The most important thing is to stop any further harm and to begin the recovery. The health of Puget Sound and its orcas is inextricably linked.

This is an example of how we kill Puget Sound one project at a time — it's a death of a thousand cuts.

Snow varies up there a lot.

This listing is long overdue, but it's the right decision and we're really happy.

The way to save the whales is to stop doing the things that hurt them and also to start putting the system back together again. We need to restore the habitat and protect it.

Saving the shoreline is necessary to saving the entire Sound. Ecologically, this is where the action is.

It's long overdue. Listing orca whales is kind of like listing Puget Sound as endangered. We have no more time to lose.

That's one of the places where the Endangered Species Act really has teeth.

We hope the recovery plan will be much more action-oriented than research-oriented. Research is fine but we think they've mistaken research for action.