Kids do two events and have a whole lot of depth at other places, so it turns out a whole lot better for us this time around. We're much happier than what we were last (year). They're more energetic and they're into this year, so we're doing well.

Bill Dennis

Take vacations in those places that appear to be doing very well in the things that are important to you.

Andrew Schiller

Up until last year, the firefighters stood in front of places like Wal-Mart. They used to raise between $2,000 and $3,000 a year.

Amy Bailey

We're basically educating people to go out and do what they can for the environment and the people who live in the environment. We visit people. We visit places that have natural -history.

Larkspur Morton

Look upon your chastening as God's chariots sent to carry your soul into the high places of spiritual achievement.

Hannah Whitall Smith

Fair as the exterior may be, if you go in, you will find bare places, heaps of rubbish that can never be taken away, cold hearths, desolate altars, and windows veiled with cobwebs.

Myrtle Reed

We will have to look into this and learn something from this experience with regards to our scheduling for future series. The accommodation just isn't adequate enough in these places.

Saleem Altaf

I wish I could be in two places at once. But the girls are really excited. Nothing could get them down at this point. So they'll play, and I'll just keep up with them from here.

Laura Peter

It's a white collar criminal act and they're gambling when they do it. You're gambling with your life. Because if you're convicted it's a felony charge. If you have a gaming license you will never again have one. If you have a business license, in some places, you may never again have one. You could go to jail.

John Colledge

As bear numbers increase they are getting into places they haven't been seen in 50 or 100 years.

Chris Servheen

When you're fighting for the top three places, it's really hard to skate. Others were falling but we had a clean skate.

Roman Kostomarov

He loved to just ride around and go to out of the way places.

Gayle Carrico

If they have a soft drink, they need to make up those calories either through physical activity or through other places in their diet. That's the best way to help out children - to equip them with information so they understand how to eat any food.

Kevin Keane

We have to see out opportunities to use (our talents) to help other people, ... The Miss OSU title will get me in places that maybe being a student athlete won't.

Lori Allen

If (addicts) can get referred to a treatment center at the needle exchange, fine, but let's face it, the main reason they're coming there is for the needle. They have to want help, and when they do, they can find it anywhere, there's a number of different places.

James Dodson

The new school would have a buffer zone and limited places people can enter and exit.

Lee Maras

There will be Greek dancers, and different clothes from places like Pakistan, India, and all different countries.

Joanna Nugent

That man helped us so much. We stopped in some places to eat and that man used to go from the back door through the kitchen with us to make sure we had something to eat, ... I don't think without that help from Buddy Kerr we could have made it. We would never have come back.

Juan Marichal

It has affected tourism, absolutely. It's very difficult to get in here if you want to fly, and because of that some people will opt to go to other ski resorts. And choose different places to vacation.

Bobby Lieb

We have skaters from Altoona, and Wheeling, and so many other places.

Linda Miner

I love places that have an incredible history. I love the Italian way of life, I love the food, I love the people, I love the attitudes of Italians.

Sir Elton John

I wanted them to see how it took place in World War II. They were horrified. They say it couldn't happen again, but it is, in remote areas. I gave them some places to keep in mind.

Joann Bertelo

That dog can go places you can't.

Marc Habermann

I picked on some good places that are friends of mine, ... It's a great privilege for me to see them.

Jimmy Bennett

Texas agreed to take those. The first logical place is Houston. The second was San Antonio because of the I-10 corridor and the third was Dallas. If it didn't hit there, we'd look for other places to go.

Robert Black

In the 36 years I have been alive, I have seen this type of stuff happen in a lot of different places. I guess we are just lucky no one was hurt.

Mike Bassett

Part of the reason I did this is I love interacting with the audience and it's live, and I love to see people, go places and interact with people, ... In doing movies, you're sort of on a set, doing scenes, but there is a big part about getting up in front of a crowd and interacting that I really enjoy and haven't done in a long time.

Vince Vaughn

You go to the Web site and there are several places where you can (communicate with) us. You can send us e-mail, (or) you can send e-mail to guests that we have on the air to ask their opinion on different subjects.

Rich Zahradnik

We've got eight winnable games to go and we've got the right teams to play in the right places.

Kevan Broadhurst

Roger is an incredible designer, and he comes in and reinvents places for people.

Michael Morrison

The volatility of Hong Kong's property sector places an added burden on its financial institutions.

Ryan Tsang

That put pressure on places like San Juan, and Miami to a degree.

Adam Goldstein

In most places where we are doing any kind of paving, we'll use this as much as we can. It's really been successful.

Bob Haus

The new economy places a lot of value on intellectual property and content.

Alfredo Viegas

As European markets move farther east, Ukraine becomes cost-competitive with our most competitive places.

Bill Muir

We want to be in places where there are significant populations and good demographic profiles.

Ben Sutton

It's all relative. Housing costs might be high is some small pockets in Florida, like South Florida, but many of these people might be coming from places with even higher costs.

Marc Perry

Those who wish well to the State ought to choose to places of trust men of inward principle, justified by exemplary conversation.

John Witherspoon

And the Court's decision in this was that there was a zone of privacy that was created around the marriage relationship, and that zone of privacy came out of a number of different places in the Constitution.

Chris Barron

That's my favorite event and I just liked going out and running it and we had the top two places today. I'm pretty well focused on the 800.

Sarah Montminy

You have a real asset-price bubble in places like parts of California and the suburbs of Washington, D.C.

Charles Munger

Philosophically, that could take me a lot of places.

Will Hipps

The Sussex County I grew up in is as foreign as Mongolia, ... the poorest people often lived in the most glorious of places.

Bill Chandler

New York in the winter ... brought out some darker places in us . Emotionally darker.

Ryan Key

Being in the dark places you realize the light of the gospel shines so much brighter that there is no way you can cover it up. There is no way you can hide it.

Shampa Rice

Large schools tend to be anonymous places, places where teachers and students are little known to each other. The anonymity often breeds apathy or alienation; many kids fall through the cracks.

Thomas Toch

The fire department always can use money to buy equipment for the firefighters, ... It will go to the proper places so it can benefit the proper members of the Hanover Borough Fire Department.

James Roth

People in Wisconsin are parochial in their buying habits. They care deeply about their quality of life. Things like wonderful Wisconsin cheeses, really fine chocolates, nice places to eat out and great beer are nice ways to enhance your lifestyle.

Deb Carey

We're a small school. We have one and a half coaches, and some places have five or six coaches.

Coach Michael Dugaw

This particular instance, it was a manpower issue. We didn't have the resources to respond to two difference places at once.

Carl Rusnok

My understanding is that she camped a fair amount of that time. She also traveled around the country to different places. I believe Ed mentioned San Diego.

Chris Thomas

Music should be a communal social experience, but in today's world 40% of music is purchased at places like Best Buy.

Bill Nguyen

They have done impossible things in impossible places. I think it's a great use of that altruism that is built into the Peace Corps. These are people who want to give of themselves.

James Walsh

In all those instances, the people had come into the polling places and were unhappy about Proposition 200 before they got there.

Karen Osborne

It's been a trend that they compete like heck. There are not very many places where the pressure and expectations are that high.

Scot Loeffler

Certainly every square meter of earth hasn't been dug up but there aren't many places that haven't been investigated pretty thoroughly. We're not going to suddenly discover a new continent.

Thomas Graedel

You can see they have some talent in places, and they have some needs in places. I think I'd be a good fit.

Reggie Wells

It was race over after Kayla's injury. And having Anna out I knew was going to hurt us about six team places.

Kelly O'meara

We are doing outreach to under-served communities in Marin and an advertising blitz; we have much more professional ads and are placing them in more places, like TV and newspapers.

Greg Brockbank

They will need places to live, so there would be more construction, houses, and families.

Bill Whyde

In a way, it caters to a better selection of things. Anything they want to do, they can do it here. People don't need to go to different places.

Shiva Etessam

A pet snake, for instance, forces you to go places where other people with pet snakes might be. You're finding people in their natural habitat, in a snake store looking for freeze-dried rat.

Andrea Miller

We have been working with HUD and the U.S. Conference of Mayors to identify places where people can be provided with shelter and an opportunity to care for their families on a long-term basis.

Jane Campbell

Areas that are rapidly growing are usually places where traffic is growing, too. If you add 10,000 jobs, you never add enough transportation capacity to meet the demand.

Tim Lomax

You have all the facilities and none of the yard work. There are some really neat places down here and we are just trying to attract people to try and revive some of these places.

Dudley Schuler

We are concerned at the fate of an unknown number of people captured as part of the so-called global war on terror and held at undisclosed places of detention.

Antonella Notari

Israel is one of the easiest places to play ball. When I say easy I am referring to the easy lifestyle an athlete has while in Israel. It's very easy to get around the country, because it's so small.

Michael Kennedy

The best way to not be a statistic is avoidance. So don't go places you don't need to be.

Sgt. Brad Beard

[In Europe,] there seems to be much more ambivalence ... about whether there are elite places.

Craig Mundie

What is needed in out of the way places, especially in the rainy season, is an elephant. They are an excellent means of transport and don't need to be refueled.

Rory Hensman

To get to some of these places, you'd really have to go out of your way to know where they are, so we believe it is someone who is familiar with our business, but beyond that we just don't have any information.

Kevin Laverty

It has been a great team effort to come back and win without some of our great wrestlers. Some have stepped up and filled the void, and it has come from different places.

Joshua Katcher

People who go to places of worship, people who go to libraries, people who are in chat rooms, are going to have 'Big Brother' listening in even though there's no evidence that they are involved in anything illegal whatsoever.

Laura Murphy

I really loved the kids we had tonight. We went high and we went low (with the jokes and material) and a couple of places in between.

Christopher O'riley

I look at it as smart growth. Smart marketing. Is there a case to be made that we're too many places and we're too many places too fast? There probably is. But at the same time, there's not a seat to be had in the house, and people are tuning in all over the country. So you can't argue against it, either.

Kyle Petty

When starting out, you should find a place where you can trust the information and you're comfortable. Then, if you have questions, you can always go back. When you start dealing with a lot of places, you get a lot of different opinions.

Brian Vaughn

We are going to do everything we can to make people comfortable, ... Places have to be found for these people. Many of these people may never be able to rebuild.

Margaret O'brien

Normally here in Brno the race is long and hard with many different places to pass and overtake. Many things here happen in the last lap, the last corner, we have to be ready for that.

Sete Gibernau

I am quite surprised because of the demands and pulls from other places.

Guy Thompson

We have a lot of firepower returning. We have a lot of weapons on attack. It's not a big concern. Offensively we can put the ball in the back of the net, coming from a lot of different places.

Suzanne Isador

That actually encourages us to feel that we are on the right track, that we are doing something different, so it's encouraging when they laugh at the wrong places, or don't laugh at all sometimes.

Fred Savage

For some places, like the villages, they said they were too far away. For Aldi, they said military operations were taking place.

Jose Diaz

We'd much rather educate and prepare for disaster than have to respond to it. But I really do feel that if something happened here, we'd be prepared, and more so than other places.

Diana Gustafson

When you play long enough, you have friends everywhere, and family in some places, ... I've just always watched the scoreboard, not while action is going on, of course.

David Bell

He sometimes wouldn't even sit at the cabinet table. But it didn't make much difference, because ... wherever he sat was one of the most important places in the room.

Mcgeorge Bundy

Colorado Springs is one of the best places in the world to see the history of the Earth.

Kirk Johnson

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr. Seuss

We went to the West Bank area community and spent equal amounts of time in both places (Israel and Palestine). We formed a partnership with the community.

Rev. Carleen Gerber

Missourians should never have to face harassment when they go to cast their vote. That is why it is important that we move campaigners further from polling places and increase the penalties if they cross the line and harass voters.

Sen. Delbert Scott

Colleges and universities are really people-driven places. The bulk of the expense is in salary and benefits.

Travis Reindl

You're right. It could be anything. In some places they don't even want your face exposed.

Stanley Katz

In the end, people are people. Girard may not be the most diverse place that you'll encounter, but the eclectic group of students and staff make this one of the most unique places I have ever experienced.

Michael Daley

There's going to be some places where you're treated with respect and dignity and some places where you'd have to be a fool to live, ... So, there will be places where people can get their hair done well and places where they can't.

Dan Savage

I don't know if students are doing it, but they are certainly in a lot of places where they park their cars.

Barry Pruitt

The Caterpillar plant invited us to come. As you can imagine, the president gets invited to a lot of places.

Allen Abney

He lives there and he told us about where to go to find the good places to eat. It was great to meet him.

Dylan Hunter

If we cannot by reason, by influence, by example, by strenuous effort, and by personal sacrifice, mend the bad places of civilization, we certainly cannot do it by force.

Auberon Herbert

I'm sure some other places are getting all the attention, but it's bad enough here.

Al Franken

It's unbelievable how much they helped us. There aren't many places you can move to where the people would step up like they did here in Bracken County.

Ron Nadicksbernd

I only see myself doing this in two places, New York and Boston.

Phil Esposito

We're going to do international news and are trying to do a Russian angle on them, trying to show what impact international affairs have on Russia and we will also try to show interesting things about Russia, what is happening here, documentaries, interesting people and places, something that might be new to our audience.

Margarita Simonyan

We should lift up both because we're joining both places. We're not going to leave our Mexican culture behind.

Ricardo Garcia

It took us 3 1/2 hours by boat to get to some of those places, with no place to stay, no roads to get there. It's been like that since Day 1, and it hasn't improved much.

Roland Guidry

The longer teachers work in other places, the less likely they are to come back.

William Maestri

I have really gotten my hands on new material, stuff just really out of the gates. Even if you are going all over the country, there is a fresher sense that you won't have seen these in other places. And that's a really nice thing for me to feel.

Anita Stewart

It's purely rhetorical. In order to have these [oil] contracts, you have to have a lot of people invest in them and most of those people are in places such as New York and London.

Roger Diwan

I'm higher than most places on this island, but Im not going to take a chance of a 150 mph wind blowing through here.

Pat Patterson

Some places say they do not lend money. They have kiosks with Internet access and people are getting loans out of state or offshore.

Howard Karger

They had come to Delhi to carry out explosions and attacks at public places; we are investigating their motive.

Karnail Singh

This is a place that's just full of creative energy, and I like places like that.

Vinton Cerf

The Nature Conservancy has most of its barrier islands open to the public, free of charge, ... It is not appropriate for somebody to turn around and charge the public for access to the same places for their own personal gain.

Steve Parker

If we were looking for a new location for a death row, we would not put it on the one of the most expensive places on the bay near San Francisco.

Joe Nation

Being enrolled in the National Register of Historic Places is an honorific designation. It means the site has been studied and deemed significant in American history and culture.

Mary Humstone

In some places temples can be less than five miles apart. It just depends on demand.

Mark Bench

The storms are coming through and in places, it rains like crazy -- and in others, you don't get any. So we're able to get back into the fields in places.

Vic Jaro

The Godfather is a very deep and robust fiction. It's such a great story that we wanted to find places where the character can fit in.

Mike Perry

There is always a need for storage space. We are always looking for places to put things, whether they be student records or other things.

Duane Van Gorp

If TPF is not canceled, these are the places where we will search.

Margaret Turnbull

What we're going to have to do is go to other places around the world.

Joe Bonura

It's one of those great places.

Troy Taylor

We caught quite a few factual mistakes, but I also looked for places where the Christian point of view was assumed. There were some and we made some changes.

Marc Stein

I had never been into the park before and came because I heard that there were no fees today. It's really nice here. . . . There are not too many places like this left. We have to protect the ones we do have, because they belong to the public, and they are all that's left of the real Florida.

Cathy Mitchell

Obviously, it feels good. I've put in three years with the district athletics. I think we can go places, and I'm glad to be part of it.

Mike Gavlik

Tortoises are being pushed so much, there are places where there are nine or 10 tortoises on one half-acre piece of property.

Matt Singer

If you're sitting in a corporate boardroom in one of the other 50 states deciding where to put 100 stores, you want to pick the best 100 places. When I say, 'Lady Lake, Florida,' no one jumps.

Craig Sher

The problem is that we interleave our tape backups from a number of different applications. So the backup for that particular Exchange mailbox was in a number of different places.

Brad Gates

Bob's always taking about his kids and grandkids, and none of them are here locally. You could tell, he'd really rather be with them. He's been good for P-H-M, but he can't be in two places.

Randy Leliaert

Playgrounds can be wonderful places for children to have fun and face new challenges, but far too many playgrounds contain dangers that can injure and even kill.

Rachel Weintraub

When I look back, there are so many places where we can improve.

Darrel Hoffman

Consumers are becoming more sophisticated about places to buy goods online and price competition.

Steve Weinstein

The Prison Service must now ensure that implementation of plans for sufficient activity places do not face delays or cutbacks.

Anne Owers

This time next year you're going to see QuickTime in places you'd never expect to find it.

Frank Casanova

It was loud in there, and really tough for us. That says a lot for Missouri. It's not comparable to the (Nebraska) Coliseum, but it's one of the top places we've played.

Melissa Elmer

It's a terrible thing to say I know. I've only done what I wanted to do. It's a real luxury. I only made the pictures I wanted to make and lived in the places I've wanted to live. I'm very, very happy.

George Sidney

He's been good at other places he's been at, ... We're just very happy.

Jim Hanson

At one time or another in the month of April, people most places on Earth where they have a dark sky should see the comet. But it's a lot easier for us up in the Northern Hemisphere because it will be moving progressively north (in the sky).

Steve Maran

My songs form a kind of biography or diary of my life as they are about people I have loved and people I only knew in my heart, places I have seen only for a moment and places I have lived all my life.

Justin Hayward

How can I be in two places at once?

Jake Williams

Unlike most animals - with some exceptions like beavers - we engineer our environment. So that allows us to hang on in places that would otherwise be singularly inhospitable.

Jeffrey Mount

These places charge by the form, so a small-business owner filing a Schedule C probably pays $150 or so. The price goes up when the business is more complicated.

Keith Hall

People still take it really personally. They come up to me at breakfast places like, 'When are you growing your hair back?'

Keri Russell

Matt is more than just a good basketball player. He is the consummate professional who places his team first and gives a total effort every night.

Rob Babcock

God just put spiritual people in the right places.

Michael Hunter

It's a little different here than some other places, ... It was hard at the beginning. I had to make an effort to get to know guys and learn to ask them for help. You have to get along with everybody.

Willy Taveras

You have some frame of reference with the characters that actually lived the history. And when they intermingle with the fictional characters, it really places you in the time period.

Larry Hart

We need new classrooms in places, notably in Los Angeles, where the civic disgrace of overcrowded schools must be dealt with.

Alan Bersin

Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten imparting grace.


Water is starting to drain off in places along rivers and creeks.

Brent Holtz

I've asked staff to figure out where the 31 places are throughout the county.

James Healy

Instead of stabilizing places like Iraq, international efforts to centralize power are creating a more fragile security environment than ever before.

Albrecht Schnabel

We perform there on the second and the fourth Saturdays of the month. We have a lot of loyal fans that have followed us to the different places.

Patti Brooks

They recruited him at fullback. But with his body size, there are a lot of places they could put him.

Mike Sexton

Those are two places we haven't played well, ... so we're really going to have to buckle down.

Scott Hatteberg

We wanted to get to places that aren't ordinarily featured. We wanted to have that main street feel. It's refreshing.

Andrew Glassman

They nest in Alaska and Siberia, then come back through places like Malta and the Nelson Reservoir and continue down to the panhandle of Texas to winter.

Jim Hansen

If work has really improved since the beginning of the century or if it is just clothed in fancy terms and done in cleaner, better-lighted places.

Joanne Ciulla

General merchandisers have been lousy places to be, because management has not delivered and that format is very hard to pull off these days.

Gavin Graham

It was surprising to see how many ghost stories downtown Nashville had. Kim tried to pick places that were fun to go to. You don't want to go to the haunted McDonald's.

Frankie Harris

If Peter Costello wants more taxpayers, he is going to have to find more child-care places so mothers can actually get back to work.

Annette Beacher

In Sussex County, there aren't a whole lot of places to park. You have to find a back road that might not have meters on it or if you find a meter you have to pay.

Jeff Oldham

Because energy is so hot and there aren?t that many players you can invest in. There aren?t many places to invest in solar energy, and we?ve done pretty well.

Roger Little

You could easily find combative moments in Kurt's life, and there are places in the film where things could have been really dramatic.

Gus Van Sant

This film is very heavy and intense at times, and I think in order to make it a well-rounded movie, you need someone to come in and deliver a little chuckle factor. To be able to come play and deliver was great fun, especially to do it in a completely new genre for me. You have to go to these funny places, but you can't overdo it.

Jason Biggs

I never expected to see the day when girls would get sunburned in the places they do today.

Will Rogers

Wait until the commissioners in New York and other places get a load of the gate the show in Anaheim. And Nevada is bringing in a ton of money on these shows.

David Meltzer

We're finishing a really nice improvement to the stadium, an addition to the left field area. That gives us places to have a picnic area and bands and stuff like that.

Donald Moore

Just because bar codes are used extensively in distribution centers does not mean RFID will be. Businesses are beginning to discover business value in places where they cannot use bar coding, which will be the force that moves RFID forward.

Jeff Woods

Some markets still seem overpriced based on fundamentals, and [in those places] we expect prices to decline or taper off.

Susan Wachter

We're playing better soccer as the year goes on. We had some classic goals where you switch directions, and the keeper can't be two places at once.

Dan Deforest

I've been to a lot of places and done a lot of things, but writing was always first. It's a kind of pain I can't do without.

Robert Penn Warren

It's an important way to think about it: there is no such thing as mobility or mobile working, there is just work. Aspects of work are done in different places and as people now need access to IT for every part of their work, that has to be extended.

Rob Bamforth

Maybe the best has gone from the mortgage sector and perhaps more cyclical and business-oriented banks are better places to be.

Stephen Ford

I am not quite sure where home is right now. I do have places in London and Milan, and a house in Spain. I guess I would say home is where my mother is, and she lives in Spain.

Sarah Brightman

Our two networks are so dissimilar because they overlap in so few places that this is not really going to affect any one service.

Jon Austin

It really feels good. It means the other guys who coach at the big places realize that what we did was an accomplishment. To be coach of the year, you have to have the team of the year, otherwise it doesn't mean much.

Paul Bacsardi

Perhaps it will work in Dublin, but in the further out places it will be near impossible.

Simon Clark

It happens pretty frequently and in the most random places, ... It hasn't changed my life at all, but it's added a nice, fun element to it.

Julie Kent

The weak spot is not where it used to be. Now it's in new places, and we know where those are.

Mike Gotterba

In some places, they're so thick you can't step without killing tons of them.

Ben Lee

This is not a bar for novices. Bandon has some great fishing because of the fact it's so hard to get over the bar here, so it's not over-fished like so many places. The fishing is still superb because people don't go out much.

Reg Pullen

That has changed the landscape and changed the expectations of people who live in those places. In that sense, the meaning of the word 'rural' has changed.

Mark Drabenstott

(We're) successfully transplanting the loft lifestyle from the downtown core to places throughout the city. We've made it even more modern with our choice of the most contemporary and innovative features and finishes.

David Feldman

I would have preferred the ground to be riding very fast, but I don't think it will be too much of an inconvenience if there is any more rain. I go there hopeful he can get into the places.

John Egan

The Catholic faith never changes. But the language and mode of manifesting this one faith can change according to peoples, times and places.

Francis Arinze

It took a long time for any places to be named. And when they were, there wasn't a lot behind it.

Brad Heavner

I have called some places, like Germantown, that have done something similar. It is hard to figure out how much to suggest as a donation for the named bricks. I've been told that about $25 may be what would be a good figure.

Charles Newman

What is happening in Tal Afar is an example of what should happen in other troubled places of Iraq.

Adnan Dulaimi

The U.S. demands small packaging for retail purposes where as in places like Hong Kong, they don't care so they make a lot of fun packaging.

Colin Skurnik

Catching behind the plate, you don't ever really look into the stands, ... I could feel the energy behind me. When I played in the Florida State League, let's just say places were fan-challenged.

Jim Buckley

It's a really great space to work in. It's got all of the best equipment, it's got very nice and comfortable seating for the audience, and they've got a pit that you can raise and lower which a lot of places don't have. So it has a lot of benefits.

Jeff Shue

It was easy out of the gate for us, but then we learned some hard lessons early. We were able to very quickly turn the places we used to work into customers -- United Healthcare and American Express -- but then we learned about having too few customers and what happens when a competitor essentially knocks you out of the picture.

Patrick Riley

The racism is systemic in those places where it remains.

Oliver Purnell

There's an absence of things to do for adult singles in the area. There aren't places like there used to be 15 or 20 years ago with piano bars. As you're over 30, you grow out of rock places.

Art Wurster

She didn't just come in and start to make changes. She came in and learned about Myrtle Beach. She did her homework. She went places and saw things.

Deb Bramlett

While armchair travelers dream of going places, traveling armchairs dream of staying put.

Anne Tyler

I've had an enjoyable medical practice and an enjoyable family life, but one of the places I feel I've been most helpful was touching kids' lives through athletics.

Mark Richards

He was known to buy the cheapest clothes. He couldn't figure out why anyone would shop at places other than Salvation Army.

Lauri Lebo

The average tourist wants to go to places where there are no tourists.

Sam Ewing

It was a little old school. We wanted to have the mass start so that some of the kids who are stronger at cross-country wouldn't have to start at the back of the pack. We figured out the places after it was all over.

Todd Wilson

There isn't that many places where women can go to be supported and have an advisory group or peer group for that matter.

Linda Price