Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves - and by which they are willing to be judged.
Despite uncertainty related to Katrina and other economic conditions, we remain optimistic about global trade and expect continued economic expansion in the U.S. and in the international markets.
In the near-term, there are economic concerns but overall we see continued improvements in the global economy.
I was so despondent, wondering what I am going to do, and then the minister herself called.
FDX Corp. is benefiting from the accelerated move to fast-cycle production and distribution methods, the growth in electronic commerce and supply chain re-engineering.
We're forecasting it will get better, but we'd like to see it get better faster.
It's become increasingly difficult to find places with the proper size and other characteristics.
We cannot be certain right now how the events of last week will ultimately impact the U.S. and global economies, the air transportation industry and FedEx, ... Nonetheless, we see our company well positioned to significantly increase growth, profitability, returns and cash flow as the global economies improve and trading activities increase.
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