I wouldn't want to trade places with my counterpart at Intel. It's a very daunting thing to try to get into this market.

Bill Krenik

What there really wasn't [information on] was 'what do people think'. We wanted to find out what it's like to live in these places from the people who live there; because they would know.

Kerry Agnitsch

We've got to start spending money in other places.

Richard Matheson

More of this stuff, ... and transportation to places downtown.

Tom Adams

We definitely want to diversify. And we like to go to places with strong entrepreneurial spirit for us.

Kara Udell

My view is that there is a good possibility there is life on Mars, probably in the subsurface. We know from examples on Earth that life can exist in extreme places, and Mars seems to have the necessary ingredients for that.

Thomas Mccollom

Our attention will be focused on this story for a long time to come. One of the things that are challenging to us is that there are so many different angles to this story and places that require our attention.

Jon Banner

The Plaza is one of those places where everyone had an emotional moment. People's parents got engaged there, people got married there or fell in love there.

Cathy Elkies

That's one of my favorite places to shoot the puck. It went in today.

Phil Kessel

It's not enough money to begin with, but let's make a difference in the most important places.

Lauren Cercone

We'd be in places where he would speak, and he'd be speaking about an NCAA Tournament and going deep in the tournament, and people were almost laughing at him. They weren't laughing after about two years.

Matt Zimmerman

The game didn't mean a whole bunch, so I tried to put some people in different places. It kind of worked, and it kind of didn't work.

Bill Beasley

Jersey is my hometown, and I love it. I'll probably have houses in other places, but that's my home, and nobody's kicking me out of there.

Michelle Rodriguez

This will improve customer service. Many Web sites make you go several levels down to get any service information. This places it all at the top.

Marc Belzberg

The business model isn't video on demand. It's getting a dial tone in places where there are only two phones per 100 people.

Manish Gupta

We have increased the number of pickets around religious places.

Ravi Pawar

They've done it to us in Sioux Falls. It's just hard for us to win at each others' places.

Chad Lavin

Each store we put in generates $1 million a year for local residents. Each store employs six to eight people. California is giving us a hard time, so we're focusing on places other than California. The losers from this legislation are the people of California.

Jack Reynolds

He's an extraordinary player and his capacity to score goals places him amongst the best strikers in the world.

Jose Pekerman

Now whoever was thinking Lebanon is thinking Jordan. It's hard to get a reservation lately?. We don't have enough places to entertain them.

Wael Jaabari

The first suburbs, with a total of 50 million people, are significant places. They could build a very powerful coalition.

Robert Puentes

In some places, it's two inches. In some places, it's three inches. We're hoping in two weeks it won't be an issue.

Paul Jett

They have great courses in other places, but only because they steal our ideas.

Craig Stuller

A lot of investment internationally is driven by people's understanding of the places that they visit.

Kevin Murphy

There are some cigarette burns in some funny places.

Sean Penn

That preschool is one of the best in the state. Many school districts in the state and other places are modeling theirs after ours.

William Knox

They broke the bone in two places, once below the knee and once above the ankle.

Chris Hanson

No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy.

Horatio Nelson

In many, many places audio books are still unexploited, ... In a lot of southern European countries, people still think of audio books as being only for blind people. We need to change that attitude.

Barry Clark

I had a great time recording the series. Because it's animated the adventures are endless. We could experience things and places that otherwise would be impossible in live-action shows.

Ashley Olsen

New banks are being formed in places where there haven't been any in years.

Kathleen Murphy

Everything has been going on normally, the election has not been postponed anywhere. At some places there has been a good turnout, but at some it has been bad.

Tejmuni Bajracharya

I had an opportunity to play other places, but this one was probably the most challenging.

Chad Brown

There's a lot of business out there, but if you haven't got the right (capability) levels in the right places, then you can't take it on.

Michael Austin

It is not the places that grace men, but men the places.


It's not something I'm looking forward to, seeing the city. Some people say the sights are just awful, especially if you know the history of the city. Places that were there 50 and 60 years ago are just gone. A lot of tradition is gone.

Don Maestri

Rice Lake has excellent ice. It's one of the few places we can curl in the summers.

Courtney George

The people would go out and buy stuff from other places and be re-selling it on their front yard as opposed to getting rid of all their own junk.

Brian Sweet

There are not many places available.

Jeff Palmer

The Jesuits have disseminated half a story, while burying the other half. They are engaged in a campaign of cover-up and spin that places all the blame on Jim.

Paul Chevedden

The currently falling water levels in some places can't be anything other than the calm before the real storm.

Jiri Paroubek

Washington is one of the few places they make money. They would be silly to give up an asset like that.

Darryl Jenkins

Those places are full of nice dogs. And those people know them best and are able to match up the personalities of the dogs and people.

Ruth Marquardt

I enjoy her in a different way than I did my own kids. … Since I'm retired, I have more time to be with her and go places.

Paul Wolff

There were holes, dirt, grime, places where people carved, you can tell there wasn't much when it came to clean up from the former owners.

Crystie Eversole

The industry is highly mobile, that's why we got them here. They can also set up in other places in the state.

Alex Schott

Florida tends to be one of those places that people like to play in the winter.

Gary Bongiovanni

When it comes to finding oil and gas, you tend not to find it in politically bucolic places. So when these companies make commitments, they factor in some of those risks.

John Herrlin

It would clearly help if the driving age were raised. But it never has gained any traction in most places to simply raise the age.

Russ Rader

People are taking a much harder analytical look at these stocks and are deciding that there are better places to make money.

Byron Wien

In an exceptional field of applicants, Paul was the strongest candidate. We were especially impressed with the emphasis he places on academic performance and the overall integration of the student-athlete into campus life.

David M. Harris

These kind of places are a little bit more styled and a little bit more personal.

Tim Rice

There is a huge demand for space on campus, ... It's very difficult for student organizations to find places to meet at night.

Ida Scott Taylor

Because music is not a tested area, often (districts) will take time from music education to focus on math and reading. It is happening in a lot of places.

David Circle

There's more upside potential globally, in places like Asia, emerging markets and even in the US.

David Cassidy

My girls were mesmerized by Baker. They just couldn't get in the flow of the game. We couldn't run our offense. We couldn't run the press because the girls weren't in the right places to press. They just got mesmerized by her, and that told the tale of the game right there.

Tom Bragg

There are parents who really don't know about some of the inappropriate places on the Internet that kids in their own houses may be using.

Scott Colantonio

As a country we tend to think of eco-tourism as always over there. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way, especially when you have places like the Grand Canyon. We're just not thinking of it as much as a country.

John Ivanko

The Prime Minister received the most appropriate treatment for the medical condition in which he found himself. He was treated by the best experts at Hadassah and we made every effort to consult with experts from other places.

Shlomo Mor Yosef

All the places on the stamp collection are part of the National Park Service.

Brandon Murphy

Those are all matchbooks from restaurants and places in the Twin Towers.

Loren Ross

Informed physicians will be less likely to go bare. It places a tremendous amount of importance on proper asset protection.

Aaron A. Farmer

Oh yeah, there have been some pretty bad places. I expected that.

David Pak

They want to take it to other places because they want other places to see what it is like, ... There is no inclination to adapt their sport to other countries. They just want other people to enjoy their sport.

David Hackett

She was burned in multiple places over her body from her head to her toes.

Gregory Clark

When it comes to security, McDowell is at the top of the list of the worst places, just because the courthouse is so open and there are so many entrances, ... In other counties where there is no security, everyone is confined to a smaller space.

Susan Taylor

I've put scenery in a lot of odd places in my career, but I do have to say I've never used the balcony as the only seating area before.

Marjorie Kellogg

We both do all the work, but we each have the places where we shine.

Carol Mcneely

That's nice to see. Really, we wrestled pretty well. There are a couple places where we could have done better, but we didn't get a lot of help (from other teams).

Henry Wilk

Overall, there would not have been a big effect. A few places would have been more affected -- for instance, cigar bars -- but people go to bars regardless.

Jonathan Massell

All of the major players were buying a lot of places and they were going into debt.

Greg Bolton

There's just not that many places around that offer so many things to do. We'd like to make it the nicest destination lodge in that part of the country.

Bill Buckner

I ride the levee on my mountain bike and I know that there are areas that are thinner and weaker in places than others.

Victor Cabatuan

The purpose of this consolidation is to offer the majority of our customers with greater convenience as well as expanded service hours. Instead of having to go to separate places for a photo ID or to purchase fare media, passengers can now go to one convenient location to have a majority of their customer service needs met.

Beverly Scott

He's worked really hard and it's helped him in other places of his life and schoolwork.

Lisa Cripps

But it was just like life was waiting for me to make that decision, and when I finally made it, it just took me places I never even believed existed.

John Mahoney

They are being held in various places. Some are held by private commanders in temporary holding places, some are held in U.S. forces' bases, others are held in normal holding places in Afghanistan.

Michael Kleiner

I see Arkansas in being in very serious financial trouble. I don't see a way out unless money comes in from other places.

Michael Wasserman

Offensively we moved the ball in some places, but we needed to play thicker up front.

Billy Beasley

It's made it more difficult. We have to keep making cuts or finding money from other places.

Wendy Smith

There are almost no dark places in Orange County.

Robert Fisher

When you're in the (Southeastern Conference), there's not many places that are step-ups, even as an assistant to a head coach. (Syracuse) is one of those big step-ups. It was an opportunity that was presented to me and I was going to grab it.

Chris Fox

A place like ours, one of the smaller places that we haven't heard a lot about.

John Deluca

If you come here in 15 years, ... the places you'll want to go will be the places that managed it right. Some will and some won't.

Larry Swanson

That's one of the places where the Endangered Species Act really has teeth.

Kathy Fletcher

I like particular people, particular places.

Tracy Kidder

I think Indiana has those things in place but not necessarily so much more than a lot of other places.

Clark Kellogg

We're now competing with eastern Europe, China, Korea, competing with Turkey and competing with places with inexpensive labor pools.

Al Julian

You certainly see that a lot of places like to attract those great teams and great players, with the opportunity to match them up.

John Gillis

The fences are gone. (Farmers have) taken out the fences and plowed up the places where the fence once was. Now there's absolutely no habitat there.

Carl Kurtz

We are coming off a good indoor season, but not a great one. There are a lot of places where we know that we can improve and where we will need to improve in order to be the team that we are capable of being.

Ryan Koch

It's a wilderness island, there's places to go back there where you can't be seen by anyone.

Caleb Chung

The overall impression I get from the new rules is that it places more comprehensive and greater demands on an athlete's competence, technique and mental toughness. You have to be a strong athlete. Your technique has to be accurate and complete.

Chen Xiong

It causes [case workers] to be less efficient, it causes them to be not as thorough, and it places children at risk.

Ken Easterling

I wish to go more and more outside to be among the problems of nature and problems of human beings in their working places.

Joseph Beuys

That places a burden on the school systems, on the health system.

Dennis Soden

He said (the coaches understood) he needs to make an informed decision. So they didn't pressure him about making a commitment over the weekend. So he's probably going to look at visiting a couple other places. This is a big decision for him.

Deandre Scott

The constitution places fairly weak checks on the majority.

Jonathan Brown

So there are a lot of different places to go in our home market.

Cfo Dennis Kavelman

I wouldn't have traded places with the provincial reps who didn't make it. It was a difficult situation, but you make the best of it and move on.

Heather Strong

It could be a very hazardous job. You are going up and down ladders all day and sometimes climbing on places that are still damaged. It's very unfortunate. Our hearts go out to him and his family.

Chris Neal

He saw a lot of the country, but mostly he saw a lot of Colorado. He saw and learned more about places in Colorado in his short lifetime than most people ever do.

John Fielder

Our girls maintained an even pace and ended up running them down and we ended up with three of the Top 4 places. The (Chadron) girl that took the early lead ended up fifth - she went out way too fast.

Scott Walkinshaw

Would blacks have considered the Klan a form of state terrorism in places where the local sheriff and others were involved? Absolutely.

Peter Earnest

The reason these places could afford the big groups was three paces out the back door; that's where all the gambling was.

Jerry Ford

We have to manage the new group well so it's a good experience for all participants and they have a meaningful opportunity to help. As we get better, there will be more places for people to join and serve kids.

John Benberg

We looked for the places that sophisticated moviegoers seek out to find things that interest them. These are the people who are engaged with the world, who are informed about the big conspiracies going on out there.

James Schamus

In some places there are unexpected discoveries, and it's genuine art.

Boris Diodorov

Those are places that likely will keep charging a fee.

David Blumenfeld

It's getting harder and harder for us to find places to spread it.

John Mulvihill

There aren't that many places that welcome people and their dogs. We thought this would give them a nice opportunity.

Deborah Stroud

But there are a couple of places where it is clear to me that there should be no ambiguity of corporate responsibility - the environment and civil rights. As a corporation, you cannot let the desire for unanimity override your obligation for fairness.

Leo Hindery

We're taking them out of areas where their habitat is shrinking and putting them in places that is more historical.

Cindy Bright

We've got to look at that budget and we've got to look at it in places to cut. When you have 14 more administrators than the formula ... I want to cut some administrators.

Pete Thaw

I'm editing it now. It's about a sleepwalker who wakes up in odd places.

Jessica Campbell

I don't want my place to (get) out of hand. I've seen what happens to other places.

Victor Heresa

We played at places like Palisades Park and the Community Center in Hoboken. We were very popular with the locals. Once when we played with Anthony and the Imperials, and they got mad because we got more applause.

Joe Griffo

There's two reasons: One is geographical, when you're in the middle of the fastest-growing part of the country, near these big urban centers, the richest places always have the highest costs, partly because they're successful.

Richard Walker

Those are some of the hardest-hit places, and they haven't gotten any aid to this point.

Greg Brooks

We don't have to go far to find many fabulous places to see birds. We don't consider ourselves experts. But we do have a good time.

Laurie Graham

Part of the price of maintaining community schools is that you don't have the richness or breadth of curriculum that other places may have.

Wayne Worner

I looked at a lot of places, but I liked this one. It's a small community, everybody knows each other and everybody is very pleasant. It's nice to have that family atmosphere. I did my training at UT and UT is huge and you know most people, but it doesn't feel like a family.

Dr. Samar Alsharif

We go to court for clients and move them to different places in our own vehicles.

Connie Wilson

Amanda's been our floor leader and huge for us on the outside. To take her out, we need to learn to get some strength in other places, ... Even though we lost that game, it was good for us to develop some more depth and play through some of those mistakes and errors.

Mary Young

(This game) is going to have an impact in a lot of places: recruiting, bragging rights.

Bernard Davis

There are a lot of places to put in and take out. There are round trips you can do. It's tidal here, you just have to pay attention to the currents.

Teri Barr

I've seen numerous places in my district where the designation of critical habitat defies all logic.

Dennis Cardoza

He stressed to us a real commitment to customer service and developing the full potential of employees, ... He places a heavy emphasis on people.

Peter Elwell

What we don't want to do is price the national park experience out of anyone's lifestyle. But when you look at fees for places like Grand Canyon, you still get a lot of bang for your buck.

James Doyle

If we put all this on the menu, it would look like all the other places where you have to squint to read it.

Dean Atkins

A nomad I will remain for life, in love with distant and uncharted places.

Isabelle Eberhardt

It was one of those days, and no disrespect, but we should be coming to places like Wigan and getting three points.

Shay Given

Very high significance targets, embassies, some of our military bases, places like that, places that would have an impact, and significance throughout the world.

Tony Tan

It has definitely gone more upscale in recent years, and some of the smaller family owned places have closed up.

Anne Marie

Melville is very good at getting at the end of crosses, especially in dangerous places around the goal.

Jim Barlow

They had tried a couple of places in Salt Lake and weren't able to find any dentists willing to donate the full cost. I had to give this lady some dignity back.

Paul Innis

There is a way to operate this company if we combine forces in some places. Rather than having four editorial departments, we will have one. There also will be some shared technology practices.

Judy Mcgrath

Casual dining chains are more attractive than fast food companies. You don't find the lines at McDonald's that you do at places like Olive Garden and Red Lobster on a Friday night. There is room for more restaurants in casual dining.

Sandy Sanders

Our lot prices last year were about $50,000 to $60,000 under comparable lots in Canby and Oregon City, which makes our prices look very, very attractive compared to those places. ... Lot prices (this year in Big Meadow) are probably going to go up around $15,000 over what they were last year, which means our minimum prices are going to go up.

Dick Bailey

He's very utilitarian and can play in very many places. He basically coordinates the midfield.

Gary Trittipoe

It's become increasingly difficult to find places with the proper size and other characteristics.

Frederick Smith

You need to implement pay-to-play reform at the county level, because counties are the places where an awful lot of business actually gets done.

Ingrid Reed

I like the people. I tried some other places, but the people were too cliquish. The people here are real down to earth.

Jane Hayden

Any time you have an airplane that can only fly to certain places in the world, it is less valuable than one that could be used anywhere.

John Douglass

Any news leading to her discovery would be most helpful, so we are pleading to the public so that we can have some ideas of other places to search.

Melina Smith

We do lose things occasionally on board the space station. There are a lot of places. There are little nooks and crannies and oh by the way, things don't stay where you put them. They float away. You put them in a rack, but that doesn't mean it doesn't float behind something else.

Kirk Shireman

We hope this deal goes through, because the land we'll be working is much closer to home for us than places farther north. We have long days as it is.

Bill Montgomery

Top experience, no question. I've been fortunate to travel a lot of places, but to bring this team down here and to experience this with them, you can't beat it.

Tyler Wingard

I'd be cautious about going to places that advertise a lot. It's very expensive to advertise and they may have to do a lot of surgery to pay for it and push the limits on candidacy.

Dr. Robert Maloney

None of these places, of course, are charging any rent.

Jill And

The market's always changing, and we intend to watch patterns of gentrification closely; places in which retail space might need to be rejuvenated.

Joseph Reed

Initially there was silence in the room. We had them in a circle. When we stated the places that are included in Southwest Asia, you could hear a pin drop. There was an intense look on their faces.

Paul Saunders

Heavy fighting is going on in a number of places. Our fighters are attacking Russian positions. Out units now control most areas where attacks are occurring.

Movladi Udugov

We want to find places that are interested in music.

John Ernst

Van Buren is notably one of the harder places to go and play. But we need to play well on the road.

Marty Barnes

If you don't have the quality, the consumers won't tolerate it. There are too many places for people to go.

Jim Mercer

We still have hope. There are so many places for the injured to be.

Jose Diaz

She asked me if I wanted to trade places with her. I said I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Lisa Hall

Certainly, I've always been attracted to that. Punk rock, when I was a part of it, was called 'the underground.' There was something very attractive in all the hidden places. The hidden histories.

Mary Harron

I don't think it's any one thing. I think it's a combination of things that has gotten us here. It's really lifestyle. Our environment is not conducive to activity anymore. Everyone gets in their cars to go places. Nobody walks or bikes anymore.

Lisa Demarie

There's nothing like playing on stage in front of other people, and there are not many places like TCAN where kids under 18 can do that, or even go see the music.

Ben Cohen

This is one of the best places I've ever dived.

Scott Cooper

They're supposed to be soft and gooey and chewy. At most places you buy them, they're hard as a rock.

Leslie Betts

The upcoming week will be fairly nice, ... The places with a lot of snow on the ground will have cold nights, but days will be nice.

Sam Walker

I see football in Montgomery changing, not for the better. The excitement and enthusiasm is not the same. There are so many things the kids can do now. Football is second priority. Academics kills us. Those are the things that don't give high school football the edge that it has in other places.

Richard Moncrief

We are looking at some other places as well from time to time.

Barbara Starr

We need to dedicate the transportation dollars we have to our highest priorities - places where congestion is an impediment to job creation.

Allan Zaremberg

They turned a coal mine into a gold mine. People come from all over the world to see this mine — from Sweden and England and all kinds of places.

George Archibald

After 35 years of guerrilla activity, people should realize things are unsafe in some places. There are places you should not go. By dusk, you need to be inside and stay there.

Hector Herrera

At Washington State we can't always recruit the blue-chip kids that other schools get, so sometimes we look at out-of-the-way places.

Walt Williams

I like to bring unusual museums to unusual places and have always received a great response at The Dome in Edinburgh.

Jonathan Poole

It's a lighter breading, ... It's definitely a better piece of meat than a lot of places. If you're going to take it and pound the meat, you'll buy inferior meat. We use a lean product to begin with.

Fred Schmidt

This is one of the most beautiful places I've seen, and I've seen a lot of places in the world. I keep coming back.

Jack Leggett

More heroin is sold around the Skid Row area than all other places in California combined.

Andy Smith

There are some very high tenor parts in really exposed places. It calls for heroic tenors.

Rodney Wynkoop

This was premeditated, ... It's part of what we're calling multiplatform mania. The idea is to attack viewers from a number of different platforms so we can get behind the talent in a 360-degree way. People get their media and entertainment now from so many different places -- for us, this is a great way to market and build awareness for someone.

Lauren Corrao

The girls have made a commitment to it. We had to get folks in the right places for us to do that.

Ben Thacker

At Thanksgiving, we got to eat inside and it was great! Our time was winding down. But we saw places being decorated with Christmas ornaments.

Dixie Aiazzi

It's so big, it's so dark, ... There's a lot more places to find privacy -- behind the stage and on the catwalk.

Jessica Miller

We don't want people getting towed, so we want them to know the places are that they need to stay out of, as well.

Melissa Ash

Honestly, I think that (president's) office is in places where I had classes as a student.

Gary Fethke

I just wish I could be in two places at once.

Rick Lebeau

The cities with the hottest real estate markets and (air rights) will be the places where the phenomenon sticks out the most.

Richard Peiser

It is hard to find places that are accessible for persons with disabilities. The place must be compliant with the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

Ann Beard

It's a bit buggy. There are places I can click that just open blank windows, or where nothing happens that I can see.

Stefan Berteau

I don't think it's a model that's going to sweep the industry, but you might see it pop up in places like Boulder, Palo Alto or San Francisco, where you have a large body of high-end enthusiasts.

Marc Sani

This should be one of the first places new people should come.

Patricia Lewis

You see the ribbon on cars and trucks and flags in places and it is so abstract until it hits your family.

Jerome Gourley

They're just complementary in our minds. We want to be in all the places where our customers are. We're not just about a one-time event.

Wendy Clark

We're spending more money on this than any other promotion in UPN history. They've delivered to us a great pilot, and we want to get this out in as many places as we can.

George Schweitzer

There are more moving down the path. There are a small number of places not complying.

Tim Church

We can make it small and simple enough to take into rural areas in places like the Congo, Cambodia or Indonesia that may lack lab facilities.

Kathy Rowlen

As we crack down on gang activity, we have to often deal with the hiding places, houses where illegal activity is occurring.

Mayor Carlos Mayans

It was a really enjoyable evening. It was especially nice to see lots of old places and renew old acquaintances with the many people who have been involved with the church over the years.

John Hudson

Sarah joined a group of art students who petitioned the administration to find places in the expanded school building that were appropriate for artistic expression.

Tim Reitz

I think more people should plant more flowers in more places, to make the world a more colorful place.

Alan Stevens

Once the produce is brought to us, we have it out for distribution at our emergency food pantry. The produce goes quickly, but what is left over we then distribute to other places that serve meals, such as the Connection Cafe in downtown.

Robert Crandall

There are very few places left on Earth where there's been so little human impact.

Stephen Richards

I tried to feed off of that, but they hit it into places we couldn't get to and then we started making errors. It's hard. We just need a win right now to get us over the hump.

Camille Ramsey

Its the cycle. We're really lucky here. I think this is one of the best places in town.

George Burrows