You would always see so-and-so is 57 or 32, ... and immediately you'd create in your mind what a 57- or 32-year-old looks like. And so from the time I was about 35, I didn't want any mention of that number. I just hated it.

Bill King

The number one thing is we have to shoot the ball well. If we shoot the outside shot well, we're tough. We also have to defend tough inside and block out.

Tom Hoppe

This is an area where local government should make its own decision. Richmond's role should be setting the minimum number of days.

Brian Wheeler

We've had our lives impaired and (will) continue to be impaired for a number of years. I just hope that the sentence he gets reflects that.

Joanna Moore

I figured out, I guess, that the job just makes me happy if it's not number one. So if it all works, great. If it doesn't, I still go home, look at my kids, and I have a big smile on my face.

Thomas Kretschmann

I think we will get a lot of interest, but I don't think the standard will be the number of people. It's going to be what the experience is, and hopefully a fair amount of people will come to see it.

David Bohrman

I think a number of initiatives have been newly taken or enhanced during this meeting that will have a tangible impact.

Klaus Schwab

I would like to see a plan whereas we can address that number of cars per year.

Jerry Thomas

It seems like a large number of providers can't find vaccine.

Steve Wright

We informed the government and UNITA of the flight details -- the flight path, the time, the number of people on board and the cargo.

Hamadoun Toure

The good news is the number of cases in Will County has been going down. This (outbreak) is just something that happens once in a while.

Vic Reato

They may have done some research. If it's an issue of being able to control a fewer number of passengers, they may have been astute enough to know that Tuesday and Wednesday are your lower load factor days.

John Hotard

Don't count 2-4 (Bailey's number) being out just yet.

Lenny Walls

I have heard from a number of people that this was the best gala ever. A lot of first-time visitors said that they would be back next year.

Jennifer Cabrera

Market research has shown in the apartment community wireless Internet is the number one amenity. ... It's becoming more and more of an Internet-based world.

John Griffiths

This disaster may have the number of people who died after the disaster bigger than those killed by the earthquake.

Rashid Khalikov

Should not have rounded this number off to below $10 million, which reduced the length of the defendants' sentences.

Richard Posner

We are very concerned at the number of jobs that will be lost and are hoping to work with the company to help those affected.

Chris Ball

I am walking over hot coals suspended over a deep pit at the bottom of which are a large number of vipers baring their fangs.

John Major

We have a state where a growing number of voters are displeased with the direction of the state. If that's not a good set-up for a third-party candidate, I don't know what is.

Tim Hibbitts

I think we will be number three (after the merger with Equitable PCI). We're hoping to get an answer from Equitable PCI board before the end of this month.

Nestor Tan

If it's enacted and you prioritize your capital expenses for a number of years, that's actually a good thing.

Steve Zimmerman

There's only one record that he cares about, one number that he's focused on forever: 19. It's what drives him.

David Feherty

Our hope is we will see an increase in the number of people actually making it into treatment.

Kathryn Jett

There are about 300 million computers on the Internet (but) the number of NT installations on desktops is relatively miniscule.

David Perry

It is on the ebb now. The number of patients coming to the hospital are reducing. In the next one week, this number will come down drastically.

O. P. Singh

The problem is a lack of capacity. We need to increase the number of qualified applicants, the number of instructors and the amount of clinical space.

Kathleen Miller

I flipped open my Nextel, went to Shane's number, dialed it, and Shane said, 'Hello?'

Tammy Townsend

While sandwiches are the number one consumed entree at lunch and dinner in this country, more than 35 billion 'naked' sandwiches are eaten a year without potato chips.

Lora Devuono

She refused to give me her badge number, and she hung up.

Joe Veronese

I think our number 1 lure right now is the infrastructure we have here. We have amazing crews, we have amazing talent.

Paul Clausen

That's the cumulative business per year and if you multiply it by five years, therefore this ($300 million) is the number.

Sudip Banerjee

It's encouraging, but it still leaves a fair number of children in poverty .... This information is telling us that there are a lot of hurt, needy children out there.

Bob Pekar

He's done a tremendous job in a number of countries - his statistics are extremely impressive.

Michael Carroll

My family saw it, they were stunned, they didn't feel welcome in Houston anymore, ... You can count the number of blacks who live in this complex on one hand. Although I've never felt prejudice before, you can't help it when you see something like that.

Mary Green

A number of schools and athletic directors have stepped up and gone above and beyond more than anything I have experienced. We will never be able to express the amount of appreciation we have.

Rick Dickson

My hopes are quite high that there will be a large number of votes for this resolution.

Jeremy Greenstock

(Earl) has a number of benefit provisions that are different from what we have in any other contract. As far as we're concerned, we're looking at what is taxable, and what is not taxable.

Mark Conrad

Unfortunately, the number of recruits now assigned as principals is not impressive.

Betsy Gotbaum

We want to be in that number one spot.

Jimmy Rea

And then we'll have a pretty good fix of what the starting number is going to look like on June 30.

John Dantis

That pyramid has been known for a number of years; but what has not been known is its precise date, and it may prove to be circa 600 A.D. or later, since some of the material seems to be filled from earlier levels.

David Frye

The insurance carrier kept putting up a number of procedural roadblocks, none of which involved the loss itself.

Christopher Opalinski

We've cut back significantly on the total number of requests that we're making. Secondly, we are documenting those requests even more carefully than we have before.

John Katz

After a year or two, the number of business jets (with broadband Internet) will far outstrip the number of commercial airlines.

Bob Thompson

They could care less about the number of passengers. They depend on revenue.

Brad Difiore

A number of schools already have a textbook committee. Citrus needs one also.

David Casey

There are already a number of people that have already said that they are not going to vote for him, work for him. If he granted clemency, based on the evidence that has been presented, it would be a disaster.

Mike Spence

In order to be number one, you have to train like you're number two. I guess I've always had that mentality without knowing it.

Rudy Morrow

You'll notice the common theme is the grill. That way we'll only have to wash a limited number of pots.

Ralph Brennan

The number of litigants in this case places Monroe as one of the most prolific abusers.

Patrick Noaker

Our number one recommendation is to have a plan before you go out. Designate a driver who doesn't drink. Use cabs.

Charissa Mcafee

It's good to still be considered as the number two and going on the A tour proves I haven't been forgotten.

Chris Read

I want to say unequivocally that safety is our number one priority. Nothing will ever compromise that.

Bill Ayer

It was a very good meeting. It was very positive and we talked about a number of issues.

Kevin Myles

A number of courts decided there should be some mechanism set up to make sure the police didn't overstep the boundary. It was complicated finding that boundary.

Jeremy Travis

We don't expect to have anywhere near the number that we need.

Susan Kniep

We figured in what he's been able to do with a team that's underperformed for a number of years. He kept his enthusiasm. He kept the interest of the listener. He continued to inform and entertain. That's a balance we like to have.

Bernie Mullin

You knew that's where the number came from, didn't you?

Sean Berkowitz

"Mr. Speaker, I would like to see the 6 million seals, or whatever number is out there, killed and sold, or destroyed and burned. I do not care what happens to them... the more they kill the better I will love it."

John Efford

Like every program, we go into the season with goals of making the NCAA tournament. That is our number one goal, to make it to the Field of 64. They are pretty lofty goals, but you have to aim high.

Brad Saindon

The confidence number has taken the market off its highs.

Neil Massa

He (Ruth) called me over a number of times. I'd guess he bought about a dozen hot dogs from me that day.

Hal Lebovitz

That was a hell of a number.

Corey Woods

The challenge there is that we're looking for larger users, and there's been some leveling off of activity the number of clients looking to build large facilities. And rising fuel costs may have had an impact on that.

Larry Burkhardt

The number one on the party list should be at least a member of our party. If Kasyanov joins the party and wants to top the list, we will, of course, consider his candidacy, but competition for the place is tough.

Sergei Mitrokhin

First of all, I have to say that I am not opposed to seatbelts. But, when you put seatbelts on a bus, you effectively reduce the seating number on the bus.

Kent Polsgrove

Ten-percent growth in software is a very good number. That's the kind of thing we want to see. That's where [Gerstner is] getting leverage. That's where he's cementing the future of the company.

Daniel Kunstler

The amount of approved aid is based on projected enrollment, and although we had a good number, we were a little bit high in our projected amount.

Anthony Dragona

The number of cancer patients is expected to double by 2012. Central Ohio is slightly above average in cancer-incidence rates.

Glenn Balasky

While we're not announcing the specific number of licenses that will be included with it, Genesis will be a service that covers the needs of the entire household.

Tom Powledge

We're all guessing at this point, basically throwing darts at a number of possible scenarios.

Gregory Miller

The Social Security number is the key to many types of identity thefts.

Betsy Broder

It looks good. We're coming in at about the same number. We're still lower [than 500].

Monique Bond

No doubt, this is a critical period for us, because we've always been the number one supplier of fresh fruit. We're all just waiting for the next step.

Doug Bournique

We have looked at it carefully and had a number of options. We want to give the shows the maximum opportunity of becoming a habit.

Tim Worner

It's a good number, and shows the economy continues to move ahead. What's great is that it's broad-based growth. All the basic components are showing forward motion, which is bullish going forward.

John Silvia

We have heard from a great number of people who have thanked us for uncovering so much.

Steve Silberman

He's being charged with a criminal offense, and we will try to get to the bottom of it at a court hearing. There are obviously a number of different sides to this story.

Roger May

It's another dollar I could be putting towards any number of things including law school loans paying for the everyday household items.

Christopher Ford

We don't want that artificial participation - we want dignity. The total number of countries in itself is not success. We want the athletes who deserve to compete.

Pere Miro

As anticipated when we provided our guidance, the first quarter will be the lowest of the year due to a number of factors.

David Gutridge

Birds die all the time for any number of reasons.

Terence Mcelroy

Slowly, a number of students are beginning to get more interested not only in entrepreneurship but in learning more generally what it takes to make a difference with their research.

Andrew Hargadon

It has been determined that among the papers there are a number of U.S. government documents containing classified information.

Richard Kolko

A year ago, it was clear that we had taken our eye off the ball with ISVs. Our mantra since then has been 'No ISV Left Behind,' and we have reached out to a large number of companies.

Joyce Bordash

Any person with more information regarding the incident is encouraged to contact our toll free number 0800 12 7070.

Salani Sithole

That is significant for a number of reasons. If you add and additional driver, it costs you more money generally. If you simply add a spouse, it doesn't.

Alphonso David

I am sure he will help us build Sky's reputation as the nation's number one entertainment choice.

James Murdoch

The IRS representative called and left her personal cell phone number and apologized profusely.

Brian Lawson

We've got a big number of topics to be addressed. Most of that has to be done in the first half of this year.

Pascal Lamy

There are quite a number of events, but I think they're pretty discrete and therefore, hopefully, manageable.

Bill Rice

Is that the practical number? Are the numbers exactly right? There's a disparity about that.

Bill Raney

Alzheimer's and dementia patients are like kids. Actually, 5- or 6-year-old kids know more than my mother. A kid can tell you his name, address and phone number; my mom (couldn't).

Jeff Jordan

Because every winter is different, it's difficult to estimate how much of an increase in accidents there are. But this time of year, the number of accidents are considerably up.

Michael Woods

Both my marriages were failures! Number one departed, and number two stayed.

Gustav Mahler

That was paring the number of positions that were small positions. We're focusing on big positions and focusing on where our money will have the best impact.

Peter Langerman

The understanding of that is you take the number of members of the council, and you have your number.

David Lawrence

There is great anger this time owing to the loss of lives in communities attacked by the choppers. We have very little regard for the lives of these hostages as we have lost a number of civilians in these raids.

Jomo Gbomo

We've had a number of calls from companies in utter chaos. They're at risk of losing their business, especially small and mid-sized companies.

Mike Sullivan

We were very fortunate that the candidate we did get was a good match. We could have been struggling for a number of years to get a candidate for this position.

David Roth

With any encryption algorithm, at some point there will be enough number-crunching capacity to work through it.

W. Curtis Preston

I've been on hold seven or eight times and disconnected. I called Well Care the other day and it said to leave a message for a certain box, which is hard to do if you haven't called the plan before and don't have a box number.

Anne Antoville

A number of agencies self-deployed.

Tony Gomez

And Ritchie has now scored 11 goals, exactly double the number he scored last season.

Alan Parry

You knew it was going to be a big number. But pricing should improve, and he'll be able to take advantage of it.

Kevin Callahan

I've read about foreign policy and studied, I now know the number of continents.

George Wallace

The guidelines that have been set to address the achievement gap can only be done fairly and accurately if you pinpoint a number, and that number is 40.

Brian Mcdonald

Whatever success I've achieved in life, I credit number one to my experience here at the university.

Jim Haslam

Based on our experience, and the number of cabs that are not licensed, if you see a lot of Yellow Cabs running around town odds are some of them aren't licensed.

Michael Zuzel

We screened it a number of different ways and one of those screenings indicated the possibility of explosives.

David Lyon

A number of people are getting dropped off there. We call them kiss-and-rides.

Jill Cappadoro

We're trying to get the number down to zero. It is such a catastrophe when this happens.

Donald Palmisano

We have received expressions of interest from a large number of Continental fleet-service workers and customer-service agents.

Joe Tiberi

There's still the ability to shop for all desktops and notebooks on the site, but we felt the need to break down the major categories to limit the number of choices that appear.

Jennifer Davis

It'll be difficult to get on a lot of the different machines and I think you'll see a huge, huge increase in the number of people that come to work out.

Todd Haskins

We have a significant number of stores in the New York area.

Andrew Mastrangelo

We've had a lot of interest in Spring Hill based on the phenomenal number of residents moving here. It's explosive out here.

Craig Cole

If I am to be a chauvinist pig, I want to be the number one pig.

Bobby Riggs

We looked on the net, spoke to family and friends and checked out the best-buy tables in the newspapers. We noticed that the Yorkshire Building Society was number one in the best buys, so we decided to find out if it would lend to us.

Graham Cudbertson

The industry has gotten the hell beaten out of it because of number portability. The market is assuming it's going to have a pretty negative impact. If and when it can be determined that number portability is a big or little deal is when you should make an investment decision.

Ned Zachar

We can get good video of the vehicle, plus, if it's clear, we can get the license number on it.

Ken Greer

He is very charming and not arrogant. I think he will find himself having a tremendous number of graduate students because he has kind of a magnetic personality.

Peter Sarnak

Overall, the reporting season has been pretty good with a number of companies coming in ahead of expectations. European markets are being driven by the fact there's a lot of cash around at the moment.

Andy Brough

We will provide just-in-time delivery of cars to buyers, which means it will produce cars according to the number of orders from customers.

Weiming Soh

All I know is they asked for a CV and I'm sure they have done that with a number of people. But I have had no contact with Hearts so far.

John Gregory

But it's not just about the number of blades, ... It's how closely they are positioned together, the flexible comfort guard. All the technology combines to make a great shave.

Peter Hoffman

We felt like he was as good as the number one and two seeds going in. He went through the number two but number one didn't make to the final. Justin had a great tournament.

Dave D'allessio

You can write all the guidelines you want, but you're living in a society where food is our number one social behavior.

Lewis Kuller

He wants to play in Toronto and they are interested in him. We just haven't found a common number that both sides can live with.

Rick Curran

Overall, the situation is going nuts. We are getting a very large number of inquiries.

Danny Shader

It's getting to be a fairly old spacecraft and it's been having a number of issues; none of them are considered life-threatening.

Phil Christensen

In general, the number of disorders has increased (to the current 256 classification codes), partly because disorder categories have been split and partly because 'new' disorders have appeared.

Jane Mcleod

We have a number of people we just dispatched all day long to go to the nearest place where the water is problematic.

George Hecht

We can confirm that the company has recently received a number of credible approaches from large media groups and internet players.

Michael Murphy

This bronze tops off a number of events during my career that have made a big impact.

Rosey Fletcher

I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street.

Neil Armstrong

It feels more like there's forced selling, people doing things cause they have to and not necessarily that they're taking this one number and saying that this is what is going to happen going forward in the economy.

Michael Mcdermott

Guillermo is a born fighter, he'll overcome this. But beating the number nine in the world means a lot for my game.

Nicolas Almagro

Their recommendation would go a long way toward meeting our current shortages. Athletic fields are our number one need right now.

Cathy Brendel

It's an impressive number. It just gives you more confidence that you'll get 4.0 percent plus (increases) in the fourth quarter and you'll hang in there through the first.

Cary Leahey

An increasing number of younger people have checking accounts as well. They can be an effective tool in helping manage finances.

Nancy Granovsky

There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.

Richard Feynman

I think we might see some changes, maybe expanding the number of cars in the Chase, ... but not that one.

Jeremy Mayfield

The number one group that suffers when illegal aliens enter the United States en masse is the lower income U-S citizen worker.

Kris Kobach

We would hope that it would increase the number of transfers who complete baccalaureate degrees. That is always our goal — to increase our retention and graduation rates and to make education more seamless.

Karen Wheeler

Many investors are fearful that oracle will acquire this that and the other thing. But my contention is they need to. The software industry is plagued by having too many companies. There are far too many duck hunters for the number of ducks out there.

Bert Hochfeld

He was a substitute, so he could have filled in on a number of different classes.

James Evans

A lot of businesses don't realize that a lot of rates on their bills are based on demand charges, which can be $2 to $4 per kilowatt. So if you can bring down your demand number by 10 per cent, that's a big chunk off your bill.

Wayne Beamish

Each number is choreographed by a student, who picks out the costumes, too. Sometimes, they even make them.

Lindsay Filoseta

[Qatar's Anglican community, which has held services in an English-language school in Doha for decades, is estimated to number between 7,000 and 10,000 people.] Our church is like a microcosm of the Anglican community, ... I've got 28 nationalities from every continent.

Brian Young

The three of us are going to be around for a number of years.

Monique Henderson

Given our situation and the number of guys we need - and I know we've already got a couple of commitments - I'm guessing it's going to be the end of May before we have our roster ready.

Larry Davis

We've always said we have a number of strategic alternatives that we're looking at...We continue to do that.

Toni Simonetti

The (Great Miami) river is a little bit lower and those little coves over there are where the ducks kind of collect and you can normally see a good number of waterfowl.

Daryl Michael

'Spam' is the number-one issue for ISP's. It's killing them, ... This is definitely going to change the Internet.

Greg Olson

The 2005 figure turned out to be lower than that of 2003, because the number of those who had contracted HIV/AIDS through illegal blood selling practices was actually overestimated in 2003.

Wang Longde

Now I think we are pretty close to the number of wolves the state can hold.

Adrian Wydeven

We hear from a number of our passengers that they appreciate Neighbor Ride because they do not want to be a burden to their children. It really comes down to a matter of independence. That independence is what we want to support.

Colleen Konstanzer

There is no figure on the number of dead. The dead are difficult to identify. There are body parts everywhere, people are just trying to put together the bodies.

Abiodun Orebiyi

We've gone into hard rock this year, with bands that have number one hits out now. Historically, we have not hit the harder-edge rock with current artists. We've hit the rock with classical performers.

Jonathan Witz

I'm actually surprised at the number of people who have come from out of state to come to CU.

Karen Reed

We have seen an absolute explosion in the number of hybrids out there since about 2004.

Joan Morris

That is the second highest number of nominations ever. We can't have a record every year, but it does indicate strong interest.

Geir Lundestad

Just the size of the health care market is enormous -- 14 percent of the U.S. GDP last year. That number will get anyone's attention from Bill Gates on down.

David Restrepo

This probably represents the most sickest kids, some of which, if (they) didn't have medical care, might die. We know that the number of ill kids is underestimated by tenfold. For every kid that comes in here, 10 do not.

Mark Borchardt

If peace and tranquillity are maintained in this area. I don't believe there is any need to maintain a large number of military personnel there.

Shen Guofang

The No. 1 thing is that we're going to have to take care of the basketball. Number two, we're going to have to shoot a good percentage.

Randy Hancock

Thinking instead of acting is the number-one golf disease.

Sam Snead

The jobs number coming in better certainly was a help.

Peter Boockvar

It means a great deal because there's a number of guys in the organization that have had outstanding years. For management to recognize some of the things I did is a great honor.

Andy Green

This election did not meet a considerable number of international standards for democratic elections.

Bruce George

We came out and didn't play good at the first. Number 24 (Thomas) took it to us. We didn't help out good (against Thomas), but we started helping out.

Tommy Bleeker

Our next goal is to be number one in Canada ... and we can't think of a better content provider to join us than the NHL.

Hugh Panero

I think there are a number of things. We've really committed to the war on the boards, we've attacked the glass at both ends feverishly at times. We've gotten better defending the basketball. We weren't very good doing that when we started conference play, but we're getting better.

Wendy Larry

We are planning on that committee to host a number of activities in that space downtown and to facilitate commercial activities that could come from that.

Robert Bryan

I don't condone the use of EPO, but it does have a legitimate use in the treatment of a number of cancers.

Matt White

This has been such a good experience that we're going to do a number of other Helmet discs.

Page Hamilton

They need somebody from our county to tell them, 'All right, this is what we need.' We don't have the effort happening. Without that, there are only going to be a certain number of homes fixed.

Tony Thornton

No matter how big the number is, we are going to sell out, ... We are going to have some disappointment with retailers and consumers.

J Allard

He's been their attack dog for a good number of weeks.

Bill Daley

We adjusted the belts, the seat, and stuck our number on the side of the car. I had no idea how the car was going to feel, what the set-up was like, and how the Pontiac was going to be to drive.

Mark Patterson

There was some anticipation that the number might be positive, lifting some machinery stocks, but when the actual figure came in, those shares fell.

Yasuo Yabe

Ideally our goal is to increase the number of scholarships offered while also increasing the dollar amount of the awards.

Bill Mulso

It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

We are going for number one in the consumer market.

Andreas Barth

Through the long duration of the season, there are going to be injuries and lineup changes. If you start, you start. If you come off the bench, you have to be ready. Either way, you have to be ready when your number is called. When I approach it like that, I have no problem.

Tony Battie

Money is coming to look for us. We've been approached by a large number of potential studio partners and potential investment banks.

David Weil

For the last several years, the number of students in attendance has been from 800 to just under 1,000.

Andrea Afkhami

Although December actually set a record high for the number of days of surf averaging 12 feet, it never got to the point where we could actually run the event. It was the same for January.

George Downing

It's a big number, but I'm OK with it, ... I went through my midlife crisis at about 38 and 39, so I'm over that.

Rick Springfield

Employee compensation is something that we have neglected for a large number of years.

George Cunningham

I was struck by the deep commitment that some of these individuals have for green building and the number of years they have been involved with the practice. Most of them have not just recently jumped on the bandwagon, but have helped create the current momentum that green building is enjoying locally.

Bill Bates

The illegal services are becoming less attractive. In the first six months of this year, the number of legal downloads are up three times from where it was a year ago.

Daryl Friedman

We are disappointed in the decision that the Board of Finance has made. We feel this was a very tightly crafted budget, and that we justified our expenditures in a number of discussions with the Board of Finance.

Becky Coffey

I hope people will come out so we can exchange interesting bits of information; but, what is more important than the number of people that come is the number of memories that we can drum up.

Matthew Kierstead

I'm very lucky to be in a sport that I can do this. We can drive the car, we can drive it hard, and so we need to get in there and get some points in order to win this championship and put the Number One back on that Marlboro car. We're physically able to do it, so as long as we're physically able to do it at the at the level we need to then we're going to do it.

Al Unser

I ended up getting her sister's name and telephone number out of her.

Madeleine Quayat

Certainly we hope to use this 500 to address the number of inmates in county jails over the 30-day limit.

Brian Corbett

I'm going to go for win number three on Kentucky Lake. I like Lake Champlain, too. So maybe I can add another.

Shinichi Fukae