782 quotes about mothering follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The scab is a traitor to his God, his mother, and his class.

Jack London

Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.


Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

Matt Groening

My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.

Wilma Rudolph

Getting caught is the mother of invention.

Robert Byrne

Truth is the mother of hatred.


His mother had often said, When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. She had emphasized the corollary of this axiom even more vehemently: when you desired a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it.

Lois McMaster Bujold

I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli.

George W. Bush

Mother is the dead heart of the family, spending father's earnings on consumer goods to enhance the environment in which he eats, sleeps, and watches television.

Germaine Greer

Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. It has no mother.

Germaine Greer

When your mother asks, "Do you want a piece of advice?" it is a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway.

Erma Bombeck

Where there is a mother in the home, matters go well.

Amos Bronson Alcott

Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California.

Dorthea Lange

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.

Freeman Dyson

We are treating these people with the dignity and respect they deserve. This is not cargo; this is someone's mother.

Ricardo Zuniga

We are disappointed to have to postpone our grand opening of Klein Family Field, but you can't fight Mother Nature and this decision had to be made. We do look forward to playing our first game on campus very soon.

Lynn King

The truth is that this hurricane is severely bad, but it's not as bad as losing my mother.

David Sibley

They're not group animals, they're completely solitary, so if the baby's mother is taken away, there's no system of aunts ... their whole system is destroyed.

Joanna Lumley

For support, I fall back on my heart. Has a man any fault a woman cannot weave with and try to change into something better, if the god her man prays to is a mother holding a baby?

Haniel Long

I really can't come to your party Mrs. Parker, I can't bear fools.' That's strange; your mother could.

Dorothy Parker

I'm so grateful to my mother for helping us out while we went through all of the paperwork. We wouldn't have been able to do it without her.

Luz Hoyt

This finding adds to the mounting evidence that the longer a mother breastfeeds her infant, the greater the health benefits.

Caroline Chantry

I saw him this morning around 9:30, and he was very anxious to get out, as you would be. He's looking forward to getting home with his mother and dad, who are elderly and sick.

James Ecker

My mother was crushed by a World Enyclopedia.

James Walker

His mother said it would be wonderful to know we were honoring Mike and thinking of him.

Janne Darata

You have to pray to Mother Earth before you disturb the ground for construction.

Rao Chalasani

I told my mother.

Cokie Roberts

She's a wonderful mother and role model through her faith and civic involvement and a very special grandmother. She has five grandchildren, and each of them think they're her favorite.

Carolyn Bricklemyer

There is…nothing to suggest that mothering cannot be shared by several people.

H. R. Schaffer

The thinking behind our study was we know depression exists in fathers. We know PPD impairs the mother-child relation in a way that is ... (damaging) for the child. So, was that also the case with dad?

Thomas O'connor

My mother is German and my dad is Korean. And I'm the second son in the family. Beneath it is my name.

Matt Lee

This world would have been much better off had your mother aborted your demon soul.

Jeffrey Davis

My mother loved children -- she would have given anything if I had been one.

Groucho Marx

But I don't complain about it. Why? Because you got people who don't have homes, and I can live in mine. You got people who can't find their children, their father or mother. It's devastating, and believe me, it's on my brain 24/7. I can't believe things would be like that.

Stanley Dural Jr

Leisure is the mother of philosophy.

Thomas Hobbes

That could have been your sister, your brother, your mother -- anybody. That's just being a straight coward.

Islam Fish

(Girls get) the social messages that being a single, unwed mother is a very bad thing, and they're smart enough to know they aren't going to do that very bad thing.

Carol Sanger

I remember watching 'P.W. Doodle' as a kid. I'd come home and my mother would sit me down in front of the set while she made dinner.

Ronald Cohen

Her favorite role was being a mother and a grandmother.

Jayne Berger

He's very depressed about all of this. He wants to come back. This is his mother and she needs support, too.

Awilda Cordero

The watchful mother tarries nigh, though sleep has closed her infants eyes.

John Keble

We want to get him off the street so we can have the mother go back to a normal situation and not be in fear.

Gordon Brock

Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.

Albert Szent Gyorgyi

When you build things that are below flood elevations you now have to do engineering to try to overcome what Mother Nature normally tries to do.

Dick Miller

That's an interesting hook, the notion of a father telling his children how he ultimately met their mother. It makes it feel distinctive.

Dana Walden

My mother liked Jim Reeves. I hated his records. He was unbearable.

Diane Abbott

Winston Churchill was not entirely British. His mother was American, making Sir Winston part Iroquois Indian.

Rachel Blanchard

Mother Parks, take your rest. You have certainly earned it.

Charles Ellis

She is descended from a long line that her mother listened to.

Gypsy Rose Lee

Here comes the mother of all environmental rollbacks. This could become a blank check for big polluters. It would also be a terrible precedent.

Frank O'donnell

A steady diet of it and a teen will stop coming to the mother for advice altogether.

Adele Faber

The answer is no way, no how. From the sisters to the mother, every last one of them said it never happened.

Brian Oxman

A mother only does her children harm if she makes them the only concern of her life.

W. Somerset Maugham

My mother would read aloud to my father and me in the evening. She read mainly travel books.

Beverly Cleary

The sad thing is you have a mother and daughter separated.

Linda Willis

My mother, instead of having a vacation, she was helping Mrs. Decatur do the washing for all the cabins. They became good friends to us.

Virginia Gove

The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.

Elain Heffner

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, / England mourns for her dead across the sea.

Laurence Binyon

I told him to watch out for (the mother) because I felt suspicious, ... You need to watch out. Be careful.

Chris Tucker

He always says to me, 'You mother me,'.

Uri Elkayam

If you ever become a mother, can I have one of the puppies?

Charles Pierce

Our mother is coming home, and we are so grateful and so thankful that this is happening.

Yolanda King

The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mother and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all.

Benjamin Spock

My mother was left destitute, with six of us, in a country we knew nothing about. We were misfits there. We weren't welcome.

Ignacio Piña

Steve informed me his mother was Irish, which I was unaware of. All of a sudden I started looking at the boy a bit differently, and I have kept an eye on him since.

Don Givens

Everybody who knew her as a mother will say that she was a great mother. She took them to school, she always kept them with her, she played with them, she got them to bed on time.

Teresa Caffese

I'll simply say here that I was born Beatrice Gladys Lillie at an extremely tender age because my mother needed a fourth at meals.

Beatrice Lillie

Her heart is older than her head; yea, her emotion is the mother of her reason.

Frank Gelett Burgess

My mother used to fight with me. She said, 'If you don't work, how will you eat?' I never refused my mother.

Lalita Daberia

One of the old favorites always is the catfish tank. Kids can catch a catfish and they can release it or, if they can convince mother, they can take it home and fry it up.

Jack Nugent

This is clearly a traumatic event. He was distraught beyond belief because he knew he could have killed his girlfriend and the mother of their child.

David Nagle

Born into poverty, as a 3-year-old dealing with a mother dying of breast cancer, raised by a 12-year-old sibling.

Jonathan Shapiro

My mother, father and birth-mother were pro-life and pro-adoption. Because they were, my father made me a Reagan. I've come to honor my father, not to politicize his name.

Michael Reagan

If I can get that dad to stop being abusive to that child's mother he now becomes a different role model for that child gonna change his belief and behavior when he becomes an adult.

Lee Shipway

My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. She's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia.

Dame Edna Everage

She's a fierce mother tiger when it comes to Patrick. She will protect him at all costs.

Kate Andres

It is amazing. It is amazing what mother nature has don to the building.

John Pappas

It would never be both Michael and myself running because as a mother ... I would never put my children through this.

Paula Zahn

The reason why I think he came home is because he knows that his mother and his family are very loving people and they're going to get him to do the right thing.

Daniel Green

She is a good mother. These kids are her life.

Wanda Davis

It doesn't appear to be foul play or gross negligence by the mother. This is just a tragic set of circumstances.

Bill Veteran

They get to be family after a year when you travel with them all the time. Actually, you're a surrogate mother for a year, an adviser and companion.

Claudette Jolin

He was at the arena alone. He did not know his mother was there. He was sick so they took him into an isolation ward.

Christine Ando

I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the Rock and I'll be back like 'Independence Day' with Jesus, June 6, like the movie, big mother ship and all. I'll be back.

Aileen Wuornos

I count too. I never learned that from my mother.

Rose Reisman

Can any man or woman choose duties? No more that they can choose their birthplace, or their father or mother.

George Eliot

Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature.

Harold Coffin

A mother and daughter came in and it was the daughter who was pulling the money out of her pocket to put in the box.

Terry Defelice

Butte loved him in his last romp here, and he loved Butte, and the Mother Lode is delighted to get the lovers back together again.

Jim Driscoll

It was one of those moments I'll never forget. I started to cry. I wanted to help the mother so much. That was my first real passionate encounter with what it means to be a doctor. That's when I knew I wanted to be a doctor.

Lecia Brown

This is a mother-daughter thing for us. We always do it together. I can't imagine not doing it.

Danielle Mooney

She was their little mother.

Lucille Ventrelli

I was darkly convinced that at age 52 I would kill myself because my mother committed suicide at that age. I was fantasizing that she was waiting for me on the other side of the grave.

Spalding Gray

My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.

Jack Nicholson

I pretty much taught myself how to cook. My mother was a great cook, but she was a '50s cook.

Karen Tedesco

It hasn't even hit me yet totally. There are a lot of memories here. My whole life. My poor mother, everybody. I can't believe it.

Jessica Reynolds

My mother is a Bahamian. My father is a Bahamian, as am I, ... And all that I am, I've received from them and a country that has today given me the opportunities, and to my grandchildren, that I have never dreamt of.

Sidney Poitier

Parents have to be showing some interest in the schooling. With my teenage son, I have to be on him. I'm not accepting anything less. My mother did it with me. It didn't hurt me. . . . It helped me.

William Gardner

I told him that I love him, that he was going to be in peace, that his mother was waiting for him.

Dana Johnson

A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault.

Walter Bagehot

My mother lived in Cuba and much of her jewelry was custom made for her. I had no idea that it was worth so much! I didn't know this (appraisal) was going to be so much fun!

Martha Davis

It was a nightmare nobody should have to endure, and I decided to make sure no other mother would ever have to go through this to bury her child.

Linda Young

She told her mother, and her mother took it off.

Cindy Cieri

Penny's mother had the same dental problems. It seems to be a gene situation.

Irma Lopez

It's a real family - father, mother and four children. They do the most amazing job. You really don't want to miss them.

Jane Riley

This is the mother of all unfunded mandates.

Terry W. Hartle

I'm one of those cliff-hanging Catholics. I don't believe in God, but I do believe that Mary was his mother.

Martin Sheen

Since the calf doesn't breathe in the uterus, it is totally dependent on the oxygenated blood from the mother. It was the lack of oxygenated blood that caused the death.

Jeff Wyatt

Habits are the daughters of action, but then they nurse their mother, and produce daughters after her image, but far more beautiful and prosperous.

Jeremy Taylor

She's like my mother now, ... She's the one who cooks and takes care of me.

Raymond Palmer

Invention is the mother of necessity.

Thorstein Veblen

The little guys are asking me why I am taking a new job. If I could take them with me it would be the optimal job. This is very emotional for me, maybe it is the mother instinct in me.

Jill Humbert

Night is the mother of thoughts.

John Florio

My mother said azaleas are like decorative objects -- you should move them at will. She had no compunction about moving a plant if it wasn't doing its job.

Signe Cann

If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you.

Alex Trebek

What is different about this case and very sad is that a mother was candidly talking to detectives about allowing her 16-year-old to pick up drugs from her supplier.

Sgt. Judy Phillips

Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does.

Evan Esar

A man never sees all that his mother has been to him until it's too late to let her know that he sees it.

William Dean Howells

Never rely on the glory of the morning nor the smiles of your mother-in-law.

Japanese Proverb

Government, obviously, cannot fill a child's emotional needs. Nor can it fill his spiritual and moral needs. Government is not a father or mother. Government has never raised a child, and it never will.

William Bennett

My mother was a phenomenal speaker. She used to amaze me. There was not a note in front of her. It was just the way she did it, off the cuff and from the heart.

Joan Mcgee

I want my mother back, I will never have her.

Patricia Thompson

I've lost my wife. My children have lost their mother.

Golam Maola

My mother, she kind of kept an eye on it.

John French

I told my mother it was a good thing. At that point, I thought we could get him to get us some help.

Bobbie Baity

My mother knew it was grave, but she has great faith and she said God will do what he has to. My mother has blind faith in the Virgin Mary and she says that she believes that anything she asks of Mary, she receives.

Nora Soruco

Well I'm a third-generation musician. My Grandfather's a musician and my father and mother were both musicians and so I'm a musician. It was just natural that I should be a musician 'cause I was born into the family.

Sam Rivers

He said, 'Four. The mother, the father and [two] children. ... That's who you're entertaining,' .

Rose Marie

My mother and daddy were just crushed. Daddy didn't live much after that and I always thought he died from the broken heart of losing his oldest child.

Mayme Jo Robinson

My mother-in-law, she never watched cricket in her life and she's watching it. It's because we're good at it again. It's come back. Cricket's come back to England.

David Mann

I feel like that for some reason, internally, that as a mother that it's possible that my daughter would have graduated and she would be here with us.

Gary Condit

All things are tragic when a mother watches!

Frank O'hara

Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father.

Gloria Steinem

Funding delays elongate the project. We're always up against a clock with Mother Nature.

Greg Ajemian

I tried to be with him and spend time with him, to be a mother to him.

Sharen Gravelle

You can't fight Mother Nature with something like this.

Steve Tatone

Astonishing, and profoundly depressing, that any mother would write a book containing numerous allegations about her own young daughter.

Peter Asher

In their mad rush to fulfill their own personal agendas, the FBI and the media almost destroyed me and my mother.

Richard Jewell

But this does not mean Safa will no longer exist because the mother body is there for the development of the game from the grassroots level.

Raymond Hack

That's the thing about Mother Nature, she really doesn't care what economic bracket you're in.

Whoopi Goldberg

Mother considered a press conference on a par with a visit to a cage of cobras.

Margaret Truman

Stephen Fry on being gay: "My first words, as I was being born... I looked up at my mother and said, 'that's the last time I'm going up one of those.'".

Stephen Fry

Luckily the mother reacted very quickly and was able to alert bystanders walking in the street and they tackled the man to the ground.

Catherine Kent

The mother is devastated. The whole family is devastated. We want this person, Mr. Lloyd Henry, to be brought to justice.

Brenda Coleman

So long as the mother, Ignorance, lives, it is not safe for Science, the offspring, to divulge the hidden cause of things.

Johannes Kepler

We got there, her mother said she could run it, and then we missed the 300.

Krystal Mckenzie

Everybody felt they had a unique relationship with my mother, and that's difficult to maintain with so many children. Even being so busy all the time, she always took time out for each one of us.

Kevin Mccarrick

Cute little guy, you know. She seemed like a really good mother.

Linda Cook

We can manipulate that process where normally genetic information is expelled, so that we can create eggs and embryos whose genetic constitution is identical to the mother.

Alice Desouza

Sometimes the laughter in mothering is the recognition of the ironies and absurdities. Sometime, though, it's just pure, unthinking delight.

Barbara Schapiro

My brother died at age 42 of a heart problem. My mother had had a stroke. I took a look at what was going on, and I didn't want to end up like that -- or have my kids end up like that.

Maureen Kennedy

Bruce was a genius, conveniently born on Christmas Eve with, according to my mother, Messiah potential.

Wendy Wasserstein

That was the defining thing to me about the whole trip - man did that, not Mother Nature.

Chris White

We thought that was the mother of all recessions. This is almost twice as large.

Loren Scott

My mother didn't raise us Jewish, but my daughter wanted to become involved with the synagogue.

Trudi Renwick

I am sure my mother is happy. I understand now the point of my own survival.

Denise Epstein

Peter talked to his mother and she said, 'It's a scam,'.

Karen Templeton

Diligence is the mother of good luck.

African American Proverb

Many moms feel kids should be fed at home by mother ? in a perfect world that would work, but in reality that just doesn't happen.

Nancy Denton

They can be either a freshman at UC San Diego with one too many piercings or a far-too-perfect Southern California mother.

Ayelet Waldman

Well, she's very different from me; beating up one's children is something we definitely do not have in common. The funny thing is, my mother always says that I'm playing her. Let's see what she says after seeing this!

Phylicia Rashad

I'll see a beautiful girl walking up to me and I'll think, Oh, my God, I can't believe my good luck. But then she'll say, "Where's your son?" or "My mother loves you."

James Caan

He got that from my mother.

Leta Gandolfini

Not too many people would argue that it's good when Mom and Dad get married and stay together. But even beyond that we wanted to look inside those families to see what made a difference. In the end it wasn't the mother child bond, the father son bond. It was the father daughter bond.

Mark Regnerus

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.

Lyn Yutang

My mother thought of my father as half barbarian and half blunt instrument, and she isolated him from his children.

Pat Conroy

My mother doesn't drive, and I hope that someone would be there to help her if I couldn't.

Michelle Haney

Her own mother lived the latter years of her life in the horrible suspicion that electricity was dripping invisibly all over the house.

James Thurber

It's so special for me to be an Irishman on this day. I'm a first generation Irish American, my mother came from Ireland. Today and this weekend is a very special time for me and my family.

Sean Hennessey

My mother couldn't sleep at all. And you know how much she loves you.

Norvil Certil

Both mother and daughter are doing well.

Arnold Robinson

I made a choice. My mother must come first. She wasn't having a great day.

Penny Riccio

(Hirsch) probably should have gotten some kind of an award for match-making. My dad always said marrying my mother was the best decision he ever made.

Mark Morrison

The way doctors are doling out pain medicine, I would tell any mother or father that when it comes to pain medicine, it's not as innocent as it sounds.

Anna Shea

I judged my mother much too harshly for her dating life. Being her only child, I wanted her completely to myself.

Diane Lane

To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who had a premature baby.

Karen Moy

That was getting close to happening when Julie Harris had a stroke, and then my mother got ill and eventually died of lung cancer.

Luke Yankee

Every SSA employee, at some point, will go to another SSA employee for service. Everybody we serve is somebody's mother, somebody's father and somebody's child.

Paul Barnes

Mother nature really stuck with us on this.

David Lucas

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.

Mark Twain

I would just tell him how proud I am and what a true honor it was to be his mother.

Kay Brown

They call her the Mother Theresa of cats.

Philip Gonzalez

We beg you now as a mother, to be the first lady that truly crosses all ethnic barriers and speaks out for the children. Please, please help.

Marisleysis Gonzalez

(They) got in their own vehicles and chased that car down, and caught up with it a few blocks away. Family members confronted the suspect while the mother retrieved the boy.

Lt. Dean Sullivan

The house started smoking and as soon as that happened, me and my mother ran inside. The house was already flaming.

Mary Jones

We just want something good to come out of this. We don't want my mother to have died in vain.

Marilyn Shoemaker

She was a good mother to her kids. Right now, we're trying to figure out how to pay for her burial because she did not have any kind of insurance.

Nancy Gordon

She was doing what a mother does, trying to make sure she was doing the best for her daughter.

Tristan Gale

We're at the mercy of Mother Nature. We have to be adaptable and overcome situations, whatever we get.

Shannan Keenan

My mother had to explain that one couldn't compose a Liszt rhapsody because it was a piece of music that Liszt himself had composed.

Sergei Prokofiev

It's hard to sleep at night because I'm still wondering where my mother is.

Fred Savage

A child too, can never grasp the fact that the same mother who cooks so well, is so concerned about his cough, and helps so kindly with his homework, in some circumstance has no more feeling than a wall of his hidden inner world.

Alice Miller

My mother was in vaudeville, but after she had her children, she quit working.

Dean Stockwell

In those days the mother-to-be would go back to the familial home and have the maternal side help with the delivery of the baby. In the process of going back home, the baby started to come. She was not going to make it home. Things got difficult for her.

Tony Somlai

Your mother is a woman of many sayings, is she?

Bobby Darin

I have zero problems when people say, 'God, you look like your mother.' I go, 'Well, great! Thanks!

Kate Hudson

The debt of gratitude we owe our mother and father goes forward, not backward. What we owe our parents is the bill presented to us by our children.

Nancy Friday

Mother Nature is throwing a winter storm.

Bill Hoffer

If he comes back, there's going to be a media circus at the church. There will be a media circus at the gravesite. The focus will be taken away from the poor mother and baby. Out of compassion for them, he might not come back and make his peace at the gravesite later. It's a case you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

John Lachance

You must be ready to give up everything, not only material attachments but also human attachments - father, mother, wife, children - everything that you have . But the one thing which you have to abandon unconditionally is your self.

Bede Griffiths