I am no fortune-teller, but from my observations we have reason to believe that the fifth round of talks will be held on schedule and will lead to results.

Both should maintain high level contacts, enrich economic and trade cooperation and consolidate collaboration on common interests.

From what I have observed from the meetings of the leaders and their attitudes, we have reason to believe that the meeting will be held as scheduled and will achieve positive results with all parties' efforts.

As you know, the DPRK is still facing a lot of difficulties. The Communist Party and government of China will, in their capacity, provide assistance to the DPRK.

This has played an irreplaceable important role in promoting the steady development of relations between China and other countries.

The result in this regard is remarkable.

As you know, the DPRK is still facing a lot of difficulties, ... The Communist Party and government of China will, in their capacity, provide assistance to the DPRK.

We will further increase the transparency of the CPC's diplomatic activities and open up a window for people in the rest of the world to better understand China and the CPC through the party's external exchanges.

This is a topic that was specifically mentioned in the fourth round, that North Korea has the right to peaceful use to nuclear energy. This will be discussed at an appropriate time.