A key question is whether this is all driven by our high dietary salt intake. One hypothesis is that high salt intake drives blood pressure throughout life, and early treatment and control of blood pressure may profoundly affect longevity and the quality of life.

That's part of the concern when you do these trials - women throwing in the sponge and eating anything they want. Unfortunately, a lot of women do that anyway.

These variables may have the strongest associations with longevity among older people.

As you begin to age and lose neurons, the ventricles get bigger.

The last step would be to prove that substantially lowering blood pressure throughout life would prevent the increasing WGM and VG. The story is evolving rapidly now.

You can write all the guidelines you want, but you're living in a society where food is our number one social behavior.

After we controlled for everything we could think of related to longevity - such as health status, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, physical functioning, kidney function, cognitive function, pulmonary function, peripheral vascular disease, age, education, race and sex - the WMG and VG in combination became a powerful predictor of longevity.