We've got old people who can't get an ambulance.
It just doesn't mesh. He grossly overestimated his political capital. Hubris, whatever, I can't explain it. He didn't have a lot of political capital. That was wrong.
Thank you for all you do.
Historical plaques provide a personal snapshot of Wilmington and its people. The purpose is to educate the public and provide historical insight.
So they're faced with tremendous difficulty. Most of our students are on financial aid and it just makes it real difficult for them to attend.
Needs a narrative, a reason that voters should give him a look.
That's a hubris that, if he had paid attention to what happened to himself and other presidents, he wouldn't have made that mistake. It was a very predictable mistake.
My thought when I first saw him was, if he did survive, he was likely to have permanent consequences and disabilities from the injury, ... But I think we all knew the likelihood of survival was small.
Look at what happened to George W. Bush. The first time he doesn't get a plurality. Then he gets 50.8 percent. He seemed to be very relieved.
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