Not only do the companies avoid costly legal fees going forward, but each gains access to new technologies that provide financial benefits.

Frank Mitsch

They provide top-notch police protection. We have a very high caliber of police officer, and I know I'm proud of them.

Jerry Ward

In the long term, this will provide strength for the Canadian dollar. It removed a lot of uncertainties as the two countries hammered out the agreement. This should benefit the Canadian economy and the currency.

Linda Jespersen

Coal has the unique ability to provide abundant energy cheaply.

Chuck Kerr

In addition, the local family and consumer sciences Extension agents can provide you with updated resources and fact sheets.

Dr. Mickey Bielamowicz

We started with an oncology nurse, working part time out of her home. Then we could provide enough service to build momentum and credibility, and the first nurse could use her time to make contacts with clinics and hospitals.

Judy Lawrence

We'll provide the bags so no baskets or bags should be brought.

Warren Rensehausen

We can now keep up with changes in pricing and product information, as well as provide an up-to-date list of vendors to our franchisees.

Nikole Smith

Nearly 60 percent of the 2006 budget is targeting projects that are expected to provide little or no volume growth this year but should contribute to strong growth in 2007 and beyond.

Jim Hackett

It is important that when we argue for greater community input, we then follow up and actually provide feedback to make this a collaborative approach to governing.

Amy Campbell

This will provide better access. People won't have to go the second and third floor any more.

Michelle Perkins

It's been a long time coming. Hopefully this settlement will provide some comfort and some closure for them.

Robert Gibbens

Typically, we provide at least one, two or three (candidates) that are very strong.

Roger Short

I was delighted with Joe. Physically he is a real presence as a centre-forward. His touch is good and he wins headers. It was a shame we couldn't provide a platform for him to win the game for us.

Mark Mcghee

We intend to make sure that they receive whatever benefits they're entitled to. And we intend to provide whatever services we can to ensure that these employees are able to get aid and receive help in getting new jobs.

Randy Perreira

Hospitals in early modern Europe were charitable institutions, designed to provide care and shelter to the sick poor.

Peter Lewis Allen

The life of wild animals is a struggle for existence. The full exertion of all their faculties and all their energies is required to preserve their own existence and provide for that of their infant offspring.

Alfred Russel Wallace

The dog can't talk, the dog can't provide a defense. My dog is paying the ultimate price.

John Woodhull

Our focus and goal here is to provide a safer and more secure environment for our consumers, and restore some trust in the e-mail inbox.

Charles Stiles

Tear out pages from magazines or print out pages from decorating Web sites to provide an idea of your taste and what's available.

Pat Bowling

This plan was supposed to provide coverage for people who had no drug coverage. It was supposed to help some of our lower income people.

Jeanne Finberg

One needs to have a balanced body, and diets high in saturated fats won't provide a healthful diet. Saturated fats and low fiber, and low plant foods in general do not correlate with good health.

Wendy Lee

If somebody comes to you and says what's your bank account number, it's probably not us. We contact taxpayers by U.S. mail first and provide a toll-free number to call the agency.

Anthony Burke

We can provide security for systems currently being used and for those that are added on an incremental basis.

Lawrence Byrd

This is often where things fall apart. I provide parents with 10 positive discipline approaches they can have in their parenting tool kit. Then we develop an individualized plan for parents to use and provide the support for implementing it.

Toni Schutta

We're fortunate to have a lot of good employees, which helped us (earn) the Small Business (of the Year) Award, because of the customer service we provide.

Dan Eiken

Do you pay to provide cooling or pay for a new fire alarm system?

David Wheeler

We provide insurance to over 1 million Americans. Clearly this bill is about politics -- bad politics.

Nate Hurst

We should provide a training ground of growing leaders and when we're looking to fill a position, we should look internally first.

Nancy Wagner

There are a lot of natives that can provide shade and cover for wildlife.

Kari Ruder

Obviously, there are not enough Japanese children in each county in eastern North Carolina for all of us to have individual schools. Using a regional approach enables us to provide that degree of education so that when they're back in their country, they're even with all their classmates.

Wanda Yuhas

We've already made preparations to provide 500,000 hot meals a day.

Jeannie Burns

It's still an ongoing investigation and we can't provide further details at this point.

Laura Eimiller

You can't improve a community without effective access to education. Sometimes different groups need to work together in order to provide the strength for the whole community.

Rob Howard

As market participants are not ruling out the possibility that the US GDP ... may provide dollar-supportive evidence, they prefer to wait for the outcome.

Yasuhisa Ishida

We do take very seriously how to find efficiencies so we can provide the lowest possible prices to our customers for the part of the business we control. If that's perceived as being more hard-nosed than we were in the past, I'm not quite sure. I think our approach has been professional and positive.

Michael Kelleher

The challenge for Legal will be to provide items that are not as familiar, but at the same quality level they have for their seafood.

Tom Miner

This high rate of child victims is behind the heightened concern and the growing number of states passing laws that provide for notifying neighborhoods when sexual predators move in.

David Beatty

We provide a continuum of services designed to strengthen families and promote individual well-being.

John Burgess

If you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide, then you can get yourself to accomplish virtually anything, including those things that other people are certain are impossible.

William Lyon Phelps

These proposals would have an adverse impact on the state's business climate, raising health care costs, making it harder for employers to provide health insurance to their employees.

Todd Maisch

HP is delighted to be part of this worthwhile event and to provide a showcase of our latest consumer technology aimed at celebrating the art of entertainment.

Doug Cole

Oil prices creeping back towards the key $60 mark may well provide some support for the petrochemicals sector.

Matthew Buckland

We're able to provide a lot of opportunity. These are the things that students see the most.

Bobbi Koppel

We're being called on to provide services we don't have.

John Barnett

A number of sanctuaries will be needed to provide the social and physical environments that these chimpanzees need and deserve. I am delighted to hear about the generosity of the people of northwest Louisiana making one such haven possible. On behalf of the chimpanzees, thank you.

Jane Goodall

Purpose is to provide a catalyst for honest dialogue about the often misunderstood and inaccurately represented world of the mentally ill.

Peter Berg

They see, they demand detail, design innovation. We have been able to provide that to them, and, as a result, they have rewarded us with their pocketbooks.

Isaac Larian

It's our job to go through the requests and decide what to cut. That's all you can do. You certainly can't provide everything that's requested - that's impossible.

Gloria Whisenhunt

The intent of this is to provide as many options as possible. The intent is not to sterilize property.

Michael Hunter

We need to listen to our kids and provide something that will engage them.

Alan Edelman

He knew the structure. I knew him, and I was hoping he would come up and provide a kind of moral support, and I would teach him the personnel side.

John Herrera

While we participate in these forums, communities have more time to focus on specific issues and provide input. This will take more time.

Julie Regan

I think it's partly because it deviates from the National Federation's rules book. They don't provide for it.

Mark Byers

As a neighbor and trade partner, we are happy to provide assistance to the United States at the time of the disaster.

Bernardo Alvarez

We weren't getting the required information from attachments in the past. This will provide additional clarification.

Bill Brunson

I've never known this to happen and it is a very serious issue. We depend on that money to provide access to our universities.

Carolyn Roberts

If you allow staff to own a project, you must trust in their capacity and avoid micromanagement, ... Be there to provide support when needed, but don't force yourself into the picture.

Barbara Moses

We don't know what we'll be able to provide until we see the fee schedule.

Robbie Roberts

We give principals the right and responsibility to provide an environment that they feel is safe and conducive to learning. Our primary mission is education.

Judi Willis

It was a poorly run business. Hopefully they can provide some expertise.

Jack Russo

We have to provide relief to the people of Delhi, who are living under fear and are going through pain. PCC, in order to provide relief to the people, will approach the high court.

Rambabu Sharma

We try to provide funds that are needed.

Jacque Dean

The feedback from customers has been extremely positive, ... Especially in San Francisco, where a lot of skycaps are continuing to receive very good tips because the service they provide is a lot better.

Robin Urbanski

It's great if you can't afford a dedicated system administrator and you don't need to do much customization. It's not going to be for everyone as it doesn't support all platforms and doesn't provide file-level changes.

Greg Schulz

Having most of the members of an oceanographic science party on land has never been tried. The approach will provide an opportunity for a much larger number of researchers to explore the oceans.

Deborah Kelley

They believe they must provide the discipline to their children, and they have a need to be respected. All of these attitudes tend to distance them from their families. Yet we know now that children, especially young children, need more than that. A father needs to bond with his children and build emotional ties with them.

Cindy Chu

Paolo showed that he can play from the start and that he can provide a real alternative. Now the other players know that too.

Felix Magath

That was our main priority. We had two very successful and well-attended job fairs that we were able to provide for our employees.

Virginia Perkins

Our vision is to deliver a product that will provide women with added assurance that their fetus is exhibiting normal activity.

Ron Spangler

Our contributions have increased each year. Many cancer patients have been touched by the program itself and that really was my whole goal, to provide beautiful music for them.

Diane Von Gunten

My main goal, academically, is to manage the growth that is taking place here and try to balance that with what is already here. My spiritual goal is to continue to provide the opportunity for these young people to grow in their faith by enhancing service projects and other programs.

David Vester

First thing is we are going to help provide relief to homeowners property tax relief to the tune of $16 million.

Aaron Gibson

Was not to dissuade unhealthy people to apply for jobs at Wal-Mart?. It was to provide programs to our associates that help them live longer or healthier lives.

Sarah Clark

A community center is a recreational center, not a licensed day-care facility. Our mission is to provide safe recreational facilities for the community. But we cannot take custodial responsibility (of children) because we're not a licensed day care.

Jackie Jones

Hopefully this sort of movie can provide an idea of inspiration that might allow (students) to go into those areas where they find a passion and to go after it with heart.

Derick Virgil

The real question is, is it proper for the state to establish a hit list of employers if they don't provide health care?

Tony Gagliardi

This programmable machining center will provide local area students with the opportunity to learn modern machining and programming, better preparing them for careers in manufacturing industries.

James Carroll

It's primarily to cover the debt service on the bonds. The debt service is $1.4 million a year, and this increase would provide about $1.28 million.

Toby Miller

The hub carrier has shrunk in Denver, creating a much better opportunity. ... We'll be able to come in with a lower cost structure and provide lower fares.

Gary Kelly

We found out she was a single parent trying to provide for her family and her roof actually had a hole in it.

Scott Pline

The parent just needs to provide evidence that their spouse is deployed. We do not ask for their financial status.

Patricia Johnson

I can assure you that VA does not need [additional funds] to continue to provide timely, quality service. . . .

Jim Nicholson

We do have to recover the cost for building the new capacity out there that the content providers are expecting us to provide.

Jim Cicconi

If they provide some information, they may not have to come.

Gary Bartlett

Cities see this as a way to spur economic growth: on the one hand to put tools in the hands of the underprivileged and give them a leg up, and on the other to provide incentives to small businesses to locate in these cities and to expand their operations.

Ben Scott

That is making it a lot more complicated for all social services, ... We are going to have to 'band' together to provide these services.

Richard Davidson

Smokers are made better-off by taxes, as they provide a valuable self-control device, ... Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier?

Jonathan Gruber

Until the county has a hospital, industry is not going to come here. Industries want to be able to provide medical care for their workers.

James Aldridge

Basically, what the biometric does is, it requires an individual to be physically present. Whereas [with] a password, you can easily provide that to someone else.

Larry Hornak

They provide our leadership on the floor. They were out there the whole night and I think the kids respond to that kind of effort.

Pat Kelley

It is a necessity if our objective is to provide higher quality education. It's not uncommon that a very good student has to go away to Orlando or South Florida.

Grant Thrall

They would provide a significant amount of the local (funding) match that could alleviate the need for a local tax increase to help finance the system.

Jacob Snow

It?s important to consider the future of the city and preserving the level of services the city is able to provide.

Kris Reyes

People are looking for targeted, specific information that search engines can't provide.

Michael Yang

CCF will provide a single unified portal, taking one, two, three, ten or 15 presentation layers and consume them into CCF.

Vish Thirumurthy

Both companies believe open standards are critical to provide rapid growth in digital entertainment.

Susan Wojcicki

Our role is to provide housing. It does not change. If it changes, then we go out of business. That was our pre-Carver Estates demolition goal, and that will be our post-Carver Estates demolition goal.

Dorothy Ellington

They like to touch and feel the game, and slots don't provide that.

Larry Woolf

I came back to the hood and got in those streets and started doing whatever it took for me to provide.

Young Buck

That is on the horizon. There is no doubt about it. A charter would provide a little more flexibility.

David Brehm

Has the potential to provide an excellent solution to a very serious need.

Bob Jones

At each of the livestock barns, we will be doing upgrading. Local livestock auctions provide a service to the community, and we want to have them in top condition.

Gib Rodgers

A lot of businesses can't afford the services we provide [on their own]. We're providing it on a shared basis.

Nicole Murphy

We would hope that the minister of finance lives up to his commitment to provide clarity on this issue at the beginning of 2006, as we are now being forced to operate in a business vacuum.

William Holland

Their parents still need care and it's important for us to provide that wholesome place for kids to come and participate in activities.

Dave Phelps

The biggest challenge is to be able to respond to the needs of the population. They've got to be able to provide the basic services. Otherwise, there will be simmering unrest.

Geoffrey Rudd

The war is a factor because production in Iraq is down a third because insurgents continually are attacking the oil wells, ... In World War II, we provided all our own oil. Now we provide only 50 percent of what we use, which means we import a lot.

Gene Taylor

The main issue now is to provide Afghanistan and the government there with the resources to be able to begin reconstruction.

Ahmed Rashid

In the last three months, we have been able to provide documents that no one else in the world has.

Jim Mcsweeney

Once you pass 35 or even 40, start bringing bonds into the portfolio because they reduce the volatility of the portfolio and also provide an income stream.

Tom Gryzmala

The carpeting has been removed and all efforts are being made to provide adequate access for customers in a safe manner.

Scott Creel

We're trying to provide small business with an opportunity to obtain better health insurance at more competitive rates without the burden of some of the regulatory mandates.

Craig Orfield

Those groups are very important to the communities, but we want to provide something hip and fresh for today's generation.

Whitney Yoder

Self-sown flowers provide a lot of serendipity, which is one of the reasons people garden. When they come up, it's a delight.

Renee Shepherd

The National Medical Association is positioned to really provide the type of resources this community could use.

Albert Morris

Ultimately it is our objective to provide a language-specific development center for every language that matters. It's just a matter of which ones we get to first.

Jeffery Mcmanus

Unfortunately, when a violation is brought to our attention, state law does not provide flexibility.

Chris Cooper

In my opinion, I don't mind agents if they provide more true information. Make sure they play well together.

Jon Holmes

Offering a family tier to our customers is one more step in Comcast's efforts to provide a broad array of family-friendly programming.

Steve Burke

There is going to be TV, there's going to be a broadband component, video-on-demand and portable devices. There's are all of these technologies out there where fans will consistently grow and consume content, and we're going to provide Mountain West content in every way possible and connect with fans in a very different way.

Tim Pernetti

If you forget to provide me a drink of water, forget to turn me, forget to clean me, those are serious things, and we have a serious system of fines to get at those. But there was no intent to defraud someone.

Jon Dolan

We also encourage community groups to contact our Speakers Bureau Program to arrange for a company representative to speak about rising energy prices and provide energy efficiency information.

Gary Stockbridge

We are a service company that uses technology to provide our service more effectively.

Jim Brady

Technology is the language they speak, where they form communities, and we can provide them with opportunities to create communities with other Jewish teens. They're just looking for new ways to connect.

Matthew Grossman

Traders are more focused on Hurricane Rita as this weather event could have a longer-term devastation on the infrastructure of our nation's oil industry's ability to provide energy to citizens.

John Person

We provided special assistance for kids when their parents' homes were destroyed. We also provided clothing and toys when the parents lost their insurance. And when children need medications, we provide a month's supply of medication ... so the kids are not hurt.

Cathleen Blair

Nearly 2 million children depend on our efforts to protect them from disease, from the effects of conflict and to provide opportunities for schooling.

Ted Chaiban

The launch of backgammon... is imminent and should provide an additional revenue stream for the group as well as broaden the appeal of our Party-branded platform.

Martin Weigold

It is time that we provide clarity for our seniors, informing them of the services available that will lower the costs of their prescription drugs and strengthen the overall integrity of the Medicare entitlement.

Olympia Snowe

They work very well today in an environment where the networks are admittedly lightly loaded ... and I'm not only talking about mine, I'm talking about everyone's network. At some point, in order to provide you the same grade of service for that application, we're going to have to differentiate the grades of service.

Dick Lynch

We understand families need to work on getting their lives together. If we can begin to provide some sense of normalcy in their children's lives, we should do that.

Sterling Ivey

The single most important thing a city can do is provide a community where interesting, smart people want to live with their families.

Malcolm Gladwell

Agencies should be able to accept bids from any company that can provide the desired product or service. Government earns the best value for taxpayer dollars through a competitive, transparent, and accountable bidding process.

Tom Schatz

In order to provide educational information to patients someone has to pay for it. And there definitely is a business relationship between the pharmaceutical manufacturer and the pharmacy.

Craig Fuller

If a student or partner tests positive we also provide prescriptions for everything but HIV and AIDS.

Wendy Mcgonigal

Compare that to what SAP and Microsoft are doing jointly to provide some useful functionality and you'll see that Microsoft is retooling entire interface around Office and that is much more extensive.

Paul Hamerman

As part of our ongoing voluntary efforts to provide our customers with the best science-based information, we continually enhance our testing.

Cathy Kapica

Quitting smoking is a hard thing to do, and it's important to provide as much help and encouragement as we can to the person attempting to quit.

Cynthia Williams

We are here to talk either to people who have a problem themselves or feel that a loved one is in jeopardy. We listen to their concerns, let them express what they are going through and then provide them the information that they need to get through it.

Tom Harrington

We're trying to provide a platform that people can drive content on top of.

Don Macdonald

Our goal here is to provide low prices on high-quality products and excellent services to consumers in Massachusetts.

Alice Moore

We'd really accomplish two things: development (area residents) need, and provide facilities for the community. It's a huge, huge major project.

Verne Lauritzen

We provide the impetus for people, the sense that it is doable. You don't need a background in writing or publishing. Denis is helping other people do what he learned to do himself. He empowers them with techniques.

Martha Blowen

(This) will provide us with a valuable platform for future investments in the office sector.

Jonathan Gray

We'd have to make sure it was compensation for costs and that it did not provide a profit for the organs.

Belinda Wright

We look forward to resuming our critical business relationship with Fleming once we work through these financial issues and are able to provide Fleming with adequate assurance of payment.

Charles Conaway

We are obviously thrilled. We have been searching for some time for a league that will provide us with what I would call geographic integrity. That geographic integrity does several things for us.

Rob Spear

The purpose is to try to provide another layer of protection for the things that we want to preserve.

Bill Adler

[The center also has 300 gallons of water stocked up and a generator to provide electricity.] I anticipate Lufkin to lose power on Sunday, so we are preparing be without power, ... A nursing home must maintain electricity as long as possible because many of our patients are on oxygen concentrators and feeding tubes that depend on electricity to run. And there are a lot of meals to prepare.

Michael Davis

Global economic conditions continue to provide a favorable background for Emerson's businesses.

David Farr

Parents and teachers play a critical role in caring for children with asthma. Our goal is to provide resources to ensure that everybody in a child's life has the information they need to manage their asthma on a daily basis.

John Kirkwood

The vast majority of small businesses already provide flexibility and time off to deal with personal issues.

Laura Jones

An active welfare state must provide a floor below which no one should be allowed to fall, but its primary role must be to enable people to provide for themselves.

John Hutton

Culturally based beliefs about health and appropriate strategies for maintaining health may provide better explanations for ethnic difference in home remedy use.

Joseph G. Grzywacz

Ford would welcome the cash for liquidity purposes, to help provide for large unfunded pension liabilities and for research and development.

David Healy

The senator also wants to be able to provide assistance to her Democratic colleagues who will be on the ballot in '06.

Ann F. Lewis

We are excited to be able to offer a more formal educational component to marketers. This is the first in a series of courses designed to bring a level of accreditation to the marketing community. The first course will provide marketers with a foundation in testing and experimentation as well as give them the opportunity to achieve real gains through their Web site.

Flint Mcglaughlin

We continue to work with leadership to draft a bill that will provide the necessary borrowing authority as expeditiously as possible.

Andrew Gray

We're aware of the situation with Hassan Adams. I've spoken (with) head coach Lute Olson and we've decided to delay any further comment, or provide any reaction, until Monday.

Jim Livengood

The company represents one of the premier collections of people and properties in the country and will provide us with a valuable platform for future investments in the office sector.

Jonathan Gray

We're not talking about polio or smallpox. Those diseases were hard to eradicate. We're talking about nutritional diseases. This should be a no-brainer. Provide access to better food and the disease will go away.

Christopher Wanjek

I have to be able to provide the same level of service or better, at a substantially reduced cost.

Peter Kunst

Republicans have to decide: Do we create an issue in 2000 or do we provide what people want: real patient protection.

Ron Pollack

If we could provide that service closer to home it would benefit patients greatly.

Kate Holcomb

This [deal] seems to be primarily an attempt to provide more-comprehensive coverage for check imaging.

Bruce Cundiff

Only they provide independent news, at the risk of displeasing the government and sometimes courting arrest.

Julien Pain

Once we receive additional funding, we'll branch out a bit beyond the city limits, but it is unlikely we'll ever be able to afford to provide fiber to the entire county.

Jane Howard

We hope to provide visitors to Sun Island with a completely new and unforgettable experience.

Jianguo Liu

I felt like for the Post-Herald to provide an opportunity to recognize those outstanding scholars was fantastic.

John Draper

We are concerned that we provide a good experience for our students. We have a good faculty; we just need to help them get along.

Greg Weisenstein

We are looking at whether a company that controls the pipeline to the home will provide open access as opposed to favoring its own content.

Chris Castro

We're going to keep answering calls, we're going to still provide care to the citizens of Adair County. Whether the tax passes or not, we're going to still offer the best quality care that we can afford.

Don Crosby

Communities that fail to provide that information are providing a disservice to their citizens.

Pam Wilmot

It's a contract whether written or verbal - and the city was responsible for what it agreed to do - to provide medical insurance for retirees until age 65.

Bill Wyllia

A shift in culture at Brown is what we need to all be considering. Let's provide alternatives, prevention programs, ways to keep alcohol from being the center of culture at Brown.

Nancy Barnett

To be able to provide what we're providing and have only 50 employees is huge. How we do that is through strategic hosting partnerships and security partnerships—the two major areas for any Web-based company.

Scott Larsen

We work on the policy that we already provide the best level of service and amenities to all of our guests.

Isadore Sharp

The second thing is, how do you provide an equivalent infrastructure so people not in the office are not penalized? Obviously, if they're penalized, the company is also.

Jonathan Spira

We use many skylights, which provide a bright, well-lit home. Most of the homes also have at least one side to the house which is visible and has windows and doors for a more conventional look.

Ann Davis

The meeting will provide a platform for the delegates to share knowledge and exchange ideas about issues in local government.

Nthatisi Modingoane

Many plans offer more than the standard benefit. Most offer a zero deductible and a flat rate, rather than a percentage co-pay. Some provide coverage in the gap between $2,250 and $5,100, especially for generic drugs.

Mike Fierberg

Subsequently, the language the salesperson uses to provide information should be benefit-oriented rather than feature-oriented, and should be linked to the needs identified.

Sharon Daniels

I want to be able to send them to camps and provide equipment for these teenagers. Cause I know what it is to have MS and I can't even imagine what it is to have MS and be a teenager or a kid.

Doug Carroll's

We are realistic but if we perform to our ability we will provide the opposition with a real challenge.

Peter Drinnen

We have no intention of leaving and we intend to continue to provide the services that we're providing. It won't be easy, but we're staying.

Susan Hill

I've decided that I will investigate the complaint. If civil servants feel that this is the new standard now, that if they provide information that may be borderline, they might be called upon to resign or be fired as a result.

Bernard Richard

Nobody likes higher cable rates. But we want to provide great service and programming.

Daniel Brenner

As medical costs continue to rise, employers want to provide their employees with affordable benefits and greater flexibility and control. Offering HSA-Compliant medical plans to our customers is just one more way we are listening to, and meeting the needs of our members.

Rich White

The trucks will increase AIMS Express' margins. The new trucks will provide stability, including lower maintenance costs and a reduced number of breakdowns.

Jeff Owen

We want to provide role models for them. We want them to develop self-esteem and feel good about who they are, to begin to learn how to set goals and how to make decisions, to begin to carve out their own identity.

Sharon Williams

It's just incredible to see the level of liberation. One of the great joys is seeing people I have interviewed come to the play. Many times they will bring family members -- a daughter, a boyfriend, a grandmother. ... One of my goals is to provide a sense of universality.

Carrie Kline

It is critical that we have a comprehensive energy plan to provide affordable and reliable supplies of energy so that our economy will not be dependent on foreign sources of energy.

Richard Burr

Competition for the delivery of mobile voice and data services is becoming increasingly fierce. By deploying Cisco's Content Billing solution, mobile operators can provide their customers with a myriad of payment options to strike the ideal balance for the billing of voice, messaging, multimedia, games, Web and other mobile services.

Larry Lang

We've had phenomenal residential growth here over the past few decades. We obviously have to provide services to accommodate the growth.

Dan Jacobson

What the big issue is going to be is how much of an adverse visual impact it has, ... We haven't even begun to look at all the different options. Can it be moved? Can it be painted white? There are all these different values to consider and there's lots of opportunity for compromise to minimize the visual impact and still provide the cell coverage people need.

David Morgan

We have some very good employees out there. And they deserve good leadership, and I think John will be able to provide that.

Michael Costigan

It's a nice win for Merck, ... It will provide a nice floor for the stock going forward, and for all drug stocks, which will provide a nice lift to the overall market.

Tim Biggam

We really don't care what form it's in, we just want high-speed access, ... PeopleSoft is a completely connected company. Our culture is to provide employees with as much technology as possible to do their jobs better.

Neil Hennessy

We know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots with ideas twenty years later.

Louis Aragon