They take good care of people and provide excellent service.

Frances Smith

The decision that we are faced with now is determining which suggestions will be included in the revised Master Plan. Some are going to stand out more than others ? it's not going to be an easy process, but it's a service that we're happy to provide to the city of Dearborn Heights.

David Scurto

It will provide prevention measures and education for the community as to the problems here and also the fact that we are not unique.

Terry Kerr

They want special treatment. It's a really bold, heavy-handed effort to provide them with competitive advantages.

Steve Wilkerson

For those who are moving into developments that haven't paid full fees, there's no assurance that we can provide (educational) facilities. We have a fiduciary responsibility to advise buyers that there may be potential consequences because their development has not paid their fair share of fees.

Marshall Krupp

He was outstanding, always making breaks and getting in front of the forwards to provide a target for us.

John Rees

It was because as a processor vendor, that's the only way we could provide performance within the right power envelope.

Margaret Lewis

It's very rewarding to be around the kids. I know most of them by name. It's rewarding to see them develop and grow. We're participating in the Week of the Young Child to let the children know they're important and we enjoy being able to provide these type of activities.

Peggy Fuller

Trails also provide access in case of fire and provide foresters access for management practices.

Billy Thomas

If the government flatly and consistently refuses to provide figures, it means only one thing - it's been abusing the powers so flagrantly it can't give you figures.

Audrey Eu

She is a working mother, she works hard to provide for her son and herself, but (to provide) for something like this is overwhelming her financial situation.

Lydian Stubbs

We were convinced that renewable energy cannot provide enough (power) and that oil is not infinite -- so you must find something else. Everybody makes his choice.

Francois Loos

I believe education is the great equalizer. Our children are our hope for the future, so we have an obligation to provide them with the tools to succeed. There is no more powerful tool than knowledge.

Dave Heineman

We provide health alternatives and give them something to start with.

Heather Davis

BB&T has targeted this market for rapid growth. We have a great opportunity to provide Jacksonville customers with quality products and services.

Scott Keith

The hospital is obligated to provide the most appropriate care. We can't dictate what insurance the doctor will accept.

Sue Ross

Castro will never change, never. Our job is to provide inspiration and explosives to the Cuban people.

Luis Posada Carriles

We're still planning and taking baby steps. We know that once we do this, people are really going to want it, and we want to be able to provide a good product for them.

Carlos Lopez

In a typical situation, we'd like all of the background information on their cases. As I'm sure you can imagine, no one is really around to provide that and we're not even sure if the files are dry.

Katie Ford

There's still an awful lot of blanks to fill. Hopefully we'll soon be able to provide that.

Luke Pinneo

[AMR] felt it was important to provide the senior management and their families with the same level of pension security as that of its other employees.

James Little

Balance is the key in my opinion at the Department of Interior, and I think that Ms. Norton will provide that balance.

Frank Murkowski

It's helpful having someone there. They provide a needed service. Otherwise, people come into City Hall and they're clueless.

Nancy Greer

Once we got the roads in, we had to provide a place for them to stay.

Leonard Edelstein

Reforms are clearly overdue and we believe an independent monitor along with the federal investigation are the catalysts to provide them.

Ivette Mendez

Inner city education must change. Our responsibility is not merely to provide access to knowledge; we must produce educated people.

James Farmer

We must provide the Central Bank with more flexible Stabilization Fund investment portfolio, while giving a small sum of about $1 billion to investment companies, to see whose management is more effective.

Oleg Vyugin

The long-term goal is to give these people the life of their choice. We provide the platform.

John Walsh

In a crowd, on a journey, at a banquet even, a line of thought can itself provide its own seclusion.


The water here is so precious and so valuable that we're willing to provide those incentives rather than import water from hundreds of miles away.

Bill Jacoby

We've looked across the board to provide equity among all teams.

Mark Chase

Because the enforcement acts are ongoing, we're unable to provide further details.

Paula Grenier

Its unfortunate that we are dealing with this criticism of our industry. We are doing our part to invest in new oil and gas projects to provide supplies to our customers.

Mark Boudreaux

I offer my time and energy to assist in crafting a strategy, provide data, or assist in any way you might deem to be of benefit.

Bob Mckee

Our staff needs raises; we need roads, parks, all the things that this money can provide.

John Nicholson

The average car leaves with about $35 worth. You provide them a wagon and they'll fill it up. It's amazing how many come back later and bring someone with them.

Willie Wieck

Managers need to be aware and provide a workplace where people can communicate negative feelings without fear of reprisal.

Donald Gibson

In addition to fulfilling our artistic needs, the new premises would also provide the public with greater access to the Company, our education activities and our archive. We have in this proposal the opportunity to turn Rambert into a national resource centre.

Mark Baldwin

The zoning code change, which eliminates 200 feet between residents and commercial recreation, does not provide the safeguard that residents desire.

Paul Elliott

Firing these bosses may be a drastic action — instead workers need to provide their bosses with feedback about what will make them better leaders. Poor people skills may not cost the boss their job, but it is costing them the confidence of their teams.

Rich Wellins

As an innovative financial institution we take pride in offering our customers the most secure environment in which to conduct business. The March Networks solution will not only provide us with an advanced security solution but also a means to enhancing our business operations.

Wayne Gomes

White matter may provide liars with the tools necessary to master the complex art of deceit.

Adrian Raine

We understand that these individuals have nothing, and we will help them as much as we possibly can. We will provide supportive services to them just as we would any other family that we have in our program.

Sharon Hess

Wesleyan feels they are a major part of this community. We knew that we had the facilities to provide for the memorial, and that's what we wanted to do. It fits our mission being a church-related college, and it fits what Wesleyan is all about.

Robert Skinner

Really, there's not much opportunity for folks in Middle Georgia. There's online programs, but that doesn't provide hands-on learning. Anytime you don't have face-to-face interaction, you lose quality.

Carl Martray

The sale fits perfectly into our plans to provide the company with the liquidity that enables us to accelerate our sales and product development efforts while promoting the best interests of our customers and shareholders.

Todd Gresham

I am so proud to have had the privilege of preparing the legislation that was so readily signed by all members of the House of Representatives to provide a lasting facility that will always carry the name of the great Ray Charles.

Diane Watson

While building shareholder value is important, we don't find market capitalization a particularly critical measurement. We measure our value by the value our products provide to customers.

Tom Pilla

What we know from these high performing, high poverty, high minority schools is that these kids can do it. If you provide the support they need, if you close the opportunity gap, they can do as well as affluent and white and Asian kids.

Russlynn Ali

This could provide some balance against Israel and help the Palestinians in their negotiations. We have to take our rights because they are not going to be given to us.

Amr Moussa

Our investment reflects the confidence we have in Rite Aid's core business and our belief that the combination of our investment and the amendments to the banking facilities and will provide the company with the financial resources it needs to rebound and prosper.

Leonard Green

That's going to be one of the big questions on everyone's mind. There is going to be a lot of pressure on them to provide some path and explanation of that path. They have a lot on their plate.

Debbie Wang

This (House bill) would allow them (phone companies) to simply cherry pick the high-end neighborhoods?and doesn't provide the benefits to competition to anyone else and only drives cable companies out of the market.

Steve Wilkerson

The thing that hung us up was we could not provide documented proof. Their (Union Pacific) perspective was it really wasn't that serious of an issue.

Raylene Ireland

We will provide a full scope of eye care service.

Adrian Jones

Design teams need to get their vendors to provide them the information they need.

Chuck Cimalore

In low tide, the eelgrass meadows lay over flat on the mud flats. On a high tide, they go vertical. They're very dense meadows, and these meadows provide very important cover for things like juvenile Dungeness crab.

Tom Gaskill

I believe that government also has a responsibility to provide a business climate that nurtures small businesses.

Robert Sanchez

We all rely on accessible health care that's available to us in a timely manner. That's what we intend to provide. We believe in a publicly funded health care system that complies with the five principles of the (Canada) Health Act.

Laurie Hawn

You get to this time of year and one of the things we try to do is keep their legs fresh. When you know that you can go out there and go hard for three, four or five minutes . . . and then you're going to get a break, and that kid coming in behind you is going to provide a spark, it frees you up to do more.

Tony Vis

The state doesn't provide any money to private schools. They're deemed private businesses, private entities.

Deetta Culbertson

I think the key thing from a Microsoft perspective is that customers are looking to integrate applications inside their enterprises, customers are looking for vendors to provide solutions all the way across the stack.

Scott Woodgate

You'd have the service provider provide the access link and security for those.

Stu Elby

They're at the best venue they'll ever play in. They're at an NBA-level venue. So, it's a great experience for the kids and we're so lucky to be able to provide that.

Troy Dannen

There may be many more out there. So, if you have been victimized by this individual and are afraid to come forward, we encourage you to come forward and provide that information and help us bring him to justice.

Mark Owen

A BOA is not only responsible for the daily operation of the branch, but also must provide top-level client service and marketing support for my activities.

Greg Myers

Our entire purpose at Porter is to provide competition and choice in an industry dominated by one carrier.

Robert Deluce

Part of Planet Digital's mission is to provide people with the highest standard of hands-on training possible.

Janice Miller

The mobile channel offers substantial benefits to agencies, brands, and consumers. Don't delay, move now! If you have not yet begun to learn about the benefits mobile can provide, start to learn now. Mobile is simple, start now.

Jim Manis

I asked the Marines when they were defending our country if they think about sports, ... They said they love sports. When you hear guys say sports doesn't provide an escape, well that's not according to guys on the front lines. [Football] isn't life or death but it's part of our society, and I don't think we should apologize for it.

Chris Spielman

The function of the law is not to provide justice or to preserve freedom. The function of the law is to keep those who hold power, in power.

Gerry Spence

We are very excited to have Jim, Julie and Julia participating in the ownership of our company. It has always been our desire to provide our clients with an experienced team of professionals to help build successful businesses. The addition of these three partners enhances our ability to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

John Whipple

The images provide measurements of surface features and are allowing us to assess the slopes more carefully and develop a map of where the good slopes will be to have our solar panels in a good position.

Joy Crisp

As long as this insecurity continues, the international community cannot provide the assistance that is so desperately needed by hundreds of thousands of people.

Antonio Guterres

What we do at this point . . . because it's not a pending election, is that we have asked the people involved to provide their response (to the complaints).

Karen Osborne

There is more awareness among parents and families and teachers that if we want children to succeed in school, we need to provide good experiences in kindergarten and earlier.

Alan K. Simpson

The fair has worked hard to provide a family atmosphere over the past 10 years, ... We encourage everybody to come out and enjoy the fair - bring friends and enjoy the fellowship.

L. Sparks

At ISU, we provide more opportunities for our scholars to further their education and to become the best teachers that they can possibly be.

Dakota Pawlicki

Emergency service agencies can request that information from us. We will provide a list of the top 25 hazardous materials we transport so they can be better prepared to respond to emergencies.

Robin Chapman

I'm not really sure what we'll do there. We'll have to work through what comes across from Optus and what we can provide.

Garry Henley

Many mothers are unaware they have the power themselves to provide enough milk for their own baby, let alone to have more than they might need and be able to help another baby.

Mary Weber

Prizes and cash drawings are a great way to provide incentives for players to keep playing. Not everyone wants to gamble. We're reaching a very broad market of online and mobile gamers who love to play games.

Mark Jensen

The seat's designed to provide a feeling of privacy, but you're in a cabin with 28 other passengers, ... To say it's designed for intimacy implies more than what we intend. I'm sure our passengers will be more than appropriate as they always are.

James Boyd

Dining cards are good for restaurants because they provide them with two ingredients: [the first is] cash.

Barry Kaplan

He seems to be in a good position to cover all of his current obligations, as well as provide himself security for the long term.

Will Hays

You should start with what plants you like and see what conditions they require, and think about whether your yard can provide them.

Carl Grimm

We're going to come back. It's one thing to grow, but we have to take a close look at not growing too fast so we can provide the proper services.

John Beacon

Our community has been ready to mobilize, though we have not been able to provide them with the structure and leadership. Now we are all connected. We are all coordinating through the Internet.

Jaime Contreras

The cuts will not go into effect until we know the university is unable to provide additional support.

John Ingram

Our goal is to provide people with some choice.

Mark Reinhardt

We're actually talking about having an expert tape the word for us. Then we can provide it to the libraries, and students can listen to it to hear the correct pronunciation.

Kelly Defeciani

The purpose of instituting the Office of International Treasury Control was to provide an administrative system in perpetuity, which will be able to exercise the management of these funds and their control.

Keith Scott

Our scientific age demands that we provide definitions, measurements, and statistics in order to be taken seriously. Yet most of the important things in life cannot be precisely defined or measured. Can we define or measure love, beauty, friendship, or decency, for example?

Dennis Prager

We wanted to provide guidance before the season starts.

Angela Mcardle

Seniors provide us with a background of knowledge and experience that in this booming economy, where you can't find workers, they can fill the gaps and make companies whole again.

Sam Johnson

We don't want to eliminate the policy but suspend it to grow some sports and allow the executive board to provide leadership to initiate new athletic activities.

Pat Kraning

Thank you. Thank you very much. You provide us with tremendous support.

Sid Otton

It's very hard to hack into a Web site without leaving a footprint behind. Computers provide us with a lot of identification information. They just capture a lot. Whenever you do anything, there is a trail.

Larae Quy

They did not provide the services they said they'd provide. That was our original interest in having them as our tenant.

Andrew Walton

Continue to provide our students with a quality education, safe learning environment and an excellent football program.

Dan Bailey

These will be a great help in shaping the budget measures provide real insights into the hopes and concerns of Canadians from all provinces and territories.

Diane Ablonczy

This particular gathering of justice ministers does provide a historic opportunity for the justice system to send a message to Parliament.

Michael Bryant

We take no comfort from any offer to postpone the actual payment of the launch aid these countries have already promised to provide. The announcement of their commitment to back the A350 will affect Airbus's financing costs regardless of when they formally write the check.

Christin Baker

We welcome the opportunity to provide the commission with additional information to better understand the current financial impacts affecting Detroit Edison. We're implementing the performance excellence process to minimize the need for future rate increases, meet future electric capacity needs in Michigan.

Lorie Kessler

Jim has provided exceptional leadership to our news department as well as playing a major role in community events in both Lexington and the entire state of Kentucky. I know he will provide outstanding leadership to this important station in our group.

Wayne Martin

He has put his own money into this, ... Without Dr. Olsen's help and guidance, we would not have been able to establish the microchip identification program or provide the Rabies Clinic for the past three years.

David Bradford

Despite his young age, Eric has both leadership and experience that will definitely help our club. A very solid defender, he can also provide some offense for us on occasion.

Bob Ferguson

We want to answer that question with 'You can pray.' If we are challenging people to pray daily, well then we feel the responsibility to provide resources and information to help them do that intelligently.

John Lind

Everyone is not living in big beautiful houses. Especially in cases of spousal abuse, women need help to provide for themselves and their children.

Joan Lunden

The public high school needs to be all things to all people. We have to provide the challenge for those who have to option of private school. At the same time we need to serve the needs of those who don't.

Michael Welch

We're working to provide meals, to get medical attention for those who need it, help these people take the first steps they need to take.

Aaron Smith

The shows themselves will provide perpetual funding for the scholarships.

Charlie Skelton

I think if you provide a good service, people will seek you out.

Scott Bailey

They were lengthy and they were incomplete and they weren't useful because they were very difficult to decipher as to what information they were trying to provide.

James Mclean

They have not agreed to provide written assurances they will comply with Immigration and Naturalization Service instructions if they do not prevail in the appeals court and cannot obtain a stay from the Supreme Court.

Carole Florman

There is definitely a trend among employers to provide lower ill-health benefits.

Kevin Newman

UK banks provide a crucial service to the community and our economic security depends on them. Amicus is calling on National Australia to reverse this decision.

Mary Alexander

To provide every possible assistance to the passengers and crew on yesterday's flight.

Jean cyril Spinetta

How exciting it is to see the unprecedented amount of high- resolution data that the mission will provide.

James King

We don't think that we need to make that investment. We don't think that you need to own everything to provide these services.

Marty Kaplan

Disclosure has the connotation of regulatory compliance. We started out to provide information-the funds are out to provide entertaining information. Wall Street isn't the only place to get it.

Donald Luskin

Francisco Partners will provide GXS with the support necessary to acquire other electronic commerce solution companies in the future, as well as attract and retain key talent to accelerate its growth.

David Stanton

Redeveloping an existing area of a community is far more expensive than an area that has never been developed. You need to give owners or potential new owners incentives to upgrade or provide new buildings.

Mayor Gary Wescott

The military police were there to provide support to local law enforcement, and the engineers were used for search-and-recovery mission support and evacuation support.

Tim Powell

The judge has remanded the permit back to the TCEQ and asked them to provide further documentation that backs up their decision when they granted the water pollution abatement permit to KBDJ.

Kirstin Voinis

Students need to hear [accurate information concerning the conflict] outside of the media. I feel I can provide a platform to invite students to pose the right questions.

Andrew David

This project continues the revitalization of a very important part of the San Diego waterfront and central business district area. The new hotel and the surrounding grounds will provide first-class accommodations to Convention Center guests and to the City of San Diego. We are delighted to have the opportunity to participate.

Michael Mccann

The question is how do you bring government into these areas, how do you entice those growers into moving toward legitimate activities, how could you provide services and education for their children along with the prospect of losing their income if in fact law enforcement prevails, into a sustainable development that will keep these people out of the drug production area.

Melvyn Levitsky

The buzzword in the industry is that average recommendations for average conditions provide average results. Our motto is to apply what is necessary, where and when it's necessary, depending on the crop and the product used.

Sid Parks

I am pleased that Jamie has agreed to rejoin because he will provide excellent cover on the left side.

David Tuttle

The people of Wright deserve every bit of help they can get, and I hope that this federal declaration may provide a significant part of that.

Dave Freudenthal

You'd be hard-pressed to find a school that did not provide a full string, wind, choir program for everybody.

Christina Merblum

You ask me as defense minister, will I be able to provide safety for candidates and voters? I say no, I have no plan until now.

Hazem Sha'alan

Our slogan is bigger is not better, better is better. By that we mean we provide personal, professional, one-on-one service to our clients.

Michael Reese

We will provide just-in-time delivery of cars to buyers, which means it will produce cars according to the number of orders from customers.

Weiming Soh

We are very pleased to offer this service to the local business community. Even if you don't have a Web site set up currently, our program can provide a simple landing page so that customers can learn about your business.

Gordon Bridge

If we are able to figure out how these neurons organize themselves, it's going to provide a solution we need down the road to build more powerful computers.

Kwabena Boahen

We are excited to have Marion on our team. Adding a talented and experienced professional such as Marion to our already deep team not only increases our overall capabilities as an investment management firm, but allows us to continue to provide top results to our investors.

Tom Hughes

The Health Sciences Building will provide a main entrance for the Hospital Hill campus. The main floor of the building will house student services including advising office, counseling and career centers, and a convenient café.

Robert Simmons

If you want to do that via satellite or via existing cables, it is very expensive. The existing low capacity cables are relatively old and the incumbents that control them may not always want to provide cheap capacity to their competitors.

Georges Krebs

Rebuilding off the interstate could provide more opportunity for people.

Savannah Ellis

I also collaborated with the Heart Health Institute because I can provide the personal training and they can provide the gym membership.

Denise Marshall

This is a great opportunity for us to work together with local business and provide them with the tools which will allow them to grow to their maximum potential.

George Davidson

If you have people out there saying we haven't got the money to invest in companies that's going to filter through to people who provide the infrastructure and there's no real sign of any pick-up of that certainly by the end of this year.

Henk Potts

They're trying to do a lot of different things to provide for a variety of needs out there. They've had mixed success. But there's a lot of creativity and they're striving to capture more advertisers.

Greg Sterling

We thought there were probably a lot of people who wanted to do something. We thought by getting out there we would provide a way for people to do something in any easy manner.

Devyn Parnes

Provide additional advertising sales opportunities as we are able to meet the growing demand of companies to market online by offering ad-sponsored links.

Christie Hefner

Provide the right help for people who are right here and need it right now.

John Schmidt

Until then we'll provide the currency.

Chris O'donnell

We all have the mutual goal in mind to provide a safe environment for the youth in our care.

Cynthia Lorenzo

But we're not going with a Level 4 program, ... because we don't provide lock-up facilities, which they require.

Vernon Walters

We try to provide comfort at school so they know they have someone to talk to.

Sam Martin

This is a community that is obviously geared to having outside visitors. These areas are going to provide a benefit in economic terms.

Jim Kraus

This agreement will serve both the employers and the employees and provide us with cost certainty.

James Berg

At the high school level, we want to play it safe; we don't want to alienate the audience. We wanted to provide some challenge or something different.

Kristin Hasson

When that [co-generation plant] lost the ability to provide steam, which is essential to our operation, we had to implement our emergency shutdown procedures.

Aaron Woods

I hope people studying film will take it as my generation's chance to provide a new language, a new way of thinking.

Sudhanshu Saria

A comprehensive plan should educate a community, it should address the social fears, concerns and stigmas people have, it should provide a practical knowledge on how to address the issue.

Alan Ross

We are going to have to take a long, hard look at what are the requirements for petition gatherers and candidates, and provide a very clear direction from a legislative standpoint.

Kevin Dewine

This means that a reduction in fine particulate matter levels should provide health benefits in terms of lower hospital admissions for the elderly.

Francesca Dominici

The burden of proof is on the taxpayer. So, it's up to you to provide records of things you say you've bought, or things along those lines.

Michael Gutter

The deal to provide 100 percent debt cancellation is in jeopardy.

Tony Fratto

These guidelines mark a commitment by the industry to provide schools with beverages that offer variety, nutrition and fewer calories, and are very similar to the Coca-Cola System's current guidelines in the U.S..

Don Knauss

We will provide greater value to customers than our competitors, therefore the truck will be priced higher than theirs.

Chris Curfman

There are many defects that were alleged; we're down to three. We'll provide the information, we'll tweak the project, and move on.

Bill Hutton

This tool would provide negative conditioning. It would be similar to training a dog.

Roy Heberger

The intent with the booster station is to provide adequate pressure for this development and the 15 homes.

Rob Digiorgio

It is the numerous small manufacturing businesses like my own that provide Connecticut with the tax base it needs.

Paul Hoffman

If anything we'll be able to see more patients and provide more services.

Richard Mansfield

…instead of wasting hundreds of millions of pounds on compulsory ID cards as the Tory Right demand, let that money provide thousands of extra police officers on the beat in our local communities.

Tony Blair

His intention was to -- and still is to -- harvest tissue and provide it to tissue banks. What he has done is legal.

Mario Gallucci

We were probably Mom's main focus. She was a good mom. She always tried to provide for us. She wanted better for us than she had for herself.

Haley Grainger

The dollar has strengthened notably versus the euro in the past week, which will undoubtedly help provide a well-needed boost to European profits.

Martin Brooker

We have asked the United States to provide us with that evidence, and we have not seen any forthcoming.

Javad Zarif

We know that kids want to celebrate. So we provide them a fun way that is still safe.

Keena Barson

It is really special to be with him. We are both doing something we have a love and passion for. We provide assistance to each other and have a professional connection.

Randy Gipson

Either the community will provide a safe, supervised and simultaneously new and exciting experience for its young people. Or young people will provide their own entertainment.

Kate Becker

We're excited to be partnering with THE TUBE Music Network in our first multicast initiative. This agreement allows us to capitalize on our stations' digital broadcast capabilities and provide enhanced content to viewers in our markets.

John Reardon

They are in the right marketplace and we know we can provide a multitude of entertaining gaming options for their readers and fans.

Alex Czajkowski

We believe that Intel's lead in [the] 65nm transition should provide it a limited performance boost given the limitation of its current processor architecture.

Charles Santiago

The services that we are providing are the things we hope to see the big search engines pick up and provide eventually. And we think they will.

Gregory Crane

To be able to have the opportunity to provide these workers representation, we're just very excited about that.

Arturo Rodriguez

Today's announcement demonstrates Corel's commitment to provide customers with powerful, flexible and affordable digital imaging software tailored specifically to meet their needs.

David Dobson

There's a need to provide more organs so those people have a reasonable expectation of getting transplanted in a reasonable amount of time.

Jon Nelson

God knows we have to provide a space in the world's economy for the least developed countries. We've got 2 billion people on this planet who live on less than $2 a day.

Ron Blackwell

We believe if we can continue to provide some alternative to violence for these students, ... then they will be able to get back to work and they might, therefore, not be lured back to fighting.

J. Chris Toe

Creating insurance for the uninsured is made harder by the high-risk folks. (The pool) will make it much easier to provide insurance to those who are currently uninsured.

Bill Todd

We are all working in a very uncertain environment. The longer the instability continues, the more people will need assistance and yet that same assistance will be even more difficult to provide. The first people to suffer will be those who need help most.

Stefano Porretti

There is a continuing obligation to act in good faith. And if you don't act in good faith and provide people with due process, you're going to get sued.

Tad Decker

The transit system will provide a dependable, reliable and efficient alternative to the automobile.

Darrell Meyers

The group has evolved its product offering to provide a greater number of smaller, more affordable, private homes.

Malcolm Harris

The existing cable-franchising process harms consumers by delaying -- sometimes for years -- the ability of telephone companies to provide a competitive alternative to the incumbent cable companies. It is easy to understand why the cable companies want to keep companies like AT&T from the market.

Robert Quinn

The threat has not gone away. Big sports events are becoming more and more global, with a huge number of viewers. Individual athletes have a higher profile. These events provide a global platform for anyone with an axe to grind.

Kevin Roberts

By introducing double daily services, we are building on that advantage by offering our customers a choice of flights that provide even more connections to our rapidly expanding network.

Peter Hill

That's pretty good for people coming in for non-treatment. We didn't even provide counseling unless they asked for it.

Dorothy K. Hatsukami

We in the rest of the Western states say okay, if we're going to conserve and if we're going to provide excess power and then we find you in California could have done more, there is going to be resentment.

Jim Geringer

It could certainly provide the seed to boost the community.

Michael Rowe

Not only does the Internet provide agency and direct writers the opportunity to attract new customers, but also the opportunity to build loyalty by providing Internet-enabled self-service.

Jeremy Bowler

This supply of fuel will enable the plant to continue to operate in safety and provide much-needed electricity to the western power grid of the country.

Navtej Sarna

The government will have to provide budgetary provision for the purpose...we demand that the rate of interest on EPF must be retained at 9.5 per cent.

Dipankar Mukherjee