California has a window of opportunity to prepare the highly educated workforce we need to maintain our position as an economic leader.

I think we still need to finish out the season on a strong note and if we do, we're going to be sitting pretty nice.

The pro-82 campaign is having a tougher time now that the 'no' side has gotten under way and is raising a lot of legitimate questions. This is not about our commitment to children. It's about whether this measure is the right way to go about it, and we've made the case that it's not.

California has a window of opportunity to prepare the highly educated work force we need to maintain our position as an economic leader. If California fails to provide this work force in time, we are likely to lose the edge we now have over other states and international competitors.

The business plan raises a lot of questions. Is that other money going to materialize? Is this project the highest priority for federal funds at this point?

Lake Tahoe is the key to our water supply, and what has happened there this past month is nothing short of awesome.