The money will provide us with the extra things we always wished we could do. You know, the things you don't want to wait until you're 80 to do.

Annette Cobb

We provide everything students need: knowledge, equipment; we've got it all.

Jon Davis

E-mail archiving isn't just about compliance; it's also about retaining corporate knowledge and managing storage, ... It makes sense to provide solutions that address all of these needs.

Michael Osterman

The preservation of the status quo, with respect to the election of the president and the vice-president will inspire confidence and certainty and provide much-needed political stability after the election.

Mahendra Chaudhry

We were unable to provide him with a security clearance because of his arrest history.

Vernell Crittendon

It's to provide an inexpensive night out on the town. The community coming together, that's really the reward for doing it for 17 years because it's not the pay.

David Foster

We don't create a security problem, we provide a solution to it.

Michael Topolovac

In addition to earning the tax credit, this will provide additional income to help (families) gain financial independence.

David Engle

It's a growing recommendation that we need to provide access for all park users, especially in parks that are less developed and rugged, like Glacier.

Amy Vanderbilt

But it's going to remain an open facility for any hospice program in the region. The hospice team from St. Luke's can continue to follow a patient and provide care.

Pat Burns

We did not effectively manage our licensing program, ... While we negotiated good deals, introduced great products in the marketplace, we failed to provide the retail marketing support and monitoring that was needed.

Linda Mcmahon

We just doubled the (sewer) plant size in 2000 and we need to double it again. (That is) going to provide some financial challenges here in the next 2-3 years. The magnitude of that project is more than what we anticipated.

John Dowd

At present we have 23 children getting education here. We provide them all the facilities as few of them have lost their parent in riots and those who are alive are very poor.

Shabnam Hashmi

It was very difficult to manage employees and provide a high level of customer service.

Jim Evanger

California has a window of opportunity to prepare the highly educated work force we need to maintain our position as an economic leader. If California fails to provide this work force in time, we are likely to lose the edge we now have over other states and international competitors.

Bill Hauck

It shows Kentucky continues to provide leadership in the area of mine safety.

Lajuana Wilcher

People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it.

Anthony De Mello

The issue of asking for supermarkets to provide information at the store level is something companies are either engaged in doing or in the process of doing. Certainly, we would support that. We also would not be opposed to increased testing by FDA.

Karen Brown

We do work hard to provide the services the community needs and to keep people healthy.

Maureen Kahn

I think we're going from a market that's driven by momentum and driven by a flow of funds to a stock picker's market. That's going to provide very good opportunities for those that are focused on given areas.

Mario Gabelli

We need zoning that will provide for future growth and at the same time preserves the topography that is bringing people here.

Michael Fleming

We provide a framework and standards-the architect oversees all of this.

Joan Zerkovich

We're dealing with products that can literally mean the difference between life and death, so it is imperative that we have the expertise in-house to make sure we are providing our customers the technical know-how to provide better care for their patients.

Dennis Cook

We also believe that the new site will allow management an opportunity to provide information in a more timely manner to shareholders.

Radomir Popovic

If we don't provide activities which are supervised, the kids are going to be looking for things to do and find things we don't want them to do.

Percy Williamson

On our network, we can provide much faster data speed than you can provide on the Telstra network. The proposition we're announcing puts us right into the heartland of broadband growth and customer needs in the Australian marketplace.

Warren Hardy

With a future emphasis on manufacturing technology, this structure may provide an important, low-cost and efficient means that will replace incandescent lighting in many different applications.

Stephen Forrest

We're authorized by law to go in and provide food and water, ... Some people are getting a bit liberal with the spray paint, but we need to know if we have to go back in to leave more food.

Laura Maloney

The CMMB CLI has been designed to provide clear and early readings of short run movements in economic activity in Trinidad and Tobago.

Robert Mayers

You can't tie employees' hands with cumbersome policies and procedures and expect them to provide exceptional service. It's also important to let employees know that it is OK to make a mistake in the process of working to win customer satisfaction.

John Tschohl

If we provide increased capacity, the demand is there.

Seth Young

By identifying high-risk patients, ultrasound would allow doctors to provide aggressive treatment early.

Claude Lenfant

It's to be prudent, that is the only explanation. When this mission was launched, it had a price tag in the millions of dollars. Now that Stardust is safely back, the cargo in many scientific corners is described as priceless in terms of the data it can provide.

James Hartsfield

Our customers have supported us over the years, and we are glad that we can re-invest in our showrooms and other facilities so that we can continue to provide the best value for our customers into the future.

Michael Hammond

All we want to provide is the part of the care that is not available.

Nancy Collins

These jobs do provide a good middle class standard of living and the Teamsters union is going to protect that.

Chip Roth

We provide money for teacher grants.

Judy Taylor

Nevertheless, chimpanzees were clearly motivated to obtain rewards for themselves, but not to provide rewards for other group members.

Joan Silk

We try to provide as much information on the Web site as we can, and we encourage people to calculate their tax bills on the site. We want their help in uncovering any discrepancy or mistake that may be on their bill.

Stan Dixon

Those refineries provide about 25 percent of U.S. needs.

Steve Simmons

We consider the European market to be a key element in our global strategy, ... Europe will be next after Japan to implement UMTS and will provide an opportunity for us to leverage our technology and experience.

Keiji Tachikawa

Golf gives us a great opportunity to give back and be a part of the communities in our tournament markets. We are very pleased to be able to continue this tradition of giving to the many worthy organizations who provide badly needed programs and services for so many people.

Steve Shannon

We are contemplating seriously a way of taking @Ventures public, ... That might provide another vehicle for investors to participate in the funds.

David Wetherell

Our first obligation is to Hall County because we provide a work force for Hall County. We need to be attentive to what our local economy requires.

Cindy Blakley

Adam was the guy who really helped provide us with our intensity, both on offense and defense. When he really got after it, the team always followed. He was the guy we could always count on for a big play.

Steve Kemp

We provide a significant, positive impact to our clients and companies throughout the area with the work that we've done just in the past five years.

Joe Raso

DaimlerChrysler's goal is to develop deeper relationships and provide more opportunities to suppliers that are proven performers.

Peter Rosenfeld

Israel has to take a stance about what it plans to do with this money. Israel has said it would continue to provide electricity and water to the PA; who is going to pay for them?

Marc Otte

The federal government must come in and provide funding for food, clothing and medical care in each place they're going to.

Joanne Nigg

If the Pentagon has been collecting information improperly on Americans, it should provide a full accounting of what kind of information it collected, on whom and why, subject only perhaps to protecting the privacy of individuals.

Kate Martin

This important agreement with Lycos is the first in a series of steps AT&T will take to provide people with unprecedented capabilities.

Dan Schulman

The maintenance building serves a need, but not the higher need the social service groups can provide to the people in that neighborhood.

Doug Kupper

I think we have outgrown our three levels here. We definitely need more office space. We've chopped these levels up, so we're hoping the county will understand our needs and provide us with a larger facility.

Connie Jones

The federal legislation that allows us to provide local channels requires that we use the Nielsen Media Research designated market areas to determine which local channels we can legally offer in a given area.

Robert Mercer

As you know, the DPRK is still facing a lot of difficulties. The Communist Party and government of China will, in their capacity, provide assistance to the DPRK.

Wang Jiarui

They provide other engineering and construction services for the power plant market, ... So with all of the energy problems we've seen out in California, there's been an increased awareness for the need for new power plants in the U.S. and abroad.

Ryan Crane

Atlanta's fast growing business market and diverse population provide the ideal location for this venture, ... The economic potential of the community continues to grow and creates the perfect climate for launching a community bank.

Betty Siegel

We are very short on classroom space on both [Livingston and Cook/Douglass], and the modular buildings provide us with temporary additional space.

Robert Goodman

The state does not provide any funding at all.

Dale Mitchell

CSMS is a very interesting platform. It's built from the ground up to provide integration between its various components.

Joel Conover

Casio would be able to take its current mobile phone models to America, so I wouldn't expect margins to drop off. And this could provide a significant boost to sales volumes.

Koya Tabata

Where duty is plain, delay is both foolish and hazardous; where it is not, delay may provide both wisdom and safety.

Tryon Edwards

Whatever they want we will provide.

Bill Bray

Without the club, most would go home or out in their neighborhoods. Our quality after-school programs help to provide a positive future for all of our children, not just the children from families that can afford enriching opportunities.

Margie Dorshorst

The ability to customize for each audience allows us to provide services specifically for special groups and merchandise our services.

Bala Subramanian

Despite costing in excess of € 1 million per annum to provide, the continuation and availability of the home care, day care and bereavement support services have been ensured largely by the generosity and support of the people of Galway. Without this support, these services would simply cease to exist.

Michael Craig

Historical plaques provide a personal snapshot of Wilmington and its people. The purpose is to educate the public and provide historical insight.

George Edwards

A natural progression. What this does is legitimize the sport. We try to provide opportunities where interest exists.

John Titus

It's one thing to provide someone with a job.

John Noel

The whole goal is to provide feeling of being normal.

Karen Kelly

If the government asks people to evacuate, the government has some responsibility to provide an option for those people who can't evacuate and are at the whim of Mother Nature.

Joe Cook

One of the primary purposes of the collective bargaining agreement was to provide for the medical needs of an employee after retirement.

Bill Wyllia

It's important for communities to pull together and lend a helping hand in times of need, ... ARAMARK is proud to provide fresh water to the people in Phoenix who have been affected by the heat.

Richard Wyckoff

We're working with the JTTF in Phoenix. The DEA has historically been involved in that area for a long while and has built up a network of informants who provide good intelligence.

Steve Robertson

As social scientists, our job is to provide an analytical approach that asks better questions to help people make wiser choices.

Amy Wolfe

I feel confident we can control a Hazmat situation and can provide safety for the population.

Tom Santry

Our coatings have the potential to provide the first permanent solution to the fogging problem.

Michael Rubner

[Intelligent design] does not provide any natural explanation that can be tested, ... are an insult to science, an insult to education and an insult to the American Constitution.

Francisco Ayala

We're committed to helping our partners save for retirement. This is another way to provide partners with more savings opportunities.

Pablo Rodriguez

A good opening and a good ending make for a good film provide they come close together.

Federico Fellini

It's our goal to provide our customers with the ability to find, discover, and buy anything they want on the Internet, and that includes financial services. Customers have been buying books about personal finance, retirement, colleges, and so forth. So this is a natural extension.

Craig Berman

You can't provide everything to everyone. The math doesn't work.

Larry Levitt

There are some hunters out there that just want to kill a deer. Then there are others and all they want to kill is a huge eight- or 10-point buck. We want to provide opportunities for all of them.

Curtis Taylor

Programs like SPIN provide an important opportunity for students with mobility impairments to offer each other peer support. These programs can also be important vehicles for advocacy.

Greg Long

They just rely on people driving farther and farther to get to work. But for the economy here to grow, we need to provide a place for employees to live. Gas at $2.57 a gallon makes it pretty hard for someone making $12 an hour to drive a long way.

Glen Lewinski

LNG is poised to become a much larger portion of our natural gas supply mix over the next several years. It is important that our Transco pipeline provide its customers with access to growing LNG and domestic supply options, particularly along the Gulf Coast.

Phil Wright

For AIG to break this out is nice, ... Although AIG isn't the first, hopefully more companies will provide this information in future.

Peter Streit

(Mary Greeley) is recruiting volunteers through its employee base to provide first aid. The hospital tries to do all the first aid.

Beth Swenson

We asked the governor to veto the bill. It is bad public health policy to provide a tax break to businesses that purchase, sell and market a product that is harmful to children's health.

Jon Gould

Care coordination is a big part of what we're about. If we're not able to provide the help needed, we will find a resource.

Deb Bahe

Our goal is to build websites for Chinese cities and a way-asking system in five years, which can provide inquirers with a detailed location of any place.

Dai Junliang

[USDA will re-enroll acres that have contracts expiring through 2010, including 16 million acres set to expire in 2007. Re-enrollment contracts will be offered for acres that] provide the highest level of environmental benefit, ... The vast majority of contracts that are not re-enrolled will be offered extensions.

Mike Johanns

Council approved a whole slough of information around green roofs, one of which is that there be an incentive program, on a pilot basis that would provide incentives up to $10 a foot for green roofs.

Jane Walsh

This report is the first to demonstrate evidence of enhancements in memory reconsolidation in the brain. Understanding these molecular mechanisms may provide critical insights into psychiatric disorders.

Jane Taylor

We are working throughout the borough with the community, with elected officials, and civic organizations to foster economic growth as well as support the creation of attractive and affordable housing to neighborhoods and provide the city's largest borough with an even better future.

John Young

This is an exciting international weather experiment that will provide valuable information to ultimately improve weather and climate forecasting.

Greg Hunt

Distributors must be willing to invest in engineering resource, to differentiate their offering and to provide balance by adding value for both customer and supplier.

Steve Rawlins

[Lewis said the organization will be a benefit to agribusiness.] We know there are a lot of regulations, and those regulations can be pretty complicated, ... To have Asmark to be able to ... provide the information to help retailers get through the maze of regulations is something.

Aaron Lewis

From this regional partnership, we will again provide athletes the environment to be the best.

Peter Dunbar

It is time for our elected officials to invest in Texas' natural heritage and to provide the planning and resources we need to preserve Texas for future generations.

Luke Metzger

We found an Asian manufacturer who can provide us with a full line of student trumpets and trombones at a fraction of our production costs.

John Stoner

This game will provide a phenomenal opportunity to showcase the Cardinals to a national and international audience.

Michael Bidwill

I like to say that I provide pain relief to people whose lives are cluttered with too much stuff. Getting your office organized can give you peace, serenity and can really simplify your life.

Patty Wolf

We have always been clear about our intention to cooperate fully, and we are working hard to research the backup tapes and provide any responsive materials to the appropriate parties.

Jim Kennedy

We are in the midst of an exciting expansion that will move our company forward. As we increase our capacity, these hires and promotions will help us provide the needed sales support to our customers.

Andy Rogers

It will take me until trial date to just load the different disc. You have provide me with the most aging computer. This is a farcical.

Zacarias Moussaoui

The White House remains willing to cooperate with the committee, as we have over the past eight months, and to provide information that is responsive to the committee's legitimate oversight and investigative concerns.

Charles Ruff

That would require cell phone companies just to provide information, which they know, where phones work and where they don't.

David Kolata

The tower does provide revenue of $21,600 [per year]. I guess we were hoping the neighbors would be patient for 12 to 24 months.

Daniel Leefson

That's the tragedy of this. She never got a chance to get the help she needs from the people who wanted to provide it. Her family.

Leone Nunley

I am praying to God to provide me a miracle, ... I hope I am approaching things right; God has been good to me for 50 years, and I really can't complain.

Mark Richards

(These kids) need more than what an average day care will provide.

Helen Moore

It will provide a better picture of where the city is going. It will highlight what the next few months will hold.

Mayor Ryan Bingham

I hope our fans will enjoy getting an inside look at Dodgers baseball in 2006. Modern technology has allowed us to provide information to them instantaneously and the thirst for up-to-the-minute news is greater than ever before. This is one way to reach out to our fans in a unique and meaningful way.

Josh Rawitch

We definitely have an impact here, ... One of our biggest programs we participate in is Kidzone, which is a product of USD 500. We provide programming for kids before and after school. Each year we serve about 1,000 to 2,000 students.

Derrick Williams

Anyone who wants to be mischievous can have an awful lot of fun with the numbers. But we provide an efficient service for government, and the aggregation of spending creates efficiencies.

Alan Bishop

We basically want to provide the Internet with the kind of reliability people are accustomed to seeing in their telephone network.

Brian Mcfadden

Post prom will be held at the high school directly after prom has ended. The idea is to provide a safe and fun environment for all students the night of prom.

Jennifer Wright

For example, the health department negotiated with the main agricultural employers to provide healthy lunches and paid time off for workers to attend a wellness program.

Marilyn Winkleby

If your credit card bills are completely out of control and far beyond your ability to afford them, then the relatively minor breaks that credit card companies offer to people in credit counseling may not provide enough breathing room for some people to afford a three- to five-year debt-management plan.

Travis Plunkett

[The allegations in the suit could prove] a boon clearly to people who are against the industry sponsored initiative, ... It does provide very good fodder for 30-second spots.

Barbara O'connor

The most important mission we have is to get back to the business of doing opera. And to do opera which draws an audience that will provide the ticket sales that will keep the company going.

Sharon Heitman

Both of my kids have learning disabilities, and they don't provide the services for those children at Duette, ... They should. Every child who lives out here ought to be able to go to that school.

Barbara May

Clearly, ethanol is something we are doing now that we can do more of that will provide at least a part of the solution for the future. We wouldn't be having this discussion if oil was $25 a barrel.

Bob Dinneen

In my capacity at CRS, I get paid to provide objective advice to Congress, which at times may not align with the interests of DHS.

John Rollins

The San Diego Police Department is one of the most understaffed in the country, ... This foundation is working hard to get officers the equipment they need to provide service.

William Lansdowne

The St James Parish Council remains committed to doing what we can with the limited resources at our disposal, but it is time for central government to initiate a plan of action and provide the funds with regards to drainage and flood control.

Noel Donaldson

Three in our office is something we're all proud of. We enjoy all of Amador County from our two Highway 49 locations and we look forward to continuing the service we provide our customers.

Sue Hepworth

That's one of the reasons we are interested (in Etna Township). We would like to provide that service to the residents there.

Ron Mosby

This is our commitment to provide services in this community that previously we had bee lacking. We want to provide a Center for Emergency Medicine with a state-of-the-art trauma and cardiac center.

Kevin M. Spiegel

This is what insurance companies do. This is the service we provide and how we satisfy our customers.

Jim Cunningham

It will also provide consultation services on assessment of training demand, post-training evaluation and productivity improvement.

Diep Thanh Kiet

We don't have the resources to provide things like athletics or vocational programs.

Jennifer Davis

We assess market on a daily basis to make business decisions to provide customers with competitively priced vehicles.

Susan Krusel

Many employers will provide a print out of their employees pay on their letterhead.

Phil Wold

A city not in the market for students will try to maintain the number of public sector employees instead of provide a higher level of services.

Ned Hill

He needs to provide consistent outside shooting but he is a hard worker and has great focus on the court.

Morris Hodges

It would be unethical. It's not ready, it's not safe, but we're working on it. For those who are already here or do choose to come back, we try to at least provide the basics.

Sean White

It's much easier to give somebody a poison pill than actually treat someone and provide them services in the community that they need to live and die.

Teresa Favuzzi

We're going to be able to provide better customer service. It's a great leap into new technology.

Liliana Rambo

The main thing is we want to provide access to all people to programs that maybe a segment of our community doesn't have access to, and we were also looking at programs that were mission-aligned with the Salvation Army.

Patty Douglas

We're not looking to make a killing on these dinners. We want to provide an atmosphere where people can come in and try us for the first time. And even with or wine dinners, we don't deviate from our philosophy that simple food is good food.

Darrell Jensen

We know there is a pressing need to provide affordable housing for our low-income elderly population and we believe we can best fill this need by forming coalitions with other faith-based and community organizations such as Apostles Lutheran Church.

Jim Wells

If you...are going to provide a financial plan, you have to give a contract clearly delineating the beginning and end of a relationship. But the ending of a financial planning contract signals it's back to a brokerage relationship.

Valerie Brown

Playing to fear, pitting neighbor against neighbor and blaming others for their own failures to provide for their people.

Jeb Bush

We are talking about pumping millions of dollars into a project that will provide access to more people in this region. We are talking about making this end of the Island like no other place along the Gulf Coast.

Doyle Wells

A little competition is great. It helps us grow, keeps us on our toes, and helps us provide better products. Bring it on, Starbucks. We can show you a thing or two.

Robin Foster

I think the administration hasn't got a clear comprehensive picture about how all these parts are tied together. You have to have a workforce to provide the care. Just having an edifice or the organization isn't enough.

Roger Rosenblatt

While the people of New Orleans and other affected areas clearly need help, I am not convinced that this legislation will provide it.

James Sensenbrenner

The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization, and we greatly appreciate all of the financial assistance we can get from the community. But it must continue so that we can maintain the level of assistance that we are able to provide.

Travis Strack

We're excited about this new group of people who will qualify for our Senior Rx program and will receive the same benefits that were previously received by those who were 65-plus. It does, as I see it, provide a lot of benefits for a lot of people who desperately need help.

Robert Crowder

This will allow general access, provide a space for people to be delivered and allow good vision for pedestrians and vehicles crossing that area.

Gary Thompson

There are other systems that could provide a similar benefit for less money per mile.

Ingrid Reisman

We provide them with different options. It's not just a cookie-cutter decision.

Dawn Medley

There is a safety net. It's a frayed safety net and a safety net full of holes. There's a frayed net of community health centers, health departments, rural health centers and other clinics. And they provide mostly primary care.

Adam Searing

In our opinion, this is not a privacy issue. We complied on a limited basis and did not provide any personally identifiable information.

Mary Osako

We also see the potential for 100-200 additional F-16 sales over the next few years. The F-16 has a bright future and continues to provide great value and capability to our customers.

June Shrewsbury

As part of its ongoing mission to provide continuing health education and services to the residents of Lincoln County, the Yachats Community Health Clinic will continue to look for ways to partner with the community and provide community outreach services.

Leslie Carter

That's one of the things I look forward to about an evening like this - someone to drink tea with at the end of it. For all I know, the whole point of civilisation is to provide one with someone to drink tea with at the end of an evening.

Aurora Greenway

Without the capacity to provide its own information, the mind drifts into randomness.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The competition that this bill would provide is healthy for the marketplace and will clearly benefit consumers.

Diane Costello

Our experience last year showed that we have enough clams on those two beaches to provide some additional days of digging.

Dan Ayres

It doesn't provide any compelling advantage for consumers. We don't see it playing a role on the consumer PC or other appliances in near future.

Seamus Mcateer

We did interview one person. And I cannot provide additional details on any evidence seized. But no one was arrested.

Jim Pickett

What they did is call some of their buddies, some of their relatives, and provide these pin numbers.

Mcgregor Scott

It's important that we provide the latest wireless communications technology for the millions of travelers who use Pittsburgh International Airport each year.

Roger Tang

It allows them to provide for new programs and further develop existing programs.

Jody Tremblay

Obviously the commonwealth is not a bank, and it is not in a position to provide loans to county or city governments. However, we are well aware of this issue and are confident that we will find a way to work with the city and county in the same cooperative spirit that we have to solve other fiscal challenges over the past two years.

Kate Philips

The big Saturday meets are good for us. But the smaller meets can really provide us with a confidence booster.

Kristy Mcclain

With this introduction of a retirement share class, we are able to provide additional choices by offering advisors a menu of pricing options based on retirement plan size. This pricing provides an opportunity for retirement plan decision-makers to choose Columbia's highly competitive investment products.

Keith Banks

Senior-focused housing is our first objective. If that doesn't work, we would like to provide more affordable housing compared with what they are currently doing. There are all kinds of high-end condos. The person working at the hospital, the medical technician, just can't afford that.

Glen Pawlowski

Collectors continue to provide great feedback about the Box Set release and two of the things they continued to ask for were the introduction of dual-autograph cards and the continuation of the low numbered green autograph cards they saw in the 2004 releases. We were pleased to respond to this feedback and believe this set will build on the success of the previous releases.

David Perkins

Life has enough challenges, and getting insurance shouldn't be one of them. Whether a family buys a bigger house, lets their 16-year-old drive a car or needs some personal liability coverage, our goal is to provide the right products at the best possible prices. Dimensions auto and homeowners insurance is all about meeting life's changes.

Mike Concannon

We can enable customers to provide more services within the same space, power and cooling that they have today.

Fred Kohout

We have to do two things. One, disqualify the Republicans, and two, provide an alternative. The first part, they've done for us, and the second part, we need to do.

Bobby Kahn

Our mission is to provide a broad and affordable range of tape media products that are processed and certified to a level that maximizes data center performance. We have drawn on our more than 40 years of experience to build what we think is the perfect tape media certification process - one that assures the customer that they are getting 100 percent certified media.

Marvin Howell

Even if there's not a legal responsibility for the government to provide some basic health care, my God, there is a moral responsibility.

Michael Clements

It's very exciting to see clients both domestically and internationally embracing our technology to provide greater educational opportunities. There has certainly been a great deal of discussion and attention lately on the importance of including an international focus on education. We are enthusiastic about how technology, such as Blackboard, can drive this focus.

Michael Chasen

We asked them to provide a prospective view of what they see ahead for their company or sector.

Gary Knight

Nortel strives to provide more than a superior IPTV network for our customers. Our goal is to enable new and exciting IPTV applications that give our customers a competitive advantage to win and retain IPTV subscribers.

Walt Megura

The acquisition of Guggenheim Alternative Asset Management is a further step in this plan and will provide us with products and expertise in the alternative investment sector, which is an increasingly important segment of the investment market. We believe their sophisticated fund of hedge funds platform will be an attractive option for our institutional clients.

Brian Goggin

They will play a part, but it's unlikely they will provide everything we need; they need more support, more aid in deployment.

Charles Curtis

Pre-1980s, food and beverage was pretty much deemed as a necessary evil at most hotels, and if you broke even, that was good. It was like, we need to have a place to eat. So, we're pretty much going to provide a basic all-purpose restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to our guests; we hope we don't lose money.

Robert Mandelbaum

XML will provide a common format to share information with our suppliers and customers.

Brian Richardson

Many (inmates) come from very, very dysfunctional homes. We think we can provide some life skills that they can master in prison and then they can use them on the outside. They don't learn that stuff so they don't have anything to fall back on.

Marcia Sinkovitz

They've asked if we could provide some parking specifically for them. But according to the zoning ordinance, we're not allowed to provide off-site parking for residential in a commercial district. It's not legal.

Keith Martin

We're here to provide a presence.

John Carson

Through this program we aspire to give youth a comprehensive picture of the magnitude of this crisis and to provide a forum in which this disease can be discussed frankly, openly and honestly, ... We hope this forms a basis of a pro-active youth response to the crisis.

Kate Roberts

Sometimes sports can provide a medicine that no doctor can provide.

Skip Bertman

Some people claim we are trying to have another propaganda channel, and this is a complete misunderstanding of our intentions. What we want to do is provide a better service for professionals. This is not the kind of channel to offer to the general public.

Mikolaj Dowgielewicz

We knew Jon could be more assertive. He brings a lot of energy to the floor, and tonight there was an opportunity for him to provide leadership. He did that.

Jon Carroll

In a sense, PART has stepped in to bridge the council of government divide and provide a platform that's critically important to us from both a transportation and land-use planning perspective.

Don Kirkman

It's something we can do an do quickly to provide some relief.

Bob Beauprez

We want 70 percent of the market. That's what we are looking for and what we are going to provide.

Gary Linden

We are honored to welcome these outstanding individuals to the Board, ... We look forward to combining their expertise and guidance to continue in our mission to perform outstanding basic research in the life-sciences and to provide the foundation of knowledge that is critical to medical progress.

John Reed

Our goal is to provide up to 16,000 rural business centers in India. We (are) figuring out if it's possible to bring together partners to provide digital-inclusion devices where people will use them.

John Kish

If this is the best solution our loyal opposition can provide, then I guess I'm really disappointed.

Charles Schalliol

Provide needed community and ... help the city of New Orleans continue its recovery.

Mike Antonovich

These are big problems so our focus is to provide sustainable and scalable solutions to these problems.

Sheryl Sandberg

But when Brian committed them to the picture and he said that they would provide new songs, they said, "Well, we're not going to write any decent songs, we'll give them all the rejects we didn't really want."

George Martin