cardiovascular disease.

James Cornelius

To meet the challenge of stable (raw material) supplies we believe the solution is to invest in countries with abundant bauxite resources, like Australia.

Xiao Yaqing

People are driving over state lines to play the lottery. We need to keep our resources here.

Bill Halter

The bridge joining us is one powerful international brand fueled by the exchange of ideas, best practices and resources.

Mike Butler

We're going to have a lot more resources, and we're going to be able to significantly increase the deposits and services at all four locations.

Norman Morales

If you believe the commodity cycle hasn't peaked, then the resources stocks look cheap.

David Wong

We are disappointed to have to leave, but we now have no alternative, as we no longer have the fuel resources to stay.

Paul Watson

Once we are able to identify dangerous points, we are able to reallocate resources or manpower to these areas.

Roy Cervantes

We've got the resources should they need it.

Mary Daubert

Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men.

Gifford Pinchot

It's not serious medical-type content. It's done with this joy of fatherhood spirit. It's an interactive CD that provides different resources pointed to the father's interests.

Bill Furlong

We have cold case resources that we've got from the federal government and our victims' research fund. We'll get them tested and I think it'll prove valuable.

Jim Petro

The Yale Center will collaborate with other CDC Public Health Preparedness Centers in order to maximize resources and disseminate new information pertaining to emergency preparedness and response.

Brian Leaderer

Courts don't have enough resources to give everyone a trial.

Robert Ford

We believe that this tax rate, at 20 percent, is a significant increase in tax and may lead us to not developing all of the resources that are there on the North Slope.

Richard Owen

Citizens need a way to influence the process. The whole system is bogged down with undue influence by corporate interests with unlimited resources that ordinary citizens don't have.

Brad Ashwell

We looked at private equity when we were considering hedge funds but there was no similar record of problems - evidence of fraud - that merited the devotion of inspection and other resources.

John Nestor

You want to have the resources to hire the professionals you need and to service debt, make lease payments and put up cash collateral, as required to keep operating the business. And you need to pay vendors.

Howard Wu

We've poisoned the air, the water, and the land.In our passion to control nature,things have gone out of control.Progress from now on has to mean something different.We're running out of resources andwe are running out of time.

Robert Redford

We're very proud to be here. It's so impressive, the response and the resources North Carolina has.

Chip Rich

Diverted the resources it required to the other war, in Vietnam.

David Broder

We are extending their mission through September 2006 to take advantage of having such capable resources still healthy and in excellent position to continue their adventures.

Ghassem Asrar

A lot of people don't know what we have in our watershed. This is an opportunity for them to get out and find out about the positive water resources we have and make that personal connection.

Tracie Beasley

Basically, there is no change when it applies to companies that are already operating successfully in Venezuela, like ourselves. It must be understood that the subsoil resources do belong to the Venezuelan people and that any arrangement to explore and exploit for mineral resources is conditioned on that fact.

Bob Doyle

We're trying to touch every single industry that's impacted by this. There's a lot of resources, a lot of tools at the disposal of our two governments, but it's really got to be a partnership with industry.

Chris Israel

Anybody who is in this country illegally runs a risk, When you have limited resources your have to prioritize running down criminal illegal aliens.

Carl Rusnok

Seek not, my soul, the life of the immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach.


Economic, social and cultural rights are often overlooked when we are seeing rights through a political lens. Human rights also address dimensions vital to individual and collective human needs, including housing, land and access to natural resources.

Joseph Schechla

It has to be more than a concept. Until it is more than that, I am not going to offer my time or resources to it.

Joe Raso

Ford Motor Company believes a sustainable, profitable business requires responsible use of environmental and social resources. Our partnership with ENERGY STAR has been instrumental in driving energy efficiency improvements.

Sue Cischke

The filing system has taken the lion's share of our resources. We want to give them a new way of functioning and make them more efficient.

Katherine Jenkins

The idea is to utilize resources there to reduce the costs of going to the Moon .

Mark Robinson

We're lightening up on resources shares because we're not convinced that the hype about Chinese demand quite matches the reality.

Brian Ingham

We are willing to join hands together with the other nations at the equal footing, promote the manned space technology for our country to a higher level and make our due contributions to the exploration and peaceful use of the space resources for the mankind.

Tang Xianming

The Government?s policy is to reduce the wage bill to free resources for development purposes.

Joseph Kinyua

We certainly have critical resources in this region that impact not only the state, but the nation. We're developing a plan to use local resources to enable us to develop an overwhelming regional response to a catastrophic event.

Barney Welch

We also would encourage that resources be allocated to compensate those poor farmers -- and most of them are poor farmers -- who are raising these poultry ... and who, if they are not given the right incentive, will tend to hide what is happening.

Jacques Diouf

One of the nation's greatest resources.

John Cahill

Email marketing has clearly arrived as a key marketing and CRM strategy for most companies. But in 2006 those companies that don't align the proper resources and technology to take their program to the next level will find their competitors leaving them behind in the 'inbox' of their customers and subscribers.

Loren Mcdonald

In my wildest dreams, or at least proactive thoughts, I didn't think we would get over $2 million. The feel-good aspects are that the donors have really embraced this project so that we can do some cool things beyond the resources we thought we had.

Dan Beintema

It's a more effective use of our resources.

David Hoover

We have resources to do $200 billion in contracts, but we are spending $400 billion in contracts.

Joshua Schwartz

The main issue now is to provide Afghanistan and the government there with the resources to be able to begin reconstruction.

Ahmed Rashid

I've been wearing a lot of hats, doing everyday business and trying to deal with the issue. It would have been helpful if we'd had some resources or even some ideas from larger companies.

Brett Gardner

The resources here are unbelievable.

Leticia Tourin

Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.

Richard Byrd

Everything that Mr. Brown needed in terms of resources or information from the state, he had those available to him.

Bob Mann

Berlusconi no longer has the necessary resources, in terms of image and credibility, to turn the situation around, ... he is the glue that keeps the coalition together.

Roberto D'alimonte

The National Medical Association is positioned to really provide the type of resources this community could use.

Albert Morris

It was nothing that I would say was a burden. But we're very appreciative of the (reimbursement) resources.

Ruth O'dell

Now we are being told to stay put, because there is the possibility that our resources will be needed here.

John Fuller

Our personnel are highly trained, so it would help spell the resources down there that have been going since the hurricane hit.

Joe Thornton

There will be continuing interest in our resources -- there's just no question about it.

Colin Walker

We've requested security for all of our facilities, but unfortunately we've almost tapped out our National Guard resources.

Donald R. Smithburg

SGI is using Itanium to cut the cost of designing its own chips. Intel is putting a lot of resources into developing Itanium. So instead of developing processors, we can use Itanium and put our effort into developing systems.

Tony Devarco

What explains higher prices is the market, ... Demand has grown in other regions of the country, but with respect to existing resources, production is not increasing.

Bob Howard

We view this as an emergency situation. We're pulling out all our resources and literally working 24 hours a day to get this ready. We're repurposing testing resources and grabbing anyone and everyone who can help us bring this to completion as soon as we can.

Kevin Kean

Our board of directors determined holding the meeting wasn't the best use of our resources under the current circumstances.

Chuck Hartlage

We've pretty much reached a consensus that we're not going to be able to help each other. We're all going to be fighting this battle at home. We're not going to have a lot of resources that cross borders and go into other states. So hoping and pleading for help from other states is not a reality.

Toby Clairmont

We're bringing up a phenomenal amount of resources. If those resources are overwhelmed, we'll switch back.

Joshua Slen

Aside from cultural-religious reasons, the procedure is too costly. With a price tag of P1 million per transplant, we can operate on five to seven charity patients. So why use your scarce resources on a single operation?

Dr. Ludgerio Torres

We're seeing people from all walks of life -- those who didn't have resources before the storm and those who are affluent. For all of them, it's difficult to not have a car, to have no job available, to have no normalcy in their life.

Laura Howe

We are shifting resources from more administrative to more technical . . . This is a growth strategy.

Thomas Burke

We want to make clear that our police department will not become immigration agents. We also want to send a message to places like Costa Mesa that police should be focused on gangs and drugs, and not overextending their resources.

Thomas Martin